Rick Stein cooks Shark Steak - Keith Floyd - BBC

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for many a day at the seaside means eating hamburgers an ice cream which is a shame when there are so many other wonderful things like crabs lobsters shrimps clones cockles and mussels it's even greater shame that the BBC can't or won't afford to buy them for this next scene so I've had to think a bit to get something a little unusual and of course cheap to confuse my old friend Rick Stein with who I think is still recovering from our last meeting still he's a good sport and he'll be thrilled with little beast and he's bound to know how to cook a shark aren't you Rick I'm gonna take a couple of nice steaks off here which we're going to as you know we're going to grill on the charcoal grill and it's like it's like meat isn't it it's a new development is we need another knife for you keep Tom there look okay wow I'm not too fast you know a minute it comes away nicely when it's first cooked you have a look there we are that is a shark steaks use my finger I had an accident with an old lady crossing road late last night I would have made it all right but she trod in my hands I was trying to get into my hotel anyway there we have a beautiful shark steak which we all stay there Richard I'll bring this over to this is a marinade which Rick is prepared what is in the marinade Rick um olive oil a little bit of lemon juice salt pepper chopped fennel bay leaf bit of thyme I'm going to convert so we're going to stick those in there we are going to leave them in there for about an hour before we cook them anyway before we do that we're gonna have a look at this monkfish Rick yeah and we've got a monkfish and anyway why would the head because we never see them with the head we usually don't you ever seen well I mean I I purposely bought it with the head to just show you one or two things about a monkfish that this action monkfish weighs about 20 pounds if you bought the tail you buy a set of about seven or eight pounds so the 13 14 pounds of weight is the head it's always thrown away in England which is a tremendous shame because it's enormous pieces of beautiful meat which in France that's the best part of the monkfish on the cheeks and the head makes an absolutely wonderful fish fumet so if you were going to cut out these little cheeks yeah these are so yeah layman's terms yes succulent fill its succulent is and what were the thing to do perhaps just dredge them lightly in butter and so to them and yes yes lemon juice I think you said in your than your book which I totally agree with that monkfish doesn't take cream sources very well is it I mean I bought this because I'm going to cook it on the charcoal grill which it goes very well on it's a I think it's a fish for sort of fairly harsh treatment really and sodium buffer find really nice you ruling grilling and grilling to anyway let's get back to our shot again we better get these over to the grill um partake move if you go okay ah that's going I can see yeah really really really hot grill yet yes now that's right isn't it the thing about these grills is okay people get very purists get very sort of difficult about the fact that this isn't a pure charcoal grill it's a pumice stone grill but the thing is it's always hot okay it's always hot and that is the most important thing about charcoal cookery or any kind of grilling which you're doing well there's not a flat piece of cast iron in your fireplace if it's a Boy Scout stove you've made on the beach you must have those coals hot before you attempt what is in fact an essentially very rapid cooking break yes yes so how we're doing what we're doing we're doing well and in fact I'm just give it a little bit longer it's the thing is with fish because it's quite delicate although shark is the topper end of the spectrum it's better just to leave it on there to get the grill marks really well seared otherwise when you try and turn it over it'll stick to the stick to the grill bar and learning something everything marvelous so they've got to go over now honey they um they're freed marvelous marvelous now that looks really superb yet oh no come on talked about this gear what have we got well not some dried marjoram and some fennel twigs a bit of fresh fennel and some dried bay leaves from where well all for my god except for these which are actually from a sort of nearby hedgerow what are these how tall are these when they're in the hedgerow these are fabulous things you'll pass on the mule all sorts of thing out on these if ever you see these in the hedgerows pick em take them home dry them and make sure it's Faneuil are not hemlock right no we got to get that flavor into the Sharks right well I'm just gonna sort of blow them generally down here get some sort of smoke round here and I'm gonna put some of those branches around a fennel thing as well you do well either I just thought because you're fiddling about there we'd uh fasten this up a little bit right a little flash like that you'll get your hubs going more quickly again release the plate a little tiny fraction there so this is something you can do with a grill that's made it is to put anything you like on you know right bit of sawdust and cooking a steak and nice herbs like this with an indie ish so while that is cooking we're gonna make a sweet and sour piquant tomato sauce to go with this shot Richard come down to the tray of ingredients here a quick spin round we've got peeled and chopped tomato bay leaf salt black pepper corns brown sugar strong mustard chopped garlic chopped shallots and then we have a choice of Worcester sauce pepper sauce drop of medium sweet sherry and olive oil those my ingredients stay with me and as quick as a flash Allen's in vinegar which I've lost somewhere there's nothing a Salem are hey where are his vinegar first thing that goes into this pan was best laid plans of mice and then his vinegar into the shalat in with some garlic McNamee because we want to reduce that to almost nothing can you hear me above the fizzing and the fire Floyd on fire this is no question about it in with a bit of olive oil like that have I get the heat going to the maximum yes tomatoes into there like yet a bay leaf couple of peppercorns don't worry about the coarseness of all this because we're going to strain it later what's the source this notice that any of you who want to say no how much exactly did you put in well I'm just living in what I feel is right and I should taste it some sherry to go into there a little bit of salt squeeze of lemon juice now if we were in Provence where if this was high summer we'd have really ripe luscious red tomatoes we haven't so to take away the slightly anemic color of the winter Tomatoes you're probably seeing this in the height of summer but this was made in the winter you see we're going to strengthen it with some tomato puree now all we've got to do because we never cheat on the Floyd program we cook in real time we don't take out of the oven that bubbles away once the heat gets to it I have a drink and we'll be back with the next phase in what a flash that was Johnny wish he wasn't it huh director likes things on it anyway Rick here we are the source is now completed it's been reducing away for 15 minutes or so we pour it onto the plate through a sieve Rick is now going to roll it round like that that's a beautiful sweet and sour sauce on there and what could be better what a taste yeah damn or two and I want your honest opinion as usual on my sauce cuz you wanted to put a vinaigrette on it I do that's very nice what's written about real beauty I think is okay
Channel: BBC Studios
Views: 288,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBC, Floyd, Chef, Classic, Cook, Cookery, Traditional, Recipe, Easy, Step, Guide, Free, Video, Shark, Steak, Grill, Rick Stein, Fish
Id: yN6NA8bQUk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2010
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