Harbor Freight's NEW Ghost Engine Is For RACING USE ONLY *And I Have One*

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oh look what's in the shop look at what the detailers have just finished ceramic coating and doing a ppf job on this tank has been ppf so that guy can ride and destroy this bike and it won't scratch a thing this is the m1000rr not the s1000 bike's out of control on today's episode of watch jericho what's the best way to waste a thousand dollars i've got it for you [Music] what is going on guys i am watch jrgo and today i am here in the shop with scott that one of the detail dude and today we're gonna unload my newest waste of one thousand dollars i mean okay obviously it wasn't a waste it was like the best use of a thousand i agree yep it'll be fun i bought a crg cart and this is a real race car that somebody has uh i'm sure what happened is they stopped racing this professionally and pulled the 125 off with the water cooling and they threw on a harbor freight predator and it's fun so let's get it unloaded and check it out go go go go and oh that box is in the way oops down all right much larger than i expected it is dude this is a full-size race car it came with an extra wheel and tire and it was a shifter car as well there's the shifter and a chain and sprockets and a straight pipe which is dude the straight pipe is not cool at all the straight pipe immediately came off because they gave me the real uh the predator muffler so i mean within one lap of the neighborhood i was like give me the ratchet yeah those straight pipes are a little unruly horrible oh it's so stuck the tires went flat after sitting for just uh three days so i'm gonna go ahead and pull this thing forward and then scott and i are gonna grab on it and get it back on the ground where it belongs air up the tires and fire this beast up now obviously most people are very familiar with this engine this is the harbor freight predator it goes on most go-karts 212 cc um if you know if you've been racing carts you know rental carts well usually they run like the 200cc honda this thing costs like half the money and is sometimes even more reliable than the hondas so this is a great engine we all know that there's really no debate that the predator is awesome so let's start it up all right scott start me up it should fire right up and i'll add a little bit of throttle and then uh i'm gonna rip a couple donuts and get soaked real quick i think also this seat does not fit me in any way hold on i gotta breathe first before i get in it is kind of snug i can't breathe once i get in it it's the carbon-tilled seat and it's not my size okay oh [Music] [Music] and now after ripping some epic donuts you're probably thinking wow that was a pretty good deal how crazy it works so well no it doesn't we're here to change the game today we have harbor freight's newest engine their complete go-kart race engine it's called the ghost so the ghost is going to eat the predator let's get this thing open just showed up today a box of delicious goodness and here's the deal with karting right this is a real race car the crg it's like a ten thousand dollar frame with a 125 on it with the water cooled set up you can see it used to be a shifter cart with water cooling and all that and if you still have the 125 used it's about a six thousand dollar car i got a killer deal because it had been predator converted the predator is cheaper to run you can replace it every season 125s probably need torn down and rebuilt every season because we're out beating on them this is just the setup if you want to go racing and have some fun and you don't have to spend all the money in the world karting has gotten crazy i mean ten thousand dollars for that thing and that's just what a normal nice cart setup costs and i mean big engines can go even more expensive than that this lets you go racing on a budget and it's not bad it's not the budget doesn't equal bad in this case budget good okay that's all i have to say about this so here we go the ghost and the ghost accessory kit this lets me use the real go-kart fuel tank instead of having that um gravity feed fuel tank on there because this engine that's like a normal you know 3.5 horsepower style carb a normal lawnmower carb this has a mikuni slide style carb it's not really a mikuni but it's a real slide style carb and this is the fuel pump that uses the exhaust pulses to actually pump fuel out of the tank so i can have way more fuel on board this thing's way faster i guess it's such a better engine they're both 212 cc's this one outperforms it in every way nothing but five-star reviews across the board from everybody that has one of these and i'm so pumped to have one of these let's get it open and start swapping it over are you guys ready to see the ghost unboxed i know i am i haven't even seen one of these in person yet i've only seen them on the internet and everyone's like look what i got and i was so jelly so look what i got here it is the ghost it comes with a funnel so you can fill it with the oil pretty cool yeah baby gosh this looks so cool they put red on it we all know red equals fast well there you go i think this thing's rated at 6.5 horsepower and it has like a digital ignition it's just leaps and bounds above the old uh lawnmower style engine this is truly for racing even says right there competition use only the box also comes with a multi-tool there and a funnel so you can fill with oil so that is the predator ghost now for the cool part and i haven't seen enough people using this but since this is a real race car and i need to use the real gas tank uh i pretty much had to have this because we need a pump so if i can get this thing open here we're about to party so here is the accessory kit check this out so we've got the exhaust right there a brace for the exhaust instructions another exhaust gasket fuel line a fuel filter a fuel pump air filter uh clamps for the exhaust it looks like and the the muffler so this has a fire ring head gasket and i mean honestly they literally built the race engine that everybody wants this should be the perfect blend of not having to run that straight pipe that i had which is basically this because it has a real muffler so it could be straight piped but i'm gonna run the muffler obviously so that we can get some uh some driver on the neighborhood tone out of this thing so we're installing the little output that you use for the fuel pump pulses you literally just unscrew this oil cap here on the back of the crankcase you're actually supposed to switch to this small o-ring here so i'm putting that on here right now how cool is this drop the fuel pump on run the lines everything is already the right length so it's just designed to be built i know a lot of people are running the engine but like get the get the performance kit look at that i've also got the pulse in there i don't think that's actually the exhaust i think it may actually be a pump like an air pump that does this pulsing which is pretty cool like what a sweet design you can fill the oil on two sides of the crank case this is just out of control so you run a little bit of tubing from there to there and put some clamps on it so i'm gonna cut that and do it right now you can see i've got the fuel pump hooked up to the pulse so that's ready to go we just have to hook the fuel lines up one to the carb one to the tank and this is the original carburetor intake here and you just kind of pull the carburetor off of that in my case everything's brand new so i'm not going to use any of these other gaskets because they're clearly exactly the same and now i'm putting on the new elbow puts the carburetor backwards instead of hanging out the side and these were incredibly tight before so i'm also going with the incredibly tight not like a big impact just a wrench and now i should be ready to put the carburetor on 10 mils over here an 8 and a 10 is basically this entire engine which is also super nice do make sure you check the gasket and the carburetor to make sure you've got it all port matched correctly uh they are different and also if the gasket's flipped upside down you'll cut your intake in half basically so you know just check it all before you put the thing together that's all you got to do these are our torque settings here tape the t-far method that's it this cart's going to be a straight-up ghost in everybody it was one thing when it was a predator but now it's just going to ghost the rest of the track i wish i could get in there dude i can't even get in there so no chance i'm fitting you said it was tight i was willing to try i can't breathe when i get in this go-kart yeah i probably shouldn't be putting the exhaust on until the engine is on the cart but i just i just want to do it okay so so let me have my fun here um putting the exhaust itself on real quick and that has bolts that are just sitting there ready for you to use and once you get those on there's a support bracket with a bolt that's already loose so you just kind of put that like that and throw the bolt in there and then there's uh two worm clamps that need to be installed make sure you put these worm clamps on first because one goes past and one goes uh on the back scott's taking the engine mount bolts off of the predator here and we got the throttle cable off and unhooked that's all technically out of the way there so the engine mount bolts coming off right there and there's two on the front of course and then we're gonna move the torque converter and we should be ready to install el gusto well those four nuts should have been the only thing holding this on to the cart i hope and it's kind of cooled off by now so yes predator delete now we gotta figure out what it's gonna take to get the old cvt torque converter here off and on to the new setup this is an adjustable bracket how cool is that it is neat yeah you can move the studs to whatever you want for whatever engine config that is impressive all right i should have cleaned this up a little bit i'm actually going to wipe this off before we try the ghost out well you know what all i wanted to do was see how the ghost fits looks like it fits there we go bang bang all right actually looks tiny on there dude doesn't it it looks so cool compared to the other one and i can reach everything from my seat let's move over the rest of this and put it back together it turns out this is actually an amazingly easy job to do it only took a couple of minutes here i had to bend in this heat shield a little bit you're gonna see on the other one it's been beat in there with like a hammer until it was flush with the head uh i wanted to keep some airflow so ours ended up it just kind of rides so i think it's good there the only thing that's unfortunate is we did have to lose the support for this exhaust so it is gonna put a bunch of weight on there uh we may have to find a way to support that later uh but now we've got everything together so all i'm doing now is reassembling the old cvt here there's a flat side and an angled side for this guy so make sure you put the belt on correctly flat side goes towards the flat side it's very obvious how it goes together um and then line this up with the keyway on the crank that exists in here somewhere right about here and then there's an outer put that on lock it in put the bolt back in here and you have moved the transmission back on the road let's mount this engine we're coming off our non-go-kart go-kart stand okay let's see how this thing works i am so pumped so full choke ignition on there goes the fuel it's coming in wow it's gonna take a lot of pulling to get oh there we go we're getting some fuel come on fuel come on fuel pump in a year now it's so close come on i'm tired i should have known we got to fill that float bowl up oh it tried didn't it yep i'm too old you can do it i can't fit in it anyway yes [Applause] [Applause] oh come on [Applause] [Applause] now the question is i clicked it off real quick i was like don't launch all right what we don't have here is a throttle cable obviously it needs a special throttle cable with a tiny little ferrule on the slide but i think we need to go buy a throttle cable string that in here and then we're done so i'll triple check that i can't use that one if we could it would be pretty sweet but uh i think we're stuck for a minute so we got everything done on the predator filled it up with some mo tool we've got 8100 excess in there because obviously it's a race car you got to have the race oil so we have the oil in this thing which i'm excited about and uh we did that first run in and then i went on a hunt for a throttle cable and let me tell you how hard it is to find a throttle cable i went to the carting store here and they're like we don't have that we have one cable that can fit slide carburetors and it's only 35 inches long and it's not really what i needed uh so we bailed on that plan and then i went to o'reilly's and i searched their entire inventory by hand every throttle cable all of the uh prime line section and they really didn't have anything there because those are all special order obviously like not that many people need four wheeler throttle cables stuff that runs that tiny little slide carburetor and then i searched all the car throttle cables trying to find one with that barrel on the end the inverted barrel tiny little one like that nothing so i came back here head in my hands and casey and i built a new throttle cable that's what happened i took the old one that had way too big of a ferrule on it and i've got my flap disc on the grinder and i very carefully turned it down until it was the size of the old inverted barrel and now it works and it looks cool because it's red red means racing as you guys know so now we have a throttle cable and we use the old ferrule here to crimp it back together where it needed to be and i kept all of the extra in case i ever need to move it there and throttle so there's a throttle stop on here if i need to adjust it or anything like that it's got throttle stops forward and back because it's a real race car time to drive it i had given up all hope i didn't think we were driving this today but we got it done youtube machinist now yeah that's right uh if you do need those throttle cables buy them online before you get everything else because it's just easy that way and they're way cheaper the car chopped wanted 40. they're eight bucks on on the old internet store [Applause] [Music] all right [Applause] what's up [Music] uh i need uh i need safety glasses i tried to get it a couple times mistakes were made wear safety glasses that thing is a ripper did you see it just immediately blow the tires off i was like yes all right i'm gonna put on safety glasses and i'll take another hit but oh man is it insane and it no longer dies when you're turning corners because it has a real fuel pump [Applause] [Applause] i got to 45 right there really yeah first hit basically and that was uphill so i feel like it must do 50 if i could get going downhill i should put the draggy on it honestly i think uh it's really hard to manage the phone and driving but it's fast it just rips don't it's no problem yeah give me a case thank you i don't know what you're you're good i don't know what she's waiting on here see if i can start it now on [Music] well if you're wondering if the ghost is worth it i cannot say enough how worth it it is this thing is incredible it's a whole new cart and that's pretty fast i think we've got a a lot more mile an hour in it if we uh have some downhill instead of making the thing do a climb so i'm gonna take it out on the draggy but i am in love with it so far and we haven't even adjusted the throttle stop like i think i might just not be pulling on the carb hard enough maybe i should reach down and pull on the throttle and then see how fast we're going so uh i'm gonna go try to do a little data logging and see just how fast the ghost is i'll be right back with you i'm sure no one doubted the ghost the predator is already amazing everyone uses that but if you had any doubts go pick one up today unbelievable i think i picked up 10 mile an hour so it was quick before and i didn't really have any draggy times on it but it was not going 50 before and if you look at the draggy results right here here there's one there's two you can see uh in the eighth we're doing 47 mile an hour and at the big end if you look at the chart uh you can see i hit 49 to 50 and then by the quarter mile i'm like on the brakes because i don't have enough road i need a slightly bigger track but that is unbelievable how fast this thing is take a look at those numbers anyway that's the uh the brand new ghost i think it's the only one in the city i checked all three of our local harbor freights no one had them and then i went there of course to try to buy a throttle cable they said they've never had one yet so that's why this one was fedexed in and i'm super pumped that uh it's an absolute ripper so that's it a drop in go play engine that does everything you want it to do right out of the box just figure out a plan for your throttle cable links to everything in the description below that is it for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to head on over to shop watch cherrygo.com for cool shirts just like this and please like share subscribe do whatever you want to do and i will talk to you next time they don't want us to win oh yeah it's pretty oh it's not that deep anyway it's raining non-stop here and they have the road completely blocked off so as you can see everyone with the truck is just going around it uh usually the water goes over this bridge and that's why they come block it but uh right now it's absolutely fine
Channel: WatchJRGo
Views: 1,007,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VKnxOX1yJQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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