Sweet Potato And Lentil Curry / easy lentil and sweet potato curry recipe / lentil curry recipe

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Wow...I was looking forward to something made with sweet potatoes. Thank you for sharing

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/blessmyfoodbypayal 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi everyone i'm jay welcome to my channel today i'll be showing you how i made this deliciously spicy lentil and sweet potato curry first i'll start by preparing a few vegetables i'm going to start with chopping one medium-sized white onion [Music] i'm going to be adding some peppers so i'm just going to de-seed and chop this red pepper [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] and of course it wouldn't be a sweet potato curry without the sweet potatoes so i've just got three medium sized sweet potatoes here of course i'll just give them a peel and i want them in fairly large chunks [Music] so here i've peeled three cloves of garlic and i'm just going to roughly chop those [Music] so in this pot i've got two tablespoons of coconut oil i'm just going to let that warm and throw the onions in i'm just going to keep the onions moving under a medium heat i don't want them to color particularly i just want them to be soft and translucent after a few minutes of cooking the onions are lovely and soft they're nicely cooked down and now i'm gonna add my herbs and spices so i'll start with one teaspoon of dried thyme i'll add one teaspoon of ground turmeric i'm going to add a pinch of hot chili powder and in goes one and a half tablespoons of hot curry powder [Music] and 1 teaspoon of garam salad then i'll go in with a tablespoon of madras curry powder [Music] i'll stir that up and then i'm going to add my peppers [Music] so now i've peeled and grated some fresh ginger and i'm just gonna add that it's about a teaspoonful and i've thrown in the three cloves of crushed garlic as well [Music] it was starting to get a bit dry so i added an extra teaspoon of coconut oil [Music] now i'll be adding one tablespoon of tomato paste so now i'll be adding the sweet potatoes and i'll give everything a good stir so the potatoes are nicely coated in all the herbs and spices [Music] so i've given my red lentils a good wash i've got about 113 grams here and i'll just stir those in as well [Music] i'm going to pour the coconut milk in now and i'm going to turn the heat up slightly from a low to a medium heat [Music] [Applause] then i'm going to add about a cup full of boiling hot water i'll give it a good stir now i'm going to put the lid on but i will check and stir every few minutes [Music] so i'm just giving it a check as you can see it's nicely thickening but it's not ready yet so i'm just going to stick the lid back on and allow it to cook some more so it's almost there and now i'm just going to add some salt to taste it smells so good so lovely and spicy as you can see the lentils have thickened the sauce nicely the potatoes are lovely and soft and i'm going to take it off the heat now [Music] [Music] and there it is our delicious spicy lentil and sweet potato curry a really flavoursome comforting but quick and easy meal i hope you've enjoyed today's recipe please don't forget to like and subscribe thank you so much for watching take good care of yourselves and i'll see you in the next one [Music] thank you for watching
Channel: Cooking With Aunt Jay
Views: 354,434
Rating: 4.9505215 out of 5
Keywords: how to make lentil and sweet potato curry, easy lentil and sweet potato curry, lentil curry, lentil curry vegan, sweet potato curry recipe, how to make vegetarian curry, meat free monday recipes, meatless monday, meatless monday recipes, meatless monday meals, vegan recipe, vegan recipes, vegetarian recipe, how to make easy curry, quick curry recipe, easy curry recipe, cooking with aunt jay, sweet potato, sweet potato casserole, potato curry, veganuary 2021, veganuary
Id: eUXhgLOGOxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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