Chef John’s Best Hot Dogs & Grilled Sausages

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[Music] hello this is chef john from with coney dogs that's right not only are these coney island hot dogs one of america's first and most famous fast foods they're also one of the great culinary trick questions and that's because the answer to the question where are these the most popular is not coney island it's actually detroit or as us kiss army members refer to it rock city but anyway we'll discuss that in the blog post for now we're gonna get started with the meat sauce and when you're talking koni dogs it's all about the meat sauce so we're gonna take a saucepan and start dumping things in it things like half an onion diced up we're gonna need some ground beef of course and i believe this is the 85 15 blend leading to fat but pretty much anything on that leaner side is gonna work and by the way you can just dump yours in you don't have to touch it like this i'm not sure exactly why i do that but anyway we're gonna dump in some beef we're also gonna need a little bit of minced garlic and then a little bit of a surprise ingredient some butter just a cold chunk like that and then an array of spices starting with celery salt and you thought that was just for your bloody mary's no it's good in this too we're also going to need a couple spoons of chili powder i'm using nacho we're also going to need some freshly ground black pepper and some salt and a little bit of ground cumin and then we'll finish off the seasonings with a little bit of cayenne pepper all a coney dog is is an all beef hot dog topped with what's basically a chili-like meat sauce and at this point especially if you've been watching this channel for a while you're probably thinking i better go ahead and saute all this and then adds some liquid well actually this time we're not we're not gonna brown this instead we're gonna dump in some water and then some kind of tomato product i like ketchup a lot of people use sauce or tomato paste but i'm gonna go ahead and use some ketchup and then what's going to happen here we're going to put this on medium-high heat and bring this up to a simmer while we mix it with a potato masher and i know it looks and sounds bizarre but we're going to do it anyway and it's going to take a while for this stuff to get hot and while you're waiting you're just going to keep mixing and mashing what we're trying to achieve here is a sauce that has as small a particles of meat as possible so this really is the most critical step i mean actually it's really the only step but it is in fact the most critical one because if you don't mix that meat into those wet ingredients while this comes up to temperature you'll have big chunky clumps or is it big clumpy chunks i can never remember but the point is you don't want those so as this heats up keep mixing mashing and eventually what you're going to have is a very smooth albeit fairly disgusting looking meat paste but don't worry that's what it's supposed to look like and at that point all we're going to do is lower the heat to medium-low and just let that simmer stirring occasionally until it kind of reduces and thickens and how far you go is really up to you alright some people like this mixture very thick kinda dry others prefer it rather wet and sloppy so it really depends on what you're into and really that's all there is to it and at this point i should mention our friends in detroit suggest you do not skim any of that fat off the top that's just butter and beef fat nothing that you don't want soaking into that hot dog bun later so we're just going to simmer this for about an hour and when i was done that's what mine looked like and then of course the actual and real last step would be to taste this for seasoning and since this is a condiment for hotdogs after all we want to make sure it's nicely seasoned so make sure you got enough salt i went ahead and added a little bit more you also want to check for heat should be a little bit spicy and then once we have our desired texture and our seasoning just right we're ready to serve and what makes a coney dog a coney dog is the following combination we're going to take one steamed bun not grilled not toasted steamed which really just means warmth in the oven we're going to top that with a boiled hot dog not grilled just simply boiled in salty hot dog water and then of course the start of the show our coney island meat sauce look at that it's so not beautiful which is why the next two ingredients are so important we're gonna drizzle that generously with yellow mustard and also some diced raw onions and not only do we add those two ingredients for taste and texture but i think you'll agree it really does improve the aesthetics here and my version of the coney dog is done and by the way this is not something you want to eat cold so i'm going in while it's hot and these can be a little messy so i do suggest you practice but any messiness is totally worth it just a truly truly delicious bite i mean come on just a plain hot dog with onions and mustard good but when you spoon over that aromatic slightly sweet slightly salty slightly spicy meat sauce it just becomes something a lot more special so hot dog is a very popular summer food and very easy to get burned out on so if you are looking to throw a little bit of variety into your wiener routine then i really hope you give these a try so head over to for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy [Music] hot dog sausage that's right we're doing a hot dog flavored sausage or as it will hopefully become known as hot doggage and with the memorial day weekend coming up i wanted to share a recipe for the grill that was what's the word i'm looking for memorable so let me show you how we're going to put this together and it all starts with the meat and we're going to use two kinds we're going to go with some lean ground beef as well as a little bit of ground pork and to that we're gonna add some very traditional hot dog seasonings starting with some kosher salt as well as its good friend freshly ground black pepper and then the ingredient that gives hot dogs their signature color paprika actually let me rephrase that the ingredient that's supposed to give hot dogs their color sorry people that like red dye we're gonna use paprika and not one but two kinds so we'll add a whole bunch of regular paprika as well as a little bit of smoked paprika since as you may know hot dogs are traditionally smoked and then we're also going to need a little bit of granulated onion as well as granulated garlic which is also sometimes sold as garlic powder and by the way don't accidentally use onion salt and garlic salt since that's different stuff you can tell by the different name and then last but not least we're going to finish this mixture off with some ice water i know you probably didn't see that one coming but that's going to be very important in this to help us achieve the appropriate texture and then using a very clean well manicured hand we will mix and mash that together very very thoroughly and as i'm doing this you might be thinking to yourself hey wait a minute i thought you're never supposed to overwork ground meat because if you overmix it it gets kind of tough and chewy well exactly that's what we want okay we don't want this thing ending up as just an inappropriately shaped hamburger we're making hot dog sausages so we do want that firmer snappier kind of chewier texture so there is no need to worry about over mixing here get in there and get in there good and keep mixing in mushing smooshing and smearing until your mixture looks like this at which point we'll clean up the edges of the bowl a little bit and then we'll wrap it in plastic and refrigerate it for at least a couple hours to let the flavors develop overnight's probably best but like i said a couple hours is fine and then once our meat mixture has chilled thoroughly we're ready to form it into the classic hot dogged shape which is really easy if you do two things use plastic wrap and some ice water for your hands so we will want to dip our fingers into some water so the meat does not stick and i'm going to place down one quarter of our mixture which is just over six ounces and we'll give that just a quick initial shaping before folding over the plastic which is going to allow us to shape this without touching the meat not that we're afraid to touch meat we've touched it many times before but as you can see by using the plastic we can kind of push and manipulate that meat into the appropriate shape and of course ideally you want these as long as your buns are so once i think i have it pretty close i'll give it a little roll to test its uniformity and then we'll go ahead and unwrap it and do any fine tuning if needed so let's go ahead and see what we got and that is looking pretty good but if you want you could dip your hands back into the ice water and do a little fine tuning i do prefer the ends of my hot dog sausages symmetrical so we'll do a little fine tuning if necessary at which point we'll just wrap these back up and kind of twist the ends a little bit and we can just throw those on a plate and refrigerate until we're ready to cook which by the way i am but before i go ahead and cook a couple let me show you a little trick because these are a little soft and fragile i like to use a folded up piece of aluminum foil to carefully transfer these onto the grill so we'll just fold up a few layers of foil and then we'll kind of bend the bottom up into a little bit of a j shape and then we'll use that to gently roll these onto the grill and yes if you're careful you can easily place these down using two hands but i just find that a little safer and easier and then once they're down of course don't touch them right away just let that first side grill and seal for at least two minutes all right what you don't want to do is this i just had to stick it under there i just had to see if it was sticking which is just not prudent because if you're using some nice seasoned cast iron grates and you don't touch them after a couple minutes you'll be able to turn them very easily just like this and by the way you're going to want to turn these completely over or if you just give them a quarter turn they may start to curve and bend so we will want to turn that over to the exact opposite side just like that so i'll turn this one and as you can see because i played with it some of it's stuck but that wasn't a big deal i eventually got it turned over properly and then the good news is once both sides have been cooked for a couple minutes this thing will keep it shaped beautifully and will continue until all the sides are nicely browned and the meat is cooked through just like if you were cooking any kind of fresh sausage so i continued cooking mine until they looked gorgeous and i had determined they were cooked to an appropriate level of doneness you could use a thermometer but i just went by feel at that point we'll pull these off the grill and hopefully insert them into a nice white soft hot dog bun which yes i should have toasted so we will pop that into a bun and dress with the condiments of our choice which for me is just some good old-fashioned yellow mustard so let me go ahead and squeeze them on without trying to make it look awesome on purpose take that food stylus so a little bit of mustard and as you can see i decided to enjoy mine with some chips and a pickle and because i ordered the combo mine came with a belgian white owl which i think makes a beautiful garnish and at that point our hot dog sausage is ready to enjoy and i'm telling you what if i handed you one of these and the light wasn't good and you were kind of drunk you would totally think you were eating a really really good hot dog i mean the flavor profile is almost exact and thanks to that ice water and mixing process the texture is nothing like a hamburger alright it's much firmer it has that kind of snappy chew to it that's way closer to a hot dog or sausage and as i mentioned earlier this would look very very nice coming off your memorial day grill but anyway that's it hot dog sausage also known as hot doggage what it lacks in slaughterhouse scraps red dye and sheep intestines it more than makes up for with its amazing taste and catchy name so i really do hope you give this a try head over to for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy bacon wrap chicken dogs that's right i tried to turn a chicken breast into a chicken hot dog or at least something shaped so it would fit on a hot dog bun and what follows is that very very successful experiment in fact everything went really well and exceeded my expectations except for what should have been the easiest part which involved serving this with a little bit of barbecue sauce but besides that this was a smashing success and to get started we're going to begin by mixing up a little bit of secret sauce which includes a little bit of mayonnaise some dijon mustard some freshly ground black pepper and believe it or not a few shakes of cayenne and that's it we'll go ahead and stir that together at which point we can set that aside or pop it in the fridge until we need it and no that's not going down the bun that is actually going to go on our chicken dog once we've cut up our breast which by the way is the next step and what i have here is one of the biggest most obscenely large boneless skinless chicken breast i've ever seen i mean look at that somewhere rustmeyer is blushing and my plan was to split this right down the middle lengthwise and then use the two pieces after wrapping with bacon to make one chicken dog but it was fairly obvious his chicken breast was going to be way too big so i decided to make two portions instead and yes it would have been easier to just wrap those in bacon and call it a day but the problem is we have one fat end and one skinny pointy end so what i figured was if i cut these lengthwise again i can place the two pieces together with the thicker end of one piece matching the thinner end of another i would have something with a beautifully uniform girth that not only would cook more evenly but would also fit way better on a hot dog bun and by the way if i wasn't using freakishly large chicken breasts i would have just cut it once down the middle and done the same thing with the two pieces so keep that in mind in case you're dealing with smaller breasts and that's it once i had my chicken breast cut into four strips which again are going to make two chicken dogs i went ahead and season those up with a little bit of kosher salt right not too much since as you know the bacon we're going to use to wrap around these generally has a fair amount of salt in it and then once i had those lightly seasoned i went ahead and coated those with our secret sauce and if i was doing a bunch of these i would probably do this in a bowl or a plate but since this was an experiment i just went ahead and did it on the board oh in case you're wondering besides flavoring the chicken a little bit this mayo mixture is also going to moisturize the chicken and i thought it would help keep it tender and juicy which it definitely did and then once i had that chicken sufficiently slathered i went ahead and grabbed two pieces of fairly thin center-cut bacon with which to wrap each dog up once i figured out which piece was supposed to go with which piece okay i totally lost track and after being coated in that mayo mixture i wasn't sure which one was which but anyway eventually i settled down a couple pieces and i situated those to give me the most consistent and uniform thickness at which point i started wrapping with the bacon and a lot of times i'll perfect a recipe and then film it but other times like this time i will just have the camera running while i figure things out for example i started wrapping by putting the bacon between the two pieces of chicken since i thought that might help hold it in place but that is actually not a good idea because if you trap the bacon between those two pieces of meat it's not really going to cook enough in the oven and it's going to be kind of flabby and nobody and i mean nobody wants flabby bacon so as i continue down with the wrapping process that end actually came loose and i just made sure was tucked underneath which is really the only key point i need you to remember regarding the beginning of the chicken dog okay we want the beginning of the strip to be positioned directly underneath the chicken and then when we finish wrapping one piece which is going to be at the halfway point since we're using two pieces we want the end of our bacon strip positioned directly underneath that way as this bakes the weight of the chicken itself should hold our bacon in place nicely oh and the other tip is since we're not fastening this bacon with anything other than gravity we want to make sure we don't wrap it too tight okay since it will contract in the hot oven and if it's too tightly wound it can come apart just like a few chefs i've known and then once that wrestling match was over i went ahead and transferred these onto a foil lined baking sheet which i did spray lightly with some vegetable oil and that's it once i had those situated exactly how i wanted i went ahead and transferred those into the center of a 500 degree oven for about 20 minutes or so or until i thought everything was cooked through at which point they looked like this and what i was really hoping for is that my bacon would be fully rendered and nicely cooked through before the chicken inside dried out which call it beginner's luck is exactly what happened and i just went by feel here but you could if you want use a thermometer and go to at least 145. and please note when you wrap bacon around meat like this it's never going to get crisp but it does need to cook all the way through and not be flabby so at this point i was very happy with how that went so i quickly served up on a severely mayonnaised hot dog bun which as you can see is featuring some freshly sliced jalapeno rings which i thought would pair perfectly with the bacon and the chicken as well as the condiment i decided to finish these with which was a nice drizzle of barbecue sauce and that's when things got weird right this started fine although it really wasn't coming out quite as fast as i wanted so i squeezed harder at which point too much squirted out which is never not annoying especially when you have to take some contractually obligated pictures so i decided to squeeze a little more on the other side at which point i stopped coming out all together so i decided to stop and simply take a brush and spread it out so it would be a nice even smooth layer except after i finished i did not like the look of my even smooth layer so i grabbed the bottle again and of course define all logic it came out perfectly which doesn't make any sense unless you understand the true nature of the universe and then it makes a lot of sense but anyway i'm kind of sorry you had to watch that but i thought it would be cathartic if i showed it and as they say all's well that ends well and eventually i picked this up and bid in and i could not have been more thrilled with what we created it was as the name promised a bacon-wrapped chicken dog with our smoky bacon wrapping that juicy tender meat and despite being an absolute nightmare to apply that barbecue sauce ended up being the perfect condiment to pair with that mayo spread bun and those jalapeno rings it really did all just work magnificently together although having said that regular hot dog toppings like mustard or dairy i say ketchup would also work here if that sounds better to you i mean you are after all the joe dirt of what you should squirt and i know this is going to sound crazy but i really do think this is my new favorite hot dog plus i know exactly what's in this which zero people eating actual hot dogs can say oh you might think you know what's in it but you don't and you never will and my hope is after this video goes viral that like 10 years from now this will be the most common hot dog found at the ballpark if of course baseball's still a thing but anyway that's it what we're calling bacon-wrapped chicken dogs if you're looking for a deliciously different alternative to put on your next hot dog bun i really do hope you give this a try soon so please follow the links below for the ingredient amounts a printable written recipe and much more info as usual and as always enjoy [Music] curlicue sausage that's right memorial day is coming up which means the start of the picnic and cookout season and i want to show you how to spiral cut and barbecue an italian sausage that's gonna blow people's minds okay so pay attention this could make you a neighborhood legend only this time for good reasons so step one we're gonna have to parboil the sausage i'm gonna place those in a small pan with water coming about halfway up along with a big pinch of salt i'm just doing two of course you're gonna scale this up if you need to i'm gonna bring that up to a gentle simmer i'm gonna flip those over with a skewer you can use tongs i was just foreshadowing i'm gonna cover that and i'm gonna cook those for five minutes and the reason we're going to cook these a little first is because you can't really spiral slice these raw all right the knife needs something firm to slice into i mean you learned that on your first day of physics college you cannot helix a limb sausage so we're gonna cook this for five minutes at that point i'm gonna remove those from the pan let them cool down to room temperature before refrigerating them until cold by the way never put hot stuff in the fridge like i'm doing here even though it totally works and causes no problems not a good idea so let it cool down first then throw in the fridge until you're ready to use so i refrigerated those sausages until they were ice cold at that point i'm going to pull them out and we're ready to slice these up so step one we're going to need to put a skewer right down through the center of that sausage so start it carefully don't go too quick and ideally that's going to pop out directly in the center of the opposite end i'm pretty good at this i used to work for the gym rose circus but you'll get it it's not that hard and once your sausage is skewered we're ready to take a knife and start cutting all right so we're going to place that sausage flat on the board just like this we're going to start our cut about an inch from the end and all you're going to do is angle the knife slightly and just cut all the way down to the skewer you're going to turn the sausage you're going to keep cutting and all that skewer does is prevent you from cutting too far through and we're using a nice light pressure we don't want to wreck our blade be nice to use that knife for other things and you're going to keep cutting as you turn and cut and turn and cut and what will happen is a perfect spiral cut now when you get towards the end don't go too far all right you want to stop a good inch before you get to the end and then you're going to leave it right on the skewer you're going to pull it open just a hair so you got about a half inch gap in between the curls and that's the secret to forming this perfect pork helix and by the way don't worry i'm not going to do any dna jokes i mean this is not a double helix and i was going to show you again with the second sausage but then i remembered you can rewind this and watch it again okay so watch that a few times it's very very simple and then you can either head out to the grill or refrigerate that until you're ready to cook and then the only thing else i'm gonna prep here before we go out to the grill is a little bit of prepared barbecue sauce of course i'm using my wife michelle's sfq the greatest barbecue sauce in the world but anything's gonna work and you're gonna be shocked at how well it pairs and other than a pastry brush to brush it on with we are ready to head out to the grill so i'm gonna place those down on a charcoal grill this would be no different than if you were just making regular grilled italian sausage except of course it's like 100 times cooler and we're not just talking aesthetics that coiled shape is going to allow it to cook a little faster all right it's going to give us a ton more surface area i mean surface area is like crack to a chef we love surface area we got all that extra surface to get all nice and smoky and caramelized on the grill but it's also going to provide lots of extra nooks and crannies for our barbecue sauce to get into and just like anything you're going to finish with barbecue sauce on the grill it should be almost complete before you do otherwise it will just all turn black so when i estimated there was just a couple minutes of cooking time left i brushed that sauce on let it caramelize for a minute turned it over brushed on some more all right so at that point i decided i was done and it just couldn't get any more awesome looking so i pulled it off i'm gonna let those rest about 30 seconds while i dress my bun i went with a homemade basil garlic mayonnaise yes i will make that for you and then it's time to release the coil from the skewer just like that check that out if only there was some appropriate sound effect that would best capture how i'm feeling right now okay that's pretty good and above and beyond the shape that really was truly delicious if you never thought to put barbecue sauce on an italian sausage you're in for a treat works beautifully i mean people are just gonna be blown away by these and there you're gonna be beer in one hand spatula in the other your chest stuck out with pride and by chest i probably mean beer gut but still you'll stick it out with pride and you will bask in the glory that can only be produced by something as awesome as the curly q sausage so i really hope you give this a try head over to for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy [Music] homemade italian sausage that's right there's an old saying that if people knew how sausage was made they would not eat it which as far as commercially produced sausage goes is probably true since nothing and i mean this literally gets thrown away in a butcher shop but when it comes to making your own fresh sausage at home i think the opposite is true we want people to know what's in it and we want people to watch how it's done if for no other reason and help us with all this prep and cleanup and speaking of prep let's go ahead and get started by cubing up some pork shoulder which is also known as pork butt it's a long story but anyway we're going to take this boneless piece of pork shoulder and go ahead and cube it up by cutting a thick slice and then the slice gets cut into strips and then we can slice across those strips to make cubes and even though it looks like this cut has a lot of fat in it which i guess it does when it comes to sausage making this has basically the minimum amount of fat you want for a decent sausage all right believe it or not a lot of commercial sausages are like half fat and half lean meat and we could achieve that by adding some pork belly to this but we're not going to so we're only going to end up around 25 or 30 percent fat which is enough but basically the bare minimum for juicy nicely textured sausage so basically this is the diet version but anyway we'll go ahead and cube up our meat as shown at which point we'll transfer it into the fridge while we move on to make our mssp which of course stands for magical sausage seasoning paste and we'll start that by tossing some garlic cloves into this mortar along with a small portion of our salt which is going to help us grind this garlic into a paste very quickly and like i said this is just part of the salt so we want to make sure we don't forget to add the rest later but anyway we'll go ahead and crush that into a paste at which point we'll stop and add our fennel seeds our anise seeds and a whole bunch of freshly ground black pepper and we'll go ahead and take our pestle and give this a very brief bruising okay we're not really crushing this or grinding it down to a paste we just want to bruise it for about 10 or 15 seconds which is going to bring out a little more of the flavor oh speaking of which you get extra credit if you toast your fennel seeds first and i will briefly discuss that in the blog post and then what we'll do once that set is add some hot pepper flakes and some cayenne if we're doing a spicy version or if you're doing a sweet version as they call it don't put it in and then besides the hot pepper we will also add some dry oregano and some dry marjoram as well as a little touch of coriander and some ground mustard and a little touch of allspice then we'll finish up with an optional spoon of sugar as well as a splash of water and that's going to be it for our mssp all we'll need to do is give that a mix and it will be ready to add to our meat and just in case it's not obvious the whole advantage of making your own sausage is that you get to season this any way you want so please feel free to adjust this to your own taste but regardless of what you use once that's done we'll go ahead and add it to our pork cubes and thoroughly mix that in using your bare hands and even though i'm going to severely edit this down to just a few seconds you really do want to make sure you take your time and mix that thoroughly and then theoretically as soon as this is mixed we could grind it but we're not going to for best results we want to let this sit in the fridge overnight not only so it's really cold when we grind it but also to give it enough time so that all those flavors really permeate the meat and then you remember a few minutes ago when i said we shouldn't forget to put in the rest of the salt well we forgot so we will go ahead and dump the rest of that in and we'll give it a mix and then like i was saying we will pop this in the fridge overnight or longer if you want some people do it for a couple days and if everything goes according to plan when you pull it out the next day it should look a little something like this at this point we are now ready to grind this in the sausage which i'll be doing with the relatively inexpensive and almost effective grinding attachment for the stand mixer and we'll go ahead and feed that still very cold meat in and by the way this comes with a white plastic plunger that you're supposed to use to push it down not your fingers so please be safe luckily i have short stubby fingers so i can't really get in trouble here but yours might be longer so be careful but anyway we're going to go ahead and grind that on the slowest speed which is why this is going to take you a few minutes and also the cheap blade i'm using is not really that sharp but having said that it does work and a few minutes later i had a nice bowl of coarsely ground sausage meat and basically that's it we just made italian sausage and you can certainly form this into patties and fry it up and eat it as is but i will be pressing on and showing you how i stuff mine in the casing only because it was so comical as you will see and speaking of caseins we need to soak those in water according to directions until they're nice and soft and ready to use and then once that's soaked we can go ahead and place that on our sausage stuffing tube attachment which i'm assuming has a shorter more accurate name but anyway we'll go ahead and push that casing on that tube until we get to the end and we'll start feeding our sausage mixture in and again do not use your fingers like i am use the plunger that comes with the attachment and as you start this please brace yourself because that sausage is going to come shooting out the other end check it out so by shooting out i meant about an eighth of an inch every two minutes and no i do not think it's supposed to take this long about three things here one is that i'm on the slowest setting and two i'm not pushing that me through very aggressively but third and most importantly i think i had my casing pushed way too far up that tube so i think it was basically stuck and preventing the meat from flowing in so basically this operation had become an i love lucy episode and you can ask your grandparents about their reference they got it and by the way since i am going through this part of the process fairly quickly using all the worst practices i will try to add a few links in the blog post to a couple videos that actually show you how to do this for real but i guess it is good to know that even using this total amateur setup and my questionable techniques the final product actually came out amazingly well as i spoiled the ending but anyway eventually that loosened up and i sort of figured things out and a few minutes later all my meat was gone and my casing was filled we'll go ahead and tie a knot in that end to finish it off and that's it we're the proud owner of one of those beautiful italian sausage coils just like you saw in sopranos that time i believe it was the episode where that guy got shot anyway once our casey has been fully filled we will move on to creating links and we'll do that using the old pinch and twist so simply squeeze your fingers together to push the meat out of the way and then give it like three or four twists and we'll simply continue on until all our links are formed oh and i should mention you don't have to do the links you could just keep it coiled up and grill like that which i have to admit really does look cool on the grill but anyway you decide i mean you guys are after all the kernel clinks of twisting links and by the way if possible i like to finish at whatever end i think has the most access casing and that is pretty much it for the linkification stage and then what we'll do next is transfer these onto some kind of rack set over a sheet pan since we are not even close to being able to eat these yet because for the best results i think we should pop these in the fridge for a full day so that they have time to sort of dry out a little bit and ideally we would hang these but there's no room in your fridge to hang sausage and if there is you really need to buy more food so i pop those in the fridge uncovered for about 24 hours at which point they look like this and finally these are ready to separate and eat although we really should cook them first so i went ahead and separated those and transferred them onto this platter to take a few pictures but then shortly thereafter i headed outside to grill a few up and while these are excellent pan fried or cooked in the sauce or both i would say that grilling over charcoal is my favorite cookie method and as long as you can avoid a giant raging grease fire i think that's going to produce the best flavor so i went ahead and grilled up two which for me is one portion and then promptly stuck that in some nice crusty bread where along with some peppers and onions it creates one of the greatest sandwiches known to man and despite what i thought was a disastrous stuffing stage this sausage really did turn out amazingly well both taste wise and texturally which was kind of surprising because i think that meat did get overworked in the machine but the final product really had no ill effects and the flavor while subjective to me was the epitome of a classic spicy italian sausage and these actually came out so good i forgot how much time and effort went into them until i edited this video then i remembered so if you have like three or four days to kill and a stand mixer with all the attachments and you've always wanted for the first time in your life to eat sausage knowing exactly what's in it i really do hope you give this a try soon so head over to for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy [Music] old-fashioned split top hot dog buns that's right you know how your grandparents are always saying how everything was better back in their day this is one of the things they're talking about so i thought i would post this and show you the almost lost art of the split top roll and in addition to tasting better this style of bun has some huge technological advantages and you're about to see why so step one we're going to need some hot dog bundo and the recipe we're going to use is very similar to our hamburger bundo in fact it's so similar it's the exact recipe so you're going to see links to follow back to that video to check this out in detail but real briefly let me show you what goes into this it's a pretty standard roller bundo we got your dry active yeast a little bit of flour and some warm water and we'll mix that up and let that sit for about 10 or 15 minutes before adding the rest of the ingredients which includes one egg some melted butter some sugar and some salt and of course flour and then we're just gonna knead that with our dough hook until a nice soft supple slightly sticky dough forms and again this is literally footage from our hamburger bundo recipe so go check that out to get the nice slow detailed version and when that nice soft supple dough ball forms we're gonna go ahead and put that in a lightly oiled bowl cover it and let that rise for two hours or until doubled and as you know i like to let mine rise in a turned off oven and a couple hours later my dough looked like this and at that point we'll go ahead and deflate this we'll transfer that onto a well-flowered surface we'll of course also flour our hands well and what we want to do is press that down like i said we want to deflate that totally press all that air out and at the same time i'm kind of making a rectangular shape and that's only to make it a little easier to portion these up so i like to kind of square it off a little bit we'll dust the top with flour i'll cut that in half and then each of those halves i'll cut in four and for me that's an easy way to get fairly even sized pieces of dough and then once our dough has been cut up in eight pieces we're going to go ahead and form these and all that means is take one of these pieces of dough and kind of tilt it up on the skinny end so that cut sides kind of facing up see that and i'm just going to go ahead and press it down like that and just give it a quick shaping remotely resembling a hot dog bun i guess we're basically just trying to even out that dough and end up with something about five or six inches long and by the way we're going to slice these tops again so don't worry if one of the end pieces doesn't have a seam or you can't find the seam we're going to make a seam and then once we've gone through and given those a preliminary shaping we will transfer those onto a silpat line baking sheet again if we can with the seam side up and then very important you want to space these about a quarter inch apart and you'll see why very shortly it's one of the keys to this technique so we're going to line those up and i should mention especially if your kitchen's warm these are going to start rising again pretty quickly so don't be surprised if you turn around and they're already touching each other and then once we have those nicely lined up on the pan and spaced properly we will take a sharp knife and we will make a nice incision down the center about an eighth of an inch deep all right right through the center of that existing seam this first one was an np so it didn't really have a seam but it doesn't matter we'll slice through anyway and then we'll continue slashing right down the center just like that not too deep and then before we let these rise again before baking we're going to go ahead and paint them with melted butter all right this is another key step after these rise together and bait together we have to be able to separate them so make sure you're not only getting that butter all over the tops and sides but make sure you're brushing it between the buns and once those buns have been buttered beautifully we're going to go ahead and let those rise for about 45 minutes again i like to do mine inside a turned off oven and you don't need to cover them and we're going to let those rise for about 45 minutes or until they look like this so i'm not sure if that's quite doubled in size probably more like one and a half times but when they look like this you are ready to preheat your oven and bake so let's go ahead and heat our oven to 375 and as we wait for that to come up to temperature you can see why that spacing was so important on these rolls you see they've risen and grown together and this way when they bake we're going to be able to pull those apart and they're going to have relatively straight sides and i should add at this point this needs nothing else on top no poppy seeds no sesame seeds no egg wash that butter we brushed on is all we need but anyway we're going to wait for our oven to come up to temperature and then we're gonna go ahead and pop these in the center of our 375 degree oven for about 20 to 25 minutes or until beautifully golden brown and looking something remarkably similar to this as much as i'd love to stand around admiring these we have one very important step to do i want you to brush them thoroughly with melted butter again yes again and not only does extra butter have a proven track record for tasting good this is also going to give that little bit of crust that formed on the dough a beautiful soft supple texture which is really what you want for a hot dog bun so we're going to brush on our butter and that's pretty much it as soon as these cool down completely you can pull them apart and start sticking hot dogs in them now of course i'm not going to wait for demonstration purposes i'm going to pull one apart here and because we painted that with butter it pulls apart just that easy and if you've not tried our hamburger bun recipe and had this dough yet you are in for a treat super lightenery yeah it holds up perfectly to even the most intimidating hot dogs and burgers but anyway let these cool down completely before you tear them apart and then let me show you why these are a magical experience and it all has to do with those flat sides that are formed when you pull these rolls apart so what we're going to do is we're going to take our serrated knife and cut straight down the top two thirds of the way down all right halfway is not enough three quarters is too much and after our rolls are cut we're gonna toast the sides in a little bit of butter and it's this step right here that truly turns this into an other worldly experience so we're gonna toast those cut edges in a little bit of butter on medium heat just a minute or two per side i do also like to toast the bottom a little and once those sides are toasted it's time to spread open that bun and insert wiener into what's now a perfectly steamy warm center and that right there my friends is a masterpiece in american hot dog technology i mean come on crispy buttery roll with that soft airy center that's just the perfect cradle for your hot dog baby and really the only thing missing here is a little bit of mustard some good old-fashioned yellow mustard right from the squeeze bottle and by the way this is the preferred chef john way to eat hot dogs mustard only but you do your thing i don't judge i even love you freaks of nature that put on ketchup it's okay it's not your fault i blame your parents but anyway that's it old-fashioned pull apart split top hot dog buns it literally does not get any better than that it's just a truly amazing technique and just think of all the years you've been eating a hot dog in a side split bun like a savage this is just so much better so anyway because of all those things i just said i really really hope you give these a try head over to for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy [Music] you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 100,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: summer recipes, grilling recipes, hot dog recipes, coney island hot dogs, coney sauce recipe, sausage recipes, homemade sausage recipe, chicken dogs, bacon wrapped, barbecue, bbq, grilling, grilled, hot dog bun recipe, spiral cut sausage, homemade italian sausage, grilling ideas, hot dog ideas, bbq ideas, summer cooking ideas, 4th of july, july 4th, memorial day, labor day, cookout, picnic, nathan's, frankfurter, weiner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 3sec (2343 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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