Chess is SO HARD!!!!

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welcome back everyone for today's video we are going to be taking a look at the eighth round of Norway chess which is a tournament being held here in Stanger Norway now today I'm paired Against The Talented Iranian player Ali Roa fuia who now represents France so without further Ado let's jump right into the action so the game starts with a move E4 I play E5 we get Knight to F3 Knight C6 and now Alla true to his fashion sense plays this move Bishop C4 and we are in the classic Gucci piano play Knight F6 we get D3 H6 C3 Bishop C5 and now oi Resa once again plays this move B4 against me just like in the candidates tournament I go with Bishop E7 we got this move Queen B3 of course I Castle to prevent white from winning the pawn on F7 and now oi Resa plays this move A4 now in our candidates game I believe o Resa played A4 D6 and then this move Knight B to D2 and after Knight B8 he played this move d4 and the game was very complicated but I did go on to win and that sort of was the jump start that I needed in order to become competitive in the candidates tournament so today o Resa decides to Castle instead I play Knight B8 anyway with the same idea of going for C6 and D5 to build the classic big black center we get Queen to A2 and now I play this move A5 all res it goes B5 and here I make a mistake with this move Bishop G4 now this is a move that I blitzed out because in my mind I thought this was the correct variation but in fact I was horribly mistaken what I should have played here was this move C6 with the idea of playing D5 and here I keep the idea of Bishop G4 alive for later on or I can put the bishop on E6 maybe as well but there are a lot of different options that still exist so after B5 I play Bishop G4 and now oler has a thought for about 10 minutes before responding with this move Knight H4 now the thing that's very tricky is usually when you're playing as other top level players everybody is prepared very deeply and when you play a move and your opponent surprises you like in this game it's very hard to judge have you made a mistake or has your opponent made a mistake and it's a bit of a sort of a bluffing game or trying to figure out who's actually wrong and psychologically you're never really sure now in this position I had a couple of choices the first choice that I actually rejected was I could take this Pawn on e4 and after Knight G6 play this move Knight to F6 sacking the rook and after D5 Bishop B3 and something like Bishop f8 black is probably okay here objectively but it feels very hard to play because even though I have the big black center both of these Pawns pawns on D5 and E5 are very very weak now if I prepared this before the game I probably could play this with no issue but very hard over the board to play this now the other option that I considered was playing this move Bishop to H5 and the reason I consider this move is if I play a standard move like Knight bd7 white has this nasty move Knight G6 hitting the rook and the bishop and there's this massive pin on the diagonal and I'm going to lose material so I consider Bishop H5 but after white goes Knight F5 Bishop G6 takes takes here and F4 computer once again thinks that black is completely fine after takes takes Knight D7 but to the human eye after Knight bd2 it looks like white is simply better cuz he's a little bit more control over the center he also has the two B's as well and it just seems very easy to play so after quite a bit of a think here I ultimately decided to play this move D5 sacking a pawn here to try and play in the spirit of a sacrifice try and create some play and create a double-edged position all the rest it takes with the pawn and now I go Bishop to D6 here and now we're in a situation where I'm down a pawn with the white having this extra Pawn on D5 but the pawn is blockaded and the bishop on C4 even though it's a wooden Shield is simply not very active now here ol Resa played the move F3 and this is not the best move the computer actually wants to move Knight D2 here and after Knight H5 and G3 it might look a little bit scary after F5 with the idea of Knight F4 Bishop H3 and maybe F4 as well but computer says this move B6 which is a very strange move is actually quite good for white after takes and Bishop to A3 here white can go Rook to B1 pressuring the double pawns on B 7 and B6 and in general White's position is preferable now again without knowing this I don't think any human could ever reach this conclusion but it is actually quite good for white instead Alla plays this move F3 I go Bishop C8 and now he plays this move G3 now once I'm able to move my Bishop to H3 here at this point I already started feeling very confident about my position because even though I'm down this Pawn on D5 here I am going to start attacking on the king side very soon we get Knight G2 I play Knight D7 Bishop E3 and now I go Knight H5 with the idea a pushing p on the king side with F5 F4 or potentially G5 as well white has the fian Cheeto Knight on G2 which is very passive Bishop on C4 is not in the game and white is lacking in development so I've got all these pieces massing towards the king side and at this point I thought there was a very good chance that I was going to win the game already get G4 from oi resit go Knight F4 here he played G4 obviously he's very worried about F5 F4 go Knight F4 takes takes and now he plays move Knight D2 now re's idea here is he wants to create the classic Bastion by putting this horse on e4 and it will not easily be removed so after Knight D2 I play the Thematic move H5 trying to trying to win the pawn on G4 or Force white to capture my Pawn all res it takes and now I play this move F5 and the idea behind F5 is to try and dominate D's Knights the knights have no squares available in the center of the board here and with no squares available and only one open file I figure I'm bringing the queen bringing the Rook bringing the Knight all the boys are coming to the party so Alla goes D4 here which does take away a critical Square on E5 from my knight I play Queen G5 Rook F2 and now I play the move Rook a E8 trying to take control of this only open E file here OA played this move B6 after a very long think and this is a move that is simply a mistake what Alla should have played is the move Bishop F1 now I suspect the reason he didn't play this is probably he was afraid of either something like Rook to E3 here creating the Kebab as well as potentially a double stack or just Queen takes H5 fall by the idea of G5 G4 and G3 simply pushing P up the board now I didn't have a chance to ask oi Resa but I suspect one of these two reasons either Queen H5 and G5 G4 or Rook to E3 is probably why he rejected this move now oliv res spent a bunch of time here and he decided to play this move B6 now keep in mind B6 was an okay move in that other variation earlier but here this is simply a mistake because I take with a horse of course I do not take with a pawn cuz then after Bishop B5 white will put the Knight on C4 try to push the these D pawns up the board and white probably will win the game so I take with a knight we got Bishop B5 I go Rook to E3 and now OA plays this move C4 now what all res is trying to do here is he wants to push p in the center of the board push these pawns to C5 and D5 claim more space and if he can claim enough space he's probably going to win the game because he'll be able to attack the bishop and the Knight here I go Bishop B4 and now o Resa plays this move C5 after a long think now again I did not have a chance to ask Ola after the game what exactly he missed here but I think the line that o most likely didn't see was he thought he could play Knight to F1 here attacking the rook and if I move the Rook to say A3 Queen B2 for example after takes takes in this position Queen takes H5 white has Knight takes F4 and White's maybe marginally worse here after checking Knight G2 but it's not very clear because you have ideas like Queen A2 and C5 to start pushing the black pieces backwards but the problem with this line is that after Queen B2 I can sack The Rook with Bishop to C3 attacking the queen and after Queen takes Rook I do not take the Rook on A1 but instead I take the pawn on D4 and suddenly the wooden shield on D4 wins me the game here because all White's pieces are stuck here if you play a move like Queen A2 I can take with Checkmate because you can't recapture and if you go King to H1 I take the rook and this Knight on G2 is going to fall or there's going to be a mate on G1 so after a long think Oly Russ ultimately plays C5 I go Rook A3 Queen B1 I swap I take the pawn on D5 and now he goes Bishop C4 now let's take some stock of the situation in this position the material is even here both sides have six pawns on the board but wh's Knights are pretty passive still the two BS are dominating the horses and I can try to claim the open E file now in this position my initial Instinct was to play this move C6 guarding the Knight but for whatever reason I slowed myself down I started thinking and I decided instead to play this move Rook d8 after a bit of a think and the reason I play this move is that I thought in the position if white ever trades the bishop for the Knight these pawns on D4 and C5 are very weak whereas after C6 takes takes and queen to E1 the Queen's coming to E5 I don't have an open D file and it didn't feel like it should be clearly winning to me now this is what I should have played because after Queen takes H5 if you use one of the stronger computers it will say that black is winning in this position after let's say Knight F4 and this move Rook to E8 hitting the queen on E1 again not super obvious and unfortunately when I played this move Rook to d8 I simply missed something in my calculations here as o Resa plays Queen E1 which is what I expected King H7 and now he has this very tricky move Queen to E5 now what I missed during the game and the reason one of the reasons I spent a lot of time here is that I thought I could go Knight to E3 putting pressure on the Knight and the bishop with a fork as well as a pin towards the king and if white goes Queen F4 I simply trade play Rook takes D4 let's say Knight H3 Knight takes C4 takes takes and in this position Black's winning so I'll win the pawn on C5 I'll probably win the pawn on A4 and very likely I'm going to be able to push three pawns up the board and win the game but the problem is after Knight to E3 white has the brilliant move Knight to E4 attacking my queen on G5 because I take the horse I lose the queen and if I move my queen to H6 here I think I think the move that I was worried about was this move Queen to E7 with ideas like Knight G5 or queen takes d8 for example takes Queen here actually there's Knight takes C4 so maybe this is fine for me computer actually wants white to play this move Bishop to E6 pinning this Pawn on F5 and the game is very very murky in terms of what's going on I actually thought Queen E7 was was was better but but clearly I couldn't calculate at any rate as soon as I saw that this 94 idea existed I had to stop and take a second and look for something better now in this position there is only one move here that is actually close to winning for black and it's not a very natural move the only move to maintain the big Advantage is this move Knight to C3 here because now you're attacking the pawn on A4 you keep the pin alive and if white were to take on F4 you trade go Rook takes D4 Knight takes H3 and after Knight takes E4 the Knight and the bishop are both under attack now again keep in mind this with the weaker engine on if you use the stronger engine on Lee chess for example it will tell you that black is much better here for those of you guys who are wondering why the bar is so so uh so different than what I'm saying to you guys at any rate in this position I thought for quite a while and ultimately I could just could not find this Knight C3 move I also considered Knight to F6 here but after Bishop to F7 with the idea of Bishop G6 again the game is getting very very complicated here my pawns on F5 and for a week my Bishop on H3 is potentially out of play and it really is unclear what's going on so after a long think I decide to take the Knight on D2 all was it takes and now I go Knight to E3 and here white no longer has this move Knight to E4 as I've traded the Knight off the board we get Queen takes F4 I trade the Queens I take this bishop and you're probably thinking wait you're up a piece you have a bishop a knight and a rook he has a rook and a knight but the problem is after this great move Rook to E2 the bishop on H3 is simply trapped I have no squares available where it won't be captured and at this point unfortunately the game is very close to a draw so I play Rook takes Pawn Knight takes H3 I go King to H6 trying to hit the pawn on H5 all Resa plays Rook E7 I go Knight D2 attacking the pawns on F3 and A4 we have King G2 Rook takes A4 Rook takes C7 here I go Rook B4 and I'm hoping that I can start pushing the a pawn down the board but unfortunately white has the resource with C6 takes takes takes and now the move Rook C5 hitting both the pawns on a A5 and F5 at the same time and at this point the game is effectively drawn now I try to play on here I decide to play the move Knight C4 get takes King H6 Rook C5 and now I go A4 desperately trying to push my P on the a file and win the game but it is to no avail as o res plays Knight F4 here I make the check if I were to push A3 it's uh oh spaghettio time as Rook H5 is Checkmate so I go Knight to E3 we get King F2 Knight D1 King G3 here I go King H7 dodging the Checkmate Rook h King G8 Rook A5 and now I play the move Knight B2 now at this point it's starting to shift a little bit if anything white might even be a little bit better but ultimately the game ends peacefully after Rook E8 King F7 check King G8 Knight E6 I play the move Rook B6 Knight C5 now check King F2 Rook H6 Knight takes A4 and after Knight takes A4 we agree to a draw if white were to take after rookie H2 King G3 and Rook B2 both sides will have one rook and one pawn and the game will be a draw so a very disappointing draw the classical game I had that sense that I was probably winning and if I had played that move C6 way back on move number um whenever I played Rook d8 move number I think 20 uh move number move number 30 if IID played C6 I think there's a very very good chance that I would have won the game the engines give it as plus two or better alas I played rook the8 and the game ended in a draw and obviously I was very very upset afterwards because when you get an advantage like this in a classical game to let it slip away is really frustrating but alas it is what it is so let's now move to the arm megadon game and the armagedon game of course both of us have ured one point and now we play for the final half point so olz opens with E4 we get the exact same opening with the classic Gucci piano here I'll just run through it quickly and this time I decided to play the move C6 rather than the move Bishop G4 all I res goes Knight bd2 and now I play this move Bishop G4 which once again is simply not correct what I should have played here was to move Knight bd7 and the idea of playing for D5 or Knight B6 is simply correct instead I play Bishop G4 we get H3 I go Bishop H5 Rook E1 and now I play this move D5 which is simply a mistake what I should have played here once again was Knight bd7 and after white goes D4 a move like Rook C8 to try and put some pressure on the C file instead I play the move D5 we get takes takes Bishop B3 and now I play this move Knight B D7 here OA takes the pawn on E5 and once again I've sacrificed a pawn and I'm down one Pawn but maybe I can create some counterplay so I go Bishop D6 this is a mistake by the way probably Rook C8 would have been better I go Bishop D6 Rook to E1 and now I go Queen to D7 trying to bring the Rooks to either C8 or E8 white obviously can't take the pawn on D5 because then the classic fossil will win me the queen and the game as well so we got Bishop to A3 here from o Resa good move trying to get rid of my very very powerful dark square B I go Rook C8 C4 Bishop G6 trying to hit the pawn on D3 and now o Resa plays the move d4 I decide to swap the Bishops swap the pawns and take this Pawn on D4 now at this point material is temporarily even but you have to notice that the Knight is very well placed for white it hits the pawn A5 also the bishop on B3 is on a very nice diagonal whereas this bishop on G6 is simply staring at empty squares so here OA plays Rook D1 a good move by the way because after Knight takes A5 I have Knight to E4 and suddenly there's all kinds of pressure towards the white king in this position so we get Rook D1 I play Queen F4 and ol res plays this move Queen D6 here now if I had known that Queen D6 was such a good move I probably would have played this move Queen A7 instead but when I went Queen F4 I thought Queen D6 was not possible because I thought I could take the horse and after takes takes it looks like I have a bishopman a knight for the rook and I'm in good shape but white can sack the queen for The Rook on f8 and if I take the queen it's uh oh spaghettio time there's Rook f8 Knight E8 Rook E8 and we have a classic ice Gator Checkmate so ultimately I trade the Queens he takes rook and now I play this move Bishop C2 and here o resit inexplicably plays this move Bishop A2 now if IID known oi res was going to play Bishop A2 I probably would not have used so much time here a minute and 16 seconds to play the move but as soon as I played Bishop C2 o Resa started shaking his head and he immediately blunders with this move Bishop A2 now this is a clear sign that both of us were tired we were definitely missing some stuff because if all res were sharp he obviously would have taken the pawn here on A5 and the Knight Will guard the bishop now after takes takes Rook C4 for example white can go Rook D4 and white has an extra Pawn on the queen side and great chance to win the game instead he plays Bishop A2 and now I plays move Knight E4 which is okay it's not a terrible move but it's also not best what I should have played was Bishop takes Pawn because after Knight B6 the line that I I thought was uh the line that I thought was wasn't working for me is that if I take the pawn B5 and give up The Rook there's Rook E7 here hitting both the pawns on F7 and B7 and if I go Rook C2 try and attack the bishop after Bishop B1 I'm going to lose either the bishop or The Rook but the computer here says that I can go Rook C8 because if white trades the Rooks I can take with the horse attacking The Rook on D6 and so white doesn't have time to capture the bishop now again if I were sharp I think I probably would have seen this but frankly after all the emotions of wild swings I just missed this idea completely and I play the move Knight E4 instead all I read goes Rook D7 I play Knight C5 and now he plays Rook D7 and here I play this move Knight D3 which is a mistake obviously as you can tell from the clock situation moving way too slowly here but simply not seeing the moves now if I taken I was worried that there was Knight D6 here hitting the pawn but after rook d8 and let's say Knight F7 there's Rook D2 to hit the bishop on A2 and after Bishop C4 a simple move like King H7 here and the game should be a draw instead I play Knight D3 we get Rook E3 I go Knight B4 Knight D6 and now I blunder with this move Rook C d8 this was simply a blunder out of sheer tiredness I thought that after takes King H7 in this position that if white moves the Knight I can still capture the bishop or I I think I thought I could check I think I thought that I could check and after King H2 I could play something like Rook F7 forgetting that in this position my King's not on G8 to guard so this was just a blunder which effectively lose the game if I were to take on A2 here which is the best move after takes takes Rook B7 and Bishop takes A4 actually Bishop A4 there might be a rook A3 here but after Knight B4 and Rook A7 takes takes probably in a classical game I would draw this but in in in in an armagedon game where I'm down to 40 seconds I think there's a very good chance that i' would probably lose in this position even though it should be a drop Al last I go Rook C d8 we got Bishop takes F7 King Rook takes Bishop takes Rook D1 King H2 and now I play the move Knight D5 trying to Fork the two towers and keep pressure on the Knight on F7 here oza decides to sack the Knight with Knight H6 and now I play Pawn takes which just lose the game on the spot apparently I could have gone King to H7 here and after Knight Knight F7 takes takes Bishop A4 Rook B7 maybe there's some chance he draw the game I think I probably lose anyway but at least The Show Goes On instead I take on H6 o Roa plays Rook G3 check King f8 Rook takes B7 and at this point the game is lost because now my king is cut off on the back rank there are all kinds of ideas with ladders but white can also try to push p with B6 B7 and B8 as well so I take the pawn we get Rook G6 here there's Rook A6 Rook A8 ideas with the ladder or Rook H6 rook h8 and here I can effectively resign I play Knight E7 and after Rook to E6 I play the move Knight C8 and then I resign the game realizing that with only two seconds on the clock there's no way to survive probably the quickest way to win is Rook takes Pawn threatening the mate King G8 and then this move Rook to B8 here and after Rook to C1 there's Rook to C6 here and I lose the horse on C8 it's only one of several ways to win probably many ways for white to win but at the end of the day um I resign the game which means that Al Resa wins the Armageddon game and he gets to one and a half points I unfortunately end the day only getting one point um when all said and done so very choppy day very very uh very disappointing on some level because I was winning the classical game and I didn't get those very valuable three points but sometimes things don't go your way and you just have to move forward so with that result uh I remain in second place Magnus Carlson drew his classical game against raes babo prag andand ha haa but Magnus would go on to win a beautiful Masterpiece in a knight versus Bishop endgame in the arm megadon which means that I currently Trail Magnus by one point with two rounds remaining keep in mind the classical games are still worth three points if I can win a game against ding or maybe against prag I have chance to win the tournament still at any rate I'm doing my best and hopefully I can pick up a pick up a full appointed classical before the end of the tournament and win the event so that's going to be it for now you guys I've got to get going going to be playing title Tuesday pretty soon um so I hope you guys have enjoy this recap if you are not already subscribed to my channel make sure that you smash that subscribe button below and we'll be back soon with some more great content here from Norway chess see you guys have a great rest of your day bye
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 121,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, chess speedruns, kick streamer, levy rozman, eric rosen, chess trash talk, chess tactics and strategy, chess openings for white, chess openings for black, chess openings gothamchess
Id: 4tcNPPlcxa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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