CHEAP Predator 212 80mph+ Build!

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so for this engine build that's specifically made for the street i put a lot of parts for reliability safety and looks so starting it off it's a non-hemi but the governor fully removed the oil sensor removed and for anyone who doesn't understand why the governor is removed so that you can get a higher rpm which will get you more speed and the oil sensor is removed just in case those bolts come loose which is really unlikely but again i wanted to make this as reliable as possible so the oil sensor is removed and the hole for it is filled in with a bolt next i have oh before that i remove the gear to the crank and the reason i did that is because it's basically just dead weight once you're with the governor so that is unnecessary and i i have a video on this but i put the side cover these vents in the side cover going to the valve cover leaving the valve cover going to a catch can which is obviously not here right now but i did that for uh pressure relief and that is the proper way to vent from there out to a catch can i have a full video on this again like i said and the reason i do this on a stock side cover is because the billet one is or about 150 and i'm not looking to spend 150 on just a side cover so that's the reason i did that and the next thing is my valve cover so going in to show that right here it's a gx2 so this is like i said a non-hemi but this is the gx200 valve cover so the reason i use that for one simple reason so that when putting these 3 8 uh vent barbs there's more space because on the normal uh the normal hex you're not going to get that much space to clear these together and for five bucks it really makes the difference and it's worth it and removing the baffle in this is kind of easier but oh yeah you do need to remove the baffle it's not hard it's really easy and that's basically the only way you can get two lines over here and that's the point to remove the baffle so you can relieve pressure through these oil lines right here and the next will be these decals that i put on the tank nothing special it's just i think i like i really like the look of uh adding some stickers to the tank let me just do a full walker onto this yeah so i have these stickers on here and these are really cheap obviously you don't need to do this this is just because i like the way it looks and in total this is around uh 10 bucks for the sticker set on amazon so the next thing is this 3 16 to 1 4 connector that i have here with the 3 16 things i bought but yeah so what i did was this carburetor which i'll get to in a second so the m22 comes with two i'm in a really long 316 line you basically cut it a little bit and use that line right here and you use that to make sure you're getting enough fuel basically the reason i have it is for two reasons one because of looks and two so i can watch my fuel as it's going into the carburetor because i like to see what everything's doing so yeah like trust me if they made three eighths line they were completely clear and we're strong enough i would get them because i like to see through everything but yeah so i have that and the reason i left this part black actually this is not a quarter to 360. this is a 316 to 316 because the stock one is 316. the reason i left this one black is because i wanted to have it thick because this is where the heat's coming from and that's why i needed to leave the stock layer over here on so yeah then there's the fuel line right there then next i put the uh i mean i painted the side cover pearl white nothing too special about that that's just something i do in every single build for looks and i have a red pull start upstairs that i'll be showing in the next fully completed because not everything is on here right now and i have 18 pound springs in here i'll get to the reason why at the very end on why i didn't go heavier springs and there's a port and polish which i recommend it's free just takes a little bit of time you go and you can see the port let me try to get around that a little bit yeah you can kind of see all the way so yes i ported this polish it over here and i did lap the valves suggest you laugh them as well like i said it's free and it's worth the slight difference you'll see again you don't need it unless you have a bigger big cam and a heavier springs but when it's free why not you know it'll help with the slight horsepower gains because of the higher cfm and the air coming faster into the engine exiting faster through the engine so the next thing i did was i painted this adapter black it was a blue before i did that and then the exhaust is on the way i do actually i bought this for it so i can weld the exhaust on i have a flat top piston so this is getting into the internals of the engine so i took a piston from a hemi this is a full-on hemi right so i put it took a piston from a hemi and put it in the non-hemi so the thing about that a lot of people you'll see they use the hemi bottom end with the non-hemi top end that's the same exact thing as using a full non-hemi and just putting the hemi piston in because when you're doing that you're getting the flat top piston with the uh with a higher compression so when you do that remember that the piston is a little bit shorter so you you will lose top dead center height and the way you make up with that is when buying your billet rod remember the billet rods there's three 65 dollar billet rods the main reason i put the flat top piston is was one it was free because i had an extra non-hemi i mean extra hemi so i took the piston and um second reason is because there's 65 billet rods and one of them is a longer rod a plus it's the plus uh 40 40 000 rod and the reason for that rod is because it makes up for that extra 40 thousandths below uh top dead center and it brings it up flush deck so you will it will be completely flush a deck add the compression and when it's the same price as a stock or why not right and that really that's really one of the main reasons and compression is going to help with getting off the line better when you're running a really tall ratio with your gearing obviously and uh ignore the hillard clutch i'll make a separate video on tuning that but it is a hillard 40 41 chain hillary clutch and i have a billet flywheel speedway the new bullet flywheel i don't think it makes a difference you can get the generation before or this one they are 115 now they did raise the price by ten dollars i get all my parts from omb warehouse and fuel lines usually from amazon and next i have a thick head gasket like i said the pistons at top dead center so head gasket is a 27 thousandths head gasket just in case it hits the just in case it slaps the head which i doubt it will but it's always good to put that on for safety so like i said now we have our rpms we have all our safety parts in now let's get into making the real power because safety parts are done governor's removed that's our safety that's our rpm that's around 5000 rpms a little bit more right maybe 50 200 ish so next getting this intake exhaust is important so you should really get this uh a big card so you can get the flat slide or a round slide carburetor this is a round slide uh vm 22 chinese mikuni for me this was free and if you have bikes around like this a bunch of bikes have these style carbs you can just take one out or you could buy the kit the chinese kit they don't make a difference chinese are genuine you could save your money and get the chinese and you you'll realize there's really no difference and the reason i i mainly did this is obviously for the higher the rpm gains from using the restrictive small carb also the horsepower gains and third will be your main reason i did it my favorite reason not main reason favorite reason is the throttle you will see the difference your throttle is going to feel awesome as if it's a real motorcycle type of thing so yep that's one of the main reasons i did that and obviously your exhaust is going to help with the horsepower and rpms as well so next kill switch isn't too important to show i just have it routed up there attack i'll be adding on air filter i have in the back it is a uni uni i don't know what it's pronounced uni maybe air filter angled two stage filter that i'm gonna be showing in the next video on this engine then the final thing that i have for now it's going to be this auto light spark plug the reason i did this is for tuning a lot of times the stock spark plug is made for the uh lower rpms they get overheated and uh it's better to get the aftermarket spark plug only seven dollars it's gonna help a little bit with tuning and when it's only seven dollars you know why not it's a worth it upgrade so now the main comment i might get or the main thing everyone's gonna wonder is what about the cam what about the uh the springs only the 18 pound springs and that's the thing about this build it's just a stage one build you know it's just all it is is just the 18 pound springs with the governor removed which is what most uh stage one builds are with the exhaust now you're adding a bunch of optional things like these which are making it look better the venting and adding the bigger carb which is still like that doesn't make it like staged like i but i don't even want to say stage but like that doesn't make it any better it's just you don't need the billet parts but this is for street riding so you want it to be a reliable so so i have the billet parts and like i said you could save almost 200 bucks by not getting these but if you want it to be reliable you should and the reason i went with the 18 pound springs is because i'm hitting the speeds i want to if i want to go heavier springs that means i need a bigger cam and when i want to keep this as cheap as possible why get the bigger cam when i get the horsepower i want and i get the top speed i want if anyone can give me a valid reason why i should get the cam when i'm getting the horsepower i want and the speed i want i will believe it but i feel like i'm getting it perfect off the line no nothing to complain about with the horsepower i'm getting the speeds i want i'm getting the rpm i want there's no complaint so if anyone can give me a valid reason why i specifically need to get a bigger cam get heavier springs i'll believe it but until then this built doing just fine it's really cheap it's only about 200 bucks in a part after market parts and actually no maybe 250-ish but like i said there's a lot of optional things that you don't need you don't need these three things right here you don't need the stickers you don't need the billet parts you basically just need the bigger carb bigger exhaust heavier springs that's not that expensive so it's really reliable build and in the next video i'll show you the complete engine build with the motovox stretch street bike that it will be on so thanks for watching and if you have any questions which i'm prepared for about the cam you can just comment it down below alright thanks for watching
Channel: JulDee MotorSports
Views: 55,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p-1aif_nOxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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