Testimonial to integrates with AI to deliver the best testimonial campaign experience

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so I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with the fact that here at testimonial. we really do a lot to make sure that AI is elevating our testimonials that we can showcase to our customer bases put inside wall of loves on our website and overall just make people purchase our products and check out our services with a more authoritative lens and a big way that we're doing this is utilizing the AI features that we have inside of our product to make the different parts of our testimonials we receive pop and also to create entirely new additions to what we've received utilizing the augmentation of AI so one of the first ways that we've done this is actually through any text that we've received for a review we can go to one of our reviews that is in text form and what we can do is click on this down arrow find the AI button and then emphasize the text here this is an example of before and after where it basically shows what the before text look like and the after text would look like basically building what the AI would find is the best part of it to emphasize and then highlighting it as well so merely by pressing on it and then pressing continue in a moment the AI will figure out what exactly is best and we'll see that the result is very simply Bolding a portion that I believe is actually very effective so if I go to my website again you'll see right here that we we have this exact testimonial bold the portion that was the most positive about it so we can go through here and grab the rest of our and emphasize some more text like this one right here and very quickly with a simple refresh it'll take a couple of notes from the text and highlight and bold them as you can see extremely happy with the results and we will continuing to work with them in the future to produce more videos about our product awesome so if I press refresh here and notice once again that those reviews end up having more pop to them and showcase to the audience wouldn't necessarily that they enjoyed about my services you also utilizing AI can actually send a message to someone who has left a review like send David a message right here and utilizing this AI auto reply what we can do is rather than writing something basic like I had pry with like oh we appreciate your partnership can actually reply in a more elaborate way something like this saying hi David thank you for your kind words it's been a pleasure working with you and the team at Morgan I'm glad you find the YouTube videos helpful looking forward to continuing collaboration and you can make this public if you'd like as well and by pressing send it'll then let that person know similar to this one that you repli to their message now another one that I really enjoy is the ability to take a message like this and as you saw previously there is also the option to create a case study here so by creating a case study what we can do is take the review that they put go into their website grab a little bit more content about who they are from their website slap that into the business description put in my name put CEO of Rise productive and then grab some info from me about my business and then from there I can create a conversational case study that I then could embed on my website and create an entire landing page based off of literally just a few pieces of info and you can see in a moment here that after I press generate we have a pretty great case study here which we can utilize for a entire landing page if we'd like but essentially talks about how David was extremely impressed with our work how he originally found me through my own YouTube videos and the process that it took for us to work together and then how great it went afterwards so you can quickly take this text by pressing copy and then paste it out wherever you'd like like onto a landing page like this in order to explain a little bit more as to what exactly went well with working with us I could easily see an option for clicking on the Morgan logo here or having a little subtext that said something along the lines of case study and then going to another page and pasting out that case study along with some other info as well and last but not least what I like too is the ability to quickly create a new space and while making that new space using AI assistance so guess I'm just going to create another space here and then by pressing confirm we now can enter the URL in this AI case generator by pressing generate utilizing the URL from Morgan and it's essentially going to take this website grab the different aspects of it like the colors and whatnot and make a space that makes sense for the wall of love to essentially match to the colored theme that we have for this then in a moment you'll see that the website not only gave you the logo but it also has a great Title Here for the header pretty much takes everything that the website had regarding task management time management and references it in these questions that you'll have here so now I can create this new space and very simply when I go to the public URL you'll see how great of an option this is to just right out of the gate grab something from a website and set up a wall of love and testimonial experience immediately not only that but if I do go to the embed of wall of love and go to more customization the preview will be in line with the brand colors that it found on the website which in my opinion are pretty darn close overall I found that all of these AI tools have really made it easy for me to augment my own testimonials and make them pop in the public space that I have on my website if you're looking to enhance the quality of your testimonials make sure to check out testimonial. today and all of its amazing AI features that being said thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Testimonial
Views: 15
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI testimonials, testimonial enhancement, customer reviews AI, AI text analysis, testimonial case studies, AI customer engagement, AI marketing tools, testimonial software, review enhancement AI, AI for business, enhancing testimonials, customer feedback AI, AI in marketing, user testimonials AI, AI review analysis, AI branding tools, AI for customer service, digital marketing AI, AI content optimization, testimonial page design, AI business solutions
Id: RsDNrP5-X1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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