Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson responds to criticisms over handling of migrant crisis

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well sitting down one-on-one tonight with Chicago's mayor Brandon Johnson our Sabrina Franza pressing for answers on the city's migrant crisis Sabrina joins us live now from The Newsroom at Sabrina nothing was off the table during this interview we talked about Asylum Seekers the Bears and transparency a one-on-one interview with the mayor of Chicago starting with how the Johnson Administration will fund their campaign promises in the middle of a migrant crisis what if the federal government doesn't help you well clearly they haven't thus far but is that sustainable cuz you've said it isn't well well I think you you've answered it no it's not sustainable the Congress does have to act and if they do not act this is going to continue to cause the type of chaos that the governor of Texas wants to do but we're running out of space so where are these people going to go 27 shelters what I what I've built and they're all full and and and we have provided Education Health Care for these families and we did all of that without having to cut back on services to people as I've already expressed will you be taxing adding a tax to help pay for this well you know I think people are clearly familiar with what my vision is for Revenue in this city and my revenue of course is committed to making sure that we are doing everything that we can to address the unhoused crisis in this city so we've asked all these questions and we've talked to people people in your city council people on the street they're frustrated with a lack of transparency from your Administration they say shelters are opening up in my ward and I don't know they're opening until they're open why do you feel like those who you're working with collaboratively and those who have voted for you feel you are not being transparent if people believe that there is more information that's available then they're they're looking for nothing because I've been absolutely clear about this Mission there is a weekly session with alers who have helped us with this crisis but why do you feel like they don't think you're transparent what is it that you believe that I'm leaving out I'm reiterating what our reporting has shown and what voters have told us in the street so I don't I hope you're not blaming the media no first of all I never said that I I just asked a simple question now what I'm also taking away from all of this is that there is a great deal of fear and trepidation and that's being caused by the governor of Texas is there anything you want voters to know that we haven't talked about today I've had tremendous conversations with um Kevin Warren um the president and CEO of the Chicago Chicago Bears and our our two teams have have worked diligently and collaboratively um to make sure that there is um an opportunity for for real negotiations so are de bear staying do we know well I'm certainly working hard to make sure that the story of Chicago is is is is is intact and the Chicago Bears are a part of that story now there is much more that we got to in that interview that you can find on our website talking about the mayor's Public Safety plan his plan for treatment not trauma and the Democratic National Convention that's happening this summer here in Chicago that's all online in full on CBS in The Newsroom Sabrina Franza CBS 2 news all right Sabrina thank you
Channel: CBS Chicago
Views: 7,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBS 2 News Evening, Chicago, Brandon Johnson, migrants, politics, interview
Id: MqBseYr-A8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 23sec (203 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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