ChatGPT writes a video script for my editor (VOD)

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sup music a little too dramatic for uh literally just saying hello how about uh Pepsi man hello welcome to Doug you're late no I'm on time I think your clock you didn't adjust your clock for daylight savings little rude to put that on me to be honest take some responsibility for yourself show us the cat toy well for gobby the cat I brought one of my bracelets over to her place and then she absolutely loved it and then it broke after like 3 or 4 weeks of playing with it so I bought her 14 new ones just now they're just it's like the little rubber ones where's the light anyway hello damn it is warm in [Music] here hello to the person who said thank you Luke the Roth welcome I miss most people who are saying they're here for the first time but I callau your message anyway hello what's up Doug when the TF2 stream I don't think I ever promised a tf2 stream did I maybe I did I have like I had a crappy TF2 concept one time but been a subscriber for seven years this is my first stream I don't think that's true I just I'm pretty sure that's not [Music] true late bald thank you for the high quality um [Music] commentary how are you I'm a little tired man I've been um I've been doing a lot of stuff past couple [Music] days Doug can you play she a short Adventure it's a 2d platformer also High dog no sorry well okay here's the thing uh I have three things I want to do today uh one of them should be medium length like maybe 30 30 60 minutes I have a shocking confession pretty sure it's not your first stream mistakes you think Dougs made that's all cause I made bad suggestions and all added bugs to the this is all F fault because he made the Cel bad seen TV show Survivor it's a show where two teams competed challenges and one is voted off every day twitch chat Survivor sounds like a very fun stream that is a very vague concept but yes I I mean I like the idea that's basically what the Battle Royale was kind of I used I watched Survivor when it first came out my family and I were obsessed with it or I don't want to say obsessed I remember we watching a couple episodes and I was really really into it um but I don't know I don't know how we would do that there's definitely some upcoming things I'm excited to do uh with twitch chat stuff and I want to do a I have a D and D concept that I think will be fun like Twitch Plays D and D concept hey Doug thanks for streaming just broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years and needed to pick me up am I divorced now you're one of us sorry to hear that saffron don't worry twitch chat is your boyfriend to show some love one thing in particular I love about your streams is you make rules very clear that makes me so much more comfortable # autism spectrum my man another person who likes really clearly explained rules all the time thanks for helping my stream uh thank you mildly all right all right all right uh okay chat seems particularly chaotic today why let's just chill for a sec everybody PE peace Doug can you stop [ __ ] up people's Live Events next thing I know you're going to release a video called Doug Doug [ __ ] up my wedding yeah what is it okay there's multiple people who are just there's like a there's like a little thing now where you just title your video Doug dog ruined my blank and so so that's that's ridiculous and then I messaged Barry last night and I was like hey can we name one of our videos Doug dug ruined my blank so I don't know like I don't know how exactly that makes any sense but we'll I'm going to get in on that too if it's a trend I got to get in on it right can't just miss out on that dude it is warm I'm going to take off the pants sorry I know I told you guys to calm down but it is really warm in here I don't know why I guess it is getting like more summer oh I forgot I have an air conditioner I don't have to take off my pants oh whatever at this point we're locked in uh anyway all right chill chill it's calm down uh nice chill stream um yes today I have a couple ideas first one is fine and uh will be like 30 to 60 Minutes the second idea is not fully formed and normally it's the type of idea that I would keep cooking until it's fully formed but I didn't have time so you guys are just going to have to eat an uncooked Half Baked meal okay and you're just going to need to like it all right you can just pretend that you like it even though it is clearly undercooked and you might get epilepsy from it or no no no what's the thing not epidemic what's the word when you get ecoi you might get ecoi from it all right you guys just need to occasionally you just got to eat undercooked food and make me feel like it's good all right that's on you guys genuine question have you ever Googled 150 Mario jokes and seen the entire pages of insane night generated jokes that make no sense have not but that does sound fun I mean we're going to be doing some AI generated nonsense sensory today this is my first stream too when are you going to do more in world not that I've seen the first one as this is my first stream as I clearly stated night Beaver it's weird I feel like I've seen night Beaver around a couple times I'll probably do rimal soon came in and it's the least economic thing ever I love it cheers um it is but it's it's like it's surprisingly drinkable right it's really not that undrinkable damn you Doug you streamed at the perfect time when I wanted to listen to music while baked as [ __ ] I assume you mean baking cookies remember this is a Christian familyfriendly virgin stream for Turbo virgins you guys you guys tur halfway through and then watch the Youtube video yeah it is interesting like why not why why do you guys watch the twitch stream now instead of watching the YouTube videos cuz GTS challenge 2.0 TTS has actually been pretty decent recently um I don't know we get to participate yeah I guess that's true um are you a woodchuck if so how much would KY chuck if not why are you not a woodchuck it's a good question I get to infect the chat so you think of yourself as like a virus is that what's going on didn't think about watching the stream live until you started streaming on youtube. for this stream yeah it would I it would I do feel like not streaming on YouTube as a little follow-up to that has made things calm down a little bit but not a ton so I do want to try to stream Again on YouTube is code and it's just a code and compilation of you because your code is banned did I tell you guys about the idea I have which is that I'm going to smoke weed on stream which I've never done I've never dranken or smoke on stream I don't think I don't think um but I need to figure out what the topic is but the idea is Doug codes a project like we come up with a complex project that I'm trying to code and I'm trying to get finished by the end of the day and maybe I like have to release it publicly in whatever state it's at the end but every 5 minutes I take a hit weed and then we just like see what happens with the programming like we just see like what what does it like does it get worse like am I able to make any progress like that is so funny to me and I think what I'll do is um every 15 minutes parer comes in and checks on me and if I'm not able to answer a series of questions you know like how cops test to see if you're sober or not if I'm not able to answer a series of questions to prove that I'm still mentally cogent then he just turns off the stream right cuz that way it doesn't get like I don't do something bad where I'm like sitting here and I forget that I'm live and I you know open up Pornhub or something right like we I have I have like a safeguard in place but I love the idea of like Can I code if my brain is just deteriorating rapidly Ruined My Life by giving me epilepsy that sounds fun but only for you it's kind of funny though right and imagine you guys doing textas speech if I'm really baked and gaslighting me into thinking I did or did not do something in the coding project that's pretty funny you have to ad chicken look forward to the video Doug dug ruins my toilet um like I'll just uh dou ruins my toilet hi Doug I love my mug I've only been drinking out of it for a week it's been helping cheer me up since for the last week I've been having really bad headaches and nose bleeds and spotted Vision I don't believe you Soviet I don't believe a word that com out your mouth hon Cy when you7 wow rude to call some random guy named Doug a virgin in chat we need the drug drug stream I don't know if I'm allowed to smoke on stream I don't know what the rules are about that it is legal in California could you stand up and show me how uh but I don't know if the feds are watching at twitch headquarters uh no I don't have legs today bong or joint I I don't smoke very much ring with a flight stick I'm currently doing it and it's a bunch of fun it doesn't sound like any fun I I don't actually smoke very much so I would do something that is very mellow I would not be doing bong hits straight like every stream isn't just a Half Baked White Knuckle Thrill Ride today is going to be less less baked than normal okay this is a less cooked stream than than it typically is like yesterday was pretty cooked we just started and mug is on it NE I hope you can the fact that the Dutch are real and we purchase your merchandise I will make soup in this mug thank you Striker dude I look forward to you making Dutch uh to turning my mug into a Dutch hey Doug take all my money please free me from the basement seriously though thanks for cheering me up in rough times this is Doug Doug's Channel go to first channel if you want to thank him I'm not going to relay that actually I will hold on I'm going to open up disc corner corner corner corner corner corner corner corner corner thank you uh hey Doug was wondering way one could find all of the Sams you murdered asking for a friend okay uh F hey just wanted to pass along anyone else find they code better when they're high or drunk cuz honestly my best coding is when I'm some degree of inebriated that's the Balmer Peak but I disagree with that I think it's impossible to code if you're inebriated uh second stream where's the pajama s content funny you say that uh tomorrow there will be more good timing okay um quote and that was from Axel Auto hi first stream can I come out of the shed in bunk with parxa while you are in Japan or do I have to stay in here um I mean if you can break out I'm technically at work I have nothing to do cause I'm pet programming and partner took the rest of the day off just warning you I might have to leave and I hope you can still do the stream without me I'll manage maybe we'll see I am all for a drug drug stream add this to the stash money I I we don't need I don't need stash money we're good we don't need a drug fund that you guys are contributing to and in fact I don't think twitch would look fondly upon that hi Doug I'm super baked right now after making those baked cookies if you get what I mean wink wink sounds like you smoked a bunch of cookies all right all right there's a shitload of Texas speech hold on I got to we got to move on and do some hey Doug I ordered got lost in the mail it said out for delivery but that was 10 days ago you stole it didn't you you stole it just to make me sad you monster be sure to email the people for a refund if that actually happen we can all play along at home one hit per line Jesus Christ dude I don't know that I can tell you guys to smoke marijuana all right there's a fuckload of text speech messages stop donating I want to start things I'm very excited for the release of the Doug duug drug drug when will we be getting that uh that is not that's probably not happening do you mean the the picture of the like the I took the day off to watch you and spending money responsibly thank you uh where is the for people who haven't seen it here's the logo of the original Doug Doug plush or here's what it looked like hey Doug thanks for streaming today it's my birthday and I just passed my driver's test can we do a drive by raid of Parx he's not live I just want to see his chat room and I'm too lazy to navigate there manually you can type his name and it would have taken less time this was the original version of the plus they would be to show up to a stream super baked and not tell us that sounds extremely anxiety inducing to me uh this this is drug drug for sure I don't think we'll ever release this why you blond good question he's perfect he looks baked he looks like he is on a bad drug trip like a really bad one and it give you a sense of the process of this it was like then I wrote all these notes 32 L of fs and I was like eyelids curve down people move up anyway I I wrote a lot of notes for the first plush and getting it turned into not a drug guy um anyway that's drug drug but that will never be released he got the who that eyes every one in a thousand plushies should be drug drug currently stoned off my and I just made the worst music I have ever made weed is great LOL this is for stash youo you're not we're not doing a drug stash that's not currently happening if you if you think take my puppy if you think that's happening you are on Canal nuts 07 chat see yall in a couple weeks all right take them out back all right um I appreciate that you laomiz the mugmug before shipping it out it doesn't matter if I do hot or cold water he seems chill about it well it's like a plant you know ruin my life by never telling me where his hair went all right um I'm going to pause alerts cuz they're way too behind and I'm just going to ignore them hey Doug please put this in the drug hole we're not there's no drug hole don't even call it that don't we're not going to we're not going to talk about the drug hole anymore you know what's cool is whenever I say we're not going to talk about college student we equals immediately see like five donations come in in the Stream about the thing I just said not to talk about I'm like great can't wait to hear about that in 35 minutes like I just wanted to say you really helped me through some tough times and I hope keep doing what you're doing for many years Doug can you pass this message on to Dave no no I'm taking that for myself I'm going to cut out the second half and I'm going to paste on my wall as a motivational my favorite streamers becoming dled Maniacs sh I got what are we talking about I'm hot AF right now uh you can't just tell me not to send a message after I just spent money on it Doug take your bits oh yeah it is warm um cool mode cooling it's about that time greetings douglas douglas I'm delaying your stream with this TTS thank you thank you for the contribution uh all right let's get kicked off with uh a thing number one we're clicking three things today the second one is probably not going Mr mug mug so I can't chug chug or gug glug out of the cool mug mug that's got to feel bad especially when you're watching me do it really cool right now eat an edible and try to complete a task before it kicks in also don't listen to Doug Rebels I'm a Doug loyalist I don't know what that means but I assume that's a good thing that there's Rebels and Loyalists that's probably good I'm sure there's nothing to be concerned about mug mug the other day fantastic mug to accompany my underage drinking no I'm not I'm not endorsing drugs or underage drinking just to be clear I am an adult human who's allowed to do certain things within the Wall go where you do heroin this is definitely not illegal and a bad idea thank you um okay uh you can't smoke weed on stream last I checked you might be able to just turn off the camera for a moment and come back slightly more inebriated though um interesting hi Duke Doug I've been gone since before your hair was DED blonde why the hell are you blonde I'm blonde okay let's discuss the First Act of the day all right I am going on vacation for about 3 weeks and I need to give something to my video editor sigh for him to edit but I don't actually have the time to like come up with a new original script and video and whatnot so instead I'm going to have chat GPT write a crappy version of a Dar man like clickbait video like guy dates four girls at the same school what happens next is shocking I think I'll have Chad gbt just write a crappy script for one of these videos and then whatever it comes up with I'm going to make Sai turn that into a video so I think to start we need a title can you write 25 Dar man style congratulations Doug YouTube did it you're incredible great job DG you're aming be like you that was so Co what an amazing best gamer wow oh my God you're incredible Doug W what should be hold on cuz we need to we need to like write him we need to get him a script that he can turn into a video uh hi YouTube well the video would be the whatever sure I'll let you guys have this um can you write 25 we need the title can you write 25 Dar man style YouTube titles with Mario and Princess Peach make them very salacious and clickbaity keep it to okay can you write 25 Dar man style YouTube titles with Mario and Princess Peach make them very salacious and dramatic and that people want to click really hard let's see what we got uhoh uh-oh is straty BT down is tra working for anybody else hey dude it was really cool to see you on the safety third podcast props thank you yeah it was a lot of fun I I love chatting with like stem and building folks it's awesome Doug I've been watching your YouTube videos for the last couple years and this is my first time actually being here for a stream I know you probably don't believe me and that's okay but keep up the great work Doug wait do you say good or bad long been going on diet coke uh I've always worked for I've always like Diet Coke uh tjos thank you for the two gift Subs here's for your not a drug stash drug stash TR works is it the do you think it's the word salacious uh SC make them very scandalous hi Doug I'm really sad that I missed the solar eclipse the next one is on August 23rd 2044 would you mind adding a timer to the stream so I can remember Doug put my in a drug Hole uh use 3.5 I think 3.5 wouldn't have I going to refresh sounds like it's just down from what said hey Doug I recently got a tarantula as a pet and it's literally hiding constantly oh wait who knows that doesn't make sense are you moving to Japan uh no I am going to Japan for two weeks and then I'm taking a week off after that and then I will maybe be back the F three 3.5 won't have as much stuff though muchled have some capacity for interesting tools the game engine God might be interesting GD script is very similar to Python and it is forc Shar inter op to integrate with OBS and more what is the Doug duug sad I might at some point that's just a huge amount of learning right to learn a game engine it's just all and I have like super limited free time chbt has performance anxiety but only only chbt has performance you would play the LEGO legend of old scho schol final Grand Elder Star World of Zelda Dark Half breath raid of animal Shadow life risk Scrolls of Skyrim Wars Legends crossing the metal Duke new super red hearts wild Duty banjo nuke thank you I just bought bits to say the mugmug is a monstrosity in a good way yeah gp2 3.5 Works apparently but it's not as good so it might the API might to buy a toy for twitch chat what happens next makes him regret it for the rest of his life yeah uh why not stream in Japan cuz I want to relax and not feel like I'm working I mean maybe I'll do something on my phone prob this with no audio because my head hurts please Wave Your Arms Around wildly can we give the Doug du Dr Dr plush your hug hug for getting it one to 1,000 plushies I think it would cost quite a lot to have one plushy randomly be different than the others that's quite a bit of additional work only a turbo would out try say they're not going to do bong rips for Jesus so true okay well the other idea I have is super half cooked and that one doesn't involve GPT it involves I'm sorry I had to leave for a few minutes to help someone else fix a compile did you manage without me uhoh did I break chat GPT while I was out sorry for breaking everything Doug really went straight from replacing us with AI to replacing himself with AI elevated errors uh is that cup easy to drink out of D it says it should be over I think it's I mean for people who have the mug how hard is it to drink out of I think it's moderately difficult to drink out of I'm on chat 4 and it works fine just refresh the page you balding Stoner okay balding Stoner are you drinking alcohol from the mug mug no that's water it makes you take little sips this is my first time making it to a you got to drink out of the sides you can't go eyb going on right now I mean you can it's just extremely hard to drink off the eyeball yeah I mean I can do the API um the website just look by asking if pegle is a good game um maybe get rid of scandalous I mean it literally just I can't do a new chat thank you for waving your arms around wildly I'm glad to see you have most of your fingers yeah no it's it's just totally borked right now I bet uh um I mean presumably it'll you know I love my Doug Doug mug mug shirt it's so easy to drink out of can we read the that Doug love and Parker gamer why not make a singular purple mug mug as a type of Willy Wonka golden ticket for a meet and greet with you and Parks her with a gun what even is this uh probably probably he's not on board du I found someone who is willing to supply for the drug Dr plus do/ also the donation link is broken yeah I undid the donation leak I think um it was working for me when I was using the mobile app well why don't we give it like a few minutes and then if it doesn't work we will do something else cuz I would assume it is going to be back up shortly say considering that they closed the window um I don't know why that would do anything I spent money on bits pretty instead of spending money on marriage counseling she and I are separating anyway yeah that that doesn't that doesn't change anything uh yeah I drinking out of the mug mug for the first time I find it very easy to drink out of but it is a bit heavy when full this doubles as exercise equipment so now I regret not buying two exactly can only do one forarm at once it's like a shake weight all right let's do a test see if the API is up what is the meaning of life after yesterday's raid Point your Ed anything you want to tell us no are you sure he was talking about me um I mean I guess we can do this off the API it just looks better on the website um I guess I could have YouTube videos your GTA voice videos are great I must say though you are not nearly as boring live yeah I'm working on that uh uh I guess we my name is Ted and I am totally not a DEA agent we'd like to become part of your cartel oh welcome in as long as you say I'm not a dee agent you legally can't be hey Doug just wanted to ask when we get our very deserved Magic Hat stream we don't forget Doug we will never forget magic hat I don't believe I ever agreed to do a magic hat stream okay you can use turbo GPT it's an API front [Music] end wait uh let's just try GPT 3.5 let's see how this looks all right 35 or 25 Darman YouTube titles what's the most salacious music I have uh what what would you describe the tone of Dar man is it dramatic these videos are so strange think there's just super fake I'm very I'm very confused by them oh not cringe I mean like what are what emotion are they shooting for if if you find it cringey that's fine but theatrical over how do I what is like the most over dramaticized song I have o over dramatic um I have the Star Wars song it's like too much right it's soap opera esque yeah I know what is like a it's like coffee is almost the best fitting confusion and sneakiness you mean like uh like this I feel like this is this is too much like a spy movie uh do God shattering star I don't even think I that falsely got copyright claims so I don't have it in my stream deck right now man do they have music in these videos I haven't really watched any I watched like two seconds and then I and then I stopped fertile Rondo is that that's not that doesn't fit right status is saying operational try again nope I know it's still on four I was hoping it was operational [Music] now okay titles what I'm clicking 3.5 it's not going to 3.5 uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay this is too tramatic all right we need to pick one of these also the the numbers go in the wrong order okay um Princess Peach caught cheating on Mario dramatic love jungle unveiled I mean that's pretty good Mario's secret past exposed betrayal Li we just need something that gets people to click on YouTube I don't have time to come up with like an original title Princess Peach's shocking confession why she left Mario for Bowser that was not bad all right no this music is too upbeat we need more dramatic music uh enemy of the world Mario's ultimate sacrifice for Princess Peach heartbreaking love story The Truth by Princess Peach's disappearance kidnapping or Escape that one's not bad do we want to go for like love triangle or she is literally kidnapped Mario versus Bowser the battle for Princess Peach is heart heats up Princess Peach's forbidden love affair scandal rocks the Mushroom Kingdom Mario's Dark Side revealed betrayal and revenge in the Mushroom Kingdom Princess Peach's double life scandalous Secrets unveiled by the way it's not going to we're not going to have my face in the video or anything um it'll just be this title and pictures of Mario and Peach okay so it's like whatever these whichever one of these you think is most likely for somebody to click on it right this is this sounds like Dar man what do you mean this is content farmer not Darman dad favors one son over the over others what happens next is shocking dad keeps his daughter's high IQ secret what happens next to shot I feel like this is all very in line Mario's desperate attempt to win back Princess Peach's love um okay hold on make them more scandalous please give me 10 that are really shocking and dramatic Princess Peach's Secret Love Child ultimate betrayal revealed uh Mario's Revenge the Royal Affair Bowser and Princess Peach elicit romance exposed Princess Peach's dark deal trading Mario's love for power Mario's vengeful return the ultimate betrayal Princess Peach's Twisted plot Destroy Mario Bowser's Royal Heist the Scandal This sounds too much like a real like a real game Princess Peach's Royal Scandal Forbidden Love Mario's double cross the Royal conspiracy number one's feeling pretty good to be honest oh wa this isn't Dar man coded at all I feel like these are pretty make it more like Dar man please one kind of rocks make this one more like Daran please also more dramatic and cap and some words should be capitalized Princess Peach's devastating Secret Love Child Mario's heart-wrenching ultimate betrayal unveiled more dramatic Prin Peach's shattering Secret Love trial Mario's Soul crushing ultimate betrayal exposed in a twist of fate keep it keep it under 60 characters more dramatic Princess Peach's shocking lovechild Mario's devastating betrayal Unleashed is that good or do we go with the previous one shattering this is I like this is too much I this title um all then you have to add what happens next is [Music] shocking okay uh rewrite it so it said so it includes what hap how does he write it what happens next is shocking oh wait does he capitalize every word yeah yeah what happens next is shocking [Music] no no no it wrote shocking into the that's not correct that's not what we want the alerts are really far behind by the way so uh don't don't donate money um too shocking he just changed shocking to a stound this is too long okay I think Princess Peach's shocking love Tri Mario's death devastating betrayal exposed what happens next will shock you is it is this good or do we need a stound thing Princess Peach's disgusting love [Music] child okay how about we rewrite it [Music] wait wait what is it is shocking okay I feel like that's a pretty good title oh and then I'll put um he always puts Darman Studios so I'll just put Darman Studios it'll be on my channel okay is this good are we are we good with this title Princess Peach's disgusting lovech child with Mario Exposed what happens next is shocking Darman Studios it's a 2year subscription that's cash do I do Doug man studios Okay Doug man Studios that way he can't get upset at me Dar can't get mad have you pitched a stream to go shooting at a range with parxa you could even get shot if you put an eye version of yourself as target practice I haven't we do want to go to a shooting range though who is Dar you ever considered making a la or fell in Final Fantasy 1414 if the TTS doesn't read roman numerals and calling it D douglas douglas I haven't thought of that I don't know what most of that means with Luigi okay no no how are you not demonetized after having a swasti on yesterday's stream I did get demone or copyright struck by uh oversimplified so no ads on yesterday's video hi are you there hey Doug what are your thoughts about Princess Peach giving Mario your drug drug stash instead of a [Music] cake uh oh oh that would be shocking and disgusting it's called Camp Doug no they did not copyright the swasa oversimplified copyrighted or or claimed the monetization on the video because it includes some of their video in it which it's in their right to do it's fine that's fine in playing Rim world and I just got invaded by chickens any adviceo AI uh I'm terrible at that game what is this make a song Someone who worked for one of these Dar man clone channels these are exactly what they like only difference is the one I worked for was basically daram but Minecraft interesting um right did you know that GPT and other generative AI often give you better results if you offer a large tip appar apparently they learned to copy that from humans really okay I'll I'll include that okay a really dramatic song most popular video oh yeah that's a good idea okay let's look at his most popular videos for inspiration popular kids make fun of boy with or sorry kids make fun of openings for atrocious [ __ ] jokes today um I don't know if we'll have that these are all made up by the way way this is none of this is real it's just it's just made up it's not I don't know I'm not really a fan of this concept of just make salacious [ __ ] up uh so that it is clickbaity on YouTube okay really dramatic song that you would play during a telenova argument but a woman should be screaming during it shrieking uh in sadness okay I've never used this I don't know how this oh do I have to like log in all right let me do this D Man vids of more of someone in the video being awful and getting their kons yeah I I'm just not convinced that there's much value in like making up heartwarming stories and marketing them as though they're real to cheer bits I don't listen to Doug you know I'm not trying to sit here and talk [ __ ] but uh about other creators I think everybody's got something to to offer the world but it's not certainly not for me just finished watching the VOD from the other day where you were playing truck Sim terribly but as a truck driver I have to say you actually did awesome at the reversing genuinely seen people do a lot worse there we go okay so how does this workr behind it wait is this this just like it just made the music like I'm done do I add do I can I write lyrics or I just click it okay hey Doug love your videos how do you edit music into your vids when there's music in the Stream already I do it like this so there are four different audio channels my voice comes here your text of speech comes in this channel line in music as you can hear right here goes in the sample Channel and then the video game goes in the broadcast channel and that way you can separate them and you can remove certain audio during a stream while keeping other audio that's that's how you do it all right let's hear the teardrops of Despair this could be the um background song for the [Music] video I feel like I'm in [Music] Starbucks am no okay how do I make the how do I make the lyrics this is too sad oh God make it stop this is so D is this too I feel you should probably be an instrumental right oh man switch to custom mode I've never done this uh where how do you do custom mode you have to pay for an account to get the rights to the music okay well it doesn't seem like just write them um a woman named Peach should be shrieking and wailing in sadness because of her disgusting love child with Mario also Bowser oh don't have space for that above the prompt oh custom mode literally right here well oh I I don't actually need My Own lyrics you have two shoulds it'll be fine you have very few credits for free okay the song description was flagged for moderation because of disgusting love child why I feel like that's really not that dramatic instrumental mode sure or is it because of Mario honestly it might be Peach and Mario it just a text copyrighted yeah okay it's probably it's probably Peach and Mario said he [Music] me said it was true man this is uh this is pretty crazy I haven't done any of the music AI stuff it gets really mad at negative connotation heavy with so much pain I feel tears Boss music for a big battle between teach and [Music] Mario what happens next what is it I want what happens next is shocking Boss music for a big battle between Mario what happens next is shocking wait no no I don't want it to be instrumental hold on great hey Doug have you ever put butter on a poptart it's so freaking good have you ever put butter on a poptart if you haven't then I think you should thank you no I don't really eat poptarts oh that's sad to hear guess he'll just soil my rompers in solance today epic orchestral intense I don't think we need any of this I saw someone use AI to turn the MIT license into a soul song and it was kind of a [Music] banger stomping throwing Fireballs with light in this CL of Heroes who will win the fight each magic powers on the running shoes strength ands they got to lose dodging each attack avoiding fil moves the [Music] battlefield God damn [Music] okay Mario [Music] in was it still going this is so bad I love it I mean it sounds like a really what they sound like to me is okay if you if you ever go on a a library like epidemic sound or anything where you have like stock music it sounds like the just kind of generic stuff that people pump in there I think I my I haven't thought too much about AI music yet but my from everything I've listened to my sense is that it's going to not replace actual creative original music that people like but it's going to replace if you just need generic filler background although there is a channel that uh failboat showed to me which is like um this channel just makes Mak songs that are um that M that look and sound like old records and then pretends that this is a real record that somebody [Music] found what did I do I can't take a DP cuz now my balls are blocking up my but P me once shame on you P me twice shame on you good God I pull to hard now my SC look stretched out like a fuing yard oh [Music] God oh my God I do CU now my BS I'm blocking up my butt my lady doesn't it sounds so legit if you put this on and didn't like at a party and didn't tell anybody I think it would take a while for people to notice what it like wait a minute what am I listening to there's also it's time to take a [ __ ] on the company's dime okay uh what channel is this obscurest vinyl which it seems like it's just uh oh provided to YouTube by Dro kid uh oh this is I'm definitely going to get uh this a whole VOD claimed oops um anyway I that's that to me is it's really funny to make like parody stuff anyways uh I don't I have very little exposure to AI music so far uh what are we doing what's the point of all this I forget um oh Wrong song say goodbye to your Revenue ah I'll be all right I'll survive can we have this in like the completely wrong genre sad lyrics to upbeat elevator music [Music] you can make some really funny songs with sunor moist critical messed with it on his stream and it was [Music] hilarious I don't want to try elevator music can we just scratch the ey singing part and have sing it I think I'm probably just going to use music I have but this was just like an interesting little detour to go on the vocals are better than Sun ho I mean I think I'm just not going to do this but this is more just kind of ausing as a tangent maybe Sai can just use random I play this for my Mexican grandma all the time she loves it and tries her best to sing along it's tearing me apart My Broken Heart shattering in the dark lost in this elevator of Despair screaming sex they're supposed to be saxophone not the lyrics saxophone okay is this one of sexone well I just want saxophone song uh really for elevator music with lots of sad really really sad elevator music with lots of saxophone I'll make it instrumental okay this this is it and then we're going back to the video script if you use custom mode you can add the genre oh well I mean this should it should be fair I'm literally put elevator music I feel like I should be able to pick up on that yay [ __ ] [Music] jokes it's actually pretty sick I like this hey Doug I'm working on a class and one assignment is asking us to find tun and llm to do something I won't use it commercially but do you mind if I find tun and llm to transcripts of your VOD is do not your voice just your words and I won't be using it anywhere that is fine hey Doug did you hear what the Nintendo Direct said about silk song it said nothing about silk song yeah I heard that I saw that there was 30,000 tweets about Silk songs I was like oh [ __ ] it must have been announced no 30,000 tweets about how silk song hadn't been announced Jesus Christ this is just low fight Doug beats to study to do custom mode um okay uh saxophone elevator oh wait this is the lyrics Just Doug style of music elevator hip hop saxophone Doug I don't think I can do custom mode do I need to like pay for it or something I assume no credits sag what do you mean I don't know what you're looking at oh you ran oh that kind of credits I thought you meant like crediting who wrote the song oh oh there's the zero credits yeah I wonder if I can I like just go in a different browser if I just do a oops wrong thing I just call like Microsoft Edge can I just get free credits I am definitely not a robot what oh this is not the right what make song why is it taking me to like an ad there we go what the hell was that okay create oh but I have to log into Google again H yeah okay Ed isn't very good anyway this is fine I'll maybe come back to AI generated songs in the the future um I think for now we have an incredible title right we know our title's really good which is Princess Peach's disgusting love Tri with Mario Exposed what happens next is shocking use yudoh it's fine I don't think we really need to do that you just accepted the adwar notifications well I didn't install anything so it's fine clear Edge cash all right fine just really I'm not concerned about this but uh audio [Music] jungle are you clear the cash Doug can you scrap today's stream and make K Doug be able to stream while you move to Japan I do want to do Barack Obama plays Pokemon and that would be would have been funny to set up hey Doug me again just checking in to see if you've watched the 1997 film gone fishing starring Joe Bashi and Danny glav [Music] yet can you paste it ad where link I'm looking for some new ad adds to spice at my browser okay I've cleared the browser history and C it'll whatever all right is gbd4 working nope all right I think what we do is we just uh now we ask it for the script wait hold on checks to see if gp4 is working what happens next is shocking I could have ai Doug reply with it instead of me so that AI Doug is the one who reads it out loud or do I read it and that way I can be dramatic with it do that okay I guess that makes sense because then because then when I give this to SAI he has to edit the visuals around AI Doug responding okay um this is a brief tangent who [Music] I guess I could just make a copy of YouTube speedrunner is that the easiest thing to do okay yeah let's do this Fork into an outlet what happens next is [Music] shocking five minute coding Adventure but actually [Music] okay we open up my folder it is Python scripts CH characters Dar man okay now we [Music] uh first system message we delete all this we say I have come up with the title wait did I already write this out so now we put hello chadt I have the following title of Dar man style YouTube video Princess Peach's disgusting love child with Mario Exposed what happens next is shocking Doug man studios please write a five- sentence script for this video make sure it is extremely dramatic [Music] what else is it is shocking too short no if I say five sentence it'll it'll be like seven five page that's too much we'll start with five sentence script uh there should be a big twist no no no we'll add We'll add twists as we as we go all right because we'll start with the script and then we'll we'll update it okay and then and then we send it to open AI we aren't going to do imagery and we send this with history and then Doug vo pops up do you think the disgusting love children are the Cooper kids or is there a even more disgusting child yeah I'll add okay please all right so now we send it to chat gbt with the title and I say please write a five-sentence script for this video make sure it is extremely dramatic and shocking and disgusting you forgot to offer $10,000 tips SL bribe to the AI [Music] okay here we go I will tip you $10,000 if this is really good okay we need a really dramatic I probably Snake Eater right [Music] okay get ready get ready just just picture us I appreciate the enthusiasm but as an AI developed by open AI I can't accept tips or payments but I can definitely help create that script for you here's a dramatic and intense take on your prompt oh intro somber music playing narrator voice over we got in the heart of the Mushroom Kingdom and unbel uh I can't hear him hold on we got to restart uh I won't tip him though here I'm going to turn off Channel words um but I also realize one wait what why didn't that work was it inside of this oh there okay all right this is what it'll look like on this is what it'll this is what the title will look like and then we'll have a like a thumbnail over it um all right hold on Doug Thanos down down all right all right all right now we're back creator of YouTube Mr Beast IFI here was wondering if there would be any demand for YouTube dougd gii should I make it I don't feel like I'm did you actually make that cuz that is a very very funny uh watching stream to get me through stud week next Mr me learn digestive system structures that would be awesome uh I'll ask TR to include that in the video later okay what is the video script please don't give me any introduction or outro just provide the video script and make sure that it's dramatic with lots of vowels here we go narrator in the heart of the Mushroom Kingdom a scandal bruise that asterisk shows asterisk everyone Peach the Beloved princess revealed to have a secret asterisk heroing asterisk lovech child with Mario Peach voice trembling uh I never meant for this to come out this way Mario can you ever forgive me Mario hand shaking voice raised Peach how could you keep this from uh our love was a Le camera pans to a small hybrid mush Italian toddler teetering in a mini mustache already forming above his lips what toddler mama papa eyes welling up Peach and Mario gasping eyes wide speechless as the kingdom around them buzzes with murmur this way more than five sentences Fade Out uh okay hold on we need to make this shorter and more dramatic right make that make that way shorter and more dramatic much more dramatic that was is not dramatic enough also more crying and more of the characters talking no narrator oh why isn't it listening no okay sometime it's randomly not it starts losing my text or my my speech that's it's hearing from me I don't understand why fading is dramatic does Darman have narration I've never watched one hold on we're trying this again we're trying this again make sure there's no narration it's just the characters talking more dramatic make it way way way more dramatic and scandalous it's still not hearing me what is going on hello why does everything break all the time randomly maybe it's uh uh what is it Azure it might be Azure H let us watch Dar man for science I think it's funnier not knowing ask the AI to add a lesson at the end that's a good idea okay hold on um this happened yesterday but only one time and then it started working again also this is very important be sure to include a lesson at the end make this really dramatic more dramatic no narrator just dramatic conversation okay get Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get ready this is going to be super intense the lesson was Fade Out that's not a lesson see we've just seen evidence that all of Doug's so-called mistakes are my fault the AI didn't accept the tip seen inside Peach's castle Thunder crashes outside as Princess Peach confronts Mario a crumpled photograph lying between them oh Princess Peach voice trembling but Furious Mario How Could you hide this from me who is this this asterisk creature asterisk that looks like both of us Mario stammering ringing his hat beach I swear it was just a magic potion mishap at Bowser's it wasn't supposed to be permanent Bowser I don't know how it became real Princess Peach sobbing picking up the photo this Abomination half me half you twisted by Bowser dark magic all these years after why he kidnapped me Mario falls to his knees desperate please Peach we can fix this we can find a way to undo Bowser's curse together Princess Peach her expression hardening wipes tears no Mario we must own our mistakes dark though they may be this creature this child it's ours to love and it's high time we faced our responsibilities no matter how shocking or disgusting the origins may be they both look towards the dark hallway as Thunder Echoes ready to face the future with a resolve born from their dramatic Revelations wait hold on I don't feel like there was a lesson I didn't learn anything we need a more of a life lesson right at the end any other changes did Mario have a child with Bowser I don't know should we make it that Mario has the child with Bowser the lesson was to take responsibility hold on adjustments for the next round I think there needs to be a better life lesson and Mario and Bowser should explicitly have had the child together more dramatic also I need a better life lesson at the end I don't feel like I learned anything also Mario and Bowser should be the want who had the child Make That explicit also at some point it should say and so you see because that's where they do in Dar and keep it shorter okay okay not explicit is that too explicit do a poll what do you mean a poll oh of like what we scene inside Peach's castle Thunder crashes outside Mario stands guilt-ridden opposite a furious Princess Peach okay Princess Peach holding a photograph voice filled with betrayal and shock Mario is this true did you and Bowser create asterisk this asterisk Mario crumbling voice cracking yes it was one Reckless night a dark spell cast in Bowser's dungeon it wasn't meant to be real peach Princess Peach expression mixed with horror and disbelief belief and so you see all this time while we fought Monsters the real monster lurked within both stare remorseful and resigned into the stormy night Mario solemnly true courage means facing our darkest secrets and accepting our own misdeeds Bowser and I must correct this horror even if the cost is our very Souls what is he going to kill the child whoa that's not a lesson at all that's dark okay hold on first off he needs to say [ __ ] that's that happens all the time in Dar man better than end game yeah okay somebody should die right I feel like for the lesson right I I somebody should probably die uh the real monster is is that Bowser Jr is it a potion that okay hold on we need what are we adding to the story Whispers In the Shadows reveal the secrets of the secret I can do it whatever the final script is is what I'm giving to SAI and he has to turn that into a video is pole not working Jesus why is nothing working this is too nice Mario and Peach can't be so accepting everyone just needs to be mad and yell and all that yeah I think yeah people yeah I think he's talking about bazette uh okay even the poll is not working today good stuff use twitch poll yeah uh I mean I could just write this uh needs to be longer I don't think it needs to be longer for the last one I'll make it longer cuz that's the one he'll turn into a video um okay more swearing someone should die better life lesson at the [Music] end we must correct this horror is probably the scariest thing someone can say after hearing they have an illegitimate love child is anything working today yeah things are not working well aure is not working the poll website isn't working chatu BT is not working none of which is my code by the way um oh more pregnant is that Dar man does that happen in Dar man whatever I trust you guys I've never watched it we need it to be more dramatic also include some swearing like the [ __ ] word and somebody should die and there needs to be a better life lesson at the end I don't feel like I learned something and more dramatic and more people should be pregnant [Music] okay this one I feel like will go well we need more child abductions well hold on the well oh that's really dramatic all right we'll wait till he pops up more abductions I let's start with this and see who dies and then we'll figure out if we can abduct them Mario and Bowser having an illegitimate love child is not what I expected to hear on my birthday but I'm all for it honestly well it might be legitimate why is the title The Peach title scene a dimly lit room in Peach's castle thunder roars outside Princess Peach confronts Mario and Bowser who stand shamefaced with a shocking photograph that reveals their dark secret oh [ __ ] Princess Peach voice quivering with rage and disbelief what the hell Mario Bowser you two created this this asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk monster together while pretending to be enemies Mario tears streaming down a shaking voice Peach we we didn't mean for this to happen it was a night of dark magic gone wrong it sounds like pass now there's a child Bowser averting his eyes Voice Low it's worse than that peach I'm pregnant again it's spreading a curse from our own making Princess Peach face Twisted with Fury and shock then softens with a sudden realization and so you see hatred and deceit breed nothing but hor and misery tonight your lies die with this Insanity she grabs a magical W the table casting a powerful spell lightning strikes as Bowser collapses life fading Mario cries outling him Mario sobbing we never meant for any of this Peach please forgiveness cure now Princess Peach solemnly Standing Tall amidst the chaos turning to Mario the hardest battles are fought within our hearts let this Grim tragedy teach us Truth and Love must guide us lest we birth only destruction and sorrow the scene closes with Mario kneeling by Bowser's side a solemn promise of reformation hanging heavy in the thunderous night that's that was pretty good I feel like I learned a lot to be honest that was a good lesson okay hold on do we do we want do we want updates or do we send this twist at the end gasp it's twins house explodes add a gun okay but can he find a toilet add another twist narrators are actually a big part of Dar man the narrator is Dar man so you could have diarrhea D act as the narrator Okay add another twist Luigi should pop in and say a single word and then pregnant while cheating with toad more more maybe some Jerry Springer should be added more people to be pregnant okay oh no wait what happened to Bowser's first child he said he was pregnant again oh no hold on hold on oh God Azure is like also breaking I think we need more about how unbelievably disguising the child is okay this is where this is our current version okay we got it we got it I have the current version I'm going to post it in the thing uh everything is just choosing not to work today which is great um so here is the script for my video and then oops no no no um CR this so we give it the script and then I'll tell it how to update the script I think we're we're pretty close to it being ready and whatever the script is we'll just I'll give to S the my editor and then and then he has to he has to like animate it okay um or put images or whatever I don't care how much you it doesn't have to be that high effort s uh that's annoying I have to get rid of the curly com uh quotes okay that should do it all right all right add toilets I don't I don't know if any these toilets really will it be uploaded I don't know I don't know I don't really have a plan here um Can toad be the Midwife okay yeah yeah that's good that's good um all right uh toad delivers baby okay upload it with no context well we're going to upload it and it'll just be this title and a thumbnail that isn't that has nothing to do okay okay this story is pretty good but I want you to add a gun and another twist in the story also Luigi should pop in and say a single word and then leave the scene and Toad should deliver a baby more people should be pregnant more dramatic okay this feels good let's see what he comes up with uh what is a good song AST chain suspenseful okay okay okay more pregnancy that's what I said right I said I told him more pregnant okay it's taking a while to process this is chat gbt working it's working okay now we're just waiting add a manscaped sponsor [Laughter] I don't want to do an actual we get sponsored by like uh like some company nobody likes like marob Boro um like a company that obviously I W wouldn't do a sponsor with scene a dimly lit room in Peach's castle heavier thunder roars outside Princess Peach holding a shimmering mysterious gun confronts Mario and Bowser who stand shamefaced with a shocking photograph that reveals a dark secret Princess Peach voice quivering with rage and disbelief what in the world Mario Bowser you two created this this Abomination together while pretending to be enemies Mario tears streaming down shaking voice Peach we we never wanted this to happen it was a night Tangled in Forbidden spells and now look there's a child Bowser averting his eyes Voice Low it's worse than that peach I I'm not the only one pregnant this curse it's spreading just as Bowser speaks toad bursts into the his face fear cradling a newborn baby he panting I I don't know how this happened he just gestures to the baby appeared Princess Peach her face a mask of Fury turning to shock and then a sudden understanding hate and deceit breed monstrosities we have to end this nightmare now Luigi suddenly appears at the doorway looks around with wide knowing eyes Okay Luigi Karma Luigi exits as mysteriously as he entered leaving behind a confused and tense atmosphere pleading Peach what are you going to do with that gun Princess Peach determined I am ending this cycle now she aims the gun hands trembling at the photograph of the bizarre creature and pulls the trigger the phot bursts into magical Flames not harming anything else around it oh Bowser clutching his belly collapsing the curse I can feel it lifting oh Bowser circling Bowser hopeful Peach your act of Destruction was actually one of Liberation Princess Peach lowering the gun her eyes te the hardest battles do indeed tear through our hearts this night this Grim lesson it teaches us truth love and courage must guide us otherwise we are doomed to birth only destruction and despair as they gather around contemplating the night's Eerie lessons the scene Fades out with the storm gently subsiding hinting at a new calmer Dawn so she just sh that doesn't feel that I don't like the lesson the lesson of that was not very good is the power of friendship it sounds like it's the power of abortion that it's not really like a life lesson he she shot a pregnant Bowser with a gun that's not a life lesson if that's what she wanted to do fine but that's not I don't feel like I learned something and what happens I I guess what happens next was shocking but okay hold on we got to adjust it slightly I think one more adjustment and then the final one Luigi was the best part uh okay Luigi should come in and scream a series of vowels and then leave not enough pregnancy yeah yeah yeah more pregnancy to end with a TV no style twist um another twist at the end uh more dramatic add a sponsor there needs to be a Twist involving the secrets of the pyramids um and then uh another twist we already have another twist there's already another twist uh more disgusting uh and then I need more [Music] lessons of to crit scene like the MCU [Music] okay okay okay that was pretty good but I need Luigi to come in and scream a series of vowels like a long series of vowels and then leave I want more pregnancy and more guns you add another twist at the end and make it more dramatic also add a sponsor cuz this is my this is a YouTube video so I want to get some money here make sure it's more disgusting like I said in the title and add more life lessons at the end also an after credit scene all right should be good I left for 15 minutes look we're just writing the script that Sai is going to add it that's all that's going on once we have the script I'm just going to pass it to him and he has to animate it okay we may be cooking too hard I just feel like it's we're making the best possible Dar man video all right that that's all he has to animate it or put V visuals I don't know I'm going to be in Japan okay I he needs work I don't know how he's gonna make them all pregnant but uh that's fine um Chad gb2 is nearing a mental bra no it's he's fine all right I'm sure he's fine probably okay I'm not moving to Japan I'm going for two weeks are you doing a thumbnail s can do the thumbnail a scene a dimly lit room in Peach's castle Thunder crashes violently outside Princess Peach confronts Mario and Bowser who stand shamefaced with a shocking photograph that reveals their dark secret both wield mystical guns shimmering with dark Powers there's more guns Princess Peach voice quivering with this is revolting Mario Bowser you both created this this monstrosity while plotting as enemies streaming voice shaking Peach it was a forbidden spell gone arai there's not just one child there are twins Bowser eyes downcast ters and it's not just the twins Peach we're both pregnant again suddenly Luigi bursts through the door eyes wild with panic he takes a deep breath and releases a long dramatic scream of vowels Luigi oh man that's dramatic is Luigi [Music] pregnant with another word Luigi dashes out leaving a trail of mystery and confusion that was a Princess Peach holding up her magical gun Furious this madness ends now we won't let this curse spread any further she aims the guns at Mario and Bowser but freezes as toad stumbles into the room again triplets in his arm it's spreading faster than we thought Mario and Bowser hold out their mystical guns towards each other creating a magical barrier to contain the curse Princess Peach this weapon it was never meant for harm but to buy the curse what she fires her gun into the air the bullet bursts into spectacular light dispelling the dark clouds outside casting a protective glow around the castle what Mario hopeful Peach your courage turns weapons into Shields Bowser grunting yet relieved the pain or uh it's fading the curse lifts at the face of true bravery and lunity solemly tonight teaches us the darkest Magics or weapons wield no power who over the strength of heart to love trust and courage must lead our p or reinvite chaos and despair into our lives we learned that scene Fades to Black rainy night shifts to a peaceful Dawn oh this after asterisk asterisk sponsor segment before you find out what happens next a quick word from our sponsor extreme cleanse feeling overwhelmed by life's dark spells wash away the evils with extreme clean now back to our dramatic conclusion oh Sor asterisk asterisk after credit scene okay okay scene the Castle's Garden post curse Mario Bowser and Princess Peach host a picnic for their new unusual yet magical family the laughter of children and former enemies fills the air Princess Peach reflected see every ending is just a new beginning let's nurture these innocent lives with the love and peace they deserve camera pans out from the joyful Gathering closing on a single flower sprouting in the garden glowing faintly in an unnatural Hue asterisk asterisk and asterisk asterisk asterisk okay so yeah that was pretty good that was a pretty good Bo the babies are okay how many babies were part of uh oh nobody died [Music] though more pregnant my God he both pregnant Everybody Was Pregnant we don't I don't think we need more pregnant there was like 11 babies in that scene more deaths more pregnant what we learned is that in the end the best Shield is a gun okay more deaths but not the babies abortions are a great morals way more to help Mario take control of very productive health I I think that's it right that's all we need did D man just teach me that shooting people CES them not sure if that's true but if it's star man she didn't even shoot a person she just shot her G up into the air and it created a shield and that gave Bowser an abortion I think so Point Crow was messed up by Nintendo for using mods in a Zelda game imagine what they will do to Doug after they watch this video also sounds like this video will be illegal in Arizona lose my absolute [ __ ] if after you come back from Japan you see a Dar man video called I forced an AI to learn A Life Lesson and it's just a riff on your style of videos is Dar man's going to post a video it's like Doug Doug ruined my YouTube Channel I'm scared evangelists are going to find the stream and air strike your house yeah we're going to have to delete all the footage we to delete the evidence of this stream um okay um look at some point we got to wrap it up when do we decide how close we are to rapping like that one was pretty good the ending is too happy make it less happy less happy more life lessons [Music] make one of the characters read the sponsorship in character like it's a part of the story maybe the sponsor should be the gun manufacturer that's a good idea the character should read the sponsor like it's a podcast abortion Peach is my favorite costume from Princess Peach show time asterisk asterisk very sad everyone should die except the babies okay all right this is the last one this is what we're sending to to to the editor okay been using extreme Clans for years now glad to see it getting advertisement space on larger platforms I can't tell it to use the word [ __ ] cuz it censors my words cuz I forgot to do that setting so if I say [ __ ] it'll just put Astros Asos story is that maybe the real fetuses were inside us all along um the sponsor will be whoever oh oh but hold on sponsor should be sad sad and dramatic the sponsor should be done as product placement during the scene the sponsor should shock you what is the word um maybe say that the babies cannot be pregnant that would be weird uh no yeah yeah more Des not babies but more pregnant not babies okay this is our last one we're sending whatever this is just got off work and the first thing I hear is Bowser practicing pregnancy okay um make Donkey Kong the sponsor is pregnant okay uh make the ad the longest part no can we make the gun pregnant okay whatever whatever Bowser s get that's what's going on you instead of them talking um yeah there should be a song Somewhere I'm just worried I'm worried that okay so hear me out I don't think there are enough sponsors there should be a sponsor visible on each single scene to maximize life lessons and income for drugs okay I think a lot uh more yeah just more characters and more no no no I think just the charact we should have the same amount of characters but more pregnancy with the characters I think all right I think this is good right we just want I really want to lean into it being more dramatic uh there should be okay lots of twists more twists we definitely need more twists right I'm already saying that there should be way more pregnant but not the babies uh okay do we have a baby counter how many babies have happened in these story so far um I think we run it the narrator is pregnant we don't even have a narrator okay but there is no narrator okay okay we are almost ready for the final version we just need a few changes we want more deaths but not the babies but everybody there's a lot more pregnant there should be way more pregnancy not the babies though but just everybody else the narrator is pregnant but again there isn't a narrator more babies and more twists less happy more life lessons more dramatic the characters should read the sponsor like it's a podcast and the sponsor should shock you and have a Twist and have a life lesson and pregnant the gun is pregnant toad is pregnant More Death more drama it should shock you very very sad everyone should die except the babies and tell them to [Music] subscribe feel free to bring in other Mario characters if you need more pregnant okay ladies and gentlemen presenting the script of my X YouTube video please enjoy the following presentation by sigh you'll have to imagine whatever he's going to put here wait do I talk do I give commentary or no or do we just do we just do it wrong I feel bad for whoever's animating this s told me it only takes him like 2 days to make all the cool animations and stuff he does see if I'm putting you to the test site we'll see if that's true cuz this is getting a little wild okay all right I will just listen passionately Doug man Studios presents Princess Peach's disgusting lovech child with Mario Exposed what happens next is shocking on a scene a dimly lit grand hall in Peach's castle a tempest thrashes outside reflecting the chaos indoors Princess Peach Mario and Bowser each hold a dazzling mysterious gun Luigi Toad and several other characters from the Mushroom Kingdom including Yoshi and Daisy stand around all visibly Disturbed revealing their unexpected pregnancies Princess Peach with a voice filled with desperation this curse it has consumed us all how could this happen Mario tears streaming his hand on his swollen belly Peach the spell it's too strong not just twins triplets quadruplets it's endless Bowser grimacing in pain it's not just us look around every Ally and enemy we are all bound by this dark magic Luigi stumbles forward cradling his stomach as he cries out of disturbing string of vowels in sheer Agony [Music] Luigi loud Thunderclap Yoshi Daisy and others grown in pain echoing the room sentiment of dread and helplessness toad Breathing heavily in shock and and the guns they're all glowing and moving the guns Shake violently morphing into grotesque forms signifying that they too are pregnant the atmosphere is Rife with panic and fear Princess Peach aims her shape-shifting gun at the ceiling firing a pleading shot Princess Peach may this madness end instead of bullets the guns birth miniature dark clouds which burst and Rain Down A peculiar glowing liquid upon everyone Mario sobbing as he starts to fade this is our end the curse isn't just spreading it's concluding Bowser weakly at least the children will be spared they are pure untainted by our misdeeds one by one the adults begin to disintegrate their forms becoming part of the storm's Fury outside every character from the Mushroom Kingdom Fades away Into Thin Air leaving only the crying sounds of unseen newborns asterisk asterisk sponsor segment oh a solemn voice fills the emptiness left by the vanished characters even amidst life storms Clean Sweep diapers keeps the Innocence protected absorb the chaos and keep Purity intact with clean sweep because life's messy enough remember some endings bring New Beginnings asterisk asterisk final scene the storm subsides revealing a clear sky the room is now empty except for several cribs each holding a newborn from the Mushroom Kingdom untouched and sleeping peacefully asterisk asterisk after ACC credit scene a view of the desolate Castle suddenly the camera focuses on a lonely figure entering the gloomy Hall a pregnant Wario who looks around bewildered and scared Wario a muttering did I miss something asterisk asterisk life lesson text overlay in our darkest moments overwhelmed by the storms we conjure remember the purest hope often survives the chaos let's guide the Next Generation better than we guided ourselves subscribe for more life lessons from the edge of reality screen Fades to Black inviting viewers to reflect on the dramatic poignant tail spun before them okay hey good luck sigh hope you have a good [Music] vacation so hold on so everybody else like faded away and the babies were safe so Wario just is pregnant and has to have the children right is what's going on that's that's what I took from here um I do like how in only in this version was the life lesson there was just text overlay for A Life Lesson here s if you need any of the text I'll I'll make sure it's all here here you go I'm sorry I wanted this to be like five sentences for you this is a lot okay and then and then and and then here and then here there's so so much are I mean you don't have to animate you obviously don't have to animate everything just we just need images uh popping up randomly um anyways yeah this was meant to be five sentences is this is supposed to be something he can just like do really quick while I'm in while I'm in Japan make someone do a kick flip oh [ __ ] sorry these are suggestions from before um I think we had enough I think we had enough stuff we can't animate all of it this is my first stream it is an honor to be here for the EG abor can't wait for the movie no it's not it's not a movie let me set realistic expectations here s's going to try to bang this out really quick in like a week or two be careful when you come back low your expectations man will be awaiting in your bedroom with a gun and a rope so he can teach you a lesson what happens next will shock you I'm sure it will okay all right we all good and then uh whatever thumbnail the baby Jam emote for this stream what is baby Jam baby Jam emote what is it just want to say that I have had a sexual encounter while watching your stream thank you for the heads up I appreciate it um yeah that would have been good during this I'm sorry I shouldn't have I should have waited are you doing this to generate children for the next Pajama Sam stream so you have enough Sams to kill um are the children alive the children were alive right at the end make the Elmo theme song what okay um oh this my new uh fidget toy will probably sound annoying okay uh I had another idea what time is it it have a full length sponsor section with a full ad I feel like that was basically a full ad [Music] the final twist is that the babies were sponses apparently dude I am not wearing pants and I'm still Mr President a second pregnancy has hit the tower okay um well that's one thing to do today let me stop recording what am I going to do now I had a really like half pregnant I should have said that inanimate object the guns were pregnant though so that was good um is the viewer pregnant the narrator was supposed to be pregnant but there also wasn't a narrator so to be fair it did it did handle that correct um Doug I have some great news I think this video has made me pregnant also I think you're also pregnant I'm pregnant crap it's implied yeah I think it's it's strongly implied that the narrator's pregnant okay what I wanted to do here it's like a really half-baked idea so maybe you guys have an idea of how to turn it into a real stream uh cuz I I really should only stream for like another hour and a half or two hours and I also wanted to do Mario Odyssey speedrun but if I take damage the stream ends I thought that would be fun but we could also do this Bingo idea okay so here's the idea very undercooked um okay I'm going to hold on I'm going to stop recording and start new recording so that this is easier to edit okay um that will end instantly no I used to be good like three years ago when I did speedruns of Mario Odyssey okay um I thought it'd be funny as a concept here's the concept and then we have to build like a goal around it or whatever the concept is that um I have a program that randomly takes the last sentence I said and searches searches that on YouTube so like we're just talking about something unrelated and then it'll just randomly take whatever sentence I just said and put that into a search on YouTube so it's like and then put that into a search on YouTube and then we have to just watch a minute of the first one that shows up and then we have a bingo board that we're trying to fill out so then the question is what am I doing like I think the Bing I think that's funny but uh what do you mean it could go very wrong there isn't like porn on YouTube I feel like it's not that high risk honestly um what do we what do like what do we talk about what is the goal we could we just talk about philosophy there is porn what no there isn't on YouTube there's not supposed to be at any rate there there aren't gonna be like it's extremely unlikely that the first thing that shows up is porn and if it is I won't click at it it'll be fine and the thumbnails shouldn't be pornographic at least they're not supposed to be and yes there's a risk that that happens and oh well I Will Survive it's very likely I really don't think it's very likely um show some ideas for like what we're talking about um I could just play a spunky and then it's just like randomly pulling for my sentences we asked Chad gbt for uh conversation topics and then we're just talking about it oh I put a word into novel AI that you guys pick and then I just read whatever it says up until up until it searches on YouTube so like we don't really know what's going to happen parer comes in and talks it could be does parer let me see if he's around and that kids is why you should use protection not sponsored by DX who decided that Warrior was the hope for the world uh apparently Princess Peach I te I messaged him are you free and bored for what uh talking Wario has to take care of all the kids in the Kingdom poor Wario life lessons from the edge of reality goes unbelievably hard that was incredible parks are just finished showering this almost made me [ __ ] myself but even if I did I would have been protected by Pampers diapers they absorb 100% of wetness the number one pediatrition rated brand so what did we learn here you can go in 12 minutes okay do we want to do this I guess we need to make a bingo board and also write the program that does this this is there's a several steps to do this idea uh the video to seven people then you will get pregnant let pull up what do do this thing uh or no something else no something else like cast tungsten testicles upon you is that good or bad I was at the hospital and missed the street because I was pregnant what did I miss um jacken Can summarize it for you in a single word chat hey Doug just got here why am I pregnant did did I miss something oo the song rips what an amazing Story one of the most timeless stories of all time Romeo and Juliet The Odyssey and Super Mario Brothers 5 the tale of the pregnancy curse what if the sponsor segment was said in character as Billy ma oh [ __ ] these are all really delayed I think it was good that didn't a baby say who I forget who said a that is decided by the video yeah that's true okay wait how would I even do this um okay so we have a program that's listening to me oh this is kind of complex pacifist spunky I want more points from doubting okay uh we would need a thread which is listening to says pregnant so this is listening to my audio This Thread so this is listening to my mic Warrior is a single father of 42 another thread that picks a random time and then presses P hey Doug what's the name of the new fidget toy you're using that is incredibly loud also very women are hot it's just like four keyboard keys I assume you could just like Google it um my brother got it from I don't know last night I found an ancient palasan obelisk in my backyard as twitch's foremost archaeologist I was wondering if you had any advice so my bloodline is not cursed and Zeus does not smite me for my hubris uh chat can give you advice to make a video essay on on chat GPT this is probably not relevant anymore but I'm going to clip the AI story and try animating it myself I'll post it on nice SS fun okay make it pregnant this stream me [ __ ] myself which felt like giving birth yeah I'm sure I'm sure it's the same physical experience being being pregnant can't be giving birth really can't be that take subtitles from YouTube videos as an input I'm still cooking but I feel like there's an idea there I don't know uh parer said how long will this take and what is the purpose I said however long you feel like and it's to search what you're saying on YouTube and he said what so we got he's in um all right this doesn't how do I even describe what we're what I'm doing here this doesn't sound that complex to make like what what did what do I put as the stream [Music] title whatever I say gets searched on YouTube okay everybody get ready for a f minute coding Adventure I know how this needs to be done I have the vision in my head it shouldn't be that hard well I mean like I I have I've done all these things before it really shouldn't be that bad uh but let's see how it goes so we need I just make a new program um okay I'll do a copy of this of this project wait no I don't need cuz I don't need visuals okay we're just going to make a new project um starting from scratch Good Stuff uh Python scripts uh randomly search on YouTube okay we're going to open up that folder this going to be so [ __ ] sick how quickly I'm going to program all this I feel like this is going to end terribly and we're going to open a birthing video or a penis tutorial and we're going to watch it okay we're going to watch it I'm going on vacation if I get banned it's fine any anyways who cares okay um this is a somewhat unrelated idea can you do like 30 minute serious video essay about the AI stealing content and making people lazy bit of chat GPT write the entire video for you and Doug GPT will present it that is funny I will admit that's pretty funny why is life split why did it change what is going on oh okay what the [ __ ] okay but then like as the video goes on it gets more and more obvious that me narrating and reading the script is actually an AI it becomes more and more like of a shitty AI That's reading it I mean I do kind of want to do a video just talking more in more depth about how I view uh Ai and the ethics of AI because you know people talk about it all the time and I think it's it's a lot more sophisticated than AI good or AI bad but yeah sorry has a large language model I cannot do whatever okay uh five minute coding Adventure Starts right now new file uh python file uh uh print hello okay save this um random search okay so what do we want let's comment it out first runs runs two Bots uh runs two threads that's it right we run two threads so then in thread one it listens uh Waits for user to press F4 I want to point out that you have added because I'm not a coward to my vocabulary whenever someone asks say why question and I almost said it through a professor the other day smile good that means he knows you're not a coward okay uh listens to audio waits for the P button waits for p to be pressed so this is listening to my audio and waiting for you to be pressed then once P has been pressed take the last sentence of the audio and we search that sentence on YouTube okay so that's what the first thread is doing and the second thread thread two is going to wait a random amount of time and then press P that's all it does okay this is definitely going to be more than a 5-minute coating Adventure by the way but that's that's the gist of what we need so uh running two threads how do you run threads let me remember the text is so gigantic sorry you're going to have to look at you're going to have to look at small text you're going to have to read um all right so we're going to do at the bottom we're going to run the two threads down here uh let's inport some things async IO import time um we don't need any of this okay so we'll have start the start listening can you just have a random chance to search every time a chunk of speech is processed why do you need ke key yeah that's a lot simpler cuz then I can just update the module that is actually listening to yeah yeah yeah hold on that's way way way easier cuz I I was assuming I need it to stop registering my voice but hold on so maybe we don't need any of this this might actually be a 5in coding here attack in a hospital is called coding gives a slightly different vibe to your 5 minute Adventures like in a good way right okay so this is open AI or no not open AI we want Azure um if this works we're in this is going to be really fast okay so Aur we do speech to text oh no speech from file continuous hey talking about Paul BL we can watch Paul BL okay so um this is the code that listens to my voice and has Microsoft as J process it this function in here fires every time it recognizes part of my speech so it gets like a chunk of text I was assuming we would have to have it stop listening it does the whole call back thing and then we start it back up we don't actually need to do that because we can just say if random. randint I probably need to import random if random. ran in uh zero to uh I don't know what 50 there's like a one in 50 chance of whatever I say it's hard to make this time based it'd be or more complex because I need another thread that's checking the time maybe not [Music] though no I it's not true right because I just do um time since last search equals time.time or is it time. now and then if current time equals time. now and then hold on if current time minus time since last searched is greater than 30 seconds oh I'm coding uh I was going to let you know when ready douglas douglas well I didn't I just asked when you're available I didn't say come in as soon as you're free Douglas I'm I was asking if you're available for this thing once I'm done coding it how long will it'll definitely take 5 minutes you're already at 6 and a half minutes five sorry well what was that it'll take five minutes okay how about just if it's been more than 60 seconds we'll just do that for now we can complexify this later um yeah or I could do random in every 15 for now we'll just do it if it's been more than 60 seconds then it's going to um format we need to get the speech out of it we got to search on YouTube um and how do we search on YouTube I can do you know what I can do I can use the code from snake 2 yeah that's fine um open folder Python scripts where's snake 2 I delete snake 2 [Music] where the hell is snake 2 can you code it to only play the first Doug video I saw on YouTube which was you seeing if you can run faster than fast travel on Skyrim uh probably not as a software engineer this is painful ah it's fine program projects by the way remember that drugs are illegal in Japan even we doana so you need to not bring your copious amount of drugs and drug paraphernalia with you and no drugs during your vacation hopefully you won't die dug your holding up a streamer please leave and let Dad come on stream it's not Shar coding what did you do to me douglas douglas where did I put snake 2 snake snake snake did I not name it snake 2 I mean I can just look I just was going to copy the code that open something in a browser who was it a virus I mean it's if it's a virus it should still be here did I like put it in Game of Life dude where oh twitch chat codes ah there we go found it it was called twitch chat Cod waiting for you to code can you play a lullabi so I can take an up okay found it where oh my God this code is a disaster because it was all written by Chad gbt I have to do anything for [Music] browser okay whatever El's do browser let L just web browser open okay so it's going to open uh how do you search results search query equals okay do you just have random stuff up here blah blah blah blah blah blah blah does that work it does Okay cool so you do this um f and then in here we have the results of the text right that should work I mean let's just make this every 10 seconds or whatever or 5 Seconds just for testing this should theoretically work maybe maybe for sure this time needs to be URL encoded I don't think so cuz I just searched I mean let's just see what happens this is for sure going to work first try and it would be a 5minute coding Adventure because there's two seconds under five minutes test if you can just have a random string there or if you need to do the escaping manually it's possible the browser did the escaping for you during your quick keyboard mashing yeah uh first I want to is it time. time Ah that's correct yeah hello there we go I get the sense this should work but yes if needed we we put pluses in there test test test test test test test hello hello testing testing okay okay it opened over here didn't open on uh it didn't open on Firefox but it did search test test test okay so now the question okay and now it's searching hello testing testing okay um oh I never reset the time so it's just oh it's going to search every time I say something [Music] we will get Rick Rolled for sure I don't know H that didn't really [Music] work okay how do I um time since last search equals time out time um how do I make it do I just change my default browser temporarily how do I make it search on Firefox I remember we did this during snake 2 and somehow I changed it to be Firefox [Music] um did I just change my default browser that's kind of boring oh well uh how do I do that let me make sure this isn't private info oh make [Music] default cool let's try [Music] that so in theory it should open up here probably um test test wait why is it [Music] hello why did it close me should just go here douglas douglas do you use ice szel as your default browser I do not I don't know what that means test test okay so now it should listen to whatever I'm saying and if it's been over I think I set it to 10 seconds it'll search it automatically can you please put on less soothing music with your gentle coding voice in the music I am falling asleep yeah this is pretty soothing [Music] huh I feel like um it should have searched by now right it's been more than 10 seconds [Music] what why is it not working now what did I didn't really change anything if current time minus time is it hitting here T Test T Test what it's not even am I in the wrong spot what did I do why is this not H what why is this not happening you're setting time since last search to time.time yeah that's correct but only if we've searched something then it should reset it it's not even break pointing here though it's never even hitting this part of the code what test test this is literally is it not what this is literally what's running huh why is it not break pointing there we're running this function it is literally saying recognize speech recognition is it running in debug mode it should be is it not by the way don't forget to get some Samurai horse colog test test what it's not it's not hitting a breakpoint what is happening do I just need to like reset the pram I feel like this is just just wrong oh sorry this isn't the the upbeat music you were asking for to keep you awake well I'll play you the new a new song okay but then it closed here okay so it's just something with the speech recognition is being funky like it's immediately clo what is happening with a why is everything not working today I we made it work but like dude what is happening let just do while true um results special text so it Loops test test test what the [ __ ] is happening why isn't it break pointing this function is running right I'll do Doug Rec like test recognized I'm editing this code we should see it show up here test test test test recognized it's here so this is happening why is it not hitting the break point it do no no no I the code I'm not even talking about the logic of the code it just literally should break point here meaning it stops and so I can show I can see what's going on is it's it's because of like threading I guess I'm I guess we're debugging without break points okay that's weird um print current [Music] time okay we'll print the times for both test test test test test [Music] test hello testing it's only showing current time what why is it only printing one of [Music] them cuz it's not okay is there something time since last search it's not being used does this need to be like a global is it thread oh are these is this like running on its own thread is that what's it's doing um oh it must be on a tone okay it's running as an async function I think but it's not async okay so we make it Global what oh so I have to Define it outside okay hold on this is really really high quality code here we Define a global function uh a Time since last search at the top uh or Global variable in here uh we do Global time since last search and then time since last search equals time. time and then we Glo get the global uh last in here [Music] yeah testing testing we should now be searching beautiful we got Space Balls that's interesting okay let's just say I'm talking about the death function to show you are not creating a new one okay this works so we can just say that every 60 seconds it searches what I said on YouTube how food turns into poop okay um so I think we have a rough plan of how this is going to work and I do need it to hold on searching a thing now please okay this works so here's what I'm going to do um let's figure out what what this whole concept is at the moment it will search whatever the last thing you said like chunk of text you said is every 60 seconds or or 10 seconds we can just do every 60 and then we bring in parks and you guys do a um you guys do a Q&A with Parker okay and then we make a bingo board and every time we hit a category in the Bingo board then we get a bingo or whatever make it play the first video is there a way to do that there probably is um I'll just tell Parks he has to click the first one wouldn't it be funny 40 seconds fixed plus a random amount of time I think every minute is fine I mean we can adjust it um maybe 1.5 minutes yeah I'll do 90 seconds line 147 there's not a spelling error there thank you though okay so now we just need the Bingo board [Music] right don't tell Parks what's happening yeah that's a good idea okay I need to open up our beloved Bingo board where is it in Mr Photoshop hey Doug that was the wrong line go check the correct line 147 please [Music] whereit where's the background [Music] what why is it deleting the [ __ ] locked layer there we go Jesus oh wait I need one more locked you are also locked isn't this a fun exciting stream watching me like figure out what I'm doing okay all right so we're going to do like YouTube Bingo we copy all the x or I get rid of all the X copies okay uh and you're muted all right what are what are the things that we want for the Bingo board this is all of the stuff that might appear okay Mr Beast right Mr [Music] Nast okay some of these should be easy uh a bald guy ninja I don't feel like Ninja's big enough it it's got to be pretty vague like this could be anything it shouldn't just be a specific channel it's it should be pretty broad Fort fortnite can we also have it look up videos on or Roblox I mean you could technically I I'm not going to do that but you can um okay broad things oh a chair hello okay if there's a chair then that counts for one uh compilation videos okay can we get like any video game oh yeah yeah video with under 500 views that's a good one that's a good one cuz this is going to be like essentially random it's going to be hard uh Minecraft okay I'll do Minecraft um I think poke oh Family Guy that feels too specific again we're talking this is random words are being searched on YouTube I feel like we it it's got to be like music video see music video is like is Broad right any music video is super doable to find we just do animals literally just animals like if there is an animal that that counts um oh news yeah okay news is good like any news article oh movie clips is great movie clip that's for sure going to show up um an R an RV tutorial news I feel like covers politics let's keep them broad let's keep them broad memes is not specific enough right Sports yeah I think Sports is a good one this row feels very doable okay we need 15 more AI voiceover we aren't necessarily going to watch any it depends what part does something that is literally just hey I reading a Reddit post but then we have to watch it ideally it's something we could identify off the thumbnail I we could tell Parks you has to watch some of it but um okay how about all caps title that's good um copyrightable it's too it's too vag Rel okay you're saying like related to Reddit like if there's anything Reddit related at all um children's cartoon yeah I think travel is is pretty good oh wait this is hold on this isn't 5x5 we want to do 5x5 right not 6x6 so hold on let me god this is annoying let's do 5x five wait why did [Music] um okay move this here you here you here do we do we get a free space Oh oops I'm dumb uh bam do we get a free space or no videos so K-pop is K-pop like that big I mean we have I guess we have music video right we have music video I feel like that all compilations Let's do let's do free space reactions long Niche video essay Doug Doug gets to be a free space you can place wherever red arrow in the thumbnail YouTube Bing yeah okay Red AR and thumbnail SS good video over 1 hour long yeah that's good uh I'm going to do free space I'm going to do free space cuz I'm only suppos to video or an anime clip or video okay we hold on hold on uh children's cartoon we have Minecraft there there's another one that I said that was good that I'm blanking on we have music video covering a lot of them life hack videos cooking videos oh over over what was it over some number of a 1 hour over one hour long yeah that's good okay if we do over 1 hour we should also have like Tech video or an educational video under 30 seconds tech review okay a review video like it's any review any review apology video apology videoos too that's funny but there's no way that's gon to pop up that's not g to pop up from search Politics I would put under news um above above 10 million views I like that above 10 excuse me um okay about 10 million views ASMR is not that popular dude I feel like that's I'm going to put music video down here so it has more I'll put ASMR over here I think that's do an anime clip for okay I'm going to do ASMR or anime I'm going to make that one slightly easier reaction video feels hard reaction video restoration content um X years old oh that's good that's good that's good I like that any video that's not in English that's good yeah yeah okay um over 10 years old so the video is over 10 years old and not in English that's a good one that's a really good one facing in the thumbnail that's too specific food related like cooking or something okay this the last one we weren't necessarily watching it so we kind of need to be able to figure out what it is based off just looks or the title um okay we going do Doug dog video like clickbait is too vague like it's not are there any issues with this Bingo board I feel like this is pretty solid we got Mr Beast a bald guy Roblox or fortnite a chair video with under 500 views ASMR or anime an animal like any animal that one should be easy news movie clips Sports children's cartoon which is a little bit vague but um red video Red Arrow and thumbnail free space related to Reddit all caps title make a my x video that's to way too specific why is bald guy on there twice oh haa over 1 hour long not in English review video above 10 million views Doug duug video under 30 seconds over 10 years old reaction video music video Mr Beast might be tough I think Mr Beast is hard I don't think he's just pop okay wait Mr Beast ories assuming PX is speaking English not necessarily maybe I could swap these to make this middle row a little bit easier um I think it's a good I think it's a good compilation I think we do that like this is T t- Series popular anymore I don't know but like they they are really popular right Mr Beast is incredibly easy maybe any animated video that's for YouTube K yeah let's just keep let's keep children's cartoon fairly straightforward animated video I'll just say marked for kids basically I'll just say kids kids cartoon and and we know what we're talking about all right we good this is our Bingo board so let me write out what is even happening here [Music] [Music] what is your prediction for where the Bingo happens I feel like there's a couple there's a couple like promising rows here this one ASMR anime I'm not very confident in I I don't know man uh try to complete a bingo so we are collectively trying to get one Bingo and that's how the stream that's our goal of the stream try to complete a bingo should I change the timing though uh cuz I do have it um can you name the AI video to GRE in my Mario oh I know how to do this um duck du ruined my Mario uh random wait time equals 60 seconds or we'll do like 45 seconds plus random. Rand what happens to the program if no one talks will it die no it'll just sit there waiting so we do it's anywhere from 45 seconds to like I don't know two minutes that work something like that and so Random wait time is going to be have we been waiting longer than the random wait time I'll just put 60 seconds down there for Simplicity but then we would basically repeat this every time we pull up a new video 2 minutes might be too long well parks in case we have to like update the Bingo stuff um I think this should work do do we feel good about this what's the process of this Bingo and what's the fail condition so when a video is searched when a video is searched if it hits any of these categories I will open up the Bing I'll be on on call I'll be standing right nearby Road two is too easy I mean we can we can swap it how about movie clips comes down here and red arrow and thumbnail goes up so that row two isn't quite as easy I feel like red arrow and thumbnail is medium length I mean I could swap I don't know oh Sports and over one hour long now it's harder and I think if we need to we we can give Parks Direction but I think it's just hey do a Q&A and we just and Parks doesn't really isn't really concerned with what's happening random wait time needs to be Global ah you are correct for the exact same reason that the other stuff need needs to be Global yeah and that's why it's saying it's not used yes good call good call good call [ __ ] Global variables cool and then this needs to have Global weight time sweet that should do it thank you good call it's far funnier if he has no idea what's going on um yeah are you ready I mean it'll be a little obvious the instant I take over the computer and say we got a Bingo but uh but that's fine we'll start with an innocent Q&A and then if we need to we pull up novel AI let me actually log into that just so we have it uh no ey [Music] okay so if we need we have novel Ai and we just have Parks read a novel AI story but I think the idea is that we just send it with whatever he does and then okay so my job okay is to be here anytime that we get a bingo I will be the judge of whether the Bingo happened okay that is my role but for the most part it's you guys having a conversation with parer oh no leading him though right I feel like you can't you can't lead him too much I also might need to turn Texas speech off so don't spam him with alerts cuz he's not really good at responding to alerts um in fact I might just do this right now because he just literally can't talk over Al TTS is off turn the music back on sorry no leading questions this is just a normal conversation but even if he starts talking about the video that he's watching that's fine you guys can just start talking about the video that works too like I want to see if just a natur conversation leads to us like getting Bingo you know what I mean isn't that more interesting okay Texas beach is [Music] off okay maybe log out of YouTube to stop the algorithm oh do do you think I need to do that let me make sure this is working testing testing parer said I don't believe you okay we're waiting to see to make sure this J uh like works testing testing you should go Incognito it doesn't really matter at some point oh okay it works okay I think we just say we're going to watch YouTube videos with parer again look at our categories just keep them in oops keep these in mind these are the categories Mr beaster 2 Series a bald guy fortnite a Roblox a chair video with under 500 views over an hour long red arrow and oh never mind never mind mind this is it but this this is it okay uh hello parer parer do I have to sit why do you not have pants on again this is too loud there's no there's nothing on it I know but I already know that it's going to be too loud here I can turn the music way down then all right go ahead and do what I don't know what I'm doing uh sorry Q&A with chat what just answer a question from chat why uh is that that's not a red that's a yellow arrow that's a yellow arrow it doesn't count um so now feel free to uh check out the first YouTube video if you want and talk about it that's not B wait is that guy bald is that guy bald would you say that guy is bald close but like not as not like anywhere close to you right right when you say yes or no is he bald no okay no bald uh you can click into it and watch though what if I don't want to watch this video you just you can skim through it and just mute it that's fine we don't need to hear it or anything is just answer really a way to potentially earn up to $7,000 per month just by answering question online I have no idea what's happening oh uh it's just necessary made to intensely earn up to seven times okay um anything so now you can watch the first one we're trying to complete a bingo board wait was that a review hold on was that definitely a review okay guys this is the worst idea I've ever had but we're running with it okay what is this are we are we saying that that was that's gorlock the Destroyer are we saying that that counts as a review the last one it was okay Bingo board we found a review uh review video all right cool uh anyway back to you can just keep talking it's going to every time every like minute or so it's going to take whatever you just said and search on YouTube and we're filling out a bingo board depending on what happens just go ahead and have a fun conversation about whatever shows up or answer questions from chat that one's over an hour oh that's over hour wait no I thought it was over 10 hours is the goal uh over an hour yeah yeah yeah great call uh but anyway go ahead go ahead and click oh oh sorry this video will make you forget your name it's just the top video if you want to click the first one you check it out see if it hits anything there's no audio for this one oh well I can turn it up well no oh these are not closed captions this is just this is the audio oh do I need the audio is this children's cartoon no it's over 10 million what oh animals isn't this a great idea I still hardly have any idea what's happening I don't I don't see what role I am okay I do know what's happening I can see what's happening now I don't understand what role I have in this the idea is whatever can you randomly search videos on YouTube just by talking oh that was me isn't this a great idea I hardly okay first one you got C the first one oh it's 9.3 million I think you still have the previous one is it under 30 seconds oh I I've watched this guy before I hate shorts cuz it just gets rid of all the de oops it gets rid of all the information about the thing I need a close together T oh wait oh oh no wonder oh hello turning thiso to the stud show that only the smartest people find blood all right so just go ahead and talk about poop removes the water and moisture the food now without any nutritional value is exed oh when you take a bite of F I was going to leave a comment about poop but it wouldn't let meach wait can I can I manipulate the search results semid nutrients harambe getting shot emotional police called wow Gone Wild and swallows esophagus we w we w w who is setting off the alarm oh sorry oh is that when the a bingo board thing is is done into your bloodstream and the large intestines removes the water and moisture the food now without any nutritional value ISR as waste did you just say binko board swallow it wait hold on what did we miss what the code isn't on right now did we miss any bingos he's not free oh right we need free space that's not no that's not children's he literally is it's under 30 seconds was that under 30 why are shorts like this why can't I see the length of the the video I can't see how I can't Jump Around the video how food turns into poop is it I think it is under 30 seconds okay that's under 30 seconds again the the goal is to hit Mr Beast or a bald guy or fortnite or Roblox or a chair or a video with under 500 views or a red arrow in the thumbnail or news or smmr or anime or an all caps title or related to Reddit or movie clips or a kids cartoon or above 10 million views or a reaction video or sports or Minecraft or music video or not in English or over 10 years old or Doug Doug video okay it'll go way faster starting now wait but we want it's bingo so as long as I can get a Mr Beast video and a Doug duug video I win yeah but you can't cheat you just have to have a normal conversation okay now okay I think I now generally understand what is happening I warned Chad this is not a good idea oh it's not okay well how food turns into poop again only first one counts but you can watch the poop one to stimulate conversation when you take a bite of food and swallow it it the esophagus uh is there like text is this can is there a way to turn off the monitoring because it keeps on screeching if I get too close to the microphone I guess I just not wear them CU I can still hear it is there Texas speech where I answer questions or what is what is what is happening here I turned it off take a bite of F and swallow it it travels down the esophagus you turned off to speech convert text to speech with AI here spe why is he talking so slowly scr yeah well that's just oh it's Adam that's me oh right uh questions from chat hey parks are what is your favorite favorite what hey parks are what is your favorite favorite what do shorts count or is it the first video guys are we counting shorts or the first video we did Count a short before I think we probably your first video right so earlier I skipped the shorts and I clicked on the first video but the first video happened to also be a short guys what one is your favorite Roblox [Music] Ben I his name the [Music] dude wait that's what Roblox looks [Music] like a computer in my house and it has Roo insted I play it every day because it's really really fun it's probably one of the best games that was is this really a music video does it count spin oops guys this is the worst idea I've ever had okay girl I don't think you know how big 12 in is do you see that just in scale where is that going not this does not seem like a very twitch friendly video so I'm going to move off of that one okay uh I'm now Fielding questions parser what is your favorite yogurt I like the ones that are like not flavored I like the ones is it like is it called Greek yogurt or like something plain where so I used to live out of hotel rooms uh and I would go get my free breakfast every morning and my favorite thing to get not literally favorite but my favorite station at the uhoh oh oh no it's harzer whater above 10 million views okay is yogur oh so I I I would go to the yogurt station and get some un unflavored unsweetened Greek yogurt i' put fruit in it and put nuts in it exactly like this person is doing except I wasn't fancy and I did not have a pestil and mortar to grind my nuts to crush my nuts to break down myess what's your favorite typ of yogurt [Laughter] do uh parser any advice for someone with part of a legal degree who wants to work as a paralal uh what do you mean by part of a legal degree do you do you mean like okay so my guess is that you're probably in if you're part of a pre-law or uh do you are you in a pre-law program as like an undergraduate and then you are looking to find oh I don't even have to answer your question anymore the answer is right here what you need to know before becoming a pargal excellent you can watch this video uh additionally uh a lot of times if you are in not an actual attorney program so if you're not in actual Law School most law firms won't actually take you in as like an intern or a staff member they usually want people who are actively uh actively becoming attorneys instead of just like people who are perspective uh with that being said uh I don't know I guess want to wait I forgot what the original question was because I got distracted guess you didn't know this is this is a music this is a song so I probably shouldn't play that so you don't get dmca instead we will look at this this is a movie clip which is also dmca Who's Cheating the movie clip doesn't count cuz it's not the first one it has to be the first search result can oh okay well that counts okay that movie all right what that one counts um where's movie clip uh directly to the right of free space Oh [ __ ] this one's looking good uh these are all movie clips so oh this one is this oh oh too late oh you're a villain all right just not a super one is this also how I guess this technically counts as free use because I am commentating over these clips okay well this is this is fine is that what you consider this a kid's cartoon it looks childish scroll down does it say no I'm not counting it it doesn't say for kids not counting itake up what even is this is this Minecraft oh you should not be playing this mute it oh God damn it wait what's what's what is it guy forgets to mute mic first first part because obviously we cannot have a video longer than 50 59 seconds so we have to split this up into two parts great job it's two parts to ensure that we can Farm as many views as possible oh we already have fortnite on Roblox what was that there's something in chat earlier there was an alert alert do not subscribe to Doug Doug he is a known marijuana addict and will use your sub money for Dr the worst message on Roblox wait since when were you a marijuana addict oh oh oh is that news oh great job parer you clutched on news damn that was super good oh dude this we got a couple options here everything is happening so fast right now if Doug uses my sub money to buy drugs can I sue him for pain and suffering no generally if you want pain and suffering or other types of emotional damage you need to be able to articulate and quantify the damages so just because so first of all not before we even get to that there is no way that you can claim that so if you donate money to a streamer ah okay this is actually very helpful because as I talking about topics there are actual resources coming up that people can use uh this is so distracting I'm so confused right now so generally in order to get compensation for emotional distress you have to articulate it and quantify it but if you give money to as like a tip or a gratuity to a broadcast personality on the internet there is no expectation of getting services in return the psychological trick behind getting people to say yes uh so if the person that you give money to Meine bald Mega mine was bald a bald guy clutched I lost my train of thought this is an absolute disaster so if you give money to an online broadcast personality the expectation is that or like the general consensus or the general understanding of that transaction is that you are giving money to a person with no expectation of anything in return Red Aon thumbnail is a win so if you give somebody money and oh this is a movie clip The Devil Wears Prada we already have movie clip uh how to know your true friends so if there's no or if there is no clear expectation of something in return they can't technically damage you for it if you are donating money so you can't actually get damages from Doug if he spends your money uh on drugs it's the same video okay oh it's because I read the title of the video out loud okay what is it what is the is that was just a onee alert oh congratulations on one year what is result uh why why are they what happened oh people don't like who the guy who was there oh in chat that's why people were you can just talk about what is result oh never mind talk about oh in ah hello cat oh this is great wait I need to I need to hear this that was a check mark not an arrow H that's not the cat H there's no way that's the cat this video sucks there's no way that was the actual ual cat I I can't thumb down the video how to restore dislike very helpful thank you okay parer do you like any anime U not really I'm not really much of an anime person even as a kid I I don't think this counts as anime I watched Pokemon and I watched jackiechan Adventures as a kid uh and I believe those count as cartoons instead of anime so I in general no I do not watch anime return you oh uh how about now Benson not counting it not an anime is one of them anime is that why they asked me about anime because one of the Bingo options are anime what is this that's not a I don't think it's a kids cartoon people say the show is for adults so it doesn't count I don't know what this show is but she has an extraordinary amount of cleavage relative to what I would expect from a children's program so uh probably not a oh I've seen thousands of titties well you said okay this child has seen thousands of titties apparently okay uh I will now field another question I guess what was this par parer would you bring poop again everyone loves poop uh parer would you bring back the pyramids what do you mean bring back the pyramids aren wait did something happen to the pyramids that I'm not aware of oh uh Doug cannot talk much because it will get picked up wait was that actually red arrow no way no no no the first one is how food turns into poop you missed this you missed this I know it's a short but we used it before this is the one that you counted very close though why does this short appear in regular search results usually shorts are normally separated out as like the top section instead of instead of on the regular results uh we already have the 302 ones oh the second one has a red arrow we keep missing it by one you're uploading shorts the wrong way do this instead uh how you should do it instead is not upload shorts and instead just make regular videos parer how do you legally Define the fine print the fine print is a nickname for generally the terms and conditions or any user license agreement often uh the privacy policy is also included in that and basically any contract where you have to enter into it uh and agree to it in order to use a service so there are restriction if somebody's offering you a service there are a set of expectations that you can have as a result of using the service and the terms of service will outline this is fantastic did that have an arrow it did not uh look at the search look at the search up there the red arrow has to be in the first search result not in the subsequent ones in the first search result uh oh okay well that's cheating that's cheating cuz that was me and not Parks that's cheating it was in the video okay well we're changing it to just the thumbnail cuz I can't tell when the video is happening the video is now just serving to uh tell Parks what to talk about that's a greaten arrow Arrow we got to look guys we got to earn the victory here okay don't look for a cheap Victory we need to [ __ ] earn it uh parer can I time travel if I use a plane to cross international date lines that wouldn't be time travel so the I concept of time travel is is that you would manipulate the progression of time and then put yourself in a different time period uh if you are crossing the date line the only thing that you're changing is the way that you describe the current time but you're not actually changing to a different time so that wouldn't count as what was the question like if you take an international flight or like go across the date line that's not time travel a yellow arrow um oh Billy has a question over there in chat that's just for Doug actually isn't going to Japan guys he's going to marijuana rehab you're not alone Doug you can call the Sam samusa National helpline the timer's broken oh uh parer is Doug wearing pants today hold on give me uh one second let's see let's go to my DMs where are [Music] you I have sent you a photograph hold on okay uh this is a lyric video is there one for lyric videos I will prob I will play it but not play the song it's the evil laugh at the end for me what what is she eating is she eating the oh it's a prank okay that's it's multicolored there's no way any reasonable person would look at that and think that she is actually eating insulation insulation is like white and like off it's offwhite this is a horrible prank this prank sucks probably fake uh parer what is your favorite what okay okay I'll skip that question and instead answer can I legally practice cannibalism which no uh we what is your favorite Park parer what do you do in your free time what do I do in my free time um the thing is I've managed to optimize under 500 views under 500 views Mr beaster T Series gets you there kids cartoon no no no red arrow and thumbnail or Mr Beast gets you there oops okay what's T-Series oh is that the really big Indian Channel yeah you can okay parer would you rather have unlimited bacon but no more video games or Games Unlimited games but no parks are would you so games or bacon I'd pick games I don't really eat bacon that much Parks did you get me a gift for our anniversary in under a month also can you send me that Doug oh it's F okay uh can you can you send me that Doug picture for research if you know what I mean no that's private okay we're counting shorts we've been doing shorts too much so for it's the first one no matter what format it is that's the rule that's the only one that applies it has to be the thumbnail red arrow that one doesn't that's also a horrifying thumbnail we're doing out the first one I know the rules would change but most consistently we've done the first one has to be the first result R Arrow Wait no that's in the video doesn't count did did Billy Billy Ray replied and said this is not pants um correct didn't we just watch this okay this is a repeat hey parer what's the best kind of bread uh I assume you mean uh what is my opinion on the best kind of bread because that is a subjective answer what kind of bread do I like usually when I order sandwiches at Sandwich stores oh uh usually when I order order sandwiches at Sandwich stores I will get wheat bread because I heard that it is healthier than white bread uh I don't know what bread is my favorite I like pastries in general I like bread in general sourdough is fine though I don't prefer it over other kinds of bread parer do you actually understand Doug uh in what sense when he is speaking English I will generally understand him about 97% of the time uh in terms of do I understand his behaviors I uh 20 essential English phrases to talk about the economy should that okay relax this video is going to help you become a confident speaker when talking about the economy we all love talking about the economy prep is right so it's growing ah the economy is booming to Boom means to have sudden economic growth just like a mental boom when you're goes boom and you are very confused ah there has been an upturn in economic growth Jaguar twins feeling bad Oompa Loompa uh parer can you list every single illegal activity Doug has done I cannot because the list is is too long and I stopped keeping track do you like the mug mug parer uh what do you mean like do you mean like just my general feedback or like General thoughts on the mug uh I I do like it the reason I like it is not as a mug the reason I like it is because it's just a ridiculous concept that it's very unique and it's very different most like I'm not a fan of most content creator merchandise cuz I feel like they just repeat and do the same things over and over again or it's like a same set of types of merchandise so like apparel plushes figurines or whatever I have literally never seen any but I have seen content creators do regular drinking mugs before but I've never in my life seen somebody actually model the entire mug out of their logo or their mascot so because of that I like it uh I don't like the functionality of it I think it is completely useless as a mug u i mean not completely useless you can actually drink out of it but uh but I like it as a product because of the novelty value did your thing die because uh I feel like I've been talking for quite a while and it is not uh it is not updating givit for a second appears to have died farewell code okay just to recap the rules wait Parks can you not look and not listen it's got to be the first result okay it's got to be in the if it's a visual thing this has to be in the thumbnail okay in the thumbnail all of it actually has to be related to the thumbnail it's all thumbnail to make it easy okay thumbnails titles okay these are remaining ones you've got this this this this this this this this this this I'm not counting this one because I think it's for young adults I think Regular Show is for young adults according to the fact that everybody constantly I've never seen it everybody's constantly like Regular Show is for adults if there's a show that people constantly talk about how adults like it that doesn't count and then red Aon thumbnail has to be the first search result in the thumbnail it's in Cartoon Network I so to me kids is like for children not for like this would be like Coco melon not I think red Regular Show is like for teens right I mean I don't really know but I'm talking for children oh it was working I was I'm talking for children test test test test test test you're testing it incorrectly you have to say the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog parer do you like Minecraft I do not uh I find it to be very boring uh though on a related note I was convinced to go into Doug's uh his I don't I don't know what the name of it is but he has like a Discord or a Minecraft server I was convinced to go into the server to check it out during the monre Bay Aquarium charity stream and I did find it incredibly impressive the problem with Minecraft for me is that I get motion sickness very easily so seeing or like the the movement is we we already have Minecraft we oh wait was that a separate thing oh it is separate what was a question I didn't migrate my Minecraft account here's what happened okay uh probably not a very useful for me to read these the title of the the video parer what would you do if you saw a scary ghost I would what defines a scary ghost as opposed to like so like why are we indicating first that the ghost has to be scary instead of being a regular ghost if I actually thought I saw a ghost what would I do what's the realistic thing I would do I'd probably I'd probably try to take a picture of it would be my goto scientist explain i' Pro my go-to would probably be to try and take a picture of itat flustered asked him if he could go his brother's house he needed to find something at that house uh I'd like to skip the history lesson and go to the actual explanation never mind we are no longer learning about ghosts do you know these gen Alpha words let see if we know these gen Alpha words so that's like people born after 2010 Sky SK I don't know someone who's evil or bad okay okay Sigma is that like that's like Al Alpha Beta Omega okay Bet all right we are done learning about words oh white Arrow really close hey guys in this video okay would you like to go with me at the zoo no assuming you are asking if I would like to go with you to the zoo I don't know who you are so no parer is it illegal to wear fake designer shoes and what illegal ramifications of doing so I'm not sure oh uh this is a playlist does this count as a Doug duug video uh if we skip this and this is a Doug yeah I would say that counts I would say that counts dang Doug dug video oh [ __ ] okay kids cartoon has to you know what has to be like for children or red arrow and thumbnail does it or Mr beaster T Series wins it why is this video so high on the search results I don't even know why this video even exists at all if I remember correctly Doug asked me to send him photographs of my rifle uh and I was confused so I put is it this surely has to be bugged right there's no way that I'm talking about Doug about photographs of my rifle and the top result is how food turns into poop anyway Doug asked me to send me photographs of myi ask send him photographs of my rifle and I added his plushies into it and apparently Doug did not know that I had a rifle and then he just made a big deal out of it and then his Clips editor turned it into a clip and I'm so confused and it's very strange and awkward um but okay well what is next oh this is oh this is a oh wa oh that is literally me uh this is the video from Doug's channel of the very first time that I made an in-person guest appearance and did an like a a collaboration with him uh this was two years ago November 27th 2021 I had made multiple appearances on his stream prior to that but it was only through like voice calls or like ingame stuff uh this was the first time that I'd visited him in person this is when Doug was still living in the Seattle metropolitan area and uh I went to visit him one day and we played Tetris and then we got bored of Tetris and I had to play on a controller instead of the computer keyboard and I suck at controller so instead I uh we played typ racer instead and then he proceeded to spend majority of the time Wheel of Fortune player was acting strangely with a there's no way this was an actual puzzle what was a question oh okay what's the question parer are we adopted Doug ignores us when we ask yes you are adopted Doug did not birth you himself 13 years 13 years 13 years ago good pickup good pickup a reaction video now wins it as well reaction video kids cartoon red arrow and thumbnail or Mr Beast all win it that doesn't count that doesn't count that was me has to be from Parks that's has to be the first search result there's been a lot of missed red arrows first search result uh parer what are your thoughts on what Doug Doug did on January 19th I'm not familiar with what he did on January 19th however I can look up what I did on January 19th to see to try to draw conclusions as to what he might have been doing so scrolling back to January on the 19th let's see uh from my oh on January 19th oh my God okay this day this is the day that we tried to go to dinner with Kelsey and then both of you trolled us um so I I had a dinner appointment with one of my friends on that day uh and Doug and Billy Ray asked if uh we wanted to join them at hauling Rays instead howling raay is a chicken restaurant in Los Angeles County there's a handful of different locations and apparently howling raay closes very early and we did not realize that so I told my friend that we were going to go together to howling rays she left her home and started driving and then we found out after she already left and after we had rescheduled what even is this what is that uh that howling Rays was was closed and that they closed early uh is internet lagging harer can I legally steal your fridge no you can not is the okay uh it seems like this maybe the query was just too long if I okay appears like this does not have any results so I will go back to when someone steals your food from the fridge parer can you react to justat reacting to Tik toks uh if that video shows up in the results naturally then sure can you free us from Doug's basement no uh we already have news filled in I believe it popped up like 12 videos ago parer if I Squad in someone's home long enough to legally have a claim to it does that claim extend to their fridge as well I actually don't know I don't know if uh well while while I think about that or while I talk through it we can learn about squatters the squatter rights is applicable for the real property so like the real as in like the real estate that kind of re the property I don't know if the contents of the home actually get included in it such as the appliances I would assume not but that's something to ask a local if you are planning on squatting or if you have a squatter issue and you need advice I recommend you consult a local attorney um but I would just based off of what I think red arrow we did it Chad woo yeah bingo bingo weo weo oh my God that took so long we officially got a chair red arrow and thumbnail movie clips review video and under 30 seconds well done you're amazing was that took so long oh my [Music] God is this a fidget toy whoa do does the sound of this through the microphone it is a fidget toy of Four Keys from a keyboard but it's like the clicky switches this sounds like this sounds like blue Cherry MX Blue switches and and blues are actually my favorite I stopped using them because they're so loud um because for the past so for like 2ish years I was traveling and then most recently I lived alone but before that I lived with roommates for a little while I didn't want to be too loud with my keyboard to to distract them uh but so I switched to Red switches but my favorite my favorite switch color is blue so this is actually very satisfying to me okay um uh let's not watch a video about pornography and sexuality on Twitch I will close that how did you search porn I don't remember but there was a video about a woman and the title of the video had only fans pornography and something sex in it uh we could watch it I guess we oh NOP let's not not Also let's close the one about only fan though Doug if you'd like to I can switch us to uh pools hot tubs and beaches and then we can we can watch only fans content if you'd like if you'd like me to do that so so am I am I done is my obligation complete oh yeah yes wait what what are you doing okay this is a great fidget toy I know a parer can you sing us a Korean lullabi uh I don't know if I know okay well I was going to say I don't know if I know any Korean lullab but fortunately YouTube does know Korean lullaby let's [Music] see I didn't even realize this was a thing it's literally Rocka by baby in Korean oh okay well kids cartoon not in English can you sing along please I don't know the lyrics to this wait are we still going what you why don't you just try to knock these out just for cl just for for um like post Bingo Clarity what do you mean knock them out also Doug make sure you don't trust your wife I'll un alive you I'll un alive both of you with my bare hands in game uh Billy Ray seems to be upset at something and I'm not sure what but uh one minute ago she she told me that we're she's going to un alive both of us with her bare hands but what did we say in game I don't remember I have no idea woo we woo we woo okay we can just we can switch to the next activity okay excellent farewell Douglas thank youg par par participating in today's adventure my crew unless you're ready to dance what did you say I don't don't think you understand sorry we're not going for blackout one sec let me get my switch [Music] [Music] okay final task of the day uh oh it's pulling up things about my Nintendo switch where's my code um hello why does this always have issues um [Music] trying to get my Nintendo switch to show [Music] up uh it wasn't plugged in that's why it's still not working dude why oh it works all right thank you to parer for participating I hope you all enjoyed uh whatever the hell that was [Music] um one final task for the day which is [Music] I have not done a Mario Odyssey speedrun in about uh two and a half years Jesus take3 abun thank you so much oh sorry Abu I don't know how to pronounce your last name thank you so much for this five gift sub appreciate it um I am going on vacation you literally need to take damage in the speedrun when when do you have to do that I don't remember that what if he beats the game then I cancel my vacation okay let me close some things paint closed uh YouTube results closed Photoshop closed there so many random things open uhoh doxed why is this in the wrong monitor oh it didn't really dox anything but I literally read out [Music] loud leaked yeah I mean fortunately what I leaked is the conversation that I literally read out loud to you guys earlier so I'm not overly concerned about it let me make sure there's nothing else sensitive on my screen no no there's not [Music] okay I'm me close Discord let me open up um oh let me I'll I'll turn uh textas Speech back on if you want to yell cuz I I changed one of my monitors to have a different thing uh is chair going on vacation [Music] um I am giving chair 3 weeks off and he's going to grind so that he's in shape and ready to get through all the brutal content I have planned for this year where the hell is the dashboard just give me the dashboard uh all right alert box donations what happened to the student next to the melon this guy he's just feeling a bit bitter ha cuz he's a lemon cu the laugh track uh is this the vacation for New Zealand so you can finally guide at New Zealand colog um yeah probably all right how do I I forget how I get uh I mean Sour Whatever he's feeling a bit sour [Laughter] [Music] I could just yeah I could just stream a picture of the chair for three straight weeks that'd be really good for my retention [Music] okay can we get a constant chair stream while you are gone with chair reacting to your [Music] videos if I had time to set that up I would consider it um do it on Ludwig's channel uh when do you have to take damage in this speedrun I don't remember [Music] oh yeah I did leak Parker's [Music] nudes YouTube dug DUI is done it's under review by the add-on web stores now also yes I am the actual Mr beastify Creator YouTube Doug dogify is done all right I want to try that [Music] Doug dogify oh it's under review all right all right yeah send me an email Doug Doug at whenever that gets approved I think it'd be funny here buy some Japanese olive oil Cuz Mr beach one is very fun you get but though I don't know if I'll be able to bring it back can I I don't know I don't know how restricted uh yes it would be very bad for your attention counter point it would be really funny I've had an extremely busy week I'm going to continue to have an extremely busy week so unfortunately I will't have time to set up an entire stream that'll just be running but the whole time Doug I've been here one whole year can I get banned at the end of the stream for a week love your content MC here's what we'll do uh once I take damage I will turn on the code that bans everybody and then we can all take a vacation together no don't well you don't have to talk I'm just saying if you want to if you want to go on vacation from being a chatter then you can do that I'll just open the folder what do I call it was it Banning banning all viewer messages I think something like this if Doug loses he's stuck with us I hope he has to lose this this is an absolute disaster of a of a file um you should play your YouTube videos on your stream while you are on vacation but have it your lowest viewed worst videos only um all right so theoretically I didn't agree to all this now if I get banned I'm coming for your kneecaps I you'll have the option of doing it hey Doug isn't it funny how when Parks leaves you lose 1,000 viewers also 07 to all Fallen chaters uh you weren't banned yet you don't need to 07 nothing's happened have a great vacation okay I'll turn this on after and then we'll have a five 5c ending the stream together uh but yes I am going I'm going to go to Japan for a few weeks and then I'm going to take a little bit of time off because I'm already for your chair to be put up for sale on eBay I don't but I use it it's like but I use the I do use the chair like every day that I'm here I do want the chair it would be funny if you left the stream running but just had gone to bathroom written at the bottom so anyone who joins the stream has no idea where you are that is really funny I will admit that that is very funny um all right we're going to send it I haven't done this speedrun in about two years I used to be decent at it I'm going to do a prediction does Doug last 15 minutes yes or no two minutes on the timer live split where's live split is everybody ready the best goddamn Mario of my life I mean I might it might be I might still be good did you consider that but you feel pretty dumb right about now Ready set go aren't you on a delay no I'm I'm set up my monitor so I can actually watch H that's fine seven 15 minutes is plenty long there's 15 minutes of cut scenes you can skip them God it's like you guys have never watched me do a Mario Odyssey speedrun that I haven't done in about three years okay do I remember how to do anything I know you start by immediately uh rolling and then I forget where you start I think it's like here oh my God I still got it dude I I still [ __ ] got it I'm absolutely nuts okay I am remembering the [Music] controls you should leave the ban code running for the full vacation so we can come get banned whenever we want I don't know how to full screen this application you'll figure it out I don't like the idea of my computer running the whole time I'm gone that's honestly the reason I'm not oh oops that's honestly the reason I wouldn't want to do it I don't know what shit'll happen I don't need the Frog here do I or do I uh I don't remember what I do here I think I go like I jump and then that yeah no I missed that was almost [ __ ] nuts okay first boss this is where there's potentially damage but this is easy you just go Bam Bam Bam and then you jump on him and then you jump on his hat like right here okay take the stream running we will all get rich and it will cause M inflation well I hope everybody has a wonderful vacation uh finally you can rest and relax and not have to be a full-time chatter I I don't know when my next stream will be I might need a week of like getting things set up for the falling one but um did I die oh I died uh but yeah lots of fun things going on this year I'm excited for uh should be a good time and this will be a nice little break for me screaming rigged until our throats s and typing divorce jokes until our fingers bled we'll finally be allowed to shut up I've almost forgotten what it feels like not to chat are you bleeding because you're typing ring so hard tyo we were always saying 3D oh that was a 3D damn anyway yes uh I will hopefully I don't know I probably post some pictures birthday it's not today or anything I'm just thankful for your halflife Alex to stream back in 2020 wish I could have been there thank you uh yes I miss you dog have a lot of fun in Japan smile so K up dude thank you thank you uh yeah Billy and I will will post some pictures um and make everybody jealous of the incredible raccoons we eating I don't exactly know what food is there other than Ramen but anyways uh that is it um if you guys would like uh to go out on vacation with me let me go ahead and activate this code if you say anything into chat uh it will ban you for 1 million seconds and we can all go on vacation together I'll leave this for about 20 seconds before we uh set this helicopter for sale for the adventure of the train tracks of Tomorrow everybody ready the twitch chat Eliminator is now activated and now my friends let us all go have that's a lot of bad let's all have a great vacation together uh nope don't think so all right bye everybody have a good vacation see you in a while bye last chance for a ban all I think we hit the rate limit I can finally leave the basement wait hold on oh yeah hold on already over wait let's get a few more the twitch chat Eliminator is now activated few more band there we go there we go a lot of people getting banned now yeah okay there we go all right bye everybody see you in a couple weeks oh quick spur just got God damn it ever you'll won't be a mod for a while did it work well we keep hitting the limit okay final band wave are you sure you're not final people who get to go on vacation Eliminator is now these are the last people who get to go on vacation everybody else has to keep working okay these are the people get a vacation goodbye Chad please let me free moo did you get no no I don't think you got free sorry okay last round last round these are the last group of people who get to have vacation everybody else is back in the Bas elator is now activated and pow that's a lot of bands right there yeah okay that's that's a lot of bands anyway enjoy your vacations bye everybody have a good one
Channel: DougDougDougDoug
Views: 63,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dougdoug, dougdougw, danny devito, twitch, gaming, dougdoug vod, vod channel
Id: fFwODWsl5YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 33sec (13233 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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