Cheap and easy way to raise bees naturally with Dr. Leo Sharashkin

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[Music] who are you and what are you all about hello my name is dr. Lisa Raskin I am a natural beekeeper and I'm here at the helm staff life conference presenting on how you can start keeping bees almost for free today you can hear so much about bees disappearing and suffering and collapsing and dying in large numbers but we're not getting the news that even today you can keep bees naturally with very high success and I'm explaining to people that if you do it the natural way keeping bees can be simpler than growing tomatoes this was my experience with vegetables or any other form of garden agriculture you need to do so many things yourself but with the bees you just give them a good home and they do the rest it would almost sound like an exaggeration but this is how beekeeping was done for thousands of years people were not buying this from any bee supply company they would give these a good home and this is how you can still get bees today you set up a box in the tree in the spring and just as birds moving through birth houses because you gave them a good home honey bees will occupy these swamp traps as they're called or bait hives if they find one for every two boxes like that that I set out in the trees in the spring one will have a swarm just move in there so not only you are getting your honey bees for free and you are getting the local strain of bees that will be better adapted to your local conditions including the timing and the variety of our plants that bloom there they will be more winter hardy if you live in the north and chances are there will be more disease-resistant after you have your bees you have a choice of bee hives I have a website called horizontal hive calm again it's horizontal hive calm horizontal hives are traditionally used in Europe and many beekeepers to the present day millions of them favor them for the ease of management as opposed to the conventional American high which consists of a series of boxes that you stack one on top of the other the horizontal hive doesn't involve any heavy lifting all the frames on the same level so you never break your back by lifting honey you just lift one frame at a time so it's easy on the beekeeper and much less deter disturbance for the bees compared to the conventional five models other than that if you follow some very basic natural principles all for allowing your bees er to swarm this is how the procreate or inducing artificial swarming to break their brood cycle so they don't have baby bees for a while and baby bees is what the pathogens breathe on so if there is no brood in the fight for a period of time it cleanses them of disease and parasites as efficiently as any drug or pesticide or antibiotic would so even Disease Control in the Beehive can be done completely naturally and other than that you just give this the kind of experience they would have in a tree color in the woods and open the box to harvest some honey and one sir a year some will say especially those who have experience with conventional beekeeping approaches oh it will not work today we can no longer keep bees without chemicals because of all the disease and pathogens that they get it is not true because if you look into the wilderness in the woods there are beech trees that Noble treats with chemicals and these are thriving and there is research and today confirming that if left to their own devices the wild honeybees living all over the United States will have a lifespan of more than six years for each colony so that means that if we mimic the natural processes and now beehives and use local bees that a disease resistant and went through the cycle of natural selection there is no reason why you couldn't be as successful as nature is and that with the mineral expense instead of buying all the equipment and they're buying the B's you can get the bees by for free for by attracting honeybees forms to bait hives and you can build your own equipment very inexpensively on my website horizontal hive comm I share for free the plans for building horizontal files of different models so you can get started without breaking the bank and I'm so happy to report that people who had no bees a year ago some of them have dozens of hives now just by setting our boxes in the trays and capturing some local swarms another funny part is that this information is widely available you can even find at the children's books I was reading Alice Through the Looking Glass for my children two months ago and I noticed that in this classical book for children in Chapter nine there is a description of using empty boxes in the trees for catching your own honeybees and starting to have your own honey without any need to buy these again this is how beekeeping was done for thousands of years just think about it a hundred years ago a farmer didn't have FedEx to deliver a package of bees for the night from another side of the country but everyone had bees and honey was on every family state and dining table so if this is something that's potentially appealing to you I invite you to explore it further there is a lot of free information on my website for is on the hive dot-com I also translated and edited some of the best books on natural beekeeping for you one is called keeping bees with a smile that explores how bees live in the wilderness and how you can recreate the same life experience for them in your hive so they stay healthy and productive while producing for you uncontaminated honey the second book is specifically on using horizontal hives that be gentle and also very beekeeper friendly this book is called keeping bees in horizontal files you can find the free preview of the book and read some chapters from them for free on horizontal hyper calm and again keeping this can be simpler than any other form of agricultural gardening and I encourage you to give it a try and to discover how simple and exciting it is to keep these with a smile to realize that for three-quarters of time consuming America are not from America they're important including from China thank you and since several years ago China was the largest exporter all I need to do to the United States but then to protect American beekeepers the US government imposed very big custom duties Wando at your pound so now China is no longer dangerous for the I need a minute yeah guess where all the fun is coming from now what's the largest explored of money to the US Vietnam and what's particular about Vietnamese con is that make sport to the US every year much more than they produce in Vietnam all all together so here yes we're all this wonderful Vietnamese fan is coming from thank you there are some problems we face
Channel: Life in Farmland
Views: 35,390
Rating: 4.9249449 out of 5
Keywords: Life in farmland, self sufficient, homesteading, firewood, outdoors, Natural Bee Keeping, Getting Started With Bees, Raising Bees Cheap, Catch Your Own Bee Swarm, Dr. Leo Sharashkin, bee box plans, horizontal hive, bee hive plans, bee hive, homesteading Life Conference, honey bees, bees, honey, how to, bee keeping for beginners, bee keeping, raising own food, small farm, rural, farming, sustainability, country, strain honey, raw honey, honey comb, raw comb honey
Id: C0V9U54jgow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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