ChatGPT Code Interpreter - Ultimate Tutorial For Beginners

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this video is sponsored by get magical gpt's new code interpreter now makes us even more superhuman like for example you get a math problem take a photo of it and let's just upload it directly to chat gbt and click on solve and it just gives you the solution that was only the first out of all the ones I'm gonna show you today and if you want a compiled list of all the prompts I'm gonna give you a link at the end now let me show you the second one analyze data so here I am on my YouTube channel and if I just click on download a CSV file I can now drag this data into chat gbt I'll prompt it see any Trends in this data it'll start working you can see content video title views watch time subscribers it started plotting some crazy graphs here you can see views versus estimated Revenue subscribers versus Revenue Impressions versus views and it basically said you get more money if you get more views thanks code interpreter prompt number three is to recommend future actions based on this data can you recommend any future actions I can take to reach my goal of 1 million subscribers this allows you to use data you have in your database to make better decisions for the future if you already have chat GPD plus click on settings and make sure to toggle the code interpreter on number four is correlation between data I'm gonna go to Google Trends and explore chat gbt now I can download this data and I can ask it can you explain the correlation between these two CSV files and I want to tell you a benefit of the code interpreter and that is that it's loading all of this in a panda database which means that it can write way longer messages than it was ever possible to do before use number five graphs and data The Prompt being create 10 visuals to represent the data and just like that we got 10 graphs all of them being kind of different in different ways and you can definitely make different types of graphs if you just specify what your goal is number six create an entire presentation again based on this data can you make an entire presentation for me here prompting is going to be your best friend you might say more specific things based on your goals or needs for the presentation but at least you can turn a CSV file into a presentation and if you've watched some of my other videos you can actually use a tool like to turn this visually appealing as you can see it's just writing the slides so we don't have to do anything and we can use all of these graphs as visual representations in the presentation and it's just about to get crazier but first a word from our sponsors this is one of the best AI tools for productivity if you write emails you will love this first we need to get the magical Chrome extension now just write double slash and you can write anything with AI so here's one of the best ways to use it I usually get the same emails again and again and I have a preset response so I named this spawns one click on Save and now every time I get this email I just write Double Dash spawns one and it's there the second way to become more productive with it is when you just want to respond no you have these quick replies if I click no magical is writing boom and all I gotta do is send and if I click on custom I can describe the reply I want like if I ask it to describe the problem and it will make a custom like integrating AI into your windows Shades company I bet this would save you a lot of time go to get and download the Chrome extension you can also find them in the description down below thanks to get magical for sponsoring this section of the video now back to the video use number seven clean data if you don't have any data sets you can go to and download a bunch of them for free so let's download this one on Netflix movie decent TV shows I'm just gonna drag it in the prompt is proposed possible ways to clean this data and it's getting to work many people work every day in Excel Cleaning data so this is a huge Time Saver for a lot of businesses as you can see we got a bunch of missing values and a bunch of possible solutions it just continues working and maybe my favorite new prompt can you give it to me in a downloadable CSV file sure you can download it using this link you click and you see it starting to download in the bottom left corner my mind is just blown use number eight image processing say I put this image here you can do a lot of things and let me show you a big prompt here like crop this photo vertically in this ratio flip it 180 degrees you can put a blue tint on top of it and add the text aim The Bold and big in the center you can do more things as well like increase the brightness add contrast and a lot of different things we can spend the entire day on it the first thing we cropped it the second thing we flipped it the third thing we painted it blue and we added Ai and the like tiny font number nine merge images I'm gonna upload this one and I'm asking it to merge the images you can choose them to be side by side Blend or overlay we're gonna do the blend one and here we got the image Blended together number 10 video editing we can turn this image into a video and there's so many different problems you can do here the best way is just to describe it I'm asking it to turn the last image into a video file where it's zooming and rotating for five seconds 24 FPS we can also make it a gift and it gives us a download file and it's a 105 megabytes as you can see this is the rotating video it's not perfect but it opens my mind to a new way of editing a video that was never able to do before number 11 converting if you have a JPEG turn it into a PNG if you have an MP3 file you can turn it into a WAV file or video file into a gif I haven't tested the limits on how different files can be created but I haven't really found any limits for example I'm going to take this PNG file I could also make the file size smaller by asking it to and here it's literally 209 kilobytes as a JPEG but this one is not as impressive as number 12 make videos The Prompt is make a gif with waves of falling green Matrix letters use any modern font 30 frames 10 and FPS no talk just go output results as a downloadable file and it's basically running through multiple processes to be able to create this and in the end we got the Matrix animation and this is how it looks this is the first example of a video generation inside of chat gbt and I bet that you are gonna make some crazy with this number 13 audio editing so I'm gonna drag my my voice wave in here and it sounds like this hey so this is AI Andy's clone now I don't have a body let's ask it to remove background noise it's so crazy it says let's load the audio file and listen to it first to understand the nature of the noise and the way he listens it's just like numbers okay he's applying high pass filter so here is the filtered audio file as a downloadable file and and here's the result hey so this is AI Andy's clone now the results of this wasn't the greatest because of the way it applied the noise reduction we have great models on how to do this free and open source so this will be really good in just the next iteration number 14 understand code imagine you go to GitHub trending like this one where you can dump all your files and chat with it using generative AI second brain you could upload any JS or Pi files to chat GPT and it can tell tell you what it is in plain and simple English number 15 write code so I asked it to make a snake game that I can play in my browser and give me a link to click to play it and it said I can't do that I have to make a pi file and just like that it just started writing the entire game like this is lines of code right here it also told me how to run it copy pasted it into vs code and just like that I have a snake game that I'm playing on my computer right now it almost worked perfectly with just two prompts but if it doesn't work perfect number 16 you can analyze and optimize your code so for example if I take this snake dot Pi file code and I could either copy paste the code or copy paste the file I could ask it if it's very very powerful prompt analyze the code for potential errors or inefficiencies it's giving us one two three four five six different different inefficiencies that we could just say can you add them all for us number 17 feature implementations one of the most important things for any software startup is to ask for customer feedback and to create a feedback loop for example I ask polls all the time in my YouTube to understand my audience so I can make better videos so if I had the snake game and I had a big list of survey questions on what my audience wants if I had a software I could prompt it and give it the prompt based on this data give me a list of feature requests we could start implementing ranging from most valuable to least valuable now I don't have a software or good data but you can just imagine taking the three best features and saying can you code that for me and boom your software is better number 18 a QR code for your website The Prompt is create a QR code to send people to my website aind Dot AI slash prompt so if you're on your phone right now you can pull it out and go to my website and that's the link where you can get all of the prompts that I've been talking about in this video about code interpreter but that's not even the best part number 19 interactive 3D surface mapping I'm gonna upload map data from Mars I'm gonna prompt it to draw an interactive 3D surface map from this data file and output a downloadable HTML file as you can see we can now interact with it in our browser number 20 a visual word cloud so I'm just gonna make it right the first 500 Words of Romeo and Juliet and then make a word cloud just like that you have love Romeo Verona number 21 detect faces and objects people are doing amazing things on Twitter like face tracking and create more advanced video analytics detecting objects tracking counting objects to keep my promise go to aind dot a I slash prompt and see all the different prompts that I talked about in this video don't forget to check out patreon down below thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: AI Andy
Views: 17,682
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Keywords: chatgpt code interpreter, chatgptĀ codeĀ interpreter, chatgpt code interpreter data analysis, chatgpt code interpreter plugin, chatgpt code interpreter demo, chatgpt code interpreter install, chatgpt code interpreter data, chatgpt code interpreter tutorial, chatgpt code interpreter examples, chat gpt code interpreter how to, chatgpt code interpreter csv, chat gpt code interpreter waitlist, chatgpt code interpreter python, chatgpt code interpreter pdf, chatgpt code interpreter model
Id: xuSsk5Dy6uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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