CHICKASAW "THREE SISTERS SOUP" RECIPE | Native American Heritage Month

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and I think this interconnectedness really is an example of land stewardship which is the idea that you take care of the land that you're on so that it can last their generation and generation and that it keeps producing for your child's generation and your grandchild generation [Music] [Music] hey everyone so as we've seen from last time this month I am going to be featuring different recipes during the month of November because it is Native American Heritage Month and I thought I could use food to discuss a little bit about Native American history as well as just talking about the cuisine and how they make their recipes so this time around I am going to be talking about three sisters soup and this is a very well known soup I think that many different tribes have them and each of them will do it probably in a slightly different way the three main components here are the three sisters which is corn beans and then squash and the reason that there are three sisters is because they're interconnected and how they grow so what happens is the beans they contribute nitrogen to the soil so they fertilize the ground and they will grow up the stalks of the tall corn then what the squash will do with their leaves is kind of spread out onto the ground and they keep the moisture in and keep the weeds out so they kind of all grow and they help each other out so this recipe in particular I got from the Chickasaw tribe website now they are a group that originally was from southeastern United States Mississippi Alabama Tennessee and then during the forced removal they were moved mainly I would say mainly to Oklahoma and so they have a lovely website with a bunch of information on their tribe and then their recipes as well so yeah I think that this will be it's actually a really really delicious recipe with how just simple and earthy and vegetable heavy the ingredients are so I hope you guys all enjoy this [Music] so this is a one pot recipe get everything ready and then just throw it all together it's so so easy and the only things you have to really prepare is a yellow squash which in London apparently it's hard to find and then one cup of corn and afterwards you just throw everything together so I'm gonna put the website and the ingredients all down below but we're gonna start off with a half a cup of a quick-cooking barley along with 6 cups of water some beans some onions some garlic you guys will know the rest the recipe actually called for frozen corn I happened to freeze mine afterwards we have some kidney beans in go the squash some tomatoes and potatoes as well so all down below all into one pot you want to bring the contents up to a boil and then lower it down and simmer for 30 to 45 minutes until the potatoes are to your liking and afterwards just season to taste now one of the things that I've noticed about Native American recipes is they actually don't put in a lot of salt I don't think it's in their cuisine to do so so you guys season to your liking and yeah this this soup is done [Music] [Music] [Music] I tell you all this soup blew me away I mean there wasn't a lot of seasonings right there was some garlic some onion just a little bit of salt and then all of these vegetables it came together and it was so so good and of course you can serve it with bread if you want I have some wild rice as well to the side and it just makes the perfect meal anyways I hope you all enjoyed this recipe and please stay tuned there are three more recipes to go and they are fantastic as usual if you want to see more recipes like this remember to hit that like and subscribe button and I will see you guys all again next time bye [Music]
Channel: East Meets Kitchen
Views: 15,115
Rating: 4.9713879 out of 5
Keywords: native american heritage month, native american recipes, three sisters soup, three sisters stew, three sisters soup recipe, chickasaw indians, chickasaw recipe, thanksgiving, november recipes, thanksgiving recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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