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who has the best offensive cooldowns in WoW PVP well we can't just look at burst DPS alone when we think about this to truly rank highly on the list a cooldown stack needs to check at least five boxes of course since lethal front loaded damage is the most important part of a strong burst window it's going to be our first of five criteria in our rankings having a strong and immediate impact means a higher chance of catching people off guard compared to longer ramping damage that's more drawn out our second criteria is whether or not the burth sequence is going to be able to affect multiple players ideally at the same time if the damage can cleave it's basically twice as effective forcing CDs from multiple players to open up more kill Windows later on for our third criteria we need to think about the length of the cooldown window now as you and I both know here there is so much micro CC in the game that it can be hard to get value out of the shorter CDs so the longer a damage window lasts the better it's going to be on average at forcing those crucial defensives next up we're also looking for damage that's hard to avoid if the damage is impossible to counter once it starts then once again it has a higher chance of being lethal and finally we have our fifth criteria which is efficiency even if a cool down isn't super lethal we need to think about how often it can be used any burst CD that can be used more than once per minute is going to do well in in this category we're going to cover each spec one by one and explain how their burst damage works and what specific cooldowns you need to pay attention to then we're going to be giving each spec a ranking on a tier list from best to worst now since we already know that increasing overall damage is one key part of climbing rating being able to maximize burst damage is equally as important if you want to truly climb the ranks our burst guides are designed to simplify every SE quence you'll see today in easy to follow steps that you can practice right now we even have advanced damage videos that teach you how to minmax your rotation with tips that you might not know about and when the next patch rolls around for season 4 all of our guides are going to be updated which allows you to stay ahead of the competition everything on our website is designed to make sure you can rank up fast whether you're an experienced player or you're just starting out and this is why we even offer a rating gain guarantee where we promise you'll improve your rank B while using our guides to learn more and get an exclusive discount offer check out the links below but for now let's get back to the video to make sense of our rankings let's look at a class with three different levels of burst starting off with the spec who has the weakest cooldown window in the game Affliction warlock now looking at log data alone Affliction warlock burst DPS is actually pretty high so how could we possibly give it a low tier ranking here well for one the the burst sequence has an incredibly slow ramp time requiring the Warlock to get a full set of dots on one Target and then Soul swapping them to another making sure Phantom Singularity is up on both before using dark glare which is their true offensive cool down and then to make the burst effective the Warlock then needs to spam malefic Rapture to make the dots explode so even though this damage can technically affect multiple targets and can last a very long time it's so simple to just avoid it not only can healers dispel the empowered dots but the sequence can be delayed with interrupts to prevent the damage in the first place or to deny the burst later on malefic Rapture and the fact that dark glare has a 2-minute cooldown means it's not exactly the most efficient which is why Affliction warlock is going to be going in the C tier demmo warlock burst has similar downsides too having a longer ramp and being fairly easy to counter to be most effective warlocks need to have multiple demons active including vile fiend and their grimor felg guard before summoning their Tyrant and obviously this is a lot of steps which makes the burst window feel incredibly tight the damage is also a bit more drawn out than we'd like and can be easy to counter you can stop the summon Tyrant cast itself or even CC the pets with roots and fears all while using line of sight as a last resort the key advantages demo has over Affliction though is that the damage window is going to last longer on average and Tyrant has half the cool down of dark glare demo warlocks also have a passive mortal strike so their burst is going to feel a bit more effective in deeper dampening so because the damage is more frequent and isn't countered as easily we're actually going to be placing demonology burst on the B tier now that we know what weak burst sequences look like let's go to The Other Extreme with Destro warlock now if you think chaos bolt is the reason why Destro warlock burst is ranked so high well think again the scariest ability adestra warlock has is actually dimensional Rift which is an instant cast 45 second cool down with three charges and if all three charges are used at once it's some of the scariest damage in the entire game this is because the damage is actually coming from a portal and not the Warlock themselves which means the Warlock can cast other instant Spells at the exact same time essentially double diing on all the damage the portals will even hit through Los making it almost impossible to avoid the cooldown of Rifts can even be reset with ulate ticks adding an extra layer of unpredictability to this damage it's hard to know how many portals a warlock has available at any given time and whether they can instantly summon more during their burst so as one of the absolute most efficient in Lethal damage buttons in the game dimensional riffs earn Destro warlock a spot on the S tier and now that we've made sense of both good and bad burst cooldowns let's make our way down the rankings going over cooldown windows from every class Frost e Ks are a spec designed exclusively around their burst window so surely it has to be good there are several key reasons why it ranks so highly too starting with the fact that it can be hard to avoid this is because the sequence starts off with a grip into AOE blinding sleeve which will usually be followed up by some AOE stun the scary damage comes from pillar of frost which is going to be paired with Empower Rune weapon and death and Decay building resources and allowing the damage to Cle and this is exactly why Frosty Ks are honestly just so scary not only did the AOE CC the entire team it once but also cleave them down with lots of front-loaded damage the cherry on the cake too is the fact that this sequence can be repeated every minute making it incredibly efficient so because of its high AOE pressure and good efficiency we're going to be ranking Frosty K burst on the S tier Unholy Death Knight has a much more layered burst sequence stacking multiple disjointed cooldowns together the most important is Unholy assault which is going to be paired with a few things most notably apocalypse to instantly burst on a single Target which will also be combined with abomination limb Unholy blight dark transformation and even defile or death and decay in order to cleave now this might might all seem like a lot of potential damage but the fact that the ramp is so long and the damage is so drawn out makes it significantly less lethal than Frost DK and generally speaking pet classes suffer a bit in the burst Department trading efficiency and Longevity for actual cooldown power even though the damage can be hard to avoid and can hit multiple targets the impact is never immediate like it is with Frosty K's 1 minute pop so even though it might be fairly efficient the slow ramp of Unholy DK burst is the main reason we're going to be placing it in the B tier Demon Hunter is a very interesting case here because its main cooldown is not what you might expect many people simply look out for metamorphosis and while it's true this ability is important and you do want to look out for it the main cool down to look out for is Essence break because the combo of both will cause death sweep to hit incredibly hard and since both Essence break and death sweep our AOE the damage can be lethal on multiple targets the other reason why tracking metamorphosis by itself can be bait is because ibeam will automatically activate meta on a 40-second cool down that easily aligns with Essence break in every DH stun which can make the damage hard to avoid even if it's something telegraphed the good news though is that this secondary meta only lasts a few seconds and so does Essence break itself so as long as you prioritize trade tring into the short Essence break window you're in a good position to survive the damage anyway because of how lethal this combo can be across multiple targets we're placing Demon Hunter burst on the S tier if you've installed any weak Ora package you're probably going to be familiar with Incarnation from balance Druids and that's for a very good reason this is easily one of the most powerful coold Downs in the entire game not only does incarnation instantly deal AOE damage with orbital strike but it'll also apply an extra dot to any Targets it hits which even gives the Druid an additional damage modifier on top of the extra haste and crit from incar itself during the cooldown window star surge will cost less astral power allowing the Druid to frontload up to four star surges in a row which can all deal over 200,000 damage now we shouldn't have to say more but if you weren't convinced already the cool down duration lasts 20 to 30 seconds which makes it super scary and deep damping balance Druid incar is definitely a game-winning cool down and it's going to easily go in the S tier feral Druid burst is significantly different and unlike balance the main cooldown isn't really Incarnation itself for feral Incarnation is more or less a quality of life cooldown allowing them to ramp up damage faster and get a free ralth which will be used to stun the main ability to monitor against feral Druid is actually feral frenzy which is a hard-hitting blead feeding the Druid combo points to do more Downstream damage and in case you've been wondering why feral Druids try and spam Cyclone these days it's because successful clone casts give them a free feral frenzy on their next finisher which means that feral burst essentially has zero cool down now of course Cyclone can be stopped and there are multiple ways to remove bleeds the sheer threat of feral frenzy damage is why the spec is trained in almost every solo Shuffle game if you let too many clones go through you're just going to Beed overwhelmed eventually so even though feral damage isn't quite as bursty as boomkin the sheer efficiency of feral frenzy is enough to put their burst on the a tier next up Devastation of ochre now you probably know where this is going to be ranked but let's explain the sequence in order to justify its ranking here like many specs we've covered so far Devastation burst is multi-layered Dragon rage is the main cool down to monitor since it deals instant AOE damage while also giving them at least 60% additional damage for its duration thanks to their Mastery this will then be paired with more Downstream damage including eternity Surge and an instant AOE fire breath which will then buff the damage of disintegrate because most of this damage is happening to multiple targets at once usually in a stun evoker damage is not only lethal but can even be hard to avoid if you don't trade defensives into their damage or stop stop the disintegrate channels you will almost certainly die so as you might have already predicted Devastation of ochre is going to be in the S tier augmentation evoker is a bit strange since its burst window isn't that scary from the evoker themselves even Mite is technically an efficient cool down and even causes upheaval to hit pretty hard but overall augmentation evokers are more reliant on their teammates damage in order for this ability to be truly effective the evoker themselves won't really do much outside of a single upheaval which doesn't make their damage very scary so without much lethality and a heavy Reliance on teammates to do the real work of it augmentation of ochre burst goes in the C tier we already discussed the limitations of Burst when it comes to pet classes but will Beast Mastery Hunter be any different let's find out here there is a bit of confusion over how BM Hunters actually burst so let's cover it it might seem like beastial wrath is their main damage cool down but this is a common misconception most of the times BM Hunters simply use this whenever it comes up not really caring to line it up with any specific moment their real burst coold down is Call Of The Wild which is combined with death chakum and bloodshed in order to do drawn out damage usually on a single Target just like demo warlock burst this damage does pose a noticeable threat but doesn't have strong immediate impact like we've seen with other abilities on this list so far far combine this with the fact that the damage can be avoided with a simple rude effect and we're going to be placing BM Hunter on the B tier Marx on the other hand is definitely a spec defined by high burst damage and is arguably one of the most dangerous and less actively avoided their cooldown stack starts with true shot and death chakra which will then be sequenced with explosive shot and Rapid Fire for some overlapping damage all of which can technically cleave and with true shots 15-second duration Marx Hunters can easily tab other targets during this window now we don't need to tell you how lethal this burst feels because you probably experienced it yourself especially as a cloth or leather class so why isn't Marx the best spec in the game now in some ways Marx Hunters suffer the same problem as casters and Under Pressure it can actually be difficult to sit still and channel their damage all with the possibility of being disarmed or simply line of sided on their burst this is why Marx is a classic Noob Slayer spec without any counterplay the damage is an almost guaranteed one shot but with quick reaction it can actually get shut down but since the damage itself has the potential to be so lethal marks Hunter burst we're going to be putting him in the S tier survival Hunter is in a very interesting spot when it comes to burst Windows the spec itself already has high base damage which leads to some obscurity when it comes to the actual power of their CDs the main cool down to look out for is coordinated assault which is going to be layered on top of death chakum and explosive shot while the hunter channels Fury of the eagle almost like a wind walker monk before spamming Wildfire bombs the damage during this time is going to be overlapping which means losing out on a lot of HP very suddenly once the explosive shot explodes the obscurity of survival damage is really what makes it so difficult to react to even experienced players can get caught off guard by all the damage sources happening all at the same time but since the damage is partially delayed and requires multiple globals to set up we're not going to be putting survival quite on the S tier but instead you're going to be putting them as our first spec on the A+ tier Arcane Mage is a spec that you might think would score high on burst damage rankings but unfortunately It suffers a few core problems the burst window comes from Arcane surge which actually has a cast time giving the Mage a damage buff then touch of the Magi is going to be used to store damage on a single Target doing an AOE explosion later on based on damage on here you can start to see the issue with these cooldowns the damage itself needs to ramp up a bit before truly being effective since Arcane Mage is pretty much limited to a single spell school and since Arcane surge itself needs to be hard casted the damage during this window can be easily stopped and is very telegraphed and and even though with the tier set Mages can cleave multiple targets we don't think Arcane Mage scores any better than b tier fire Mage on the other hand is able to massively frontload its damage and is going to be scoring much better the burst itself comes from combustion which can even be activated while casting a big Fireball Mages can then also press fire blast while casting two which is even off the gcd just like combustion this then gives the Mage a fireball fire blast and an instant pyro which will all hit the target at the exact same time and can even be lined up with the newly buffed living bomb causing a massive chunk of damage building a stacking ignite dot the entire time the main downsides of combustion is that the damage is really only effective on a single Target with the standard build and no gimmicky flame strike Tech most of the damage is instant so it can actually be hard to avoid and with a variable cooldown we think combustion deserves a spot on the s tier Frost Mage was one of the hardest specs to actually rank on this list on paper Frost magees have one of the deadliest burst combos which uses the haste of Icy Veins to cast Frost bomb and then Channel an empowered Ray of frost which is more than enough damage to completely wipe out someone's HP while all of this damage is strong it does have a bit of a ramp up and can easily be countered Raya fro can be canceled with the shadow meld or any ability that removes movement impairing effects and frost bomb can be countered with a dispel from a Healer if both of these things happen the entire burst sequence is pretty much over since frostbolt and icance don't do lethal damage on their own so because it has multiple counters and a small ramp up time we're going to place Frost Mage on the a tier up next is wind walker monk which was another spec that was pretty hard to rank so without question wind walker burst is lethal Serenity combined with skyre comboed into Fist of Fury and strike of the windl can cause monks to deal an absurd amount of damage in such a short time usually during a stun which makes it difficult to actually avoid and since skyre can technically be used on multiple targets wind walker burst can be AOE The crucial downside to this combo is the duration of Serenity itself which only lasts 12 seconds that means any full duration CC like Po morph fear or Cyclone is going to cut its value in half and since the damage is just so unquestionably scary we're going to be putting wind walker on the S tier red Paladin has had an interesting life cycle this expansion during its rework in season 1 it would have definitely been a contender for the S tier unfortunately it falls short in season 3 this is because paladins have universally shifted over to Crusade which Stacks up damage over time time and therefore by definition is not front loaded while this can bait some players into using defensives too early simply monitoring Crusade stacks and trading a coold down later on is enough to dampen its damage the actual burst during Crusade itself comes from final Reckoning which can be cast from a distance and is actually pretty hard to avoid considering rep paladins have a longer range on most of their attacks and even though Crusade violates our first rule of being front-loaded its near 30second duration is enough to earn a spot in the honorary A+ tier now let's look at Shadow priest which is another unique case who might suffer similar problems to Affliction warlock Shadow priest will either be playing Dark Ascension or void eruption and since the former is currently the more popular build it's the one we're going to be covering bursting is a shadow priest involves a few parts making sure all dots are on the target then stacking up catharsis in the tier set in order to do a big hit with Shadow word pain of all things now just like Affliction warlock this sequence has a pretty ridiculous ramp especially considering priests are very prone to getting interrupted during this time unlike other cooldown windows though Shadow priests really need to wait for the stars to align before actually bursting all while having to deal with dispels and interrupts so despite having a short CD Shadow priest burst is just too clunky to be reliable and is going to be on the C tier for now now now if you play priest and are suddenly feeling sad by your CTI ranking that we just slammed on you well don't worry because as a standalone ability power infusion is incredibly strong now we are going to deviate a bit from our current rankings by giving this single ability its own score here power infusion itself has enormous value since it affects two players and can make any burst window on this list feel almost twice as strong so because of this we're going to be giving an honorary s tier score to power infusion alone and by the way if you find yourself learning a lot in this video listen you're not alone PVP involves way more game knowledge than most people realize our Essential Knowledge courses teach you all of Wow's fundamentals from enemy buff knowledge to tips on how to counter every class we even have hundreds of Arena matchup guides where Pro players guide you step by step through your toughest matchups so skip the learning phas and rank up fast only at skill cap.com so of all the specs we ranked so far each one had a pretty obvious main damage cool down elemental shaman is an exception now we won't be ranking the cheesy ascendants AOE one shot that we've all died to at least once in Solo Shuffle this sequence is either S Plus tier or F tier depending on whether or not it actually lands instead we're left with the standard build which doesn't really have a real damage cool down outside of fire Elemental which isn't really used as a burst cedd anyways now because of this we need to look at how Ellie Shaman actually deal burst damage which is through primordial wave this ability causes the next lava burst to affect everyone with flame shock which can then even proc ascendants causing AOE lava burst to launch out once more while also granting a mini blood lust effect depending on the number of targets hit obviously this is a lot of damage and can be highly unpredictable due to the casino nature of elemental shaman thanks to their master and with that in mind ell damage can be dampened with active dispels and isn't lethal or reliable Enough by itself to truly make it to the S tier but because of its raw efficiency and insane AOE potential elemental shaman will actually go on the a tier now unlike Ellie Enhancement Shaman has a clearer cooldown window using feral spirits on top of primordial wave to lightning bolt damage which is going to give the shaman a haste buff depending on the number of targets hit this is why enhance and ell damage can feel exceptionally good against pet classes since it can funnel flame shocks into a massive haste buff essentially giving themselves blood lust for free with good uptime the damage is pretty good and even hard to avoid since most of it can be dealt from range but given the fact that it requires a bit of a setup and a good ramp to be effective Enhancement Shaman burst is a bit easier to predict so although it might be efficient it lacks The lethality needed to do well and because of this we're going to be putting Enhancement Shaman burst on the B tier traditionally assassination Rogue is not known as a high burst spec although it had its moments in shadowlands with some sepsis one shots the spec has undergone massive changes since then so let's see if its burst can hold up there are a few key parts of the true assassination burst window the first is death Mark which as you know by now will duplicate any bleed damage assassination Rogues now even have Shadow dance which can allow them to apply improved garro to multiple targets easily with indiscriminate Carnage this bleed damage although definitely strong is not what we care the most about though instead the real burst comes from Kings Bane which deals initial damage and then ramps up over time as more poisons are applied it might seem like this ramp would take too long to be effective but since inv Venum increases poison application rate the damage Stacks up in incredibly fast and with a 1 minute cooldown Kings Bane is very efficient the main downsides to assassination burst is that it's limited to a single Target and can be soft countered by any bleed removals but because of its lethality we're going to be given it a spot on the a tier looking at log data for sub roges can be a bit deceiving since it actually ranks as one of the lowest in the game during its burst window even though sub Rog burst has been nerfed more than once this expansion it's still very strong there there's a few cooldowns to monitor the first is Shadow blades which gives the Rogue 20% increased damage the second is secret technique which doesn't deal that much damage on its own but is delayed and can overlap with other sources of burst the third is sepsis now not every Rogue plays this talent but it does hit pretty hard by itself especially when comboed with secret Tech and an eviscerate crit some Rogues even play with flagellation which is similar to R Paladin Crusade building up damage over time and being most lethal at the end of its duration even though sub Rogues aren't one-shotting everyone anymore and despite being locked into bursting a single Target the damage is still pretty lethal and very difficult to avoid since it typically involves multiple stuns and since Rogue cooldowns can be CDR with vanish the burst can be unpredictable which is why we're also placing it on the a tier so throughout this list we've explained that some classes have obscure burst windows with damage coming from places that you might not expect Outlaw Rogues are perhaps the weirdest one of the bunch of course their main cooldown is technically adrenaline rush but this isn't really where their damage comes from their real damage actually comes from the short time frame they get out of stealth where they're able to spam their main finisher between the eyes which will have zero cool down for 6 seconds because of this vanish Shadow melt and even rest stealthing is technically the real damage cool down for Al Outlaw Rogues and with the right roll the bones Buffs can cause some serious damage immediately and later on the shark and coin Buffs are the most important providing extra crit chance and more cooldown reduction adding a layer of unpredictability for the future Outlaw Rogues can even deal High AOE damage thanks to Blade flurry which you might have noticed in melee heavy lobbies this is why in a recent video we emphasized that spacing is vital when playing against this spec since it cuts down on their AOE damage consider and even though it might not be as lethal as some other specs that we've covered the unpredictability of Outlaw burst earns it a spot on the a tier our last class is Warrior which will actually score well on our rankings like virtually every spec on this list the arms Warrior birth window includes layering abilities although Avatar is technically their longest cooldown it's actually the combination of War breaker and thunderous Roar that signal their burst window both of these abilities can affect multiple targets and with a sharpen blade mortal strike arms Warrior pressure during this time is essentially double as effective while the damage might not be super lethal the short cooldown of this sequence is efficient enough to earn it a spot on the a tier and last up we have Fury Warrior whose sequence is almost identical to Arms with one additional button on top of Avatar Fury Warriors have recklessness which they will use together with Odin's Fury and thunderous r Roar once again dealing strong damage which can even cleave nearby Targets Odin's Fury has a relatively short cooldown just like War Breer and thanks to Titan torment will automatically apply a short Avatar buff to the warrior all while there's potential for a stacking healing reduction debuff on the priority Target so since their birth sequences are so similar we're putting Fury Warrior as our final spec on the a tier anyway that wraps up our rankings for burst cooldowns in PvP if if you learned a lot from this video consider dropping a sub and to learn more about skill Capa be sure to visit the links below as always we want to thank you all for watching and we'll see you soon
Channel: Skill Capped WoW PvP Guides
Views: 30,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow dragonflight pvp, pvp wow, wow dragonflight, dragonflight, wow pvp, dragonflight pvp, solo shuffle, solo shuffle rating, 10.2.6, dragonflight pvp tier list, dragonflight tier list, solo shuffle tier list, dragonflight solo shuffle tier list, dragonflight solo pvp tier list, wow dragonflight tier list, wow 10.2.6 tier list, wow 10.2.6 pvp tier list, dragonflight 10.2.6 tier list, 10.2.6 dps tier list, 10.2.6 tier list, wow pvp burst, dragonflight burst all classes
Id: voA5CECo228
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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