Chatting with Lady C - Prison & Meghan's Mum?, Oprah/Vanity Fair/Harpers/People; Nailing the Liars

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bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do what you gonna do when they come for you bad boys bad boys hello welcome back to castle Gauri chatting with lady C hi Georgie hello leo hello everybody delighted to be back thank you so much for your tremendous number of questions which we will be addressing some of them today I mean if we addressed all of them I'm sorry we have for the next three yes we are very happy to get so many views nice comments and all your no it's my students do really interesting questions no the first one at the first one the first thing there's two things which I want to clarify before we start to go on the topic some questions first of all to let people know I'm not the son ladies say so there are sons of Michael and Dimitri it's me shine Dima and he is Prince Leo for Brighton turn he's not Lord Leo okay he's a friend yes he's a friend who got trapped hair during lockdown [Laughter] so the first question is regarding the mother of Megan is it true that she was in prison oh yes well people have asked Mary book is about Megan and Harry let's be clear about what magic is about it is a truthful and balanced account of Harry and Megan's story it's not about whether her mother went to prison or not the reasons why her mother might have been to prison I know it's all over the internet that her mother is supposed to have been to prison let me see right here and now I do not believe that the sins of the father should be visited upon the children to the third and fourth generation they also believe if someone has been to prison and I'm not saying that anything about Doria having been or not been to prison at all I'm not getting into it once you've served your time you have expunged the crowd that is the way civilized people behave and God willing I will remain civilized I think more than that need not be said I do not address the issue I will not be addressing the issue it's up to Doria Ragland and her daughter megan Markel to confirm ordinary her record whether it exists or not I am NOT her minister of propaganda No and I'm going to be delving into matters that are no concern of mine or my readers insofar as my book is concerned if people want to look into it on their own accord that's entirely up to them insofar as I'm concerned no way Jose so let's go on to the very next question okay next question so do you think People magazine Harper's and Vanity Fair are compromising their reputations by allowing themselves to be used virtually on a daily basis to plan spin stories put out by Megan's PR people every few days omits Kobe or Kate Nichols inform us what Megan and Harry had for lunch how they celebrated the opening of an envelope how artist Adams talk are progressing etc et-cetera I think that's actually a question that has two really important dimensions the very first one is that magazines and newspapers pander to their readership or what they think their readership will be interested in so you will find various publications being very pro or anti something they adopt positions that are effectively biased so if you bear that in mind there's also the effect that a publication actually has a duty to present a reasonably balanced viewpoint when advancing to such balance that it becomes propaganda it does lower the tone it lowers its credibility and yes I think I would be very hesitant to read anything about Megan and Harry that any of those publications put out because they are clearly beating the drama very aggressively in her favor oh and in Harry's favor but mostly Megan's free you can see her PR people fingerprints over every story and you know and it's drip fed on a daily basis or about daily basis which rarely rather amuses people because there is this couples moaning about having their privacy vanity and they keep us updated on their digestive systems I mean I'm sorry you know we're not really interested in whether Harry had heartburn or Megan has constipation I mean we couldn't care less you know except of course her fans care yes but I would actually see let me put it this way if I were the chairman of Vanity Fair or Harper's or any of those other publications that are so clearly that you know the mouthpieces for what they're so clearly the purveyors of spirit for Megan and Harry I mean they you know they have sunshine sacks stamped all over them if I were the owner actually stop it I'd say you know rain the integrity of the magazine is at stake it's one thing to do a positive article on someone but quite another on a daily basis to be doing to be putting out spinner having said that I'll tell you a little story in 1992 I had lunch that's Sam can tell with Robert Johnson who in those days was the royal correspondent for The Daily Express an effect Roberts who was a very nice guy I said Robert how can you people write the rubbish that Uniting about dad when you know it's not true he said Georgie it's really simple he said if we write truth about Donna people are gonna like her as much as they do at the moment and our circulation really effective it's all about circulation figures it's about pandering to the readership and if that means that you lie cheat deceive and corn that's regarded as fair dues yeah so yes but in this way they also try again to create maybe like influence on us I mean on you because they try maybe to to get some reactions and to you know to form again the stories or something of course it's all about dictating banality yes absolutely and they want to try to lead in this Megan's PR people's policy is to lead with the narrative and the publication's follow it those that refuse to follow the narrative are excluded from being informed those that are faithful adherents of the narrative are the ones who are famous stories on a daily basis I am very disturbed that publications with a free press allow themselves to be effectively mouthpieces of whether it's Pravda with the Russian state gurbles with the Nazi state it doesn't really matter propaganda propaganda whether it's done on a massive level or on a minimal level its propaganda and to do it on a consistent basis the way this is being done is deeply disturbing to anybody who values a Free Press having said that nobody is forcing these publications to print this garbage and also if their readers find it interesting good luck to them if they don't find it interesting they stop buying the magazines or stop tuning so you know it's part economics and part ready responsibility I mean I'd sooner and a little bit less money and and be upstanding and have integrity then compromise my integrity and make more money you know I was given the choice I could have been Dianna's gurbles I chose not to be I chose to be somebody with integrity who speaks the cheese and you know it's that's just the way it is next question so the next question is coming regarding your ex-husband because of the many comments I mean and everything what is now used in the media to try to discredit you probably from as we know from the side of the Meghan's team as well because they always try to reach us and everybody else so can you give us the background as to how and why your ex-husband has been trying to discredit you for so long well having just altered one heavy question maybe we can answer something a little bit more lightweight and then maybe I'll revisit that towards the end this is chance it was really I don't think it's not right kids give me give me time to all did they taste the crank up my courage I'm not naturally aggressive so you know I leave that to people like Megan and hair and sunshine sacks and all of those people who are in scabies okay so next question please sorry cool so many people have asked keeps on recurring it's a recurring theme because it's only thing what they can use at the moment well I'm sure they can come up with one or two other lives but okay next one so Meghan is working with Oprah Winfrey and she's big into the book industry so do you think that Oprah my tried to put a kibosh on your book I have to say I am astonished at how sophisticated and how on the ball an awful lot of people are you know it's an astonishment because of course I knew nothing about the internet or any of this until a few weeks ago when we started doing these chants and I'm really impressed with how very on the ball so many people are I think it's a distinct possibility that all of the Megan fans whether they be Oprah Oh whomever else will try to put the kibosh on the book and I wouldn't be surprised if they do before they read the contents of the book because of course the clearly nervous the suffix camp is clearly nervous and the contents of the book and I would imagine there is a possibility of course if she does it she won't be doing he actively she'll be doing it covertly having said that I have only ever been asked to be on The Oprah Show once and this is she have a show and they wanted me to do something this was in the nineties and I said I can't do it because I have not to date they wanted me to do it conflicted with a commitment I had with another show and I was told that the Oprah people had said if you don't do this show we will never ask you to our show ever again and I said to my PR people at the time who were representing me for a book I had written I said well you can tell her she doesn't want to that's kind by me but I have given my word someone else and it is dishonorable to break it and I resent being pressurized and virtually blackmailed into dumping somebody so that I will do her shoot I said who the hell does she think she is and you can tell her I said it and if you don't want to say it that's fine but if you don't want to say quote me directly so I don't care I have never met a woman since then I have met people who know her I have met friends of hers who have interviewed me I have a great deal of admiration for what she has achieved and don't misunderstand me I have nothing against Oprah Winfrey personally she might never have said this her people could have said it to try to get me on the show and not like to all of that but the fact of the matter is if she said it she was out of line I don't know that she said it I have no we made no means of knowing her but I do know she is friendly with Megan Rock or has been friendly with Megan Malcolm and I do know that birds of a feather flock together and that it is entirely possible that man would take the view that Mary book should be stopped and allow the propaganda to flourish who knows and quite frankly I really couldn't care less yes you know the world's about before oh I think it will survive after Oprah and I just recounted I needed absolutely Claire but I wasn't about to sell my soul to para on Oprah Winfrey Show and if she wishes to interview me and perfectly happy to consider it if she wishes to push my book along with the other book which would be even-handed thing to do I think a lot of people would it now her if she doesn't know that she ought to kibosh my look and promote their book many people will think she's a loyal friend other people I'm sure will think well Oprah slightly dodgy not exactly even-handed and where's all of this openness that is supposed to be so that Nana mustn't magnitude in us where is it Oprah let's find it so you see we'll see you like I caught second and third guess everybody yes yes true but so why they try to the hair in Meghan's team to contact you well well I don't want to go into it right no yes because there there there's too much going on behind the scenes that I really would prefer not to mention at this age all I will say is I have to say they're extremely capable and efficient it's spreading their there but they are like slugs silently and invisibly we wending their way across the floor and it's only when the light catches it in a particular angle that you can see the slime and the trail that they have left but they are extremely capable and they are extremely efficient and I think Joseph Goebbels has very much on there I think in fact they might have been able to teach him a thing or two about dirty tricks but be less said about it at least called okay coming weeks okay so which I like them that we go back to the previous question no are there other questions that are more pleasant so regarding the publish publication dates so they are still staying the same yeah yes so the for the UK and Europe yes for the USA well yeah I hope you have managed to come up with a question that's not going to look like a ghost no I told you sit on this side there is less sunlight yes but you never told me that I look like a ghost which I did and we're all of those who actually said I I agree with you but you know it's just Leo and me because the fact of the matter is this is locked down so we don't have an army of people able to help us with all of this so we are mucking along together and the truth is Leo did it deliberately you and I know it conspiracy conspiracy yeah Megan sent me yes sir so okay I find the interesting question for you out of this topic so did you ever met or knew Consuelo Vanderbilt Paulson and if so is there someone in history that she will compare her to okay for those of you who don't know Consuelo Vanderbilt falsa was the ex-wife of the Duke of Marlborough she was supposedly the greatest heiress of her day she married I don't remember which number do which was I think it was about the tenth to Kimora who they got they had a very very nasty marriage they had a very unpleasant divorce the her she wanted to marry Winthrop Rutherford who was my great friend Mary Shelley of the feds grandfather and Mary Shelley's nice son's godmother the Rutherfords in America are like dukes but they were not dukes and at the turn of the last century in fact really no it was in the 1890s I think it was but the marriage took place so it's quite a long time ago oh do you exceed count and the Vanderbilts were one of the richest families in America and consuelo's mother Alma Vanderbilt she was mrs. William K Vanderbilt then she became mrs. Belmont she got she was divorced which was very unusual in those days but when you're that which she can do what he want and she forced Consuelo to dump we rather further and to marry with you come all the marriage was a complete disaster she was I have written glitter in the code which is her autobiography and more to the point her granddaughter and heiress Sarah Spencer Churchill Lady Sarah Spencer Church and we have others he here yeah this is a private book that that was oh what's done by Sarah yeah and this is a copy of the book it's practically done it was it's never been published its private well because Sarah Lee reported published chocolate but Sarah had a house in Jamaica she lived most of her timings me because she was a great great friend of mine I met her through another great friend of mine who's another godmother to my son Sarah lived in Jamaica and I met her soon friends in Jamaica when I was very very young and we became great friends Sarah was a wonderful auntie main character she absolutely loved young people she fostered young people she promoted young people she had young people surrounding her the whole time she was called Sweden's granddaughter because her father was consuelo's son much more where that was that's what he was called Barrett and he died he must have died in the mid seventies and so I knew any of the Spencer churches because I was very friendly with Sarah my father really rather sweetly had the idea that Sarah was sound and solid like him and she was going to be protecting my virtue let Daddy think what he would just have a good job couldn't have been kinder and she inherited pretty much all of course we lose money and Consuelo we Sarah called her granny and so everybody who knew her well referred to Consuelo as granny as well because that's just what Sarah wore two different moments and preach that Sarah had this amazing diamond remus where the diamond was the size of an almond and surrounded by loads of all the read diamond since it had been granny's engagement ring I thought that Consuelo was very hard done by by the Juke of the day whose name was Sonny his nickname was Sonny well it emerges because Michael Waterhouse who was Sarah's sister who was who was Sarah's sister Caroline son has written a wonderful book recently about his great grandfather that goes into how his great-grandfather preserved Blaney turn blend him around and how Consuelo was really very naughty she slept around she was a fair she she made his life a complete misery oh and in the glitter of the gold she presents herself as whiter than white and costs and and she presents Sonny as being this cold really very unfeeling creature which in fact he was at all his second wife was even more of a nightmare then Consuelo she was an American and there are various pronunciations for her name it was spent Gladys D : some people pronounce it ladies oh she called herself ladies yes she called herself please and many people called her please but it really was Gladys she was a very famous beauty and very intelligent and a complete nutcase and but not mad but she ended up spending the last 15 years of her life in you know private lunatic asylum because her nephews who were worried that she was going to dissipate her fortune so the safest way of doing that is to commit her to the new me beam and they did baby that's so so that's that if anybody wants to read these books I will I will we can post up Michael's book of his great-grandfather yes - yes and it's really a very good book it's very interesting adds to the realm of the aristocracy a hundred years ago oh you know the sacrifices the people made not only the splendor but the sacrifices that they made and the sacrifices that he made and it's thanks to him that Lenin is in the good shape that it is to this day so yes okay so they're going back to the one of the previous questions regarding your ex-husband Lord Colin Campbell and he's trying to to discredit you with this many lies and allegations which came up again probably organized by the Meccans team well the reality yes is Erica Freeman who was his sister Jeannie's great friend said to me once you need to understand that you married a true sociopath I understood why she told you that because he is a true sociopath he is sadistic he is abusive he is a completely an opportunist and I think I ought to make it very clear up front that I tried I I tried to distance myself from him and cease using the name lady Colin Campbell which I did in 1977 I was so appalled that behavior of my then husband that I stopped using his name and I have her a letter that my mother wrote to me in New York on the 18th of March 1975 which clearly shows that it is addressed to me by my maiden name so I also know I also went to the length of writing to The Times to get them to accept the letter says in fact people can read it for themselves everyone's but it says I would be grateful if you could insert an announcement who needs the court circular with the following approximate word lady Colin Campbell wishes to be known by her maid named Miss Georgia Gianni I would like the announcement to appear in Wednesday's the 10 September issue of your paper if there are any questions still give me a ring at Oh at four double nine eight seven six hours and usually at home but the morning is a better time and it's signed Georgia it's yogi cabin which is not even signature I I could I continued refusing to use the name Campbell until that the following month of course the press did not respect my wishes they never had respected my machines I kept on saying I wish to be known that evening every time there was an interview they ran with my married name well of course we would because England oh my maintenance is of no consequence my married name was a consequence so for their own circulation needs it answered their prayer so to speak so of course people are going to ignore what I said but October my ex-husband came to pick up something from me at Green Street I don't remember what it was anymore it's 40-something years ago and I clearly gave it to him whatever it was and then he came back late to that day refusing to leave because he saw when he came in the morning he saw me painting my fingernails so he knew I was going to be doing something with some guy that no I was going out at the time I was going to I was going to dinner with somebody called James Medina whose uncle loaded he in the Queen's private secretary and he hung around and hung around and and absolutely refused to leave until James came to pick me up and he and I went downstairs together and his I introduced them and his comic genes was what he wants with a [ __ ] like her then he said can I have a word he was drunk as usual oh and he said to me and he at the time was staying at Portland Place which was off the being small turn around so good 20 minute walk and he said off I've spent all my money but can I hit you for a quid for a taxi or a bus I don't remember which it was so I was supposed to hand over five quid to you and I remember seeing I'm sorry Coleen I don't have money to give you I didn't say I didn't have the money I said I don't have the money to give you I was sick and tired of being leached Barry here and I'd have enough of his rubbish and Hispanics and he's nice and he's calling and his abusiveness and I've never seen him thank God from that day to this this was October 1975 I can look up in my Diaries to see what date it was but I'm not gonna waste my time to do it I think for ease of reference because I hope that this will be the last time I ever have to address this completely distasteful subject I am NOT going to allow my ex-husband and people who have their agendas to tell lies about me oh that are palpable eyes that I have sued and cost each of the newspaper companies in this country hundreds of thousands of pounds and I'm not going to be after forty something years having two people on coping with this rubbish and it's floating around after this and I wanna make this very clear to everybody who's listening who might be tempted to use anything I say against me I have consent orders from every single large newspaper company in this country bar one or two preventing them from reporting on this matter and repeating these lines I will not hesitate to use their consent orders that anybody who chooses to repeat these labels I will not hesitate to bring the full force of the law to bear upon them for the last 45 years I have had a sadistic abusive drunk drug addict either as he was then laia flawed and cheat telling and selling lies about me to the newspapers and continuing to do so after 40 some fingers this is stalking this is harassment and anybody who pretends as the mark of camp will persist in doing them but they are chemists and that they are humanitarians and that therefore they can get other people and pay people possibly to be regurgitating these lines at my expense and awfully sorry I don't play ball like that with anybody this I'm speaking directly to the camera to make it absolutely clear to everybody who is listening looking at this and who wishes to take on board what I'm singing I am not joking you want to make a very rich woman repeat the lies because I will not hesitate too soon no not only in England but in America where the bar for definition is considerably higher than it is in England but it does encompass nails and when I am still presenting all this evidence about that jerk to who now had the misfortune of being married you all see that everything down in black and white is in my favour and nothing is in his favor and therefore I would suggest the people who are members of sunshiney groups shine their Sun elsewhere but take their focus off me because if this persists I am going to become a very rich one and I am going to sue the clutch box of every Rutter stinker nasty bastard who thinks that they have the right to abuse me and to continue doing so because of a misfortune of birth for which I had no responsibility let's be very clear about what's going on here ok and as you can see I am absolutely spitting mad and I will remain spitting mad so cross me at your peril now the first thing is I have just been made aware recently of an article that my ex-husband IVA showed all gave he has a long track record of selling stories about me no two stories incidentally never agree as we're going to see this second oh and I gather that he sold this story about me when I was in the jungle oh yes it was the 29th of November 2015 when I was in the jungle and the headline in the Sun the Sun ironically enough is one of the few publications I did not sue for defamation in the 1970s or the 1990s when I had to sue all of the author's for life's colin campbell had told about me and the reason why i didn't sue them was they didn't write anything so this is their introduction to this which i had no idea existed until about a week ago and it's unfortunately out of time otherwise you can believe me when i say i would nail them like of which they they the hammer wouldn't hit quickly enough than to move their hand lady called lady c is a monster crushing snob and a complete fake says the man who married her ex-husband lord colin campbell on his troublesome lady the ex-husband of I'm a celebrity stolidly Colin Campbell says she's a liar and a fake that she opens up about the day he discovered she was raised as a man well I was never raised as a man I was raised as a boy small difference these people ossicles the word smith's they ought to know the difference between a man and a boy but anyway you know first this at least is a sign of ignorance and lack of education not particularly my sofa lord colin campbell lesson i will he sees quoted I saying I was stunned I simply couldn't couldn't I simply could not believe what I was hearing after she told me I could not even bring myself to look at my own wife let alone touch her my brother the Duke of Argyll called me and asked do you realize you have married a man well he was wrong about that I now realized but it was a massive shock at the time before then I had not had the slightest suspicion she was a beautiful flirtatious young woman when I met her but I soon discovered that she was that she is trouble with a capital T clearly I was in trouble enough for him otherwise he wouldn't be mucking around with me the way he's been doing for 40-something yes however he's going to discover that finally he's alighted upon the truth because I'm kind of each other with a capital G for him oh he says after Jamaican honeymoon the couple met Lord Collins family at his ancestral home at Inverrary castle in Argyll featured in Downton Abbey Nord callings well first of all that's not she and I met Colin candid that his sister Jean is flat in New York I was her houseguest Jeanne had a house in Jamaica called Hopewell which will come into the story a little bit later and her family a nice family knew each other Colin Campbell had also spent extended periods of time maker he more or less lived there for about two to period no before I knew him it was an open secret in what was then called high society vulgarism but that's what we called it what my upbringing was how I could have met his family after the marriage when his sister and I'll show you the picture is you the photograph at our wedding there is his sister Jeanne this is Jeanne Campbell there is Jeanne there is her daughter Kate Kate Jeannie's daughter Kate with Norman Mailer I don't see where a koozie is but koozie was there so there's the biggest man at my wedding so how I could have met his family after him marriage is quite beyond me because I was staying with his sister when I met him and Janie is wrong who encouraged me to marry him quickly and I did not want to marry him so quickly I was very taken with him and he proposed very quickly and I want you to put the brakes on it but she talked me into it jeanne was my mother's age she was a very nice person I have nothing against Jeanne she was she she meant good she meant the best for both calling and me she thought though he had had a very troubled childhood and she says well they have very painful childhoods in common and you know Shorty's from a well-off family it's gonna be heaven on earth match made in heaven blah blah blah and she has the compassion to deal with callings difficulties Jeanne did not know as she herself told me that her brother had his history of violence she had no idea she was eighteen years older than he was so she had no idea he'd never rarely live together oh and she was also his half-sister her mother was Janet kid who was no Beaverbrook daughter Colin and Ian his mother was weary clues who was the second of my father in those four ways so I have no complaints against Jean we remained in close touch this is a letter Jeanne wrote to me August 1975 when I was in England you can see clear as day oh she also wrote this letter to me you've got so many things but I just grabbed the first thing that was available oh she did have some databases she hasn't dated this but I guess she understands me no because I don't think does it show this no yes 70 no 1976 6 March 1976 cleanest life from Lady Jane Campbell blah blah blah 1976 so Jeanne and I remain in close touch not only the Jeanne and I remain in close touch Jeanne I went to New York and stayed with Jeanne afterwards as well the way I had stayed with her before let me put it this way I have stuff here where Jeanne Campbell is effectively calling brokes her brothers fees and telling me over because Colin Campbell had purloined let's be polite Colin camera had prolonged Jeannie's paintings from Hopewell in Jamaica and when we were divorced because my father's family were in business that I used may fall the shippers to ship over all nice stuff from New York to England and Colin Campbell asked me if we could ship this stuff as well so I said of course I mean I was going to be a civilized as I could be and I said yes of course when the stuff came I got in touch with Jeanne and I said to her I have no pictures what do you want me to do with it do you want me to in fact I've got the letter here somewhere yes 25th of July 1975 matatini just a short note to clarify the position regarding your paintings which calling removed from your house in Irish stone may I say because I believe in trying to be as nice as possible about people until they make it impossible which is cheap forty something years but as far as I'm concerned the gloves are off no I think I after 45 years have exercised on do finishers I do wish to emphasize that his original motives were good in pure well talked about stretching backwards I tried as best I could to prevent him from taking them to New York then encouraging in return then encouraging him to return them but you know how valid he can be when crossed especially if he has been drinking so I had my hands tied so to speak I do feel that he should return she I do I also felt that he capital AG should return them of his own accord which he has obviously not down really simply Stoli the poor woman's pictures and we must speak about pictures that are worth a lot a month so units it's not oh she's not sister I just have them I do feel in all fairness to him that I ought to say that he did have his moments of conscience which he then squashed I rationalized misconduct with the thought that you are irresponsible to have left them in Jamaica and that he was therefore at a keeper of your property than you were at present I have all of his paintings and yours in my possession I do not feel it would be correct of me to release them to him unless you say so until then I shall keep them though I do hope you will write me as soon as possible telling me what I should do with them I shall be only too happy to keep them for you to turn them over to whomever you say or to ship them to you as the case may be how are Kate and cruzi do give their man of I hope that your acting is coming along well and that life is treating you well love Georgie and her response is there Georgie thank you so much for your letter I have just returned from an out-of-town show which is why you have not heard from me excavation bonds please keep my pictures and when you come to America bring them with you on the land don't entrust them to anybody there are no real estate don't entrust them to anybody meaning her two brothers they are valuable to me if you fly directly shoemaker you could of course take them to your mother's house where I believed them to be that's what Colin Campbell made me tell her standing over me holding my hair nice personally I hope you are well and find in London life agreeable blah blah blah blah so there we go that shows to what extent his own sister trusted the system who he's now trying to make out didn't exist and who I and he's just cut her out of the picture know what Colleen said the sex was normal and we had lot of it like most people do on honeymoon well first of all like no gentleman is supposed to be commenting on his sex life to a newspaper that's the first thing certainly not about his wife's sex life but his family has phone in this department his stepmother Margaret Duchess of Argyll sued his father it's taught in law schools our God versus organs where a husband is not allowed to reveal the secrets of the marriage bed and certainly not by selling them to a newspaper which is what his father did calling Campbell and his father had foam with selling stories about their wives to the newspapers the newspaper of choice was for Lisa sending people in those days I see he's graduated to the sermon so so and it is a complete lie because I did not have sex with Colin Campbell before the marriage because he was in an inordinate haste to marry me and we were never alone he shared a bedroom with genies then about 4 or 5 year old daughter called kuzey and there was no way I was going to be here Oh having Congress with anybody else in the room no was I going to do it in someone else's house I mean what just doesn't you know Vera there's there's a way of behaving and I'm not saying that I was not hot to trot because I certainly was and I thought he was very attractive but there was I was going to do if he chosen to take a hotel room that might have been a different matter between you know meeting and marriage but he didn't push his hand in his pocket and he never did push his hand in his pocket he was intent on pushing his hand in my father's pocket and his hand in my pocket I mean you talk about the leech there was he the only bigger leech than him was his father and you don't need to take my word for it those of you who would read the Beaverbrook girl Janet kids autobiography and her experiences of my father-in-law you will see the category of person we were dealing with and Colin and his brother Ian regrettably were as debased as their father the very first story was set up between Colleen and Ian ins this and I have a contract here but Colleen sighs oh sorry let's let's finish about sex first to go back to his rather unsavory comment the sex was normal and we had a lot of it like most people do on honeymoon well I'm here to tell you I was the other party on the honeymoon and he is boosting sell falsely because we only never ever had sex three times in our marriage the very first was in Jamaica at my parents house the second time was at Inverrary castle oh and the very third time was in New York he was absolutely helpless in there he was dreadful he he suffered from Brewers droop the like of which it was impossible to imagine I had never experienced I mean I was used to me and I was used to properly and anybody who's read my autobiography will know that I had many very energetic men after me and with whom I was involved not that many involved but but I certainly had getting on to two handfuls of men so not one of whom ever had a complaint about me but I'm here to tell you the guy was a total jerk not only out of bed but in bed and he's a total liar as well because if he thinks a lot of sex is having sex once well my great love did on a nightly basis what he did in the whole of our marriage and in fact I rewarded myself the night of our divorce by sleeping with an ex-boyfriend because I thought I am NOT leaving this marriage without having been properly ruptured at least once so there we go and I think it's unsavory that I'm happy to address it but I am going to address it because I'm am asking this pathetic lawyer for what he is then what else oh he says there was nothing unusual about her body and we were having a fantastic time well that there was nothing negatively fantastic about not evolving there I concede if there had been and sure you'd have heard about it by now but that's one lie he couldn't tell because I had I gave up one of the richest and nicest men on earth to marry Colin Campbell my father was furious with me but David was not particularly exciting and I thought Colin was exciting and dashing and you know all the things you know bad boys girls like bad boys I like bad boys well believe me he called me a bad boys but anyway oh he'll then he says a month later so this is a month after we are married lady sees past was revealed a journalist on asked her birth certificate leading to false accusations she was transsexual well I'm struggling because just a few paragraphs above this he says so this is a month after we marry this and he is saying a few paragraphs he could not bring himself to touch his wife after she told him about her shocking past well I'm afraid does that add up to you know so first of all he seen I I told him about my shocking past a month after we were married then he's saying a little bit further down in the same article a month later ladies his past was revealed when a journalist unearthed her birth certificate leading to false accusation she was a transsexual well how does that work he just said a few paragraphs about her and remember this is a son so every sentence is a new paragraph because grandma has nothing to do with any reportage in the song oh it doesn't make sense but that's the first of the many things that don't make sense oh then he says Lord calling hit the bottle as he struggled to cope with a scandal the pair separated after 10 months and divorced four months later well again how does that work because here we go oh sorry just wait a second how does how does this work I mean you know it does he doesn't even shut up the lies intelligently but then he's brain dead as anybody would be who's frying rates with the amount of drugs and treatment he's taken over the Cenacle to the heirs so yes so oh this jerks turn now you know and and of his version he has discovered the chunks of now you're bringing from a journalist a month after we're married but in this film were few sentences before he said I told him and then he never touched you thereafter I mean can you imagine me with any man who had distaste for me not and especially when he had married me for my father's money or not and he had got a pot to pee the only thing he had to recommend himself was himself and it very quickly became apparent II that that wasn't worth having Oh anyway hence where the problems started because I was all prepared to put up with a job in balance as my father used to call him I mean the fact of the matter is the very first story because he's knows he's now trying to see he hit the bottle because of the scandal however the scandal was created by him and his brother his brother placed the very first story about us and this is it and the very first sentence and it is dated the it's dated the 29th December 29th of December 1974 and it says it was love at first sight it's a headline although this sub headline Nord Colin Campbell rather of the duke of argyll disclosed today that his bride of nine months was once a man his wife the former Georgia Ariane is the audit went e5 underwent a sex change when she was 18 well of course there are several lies right there but but for our purposes live it's worse is this is nine months after marriage not about self tell marriage he hasn't read the story anywhere he has sold it with the connivance of an assistance of his brother to the Sundy people how can you read about something and you knew nothing about it until you read it in the newspaper or you read you were tormented by a journalist a month after your marriage then you stayed with your life for another eight months because you had supreme distaste for her I mean it doesn't make sense also in it he says and this is before he decides he's good he says asked about me he says she is as much a womanís any and more than most so that's how bothered he is but what is she a part of lives after the other yet again another one of those jerks that the world seems to have proliferating all about the place nobody's signaling jerks he has an aunt mitigated going to see looking back I do feel sorry for her well for such an extent that he spent the last 45 years trying to destroy my life but she should have told me the truth which again is the bad because as his sister Jeanne said Oh Colin do cut her not alone why no Georgie told you the truth and not only did she tell you the truth but I told you as well everybody knew all about her upbringing my upbringing was actually an open secret in International Society it was never written about in the newspapers Theodor silly who was the editor of The Gleaner when he was invented by the Telegraph in England to write about it refused to do so they backed off then Ian Argyll went to the Sunday people and it is he says as well things were not so liberal back then and the scandal was deeply embarrassing for my family the scandal was created by him and his brother the contract shows very clearly who benefited financially there are three stories that are written all of which Colin Campbell sells to the sunday people there the first one which are shown then there is the second one which is which comes a week later when because he wants to make more money he's not made enough money yet because you see I will show the letters he owned the Prairie money and his brother Oh manufacturers Hanover trust money and they didn't get enough money from the first story so he needed to make more money from the second story so he began says Lord calling kicks out his sex-change brand that's the week later however you then have the story the 11th of May 1975 he says another story pairs with sex change breath I asked you I asked you you know and this is a man who was trying to say he never spoke to me after we were divorced well not only did he speak to me James Levine can prove that in October 1975 he proudly said in a warrior a [ __ ] like her for not equal English total jerk anybody who repeats any of this and says that it is true calling I'm going to tell you what really happened calling Kevin you all about my upbringing long before I told him his sister Jeannie also knew and his sister Jeannie confirmed that he knew he is a liar he is an abuser he tried to he was abusive physically since she since she couldn't hammer since she couldn't Hammer me with his masculinity he hammered me with his fists he was a total failure as a man he still is not only a failure he's a failure as a human being and that only regret is but I was saddled with his name and the only reason why I was saddled with his name was that in October 19 cent vowed on the last occasion that I had the displeasure of clapping eyes on that or Rotter he informed me that his brother Ian Argyll was rattling around Scotland saying that I had been deprived of the right to use his name however I had not been deprived of any such rights because Colin Campbell collie I had no legal representation during the divorce he was okay hang on let's make a change to come to you I had no legal representation and Ricky's making it very difficult for me but she's she's obviously upset yes what is being discussed and I don't blame her I'm upset too but anyway oh let me try to find the next one oh yes yes I also have here the contract he signed with the sunday people signed by the sunday people Julian well yes as well it's about him so that's how he and then he refers in this in the silent article is an article he also refers to thee to the fact that and he get paid two and a half thousand dollars is a dollar $2,500 well I have to tell you that's a joke as well because Oh Barbara Taylor Bradford who helped me at the time to try to get the story killed Henry branch who was a friend of hers and who was the station she had to to stop the story as well unsuccessfully she told me that he could have got ten times that so he wasn't only treacherous he was dumb as well he says I have not spoken to her since the day we were divorced in 1975 that again is another nine Oh we were living together at flat look I appealed for after I got the divorce I wanted I can shut down the flat and he came on the same plane as me back to London and he wanted to stay with my brother and me I was staying with my brother and my brother absolutely refused because he didn't want to have anything to do with calling who he thought was a sleazebag of the highest order unfortunately I have the hard copy of the separation agreement and divorce decree in the bank and it's all possible to get them out at this point what I do have here is carbon copy of a letter from Colin Campbell's solicitor and Trust and the solicitor of his trust in New York confirmed that I had no legal representation of my own he is the one who did legally and I take that deliberately upon the advice of Sarah Spencer churches law challenged his nukes it was a friend of mine and who acted on my behalf behind the scenes in this matter he said Colin Campbell and Ian are God or such a [ __ ] quote unquote that if you have any legal representation they will try to say down the line that you took advantage of Corinne and his states because he was perpetually drunk never sell junk Esther not who she's hand in anybody's pocket but so drunk as to ever be honorable and he said what you need to do is have no legal representation and let him and his lawyers handle the divorce because I wanted a divorce I asked for a divorce in November 1974 I asked for it again on Christmas Day 1974 you know the difficulty when you're dealing with an alcoholic whether drinking or otherwise is beside the point unless they go to AAA and clean up their stinking thinking as it's cold you are dealing with somebody who is completely irrational and once I realized that and I went to al-anon and Alcoholics Anonymous open meetings because of Colleen I discovered that there were certain ways that I needed to treat him and also to protect myself against him because he wasn't only a drinking alcoholic for most of our marriage but he was also very valid mahalik and he used to say to me because I'd say to him you drink or a divorce you can't have folks if you want me to stay with you you need to give up drink and you need to go to Amy I child it without a and it didn't work his thinking was just too out of line and bizarre and he needed this 12-step program to clean his mound and his being now and he used to say to me if ever you leave me I will destroy you and I will make sure that no other man ever wants he wanted us to remain together and I said I'm prepared to stay with you even after the divorce if you give up drinking and give me a divorce but I need a divorce because I knew there was no way I could have myself legally child to such a vicious nasty evil creature and quite frankly by then I think ought to see him speak to him or have anything whatsoever to do with him but I also understood that he was such a wild card that unless I played him cleverly in Canada me that I would never get a divorce because you see I had discovered one afternoon coming home it's one afternoon in March 1975 I came back home and Colin Campbell was on the phone to his brother Ian Argyll and I could hear very clearly from the drawing room what he they were saying and I was transfixed with horror that they were setting up the scenario to as they put it have an even more sensational divorce than their father had had from their step mother Margaret which has gone down in the annals of Earth's history as the most sensational divorce of all time and Scottish divorce history it's so had the most sensational divorce in English divorce history is the drawers of there several times great uncle Lord Colin cabin against the previous lady Colin Campbell so the family has form where divorce is concerned he they had been trying to trick me into staying and happy and allowing me to have lovers well I didn't need their permission to have lovers I was paying for our lifestyle and I started it in me permission from some leech to use my body as and how I pleased so I thought that was some goal and I didn't want to remain with him in ends and after what he had done with the new speakers and I had discovered that his brother had taken part in it too because I thought that was such treachery and such a betrayal of anything that is decent so and later on if I remember correctly it was the weekend of the 22nd 23rd of March and I confronted Colin about this and he admitted it all and he also admitted that his brother had been suggesting to him that they kill me you know I discovered quite awhile later that Ian Argyle had foam we're suggesting killing people or actually trying to kill people was concerned I discovered this through Mark's axe the grandson of Sir Mark Sykes of the famous sex Picholine who is an old friend of mine and used to be a great friend of a child of my parents in etc etc and when he was 12 years old he was spending the summer in barracks with my brother-in-law Ian who was also 12 years old and big Ian and we be and he has recounted on many occasions how he and Ian were swimming in the sea and Ian tried to kill him try to drown him and it was valium miracle that somebody came and saw what was happening and actually misread the situation and thought that Mark had got into trouble and Ian was trying to help him ian was actually trying to kill him and yes later mark says he saw in somewhere and he said in why did you try to kill me and he said ah well why not all words to that effect so I mean your dearly I that tells me that the threat bizarre as it was was sufficiently real for Ian to have actually tried to kill someone before I mean I'm sorry you know when you're dealing with people who are that disturbing that loopy and it rarely they should actually not only be locked up he should have been an abortion and so I promptly phoned up my parents Oh calling you that my mother's best friend was Brigadier General Rudolph Greene who was the chief of staff of the Jamaican all army and so I knew the one way that I would preserve my life was to actually tip off my parents and Rudolph and calling also knew that when the Sunday people had had their reporters sniffing around over the Christmas season that the Jamaican army Rudolph told us that the he had delegated to soldiers from the Jamaican army to train with the reporters so we knew at all times what the reporters were trying to to do and what be worried about well I thought after that you know there is just no way I can I mean I hadn't wanted to stay with him before but I thought there's just no way that I can continue being really in the same world as this man you know my life is rarely in danger not only from his violent outbursts and I was sick and tired of being hospitalized and when I wasn't hospitalized recovering the from from various assaults and I thought no and I really dug my heels in and I demanded that he give me a divorce and that he do the divorce himself which he did and you know the proof of the pudding is in the eating if Colin Campbell's lies have been the truth he would not have divorced me he would have got an annulment the fact that he couldn't get an annulment meant that everything he was saying was a lie and I'll tell you what I also did to him at this stage of our our marriage I pointed out to him that if he and Ian or gal thought they were gonna make a vast fortune off my back now draggin me through the divorce courts all the annulment courts I was going to succeed because what they were saying was on shield and at the end of it because I as his wife was his next of kin and he would not be able to divorce me I would have him locked up I told him and I said if you test me you will discover that I mean every word of it so not only did I get nice clean divorce but I am my freedom but he also it shows that he is a complete liar because had I been lying and he been speaking the truth there would have been no divorce there would have been an annulment finishing and yeah I was happy to stay with him until we were divorced and if afterwards I said to him you know it's fair calling we can remain friends if the marriage hasn't worked out it hasn't worked out but we can remain friends and even at that late stage I was prepared to take a compassionate view of things and indeed I have systematically over the decades take the compassionate new things I believe in nicely being as good as kind and as decent person as possible and I have tried to be nice even when people were not nice to me and my experience with Collin cabin is the perfect example in 1975 when I was suing the newspapers for the lies he had shown and told about David Eadie who became the chief defamation judge was advertised nightmaster and he said to me we should name him as a co-defendant in the 1990s when George Carlin was my barrister he also said to you you should name him as a co-defendant and I said no I said I don't want to because I feel in fairness to him that he was born damaged goods his mother was an alcoholic I think he is a fetal alcohol spectrum baby he is I've done a lot of research into he got stoned a lot of doctors she's conduct his attitudes he is everything including his physiognomy is slightly there of a fetal alcohol spectrum baby he also his his mother his mother was a drinking alcoholic and she drank while she was pregnant with him and his elder brother if Erica Freeman is to be believed and I do believe her they were both sociopaths and so was their father this was a conclusion Erica came to gratis her friendship with gene you can be a feature alcohol spectrum victim and also sociopathic one does not exclude the other and I would prefer to believe that he's not evil for evils sake but what I cannot avoid acknowledging is that he is destructive for destructive mistake and he has always been destructive he was destructive as a little boy he was destructive as a young man he was certain destructive with me and he's been destructive since oh and he like many of life's perpetrators goes around playing the victim card and trying to be every you know he's a victim of every body of a cruel world blah blah blah well if he was a fetal alcohol spectrum baby which I think he was to an extent he has been earmarked from birth to be a victim but he doesn't alter the fact that he has also been earmarked to be a perpetrator and a very destructive and damaging one as well I have Indian 85 years of his abusiveness and I don't wish a enjoy anymore my only regret insofar as all of this is concerned is that I put that jerk on the net and that my brains and my initiative and that intelligence and my industriousness have been able to put that jerk on the map so there is a link between me and him because quite frankly I wish there was no link whatsoever but as long as there is a link let it be a truthful link yes thank you very much well for all explanation I think it was needed yeah quite frankly all this and you know because this is the only thing actually what they have to use so far let's see what else it can be things because in 45 years they never been invented yes so let's see what else they come up with I find the whole thing on surgery and regrettable and I have bent over backwards but every turn not expose him for the complete inadequate jerk that he was but I have a lot more up night sleep and believe me I will dish those aces if necessarily and but I'm saving it from now on for a court of law plethora of information and stuff on here good thank you very much and to thank you for watching us keep writing your questions and comments there's many many of them I'm awfully sorry that this has had to be addressed quite frankly and those of you who found it out Sam I'm boring should I tell you something I find you tiresome and boring as well also what makes it necessary as well I have two children to consider you know why should my children be harassed by a sadist because you see what do is when they can't physically beat you they found all the ways of be Jesus so he got the press to beat me up and he's still using the fists of the press to beat me up you know it wasn't enough that he smashed up the right side of my face Viroqua whole load of raves and I was putting into legacy hospitals with not one inch of my body from my neck down not bruised I have the medical reports and subtly kept everything I have the medical reports and then he know yet has the press to eat I'm sorry sunshine sacks I hope that you've heard every word I've said find some other punching bag for their prejudices their perversions their ballasts and they're sick ridiculous attitudes will understand from here on in it's not gonna wash thank you so much and I'm really sorry that that I've had to just yeah I have spent 45 years trying to avoid this moment 45 years but you know there does come a point when you have to take off the gloves and just let rip okay thank you and keep writing your questions in comments and we will try to find something oh but no I don't want to ask I don't want to be asked any questions about my ex-husband and my marriage I'm not this is a sub-tree this was over no the topic so much to discuss there is more interesting things about the book everything is a great interest to do with him and your questions what I do with related matter matter related to human I flush it every morning so keep write the questions please Megan Steve no more emails and that's it we'll see you again next week thank you for watching us goodbye
Channel: Lady Colin Campbell
Views: 269,159
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Keywords: Lady Colin Campbell, Lady C, Lady Colin Campbell on Meghan, Lady Colin Campbell Meghan and Harry, Lady Colin Campbell Meghan book, Chatting with Lady C, Realty, Harry and Meghan, Oprah, Lord Colin Campbell, Lady C Meghan Markle, Lady C on meghan, Lady Colin Campbell on Meghan and Harry, Leo von Breithen Thurn, Prince Leo
Id: Y4pqObIViEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 53sec (5693 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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