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1M views in less than 48 hours. The power Bopil holds

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Cjvxcii 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just want to ask, what happen to jae suk VJ, i forget his name

It's been awhile since we see him

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/tehbotolsaya 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

The clip of him smelling and slapping Se Chan's feet is my fav one. I die every time I see it XDD

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/BishhEzz 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

I really like how witty Bopil PD is. He's practically a ninth hidden member of the group.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/T2Tension 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
Well! How about rock paper scissors since the first questioner is important? (Why are you talking informally...?) (Because this role playing is applied to the staffs...) (Bopil.zip 2) (This program contains indirect or virtual advertisements) (A brain battle of two grand prize winners who are very smart) (The final mission of 'Dignity of the Grand Prize Winner - Amazing Quiz) (Winner Yoo is the picture of quiz) (Empty brained members who are on Jaeseok's team) ...It's okay! Hey, it's okay (Jihyo is frozen at the news of the quiz) (But it's not a general quiz!) (Quizzes that require thinking and creativity are prepared) (You'll get 1 point if your team gathers together and solve the problem) Gather together..? I don't have any thinking skills at all (The same for the other team) (Similarly, the 6-member team doesn't have enough brains to gather) So, rather than 6 fools.. Oops Rather than fools in dozens What did you just say? What did you just say? (A tongueslip that was undoubtedly suitable) (The six fools who got upset at a moment) Bring him out! (how can you say that!) Rather than fools in dozens... I feel bad!! (the sixth fool who got upset after countering) but he said that while looking at me (Fools got hurt inside by unexpected tongueslip) (A prize?!) (Large Thumb Trophy) (dilated pupils by a golden prize unexpected) We didn't know who would win so we'll write your name Hey, how come you use a tag for index.. (Bopil engraves their names with his bad handwriting on a tag for index) (He writes with one stroke without a worry) (Congratulation Mr.Lee Kwangsoo~) The big toe looks a lot like Kwangsoo That's 100% made of iron! (A metal that's heavy only) You don't know how worthy this might be later so you have to think carefully where to keep it... (Takes away) (No, don't take it) Wait a minute! Somin, somebody reported that... He smelled something when the balloon bursts.... (No!!) (A little bit ago, when the balloon bursted...) What is the sour smell when the balloon bursted? (the smell unfortunately started when the balloon bursted?) (Strongly denies) (Situation with a conviction but no proof) There is soury in here!! No, let's find out the owner of this foot odor now Let's find out because it's not me! (Everyone is checking their own feet) Jihyo smelled last time (Everyone is denying) (PD Bopil eventually comes out to be a judge) What the (Finally found out the real criminal of this sour smell at the end of judgement) (Got you) (sniffing) Arrrg (Origin of sour smell) (The aged foot odor which is always amazing whenever they smell) (isolates the socks) (The fresh sour diffuser) (Sniffs again) Arrrgggg It's you~ It's the reason that the sour smell somehow hung around me (Finally revealed the source of this fermented soybeans) I didn't know where this smell came from but This was coming up like this How come you don't wash your feet when you're recording?! (Attempts to put on a protective clothing) I'm now back on earth (Poisonous gas sealing) (After handling this sour fuss...) You gotta cut your hair (Found a victim) Is it because of the movie? Are you the only one who is filming a movie? Why are you showing off? No, I'm not showing off... (Yoo & Kook's tikitaka that targets Kwangsoo) Does he think he's the only one who shoots a movie... Where are the others...! Why do you grow the back hair in every movie you shoot? The director tells me to grow it, so I grow it... Do you grow your hair if the director tells you to grow it? Why are you two so good together today? (A brilliant chemistry of two strikers of teasing Kwangsoo) Today's the worst day for me... (The biggest stress for Kwangsoo = Perfect combination of Yoo & Kook) (The race of the trade king in this area!) (LA lover Jongkook is the team leader of American traders) (Asia Prince Kwangsoo is the team leader of Asian traders) (And Jaeseok & Seokjin in uniform are?) (Today's 2MCs and customs agents!) When you buy more than the limit from overseas.... Now! Be quiet!! (Clip +1) I'm a big fan of these clips You only listen to movie directors and... You don't listen to PD? (listen to Bopil too...) I'm sad... Why are you sad! You wanna be sad for real? Jessi is bewildered now (Jessi is silent when it comes to 'Casual Time') Are you Park Hyun-joo, or Lee Hyun-joo, or Kim Hyun-joo? Shut up! (Blocks with talking informally) (Hyunjoo Ho, the genius in talking informally who is full of upset) (Seokjin got scolded for provoking her) Hey, Jongkook! Talk! Why are you sulking again? (Sechan's is playing this game with a risk of life) I don't talk (Can't breath) Jongkook... (A scary friend who expresses his intention with his eyes instead of words) Hey, how can we play this game if he's like that!! "I don't talk" hahaha No, what do we do if he doesn't talk in a talking game!! Are you a gangster?! (A person who communicates with the body rather than with words) I don't talk, too! No, we're a team... Can I write a question now? No! (You just said formally?!) To PD... To PD! No! You have to talk informally to the PD, too! (Controversy about the range of the game) You also have to speak informally to the staffs, too! (All the staffs are also under this setting) Chanhee! Chanhee! (He calls the main camera director) Shoot here! (He talks informally to Chanhee for the very first time) (Chan-hee Kang / A camera director for 36 years) Let's... Let's do not include Chanhee (Feels quite guilty to include Chanhee) Hey, wait a minute! Chanhee seems to be pissed off (Chanhee got upset at younger brothers' informal actions) Calm down Chanhee~ (It's time to solve a quiz in the comfort of the same age group) Well! Since the first questioner is important, How about Rock Paper Scissors? (Why do you talk informally...?) (Because the rule is applied to the staffs, to...) Hey, what are you! Are all the people in this building playing together? Isn't this game for him?! Hey! you long legs(?), you go and talk to him! Am I the "Long legs"...? (Representative Lee's nickname during school days : Long legs) Hey, guys! (Cotton fist's bluff, which is not over yet) Sit down!! But which Ho are you? Be quiet! Are you "Quiet Ho"? Which Ho are you? You don't know? Don't you know that? You should know it (monologue admonition) (A childish admonition) (Seokjin is not only full of bluffs but also narrow-minded) Hey! you steamed monkfish!! Be quiet!! Do well if you don't want to lose your camera (Somin's appearance comedy skit take 2) (restarted) We have a special guest today ((Prentends to be) Surprised) (A actress we invited really hard from Hollywood!) (Already came out for half) (Immersed in) (She just came to Korea a little while ago!) I think I saw her in the article..!! (The top actress who is famous for the beauty in person!) (The one who makes everyone even a camera man nervous) The world's top actress Somin Jeon (Somin is on Runningman) (Arrrggggg) (Everyone stands up) (Hiding a mouth + Pupil expansion) (Top actress who shines Korea from Hollywood!) (So ​​Min Jeon) (Woo...Wow) (Cameraman is also working hard for the appearance of a valuable guest) Please say a word in English (When everyone flocked to So Min Jeon....) Kwangsoo is starting (The actor in charge of collapsing who promised a good act) So....!!! Somin Jeon...!!! (Very satisfied for mysterious reason) (Collpased) He is teasing you (The professional actor collapsed after an act with all his spirit) (The content of water is in doubt) Somebody check him if he is poisoned Wow, his nostrils are.. (The professional actor woke up thanks to the cameraman) Are you okay? Really??? Really Somin Jeon??? She's Korean! You called her Somin Jeon... (Another one who is immersed in with all his spirit) (Baby Wangko still got long way to go) You'll do two missions today Today's missions are for Seokjin's birthday... (Wangko custom-made missions) It's the missions that I might win Are the difficulties of the missions... quite low? (The missions must not be played with a body) We prepared with small games Small..? Did you have to say that? You can express it with the words like 'cute'... (The small and easy missions are prepared for Wangko) (Jaeseok is the Dragon King) (The second Dragon King is...) (Jihyo) (completed to draw Dragon King) Ah ... I should have been the Dragon King... Seokjin'll die in ditch if he becomes the Dragon King! He burns to death? Don't you know what ditch means?? He said 'burn to death' I know what that means You're mean, too! There are too many rude guys these days! People think I'm... (Why is dying in ditch means burn to death...) (I just made a tongueslip...) Okay! throw it (What?!) (Coming out with the ball?!) You can't do that! It's a foul! It's a free kick! It's a free kick! There's a free kick? There's a free kick in this game? Oh why!! (Why did you do that...) (I'll block it) (Minkyu's team got a good chance of free kick in good position) Hey, why are you hiding up there? Oh I'm a bit embarrassed ... (The wall's shyness is not guilty!) (After a war of nerves...) (Jaekyung kicked perfectly to the empty space with her inside of right foot) (The shy wall is useless in front of a sharp shooting) (dispirited...) Why did you come out with a ball!!! Is there a free kick me in this game? But PD said that all the official rules are applied Please be a goalkeeper once, Jaekyung! (40 seconds left!) You just go attack! It's only 40 seconds left! (Don't drag out!) (Operation to drag out by Wangko) Why do you put all the shampoo on your hair? (Why are you washing you hair while playing?) (Wangko's shampoo soccer that is just like a bed soccer) Why is he doing that?!!! (Please go quickly, time...) He's making an atmosphere strange from before Hey! Why is black water coming out?! (Black water is coming out?) (Experienced veteran Wangko turns everyone's gaze into black water and passes by surprise) (Grabs) Handling!! Foul Is there a handling in this game? (Can't believe) Handling in this soccer game? It's PK! PK! A PK in this game? (Runningman football complies with the FIFA rules) (The last question) (If you express the face shape in the shape of a fruit?) That question was a really good question! (The third person's face type is...) A little... Rotten zucchini?! Rotten zucchini?! How can we put on a sticker to him or her with hearing that... (Not just zucchini... But a rotten zucchini?!) (To moderate this....) (Rotten, withered, expired zucchini) How about a hairstyle...? Just about to touch shoulders Does he or she have big eyes? or small eyes? A little big eyes (a swamp of rotten zucchini that they can't get out of) How about a nose?! It's quite high and long to be specific Does he or she have a big mouth? (Not a small mouth) Did he or she put on makeup? A little makeup (if there are dots, where are them?) (He or she seems that there are dots, but not sure about the exact location) Is there anybody like this?! (Detective Seokho Yoon as soon as they started...) (Attached a sticker to Kwangsoo) (Rotten zucchini - by Kwang-soo) Hey, but it's similar!! (Jiyeon Go / Youngest PD) Hey! It looks like you the most!! (Self-portrait...?) (He looks like it) (Jongkook also brought a writer...) (Why does this look alike?!) (Seokjin gives up) If you contrast the person with the photo... (Synchronization rate 120%) (ID photos appear one after another) There is an answer among these! I feel so bad that as soon as we started, the detective... The rotten zucchini is... (Rotten zucchini detective(?)) He folded(?) my arm and took me!! (Who will be the correct answer..) (Answer: Lee Kwang-soo / Yoon Seok-ho & Haha correct answer) (Rotten zucchini is upset) (They'll choose the guest they want after looking at the tastes of the them) I decided!! (The guest no.4 who likes tripe & entrails...) (I also like them) (By the way, there were 5 guests, but the number is up to 7?!) One of them is my taste and one is the taste of one write... (Why did you put your tastes...) (They'll be a couple with guests they chose from 1~7 by looking at tastes in food) (Who will be the couples with 5 guests and avoid the tastes of the PD and the writer?) (The no.1 stands out among those) (The home food that her mom makes) This means that she'll introduce her mom (Good feelings increased by 'introducing mom') (a pure answer which is not intended by the staffs) (Haha chooses no.2) (Kwangsoo chooses no.1) (the only number remaining is number 7) I hate all of that! This is the worst!! (No. 7 who likes strawberry tart is confirmed as Sechan's partner) (You can go to the tent with the number you choose and pick up the guest) (They become a couple with a guest if there is, but they become a couple with the other member if there is nobody) (Who'll be the partners with guests?) (Tent #7) Ah~~~ Really!!! (Congratulations for choosing PD's taste) (Well done...) (Jihyo's 6th tent is a writer's taste!) Hey! Why do you eat something not goes well with you?! No, can't you hear the happy sound over there?! Bopil! A tart? (Unfortunate one(?) is added) (Hyochan Park is gathered with unfortunate) (The happiness index of today is 100% except the two) I'll make Chorong the most searched today!
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 8,529,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 런닝맨, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 전소민, 양세찬, runningman, RunninMan, SBS, sbs, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min, 신규진, 김보성, 의리, 뒷머리, 핫이슈
Id: tufzf7mR4hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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