Chef vs Normals: GROCERY SHOP CHALLENGE | 3 Meals, 2 Portions, 1 Bag, 0 Waste

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now yesterday I gave the boys a grocery shop Challenge and they created three different dishes two portions of each from those same ingredients it was a pretty impressive effort you can check it out here but today I'm going to show you what the food team here at sorted would have done with exactly the same restrictions and ingredients I.E add in a few more tips and tricks and hacks I wonder if you're going to be able to beat what we did I'm going to be honest you did a great job we nailed it can he be more efficient let's see I'm to start with bacon chili and broccoli pasta right right okay and it begins by using half of the smoked Panetta into a initially cold pan and then over a medium heat to render out the fat I'm also going to put the kettle on to boil some water because the bag had some lovely ingredients in it but it didn't have any Staples so I'm going to use for this one pasta the cost of this particular grocery shop challenge was less than £20 and it included did these dry ingredients it's just we didn't give them to you so you had free reign of which ones to use I love watching him cook these recipes but I hate the Swagger you'll notice he solders over the back I'm just going to go over here check this out some pasta bring that over and you won't believe this this was already costed in from a reputable Supermarket that has the ever guarantee unlike you Jay I'm not going to guess the weight of the pastor cuz I don't want to accidentally end up with too much or too little 200 g into a pan a generous pinch of salt and then the boiled Kettle goes over the top give it one stir and it will take about 8 minutes the key to cooking at home is where can you shave time and get different sort of processes to overlap so while the kettle was boiling we start on The Panetta now it's in the pan already weighed out in the pan and now the petta is starting to sizzle we can move on to the next step the broccoli I think that's one of my favorite phrases in cooking the sauce takes as long as the pasta takes to cook that is you know it's going to be a 10minute recipe it's great so what I'm going to do is take all of the green fettes off of our broccoli G leaving plenty of broccoli for tomorrow broccoli broccoli I'm going to chop the broccoli roughly on the board and I'm also going to chop up half of the packet of parsley broccoli pasta is a classic traditional Italian Dish and basically the broccoli Cooks down relatively small so that it almost becomes the sauce now parsley in those small packets the supermarket if we are going to use them yes while sometimes we use them just as a garnish we want to use enough of it so you can taste that garnish or enough of it so that it goes into something and becomes part of the dish and remember all of these recipes really are there as complete meals to spread across multiple days but they also form the basis of inspiration and you can add your own twist to it if if you wanted to add spinach into the page as you did it would also work or rocket would add a flavor and the green there's lots of different things you can do to twist up at home but these recipes as planned by the food team are already balanced every broccoli is slightly different but basically you want half for today and half for tomorrow so all the stalk and whatever's left that can be cing filmed and put in the fridge for tomorrow all the rest of the broccoli goes in with the Panetta oh along with all of the parsley along with all of the if you haven't got a slotted spoon or something like this do it through a SI or a cander but you will want to save some of that pasta water because a little bit now and a little bit later will really help the dish the broccoli has gone in raw but it's also been shaved and all those little florettes take moments to cook they get buried in hot pasta and literally just for another couple of minutes and that broccoli will be cooked but it will still be lovely and green and nutritious and then into that pan we add our last three ingredients lemon cream cheese cheese and chili flakes right sorry that is the that is exactly the carbonara and the broccoli soup together together where the other two dishes half of it going in today half of it will go in tomorrow if at any point it gets a little bit dry you can add in a bit more of that pasta water you can see already we're almost there in with lemon zest and at the moment we've got the fattiness of Panetta and the creaminess of cream cheese so lemon juice helps another really simple top tip you don't want those Pips in there so just squeeze it through the microplane and what you save is all of the Pips on the microplan which is already dirty from the zest just super super easy Saucy and delicious thank you seasoned because the pasta water was seasoned which we've been adding in plus what all B pasta we finish it with a little sprinkle that a teaspoon of chili flakes and we have our first dish done wash up one pan while it's still nice and hot makes life easy and you're left with very very little washing up so a chili Panetta and broccoli pasta sorted oh so I going back in time yeah well that needs a bit of Parmesan now I get some that was one done what's number two number two broccoli soup with garlic and olive bread the difference been we're going to use all of the stalks so what we end up with is car okay so first things first I'm going to boil a kettle and preheat an oven and then I'm going to use some butter so this is about layering up flavor bit by bit in a pan because otherwise it's just broccoli soup instead I'm going to add 40 G of butter into a pan and heat it up gently but then let it go Nutty Nutty Brown Mike's going to feel so silly isn't it it really is and while that butter is melting in a pan I'm just going to grate five cloves of garlic so lots of garlic it's the swag oh new levels of swagger in this yeah oh flippity flop the difference is B sh you also served it on its own what I'm adding here is a garlic and olive bread don't take this away from us we worked hard for this not dissimilar to your dish I'm splitting The Parsley across three different applications three different dishes what I'm not doing is just throwing it on at the end of each one but combining it here into what will become our garlic bread and last time it was blended into the soup to get all the flavor so it's all eaten and consumed I'm also going to take some olives about a third of this jar and chop those up too all while we're waiting for our Kettle to boil our oven to preheat and our butter to go a Nutty golden brown so our olives get nicely chopped up and then about 2/3 of our garlic while the other third that we've prepped goes into our brown butter and look at the color on that that's what you want something that's just starting to go that nice Nutty Brown color and we're layering flavor adding in the garlic you guys put a little bit of panchetta fat through yours which obviously meant it was no longer a vegetarian dish and chicken stock fine but this way with a Nutty Brown butter we add in flavor in a different way now we can take all of the broccoli that was chopped up yesterday and add it into the pan plus most importantly all the bits you threw away baz become the bulk of today's dish roughly chop it doesn't have to be regular we are going to blend this soup later and you're going to use as much as you possibly can but the very bottom bit where it's been cut off for a while will be tough but this is all about food waste we talk about psychic using fresh ingredients up across multiple dishes well don't throw anything away if you can help it it's a whole meal from something that we throw away which is amazing going to add in 300 mil of water give or take and then all of that broccoli store and that just bubbles away and because the brown butter and the garlic we don't need stock Cube interesting get more of Dimension out of the butter yeah yeah now meanwhile what I have left is more garlic parsley and Olive so all we want to do is take another chunk of butter 30 G and on the same board which is already dirty just kind of mush it all up we're making a garlic butter with the olives and the parsley and the rest of that butter now I'm working with fridge cold butter here as I'm sure many of you will be but the moment you've chopped up like that you can just go in with a back of a spoon or a spatula and just smoos it a bit more it's unsalted butter so I would always add more salt except for in this instance we've got the olives from the Staples cupboard we're going to go with bread now this actually is a fresh bread so I guess it classes as a fresh ingredient we would buy but it's why in this pack we've combined all of these prices of both the staple and the fresh ingredients into one pack and it's still less than 20 quid the important thing here is balance because this is a vegetarian dish some people say so where's the protein well it it's there especially with something like cheata it's full of gluten that's what makes it such a a lovely chewy loaf what is gluten protein so actually we plugged all of these ingredients for this dish into a nutrition calculator and this dish a portion of this gives eers 45% of his recommended nutrition intake for protein gives eers based on my weight right I because the recommended nutrition intake is based on your weight it does raise an interesting question CU a lot of people ask why we don't put nutritional information for the recipes in the psychic app and there are a couple of reasons for that one it's very difficult to measure nutrition reliably because everyone does things slightly different ingredients from different places around the world will be different your tuata will be different to our tub however it's easy enough for you to plug it in mhm and make that cool whilst we don't put it on the app and some people actually prefer not to see nutritional intake when they're choosing their meals actually what we do is make sure there is balance throughout so we plug in a handful of them when we do it to make sure that we're providing that balance as per recommended nutritional intake in the UK guidelines with the eat well guide our soup is bubbling away our garlic and olive bread is going to go into our preheated oven both will take another 6 or 8 minutes before we can move on nice lovely in the meantime I I could get on with some washing up but oh look there isn't any but look there isn't it so after about 8 minutes of passive time our garlic bread golden crispy the butter and the Olive and the parsley have all combined and our soup has reduced down now adding the other half half of the cream cheese that you didn't use yesterday and that's adding the creaminess to a soup that otherwise is loads of greatness this is so similar to ours just a little bit Yeah elevated Chef swag swaged swagged it's same as ours with a swager nice two more dishes Nutty Brown garlic broccoli soup with cream cheese and then an olive and parsley garlic bread sorted swagers is in town me it is third dish not a lot left but a lot of flavor and a lot of flavor bombs so we're going to do a Pesco pea oo okay rice absorption method with all the flavors of the classic Italian Dish so we're going to start with medium heat on a pan the other half of the smoked pan chett we didn't use plus the anies oh no yeah I'm going to derod really yeah I was really enjoying this no no no so was I but I don't like pajamas isn't it it's very comfy so all of the anies go in the pan with the oil in the meantime we can slice garlic chop the rest of the olives a few Capers and put a kettle on to boil now the thing to watch for in this recipe is it can be very salty because your olives your Capers your Panetta and your anees are very salty but it's a classic Italian Dish and a little bit goes an awful long way so we have got just a handful of each of these ingredients and N that's two portions and it all gets absorbed into that Rice so why rice and not pasta for this then so every time when we plan recipe packs we try and provide variety and you've already had a pasta dish in this week's pack so why not take inspiration from another one but completely turn it on its head that is the thing about psychic it does the thinking for you if you Outsource it if you regularly cook from Psychic one or two recipe packs a week you will get for variety menu diversity you'll be exposed to new ingredients you might not normally try but give them a go and you'll get that balance of nutrition if you're not as comfortable with a knife to get really thin slices of garlic then do what we did in the other recipe great it okay you'll notice what I've also done is chosen to cook this in a pan that we have a lid for cuz later on it's going to be absorption method for the rice so that is key pretty much once you've prepped your ingredients and your kettle's boiled and you can see all the fat has rendered out of The Panetta and some of those anees are almost disappearing and mushing down into a paste then we can go in with everything on the board plus 2 tbsp of tomato puree so very similar to all the flavors that you put on bread very similar I'm just going to put in and around rice yeah one top tip if you're cooking with tomato paste cook it till you think it's done give it another 30 seconds cuz what you want is a really sticky Rich color out of it and it's all to go sticky and dark and gnarly almost raw tomato paste has like an acidity to it that is fine but it's incredibly strong and overpowering once you reduce it down it just mixes with all the other flavors better so you get a more rounded experience you do need to get the measurements here correct 150 g of Basmati and then run it in a Sie under cold water we still don't have cold running water in this studio so I'm going to do this you'll get a similar kind of vibe this will end up with something fluffier cuz you're getting rid of a lot of the gluey starch you can see how milky that water's gone rice goes in along with 320 mil of water from the kettle and literally just put it straight back on the scales tear it and weigh it in 320 give it a stir as soon as that's come back up to a boil over the heat lid on leave it for 12 minutes in those 12 minutes if there was any washing up you could do it there isn't and you chop some parsley the last third of the parsley that you're not using this is a beautiful one pot dish there's a eff lless set a timer for 12 minutes oh okay well that's built into the act just push the [Music] button after the lotted time lift the lid and have a check you can see all the rice is absorb the rest of the liquid you should almost want to hear it's sizzling in the bottom of the pan cuz the water's now evaporated off if you give it a shimmy it should just be loose enough but basically it will be fluffy test the grain of rice if you want finish it with a scattering of fresh past lastly and that is our Putin Esco brazed rice dish sorted brilliant well done let's getting into the [Music] sexis not a million miles away from where you guys started but each dish uses eight ingredients or less and if you put them all together there's a handful of staple ingredients can go back in the cupboard like chili flakes and capers and tomato paste but otherwise any fresh ingredients is broccoli lemon and parsley let's get stuck in cheers oh there's a spise the chili in that chili and lemon yeah which are the same ingredients you used it just has yed broccoli going through it's more balanced it's more refined it's more sophisticated it's the alente broccoli yeah it's beautiful broccoli in this one less ente is it funny you put the same amount of cream as we did in ours but it feels creamy up because the the ratio is completely different it feel very luxurious and that's also because of the stalk with the broccoli which has even more of the pectin in it yeah so it gives you that wonderful kind of creaminess when you blend it a loaded garlic bread wow absorption method should be fluffy cheers cheers and mostly store covered flavor bombs anies olives papers I think we did a good job did a good job but when something's been refined and you've got a chef to bring the swag that's what this has I think the difference is forget the swag I think the difference is it's been tried and tested rather than improvised which is what you guys do simple ingredients thrown together for three very different meals top work well done and to the food te oh yeah three stoning dishes the question is which one do you want to tuck into yeah that yeah
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 422,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sortedfood battle, sorted food, sortedfood ultimate battle, ultimate battle, cooking battle, midweek meal, cooking challenge, recipe challenge, food challenge, feed 4 for £10, budget meals, how to cook, how to, budget challenge, family meals, taste test, easy recipes, grocery tips, sortedfood meal packs, budget battle sortedfood, £10 midweek meal, sortedfood sidekick, grocery shop, grocery shop challenge sorted, grocery shop challenge
Id: lFHCEepHfoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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