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foreign this is not going to be a repair video this is going to be a tool video and that tool I thought to myself I will never show on this channel but apparently I think it's very important and I think it can be a lifesaver for some of you uh newbies out there that are rebullying the course including myself because I sometimes run into this problem without even realizing it in the you notice that there's a problem when you power on the card and there's no short circuits anywhere you would think but but in reality the core itself is shorted and the power stages are struggling to keep up with powering the board powering the core shorted to the ground and there's no way you can tell so the reason why this video may be important is because I am poor and so are many other people that are watching my channel trying to get into this business here so and we all you know since we're all poor we're using cheap multimeters that cannot tell 0 ohms versus half an OHM like this particular one for whatever reason today it decided to show me 0.1 ohm which is very interesting but so there zero ohms on the core you would think okay it's a dead core no the resistance on the core is so low that you cannot measure it with a normal multimeter or I mean by normal I mean this cheap garbage that I use all the time because I don't know I like it you may have different multimeters that are able to measure anywhere from uh 0.1 ohm and above but my multimeter clearly cannot so what do we do in this case we use this thing and this thing and believe it or not is actually nothing special I'm going to go ahead and open it up for you For Your Entertainment because I had to entertain you with something today one way or another and I thought to myself why wouldn't it be a tool time this is a million meter that you buy on eBay for like five ten bucks or something like that super cheap this box that I designed in 3D printer will be available on my thingiverse and basically that's all there is let me get this thing up so it's just two boards why is it on so two boards this board this board um in um I Incorporated a switch that basically powers on the entire board with a nine volt battery you know there are some terminals there to connect super simple um and then the leads the leads would be connected to here there are also leads for I believe capacitors yeah so there's one lead for capacitors I'm not going to use this for capacitors because I don't care about the capacitors my multimeter can handle those but you could use this for capacitors too but I'm only using it for the Milli ohm thick and then you can see that the negative and the positive terminals they are connected to these uh banana banana female um sockets so that way unfortunately you cannot use just any multimeter leads because these multimeter leads they have this cover around them uh and so what I ended up doing if I can find it yeah so what I ended up doing I just stripped the way that that you know connector and I use whatever cheap uh well actually these aren't cheap these are actually uh half decent uh probes they're fine tip probes and so that's the only reason why I'm using these and so they go in here like that you know Bam Bam so the nine volt battery is there under the cover super easy to disconnect so just remove it so I I chose this box because it's easy to remove the battery and it's easier to maintain easy to do whatever and let me go ahead and close this up show you how it works so that if you uh decide to follow me and print this thing and try it for yourself that way you know how to operate it so I'm gonna go ahead close the throw quick it's super simple I mean super simple box look at it man just a freaking box just a box man how hard is it to make a box just open up your favorite 3D modeling program such as 3ds Max 20. 16 you know the one the version that with the last version before they went into uh subscription plan I was able to get a copy of that and I'm using it to this day so screw you subscription services so anyway this goes here this goes there and so this thing is very sensitive and that's why I bought it so how do I go I just I just Reflow the core even after reflowing the core you do bump it a little bit somehow some sometimes accidentally balls can join and cause short circuits all over the place so in order to verify that that never happened so you put one Probe on the ground well let me turn this thing on first so we're going to turn that on so I'll put the one Probe on the ground and then you would think okay we're just going to measure the core and so you're measuring the core and it gives you you know 0.09 almost 0.1 ohm um which is you could you could trust that reading but you're not taking into account the wires that have resistance Believe It or Not these wires May well and uh May well be maybe they'll provide the resistance as low as the core itself so you got to take the leads out of the equation so what you want to do so you hear right there and then you go as close to the to where you're going to be measuring your core just poke right into the ground and then hit this button and hold it and now you're in calibration mode so now you reset your reading to zero so you have now effectively zeroed in these leads so if you let go your value is actually uh negative back on the ground and your value is you see this that's why you gotta that's why you gotta reset so so we are negative 100 so we're gonna reset and then go straight to the Core so our core is 0.1 ohm more or less and that's basically it this is what I'm using this little toy for just to check for the core resistances um not every single time but only when I doubt that something you know when I doubt myself when I bumped if I'm paranoid I bump the core a little too much never know so but looks like this time it um I don't think I did so I'm gonna go ahead and try book this card real quick see if I see if I get a picture actually I do get a picture out of it already but the mats Matt was complaining about the error on D1 which was a b c d wait what a b c d e why did I replace the e that I do not know oh I do know why I replaced the D because it's Friday and I'm tired and so far I've I've done like I got like three no fixed cards this week at least three and for whatever reason I replaced the D1 instead of E1 so no wait I replace the E1 instead of D1 oh my God I'm getting sold I marked the wrong chip which means the chip that I've removed which is okay the chip that I removed will go in here so a b c d That's the guy that's the guy I wanted to remove who cares Let's uh go into the memory test and see maybe maybe we didn't even have to replace the membership maybe the problem was with the core with some broken joints and whatnot and you know how it is so let's see let me put this under squirt some garbage on here and hopefully we can get a hopefully we can get a pass are we ready yes uh cord cable yes test the slipped switch no okay good let's go let's see if I get a pass that would be a good day see no pass we're still failing that's good so that means that we didn't fix the error which means I'm gonna have to run this card again as a secondary to figure out which chip is causing the problem and then replace it probably the same one that I originally was supposed to replace don't know why I replaced the wrong one anyway I hope you guys find this video helpful maybe you learned something today so if you did please give me a like for this tool that I have here um it'll be in my thingiverse uh you can get that there print it with your favorite printer or maybe if you don't have a printer you can ask your friend to print it for you goodbye
Channel: northwestrepair
Views: 13,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to repair, how to fix, how to diagnose, how to identify, how to find out
Id: aaa47d_qLIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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