Chest and Back Superset Workout

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[Music] [Music] what is up YouTube Welcome to another chest and back there on a new variation of the programming so switching up a little bit similar movements but more of the same last time I was bitching about food being in my belly and I still got food in my belly still hard for me to catch my breath but part of the off part of the life it's how home Florida nice to sweat keep me warm so enjoying it I'm going to try and move some heavy weight right now the first part of this program of every day of the week you start with an isometric hold followed by six reps of a heavy compound movement at the beginning so I'm doing chest press in a row 90 seconds break in between back and forth so my chest is tired I'm working my back my back tired working my chest and I'm getting as much work out of both of them as possible so that's the plan right now just trying to catch my breath so I'm going to go do chest and keep going more you [Music] first rep I symmetric hold midpoint 10 seconds I don't know if I'm actually counting 10 seconds but time moves a little fast when I'm holding 140 lbs in my arms lower it down and try and get six total reps control it afterwards same thing over there so just another little way to add stimulus fire up all the muscles it's almost like loading a spring before set you like load it load it load it and explode into five reps trying to get strong [Music] exact same thing there what I always [ __ ] up on is bring my shoulder blades down or back and down always kind of like shrug and hold it there but I'm really trying to shoulder blad down retracted locked in help you engage your lats a lot better especially on the negative if you have them tuck down there and you're releasing the weight on the way down all the tension stays on your back get way more games [Music] the offseason bu the B that can't put on weight right now now still that is it's too hot to chain the [ __ ] th t-shirt [Music] make [Music] [Music] [Music] what for all right the point of both of these to get a difficult 10 reps on your first set and drop the way and get more reps every single time pretty gas so I don't know if I'm going to actually be able to get Beyond 10 reps but we're going to try so I'm going to take a 25 off and put a 10 on and go against all the laws of bro physics where you only leaving 45 lb plates and 25 lb plates Le might you go at the door this year using the baby WS I got zero more reps I think I got one less rep actually so I clearly did not drop the weight enough I was going to take off 10 that set but I took off 25 added a 10 so I took off 15 lbs each side this time maybe next time I'll get more than 10 reps so we'll see for some reason I have like no muscular endurance I could probably pick five different weights and get 10 reps regardless of the weight take off 50 pounds and I still get 10 reps I don't know what it is I got to build up that different muscle I guess not actually just the cardiovascular endurance of the muscle don't even ask me questions I have no idea what I'm saying right now buil for sprinting no marathons [ __ ] honey called me two days days ago like how's training going I'm like good he's like are you still skinny I'm like no he's like I think you're still skinny I'm like I think funny he's like I'm going to see you in 3 weeks four weeks going to Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh show May 10th is think going see you there if you're skinny then you're [ __ ] I'm like all right thanks thanks for the word of motivation he was a little more motivating than that but he the hard ass on me so I have what is it now the 18th 19th right now I have 20 days to get huge you guys will you guys will see firsthand if honey roast me for being a skinny [ __ ] or not I'm assuming he will regardless so like a a son constantly disappointing his father just can't get the validation I need so I go home and cry in the closet all sh for for I really need to learn how to sleep properly I don't know what it is no matter how I sleep I end up like this wedging my pillow up to get more prop and I sleep on my trap and this shoulder is literally [ __ ] like stuck over here so every time I do like a chest movement now my shoulders a lot lot set it is [ __ ] I get work done on it every week I try and stretch it out do everything right and then I go to sleep that night wake up with my arm fu and we're back to where we started maybe need to sleep like a Japanese person just on a floor it's like a roll up mat under my neck helpless sh for got my recovery shoes on steuart Florida swag in the house that's how we roll but yeah that's it on today's workout I got to go back to the warehouse doing a little Tik Tok live they had a huge sale also shirt that's way over there and I can't get right now that I was wearing at the beginning of the video is going to be dropping on seum Fitness on the 24th of April I believe we're doing a full drop everything's on seum F his Instagram but got to go back to the warehouse right now do some [ __ ] so I don't know if it's going to be the end of the video or not also I just did a gym tour of this gym I want to do gym tour of the raw gym out it's being built to Stewart gym vers por Lucy JY good revive B lifting Club vers the northern ra so that's it I got to get the [ __ ] out of here and get back over there so see you guys later it's a QA he's answering a [ __ ] question Bumpkin spice protein good Tu Davis is a wild hand too you should probably definitely wash your hands you guys have you do have me I don't think if Mike Tyson doesn't win everything is break and we live in a simulation all right so we are back at the good old raw warehouse and this is the soon to be raw gym pretty [ __ ] big pretty [ __ ] black I would have painted it a little warmer but people like black gyms videos look better and black content looks better and black so it is what it is the point is we're going to have some sick equipment I don't even know what all that is we have a crazy amount of equipment coming in here this is the side of our warehouse so I don't know what we're going to do we probably have to get security so we don't get weird people leaking into our warehouse as you can see even right through there we keep our energy so we're going to have to put some fences up there lock doors across that way and then main gym in here not really set up yet but we partnered with pure muscle and fitness on this so they're getting us all the equipment we're getting some cool sideb [ __ ] some Precor some new tech Atlantis Atlantis is some of my favorite [ __ ] but there's going to be like 50 pieces in here total I think something like that and it's going to be pretty dope we have like fresh dope locker rooms upstairs bathrooms down here that actually look pretty cool I going to say it's a little light nothing really done yet but it's very industrial it's like Kanye West bathroom if you made a bathroom you would do it like that so very industrial kind of VI then we walk out got a legs room dumbbell is going to go all across those mirrors on the back got 8ft mirrors hanging off the wall that are back lit those ones aren't hanging off as much but they're giant mirrors you can see them right here and yeah so this is going to be the raw gym we're doing a big event on May 24th for a grand opening the event is like the 24th 25th or something like that and then the actual gym's going to open Monday Tuesday but we're selling tickets where you can be the first people to work out on the weekend we're going to have a seminar meet and greet we're going to have cool like bum energy beer pong weightlifting competition all that good [ __ ] then also down here we have a barber shop right here for Ste Barbers going to be right there and then also we're going to have a nice little smoothie Lunch Spot none of it's done yet obviously but be a nice big Smoothie Bar we're going to have all our bum energy protein rtds mega fit meals all that good stuff right here and then I'm voting we haven't decided this yet we're either going to put a functional training area in somewhere or pickle ball courts or basketball court not really sure yet we really feel like pickle ball will attract a more docile crowd if you will and be a little bit safer so yeah we're going to put a fence up in the back and I think it'll be kind of cool be like this will be open or closed sometimes you'll see like four forlift coming by with pallets on it people working and then you can kind of just like play pickle ball with a fence beside you and then work out right here so it's going to be pretty [ __ ] cool we're in good old pors Lucy so there's nothing like this around here I think there's pretty safe to say we're going to be one of the best gyms around here maybe even in Florida so very excited for this open so you guys are in the area please come by see me working out don't say hi that wasn't meant to rhyme but this is it so get ready
Channel: Chris Bumstead
Views: 710,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _Ll60qTWmf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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