Checking the new Splits-Building a Beekeeping Business from 6 hives.

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so in the last video five weeks ago I was splitting those six highs into these highs right here the other six highs were still in the original yard ended up that I turned those six into 20 hives so now today five weeks later I'm going through and I'm adding boxes to all of these now some of these were absolutely bursting if you remember these are double these are double nuke boxes so there's two hives in all of those except for the ones where the queen didn't come back and so I just pulled the divider out and let them be one big one but I still put the doubles on top because that's the equipment I have and this half here if you remember was the one that was eating me up um I could not find a queen in it but it had they had Queen cells on each side and now they each have a lane Queen so their emergency cells worked out but they're not strong enough for their second box but I'm gonna take you guys through this last box with me and hopefully it'll go better than the last time I took you guys to the last book this is what I was feeding them with everything's kind of rigged here they've got holes on top and I flip them over top when they didn't need them anymore because they're on a flow I just flipped them over I need to get those tent plugs and drill these holes the right size for 10 plugs so I'm gonna go to this side first oops go this way this is a heavy frame they've been making quite a bit of honey for little tiny hives um they only got one quart of feed five weeks ago they've got this box filled out so she's got this all full of eggs the other side here is still empty they're still drawing that out foreign right there I got this all full of bee bread no this had to have full of beer bread and uh larvae we got this side awful brood this side's full of eggs this is one of the ones where it's not loaded up some of them have five frames of cat Brew like the queen was out of room this one's got very little cat brood some of them took longer to get in their stride this one's completely full of bee bread absolutely packed look at all those colors in there besides a little brighter look at all those colors absolutely gorgeous foreign it's so tight when I try to pushing it in there just rolls a bunch of bees [Music] I'll add a second box but so I can keep sitting here all right let's see what we got over here these ain't near as hot as they were before I Rec for I uh got these new queens that I made thank you they're so hot full of nectar both sides full of Honey nectar Foundation has popped out Queen is on this Frame where I was pushed on the foundation but let's get that all full of eggs Queens down in here this foundation's all popped out too this is some of the frames that came with it I don't know with those six hives that I bought well this one yeah I looked at this one earlier I remember I need to wait until I don't have bees on it but they got a bunch of resources on it so I'll let them have it for now pretty nice pattern cups are empty honey bunch of beer bread then eggs in the middle and some milk bread and she's got a pretty decent uh pattern here a couple of the Queens had absolute breaks pretty awesome and it would seem that water would get down in these gaps now that you're concerned about that at first but they've kind of got their you know propolis along there and you can push it together you can feel it stick and I've only seen one Hive that had some water in it what I need to do is drill a hole in the back of each side so no matter which way it's tilted it'll for sure drain out I don't know why I put all that back together I got to put the doubles on for the next box on them either those boxes I made from scrap made 75 of these now so today is Friday Sunday I'm gonna make some more uh grab some more coins and I'll be doing my first round or my second round of split into well a week and a half it'll only probably be I still have those six highs the original highs and they are absolutely loaded so I can get at least one split a piece from those and then probably about 10 of these I can take a split out of or take a frame or two of brood out of so I'm hoping to make another you know 12 15 splits and then in a couple more weeks I'll be able to do it again but we'll see where it gets us this is Sunday and I'm here at the hive that I was making the graphing the Queens from it's a hive that I got from a friend of mine because it's got gentle bees and I want to get those gentle genetics into my bees so I said I'm going to come up here and I'm going to graft a few make like 10 splits but I can't graph because it flipping swarmed on me so like three weeks ago I pulled out well actually five weeks ago when I made the other splits pulled out some brood from this one put it in that nuke box and made a backup split I actually made a couple of them but the one was no good so I made a backup split and really you know dropped knocked that Hive back gave it plenty of room and I didn't check it and I should have been checking it and now it's swarmed and it's a friend of mines and he was still wanting to make honey off of this Hive so I feel pretty bad about that and they do have a new Gorgeous Lane Queen in there they have hardly any brood and a fraction of the bees like they were bearding like crazy before it was a very strong Hive and they were up in the honey super they did make you know there's probably 20 pounds of uh nectar up in there but with the amount of bees and on our honey flow they should have had that packed out that was my first giveaway and they only have eggs and maybe they don't have any capped brood well they might now but they didn't um on Friday when I came up here and checked so I will not be grafting coins today because I don't have the nurse bees in my cell Builders here to sufficiently graft Queens from or to raise the graphs so now I'm gonna do something that I've never done before now these beads are gentle as you can see I'm standing here without any protection on but I've never went into a beehive without gloves on that's something I've been wanting to do and so I'm needing to put this split into a box I'm gonna put it right behind it and I'm gonna attempt to do it without gloves on now broccoli was just in case got the smoker going um just for moving this one little hive but I'm nervous like I'm pounding but I won't get any confidence if I don't ever do it I'm giving them a box full of Comb because I actually have some comb from the from my dead out colonies last year that you know how it talks about being a big havers of a beekeeper um and as you also notice I'm still wearing this full suit because uh I'll take it one step at a time I don't know this will help but makes me feel better maybe it covers my scared pheromones thank you look at that choose a brick layer both sides all right lots of brood packed full of brood so far so good I don't know why it's just a bee sting if they sting me but like my heart is pounding but I like that so much better before I got gloves so clumsy so I'm gonna keep doing it not in my other colonies yet they're still a little hot and I don't want to lose my confidence so I'm gonna keep doing it when I work these and once mothers get more calm down the next thing is is working without this suit because in the summer it's blazing hot you don't need a jacket yet in the middle of the summer so The Next Step will be is trying to work without this and to realize that it'd be saying is just a bee sting like they're not that bad but I knew you know when you're a kid you know you're always scared of bees and now it's just but you know the more I do it the more confidence I'll get and I also want to mention I am absolutely blown away by my last video I put it up and in nine days got like 20 something views then boom overnight um I got or like in a day I got like 4 000 views and 250 subscribers and tons of amazing comments you guys are awesome I I am blown away I appreciate all the support follow along you guys are awesome I love you guys God bless you I'll see you next time
Channel: Jared Beekeeping
Views: 4,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RLUTfvSp3gQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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