Chicken Casserole Recipe | Keith Floyd | BBC Studios

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our colleagues across the border might have some dubious political motives from time to time like exet we're not talking about that but I tell you what they really love us when they're in trouble about food and here I am to the rescue R brtan you mustn't say that up the mares and because we're in a galley it's very cramped and very difficult I've started frying some chicken for them you're going to have to put up with the difficulties here like they would have to do if they were those sols in Peril on the sea so there's some chicken frying in olive oil I will make the point this is a Freer range really good chicken this tea tow I'm using is called Denim and denim comes from neim in the south of France that's why it's called denim denim from NE denim get it right okay then Richard you're going to have to stay with me here we are our elegantly prepared ingredients we have some red peppers some green peppers some onions some garlic some parsley olives a beaten up couple of eggs for later use and some double cream also we're going to use some canned tomatoes can't pick they didn't grow any on the Mast on this they normally do right so it's a state of go we've got to go with it into this pan here Richard if you would never mind the fumes olive oil and we put our onions in okay Sizzle sizzle the onions they go and we sow those round until they get a little bit Brown they're going brown already isn't it magic the way we can cck on a boat a lot of you can't cook at home even in with the red peppers stir those around you realize which should come back to me in a minute you realize that my reputation's really on the line here I know they sent out an SOS mayday mayday s Floy s Floyd but if I screw up this dinner I've really had it now don't forget that so pray for me okay come back then we go with the garlic whole garlic a little branch of thy is going to go into this other pot with the chicken come over here Richard into the chicken now that all has to sweat off and brown down for a moment or two before I can add the tomatoes SL SL very necessary quick slurp there actually things have progressed a bit cooking is going quite well it's rather delicate dish despite my rough handling of it because I'm under a certain amount of pressure here the space Richard having difficulty seeing things know you have to take my word for what's going on in a lot of ways anyway I must now go on the second phase of the cooking which is to add the tomatoes for the chicken like that that's one thing now using this wonderful gooth I must put all the peppers into the chicken to this is where I like to pass it's my assistant you know the 20 or 30 people that are behind us working away to help me but I'll give it to the director in the hope he burns his little fingers oh he did excellent right so I'll move that over the near of the camera man sacrifice all my problems so what I have to do now is let that cook for 25 or 30 minutes of the lid on and talking of the lid AR the French very ingenious lot see I'm having to hold this by a cloth because it's so hot but they as a wine drinking Nation utilize their cor to the Limit that will save you from burning your little fingers rather good isn't it so that goes on uh I have a little glass set which will cheer me up enormously and in a little while say 25 30 minutes we'll come back have a game of cards possibly with the lads and have a really good supper see you later [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh they're impossible these French they make so much noise [Laughter] anyway right Richard see this is the while you were away I just stirred in some cream some egg yolks and some olives okay got all left now we're going to feed the boys I want to tell you something follow me around be tricky in this cramped gley but it was they who cooked the rice so if they really complain it's their problem right chaps yes thank you you know I don't whether this is really going to help us out or not they probably cancel the channel tunnel as result of all of this but I've done my best it is the Moment of Truth these are hearty trench men they are loudmouthed critical arrogant Frenchmen who are looking at me as if I've got green horns which I think we have and I've come off the moon but listen boys see got to have the he thinks they're all experts the friends are experts on Rugby on channel fix link Crossing is in French silence if you please okay they're experts on everything he as one cooked another said to me I think you added the cream a little bit too quickly but you can't win them all but if we have an them they to starve they're stuck in nin I would say England Six France 5 and a half
Channel: BBC Studios
Views: 94,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBC, Floyd, Chef, Classic, Cook, Cookery, Traditional, Recipe, Easy, Step, Guide, Free, Video, Shark, Steak, Grill, Rick Stein, Fish
Id: AjuWD1M2NXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2010
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