Cheapest 3080Ti fix ever

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foreign hello Internet where are you uh you're you're right there aren't you anyway I said hello I don't say hello to too many people but I said hello to you so you owe me a like or three don't give me two likes please just give me either either one or three or any odd number so um what did I why what am I doing here I think this is a PNY because it's got this XLR8 whatever that's that's a PNY thing and what is wrong with this PNY it's a 3080 TI with 12 gigabytes okay what is the complaint of this 3080 TI from PNY it broke while it was idling oh snap so he was idling and then it broke broke uh oh look it's got a seal on there oh he's got two seals holy cow so it's probably never been opened before do we have standard screws in there or some kind of weird stuff like that the Nvidia likes to do no I just can't fit in there for whatever reason try a smaller side there we go all right let's take this thing apart to see what's inside because this card looks interesting probably nothing special on the inside I really like this plate though it's pretty solid looks very interesting we're gonna have to see the the blow through just like the gigabyte likes to uh have on their 30 series cards they have this blow through on the back extend the card distribute the heat through the back I don't know with an addition of giant Gap this is like a gigabyte thigh gap supposed to be sexy but in reality it's only visuals man can I lift this without breaking anything yes nice we got pads on the back very impressive PNY very impressive yeah it looks exactly like gigabyte even the PCB is all black uh hopefully this is as far as it goes yeah it looks really good I'm actually very impressed by the first impression my first impression is very very much impressed very much impressive with my first impression okay bigger screw let's take this thing out oh that comes out like so easy I really like this this tension plate it's so easy oh my God that is not to say that it doesn't do its job as good as like uh EVGA for example that suckers so hard it's just staring at you waiting to bounce up into your face and knock your eyes out scary stuff man this is this is nice this was smooth somebody's bugging me on Discord let's see well is that it that should be it not nearly as bad as the gigabyte stay away from gigabyte gigabyte is garbage proven itself over and over again so let's see if we can split this somehow without anybody bleeding to death I'm gonna have to get these fans disconnected first I imagine oh no it's those gigabyte terminals chief thanks PNY that the entire terminal comes out with the connector so we're gonna have to fix that p and Y needs to stop doing this garbage oh boy I gotta I gotta disconnect that too I was afraid I had to remove the faceplate or the i o Shield whatever you want to call it what do you guys call this anyway faceplate IO Shield my cat's going crazy might as well whatever okay slowly carefully you see this I am pulling the whole terminal whole entire connector off the board oh and there's a surprise connector back there and even that one oh chief okay ah why why they do that kind of stuff man why are they using these stupid deadly connectors they're so anti-serviceable that's probably why so if you go in there you rip the cable and then you say hey PNY I need new cable and they're like yeah 100 bucks man will give you a new cable for a hundred dollars no questions asked a very interesting pads I have never seen pads like that before they're very neat neat looking I'm going to cut off those little notches on the connector so I won't be fighting with this thing anymore okay so that's gonna go somehow one more one more here stupid gigabyte I understand this isn't the gigabyte but this is probably a gigabyte part you know they probably they all get them in the same Factory anyway and I'm guessing since gigabytes cheap they're probably dipping in that too and the same sauce so uh this one's kind of I'm not gonna worry about this one is it's kind of an odd one I'm not gonna worry about it see this connector is a little different on this end smaller not standard looks like a typical 3080 Ti from a gigabyte in my uh no opinion so let's um is it bone dry a little bit moist [Music] tastes weird who cares let's wipe this off so that we can so that we can wipe this off otherwise there's really no reason to wipe this off I'm just wiping it off because I can and because no one is stopping me from doing this so most of the cards I get that had been serviced before nobody cleaned anything up they just smashed new paste on top of the existing one that's dry who cares not cleaning anything just mush new paste on there put paste on the what you call them pads call it a day and then they'd be like man my car is running hot it's so hard it crashes five minutes oh you did it if you're at least watch a video on YouTube how to do it to get an idea I don't know um so nothing special about this heatsink here actually I haven't really looked at it yet close enough um I don't see any thought of joints still pressed in just like everybody else does nowadays doesn't matter if it's like super premium well I guess the MSI Supreme would probably have it welded I don't know I doubt anybody was um copper tubes to the radiators nowadays a little cheap card manufacturers why are they charging us so much money for these cards anyway but look at these pads man they look gorgeous I like the green I like the gray I like the light gray it's like three three different um the colors going on you know color theme here it's very pretty I really like the way it looks these pads they look like a multi-layer pad so you got you got that pad down there and then you have a different type of pad on the top of it so that it does not stick to memory I imagine I don't know however there's an air bubble in between that seems to be easily pushed out so not gonna be too concerned about it let's go into the diagnostic process and everybody knows how it's done almost everybody I've been I've been showing this process for who knows alone 12 volt no short this is probably 1.8 this is probably PEX what else 3.3 you one two three four nothing on 3.3 nothing in here nothing in there and this is probably 5 volt nothing there we'll check the first pair data line just just to see what's going on 1.7 1.7 what about what about here where's my first pair of capacitors right there zero seven clock reference extra set in the opposite direction good okay let's power it off uh well actually no I'm gonna I'm gonna put this thing on the stand so I got these stands right these are regular motherboard stands and they are M3 um I thought to myself well M3 doesn't really work for every single card that I've had and um I ended up ordering myself an M2 and M2 were ridiculously small so I didn't like the m2s and I thought to myself okay I'm just gonna order myself a M2 and a half and then I just took a piece of was like a 220 grit sandpaper folded it in half and I twisted this thing in it a couple of times uh maybe a couple of dozen times and what happened was see like this card here um a typical M3 standoff will not fit through holes like this because they're like really tight but because they shaved off the thread just a little bit it does fit so saved myself a bunch of money there so let me put this thing on the standoffs standoffs make repair a lot easier I have different sides of standoffs I combine some of them in two and um the reason why I did that because sometimes I'm too lazy and I don't remove the i o plate at the front and that you know that introduces a certain height so let's say if I didn't have this if I had this i o plate here see how much taller I would have to go so I would have to I would probably have to use these standoffs and it matches you see matches the height of the i o plate just magically yeah there's a lot of magic going on in here apparently some people call me Wizard I might as well be never know but back in the old days women that could calculate two plus two and multiply by two they were called witches too so didn't necessarily make that true but nevertheless it happened many of them were burned alive for that reason way to end feminism if you ask me oh boy let's see if we have any power on this thing I want to see I want to see the power see if we get a power today okay what am I looking at when I'm doing this I don't want to see too many amps I don't want to see this dimming down black okay so one two point three amps for 3080gi probably okay uh my guess is we have voltages everywhere so I'm just gonna check the last though I must admit in the cases where uh you have a broken connection somewhere on the board sometimes you get uh every voltage um rail on the board on the on the card in in the correct order but you're missing something that's like along the along the way that without which you're not supposed to have a second uh voltage that's coming up let's say you have let's say you got memory but um wait a minute what goes after that so we get core packs memory or core memory impex let me double check I don't want to sound stupid here so we got we got core packs and memory so you have there was one card I had I had everything I I had PEX memory and so you would think no actually I didn't have packs but I had memory so you would think I how did you have PEX how did you not have packs by head memory because you know memory comes after packs I don't know something was broken so it's not always true it rarely happens most of the time things go in in order but very rarely so let me just go ahead and check for memory you might have to figure out which rails the memory probably here yeah 1.3 so I got memory so obviously I have pegs see right there so obviously I have core and then we can trace back to 1.8 and then the five volt is here somewhere so my guess is this should be one of those boring repairs with the memory replacement who knows nevertheless we're here we're doing it uh I doubt I will get a picture out of this thing right now so I'll just go straight into I'll go straight into the BIOS and I will change the adapter to built-in whatever you want to call it pcpu graphics card reset okay wait for this thing to uh boot uh-huh turn it off and then and then we're going to plug this card in I really wish there was a quicker way to do it just flip switch unfortunately there isn't all right so [Music] let's go memory test I mean what else do we want everywhere what the flux man what the flux I got flux everywhere am I gonna get a picture yep there it is all right so we're going going there's going to be no errors it'll be fine it already passed no memory errors which is odd what was the complaint then random crashes he says okay we're gonna have to do some warm-up let's okay so let's go back into the bias we're going to switch to the 3080 TI real quick automatic before I hit OK I'll swap the HDMI cable to self Miss to save myself five seconds of my life and then hit enter and we are rebooting straight into the 30 and I forgot to plug in the hard drive okay let's plug in the hard drive and let's do it again loading loading loading we're gonna have to wait for the drivers to kick in because they are not available right now since I just had a 2080 TI in there so let's wait but let's not wait for too long and go into the device manager and keep bugging this thing until it does its thing because if you don't bother it it will take longer to uh pick up the driver but if you keep poking around it'll do it quicker come on you know I have a driver pick it up already let's connect to the internet real quick and why does that even matter sometimes I couldn't believe my own eyes but actually there was this one AMD card that I had to send back that was artifacting it was artifacting on YouTube so let's go to YouTube just watch something on stupid YouTube go away stupid ads FBI tries to escape whatever no I hate this thing go away I wanted to skip the ad well looks like looks like nothing on the screen nothing's flickering okay we're good let's go open up the gpuz make sure that we have no issues with artifacts in this 3D World so power is everything looking okay voltage is good at least while it's idling everything's okay here what's disabled SLI okay whatever so uh GDP is idling all that stuff everything's looking fine let's kick this thing into a one of 24. see what it does and the core is getting a little warm memory temperature is at 50. wait didn't I start the game I swear I started the game or I didn't did I not I probably didn't oh look I can't even aha okay one more time very interesting okay hello hello there a little delay there I'm sorry it's okay we're gonna run all three of them whatever I thought okay that's a symptom okay goodbye to you [Music] whoa dude stop too hot we don't want to be overheating here okay so we didn't have any crashes and I cannot run um framework right now not with this setup but I don't know everything looks fine why did he say it was randomly crashing the only way to really test this is to put it all back together so let's put it all back together because right now I am learning absolutely nothing and I'm seeing no problem whatsoever a random crashing I guess this thing just needs a reball they all do almost every other card I get need the reball why is that I don't know people play football with their cards I don't know Maybe wait people need to stop playing football with their gpus so I won't have to rebolt so many of them my guess is the reason why we have to revolve so many gpus is because it's all thanks to the Greta you know the Greta she was the one demanding manufacturers to use lead-free solder so we're now all lead free in other words we're all quality free now we're getting lead free garbage that cracks every time you sneeze at it okay so let me get these studs out it sneeze on the GPU saw a joint crack and then you go complain about the Nvidia making garbage or something instead you should be complaining about Greta she's the real reason behind it gotta get rid of the source everything else is just the consequence and unfortunately she's not the source either she is the consequence all right so that's gonna go there I really like the way it fits it just fits so nice just just kind of goes in there and you just want to press it in and leave it there and throw it out the window so you'll never see it again hopefully that's not what you want but whatever a really nice card I don't know it just looks so nice for whatever reason and then that plate oh boy just such a pleasure to work with I never had a plate that's so nice and this is cheap p and Y 'all this must be their premium card or something I don't know it just looks so nice it doesn't have to be super crazy tight you know I mean we were getting away with little tiny springs for ages and then all of a sudden everybody wants this plate okay so that goes there oh that one in there so easy it's unbelievable that I actually ever struggled with this before all they had to do is to use different different tabs not from gigabyte okay so that's probably enough for me to do a stress test and I'm going to pop that in straight into the motherboard so that way we're not limiting the uh the bandwidth of the PC express lanes I want to make sure that everything is running at at the maximum well not maximum but at the very least within the reasonable range of whatever okay let's go oh my God and it looks nice too holy cow that looks really nice the way it's glowing is just you guys should see this I'll probably show it to you in just a second once we're done with uh trying to get it crashed and it would be weird if it doesn't crash it'd be uh it'd be one boring video from which you'll have to learn something one way or another okay so let's kick this guy in the testicle with the four mark uh so we got that one more while it still warm it's a little warm 43 46 whatever bam are you gonna crash temperatures are okay they're not jumping TDP is okay 350 watt we're within the specs voltage is not Jeeping down anywhere except for this one but it's well above the minimum required levels we're good perf cap reason switching as expected frequencies are up there uh Discord is going nuts core voltage is fine how many frames 600 frames on the donut I have no crashes whatsoever so the hot spot and the memory temperatures are the same which is which is ideal only once in my life I've seen memory temperatures lower than the hotspot only once usually it's higher ideally for 30 series cards you want it to be on the same page because the chips are well on the 40 series 2 they're on the same they are on the same uh piece of metal so the hardest part of the core will heat up the that piece and then all that heat will transfer over to the memory too so uh basically the bottom line is you want the hot spot and the memory to be at the same temperature range more or less if the memory temperature is higher than the hot spot then you need new pads and by higher I mean like 10 degrees or something so basically that's like another Delta so to speak between uh the GPU and the hotspot and then you have another Delta between the hotspot and the memory so you want that to be the same and uh what I'm witnessing here is absolutely nothing wrong with this card so first input 100 36 watt 148 watt 12 volt 65 watt everything is looking gorgeous I I don't understand um what the problem with this cardius everything's looking fine um the only thing that I can think of let me go ahead and uh put that into manual I'm going to warm up the card ever so slowly I'd probably bring it up to like 90 or something and then I will reboot and then what I'll do I will run a memory test while it's really hot and I will keep the fans from spinning I'll just keep my fingers on them so that the fans will not spin so what that will do is it will give me um a high temp memory test if you will so 90 is probably enough maybe a little hotter no harm there these things will cut off at about 102 or something I don't remember exactly if anybody remembers at what temperature the 3080 TI's are ready to go into a thermal shutdown so I'm going to reboot I will slow the fans down you heard me do that and then I will go into the memory test stop come on how long does it take to reboot I want to force this thing to okay there we go okay rebooting going straight into the memory come on give me a pass I want to see a pass or a fail actually I want to see a fail but if it doesn't fail then we should have a pass and we're just here wasting our time yeah looks clean think we're gonna have a path I'm gonna let go of the fans yeah looks fine boy oh boy okay man this thing is hot what am I doing I wanted to show you oh yeah I wanted to show you what this GPU looks like when it's when it's not boiling hot Chase it's like 100 degrees right now I mean take a look I'm gonna turn it on just for a second no I cannot I have to have this I have to have this plugged in otherwise it's not going to work look at this thing I mean looks nothing special Once you turn it on whoa look at all these LEDs go dude this is freaking awesome I would love to have a 3080 TI like this and it's a small form factor too it's really nice anyway I'm gonna go um so what I'm gonna do next um my guess is this video is over and the card's gonna go back to its rifle owner at with the no fix with the no need to fix but what I'll do is I will put it together and I will um throw it on my other computer and let it run there for a while see if it crashes and if it does then great we have a crash but I'm guessing it's not gonna crash I'm guessing there's an there's an operator error somewhere completely unrelated to the graphics card itself hopefully that's the case anyway and uh lucky me I didn't waste too much time figuring this out in any case um I'm just going to finish assembling this and I'm going to go run benchmarks uh and if everything is passive then everything is fine and this card is just gonna go back um but otherwise if something goes wrong then this video is not over and uh and if you won't hear anything back then you know that there was nothing wrong with the card and it went back thank you for watching I uh I'm sure you guys have learned something out of this video if you were listening very carefully I'm trying to spit out a little bit of information at a time a little bit of information that I am that I know um I'm not saying it's the most accurate but it's it's what I go by so and I'm sharing what I go by maybe I make some assumptions along the way feel free to correct me if you know better I don't mind a little bit of criticism not too much a little bit is fine and one more screw oh there it is okay one more screw and then this thing is going on a different bench on my old motherboard uh for an extended test and uh until then I'll see you later thank you for watching leave me a comment click the Subscribe button uh notification Bell whatever and uh goodbye
Channel: northwestrepair
Views: 61,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to repair, how to fix, how to diagnose, how to identify, how to find out
Id: g9rhUscq5Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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