React JS Full Course 2023 | Build an App and Master React in 1 Hour

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learning javascript libraries and frameworks can be overwhelming there are many libraries to choose from and no proper step-by-step guides that will teach you how to use these libraries to their fullest potential that's why in this video you'll learn the most popular javascript library used by hundreds of thousands of developers worldwide react js hi there if you want to learn everything from the essential jsx syntax all the way to more advanced react topics like state hooks data fetching and more you've come to the right place i'll first give you a high level overview of what react is and why do we even use it and then we'll quickly dive into the code create our first react.js application learn about jsx which forms the core react.js syntax and learn about the best file and folder structure when working with react most importantly in the end i'll teach you how you can build a reactions application so that you can actively internalize and independently apply everything you've learned in this video by the end you'll know precisely what you need to do to become an outstanding react developer capable of building phenomenal applications with your react skills you'll also be able to build native mobile applications isn't that crazy alongside this video i've also prepared the ultimate reactions guide that covers everything you need to know to become a fantastic developer the guide covers the complete reactions roadmap javascript prerequisites essential react.js concept and project ideas that you can build and deploy to put on your portfolio and get a job the link to the guide is in the description you can download the guide and use it as a reference on your reactions journey whenever you're unsure what to learn next of course the guide is completely free and once again the link is in the description still i'd strongly recommend that you watch this video until the end because although the guide is great as a quick reference point the video will provide you with absolutely everything you need to become a professional react web developer and of course exclusively in this video we're going to build a cool react.js application this video is brought to you by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for anyone who wants to learn new skills as i was in the process of creating the ultimate react developer roadmap as you saw in the intro i needed to revisit everything from bare beginnings that's why i browse the courses in skillshare and stumble upon react 101 learn react.js for absolute beginners by caleb if you're a beginner react developer i'd strongly suggest you watch this video first and then go check out this course on skillshare to get as much knowledge as possible if you're a more experienced developer you'll love their more advanced courses if you sign up right now you can start learning for free with the unique free trial link in the description the first 1000 people to use this link are going to get a month of free skillshare once again the link is in the description [Music] react is a frontend javascript library for building user interfaces it was developed by facebook and is maintained by facebook and the open source community reactions is a phenomenal library that is easy to understand has excellent cross-platform support has a fantastic community and is one of the most loved libraries out there there are also two great reactions competitors vue.js and angular these libraries and frameworks are mainly used to create fast and efficient single page applications although these are great technologies taking a quick look at google trends we can clearly see that react.js is still in the lead by far on the stack overflow developer survey which is the biggest web development survey in the world 40 of developers chose react on the state of js 2021 under front-end frameworks sorted by usage react has been in the lead for six straight years with everything i've mentioned we can safely assume that the reactions is the most popular javascript library amongst all other libraries and frameworks currently available react.js also plays a major role in the most popular programming stack mern mernstack is a javascript stack that is used for easier and faster deployment of full stack web applications it is designed to make the development process smoother and easier with the mern stack you can create absolutely any web application you can think of with that said now let's take a look at filmpire the first project-based course of the upcoming jsm pro platform which is built entirely in react here we can browse around select a category select a genre click on a movie poster to see more details about the movie and everything happens so smoothly and instantly and you can also notice that the website never reloads you can see that on the top bar which means that we don't request and load multiple html pages everything works with a single html page and that happens because everything is done using javascript and react while we browse the page react updates what we see on a document object model or dom for short but we don't update the dom directly like in html so how does it actually work in react react uses something called virtual dom so what's virtual dom a virtual dom is nothing but a javascript object it's a lightweight representation of the dom updating the virtual dom is much faster than updating the real dom thus react only updates the section of the page where the change was made not the entire page which is super efficient let me explain this in a simpler manner when something changes in a component we get a new react element react will then compare this element and the children of that element with the previous one and it figures out what has changed and then it will update a part of the real dom to keep it in sync with the virtual dom so why does react use this so called virtual dom well because virtual dom is way faster than the regular dom the main advantage of this is that we don't have to worry about the javascript dom api and react will do all the heavy work for us now you might be wondering what are the prerequisites to learn such a great javascript library there's only one prerequisite and that is javascript if you're wondering which javascript syntax do you need to know to start learning react or why would you even learn react and not code everything in vanilla javascript then you must check out my previous video the ultimate web developer roadmap i've answered all these questions and more in that video the link to the video is going to be in the description but if you don't feel like watching the previous video i've also included all the prerequisites essential react.js concept react.js project ideas and more in the ultimate reaction as guide of course in the description completely for free i hope this makes your life just a bit easier we cannot talk about react.js without talking about components reactions is a component based frontend library which means that all parts of a web application are divided into small components a component is a small piece of the user interface every react.js application is a tree of components components let you split the ui into independent reusable parts so when you're building an application with react you'll build independent and reusable components and then you'll combine them to build a full-fledged web application let's take a look at the same example i've showed you earlier to represent what are components so imagine we're building this website how would we make it firstly we'll split the user interface into smaller components like sidebar search bar and movies which includes several single movie components with names and ratings i can't even tell you how excited i am to share this course with you extremely soon it's been months into making and i'm happy that you'll be able to learn from it soon so everyone who downloaded the reactions guide will get updates about the course and more importantly discounts if you still haven't clicked that download link in the description now is the time and talking about components in react there are two types of components functional components and class-based components let's see how does a standard class component look like firstly we import react and the structure component from react if you're a complete beginner you might wonder where are we importing react from why do we even need to import it we need to import react to be able to use the entirety of its library then we use a regular javascript class to make a react component that extends the react component already written for us in the library then we use the render method that describes what should be displayed and how should the ui look like if you don't fully understand how to use classes what are class methods and what does extents means don't worry at all class-based components are react history they're not being used at all anymore and they were entirely replaced by their simpler counterparts functional components now let's understand how the functional component is written first as usual we import react from react library nowadays you can also skip that line in the newer versions of react it's not needed anymore then we can create a function which can be a normal function arrow function named function whatever you'd prefer in this example we're using an arrow function in the function we return something that react should display that's it that is a react component you can see how easy it is you might be thinking why are we writing html when returning something the stack syntax is neither a string nor html it's called jsx jsx is used in react to describe what the user interface should look like jsx may remind you of a template language but it comes with the full power of javascript jsx produces react elements it forms the core of react syntax so to learn it better let's dive into code and set up our first react.js application there are two main ways of setting up the react environment the first one is to manually set it up using webpack and babel and the second one is to use the create react app command if you're just starting i would suggest using the second method as it saves you from time consuming setup and configuration create react app is a comfortable environment for learning react and it's the best way to start building a new single or multi-page application in react so what is create react app create react app is a simple tool or a command that generates the required files and folders to start the react application and run it in the browser it's also officially supported by the react team to run the create react app command you need to have nodejs installed on your pc node is a javascript runtime that allows you to execute js code on the server it's highly probable that you already have it installed but if you don't go to and download and install it after that we can create an empty folder on our desktop let's call it something like my underscore first underscore react underscore app then you can open up your code editor of choice in this case i'll be using visual studio code and you can simply drag and drop your folder into it now you can head to view and then terminal finally let's run our first command which is mpx create dash react dash app and then dot slash to install it in the current directory let's press enter you might get an additional message here because this is the first time you're using create react app but after that you should be able to see creating a new react app and then your directory this is going to install primary react packages like react react dom and react scripts this process usually takes about a minute so i'll pause the video right now and i'll be right back and there we go success created my first react app this command just generated all the files and folders needed for your first react application so let's run it you can run your application by running mpm start and then press enter this is going to run our application on localhost 3000 and in a few seconds there it is rotating react.js logo with a text that says edit source app.js and save to reload that way we'll be able to modify our react.js application but before we do that we can take a minute to properly explore the file and folder structure of a react.js application over here you can see all the files and folders let's check them out the first one is package.json inside of here you can see all the dependencies or packages that your application currently has installed as you can see the core react.js packages are right here and then all the other npm packages that you install later on are going to be added here as well the code for these packages is going to be added in our huge node modules this is not the folder that you have to manually explore it's just there and it serves the code the src or source folder is where all the logic goes everything related to our app will be in the source folder this is where you'll spend most of your time developing react.js applications if we open up our public folder you'll notice that there is only one single html file and inside of this html file we have a few meta tags so i'm going to properly structure them we also have a few comments that we can delete a few link tags some kind of a big comment right here and that's it if we remove all of the unnecessary things we are left off with the simplest possible html document that has only a single div with an id of root the way react works is that all of our react components are going to get injected inside of this div with an idea fruit to properly explore that we can go into source and then index.js the starting point of every react.js application inside of here we have react-dom which we only call once in our entire react application no matter how big it is react dom is used to render our components and our entire application into the real dom more specifically into a div with an id of root this is how we're accessing the basic dom we target this div and we populate our entire react application and we inject it right here that is the base premise of how react.js works now if we go to explorer source and then app.js you can see that we have a functional component something that we've discussed before remember what i've said earlier functional components are the ones that are primarily used nowadays no more class-based madness and this code that you can see right here that is not html this is jsx because you can see it is in a js file not in a dot html file there are a few differences between html and jsx although generally it's incredibly similar one of these differences is that you can notice class name usually in html we would write that as a class but class is a reserved keyword in javascript so we had to use class name since we use jsx in react the extension of javascript we have to use classname instead of that class attribute so keep that in mind all of the similar gotchas of using jsx are also linked in our reactions guide so make sure to go for it if you want to get more information on the jsx syntax inside of curly braces you can put any valid javascript expression so in here we're dynamically assigning a logo to this image for example we can remove the text inside of this paragraph open up a pair of curly braces and write two plus two in html the only thing that you would get would be curly brace two plus two and then curly brace literally but now if we go back to our browser as you can see in here we have four and that might seem incredibly simple and not meaningful but think about the power that this represents you can write javascript code straight inside of something that looks like plain html that means that you can dynamically render real data inside of your browser isn't that cool so now let's delete this demo example by deleting all of the code inside of it we can leave the div with the class name of app and let's also delete this logo because we're not using it anymore we can also convert this function app into a const app and that is an arrow function component inside of there let's simply create an h1 that's going to say hello world or rather let's do hello react and let's save it and there we go an h1 that says hello react now we can dive deeper into the syntax and explore all of the benefits that react.js offers let's go ahead and get started with the real thing before i start showing you all the benefits that react offers let's open up her browser and put it side by side with the editor so that we can see in real time the changes we're making there we go i've put the code editor on the left side and our browser on the right side so now if we type something for example hello jsm and save it you should be able to see the code update in real time so now let's explore that dynamic or reactive nature of react we can create different variables right here inside of this functional component so by saying something like const name is equal to and let's do something like john we can use this variable inside of our jsx so right here we can open up a pair of curly braces like this and simply reference this variable inside of those braces if we save that you can see hello john now this might seem like magic because this seems just like basic html but we've just injected real javascript code straight into it that is the power of react we can also do something more powerful like create different ternary expressions let's create a variable is name showing like this and that's going to be set to true right here what we can do is say hello and then we're going to check if is name showing is set to true if that is the case then we can simply show john else we can say let's do something like someone now if we save that you can see that we're showing hello john but now if we switch this variable to false is name showing false then the different part of the ternary expression is going to be ran and now we can see hello someone with this we've just made the render of our application dynamic we're gonna show a different display based on different dynamic data you wouldn't be able to do this this easily in just basic html and css of course take your time and play with this a bit you can explore all the other possibilities that react offers we're just showing the name here but you can do any kind of arithmetic like 2 plus 2 is 4 that's going to show up using these expressions we can dynamically render larger blocks of code so if we open up curly braces and then check if name exists in that case we want to render this react fragment inside of these parentheses and a react fragment is just like an empty div inside of there we can put some code so let's say test for now and then of course we need to have a second part of our ternary expression and inside of there we're going to say test as well there we go we can of course see test but why do we even need this empty block so called react fragment well let's say that instead of test at the bottom we want to show something like an h1 let's close it properly and there we're going to simply say test because we don't have access to the name in this block down there now let's set the name to be null so the below expression is going to run we can see the test but now what if you want to add a second h2 that's going to simply say there is no name if we save that you're going to see a really often appearing error ejection jsx elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag so this is a rule that react has if you want to render two different elements one next to another you need to wrap them in a so-called react fragment so right here what we can do is just wrap this in a fragment like so and then we won't have an error anymore there we go so below we're saying there is no name and right here we can say h1 and of course we can render the name inside of the curly braces now if we change this to jane save it you'll be able to see jane and otherwise if there is no name you'll be able to see this block of code down there and right now we're working with just two different tags you can do the same thing with thousands of lines of code and completely change the user interface when something changes for example you can have a variable is user logged in and let's say that the user is logged in in that case you can show some data and display his user profile else you can simply render a login button that just shows you that there is a lot of possibilities now let's dive into one of the core react topics and that is components we can create many different components and then import them into our larger components so for example we can create a new component just above the current one that's going to be called person const person is going to be a functional component and it's going to have a return statement for now let's simply return an h1 that's going to render let's do name and then that's going to be set to john and then we're going to wrap it in a react fragment so that we can add something below that we can simply say h2 and then we're going to do last name is going to be do as well as the age and let's do something like 30. so this is our person component and a component is a piece of code that returns or renders some jsx and in here we can call our person component by its name take a look it's called person the only thing you have to do open up a code brace and start typing person and then simply close it as a self-closing tag as soon as you do this you'll be able to see that all of the code from the above component got imported or injected straight right here inside of the app isn't that crazy one advantage of creating a custom component and then referencing it right here is that we can duplicate this line five times and with that we have five percent components of course if we wanted to write this manually we would have to copy all of these three lines but now you might be wondering why would we ever do this this data is the same how can we change this do we have to manually change everything but then if we change something here isn't it going to change in all of them and that is true but now we came to a really important part of react and that is props props allow you to pass dynamic data through react components props are just arguments that you pass into react components they are passed via attributes they are just a shorter way of saying properties so in here if we pass a name is equal to and we can pass a string of john we can accept this prop inside of our person component and how can we do that well every component has a built-in props object and right here we can reference that props object by saying props dot and then name so why did we do name here because that's how we call this prop prompts that name now if we save this you're gonna notice that only the first component has our name and all the other ones are empty that's because we didn't pass a different name to any of our other components what of course we can do is pass the last name as well so let's say last name is equal to do and also let's do age is equal to 25. now we can repeat the process last name is going to be props that last name notice how i'm putting this in curly braces and then in here that's going to be props dot age and if we save that you're going to notice that only our first component has all the data and the other ones are empty so now let's pass some other data like name is equal to jane you can do it just like this without curly braces if it's just a string there we go that works as well but if you're passing some dynamic expressions like let's do age is equal to two plus two in that case you have to use curly braces but in this case we were just fine with using normal strings and as you can see we can use both double and single quoted strings it doesn't matter now let's remove some of our people let's copy our john person and let's just simply rename it to something like mary doe and that's going to be 24 there we go now we have just two different people and every single person is completely different when it comes to data now of course imagine if each one of these people is going to be an entire user profile it would have much more than just three packs it would have an image all different kinds of properties hobbies about sections many more other components and class names so if that were the case and if we didn't use custom components then we would have to copy and paste all the jsx every single time but if we put all of that code into a component we can simply call it every time in a single line and pass new dynamic properties based on a different person of course if you have a lot of properties feel free to space them out in a new line like so that way it's going to be just a bit easier to read there we go now that we've learned about props let's learn about react state we can remove all of these people right here and also remove our custom component state in react is a plain javascript object used by react to represent a piece of information about the component's current situation it is completely managed by the component itself so how can we actually create state in react first we have to import in curly braces a so called use state hook from react this is going to allow us to use the stay of course and before we actually call this use state let me show you a scenario where you're really going to notice the purpose of state let's create a counter a counter is going to have two buttons this one that's simply going to say minus it's going to have some kind of an h1 in the middle that's going to show the count which is going to start at zero and then we're going to have one more button which is going to have a plus icon and it's going to increment that count we can see that minus is on the top and plus is on the bottom right now if we click this nothing is going to happen so we have to use state right here at the top of our component we can say const and then use a concept of array destructuring that is how state works so we create a pair of square brackets we say equal to and then call the use state as a function whenever you call something as a function and it starts with use in react we call that a hook now the first part in the square brackets pair is going to be the name of that state so let's call it counter the second part is going to be a setter function and we can call it set counter a good rule of thumb is that you call the second variable the same as you call the first one but add the set in front because it is a setter function for the first variable now inside of the use state you provide the initial value which is going to be 0. now we can use this counter just as a normal javascript variable right here let's reference it counter and as you can see nothing changed that's because the initial state is still zero so now we're going to learn about events an event is an action that can be triggered as a result of the user action or some kind of a system generated event for example a mouse click or a button press is an event and here is how we can handle events in react on this button you can add an on click property written like this there we're going to have a callback function a callback function is the one that simply doesn't have a name it's here and it's just waiting for some kind of a command right here we can write an inline code by simply saying alert clicked if we save this you can see that if we click on a minus button we're going to get an alert that says clicked that means that we read the event properly but now on the click we don't simply want to alert something we want to change the state for that we're going to use the setter function set counter what we can do is we can set it to something like -5 or any other value and if we now click this you can see it gets reset dynamically the code changes now how can we lower the count by one each time that we press a button well inside of the set counter we're going to create a callback function and right here we have access to something known as a pref count this is just a parameter of the set state you can call it however you want but a good practice is to call it prev as in previous and then the name of your state and what we can do is simply call the pref count and decrement it by 1. now if we save this and reload the page as you can see we can keep clicking the button and the count changes we can duplicate this line paste it below our counter and in here the only thing we have to change is to add a plus right here as well as right here now we can increment our counter as well and i know this is a small application but it's dynamic you're clicking on it and you're changing the state and therefore re-rendering the view again a really important thing is that all of this is happening without a website reload if you keep tracking this keep looking at this reload button when i reload it's going to change but now if i keep clicking it remains the same which means that the website is changing without a reload and you might think of course this is a simple application nothing has to reload here and you would be right if you think that but imagine all of the complex websites that have tons of functionality a lot of moving pieces and everything else the situation is going to be the same if you're using react then you can update everything on the page without needing a page reload that is amazing when we started talking about state we immediately mention hooks because we cannot use the state without using this react hook and there are many other hooks as you can see we have the three basic hooks as well as some of the additional hooks by the way i'm looking at this in the official react documentation i would strongly encourage you to go through their docs at least through the main concepts from the hello world all the way to thinking and react their documentation is phenomenal definitely make sure to go through it as the practice after watching this video so with that said let me also show you the second most used react hook which is use effect we can simply import it at the top as we imported the first one use effect and it's going to get called a bit differently we type use effect right here call it as a function and then it accepts one more function as the first parameter again a callback function you can see that we're using a lot of es6 syntax array destructuring import syntax arrow functions and more so i would strongly encourage you to get comfortable with javascript es6 plus before you dive into react use effect allows us to do something on some kind of an effect or let's say on some kind of an event so this code right here is going to get run as soon as the page loads so let's say reload there we go i saved it and i get an alert that says reload if i reload the page one more time it's going to happen again because this code happens as soon as this component renders so using this use effect and knowing that this is going to happen at the start how do you change our counter our state to be 100 as soon as the page loads if you wanted to do something like this counter is equal to 100 that's going to cause a major issue we cannot see an error yet but that's because we're breaking the most important rule of react and that is never modify state manually never mutate the state counter is not just a normal variable it is a part of the react state and react state can only be changed using its own setter function so this here is strictly forbidden and as you can see the app doesn't work so let's simply call a set counter and this is how you would set the counter to 100. as you can see it is 100 initially and now we can modify it but something happens we cannot really modify it it seems that this use effect is happening too often and as soon as we click it it brings it back to 100. so there is the second parameter to the use effect which is called a dependency array if we now save this we've just left our dependency array to be empty so now if we modify this we can clearly do that the value only gets set at the start that's because when the dependency array is empty the code inside of here more specifically inside this function is going to only happen at the initial load of the component but if we add some kind of a variable here like a counter then this code is going to update every time that the variable inside of this array changes we would got into an infinite loop if i tried running this that is because if i initially set the counter to something and then i keep changing it it's going to continuously run because this function is changing the counter and then the counter recalls it that is not a good practice so what we can do is simply alert something whenever the counter changes let's say you've changed the counter to and then let's simply say counter there we go now if we save this you change the counter to 100 let's reload the page you change the counter to zero you change the counter to 1 2 and so on this is not a good user experience definitely but the only thing i wanted to show you here is that you can call some code whenever something happens in your react application by simply providing that variable here and whenever that variable changes then you can call the code inside of the use effect with that we've learned the three most important things that react offers and that is components state and props of course alongside that we also learned hooks more specifically the used state and the use effect hook and we also talked about events more specifically the on click event i'm pretty sure that you are ready to build your real reactions project right now so what we can do is open up our file tree by clicking here and we can completely delete the source code because we don't need many of these files right here so let's go ahead and right click click delete press right click right here and create a new folder called src now let's test your knowledge what does every source component needs to have what is one file that absolutely needs to be there that is going to be index.js inside of there we import react from react as well as import react dom from react dom then we can say import app and that app is coming from that slash app of course we haven't yet created this so let's go ahead and create a new file which is going to be called app.js inside of there we can import react from react we can create our app which is the main functional component that looks like this our app is going to have a return statement and then inside of that return for now we can simply return h1 that's going to say app let's add a semicolon here and of course let's do export default app we have to export every single one of our components so that we can then call it from somewhere else in this case we're importing it inside of our index.js file and inside of our index.js as we learned before we have to do react-dom dot render and then we have to pass in the component we want to render which is in this case the app component and then we have to trigger document.getelementbyid and then pass a string of root this is going to trigger our div with an id of root and it's going to inject our entire react application right inside of it and finally if you reload the page you should be able to see app right here sometimes react messes up a bit when you delete the entire source folder so you might need to go to view and then terminal and then press ctrl c and then y like this and then just restart application by running the npm start command whenever you want to restart it or close it ctrl c and then y there we go with that said now we have an empty working environment just the source with the app and index.js and we are ready to create our application believe it or not in this video you're going to build a simplified version of the film power project so this is the film part project it has nice animations a central card all of the different categories movie details information animations and even voice artificial intelligence of course dark mode is there as well but we're going to build this which is a simplified version of the filmpira application called movieland there you get access to all the movies that you search for in here we have batman let's try to go with something like shrek that should be good there we go let's try to go with something like superman as well and just click search and you immediately get all of the latest superman movies and you can scroll through them of course the application is fully mobile responsive so if you right click click inspect and then click this little icon right here that's going to toggle the device toolbar and you can see that your application is fully mobile responsive so what do you say let's go ahead and get started with implementing everything you've learned so far managing state using different components props and so much more let's pull our browser on the side and let's get started by going into our app.js i'm going to keep this website open just for reference when it comes to film par we can close that tab by the way if you're interested in learning react to extremely advanced levels while building this great application definitely make sure to click the link in the description join our newsletter to be the first one to get into the course with that said we can now close this and start transforming our app into movie land alongside using state hooks and so much more we're gonna also use an external api an application programming interface that is going to give us access to data about these movies so that might be a good starting point you can head to omdb forward slash api key the link is going to be down in the description then you can choose your account type as free and enter your email i'm going to do javascript mastery enter my email right here and you can type use building a movie app and click submit in a few seconds you're going to receive a verification link to activate your key to your email address once you get the email you'll have to activate your key by clicking right here you're gonna see a message that says your key is now activated and then you can go back to your email and copy your api key and paste it as a comment right here because we're definitely going to use it later on now we can close this close this as well and go back to our application so let's explore the ways in which we can call this api to get all the data about movies we're going to create a static variable called api underscore url and that's going to be a string that's equal to http colon for slash forward slash question mark api key is equal to and then you can simply copy your key and paste it here that's going to be our api url now we can use that from inside of our component to gather the data more specifically we want to fetch the data from this api as soon as our component loads do you know which hook can we use for that it's going to be the use effect hook so right here we can import the use effect hook from react let's call it as we learned use effect accepts a callback function and an empty dependency array as the second one if we only want to call it at the start now inside of there we're going to call a function that's going to fetch our movies so just at the top of our use effect let's create a new function const search movies is equal to an async arrow function async stands for asynchronous data which means that it takes some time to fetch these movies and the search movies is going to accept a search title that we want to search by like superman or any other title there we can say const response is equal to await fetch and then in here we can use a template string you can do that by using the backticks on my keyboard it is a key left to the one key there we can dynamically specify the api url so api underscore url and then say and s is equal to and then one more time in here we want to specify the title so this is going to call our api now once we get the response we have to get the data from it by saying const data is equal to a weight response dot json now inside of this data object we should have the data about the movies so let's simply console.log it for now kansa log data we can open up our console go to inspect and console right here nothing is happening because as you can see we're never calling our search movies so what we can do is simply call it inside of our use effect and let's also provide it a title which is going to be a string of your favorite movie feel free to put any title in there in this case i'm going to go with spider-man and save it as soon as we save the file we're going to notice that we get back the search the response and total results we only need the movies array so we can console.log data dot search and now we get only an array with 10 superman movies that's great that means that the api fully works but now we need to be able to render that data and show it inside of our application to make your life easier i'm going to provide you with the entire css file for this entire application today's focus is to learn react and you're going to do that with this project but you don't have to manually write every css line so what you can do is create a new file called app dot css and then in the link below this video there's going to be a github gist containing the code for the entire app.css as well as app.js you can simply copy the app.css and paste it right here this is going to contain the styling for our project there's also going to be a search dot svg so let's create a search.svg component and let's simply paste what you copied from the github gist down below this is just going to be a search icon now that we have the styles we of course have to import them as well as import the search icon we can do that by saying import in a string dot slash app.css as soon as we do that you're going to notice that the styles are immediately applied and while we're here let's also import the search icon from dot slash search dot svg great we're going to use this later on now we are ready to start creating the jsx of our application so let's start with a div we're going to wrap everything inside of a div and that div is going to have a class name equal to app inside of there we're going to have an h1 element that's going to be the name of our application let's call it movie land and it gets positioned nicely in the middle this is like writing html but you're going to notice the power of react as soon as we start making it dynamic below that we can create a div that's going to have a class name keep in mind this is class name not just class as it is in html and that's going to be equal to search inside of this div we're going to have an input field an input is a self-closing tag that has to have a few properties first of all it has to have a place holder which is going to be equal to search for movies if we save that you're going to notice this nice input appear right here an input in react needs to have another two things which are crucial the first thing is going to be value for now let's set it as a static string of superman as soon as we save that you're going to notice that this input immediately has the value of superman but now if you try typing something you won't be able to because the value is statically set so how do we change it for that we have to have an onchange which accepts a callback function that looks like this for now let's leave it empty we're just going to make it static for now and then later on once we implement the state we're going to make this actually changeable and that's going to recall our api below our input we're going to have a self-closing image tag and the source is going to be search icon of course every image tag also needs to have an alternative tag which is useful for screen readers so we can say search and save it and there we go now we have this magnifying glass icon our magnifying glass icon is also going to serve a purpose of a button so we can add an onclick property right here and also add an empty callback function because later on we're going to be calling our above api straight from here but for now we're just building the jsx so we don't care about that for now now we can go below this search div and create a new div this div is going to have a class name equal to container so what we can do right now to test this out is go to inspect go to console array let's take one of these spiderman movies and let's copy the entire object by right clicking and clicking copy object we can go to the top and say const movie 1 is equal to and then we can paste that right here we're going to get the data for that specific movie we're going to use this as static data just to render out something so that we know what jsx are we writing so inside of this container what we can do is create a div that's going to have a class name equal to movie inside of there we're going to also render a div and inside of that div we're going to render a paragraph there we want to show the year of the movie so what we can do is say movie 1 dot year now if you save that you can notice we got 2012 right here below this div we're going to create one more div and this is going to be the div that's going to contain our image our image is going to have the src or source property equal to movie 1 dot poster not poser that's going to be poster and an alternative tag which is going to be equal to movie 1 dot and that's going to be title now let's save this and it looks like we cannot see the image for this movie which is great because it allows us to add an extra check to make sure that there is an image so what we can do is say if poster is not equal to n a this is how this api declares movies that have no image then we can render a movie that poster right but if there is no image then we can render https colon forward slash forward slash via dot placeholder dot com forward slash 400. this is a placeholder image and we get a nice error from react saying that poster is not defined so this is going to be movie 1 dot poster and there we go we have a 400 by 400 placeholder image we're going to provide this placeholder image if the api doesn't provide us with a real movie image with that said the most important thing that we can add below this div is going to be another div that's going to have a span element inside of it and there we can render movie 1 dot type if we save that you're going to notice that the type of this movie is a movie it can also be a tv show below that span we can render our last element which is going to be an h3 that's simply going to render the movie one dot title with the capital t if we save that we're gonna notice amazing spider-man syndrome movie 2012. now we have the look of our single movie but this is not that good because it's just one and more importantly the data for that movie is static so how can we fetch the data for all the movies and then display them here the first step in doing that would be extracting the code for this movie into its own custom component and the reason we're doing that is because if you think about it we're going to have many of these cards they're going to be repeated quite often so instead of doing something like this we would have to have hundreds of lines to show just a few movies what we can do is just create a custom component and that way we'll be able to do it almost in a single line so let's copy this entire div with a class name of movie then go to our file explorer and create a new file inside of the source folder called movie card dot jsx now you might be wondering why did i add a jsx extension to this file in react whenever you create a new react component jsx extension is preferable it adds this react logo on the left side and that's basically it there isn't any difference between a js file and a jsx file i usually add a jsx file for any component that i create in react and it's going to be the same it's going to be import react from react then we're going to create a component const movie card is equal to a functional component notice how the file name and the component name are the same this is not a necessity but it's definitely a good practice then we can render the return right here and then inside of the return we can paste what we copied we can also hold ctrl and alt and then press arrow down a few times and then we can indent this properly there we go now we can export default movie card and we can also notice that right now we don't have access to this movie one dot something so we're going to potentially pass that over through props you already know the drill we're getting access to the props right here but just so that we don't have to repeat ourselves props that something every time what we can do is destructure the props use object destructuring so that means simply put a pair of curly braces here and then get something that you passed inside of those props so now we have our movie component the same as we had our person component before but it's in a separate file so inside of the app.js we can now import at the top import movie card from dot slash movie card and now as we learned instead of this entire div we can simply call a movie card and call it as a self-closing component but of course we also have to pass in a prop called movie one is equal to movie one and if we do that and go back to our application you can see that we have the same thing we've had before just a single movie card but what we've done right now is going to make our life so much easier later on once we want to map over all of our movies the first step in doing that is getting our movies from right here from our console log all the way to here where we can actually map over them so what we can do is create a new state we can say const movies and set movies is equal to that's going to be equal to the call of the use state hook of course we have to import it at the top that's going to be use state next to use effect and we can set the default value of our movies which is going to be an empty array this is going to give us access to the set movies setter function and instead of console logging it now we can pass the data dot search into our set movies of course that gives us access to our movies so now we can dynamically pass movies and then zero into our movie one and this is going to allow us to populate the movies so what we can do right now is at the bottom right here open a dynamic block of code using parentheses and check if movies question mark dot length is greater than zero if that is the case then we want to render our movie card so let's take this movie card and put it right here let's indent this properly and then else if that is not the case so if there are no movies then we want to render something else and that something is going to be a div so we can say div right here give it a class name equal to empty and then create an h2 element inside of there that's going to say no movies found and we can save that and nothing's changed that's because we actually have movies in our array we would only see this if the movie array was empty so considering we do have the movies why are we still seeing this one static card let's fix that immediately what we can do is instead of showing this one single card we can open a dynamic block of code and then map over movies by saying and then we can map over them we're usually mapping over arrays which are plural and then inside of there we're gonna get a singular movie for the each iteration of the map so what do we want to render for each iteration of the map that is going to be a movie card component if we save that we're going to get an error because we're not passing the movie prop so let's pass a movie prop equal to movie now this is going to dynamically change but of course we have to go right here and we have to change this into movie of course we have to change it in every single other place as well the movie one was just a placeholder there we go we also have to change it here as well and with that we're dynamically looping over our movies array which is fetched from an api we're taking each individual movie and we're dynamically passing it as a prop to our movie card and that's going to result in the render of all of our movies some of these movies don't have an image but don't worry about that at all that is api's fault now we can kind of tidy this up a bit by putting this right here putting this here as well we can fix the indentation if we go ahead and move everything one step to the left there we go and this is already looking much better our next step is making the search functionality work and for that we're gonna need another state so this might be also something new to you you can have multiple states and even multiple use effect hooks per one component there is no limit so right here let's say const search term as well as the set search term is equal to you already know the drill use state and then we're going to pass in an empty string because our search term at the start is going to be empty what we can do then is inside of our input dynamically change our search term so our value is not going to be static anymore we're going to use curly braces and we're going to change that to search term so now it's dynamic as you can see it's empty at the start so we can only see a placeholder to be able to change it we need to do a similar thing we've done before with the click event when we changed out counter so we need to set the search term and then we call it and pass in the e dot target dot value and that e we're talking about is coming from the callback function right here that is the event right here not sure why i have set service that was supposed to be set search term that's much better and now we can actually type into here so if i type batman you will be able to do that the question is how can we use that state to dynamically re-render our array of movies for that we're going to use this image more specifically the on click listener we can recall our search movies function and pass in a new title we can do that by calling search movies and then we can pass what not a specific title which is static but rather we can pass in the search term which is dynamic state so now every time that we type something in here and click the button the state is going to dynamically change and that is looking great you can see we can hover over it to see the year also more details and we have all of the movies right here it looks great on mobile devices and it looks great on desktop devices as well this might be the first react application you've done congratulations i hope that the ease of development of this little app showed you that react is definitely something you want to learn and be an advanced developer in i've been a react developer for many years now and i can definitely say it's my personal preference the ease of development and the ability to scale your applications are just amazing when working with react and also the developer workflow is quite nice you can code html here and you can combine javascript immediately with css and html we've learned quite a lot we've learned about state about use effect about components props and much more i hope you've liked this react crash course this is just the beginning of your journey here in javascript mastery we've created countless more more advanced react projects which i'm sure you're going to love so just keep learning and soon enough you'll be able to build all of these projects the filmpira project is designed to help you learn from their beginnings to more advanced topics so stay on the lookout that is coming soon if you're not watching this video at the time of the release it's possible that it's already out so definitely make sure to check out the description and that was it for this video we have learned about state hooks props and so much more you've also built this great application and you're ready to dive into more advanced react topics of course the entire roadmap of how you can advance and react is down in the description inside of the react guide feel free to download it and also let me know your thoughts in the comments i'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on what do you want the next video to be if you have any thoughts just share them that's going to be it for this video i hope you enjoyed it and have a wonderful day [Music] you
Channel: JavaScript Mastery
Views: 816,855
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Keywords: javascript, javascript mastery, js mastery, master javascript, react js, react js tutorial, react js for beginners, react hs website, reactjs 2022, react js roadmap 2022, react tutorial, learn react, reactjs tutorial for beginners, react tutorial for beginners, react crash course, react js crash course, react tutorial project, react js project, learn react with one project, learn react 2022, learn react js for beginners, learn react js for beginners 2022
Id: b9eMGE7QtTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 44sec (4304 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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