Cheating In WoW PvP Is Getting Out Of Control

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look at his alt name dude this guy's name is malware spoofing malware root exploit packets hacker malware malware virus and this is the guy that's botting so apparently super made a video of showing cheaters should we look at it ramp and cheating insane Bots all right super good morning good afternoon and good evening everybody thank for tuning another Super video and Wow's got a problem boding is rampant I have seen a couple of tweets popping up showing a bot particularly on say was iner and says something is seriously wrong with the anti-che system and wow we CH people like this daily with thousands of games played playing for months without getting banned even when reported with such clear evidence nothing happens it's no wonder if blizzard can't detect kick Bots that's sketchy bro on this map black fro cold and I got to experience it myself for the first time I had my suspicions with this Demon Hunter from the lobby earlier and this map really enabled me to prove it now you'll see this demon onun her he'll try and run through the gate he will use all of his abilities while trying to run through the gate trying to prevenge full immune CC but if somebody comes in his line of sight it will pull him into the room so I thought it was really suspicious at first with him running into the wall wasting a bunch of his spells um but then when somebody moved in his line it kind of snapped to him and then followed him and you can see that this Demon Hunter so just one of the reasons why this video is particularly interesting to me is because I was just in a lobby with a bot Demon Hunter and and while I was in that lobby with a bot Demon Hunter absterge messages me and says man my first solo Shuffle K of the day I have a bot Demon Hunter like dude is doing his full rotation Max burst so we're going to Port back into the room and then see what happens and what initially happens is the Demon Hunter will just snap to the next closest thing available to it so we're just going to run away from the Demon Hunter it's a little less obvious in this round this round was really developing my suspicions and I wanted to come up with a way to try and figure out if he actually was which I was able to in some of the future rounds but as this first round played through I'm just trying to crowd control the Demon Hunter and trying to get away from him we punt him out of the room and then we go into the corner here and I'm thinking you know he kind of got stuck on the wall the last time he wanted to hit me so maybe this is like a safe Zone maybe the bot's not programmed adequately to be able to figure out how to get into that area of the room and we're able to isolate the hunter enough to actually get a win against the robot which was really surprising the robot literally Optimus Prime dude this bot is is like sophisticated but also kind of dumb so this after this first round we had we had to play with them I don't think it was they always do the same [ __ ] too where they like run into the corner at the beginning of the game it's obvious with this one when we were playing with the Demon Hunter because they weren't uh my teammates weren't utilizing that Strat as much but because somebody was always in his line of sight the fist Weaver has to come into melee range his bot wasn't getting interrupted or disrupted um by the flow of the game at all like previously with me being a warlock being able to go around the corner and hide behind the wall actually don't even remember but you can see this bot is playing at about like I think I was 2450 MMR and it's doing 120k DPS so I don't know how the technology is advancing so far to this point I mean previously Bing had been pretty much exclusive to like afking in Battlegrounds or maybe clicking profession nodes out in the world or something like that but it's getting to the point now where it can do double the damage of 2450 rated players which is to be fair that's not double the dam like any Demon Hunter that has a face and a keyboard can do 120k DPS like and I'm just being honest that's not even rude but we actually have seen like you know Bots be relatively sophisticated with like Ellie shamans and stuff like that pumping like absolutely ludicrous numbers it's pretty high right now um given deflation so yeah this bot this bot needs to be I've seen it a lot it seems particularly to be demon hunters and Rogues and the only way to really prove it is with this map black rold and this gate that's in front of me at the there actually uh there's a really good way to prove botting and I saw it in uh th's stream yesterday um you get a global tracker so what it's really really insane actually one of the ways the easiest ways to attack when someone's botting is you get the thing that shows you everyone's Glo like they're globals and you'll you can um you you can see how precise and perfect their globals are over if you're suspicious of somebody Bing you see like a [ __ ] Outlaw Rogue or a Demon Hunter and you are tracking their globals and you look at it it's really easy to tell when somebody's cheating compared to like a regular player because every other map there doesn't seem like it has any sort of clipping issues if you find one make sure to let me know because we need ways to be able to detect this type of stuff we definitely want to be able to report it so this round uh I told my teammates like this guy's bing watch this I think so I went in front of this gate and we wait for the Demon Hunter I put down my port maybe somebody ran his line of side apparently this bot can also see stealth without using the Demon Hunter ability it can just see stealth regardless so I told everybody to come into the corner here and we're going to watch how does he go from doing double everyone's damage to running into the wall cluelessly doing his rotation while not being able to attack anything and wasting all of his abilities like this as you can see this is pretty apparently a bot okay he doesn't go from just Shadow melding mortal coil in melee range with a inhuman reaction time to like the problem the problem is this stuff needs to be banned immediately like I I don't know if this guy is his character still active cuz like this [ __ ] this guy should be gone instantaneously Ben Retreat immun any single ability I've ever casted to trying to run through an object and do his damage rotation into a wall he's not wait he's not banned that's so insane like what just not something a player is going to do so you can try and tell me I'm salty it's like maybe he just outplayed me you know he just got a good Shadow melder maybe a little bit lucky no no no no no no no that is not what is going on in this game and that is not is what is going on with some of these classes that people are starting to abuse so now you can see the Demon Hunter got aggroed it's almost like a Starcraft AI you remember how like Starcraft you can use like Siege tanks and like get mobs to path up and down in a way and stuff like that you could you could beat like multiple really difficult computers using Siege tanks to trick their pathing now that he's not stuck outside the wall though we're all dead so we're a bit we're a bit terrified uh now that the game has started so we're trying to spam Crow control the Demon Hunter spam fearing him trying to take him out of the game as much as possible U until we can create some more pressure also they will just automatically use darkness when someone gets to 50% health I noticed that consistently if someone on their team gets to 50% Health they drop Darkness but here let's get them stuck on the wall look at me I'm I'm literally one attack from Death you can't get me oh but then Hunter put shoot through the wall and I'm like oh God he actually might be able to get me through this is so disgusting man you see it once and it's dumb you see it twice it's dumb but like just over and over it's so sad man it's so sad how is this possible man there's like they're running rampit with elemental shaman and now there's everything's a bot oh no the wall I don't know but you can tell it's a bot man like he's not going to make those insane plays and then not know how to get around the corner to be able to finish me at 10% I'm sorry you're not going to convince me that you know he's you know consistently just not able to figure that out in this situation I don't think you're going to win me on that argument right now I don't think you're going to win me but if I haven't won you at this point then we're going to have to see how much more of this Shenanigans continues to the rest of this Shuffle so we've got him on my team again and this time we don't got the fist Weaver you know for him to be able to attack that's always going to be close what I thought was crazy is that the demon AR can get on a mount it can kind of like run around randomly in the room and make it look like he's a player but he won't type that's that's another thing is that when I type a message he won't type um I wonder why I wonder why they should have like programmed bot responses you know it's like that Demon Hunter is a cheater what no I know cheat beep it makes it look do like do do not cheat really natural like I was I was actually terrified it was almost like the Terminator with with how he was able to blend in uh with other players which is why I initially like maybe I'm just salty maybe just got a lucky Shadow Mel you know maybe just made a good play in this position but then after we saw him clipping into the wall it's like there is no way man there's absolutely no way so we have full dots onto the whole team we're just trying to keep the demon hun on whatever it is that this thing is programmed to attack which apparently is one of the hunters at least at this time but our fist Weaver monk is really struggling in order to get to the hunter uh and starts going down a bit here but we're just keeping dots on three targets trying to do maximum damage trying to keep pressure um you know what's fun is I don't even think we win this round with a Demon Hunter but I'm I'm kind of happy that we didn't because I don't want this guy get any any more wins than he's already getting yeah bro I I like when I play with the bot I like winning with the bot like if I'm going to lose to the bot I want to win with the bot it annoys me if I you know like I wish the lobby was just like a wash because the bot doesn't care it's just going to queue up again but for me I want my rating I mean he's like 2450 CR um using this so we're just draining down the hunter with soul soul swapping dots around mm hunter gets really good positioning here where I can't really get in his line and he just one Taps him he's playing my sniper shot build from my mm Hunter uh guide that I just released and it is a very fun build so we now we're on round five of six some people didn't initially believe this Lobby by the way when I was trying to tell them like this guy's B reported like I don't believe you like hey guys stand right here in the gate I will pause that for a sec how to put you on the spot V but with you and super being cast how do you not have some kind of Blu connection to just ask them why the [ __ ] they don't fix the stuff like it's a radio Silence from them I mean it doesn't it doesn't the thing is man you have to realize it doesn't take Sues and I to make them aware of the issue they're more than aware of the issue how the higher ups want to handle the issue is different you know it there's no clue like there's no shot I don't know how big of a problem botting is and us saying hey there's a lot of bots doesn't do anything they already know that Ren LOL dude I think that oh my God look at how many games this guy has played holy [ __ ] so during that shuffle game during that shuffle game we saw that Warrior Ren LOL how many games does he have played say that again he has like 7,500 games played 7 ,000 games played so like what's the quick math on that so let's see here 7,000 games played which I think he has more than that divided by six this is how many games he is cued 1,166 now let's say on average each one of these lobbies is about a 20-minute queue right this is how many minutes he spent inq for solo Shuffle divided by 60 tells us how many hours right oh times 30 sorry wait is it times 30 this is how many hours it's not times 30 it's divided by right yeah so 388 hours 388 hours he spent that is [ __ ] insane divided by 24 he has spent a total of 16 days in Q this season this season he has more games in this by the way he actually has more games than this he has over 16 days in Q then double the number because you have to account for the time he spends in the shuffle games and the season came out 113 days ago roughly 40 days of which he could be asleep that's insane dude yeah yeah this guy is a gamer man I love it I appre I wonder what he does I want to interview this guy anyways that's insane all right uh now let's uh let's take a look at this let's finish this video eight we're gonna find out for sure if he's botting because guess what he actually is so this round I'm like at this point we're not 100% sure that this guy is a bot so we're going to have to do one more little experiment just to see hey guys stand here he won't be able to come in the room we can just attack anybody that comes close and I think this is the round where my Hunter he can see him in camouflage like I don't understand how it's able to do this type of stuff not only can it be fully autonomous make itself look somewhat like a player it can see stealth targets without spectral site watch him on his Mount he hits the camouflaged Hunter he just walks exactly to where he is and aoes him out of stealth and you can see he dropped the 50% health and he automatically dropped Darkness just automatically somebody hit 50% Health it drops Darkness so even if you're in stealth you got to go into that little cubby corner or otherwise he's just going to run in right on top of you and he'll be able to see you from a mile away and you can see that he's absolutely crushing us doing like 150k DPS U with whatever program this is he goes from running through not being able to run through the wall to just completely aoeing all three players of my team um to the point where it's basically to be fair I swear you don't need a robot like on Demon Hunter if you on Demon Hunter like I said if you have a face and a keyboard you're going to be doing this DPS unrecoverable uh so we're just spamming fear trying to get control of this Beast um and get as much counter pressure as we can going out but honestly I don't think it's going to happen man like this is just this is just too much damage bro this is too much Dam even with the spam fears it don't matter my guy is going down and then we get into the final round which was by far the funniest this was the funniest round in the entire Lobby so if you've gotten to this point in the video you definitely it was worth your time to get to this point it was absolutely hilarious cuz my teammates actually listened to me on this round about what we were going to do we're going to stand in the corner here all three of us together and we're going to let this guy run into a wall and do nothing with his stupid bot and we're going to hit something that comes in the room okay that's going to be the Strat so we're getting our Port down we're getting in position I'm telling them what's going on we've probably all reported this guy by now and I've seen a couple of people now on Twitter like I said with the situation get our gate down go into the little corner watch them come in oh my God what a pro player that can Shadow meld my mortal coils that's running into the wall and pressing all of his damage rotations in a second here look you can't figure out how to go around the corner I can do 200 K DPS but walls are my counter know Bing programs are about wall hacks but apparently this Demon Hunter doesn't understand the wall hack part of this so we were just chilling and we're like hey the Monk's in the room I guess we'll just attack the Monk and let that guy sit out there and not do nothing so we're just sitting here chilling attacking the monk inside the room enjoying the view you know he's he's eye beaming he's eyeing me he's glaring at me I don't really care I'm just going to attack the guy that's in the room we get a hammer of Justice we get a coil this Demon Hunter bot don't know what to do it doesn't drop dark though unless the Monk Is in range of the dark it seems because it didn't Darkness there even though the monk dropped below 50% so it's actually able to tell that it's not in range of something that's below 50 and won't dark unless it's in range but you can see we managed to get him stuck outside the room the entire round we made it through that Lobby alive and I'm so grateful that we did but also I feel bad for sweener dude sweener just could not get a dub that is unfortunate but yeah what a jokester man this is becoming a problem so if you get a map like this like black rold use this little cubby corner to be able to determine whether or not is a 2400 Demon Hunter dude yeah this is insane make sure you guys check out this video well we'll we'll put a link to it and sues shared it like I said one of the reasons why we decided to check out this video is because I was literally in a game with a Demon Hunter that was cheating okay we're in a game with a Demon Hunter that's cheating and abur messaged me also and said my first game of the day has a Demon Hunter bot it's like bro what I actually am curious about this video video so uh inferion also posted says something is seriously wrong with the anti-cheat system and wow we Face people like this daily thousands of games played um playing for months without getting banned um blah blah blah I I I want to see what is this the same thing where he's just stuck in the room yeah the bot is just literally stuck in the room it's the same thing bro the thing is like the people that make this bot are going to figure this out you know look at the bot man he just can't go in it's so ridiculous man anyways I hope all these people get banned they probably won't truth is it's been a little bit slow on the bot bands I know they say they do it in waves and stuff like that but it's just so utterly unenjoyable to be playing against these people so consistently without any change like without dude I I literally think it would be worth them hiring just like an investigator that just perab banss people that are you know what I mean imagine it was somebody's full-time job to just watch use and ban people you know it's like oh this guy got flagged let's check him out oh ban him that was like their full-time job do other companies do that you guys know if other companies do that where they actually just have someone's full-time job be banning Bots surely it has to be worth it right like can someone El lighten my naive mind do people make these for fun for sabotage or people people get a sick pleasure there's some people that actually get a sick pleasure out of just winning by cheating and getting away with it and pissing people off like they want to just play and win even if they're cheating just to piss people off that's like that's what it is unfortunately and the Bots are unfortunately getting better and better but there's still ways to detect it you know and I honestly think in like these high rated games there should be someone that is like paying attention to this at all times maybe it's completely unrealistic to expect that but it seems like it would be worth the money I don't know oh well what can you do we we hold on for dear life and just hope that it gets better but it is uh it's definitely a tough tough situation to be in and I know this is a big problem um I know this is a big problem in season of Discovery as well maybe even a bigger problem
Channel: Venruki
Views: 53,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, world of warcraft, wow pvp, pvp, cds, retail pvp, dragonflight, wow dragonflight, solo shuffle, solo shuffle pvp, dragonflight solo shuffle, wow pvp changed, world pvp, dragonflight world pvp, df pvp tuning, wow pvp dead, quitting wow pvp, world of warcraft pvp, mmr, mmr change pvp, mmr wow, solo shuffle queue times, solo shuffle healer, problem wow, wow problem, wow pvp problem, m+, m+ tuning, m+ quit, quitting mythic plus, mythic raiding, wow raiding, wow m+
Id: jhygeA6tFu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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