Data Analyst Certificates Are Dead

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Data analyst certificates are dead. The days of completing a course and getting a job are over. But the truth is that there's still a way to get a data analyst job like this one, and it truly works without any experience or formal education projects are helpful, but they're not the solution either. And that's not what I'm talking about in this video. So first, we need to understand the difference between a certificate of completion and a certification. Many online courses come with a certificate of completion like this one. That means that you get a certificate after completing one or multiple courses. You can learn a lot from these online courses and I highly recommend them. I mean, that's how most people start learning data analysis nowadays and data science in general, and it just works. But the fact is that these ones are just certificates of completion. They're not devalued in the real world. And if you just really resonate with these certificates and apply for a job, there's a disaster waiting. Firstly, because you can cheat in online courses and most of these courses don't have much value on the real job market either. I mean, some of them will show that you did something. They went out and learn the basics on your own, but it's usually not enough. So why do these certificates exist? It's because on average, only 5% actually complete the online course. They signed up for certificates after completion, or a great way to keep people motivated and keep learning. And the course platforms know that we like feeling like we're working towards something, a certificate, and it gives us a feeling of achievement. Plus it's something tangible that you can bring with you, and in some cases it can actually be worth keeping on your resume. I still think that getting these certificates are a great thing, but often these ones are only useful for learning and motivating yourself. Luckily, there's something else you can do. The other form are called certifications. Now please be aware of this. This is not a certificate that you get after completing a course. I feel like I haven't made this clear enough in the previous videos that certificates of completion and certifications are not the same thing. Many aspiring data analyst fall into the trap of certificates without looking for valuable certifications. Certificates are more respected because you get them after completing one or even multiple real exams instead of just taking courses. This might sound like it's a lot of work, but on a positive note, there are some affordable and fast certifications that you can take to become a data analyst that will actually help you learn the job like this one. The first one is called the Tableau Certified Data Analyst. Why is this one so useful? Well, it's because Tableau and Power BI are some of the most important skills that can show on your resume. If you have a real certification in one of these tools, recruiters will instantly select you over candidates that don't know. Tableau offers a couple of different certifications. The easiest one is the Tableau desktop specialist, but it's a very basic one and only about the tool itself. The one certificate you should take is the tableau Certified Data Analyst. To get this one, you need a strong understanding of Tableau and basic data analysis skills. There's even a learning path that you can access as well. I recommend these study using online courses both about data analysis and specifically for Tableau. Before you even attempt this one, you should have done some projects in Tableau, understand it well, and be aware of all the fundamentals of data analysis because you know, you don't actually want to take an exam and have to redo it and fail. Now there is a fee to take this one, but the actual preparation is free. Using the learning path, for example, I like the Tableau certifications, but I prefer the next one. Microsoft Power BI Analyst Certification. It's by Microsoft directly and once you have it, you're certified. Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst. That's incredibly valuable on the job market. If you want to become a data analyst. Power is owned by Microsoft, by the way, just like Excel is. Now this one comes at a total price of 165 bucks, which is way lower than the Tableau certificate. It's just one single test and contains four different sections to go to data, model the data, visualize and analyze the data, and deploy and maintain assets. And all of this using Power BI as your tool, of course. To study for this one, I recommend going through the official resources, but also some relevant online courses. You should have completed a data analyst certificate, done some projects and focused on learning power BI for quite a while, both the theoretical stuff, but also doing some projects with it. For example, as a beginner I recommend guided projects where you just follow along the split screen and learn the power. BI. That's a great way of learning how projects work and also how Power BI works specifically. My one piece of advice is that don't stress too much about these certifications. When you're ready, they'll be very helpful. But keep going with your learning as usual and just see them as a goal, something that's there to help you eventually. Now, don't forget about school. School is an absolutely essential tool. As a data analyst, now that you're way stronger candidate might actually get an interview, it's important that you're ready for some basic sequel questions. Don't worry, there's no more certifications to get learn skills so that you can pass an interview for your first job. The question is how well do you need to know sequel to do that, you only have to learn the terminology and get a basic proficiency in sequel, but it's not going to be the easiest thing, of course. Here's where online courses or certificates of completion come in. I like data camp. They have lots of practical skill courses at a really affordable price, and practice is really going to be key when it comes to learning sequel. The next question is should you be looking for jobs if you don't have any real certification, if you don't have any work experience in the data field and you only have, for example, data analyst certificates like this one, then it would skip looking for jobs right now and come back when it was stronger. Foundation I will say that if you have a great portfolio when you actually know your stuff, then you could still do it without work experience or certification. It's not like these certifications are the only way to get a job. It's just a way to make it way easier because, well, getting them can be tough at first. Sending a thousand job applications and getting ghosted can be pretty tough too, maybe even mentally disturbing. Trust me, I've been there, so my advice is to try to apply to few jobs, see how it goes, and be honest with yourself about how strong your qualifications are. If you realize that there's work to do, I will try to work on my portfolio or get certified or even better, do both. It's a very competitive market for beginners, so we need to do what we can to stand out. Once you get your first job, it's only going to get easier and easier if you want to do the analyst job and this is the way to go, it's not the easiest thing to do, but it will get you to that job. I recommend using online courses and certificates to your advantage, so see as well and then look into taking one of these certifications when you finally ready. I don't think you should ever get into this. Make sure to build up your knowledge first. Remember, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon. This is a clear path that will help you get a job more than anything else. As a new data analyst, all the resources, including exact courses, are available in the description. If you want to learn more about becoming a DE down the list, check out this video right here and I'll see you there.
Channel: Learn with Lukas
Views: 407,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: data analytics, data analyst, data analytics for beginners, data analytics career, data analyst job, data analyst certificate, google data analytics, google data analyst, data analyst course, data analyst roadmap, how to become a data analyst, data analyst career, data science, how to data analyst, learn data analysis, how to learn data analysis, data analytics roadmap, power bi, excel, how to learn data science, how to get data analyst job without experience
Id: HRQ0vUodSuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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