ChatGPT Converting PDFs To CSV Files For Extracting Data | Tutorial

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welcome back to webcafe AI we do daily videos on artificial intelligence for your personal and business life in this video we're going to show you two main plugins in order to take data from a PDF extract it into a CSV now before we dive into today's video I want to point out two main things first thing is that little subscribe thing that happens at the beginning of every video I went ahead and turned down that little ding sound I did get some response in the comments so we're listening here at webcap AI if there's anything else that happens in these videos that you know you find either annoying or you know hurts the value that you're receiving in the video let us know in the comments we are listening so from here on out on webcafe AI that little ding sound you hear in the beginning we're going to lower that volume the second thing is while we were developing this tutorial we realized that we have to make a distinction between simple use of plugins and advanced use of plugins so we're gonna go ahead and create a whole new playlist and we're gonna drag some of our older videos that show more advanced use of plugins into this playlist and essentially the purpose of this playlist is going to show you ways to leverage chat DBT and plugins but in the context that we use multiple plugin within a chat we're going to distinguish our content like this because a lot of our plug-in videos just showcase one plugin and the capabilities that it has but there are some videos that we've been doing recently and a little bit older on this channel that really showcase Advanced ways to approach plugins and we think they add a lot of value therefore we're going to create a whole new playlist and we hope you enjoy it all right without further Ado let's go ahead and jump into this tutorial the two main plugins you'll need is going to be CSV Creator and ask your PDF in order to enable plugins make sure you have a Chad gbt Plus account then go into your settings and hit enable and the beta features so to show this method we're going to use an annual report by Apple in 2019 and as you see here this is a ton of data we're looking at over 100 sheets found within this PDF and our purpose here is going to be able to extract specifically what we want from it I'm going to convert it to a CSV and then we're going to do some calculations on that underlying data in the process if we keep scrolling down here as you see there's a ton of information so the method that you're about to learn today you can apply to anything or any context that typically involves taking PDFs and extracting a lot of data from you're about to learn how to do that in a more effective way using chat gbt and plugins the first step to achieve this is first you need to make a Google drive folder and let's make sure that when you hit share that anyone with the link has access to the underlying PDFs or files within that folder next we're going to go ahead and come over here we're going to say copy link okay let's go and begin make sure you have CSV Creator enabled and ask your PDF enabled let's go ahead and Proctor this chat we're going to say we are going to make a CSV out of this PDF today we will be asking some questions on how we want it structured and then we're going to go ahead and provide that link we got earlier in the Google Drive hit enter okay so we ran into a little bit of an issue here and I was at first I thought it was just an error then I checked every single popular PDF reader on the store right now and essentially every single one says that a quote-unquote can't read the Google link but in reality they can but essentially what's incurring here now is that all the plugins here that read PDFs are making you sign up with an account I mean this is obvious due to the fact that for their back end you know they obviously they want to have some type of data on the people using their service so it looks like there's a possibility here that that Google Drive step and situation doesn't necessarily work anymore now this isn't the end of the world but it is sad to see that now we can't really just do it through that method now I have to create an account here so I'm gonna go ahead and do that we're going to click this alright so once you make an account you come over here upload the underlying file here and it looks like it wants me to grab the document ID that's associated with it on their back end here it is I'm gonna go ahead and copy that and let's go ahead and reproctor this question here I'm going to delete that Drive Link sad days and provide the doc ID once we do that we're going to go ahead and answer its first question here and we're gonna say we want to extract the Consolidated balance sheets this includes the line items they're corresponding figures for the current year and previous year and the headers indicating the years hit enter here okay so after a couple tries and tests we found the best way to extract data from a large PDF as you see if you were to just to ask for the Consolidated balance sheets found within that PDF it's going to search every single sheet and this is not an effective use of our time so the way we did a workaround essentially is we scoured through the PDF ourselves and then provided the specific page number so in this context we have find this Consolidated balance sheet on page 31 and as you see here it only did four API calls and then was able to find the underlying data to find it fast within the PDF itself all you need to do is command F and for us we just typed in balance sheet and then if we'd enter a couple times we would essentially find this part that says on page 31 the balance sheet exists here so if we go down to 31 we see it right here okay so let's go ahead and further Proctor this we're going to say now we want you to follow this for our CSV and I got two blocks here so this might seem like a lot of text but the way we're going to do this essentially is that once we've really proctored the chat when we do future PDFs we won't have to really you know guide it in this way just for the first one we need to guide it so it knows exactly how to handle data like this so what we're doing here essentially is we're asking that we want the CSV file to have the following columns line item 2019 amount 2018 amount each row in the CSV file will represent a line item from the balance sheet and the columns will contain the corresponding figures of each year in addition to extracting the raw data from the Consolidated balance sheets we want to calculate the year-over-year change in each line item this will give us an idea of how each item has changed from 2019 or 2018 to 2019 We'll add two additional columns to the CSV file change in amount and percentage change in amount will be calculated as the 2019 amount minus the 2018 amount and percentage change will be calculated as a change in amount divided by the 2018 amount multiplied by 100 to get the percentage this will provide additional insight into the financial performance of the company now that might sound like a lot but essentially whatever context you may be using this process for you would essentially really want to fine-tune the first PDF that you provide someone knows exactly how to handle every single PDF that follows okay so we got our output here I will say the first one had an error here we just asked for it to regener response I'm really excited let's hope this works so it's not perfectly formatted in the sense we don't have dollar signs here but I bet we could Proctor it further but from what we see here this is super cool I mean we could have done so much more proctoring such as maybe adding a color to specific line items you know changing them out if it's negative but red if it's positive put green furthermore we probably could have added so that there's a percentage sign or the percent change overall here though this has got to be one of the coolest things we've done on this channel uh you know the fact that we're able to extract data from a PDF and then take all the numbers found that PF and push it towards a CSV file like this I mean there is a plethora of possibilities on expediating work time for just this task alone now from here let's go ahead and Proctor chat so that every future PDF we provide goes down this route we're going to say use these guidelines for all future PDFs we provide hit enter here and this is just amazing here so obviously this would be in the context and maybe this chat was fine-tuned for annual reports for specific companies and you just upload the PDF and it'll proceed from here but as you see here it's going to take account for the guidelines and then it even walks out the steps of what's going to incur on top of that we could probably even add steps here such as change the color of text at the percentage side and so much more if you like you learned something make sure to like the video it's completely free and it helps us share webcast AI if you want to learn more about Advanced Techniques when it comes to plugins check out the playlist at the end of this video as we're showing you all the ways Chad gbt and plugins can affect your personal and business life but without further Ado I'll see you in the next video thanks for tuning in and yes surprise I'm an AI Avatar make sure to explore more here at web Cafe where we demystify AI for your personal and business life until next time foreign
Channel: Corbin ai
Views: 6,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education, ai automation agency, AAA, AIAA, ai for business, ai service, zapier tutorials
Id: ihH9hLmuVvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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