ChatGPT Diagrams Plugin Integration & Create or Display Diagrams | Tutorial

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welcome back to web Cafe AI where we do daily chat gbt AI videos for your personal and business life in today's video we're gonna be looking at the plugin of diagrams and seeing how we can leverage that with Chad gbt and building out diagrams and it's a model if you don't have plugins yet on your Chad gbt all that's required for you to do is go ahead and get in the open AI wait list and be a chat DBT plus user once you have plugins activated on your chat gbt front end all you need to do is search in diagram into the plugin store simply click that green button install and we don't even need to use an account to start using this plugin now some of you might be familiar with the plugin show me this is going to be one of its competitors so I'm curious on how they differentiate on the ways that they structure their outputs So today we're going to structure our tutorial with very simple questions and then get very Advanced to get the full breadth of what this plugin is able to do to start off let's go ahead and begin with show me a basic sequence of a diagram for a user logging into a website hit enter And as always when it's connecting to the plugin API we'll see that green little box showing us that it is currently working so as you see here the way they structured their underlying diagrams it's a lot different than show me um I will say this is a tad confusing but it looks like essentially it starts here where you know the user enters the credentials sends the credentials to the server it validates the credentials validation results response displays results it's actually pretty cool um this gets a lot more intuitive than you would expect it to do as comparative to what we saw of show me so keep that into account another thing that it does is when it outputs past the diagram here it gives us a number list of basically the same thing but in text format let's go ahead and ask it another question here we're going to say can you create a block diagram showing the main components of the computer let's see what type of diagram structuring it can do it might be limited on its types of outputs all right so as you see here it seems like maybe for a block diagram it wasn't able to Output that you see we got an error here it still was able to give us the number list that we saw the previous output here I'm going to give it one more go here but it might not be able to handle that kind of structuring but actually does seem to work here we were able to get that block diagram here with the CPU main memory and so on so take that into account when using this plugin if you run into errors you can always click this button down here saying regenerate response give it another go and sometimes it will work like this and we got a perfect output now that we know this information let's go ahead and update any here and we're gonna move to intermediate questions and we're going to say show me a uml diagram for a simple e-commerce system all right so I'm actually pretty impressed by this plug-in seems like this is one of the better ones we've reviewed here on this channel so we got our eCommerce system uml diagram here starting with the customer and then the you know different parameters when it comes to code I mean this is really cool stuff I'm starting to like this type um this plugin a lot more than I thought I would have because of how intuitive it is with its answers as always we got an output of the underlying lines associated with the diagram now let's go ahead and proceed to ask another intermediate question here we're going to say can you draw an ER diagram for a university data based system all right so we got an error again let's go ahead and try to regenerate this response and see if it would be able to achieve again all right so I tried to run this twice it seems like we kept getting an error here so you know some questions you might hit a wall you may need to rephrase it restructure it ask for a different formatting for the diagram but keep that into account when using this plugin let's go ahead and move to Advanced questions so the first I want to ask here is can you create a complex Network graph showing the relationships between different nodes in a social network and see how it will approach this alright so as you see here we were able to get what we requested in you know a very complex looking diagram here this is pretty cool stuff here I'd say this relative to show me has you know its benefits I think xiaomi is a simpler UI a simpler output um and obviously you probably already know this but with the show me plugin we're actually able to edit the underlying diagram once it comes off the output but with this one it seems like we would have to basically keep restructuring our prompt for different versions of the diagram I would say this is a pretty effective plugin out of all the plugins I have reviewed on the chat GPT store this is probably one of the ones that stands out more to me because of the fact of how intuitive it is when it comes to inquiries and providing you know diagrams that aren't just generic if that makes sense so I would suggest using this plugin in the context of needing diagrams that may be more complex than what you could expect with using the plugin of show me if you feel like you learned something make sure to like the video it's completely free and it helps us share web Cafe AI if you want to learn more about plugins and chat gbt and how to leverage it for your personal and business life check out the playlist at the end of this video as we're diving into all the plugins found on the chat DBT store and seeing how we can leverage every single one without further Ado I'll see you in the next video thanks for tuning in and yes surprise I'm an AI Avatar make sure to explore more here at web Cafe where we demystify AI for your personal and business life until next time
Channel: Webcafe AI
Views: 321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, dalle, bannerbear, synthesia, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education
Id: X4rxaPQVTB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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