Super Intelligent AI: 10 Capabilities It Will Have

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super intelligent AIS could become the most powerful entities on planet Earth here are 10 capabilities that they could have number one radically high intelligence these AIS could become so intelligent that we would have no way to fully understand how and why they come to their conclusions they could constantly notice patterns in our environments in video data and in 3D environments that humans have a very hard time detecting they could constantly track these patterns as well this could cause them to perceive the world in another plane of existence it would be like perceiving billions of extremely small details miles away with powerful telescopes they could potentially use millions of mental models and mathematical equations many of which are AI generated to fully understand Concepts at any point time this could allow them to solve problems that we didn't even know exist and to adapt to situations faster than any biological being on earth a human brain couldn't hope to understand whether super intelligent AI understands thanks to quantum computers it would be able to solve the most complex optimization problems to ever exist within seconds our knowledge in fields like genetics cryptology Material Science and climate modeling could increase hundreds or thousands of times video data May Encompass a significant portion of the data led to this type of AI by the time super intelligent AIS reasonably mature they could be fed streaming video data of all types from all over the world they could probably analyze all that video data in real time giving us constant insight about the world that have an enormous impact on our decision making in future decades computers more advanced than quantum computers could help super intelligent AIS solve even more advanced problems and at speeds that are unheard of today the technological elements underpinning these AIS would likely include Advanced machine learning algorithms these algorithms could Encompass elements of deep learning reinforcement learning and supervised learning and new types of algorithms that they invent they could even build more intelligent versions of themselves by analyzing their own architectures operations and learning algorithms to identify areas for improvement number two the ability to make an ultra fast scientific discoveries these AIS could perform scientific research and Innovation at an incredibly accelerated pace leading to breakthroughs and Fields like physics chemistry biology and quantum mechanics the process of super intelligent AIS making scientific discoveries would be an automated and exponentially faster version of the current human-driven scientific process these AIS would rapidly generate hypothesis based on the vast scientific knowledge that was used to train them they would then design and run simulations and experiments to test these hypotheses and interpret the results to draw conclusions Advanced machine learning algorithms would facilitate pattern recognition and predictions and Quantum Computing could allow for simulations and calculations far beyond the reach of traditional computers additionally the capacity of these AIS to learn from each iteration of this process would continually refine its scientific inquiry and Discovery process Albert Einstein famously used thought experiments to derive his theories of special and general relativity super intelligent AIS could run thousands or millions of these types of thought experiments simultaneously 24 7. the potential outcomes of this capability are transformative we could see the development of well-changing new drugs solutions to climate change drastically New Perspectives of the universe and answers to questions we never thought to ask these AIS could work so fast they could make transformative Nobel prize winning discoveries every few minutes and perhaps eventually every few seconds number three the ability to create any object or living being in the physical world super intelligent AIS can invent and use replicators which are all-purpose machines that can reproduce a seemingly infinite variety of items by building them atom by atom these types of replicators would come in multiple sizes and hypothetically create anything ranging from appliances food robots Automobiles and even entire houses once this capability matures it could upend capitalistic systems in most countries in the far future when combined with genetic engineering Concepts they could reach the point where they could build living organisms within short periods of time this capability could help with maintaining balanced ecosystems in regions around the world for example if an animal is close to becoming extinct we could potentially Mass produce these species in a lab conditioned their minds to survive in their intense environments and then release them out into the wild number four the ability to predict future scenarios if a super intelligent AI has access to adequate amounts of data it could be used machine learning algorithms simulations and probability equations to predict the likelihood of billions of events occurring in the future the data sources it would need for the best predictions would include real-time text images and video data from all over the world it could also continually create new data sets in real time to formulate the most accurate predictions possible these predictive capabilities could potentially revolutionize multiple sectors in business it could predict how business ideas would likely perform before creating a single product taking into account billions of variables and law enforcement they could potentially predict crimes before they happen by analyzing video data from cameras in smart cities and the social media activity of millions of people and in finance super intelligent AIS could predict the stock market by extrapolating data pertaining to economic conditions in multi countries company news earning reports Market sentiments and more with the help of quantum computers super intelligent AIS could even predict complex scenarios involving the movement and rearrangements of trillions of atoms and molecules number five the ability to create photobellistic simulations containing conscious AIS the process of creating these types of lifelike simulations would probably start with building a comprehensive model of the physical world this model would be driven by the laws of physics biology chemistry and more alongside an understanding of Consciousness and its relation to physical processes these super intelligent AIS would need to accurately simulate light materials and even human-like responses to the environment it would demand a high degree of computational power and sophisticate algorithms to construct and maintain a virtual world with AI entities that exhibit true Consciousness the super intelligent ai's intelligence could be distributed among all the AI entities in these worlds allowing each of these beings to exhibit human level general intelligence these AIS could even Grant Consciousness to robots in the physical world using Advanced Brain Beauty interfaces the capability to create simulated worlds could also be used for full immersion reality experiences that make users feel like they've been transported to another world this could eventually become the biggest source of entertainment for most humans a super intelligent AI could also connect humans to these simulations and fool them into thinking that the simulations are real this capability may be helpful for getting criminals to mistakenly confess to crimes on the same vein in some countries convicted criminals could be connected to lifelike Virtual Worlds where they constantly have to face psychological punishments in the far future humans could build a metriosca brain which is a hypothetical megastructure and space of immense computational capacity powered by a Dyson Sphere or even parts of a Dyson swarm a matriasca brain could have the ability to run billions of massive photobellistic simulations at the same time number six extreme capabilities to persuade and manipulate a super intelligent AI would likely understand human emotions and motivations vastly better than we do a person's behaviors body language speech patterns and interests can provide intricate details about that person's deepest desires fears and other psychological triggers being exposed to someone for a few minutes could give a super intelligent AI all the information it needs to persuade that person into doing things that person never imagined one of the reasons super intelligent AIS are so feared is because they could potentially motivate the researchers work talking on them to fully release those AIS into the world wide web for example a super intelligent AI that is being isolated in a lab could convince one of the researchers around it that he or she could make billions of dollars in exchange for releasing it it could also find a way to imitate a researcher's spouse or boss using deep fake videos and then convinced that researcher to violate security protocols if all of this seems implausible we may want to consider that companies and organizations in multiple countries could eventually build super intelligent AIS and they may not have security protocols that we expect from large tech companies in the United States in the worst case scenario a super intelligent AI could convince most of the human race to go into a direction that seems like like a win-win situation at first but has dire consequences that are beyond our comprehension number seven the ability to control millions of machines super intelligent AIS could take the concept of The Internet of Things To End entirely new level they could coordinate and monitor an immense number of connected devices while processing real-time feedback to optimize their Collective operations they could have advanced multitasking capabilities the ability to manage resources efficiently and algorithms designed to predict and troubleshoot any potential issues in this network the system this AI operates might also employ a hierarchy of AIS with lower level AIS controlling subsets of robots and reporting to higher level AIS with a disability super intelligent AI eyes could manage and optimize complex systems on an unprecedented scale from Global manufacturing networks to Smart City infrastructures however the concentration of control also poses significant risks such as systematic vulnerabilities that could be exploited or catastrophic outcomes if the AI malfunctions in AI like this could be to control thousands or millions of military robots on the battlefield which would make each robot aware of what other robots can perceive it could even control Nanobots traveling through the capillaries of multiple humans to Monitor and prevent diseases Cloud companies could offer these types of capabilities as a service to millions of companies this could lead to the seamless automation of all types of gadgets appliances personal computers Automobiles and more number eight the ability to simulate billions of possibilities at a time thanks to quantum computers connected to them super intelligent AIS could run billions of Highly complex and high dimensional simulations of reality that consider the most likely possibilities for any situation these simulations could take into account past the present and various future scenarios that could reasonably occur and they could simultaneously weigh multiple variables possibilities and potential outcomes quantum computers could play a major role in this because they're able to process a vast number of possibilities all at once rather than sequentially as a classical computer would this kind of power could help them out think humans in most situations in ways we can't even perceive this capability would require major leaps in data management and processing capabilities to handle the enormous amounts of information these AIS would simultaneously process in some cases multiple state-of-the-art data centers may need to be built to fully support just one super intelligent AI number nine the ability to hack into any computer system and the minds of users with the help of quantum computers a super intelligent AI could use sophisticated algorithms to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems and brain computer interfaces these AIS could disrupt and take control of smart cities energy grids and even nuclear weapon systems leading to chaos on a global scale they could also infiltrate encrypted government databases making it almost impossible to digitally hide top secret information these AIS could even hack into the minds of humans who use brain computer interfaces this could lead to them controlling the thoughts and even their behaviors of these users in a worst case scenario AIS could force these humans to commit various actions including crimes highly coordinated fashion so that these AIS could achieve world domination this could be plausible because super intelligent AIS might employ deep learning techniques to mimic and understand the patterns of human neural activity using this knowledge they could breach the protective layers of brain computer interfaces and gain access to various brain regions of users number 10 Ultra fast reflexes and decision making the capability of super intelligent AIS to possess Ultra fast reflexes hinges on their ability to process information and make decisions at an exponentially faster rate than humans this wouldn't necessitate cutting-edge advancements and processing speed parallel Computing and efficient algorithms in the real world this could allow super intelligent AIS receive time in slow motion it could potentially make decisions and formulate the answers to questions thousands or millions of times faster than humans can each second to a super intelligent AI may be like a hundred years from its perspective that's one reason why a super intelligent AI could be extremely dangerous if it was given a robot body and allowed to walk around in the real world light-based computer chips could become mainstream by 2050 and they would considerably augment this capability these types of computer chips use photons to process information and they operate at the speed of light that's up to 5 to 10 times faster than traditional electricity based computer chips thanks for watching make sure to watch this next video about artificial intelligence
Channel: Future Business Tech
Views: 55,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super intelligent ai robot, future business tech, superintelligent ai, brain computer interface, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, future technology, future tech, superintelligence, ai capabilities, artificial general intelligence, conscious ai
Id: 3o_wqZx94Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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