Big Fish Sends Me to the Hospital & Ending I Didn't See Coming

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at the beginning of this year I went to an island nation called newway and uh where I got my butt kicked by a bunch of GTs and now we're going back going back for Redemption and hopefully this time I can land a couple of them we're almost at our gate now if you guys didn't see that video here's a couple short clips of what happened on that last trip to newway was rough three GTS oh got him got him got him we're on we're on holy crap keep him out of the reef we got to keep him out of the reef come on no no no oh he's got me on the reef no good fish good fish titer drag this time oh my gosh no how did that break damn broke the braid ah again oh oh fish on Fish on Fish on away immediately immediate fish on you got to be kidding me oh oh big waves not on the Rock not on the Rock not on the Rock no what just popped off the hook I had that one why why so next time I am going to come back and I'm going to come back stronger and I'm going to come back better and we're going to land them next time all right let's hope this time we have a better [Music] outcome okay well here we go guys we're back at the same spot you know last time when I lost all those fish saw in the comments a lot of people not a lot of people but you know some people saying that I was too small too weak to land those GTS and you know what I think haters are right haters are right so I got in the gym and I started lifting some lifting some weights just for the sole purpose of trying to catch this GT little big wave coming here as you can see I have my life vest on cuz this spot gets sketchy real quick all right we're looking good Sun's just coming up it's 5:30 a.m. and I'm going to make my first cast and this the hookup can happen at any moment even on that first cast so I got to be 100% prepared before I do that pretty nervous I think I can do it I can do it I got all right guys I think we're ready GoPro rolling getting pretty good shot there yep see how this see how sketchy the spot kind of gets gnarly especially with this when it goes into that spot it just shoots out big old spouts of water all right let's do this let's do this First cast let's go straight out drag is in sh drag is in sh come on come on GT nothing on the First cast so one of the craziest thing is the footing right here the footing is insane it's just so Rocky you can trip on these so easily and uh yeah there's some really sharp ones too really Jagged let's go all right one more cast with this one switch to a popper oh a big wait here we go got the popper oh oh oh strike had a strike didn't touch it though I saw that fish but looked massive came up at it but didn't get it come on what was that massive looking fish oh oh a little blue fin trying to take it now little guy man that Splash was massive behind this freaking Hopper gosh let's go that way again it was way bigger Splash than the popper makes it was scary big oh oh that sh a strike out a Strike wow man oh here it comes here it comes oh it's it's a small it's a blue fin travali oh it's not a it's not bad actually decent size oh he's he's gone woo get your heart pump in there you guys see that I just oh triy to swallow it oh I switched to the one I got the king fish on oh man all right let's do that again oh my god oh whoa what the hell is this big ass thing oh my God oh my God oh my gosh got got a massive this yeah yeah yeah oh my god oh there's a lot of them it's massive oh God dang go oh W oh oh oh oh no oh no ouch oh no oh no oh no holy crap I just caught a monster ouch I need to put gloves on the hell man this fish is massive yeah oh God y oh y oh holy hell oh my God oh my God this fish is massive broke Rod two pieces there goes my dreams are catching a GT but look at this what the oh man this is so scary this is a scary fish it's so big it's so so big scary scary teeth are so big I don't want to get stuck by that freaking lure either just put it in this pool little deeper so he can breathe at least no you got to be kidding me D have got to be kidding me this is insane oh ah got [Music] me ah got me ah The Lure got me all right try to take this off I got to go sanitize this right now it's too scary there he goes there he goes there goes my leg I'm going to have to go get that sanitizer right now [Music] [Music] my adrenaline's pumping right now I can't even feel my leg I can't feel the wound at all well I can't find any sanitizer take a look at my leg oh my God the hook went in and came came out like it was the the fish it just thrashed stuck the hook in me and pulled it out of me at least I landed that fish this that's the first big fish I landed land base in new way so um at least that goal was accomplished but damn kicked my ass again man this broken Rod a wound to the leg and I'm kind of freaking out right now because uh this warm tropical water um has a lot of bacteria and if you don't treat it right away you could end up getting really sick so that's why I'm trying to sanitize ASAP um just going to message Ian oh my gosh son oh my gosh it's like a big old freaking like that there's like a white thing coming out and I don't know what it is like my carage or something how big is the hook oh there a massive hook maybe I should go to the hospital damn this it looks pretty gnarly let me wash my hands and then I'm going to try to wipe it wipe it down cuz can't see much with the blood on [Music] there holy sh it's pretty bad it looks gnarly I just need to sanitize it really bad cuz it's very open no alcohol All wipes oh here we go here's an antiseptic did he respond not fishing I I think he's out fishing right now looks like I got bit mhm but I'm pretty sure it was the hook that got me and went in and out yeah [Music] yeah oh couple couple of coconuts just fell two of them I always forget about that they can't stand under the coconut tree trees cuz the coconut will fall on your head thank you some vitamin C so our friend Ian here just advised me to go to the hospital he's out on the water right now fishing and yeah he told me to go to the hospital and one of his friends he told me about was doing the same thing off the rocks and he got some cuts and then he ended up in the hospital for like 48 hours or something uh so I don't want to do that I don't want to end up in there so just going to go there get it treated and hopefully I'm all good all right okay I don't think the hospital's open yet but there's this emergency door see if there's anybody here hello hi hi can you help me I just need to have a little wound treated what happened I just uh was fishing off the rocks and then I caught a big fish and then the hook I was like trying to get it out and the fish slapped the hook into my leg and pulled it out big hook you going to that room or okay thank you all right guys we got it sorted got the antibiotics on there and uh yeah we're all good all good oh but now I can't fish I can only fish for smaller fish I have a lighter Rod it's not going to give me a GT oh man but man how insane was that catch that was such a big fish I didn't get to hold it up cuz right after I unhooked him I didn't want to pick it up while with the hook in his mouth obviously you know what could happen and yeah once I took the hook out um couple big waves came in and then he washed away so unfortunately I couldn't hold it up for you guys cuz that was a massive for sure the biggest landbased fish I've ever landed bigger than the red snapper that I got in New Zealand it was well over 20 lb that was probably about 30 lb that was a big fish at least 30 lbs I don't know I didn't get to pick it up it was heavy for sure well I guess that's that maybe I could just go catch smaller fish now but I really wanted to get a photo of me with the fish because it was massive and looking down at it and where there's no point of reference you can't really get the scope of the real size of that fish it was so massive and uh look what it did to the split ring this thing is messed up man that split ring got all jacked up you can tell on the right side it's kind of bent out of shape and also split open oh at least I landed it though just going over what happened into the rod so this is a two-piece rod and then the second piece just attaches in right here um but it just snapped right at that fre that piece and there's a piece stuck inside of there right now that's what broke so yeah that fish was way too big for this Rod way too powerful way too heavy dang hopefully Ian has a rod that he can let me borrow for the rest of the trip at least I have the The Reel still The Reel held up pretty well I'm using the Okuma uh Torro 18,000 nice big reel handled it oh but it got a little little damage but that Rod is [Music] done all right guys we're back at it Ian let me borrow his Rod so we're good to go we have another chance here and he's going to come fishing me today uh this morning as well so I'm just waiting for him and we'll get down there and start casting all right guys here we go we're back on the ledge got Ian with me this time it's good to have a buddy for this kind of fishing for sure feel a a bit more safer with somebody else here so all right we're going to cast out and cross our fingers we hook up on a GT go bro catch your fish all right here we go I'm trying this one today this is a new one just a white with a red mouse I got a hook up on a similar One Last Time same colors First cast here we go oh my drag last oh there's fish chasing it fish chasing it fish chasing it oh it's a black GT black GT chasing it oh there he goes oh little little blue fin did you guys see that black GT big one and a smaller blue fin travali chasing it so that'll get your heart going so I like to run the popper first thing in the morning kind of just gets the tension of the of the fish and then I switch out to stick baits oops I got quite a few to choose from I have this box and I have another box I'm going to have another one if I lose too many okay here's a brand new one from Massi lures freaking sexy super nice thick baits those guys are artists man look at this here we go big one couple of big ones it's going to start building here getting H we're going uh it's incoming tide so it's just going to keep getting bigger and bigger or higher coming higher no action since that first cast where we got chased by the black GT and the Blu and travali it's been about 30 minutes now all right we'll go with the one we've been getting all the hits on lately mocy lures big wave another one second one that's go one really big hold on we do one more cast we'll do one more cast here all right we had a couple big swells come in and uh come all the way up the rock so we're going to move to another [Music] spot [Music] okay guys here's a new spot looks pretty cool we're going to fish off of that big rock up there oh it's a big gap not getting across that maybe just have a few catches right off of here must be going to try over here in this channel oh fish on a I lost it I didn't set the hook looked too big for me to bring in I I kind of saw it not sure what it was but it was looked pretty big so I have a light set up here I switched to the lighter one just so I can cast further and I only have 25 lb ler on this one I'm using a smaller lure but still a Mossy had a hit though oh he's there he's there I think saw a fish I saw a fish again fish a had another hit I think it's a small it's small black GT or something about this big Black Jack Black Jack yeah oh oh God oh my God something tried to hit it right now that was more red that was a different fish oh strike strike strike oh God those are blue fin Stripes I think that was a blue fin trali chased it all the way into this little channel oh I again can't believe it got hit again and no no hookup that was a big fish was it I I didn't see it but it felt big big strike all right I'm going to change this back hook to a treble these hooks are perfect this is Jing's lur so I can't use that can't use can't risk losing this one really pretty lure too so I'll just take the hook off and swap the hooks but this green one getting getting strikes no more [Music] misses okay guys nothing this morning I took a little break for a couple hours and now I'm back out at the first spot uh since the tide is going out now should be slightly fishable at least more fishable these swells are a little big but should be okay we'll just stay here maybe just for a little bit and then we'll check out another spot okay let's get to it first cast of the afternoon lot of wind coming from my left now which we haven't had before oh oh oh St got fish on baby come on come on yeah GT GT it's so heavy oh damn it big wav no no no dang it big GT that was a huge GT oh it was might have been a black one it was a really dark oh but it was a big one man it just clipped the uh my braid clipped the rocks and when that happens it's over especially with that much pressure on the line but it was man I was just bracing for that wave that was coming in and it happened right as I'm getting hit by the waves clip but I saw the I saw the fish man saw the fish it was massive oh oh so strong it was like the ocean was working with the fish right when I had them just gave me this massive massive wave that hasn't hit anything like that big wave and then all of a sudden boom does get smashed by a wave and uh yeah that that's how it goes man GT fishing that's why I have this life vest too just in case I get swept off cuz that is gnarly man I can't believe I had that I had that one man I had him coming in had him now I have to tie on a new leader damn it yep there was a swell about that big just I was fighting it man a little too big but the fish are here probably one of the most difficult places to get a landbased GT and I choose this place to be to try attempt to get my first one it's kind of insane the entire island is Rock so all around there's not that many fishing spots from Shore just because most of it is just a drop like a steep Cliff it's like a cliff like this and then water it's just a few there's a few spots that you can access and then a a few more spots where you can access during low tide but uh most of it most of the island is unfishable from sure ah that was like on my third cast right there I was just using like a generic dawa stick bait so nothing nothing too expensive so I don't mind losing that lure but that fish that fish is insane I got to retie I was going I was thinking like oh I might cast this lighter Rod just to see if I can get a small fish just a little warm-up fish oh my gosh swells massive this is the leader I'm using it's 200 lb floral this is stuff you catch like blue F tuna with this is what you need out here because you could H hook on to some big fish with teeth and that's what what it's mainly for to protect against the teeth and also protect against abrasion on the Rocks so the longer you can make your leader the better the longer Your Leader is the the action on your stick bait kind of is not as good but if it was a little bit longer on this fish potentially could have saved me the fish instead of hitting the braid could it possibly hit the leader I'll make it pretty long I'll make it over six feet I'll just have to cast The Leader through the guides holy [ __ ] oh hell no that was too big I'm out of here right when I was about to get down there I was about to say all right we're back in the game but I had to like fiddle with my my reel real quick and then that massive way just hit that was huge if I was down there I would have been G yeah I think we're going to get get out of here let me just go get my lure it's down there that was scary man that was massive oh there's my reel where's my lure I was about to say all right we're back in it and that thing was oh my God that was scary incredibly scary that was scary scary scary I'm glad I wasn't down there for that all right we're out of here all right guys so all the wind and swell is coming from the south and uh yeah that got real sketchy there this is sort of facing south as well and so it's not a good spot right now obviously as you can tell that was pretty scary I'm going to go over to a different spot and hopefully that spot's a little bit more blocked off and calmer all right here's another spot this looks much nicer and I think I'm going to walk towards the left even though that other spot for sure has GTS just way too sketchy maybe that's why the GTS are there all right we're going to start out with the light setup just uh recover a little bit from the big GT so we'll throw this small uh stick bait here all right I'm going to run some bait I have this beautiful flying fish uh I actually CAU it that'll be another video coming up look at this looking cool I think I'm going to just use the entire thing at once see if anything big takes it let's let's give it a shot why not give it a shot big bait let's just Chuck it into this hole right here beautiful blue lagoon there's a big rock down there so I'll just go on this side just let it sink oh is it going to sink yeah I think so okay here we go got the new lure this is a stick bait from strategic angler and this is the Outdoor Chef life edition special baby been saving this one see if we can get a fish on it oh man I wish I would have landed that GT a that was so close that's how it goes man that is how it goes I don't think there's anything I could have done about that one I had him pretty high too like I had him up pretty high but must just Nick the rock with the braid just a little bit and just snap getting desperate man I have basically half a day left to accomplish this goal of catching a GT we're going back on a flight tomorrow I think the flight's probably around noon tomorrow so I have early morning and hopefully I can get it done I have this evening as well so um still have a chance but man it's getting getting close it's feeling similar to the last trip except I landed that big fish in the beginning oh yeah that big fish um I asked around all the locals uh asking what it was but nobody knew what it was we had to do some research and turns out it's a species called black saddle Coral Cod it's a type of coral Cod or Coral trout uh known in this part of the world and yeah it's a massive fish there that would have been a good eating fish too if I would have kept it I kind of wish I did keep it now would have been hard to bring it up bring up the cliff but we got a fish on here blin oh yeah oh yeah GT GT GT oh oh yeah oh yeah oh the sunset by come on come on come on come on come on come on I got him did you want to bring us to the step yeah yeah oh wow o I don't think the big enough wait for theit for the [Music] okay GT G GT let's go sh to baby yeah grab the leader grab the leader yeah yeah strong okay yeah watch your leg watch your leg yeah baby yeah yes yeah man yeah I kill it for you to put it back I'll try to put it back cuz I think these guys have sigera out of here all right guys here we got it we got it done first GT landed here in New Way yes yeah heck yeah oh we did it guys we did it took a lot of work man I am tired okay let's see if we this guy's still will revive okay ready this guy's going to go this guy's going to go there he goes oh look at that wow W yeah got home now yeah yeah exactly yeah finally finally man we out bro here here they hang out yeah thank you for the assist bro yes okay get ready for it you might get hit right now all right guys we did it oh I can't believe it happened finally yes yes yes oh the night before we leave oh made it happen the strip my goal accomplished all the flying fish are flying joclyn is giving it a try now knowing her luck she's going to hook up I hope but uh yeah that was a decent one I hooked ones that were even bigger than that though that one was controllable I think um yeah that was still amazing catch I'm so happy I got my GT and uh healthy release too and this area the fish the big fish just at because we're at the warf um some fish have sigera in here just right here though the rest of the island doesn't have any suera U which is very cool but this spot does so uh we didn't keep it we're not going to eat it and then good thing swam off strong as you saw I almost jumped in and did the water release like cavy and briggsy on the next one I'm going to do it finally finally finally yes mission accomplished guys Mission freaking accomplished thanks for sticking with me thanks for believing in me yes we'll see you guys on the next one [Music] peace
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 95,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Big fish, niue, land base fishing, gt fishing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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