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did you have feelings for Eun Hye when we did "X-Man"..? (Is it true that there was something going on between Se Chan and Do Yeon..?) Is it okay for you to talk about it on a TV show? How did you became one of Running Man? Hey, formally, of course (He's upset at an obvious teasing) (Chewing the fat.zip) (This program contains indirect or virtual advertisements) It never happened to you that a woman asking for your number, right? There's no need to say~ It did happen to Haha When he touted for business on the street in Itaewon Is he from the street(?)?! (Suspected to be from street) I did it for Geun Sik!!!! (The days of Haha summoned by chewing the fat) Surprisingly, Se Chan is quite popular with comediennes (Is it true that there was something going on between Se Chan and Do Yeon? No, it wasn't like that. Actually, Yong Jin and Do Yeon had something going on (Se Chan had nothing going on with her) Yong Jin is your close friend So you can't do anything about her Before that, Na Rae said that she had feelings on me a lot (Se Chan was picked by Na Rae) She'd attack anyone who approaches me (Se Chan couldn't enjoy his popularity because of the strong guard) This is from a long time ago, but did you have feelings for Eun Hye when we did "X-Man"..? Oh gosh!!! (They can't talk about the past without mentioning her name) Stop talking about her anymore!!! Stop!!! Stop!! (LA chit chatter reacts violently) You're finally sitting up I'm curious as a viewer.. Be quiet, you stop, too!!! Stop it. Don't say that You were also really popular when you were doing "X-Man". Yeah, I was~ (This is when he says he was very popular) (It's hard to believe that he was popular back then) There was a girl who had a crush on him?! Actually, he was the one who she liked!!! (They mention the real name) (additional reports) (Is he crazy...) (The chitchat spread to the real name talk) We expect this to be cut off, right? But they don't cut it off (Right to know of viewers who the staffs care a lot) Can I tell you something shocking?! (Something shocking?) (Running Breaking News: One of the girl groups at X-Man liked Jae Seok) Really?! (The secret that only Haha knew... She left to find her mate) I heard that a lot, but no one ever asked me out (it's hard to believe Jae Seok's popularity) He looks like a decent guy now But when he did "Kungkungtta", he was a little like a delinquent (Jae Seok was a little like a delinquent) he used to smoke back then (Dizzy) Actually, Jae Seok made good smoke rings back then (He used to relieve his stress harmfully) Since we have many young viewers (smoking is not recommended) That's why you quit smoking (Jae Seok made a big decision to run well) Do you know "X-Man" is on air now?! ("X-Man" is on air now) This is what Jong Kook did back then (He used to pretend to be cool without saying a word) (He just put on a serious look..) (A tough man who didn't say more than a word) I didn't know Jong Kook was so talkative back then (It's amazing that he suppressed his talking skills) I like to talk when the cameras are off but I couldn't do it when the cameras were on Is that when Haha became famous? Yeah (When Haha copied Jongkook) (This is when their relationship began) (He practiced the dance moves of Turbo's songs instead of his) A copycat... Just copying! Not a copycat, but just copying (He's somehow hurt his self-esteem) You were a copycat from the street (You punk) It's true that you were a copycat from the street!!! (Naughty Se-chan's word game) What were you doing back then, Ji Hyo? Was it when you shoot "Whispering Corridors"? It was 2002 or 2003. I'm finally telling you about Ji Hyo now. Before Ji Hyo joined Running Man, she was a guest... - That's right. - on "Family Outing". (Ji Hyo was a guest on "Family Outing".) I brought some dried pollacks. (It's interesting that she brought dried pollacks when they first met.) - Dried pollacks, not flowers? - Right. (That's how the dried pollack universe began.) We went out of town early in the morning, so we were very tired. - And the guests felt very nervous. - Right. So I told Ji Hyo to go get some rest. - And she said yes. - Did she lie down? But she didn't come back when we started the shoot. I said, "Where's Ji Hyo?" No one knew where she was. Were you asleep? And I found her... - snoring in the next room. - You're unbelievable. - She even slept dressed as a ghost. - I know. She even slept in a ghost costume. Did the producer of "Family Outing" direct Running Man? - Yes. - It was Hyo Jin. - We had several candidates, - Right. but our crew members found Ji Hyo very impressive. That's how Ji Hyo joined our show. It was because of "Family Outing". Was Seok Jin one of the candidates? - Seok Jin was... - How did he join our show? - Was he a candidate? - Can I tell you about him? Yes, please. - Can I? - Go ahead and tell us. - What's the behind story? - Among all the candidates... Tell us. Let's see how it's different from what I know. It's been 11 years. Let me tell you then. I'll just tell you the situation. The crew members cast the members. - Right. - But... - sometimes they ask my opinion. - I see. Back then, Hyo Jin asked me. "Jae Seok, what do you think of Seok Jin?" - He brought it up first. - Right. The director mentioned his name first. He pulled out the sword. I was surprised that Seok Jin was... - one of the candidates. - Surprised? You didn't mention his name? It's not that you mentioned his name first. - You didn't say Seok Jin's name? - Because... he was my close friend, so... - You punk. - I'm just curious. Back then, I hesitated... to join this show. - That's true. - I'm serious. - Back then... - Were you doing "Star Golden Bell"? I was doing "Star Golden Bell" back then. - I was doing a lot of TV shows. - So... One of the names Hyo Jin mentioned was... - Kwang Soo. - Kwang Soo. - I met Kwang Soo on "Come to Play". - Right. That's where I met him. When I met Kwang Soo on "Come to Play", - he was really good. - Really? When Hyo Jin mentioned his name, I said, "I've worked with him before." "I think he's really good." - "I'm not sure though." - I see. "Then what about Seok Jin?" Seok Jin is... - my close friend. - Right. - So I was... - I was rather... - He must've been uncomfortable. - It could be uncomfortable. To be honest, I hesitated because of him. I don't want you to butt in when I talk. - Why do you keep cutting in? - You can't talk alone. Are you the only one to talk? - My gosh. He just... - I was into it. - Hang on. - I was into his story. - I can't go on if he keeps this up. - But suddenly... - Come on. Tell us. - Come back, Jae Seok. - Please tell us the story. - Jae Seok, I'm sorry. - Please. - Don't be mad. - I mean... - What's the matter? - Was it supposed to continue? - It's not like that. - Of course... - I was falling... - Exactly. - into his story and you ruined it. - It was so interesting. - Gosh, seriously. Jae Seok, don't be mad. - All right. - You all know the truth, don't you? It feels as if I woke up in the middle of a good dream. If this were a YouTube video, it would've been a commercial break. - The second part begins. - Gosh. - What's wrong with you, Seok Jin? - So what happened, Jae Seok? You see, some viewers might think... that I recommended Seok Jin... - Right. Some might think that way. - because we're close friends. - No, I didn't need his help then. - Come on. Gosh, seriously! I was enjoying his story. That's not true. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. - My position was... - Hey, there's a four-leaf clover. - Seok Jin, can you pick it for me? - Hurry. Go on now. (A lucky 4-leaf clover?) - Where? Here? - Over here. (Seok Sam plays along with any joke.) - So what happened? - He's looking for it. Continue. - Tell us. - So... - But still... - Yes? (He continues telling the story while Seok Jin is gone.) - I couldn't disapprove of him. - Right. That would've been weird as well. - Of course. - Listen. I was... I wasn't sure about joining the show either. Mister, the four-leaf clover... - is right behind you. - We'll hear your side later. - I contemplated... - We'll hear his side first. - because of him. - There's a butterfly over there. - Over there. - So I told them what I thought... (Chasing a butterfly at the age where one grows fond of nature) trying to be as objective and cool-headed as I could. - From an objective perspective. - I told them my honest opinion... saying that I wasn't sure if it would work out well. - I told them about his strengths... - Yes. - as well as weaknesses. - That's great. - I told them both. - No one must know this story. - Come on. Tell us. - Please tell us. - I'm so curious. - His strengths and weaknesses. First, Seok Jin is good with words. - True. - And he's funny. - He's funny. - And... - he's generally a friendly person, - Yes. so when he works as a team, - He gets along well with others. - he gets along with no problems. - He blends in well. That's it. - Yes. However, his weakness is... - He was a solo host on many shows. - True. Although he's a friendly person, he might get stressed out because he wouldn't get... the spotlight all to himself. That's absolutely true. - Absolutely true. - He hates sharing the spotlight. He used to be a little authoritative. He didn't like being friendly with his junior entertainers. - Did you want all the attention? - I mean... - I can't deny that. - He couldn't work on a team. - I was bossy back then. - Right? - I was bossy. - Yes, he was. Now I hang out with my junior entertainers... after a shoot, but back then, I didn't like it. - True. He didn't even look at us. - Yes, but... What? So what's your side of the story? How did you get the offer? Of course, they gave me an official offer. - How else would they have done it? - I mean... - My gosh. - How else? - Why would you get upset? - Why would you get angry at him? - Gosh. I heard you were friendly. - I was just asking... - Why would you get upset? - His intention is annoying. I had no intention. I was just curious. Your intention is annoying. Since Seok Jin was more of an MC rather than an entertainer, I asked if he was cost-hosting with Jae Seok. Then the director said, "Gosh, no." (The main director said, "Gosh, no.") - Did he really say that? - "That won't work." - Did he, really? - You know that, right? "Gosh, no." "That won't work." I clearly remember it. - You see, I... - Why doesn't Seok Jin jump in... at the right time as he said he would? - Well... Yes. - I was... What? You told me not to interrupt, you punk! Why would you yell at me? - I can't go on like this. - That's not cool. - He's too much. I'm scared. - What was that? Let me explain. I hadn't been on a variety show like this before. - Stop frowning, will you? - It's not like that. - The sunlight hurts my eyes. - Is that so? - It's because of the sun. Okay? - Okay. - It's because of the sun. Okay? - Okay. (He made a fake smile as Jong Kook complained.) - It's because of the sun. - The sun... - Don't do that. - No, no. - This won't work because of him. - Why would it hurt your eyes? - It's because of the sun. - You're sitting... - in the shade. - He keeps yelling. What's this? - He's upset. - Come on. - That's not true. - You keep yelling at us. - Exactly. This is... - By the way... I didn't realize how important teamwork was... because I hadn't been on a show like this before that. I used to go straight home after a shoot. Do you know what I regret the most? - This is what really happened. - Okay. - Jong Kook and Haha, - Yes. you guys called me at 5 a.m. - Me too? - I lived in Cheongdam-dong then. - I was almost home. - Yes. You guys asked me to eat breakfast with you. - At 5 a.m. - Right. But I said I was too tired and just went home. - And I regret it greatly now. - Seok Jin, I remember that. - I remember it as well. - It was... - When we called you at 5 a.m... - Yes. You remember it, don't you? I knew that you hated me... - It's all in the past now. - Yes, it's all in the past. Seok Jin was hurt a little at the time. - That's right. - So... - he complained about many of us. - It was quite intense. - But I realized that I was wrong. - And... - He talked about Haha too. - That's right. - This is what he said about Haha. - Yes. "That little punk won't stop acting up." (They finally tell each other how they really felt 11 years ago.) - Also, back then... - That's so cute. I was playing the role of someone... - who teased another member... - That's true. and made the others tease him with me. - When someone teased him, - But it wasn't so bad. if I giggled, he would glare at me like this. (Glaring) - He looked so scary. - You see, I'd like to apologize to Haha... because it was all my fault. I know that now. - I was too bossy. - That's so funny. - You couldn't open up your heart. - Exactly. - I didn't realize... - People usually don't change. I had a similar experience to that. - Really? - In the early years... when you guys got together quite often, I never... - joined you guys. - You never joined us. Kwang Soo called me several times... to ask me to come out to meet you all. But I got the wrong idea. I thought that Kwang Soo... was hitting on me. (She thought he was hitting on her.) He called me to ask me to come out so often. - I see why she thought that way. - That's understandable. - That's understandable. - Right. I get it. - I see. - That's understandable. - That's so funny. - That's hilarious. - That's understandable. - I was so annoyed. - I told him to stop calling me. - That's so funny. And I hung up. - He really stopped calling me. - Oh, I see. Anyway, what's important is, Ji Hyo... that they didn't get together so often. And I didn't meet with them often either. - That's true. - Yes. - You were too busy then. - Jong Kook likes to meet friends. Yes, I do like that. <i>- Here we go, here we go</i> <i>- Here we go</i> - Also, Jae Seok... - He likes to gather with friends. Whenever we walked down Garosu-gil, we walked in single file. Why? - "We are one." - Exactly. "We are one." - I see. - We always walked in a single file. Jong Kook likes doing things like that. - I was even worse back then. - Are you serious? - I was... - "Today's dress code is black." - We had to wear black clothes. - You had a dress code too? I liked hanging out with them as a leader. - Jong Kook would hold... - Right. - an Americano in one hand, - Exactly. - and chicken breast in the other. - That's right. (Americano in 1 hand and chicken breast in the other) (Walking around cheerfully) - Exactly. - That's how exactly he looked. - Yes, that's right. Exactly. - Right? - Behind him... - Ladies and gentlemen, - please don't get me wrong. - Behind him... It's not that I went to Garosu-gil carrying coffee and food like that. - Right. - The gym I went to was there. - It was right across the street. - It was fun. We came this far starting with Seok Jin's story. - I didn't think of teamwork. - That's why... - Seok Jin was... - By the way, the exact time... when Seok Jin became more enthusiastic was... - after our overseas fan event. - Exactly. - To be honest... - That's true. - Only we knew about this. - Absolutely true. - He changed his attitude... - That's right. - after our overseas fan event. - Yes. - Why do I feel embarrassed? - Our first overseas fan event... - In fact, in Running Man's history, - True. - there were a few turning points. - That's right. That's true. - We were... - The shoot in Thailand. - I'll be honest. - The shoot in Thailand. "Infinite Challenge" had turning points as well. - True. - The show could've ended. - True. - What I'm saying is... - We tried not to get our hopes up. - It costs a lot for one episode. - That's true. - From the network's perspective, they invest a large sum of money to shoot the show... - expecting to make a profit... - Yes. so they can continue to shoot the show. - Exactly. - Or else, it's not possible. - It must be profitable. - When we went to Thailand... - Yes. - Yes. - We were surprised. - We were really surprised. - We were all discouraged. - It's because... the week before that shoot, - Our show was going to end soon. - we heard that our show would end. - We didn't have any expectations. - So I said, "We're going to pour out everything we have..." "since this will be our last shoot." The director said, "Yes. You did your best." "It's okay even if it doesn't work out." But when we arrived... At first, I thought it was a hidden camera prank. - At the airport? - Yes. - We were so surprised. - I thought it was a prank. (July 3, 2011, Running Man, Episode 50) (The cast and staff members didn't have any expectations.) (But as the cast members arrived, they saw...) (the Thai fans who filled the airport.) Hey, this is... (The Thai fans' unexpected and passionate welcome...) (surprised the cast and staff members.) So many people are... Oh, hello. (A great number of fans gathered to greet the cast members.) (Could this be a hidden camera prank?) (This is how popular Running Man is.) Isn't this a prank? I'm puzzled right now. (They were discouraged thinking the show would end.) (But the foreign fans encouraged and cheered them up greatly.) (Oh, this is... My goodness.) (Who made this happen?) (Who made this happen?) (Oh, wow. This is incredible. It's hard to believe.) (The foreign fans' passionate love still touches their hearts.) We were all so surprised. - I thought it was a prank. - I don't know how this might sound. Obviously, we're very grateful for our Korean fans. But we're even more grateful for our foreign fans. We're incredibly grateful for them. - We were able to continue... - Absolutely. - the show because of them. - Yes. I thought that an idol singer was behind us. I thought the same thing. - But we saw our names on the signs. - We didn't think they came... - to see us. - It made me start crying. We didn't think they came to see us... because there were more than 1,000 people there. - After the shoot in Thailand, - It was so touching. we all got Botox shots and skin treatment. (He became more emotional than the others.) - We all started losing weight. - We started changing greatly. We all started social media accounts. I don't know if I'm right, but Seok Jin changed a lot after that. - Really? - He changed a lot. Since I realized that we had so many fans overseas... who were watching our show, I felt a sense of responsibility on my shoulders. That's why. I thought I should work harder. - Did someone hop on your shoulders? - Yes. I felt all that attention on my shoulders. Are you carrying all your fans on your shoulders? I felt a sense of responsibility and thought I should work harder. I actually thought that I could burden everyone. You hated being called Big Nose, didn't you? But at every concert, he would scream, "Big", and his fans would scream "Nose". - That was so funny. - That was the worst. That was the funniest thing. - That was the worst. - "I say 'Big'," - "you say, 'Nose'!" - "You say, 'Nose'!" - "Big! Nose!" - "Nose!" - "Big! Nose!" - He's the worst. - Right. - That was so hilarious. I laughed so hard. - They said "nose" in Thai. - Right. - Now... - By the way, - you can say... - Now... (Now...) (They won't stop chattering, ignoring what the director says.) Shut it. We're having a conversation here. - You told us to chat. - Right. Shut it. - We're doing this for the show. - Why would you interrupt us? - Just shut it so we can chat! - Be quiet. - You told us to have a chat. - So we can eat while chatting. - Stop it. - Are we doing it right? - All right. - Please give us some. You know... Well... - I forgot what I was saying... - Right. - because of you. - Why did you make him forget? We were having so much fun. What were we talking about? - Big Nose. - That's right. Big Nose. He didn't like the nickname but he changed his attitude. - We were saying it was funny. - Right. I remember now. - Are we doing it right? - Hey. (Big Nose, once dreamed of becoming a world star) Can you give us some pollacks so we can eat while chatting? - We'll give you some if you want. - Please give us some. - So the adequate amount... - It happened a lot back then. Guys, the staff members are starting to look bored. What's wrong? - Why? We're chatting. - Just don't say anything! - Let us have a chat comfortably. - This is a realistic chat. - Of course. - It's so interesting. A real chat! - All right? - Exactly. - A real chat! - This is a real chat. - That's right. - Our food is here. - Thank you. - Thank you so much. - Thank you. Oh, my. - We should eat some. - Oh, wow. - Thank you. - They added spicy chili. - Actually... Actually, this is a very good place... to have a nice, long chat. - And it's so cool here. - It's really sunny today, - Exactly. - but we're under the shade. We get to enjoy a picturesque view as well. (The chatting paradise) By the way, I like the way things are these days... Back in the days... I mean there are... many young directors these days. You know, these days, so-called... - He's excited. - Well... Jae Seok is so excited right now. - Like "Three Meals for Jae Seok"... - All right. Then... This is just like "Three Meals for Jae Seok". Come on. - I... - Take it easy. I talked about product placement with Bo Pil this morning. (Korea's best MC's opinion on product placement) That's right. I mean it's just our job. We're human just like everyone else. Although I have never met So Min's father... The air quality was a little bad in the morning. I feel so relaxed. - Jae Seok, wait. Listen to me. - But I think... - He won't stop talking. - Jae Seok, come here. How many more places will we visit? I'm sorry, but at least three of us are already tired. Later, we can... (Their ears hurt now.) Not me. - I'm not tired either. - Me neither. - I'm full of energy. - I haven't even started yet. Then let's stop talking about showbiz. Shall we? - Is the next topic love? - Let's talk... - about So Min's favorite topic... - Love? - this time, which is love. - Let's talk about love. Where do you want me to begin? - Sorry? - Where should I begin? Hey, have you ever fallen in love at first sight? Love at first sight? Actually, I'm not the type that falls in love at first sight. Why are you sitting on the edge like that? (She's elated as she's an expert in this topic.) She's excited because it's her turn. - It's her turn now. - I rather get attracted... - to a man I didn't like at first... - Right. - Right. - more easily. - Me too. - An unexpected charm... What are you doing? Gosh, seriously. - Actually, lately, - Yes. - I feel... - Are you interested in someone? Well... He's a friend... - who lives in my neighborhood. - Really? - Yes. - He'll know when he watches this. - He'll know. - Anyway, I get a text message at late night sometimes. - From him? - Yes. - I bet he likes her. - Did you meet him before that? I met him with some other people only once or twice. We don't know each other well. - Do we know him too? - No. Is it okay for you... - to talk about him on a TV show? - Someone we don't know. - Go on and tell us about him. - Nothing's going on between us. - Right. - It's not like that. - Okay. Go on. - We're just friends. But I have this feeling... - I feel... - Oh, I see. Right. I think I know what you mean. One day, we ran into each other... and walked home together. Why would you walk home together if you ran into each other? Don't people part ways when they run into each other? I'll be honest with you. - Don't you think it's weird? - They should go home together. - They were in the mood. - Oh, I see. Okay. Hey, why are you getting upset? - I'm not getting upset. - Why would you get upset? (Why are you getting upset?) - I mean it's unnatural... - Why would you get upset? - Goodness, you. You're jealous. - I'm not jealous. - Why would you get upset suddenly? - It's not like that. Okay. I'll just listen. I really ran into him on the street. I asked him, "Hey, what are you doing here?" He said he was on his way home after working out at the gym. I'm an extrovert, you know. I wasn't trying to show my interest in him. - I said, "I'll walk home." - "Would you walk with me?" "Do you want to walk with me? How about you exercise more?" - That's how it happened. - My gosh. Clearly, you... - That's a fake coincidence. - It's strange. Clearly, you talked him into it. - I think you made a move on him. - That's a fake coincidence. That wasn't a coincidence. It's definitely not a coincidence. He said, "I'm sorry, but I'm too tired." - He refused indirectly. - Yes, he did. So I said okay and started walking home. It felt strange while walking. - Why? - He was walking with me... - unlike what he said. - I see. So I said, "Hey, you said you were going home." He said, "Well, I'll walk you over there and leave." - But he wouldn't leave. - Oh, my. I bet he refused but felt bad about it. Seok Jin is right. He must be a thoughtful guy. He's a thoughtful guy. And then we continued walking. But I had this feeling that he was... So I said... "We're almost there. How will you go home from here?" He said he would take a bus. So I said I would walk him to the bus stop. He said, "That's okay. You can go home." But I insisted on walking him to the bus stop. It sounds like you have a one-sided crush on him. - This is... - He doesn't seem to like you. - I think... - She's practically writing a novel. - A novel about unrequited love. - You're the only one in love. - But it's not that he doesn't... - So Min, listen. But I felt so good... when we arrived at the bus stop, and he said, "Bye, sis." Oh, gosh. (He called her "sis"?) He called you "sis"? (She made a mistake.) - "Bye, sis." - "Bye, sis." - He called her "sis". - He must be younger than her. The man who is younger than So Min and lives in Yongsan, you'd better behave yourself. Got it? Are you going to keep holding things back from us? - If you're younger than So Min... - You could've told us... - that he's younger than you. - Be good to her, you brat. - So Min likes you, you brat. - Why didn't you tell us? Hey, kid! (I will call you by your first name) (Whatever you say) - The man living in Yongsan, - Stop it. - call So Min by her first name. - Hey, stop it. - Say that she's your girl! - Gosh, seriously. Call her by her first name. (They all became more energetic because of her love story.) - The pollacks... - I want to know... - Ask any questions. - Bo Pil wants to say something. - What? - He picked up a mic. You have the whole day, so... - Are we more chatty than expected? - Yes. - I haven't even started yet. - We can go... We can go on all day.
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 14,094,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #런닝맨, #Runningman, #예능맛ZIP, 양세찬, 짤, Runningman, 예능맛ZIP, 런닝맨, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 전소민, runningman, RunninMan, SBS, sbs, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min, 예능맛집, 런닝맨 레전드, 레전드, 마지막화, 예능신, 노가리, 수다, 김종국 윤은혜, X맨, 장도연 양세찬, 썸, 뺨
Id: Fc_4eqaJsfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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