Chatting with Lady C(olin Campbell) - Hollywood Greats & Johnny Depp & Amber Heard/Kanye/Kim

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see [Music] hello everyone welcome back to castle goring chatting with lady C hello Georgie how are you I'm very well thank you and how are you I'm great thank you very much as you can see very well - great great Mickey settle down now we can start with the first question yes yes so the first question was what do you think about the trial on the court between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard very very touchy subject because of course the fact of the matter is that it's sub-judice II at the moment meaning that the child is taking place and we're really not supposed to speak about it in any depth but since we have no knowledge of the inner workings of the trial I think it's perfectly okay for us to touch upon it well I would have to say of what I've read in the newspapers so far I just don't see amber her being a very credible witness her claims do not stack up and Johnny Depp's do that's going off the evidence and putting myself in the position of the judge I would find it very difficult to find in favor of the newspaper I know damn who's the editor and I now Kevin and I think it's unfortunate that the trial has taken place at all but Johnny Depp's conduct has the ring of truth amber Hertz conduct has the ring of Mimi Mimi me and me again I think so it's she comes across as a rail operator and a self-promoter and a drama queen and somebody who is using the system for herself advertisement I think others spring to mind as well but it seems to be maybe something in the water with a certain type of person from a certain sort of situation I think one of the really rather disturbing seems to have emerged from the Johnny Depp Amber Heard natural is how certain members of The Sisterhood feel that if a woman says something it is true and if a man says it it's a lie and that you know you have members of The Sisterhood jumping on the bandwagon and showing solidarity when rarely everybody's shocked solidarity should not be to the sisterhood or if you're enhan the Brotherhood or any other holder it's supposed to be to the truth and to decency and a good sound solid judgment and proper behavior and young Johnny Depp is coming across as really a very honest straightforward and decent guy er he has a drinking problem yeah he has a drug problem I have to tell you having been married to an alcoholic and having spent years in al-anon my marriage oh you know there are very nice sweet kind drugs and drug clinicals and drug abusers and there are violent oh I had a friend who was an expert in alcoholism at the moment he hospital and she once said to me she said you know because I was we were speaking about my experience is marry to me and she said you make a big mistake in thinking that calling beat you up because he was drunk she said he drank to give himself permission to eat you up she said that is the nature of my future and not all alcoholics are life insurance or husband [ __ ] whatever the case may be you know there are valiant alcoholics and there are non violent alcoholics they're all valid joke takers a non-violent drug takers and what has impressed me with the evidence that Johnny Depp gave was that he positively expressed his anger rather than hit a woman his evidence is that he would hit the cupboard or whatever he hit so he wasn't denying that he got angry and I have to tell you I also know what it's like to be warmed up by alcoholics my mother was also an alcoholic and calling candalyn my mother had an absolute gift for pressing your buttons and winding you up and making you lose your temper but I would never dream of hitting anybody and his evidence is that he didn't either and I'm really disturbed by some of the sisterhood I gathered that Shelley Blair actually I think that she's called Shelley books QC because that's how she signed the visitors book at Balmoral which was all a bit of a joke I mean can you imagine sand in your Queens Council in the house of the Queen and talk about pretentious but I gathered that she's jumped on the bandwagon it may not be true and it's not immediately withdraw the statement but it's certainly been published but she has jumped on the bandwagon to show solidarity no no no no no I'm sorry I think it's just not the fact that she is a woman doesn't mean the cheese and the world is full of liars and cheats and self-advertising phonies who claim 15 Hornets when there is no cause for it and I think it's quite obvious by these comments where nice okay let's stake to Hollywood so what do you think about Kanye West's running for the US president and Kim Kardashian threatening him to divorce him because of that well you know life is never predictable with the Kardashians I have grave reservations for anybody any family whose very life blood is constant attention attention attention having said that I think the Kardashians are very good at what they do you know the fact that they're installed at a key and it's all rarely rather vulgar and treszura beast doesn't alter the fact that they are extremely successful at what they do and they do what they do very well I know I've never I've never met Kanye West or Kim Kardashian or indeed any of the Kardashians oh it's not that well then I don't think it's the world I would like to be a part of quite frankly but putting that aside oh I think it's always rather distressing to see somebody who's mentally ill a melting down in public but having said that as well you know the reason why the Kardashians and the Kanye West's and the metal mortals of this world are so successful is that they have absolute self belief I gather can we West has talent as a musician it's not a field I knew anything about I have all knowledge with regard to music is basically classical I know a little bit about oh you know the Bee Gees Gladys Knight and and I also do know a certain amount about proper 20th century classicists so we're not classical like Cole Porter Jerome Kern but really my knowledge is in classical music's I could never comment one way or the other on Kanye West talent but I gather he's talented and I think it's always regrettable to see anybody talented or talentless melting down in public but there is a link between a certain form of mental illness and being a very successful actor actress performer because a lot of these people have a tremendous amount of self belief that is beyond what a regardless healthy and I think most psychiatrists and psychologists would agree with me that it would be very on an unhealthy degree of self confidence and self involvement but that's what helps to me than the great successes that we are named if Kanye West had not gotten I don't know I mean I don't want to speculate it's not fair on Kim Kardashian it's very difficult to be married to somebody who is mentally ill I speak from experience on the subject and it's always very unattractive when they have a meltdown in public oh so I have a degree of compassion for them but it also shows the caliber of person who regards it as acceptable to put himself or herself forward to be President of the United States of America and he whatever happened to the good old days when politicians and leaders were supposed to be people have married and notes and people who actually understood something about governance you know I mean it's beyond a joke because the president of America is one of the most important positions on earth and are we seriously proposing that the world has reached a stage where talented or talentless every half-baked over-ambitious nutcase who decides that he wants the top job is going to run for the presidency and God forbid be elected to it I mean the whole thing is you know I just fear for America I rarely do I love America in America partly I spent the first seven years of my adult life in America it's a wonderful country it's not this made a wonderful contribution to civilization I just despair for what's going on in America now I mean it's I think it's really sad and I link that with Kanye West that somebody like him can actually put himself forward for the presidency of America and I suppose people have sort of lost track of the fact that the media and the entertainment world is entertainment it's not rarely the real world and you know just because somebody is televisual or has a personality that is fetching in the public domain doesn't mean that he or she has the ability to govern I mean really I'm beginning to think that what they own that the most effective way of electing leaders is that they're never shown so people don't decide that they're ugly many ugly leaders have been great leaders you know many good-looking leaders have not been such great leaders and I think there's far too much emphasis placed now on personal presentation it should be about the person's ability to govern and what the contribution is that they are going to make to the country's welfare the people's well-being and ultimately if you're president of America the rest of the world so yes even Paris Hilton said that she will maybe run for the presidency yeah yes this is second time she's like saying this I think it's just PR tricks yes because the last time she said if she get elected that she will paint White House into pink so it was the pink we used to have Lord Sutch in England never ever got any votes it was a joke thing you know so I suppose if you have people like that it's just need media attention yeah but it also shows to what extent a very important field is being trivialized and encroached upon by the entertainment industry I also have grave hesitation for many of the actors and actresses and entertainers who because they're successful all of a sudden feel that their opinions are worthy of being listened to and that they have married half the time they're meretricious as opposed to having married but anyway next question let me go to something a little bit more interesting yes so we are still sticking to Hollywood but we are flying to your Jamaica so did you ever knew or met Errol Flynn because he had a plantation in tomatoes yes well in fact I really know everything died when I was I suppose about eight or nine or ten I don't remember exactly but I mean he died when I was young I knew his wife patrice way more slightly and I knew his daughter Arne Ella who was his daughter with Patrice rather well because we were all in the same group together we were all the similar age and we went to each other's parties they lived near you into me no no they lived in they had a plantation in Port Antonio and we lived in Kingston well actually not Kingston seen - but everybody calls it teens oh so no we didn't but but we were all members of the same group and went to each other's parties and Ornella in 1973 I remember was living in England she lived on the corner of st. George's Square and the embankment and she was a really nice girl but she was very druggie and she died of drugs which was very sad so and also I was friendly with Syd Ferguson whose mother dawn colander who was a very grand watchmaker after Patricia's marriage - arrow hit the rocks he had an affair and wanted to marry Donna and because I was friendly with her daughter she told me oh and she was very funny about Errol Flynn and of course her mother was hardly thrilled that girl from such a wonderful background was taking up with a Rui of a movie but oh I think finally her mother put the kibosh on the relation dawn would have been about I suppose 17 at the time and Errol Flynn would have been in his late forties I would imagine he liked nubile young ladies and in those days there was nothing wrong with a 40-something year old man liking a seventeen year old girl because of course debutantes came out at 18 but some came out of 17 and some girls from good families got married as young as even 15 and 16 sometimes 14 and I mean it's all changed now but that's what happened in those days and but no I never met Errol Flynn he died I was a child and he died before I had a chance to you know join the social world yes so we are we will stand to make a bit more there was many famous person there you probably maybe met Hobart coward Noel Coward Noel he died in 1973 if I remember correctly Oh which was that which town I was living in New York but I never crossed paths with him oh but I have been to his house no the coward was actually a fascinating man because he was a suburban middle-class boy who was taken up by the upper classes in the 20s at a time when most people didn't make the transition he was very talented there's now the Noel Coward saturd which has been named after him he was given a Lifetime award a Tony Award he was knighted shortly before he died he did exemplary war work and in fact in George the sixth Ward each night him but because he was gay Churchill did not want United and use the excuse that he had contravened currency regulations in 1941 only in the 30s and 40s he was well in the twenties especially late twenties and thirties into the forties he was an absolute a huge huge huge star he not only was a songwriter he was a playwright he performed in his plays he had a very crystalline public image because he was a very first person to wear a dressing-gown on stage with a very decorous slippers and his long cigarette holder and he became a huge huge star fast forward his war work was exemplary not only did he use his ranting talents too rarely on denying the Nazi regime but he also wrote the screenplay for in which we serve which was a movie that was basically propaganda about the sinking of the HMS Kelly which was Lord now battens ship he was a great great friend of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother who in fact after his death unveiled a plaque to him if I remember correctly and when she was asked why she done it she said because he was my friend and indeed they were friends because when she was in Jamaica she used to go and visit him at Firefly which was his house in Jamaica important area and where he died I think he was buried three days after his death in Jamaica he died pretty young he died I think about 74 which was for now very young but I remember Noel Coward being a pretty old man admittedly I was very young and young people always think all the people are ancient but he was basically very old for his age he had arterial sclerosis that I know he had he died of heart failure he spent his whole life smoking he drank he didn't exercise so in terms of what we would regard as taking care of himself he did not which was very typical of his generation it's got to be said he also had a partner lifetime partner called grim pain when he died edited his Diaries which were a huge success but I'm afraid I didn't know him nevertheless he had it's rarely is a very unprepossessing little bungalow but it has the most beautiful setting that you could possibly imagine it's on a bluff overlooking an island in Port Maria it is so beautiful you cannot imagine he purposely built a small house with I think if I remember correctly it only had one bedroom and a sitting room with two grand pianos he then had about a half an hour down on the coastal road a guest cottage where he used to put up his house gasses he didn't want people staying and it was it's a very modest 1950s bungalow because in the 1950s people did not have huge holiday homes the way they now do they had very ordinary pedestrian functional holiday it was the roof over your head a bed a drawing room where you could entertain beautiful Randers where you'd entertain Chris Blackwell who founded Island Records he bought actually I could be wrong it could have been Eddie she a girl I don't remember exactly no but one of them either EDC Al Gore Chris Blackwell Eddie's yard was the prime minister Jamaica and Chris Blackwell is the founder of Island Records both of them were born into very well established upper class families and they have great private Eddie's now dead but they had have Chris has and Eddie had great pride in their national heritage and they understood how important it was to preserve our history and this was in the 60s would have been really seventies sixties seventies eighties into the nineties when everybody was mad to tear down beautiful old buildings and erect concrete jungles and they both decided no and one of the houses that fell into wrack and ruin was firefly if I remember correctly I think that's the name of your car woods property I could be wrong because I mean my speaking about 50 years ago actually ya know a bit less forty years ago was when I went and saw it and and in those days it was rarely very rundown but I think anyone who rescued it and I think then Chris bought it but I could be wrong there because what Chris definitely bought was gold now which again was a very modest bungalow holiday whoo very now to where we used to spend summers because we used to spend summers on the adjoining property to go now and I remember Stewart the gardener every time we arrived he would say no you pick me you can go across that border because the Englishmen don't like pick me you don't know what I'm going to do but you're going to terrible actually it was almost like a jungle separating the two properties and we never went to it the horrid Englishman who was so good to be so beastly to children our lives were a mortal danger according to Stuart wasn't Ian Fleming books and this would have been when he was writing the board books he was at the time married the former lady Roth in there and Charteris she had been and they had a son together who rather tragically committed suicide the marriage was pretty much on for them this stage and Ian Fleming had a huge step out with Blanche Blackwell Chris Blackwell's mother who she's dead no she was a distant cousin of man oh and they had a huge step out so to that extent my paths crossed in Fleming's but again I never met him because we were absolutely ruined to never and we never did and he turns out Stewart was absolutely right because he absolutely loathe children don't ask me why but he Jaden no so that's my experience the famous playwright and the famous also Wallace who was a neighbor of ours in the summer and the other of whom I never met it's a very very interesting experience of yours well Jamaica in the 50s and 60s into the 70s really into the mid seventies was the premier winter colony on earth and every body of consequence used to come to Jamaica and one ran across them quite often and but of course when I was a child it was my parents and my parents generation who ran across them if we ran across them it was because they were on the verandah and we were passing with our nurse because in those days they were called nurses you had a nurse nurse needs they now see nannies but in the olden days and Jamaica was about 50 years behind England at the turn of this the last century in England nobody said anything about a nanny they were your nurse and then it became nanny and we took a little while to catch up but so we would be you know with our nanny Oh once we got older we just children were not encouraged to hang around with grownups you know my mother like many people of her background so children should be seen and not heard yes and seen meant for the blink of an eyelid yes you know you arrived I'm sure you were brought up like yes yes and when my grandfather told me when he was kid I mean the child he was the youngest and there was four other sister so it was five of them so when the guests will arrive they will need to stand you know in the line by how they're told and greet the guests and after disappear ya need to go to their rooms or outside they were not allowed to stay with them well she a child centric world did not exist in those days and in fact of child centrism is a very modern phenomenon because maladie children were not the center of the universe and it is interesting to see how too much child centric focus has bred a whole generation of spoiled entitled badly behaved narcissists as well as some very nice lovely young people so and some of the young people have wonderful values and so I think it's the degree of child Century City that is the issue I mean Queen Elizabeth the first I think at the age of about four or five spoke Greek ancient Greek Latin as English and I don't remember what the language is fluently fluently historically children were not a different breed children were small growing human beings and they were expected from they were children to behave the way they would be behaving when they were adults so the training is starting very young and there wasn't that much latitude anxiety when my boys were young that I would have the ancient Chinese attitude because we had been brought up in some ways quite militaristically and so I decided that I would bring my children up in the ancient Chinese way which meant that basically they were allowed to indulge themselves till they were about the age of seven at which stage they were expected to start to smarten up but they always had to have good manners I'm not sure I did the right thing you know it's I mean you know my boys you know you would know whether I did the right thing or not I will see when they were at heel house one of the teachers once at the parent teachers meeting said speaking to me and I thought someone who was beside me you know your children are the best Nana children in this school so they obviously on some level were picking up certain things but believe me they were also quite naughty and quite Wow but anyway great thank you for sharing one of these interesting experience with us and I hope our viewers will keep following us and writing the questions yes thank you so much for your question can we please have some more questions anything that interests you that's fine thank you very much thank you and see you very soon goodbye
Channel: Lady Colin Campbell
Views: 41,687
Rating: 4.9391446 out of 5
Keywords: Lady Colin Campbell, Lady C, Chatting with Lady Colin Campbell, Chatting with Lady C, Lady Campbell, Prince Leo, Leo von Breithen Thurn, Lady C on meghan, Ian Fleming, Noël Coward, Noel Coward, Queen Mother, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Kardashian, Kardashians, US presidency
Id: vyUUHAdlsHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 46sec (2206 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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