ChatGPT Masterclass for Developers | Master AI Prompt Engineering

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open AI pioneered cha GPT GitHub announced copilot x Microsoft upgraded Bing with AI search but then Google quickly countered with Bard artificial intelligence is evolving and we are here to witness it today we will dive into the March Madness or in other words cha gpt4 and explore how you can utilize it to the fullest potential you might have already witnessed its potential to replace jobs but I'll discuss the other side specifically how chat gpt4 can supercharge your productivity and accelerate your career as a developer Chad GPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot capable of handling various tasks incredibly well on top of that chat GPT can now take images or audio as input instead of only processing text as demonstrated in a recent live session launch by openai where the Creator Greg Brockman Drew a funny joke website and asked the AI to build it and it did successfully it is also worth mentioning that chat gbd has been extensively used by various well-known organizations such as Duolingo stripe Khan Academy and many others and it has also demonstrated outstanding performance on various exams including the uniform bar exam biology Olympiad lsats SAT Math GRE and more but now the question is how can you utilize it to make you a better developer and more importantly will it replace you AI may not fully replace you for at least a decade or two but someone who uses AI likely well it's important to remember that there are two sides to every coin and we must decide how we want to utilize AI you can view AI as a threat to your job and hate it or you can embrace it and use it to build build your Empire believing that AI will replace your job is similar to thinking that a smartphone will replace a photographer or that WordPress will end the need for web developers still even open AI acknowledges Chad GPT still has some limitations and it is not entirely reliable thus cautions should be exercised when using the language model especially in important contexts rather than speculating about your future let this tutorial be the first step to continuous learning growth and self-improvement to become a better version of yourself so here's the million dollar question how can you use chat GPT to level up your career and the answer is use it for anything and everything if you already have an existing idea excellent ask Chad GPT to guide you on executing it if you don't yet have any ideas not to worry ask chadgpt to provide them for you and that's precisely what a guy named Jackson did he gave Chad GPT a budget of 100 and asked it to make as much money as possible then the AI provided a step-by-step guide on creating a conversation thread he had with chatgpt in sharing it with the community within a day Jackson had over 50 000 followers on Twitter and a profile worth over seven thousand dollars AI is heavily utilized in the industry too for instance LinkedIn has recently began using AI to generate profile and job descriptions sales stack has leveraged artificial intelligence to assist entrepreneurs Builders developers artists and designers in selling products and communicating with customers and a company called metaview generates interview nodes automatically it's remarkable how we can create new things using AI That's cool and all but you might be wondering how can I personally start using cha GPT today well today is your lucky day because I've prepared just five steps and use cases you need to learn to become a chat GPT power user the steps and use cases you'll learn right now are also referenced in the AI PDF guide that you can download for free by clicking the link in the description you can reference the document while going through the rest of the video and I'm sure you're gonna find it valuable it's useful because you can simply copy and paste the prompts instead of typing it out while watching the video so with that said let's get started step number one master prompting prompting is the process of instructing an AI to do a particular task simply put Step One Is to learn how to talk to an AI to get it to do what you want thankfully I found an incredibly valuable and completely free course on instructing AI to do precisely what you want be that writing essays solving math problems creating art or in our case writing code and helping you become the best developer you can be the only thing you have to do is visit click Start Learning and consume all of this valuable knowledge start from the basics quickly transition to basic applications then intermediate apply prompting and finish it with Advanced applications by simply going through the following lectures you'll be in the top one percent of people who truly use the full power of charge apt great now that you know how to talk to an AI let's make it do stuff use case number two become a better developer we all learn differently do you prefer learning by watching videos reading books listening to podcasts or diving head first into practice let chai GPT know about your learning preferences if this is your first time using Chad GPT no worries to get started simply go to the openai chat GPT website and click try chat gbt immediately it's going to ask you to either log in or sign up and as soon as you click sign up you can enter your email login with Google and if I'm not mistaken it's also going to ask you for your phone number as soon as you input it you should be right in there where the interface is going to look like this so let's say you recently learned JavaScript and want to dive into reaction yes but you're unsure how well let's ask chatgpt say something like I've recently learned JavaScript and want to dive into reaction yes how do you recommend I learn most efficiently provide me with a step-by-step guide press enter and there we go Chad GPT immediately started providing us with in-depth tips and resources so let's see what Chad GPT suggested if we scroll all the way up we can see that the first step is to get a basic understanding of reaction yes by going through their official documentation this is exactly what I would suggest you as well then build small projects there isn't a better way to learn that building and you know that because you're in the JavaScript Mastery YouTube channel if you haven't subscribed yet please do so right now because we specialize in project-based courses next learn from official documentation and tutorials join reactions communities and then finally work on real world projects and practice regularly this step right here is crucial and that's precisely what the students in the JSM masterclass experience do with personalized support from experienced mentors you'll be able to code confidently build never before seen projects and most importantly grow your career as a software developer consistency is the key and that's exactly what we focus on right there so if you're interested in joining the official JSM masterclass bootcamp you can apply right now for the upcoming cohort by clicking the link down in the description on top of that chatgpt also provided us with some valuable resources such as the official reactions documentation reactions tutorial by free code Camp even Traverse media right here Discord Facebook and open source project isn't this great but what if you're still unsure on how to proceed with learning that's totally okay just keep speaking wucha GPT as if you were speaking with a coding instructor with infinite patience you can ask it sub questions so we can say tell me a bit more about building projects with react and how that can speed up my growth let's see what does it have to say that is an effective way to speed up the growth because it helps you apply the concepts you've learned and gain practical experience it reinforces Concepts practice makes perfect Real World experience and you get to build your portfolio and learn from your mistakes this is wonderful so just keep in mind you can always keep asking sub questions Chad GPT has infinite patience and infinite knowledge fantastic you've now become an excellent developer and started writing some code but from time to time you get stuck we all do don't worry because you have a professional back squasher at your disposal which brings us to use case number three ask chat GPT to help you fix bugs if you're not sure how to center a div no problem Chad GPT knows how to do it and it even explains its Solutions whatever error message you get just paste it into chat GPT let's say you are working in react and you got some objects are not valid as a react child that's a tough one so simply paste it and add how to fix in front of it so how to fix and then paste the error message and immediately you will get a complete explanation of when and how that error happens and also how to fix it so whatever the error message might be just copy it paste it and let chat GPT solve it for you use case number four ask Chad GPT to generate assets or designs for you you're developing a website and your designer didn't provide you with all the assets on time no worries chat GPT has friends that could generate them for you enhance your website with high quality images by leveraging artistic asset tools like mid-journey or dally however knowing how to generate the best prompts to achieve the images you desire can be challenging fortunately with chat GPT you can easily ask for help generating these effective prompts allowing you to create stunning images that stand out the only thing you have to do is say something like I want you to act as a highly experienced photographer you will use rich and highly artistic language when describing your photo prompts the prompts must be one sentence long and press enter it's going to say hey sure I can do that and immediately it gave us a couple of examples that we can immediately start using but we want to give it some of the prompts of our own so let's do that right away in this case let's say you're building a website that fixes developers bugs automatically and you need a photo to illustrate the frustration developers experience when encountering bugs so let's try something like write a prompt for a photo of a frustrated web developer screaming at his code errors a web developer hair disheveled and eyes wide with frustration yells at his computer screen as lines of code glare back at him in defiance that is detailed so now let me show you how to generate an image out of that visit dally 2. go to try dally and simply paste that prompt right here and click generate it's going to take about 10 seconds to generate it and I can't wait to check it out there we go I mean this is a good one but I think this one is my favorite as you can see it captured that raw emotions developers feel when facing errors now let's try something else let's say that you're looking for a logo for your new developer portfolio so we can do something like write a prompt for a personal developer portfolio logo icon my initials are J and D let's say that's John Doe it says a sleek and minimalist logo icon that combines the letters J and D in a clever and creative way symbolizing your unique and Innovative approach to web development let's copy it go back to dally and paste and click generate this one is definitely going to be good and there we go um this right here is a j and it is a d so it's really cool but if you're not happy with what it provided you you can simply click generate again and it's going to give you a completely new set of automatically generated images there we go I like the first one there's a j and there's a D in here but of course you can keep regenerating until it comes up with something that you like and of course use your own initials and with this now you know how you can utilize the power of chat GPT when pairing it with other extraordinary tools finally with all your new skills you're ready to start applying for jobs use case number five ask chatgpt to help you get a job if you're preparing for a job ask Chad GPT to write a resume give it as much useful information as you possibly can about yourself and let it do its job I just copied my own bio from LinkedIn I'm gonna say write a resume for a following developer and we're gonna pass in the information in case you want to Make spaces in between you have to hold shift and then press enter and let's see what it comes up with we get back an incredibly detailed resume that I could have written better myself we can see a software developer specializing in technical education it includes the skills the experience and everything else this is looking great it even dives into education projects and much more so just know that if you want to generate a resume using chatgpt you can do that and now that you have a resume you can start applying for a job I quickly browse LinkedIn jobs and in here you can see a lot of different requirements for a specific position so let's simply copy the information about the job as well as the description responsibilities and the requirements as well as some information about the company go back to chat GPT and say write me a cover letter for the following job post and then we can paste it right here and press enter if we scroll down you can see it is already generating a wonderful cover letter in this case it will make you look like the perfect candidate because it took all your knowledge from your resume it took everything that the company needs and it paired the two so right here I mean this is just wonderful it says throughout my experience as a react developer I have gained a deep understanding of JavaScript and react Concepts I want to apply for this position I'm really passionate about front end and to be fully honest I'm just thrilled to join this company and join this opportunity so this is a really great cover letter and you can utilize it in your job search if you do something like this you're definitely gonna get a job but when you do you have another problem or let's call it an opportunity you need to prepare for an interview so what you can do is you can say Act as a professional technical interviewer and ask some questions about react and without any hesitation it will question you you can see what is react and how does it differ from other JavaScript Frameworks can you explain the concepts of virtual Dom and eight other questions as well well what happens if you don't know the answers to some of these questions as I said remember infinite knowledge infinite patience you can ask unlimited sub questions so simply say what is the answer to question number two and immediately it's going to give it to you so this is a phenomenal tool to learn apply for jobs and just in general becoming a better developer in conclusion learning cha GPT effectively will help you become a better developer fix more bugs generate more assets or designs get a job and that's just the beginning Chad GPT can help you in all aspects of your life the list of AI advancements goes on and on and on but it's not enough to Simply listen or watch it's time to take action and make the most of these Innovations as a developer it's your job to start doing what is required from developers these days and that's AI there is intense competition among large companies in this space as demonstrated by recent launches such as Google's Bard chatbot adobe's Firefly AI image Creator Microsoft's Bing image creator nvidia's Cloud tools for generative AI operas llm based browser github's copilot X chat interface a teaser of unity AI and several AI tools generated by canva these developments all occurred within a week highlighting the rapid progress in the field the AI War has officially begun and it's time to embrace this new era of AI and incorporate it in your life both personal and professional and I hope this video helped you accomplish just that as I said alongside this video I've also compiled a list of resources in a PDF document the link to download it for free is in the description this includes details on prompt methodology the best prompts to use use cases and other valuable links and content for reference so if you want to accelerate your learning of artificial intelligence you'll find everything you need by downloading the PDF down in the description and if you want professional developers to guide you through all of these new advancements in the field of AI you can visit our JSM masterclass experience with that said have a wonderful day [Music] thank you
Channel: JavaScript Mastery
Views: 75,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: javascript, javascript mastery, js mastery, master javascript, chatgpt tutorial, chat gpt, chat gpt tutorial, chatgpt 4, chatgpt how to use, chat gpt for coding, chat gpt for developers, chat gpt prompting guide, chat gpt course, chatgpt course, chatgpt prompting, chatgpt prompting cheat sheet, ultimate chat gpt prompts, chatgpt for developers, chat gpt masterclass, chatbot masterclass a complete openai chatbot guide, chat gpt for programmers, how to use chat gpt
Id: ezv5Zkm67D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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