ChatGPT simulated society to the year 2050...

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in this video I asked chatgpt to simulate to the year 2050. I focused on eight categories of society renewable energy and transport medical advancements space travel housing pollution artificial intelligence and AR VR technology here is the prompt that I used now here is what the bot came up with 2025 renewable energy surpasses fossil fuels as the primary source of electricity generation in several countries electric vehicles become the majority of new car sales in major markets Gene editing techniques such as crispr are increasingly used for treating genetic diseases and enhancing human health the first manned mission to Mars is launched with a multinational crew the mission focuses on establishing a sustainable habitat and conducting scientific research 3D printing technology advances allowing for faster and more cost-effective construction of houses carbon capture and storage Technologies become more widespread helping to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions AR AVR technology AR glasses become more affordable and mainstream enabling widespread adoption VR experiences become more realistic and interactive expanding their applications Beyond gaming into education and remote collaboration AI algorithms continue to evolve and conversational AI make significant strides achieving human-like conversation capabilities virtual assistants become more intelligent and capable of understanding and responding to complex queries E30 solar power becomes the dominant source of electricity generation globally electric vehicles account for the majority of cars on the road personalized medicine becomes mainstream with the use of genomic data and AI algorithms for tailoring treatments to individuals lunar bases are established serving as launching points for further exploration of the solar system [Music] sustainable and eco-friendly housing designs become the norm incorporating renewable energy systems and efficient insulation the majority of energy production is from renewable sources significantly reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions AR glasses become a common wearable device with seamless integration into daily life including navigation communication and information retrieval VR technology advances further offering ultra realistic and immersive experiences conversational AI becomes highly Advanced with virtual assistants capable of natural language processing understanding context and displaying emotions AI algorithms assist in complex decision-making processes and contribute to breakthroughs in various fields 2035 Fusion Energy begins to contribute to the power grid providing a virtually unlimited and clean energy source electric and autonomous vehicles dominate the transportation sector nanotechnology enables precise drug Delivery Systems revolutionizing treatment options for various diseases human missions to asteroids and outer planets such as Jupiter and Saturn are undertaken for scientific exploration vertical farming and hydroponics gain popularity allowing for sustainable food production in urban areas the global transition to renewable energy leads to a significant decrease in air and water pollution AR becomes an integral part of workplace environments enabling hands-free assistance and information display VR technology evolves to offer full body haptic feedback and realistic simulations for training and entertainment conversational AI reaches a level where virtual assistants are indistinguishable from humans in terms of conversation understanding and emotional intelligence AI is widely utilized across Industries for automation analysis and creative tasks 2040 renewable energy sources provide nearly 100 of the world's electricity high-speed hyperloop Transportation networks connect major cities Advanced Prosthetics and neural interfaces restore mobility and enhance human capabilities commercial space tourism becomes accessible with regular flights to orbit and the Moon smart cities with integrated infrastructure and sustainable design principles become the norm Technologies for removing and recycling plastic waste from the oceans become widespread significantly reducing marine pollution AR glasses become indistinguishable from regular eyewear offering seamless integration with the physical world and providing personalized contextual information in real time VR technology achieves near photorealistic visuals and allows for shared virtual experiences AI becomes deeply integrated into various aspects of daily life with virtual companions capable of understanding and fulfilling complex needs AI algorithms enhance scientific research creative Endeavors and decision-making processes all energy and transport energy production is fully based on renewable sources electric air transportation becomes mainstream with hydrogen-powered planes used for long-haul flights breakthroughs in regenerative medicine allow for the regrowth and replacement of damaged organs and tissues manned missions to other star systems become a reality enabled by Advanced propulsion Technologies and cryogenic stasis for long duration space travel 3D printed habitats on other celestial bodies such as Mars and the moon support permanent human presence pollution levels are drastically reduced and efforts are focused on AR becomes an essential part of everyday life with ar contact lenses or implants providing a seamless augmented experience VR technology enables fully immersive environments that are virtually indistinguishable from reality sort of like the Holodeck from Star Trek AI has advanced to a point where machines possess super intelligence surpassing human cognitive abilities in all domains AI is deeply integrated into society driving scientific discoveries managing complex systems and aiding in the pursuit of technological advancements foreign [Music] I find it interesting that we were able to get humans to Mars by 2025 it seems kind of early even considering spacex's rapid development the other weird part about this was that they expected housing on Mars to start in 2050 which would leave a gap of 25 years between the initial human TouchDown for research and a sustainable habitat there I am also surprised that they opened up the door of nanotechnology there are many Advanced things that can be done with nanotechnology outside of the medical sector it's still super hard to conceive of a fully immersive VR experience that encapsulates all five senses even when observing the development of today's Tech it seems like 2050 is the year for that and in my opinion I think chatgpt is underestimating the developmental speed of AI it seems like it's following a linear path in this prediction but AI does indeed have an exponential nature so some of these AI predictions may be many years too late anyway that is all for this video let me know if you want me to make a 2050 through 2100 video and thanks for watching iqbite and I hope you've gotten smarter today foreign [Music]
Channel: IQByte
Views: 28,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iqbyte, philosophy, joe rogan, logic, logical fallacy, argumentation, debate, AI, chatgpt, CRISPR, nanotech, nanotechnology, AR, augmented reality, 2050, earth, pollution, spacex, nasa, moon, mars, predicting the future, future, google bard, apple, vision pro, headset, VR, virtual reality, starship, starbase, elon musk, simulated, simulation, gemini, apple ai, ai prediction, prediction, 2050 prediction, 2030 predictions, the line, saudi arabia the line, city, futuristic, flying cars, rockets, billionaire
Id: Z5Rs4l-5MCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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