ChatGPT Clone – OpenAI API and React Tutorial

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In this course Nishant Singh will teach  you how to integrate GPT. Three from   open AI with the React application, you'll  basically be creating a website with similar   functionality to check GPT Nishan has created  many popular video and text based tutorials. Hey, guys, welcome to Free Code Camp. I  am Nishan. And I am your host for today.   And in this video, we will basically learn how  to integrate open API with React, we will create   two applications. And this one is the first  one. In this application, we will use Open API   and react to generate images using AI. For  example, if we type something like this,   and click generate an image, it will give us this  image using AI. So let's wait for it. We can see   this loader. And we have this image, which is  loading. It's the editor using AI. This one   was the first application. Now the second one is  called Jeopardy clone. So you have matched heard   of Chad deputy and what it does. So it's a tool, a  very powerful tool that can explain us some code,   or gave us some code if we type it the prompt. Or  you can give some question answers if we read the   question. But we don't have option to integrate  chargeability into our JavaScript or reactor.   But I have used some model from Open API to create  this application, which can give us some question   answers based on the knowledge or the clinical  piece of code, or all of this stuff. So let's   create this as well. So here I have a React app  with beat that I created just now. So let me clear   the code a little bit. In Abdo JSX, I went from  this, remove all this junk, removed class name,   let me remove this state of count. And this  literally, we used it because we knew it later.   Also, from the CSS, let me remove the black color.  Okay, leave the black color, we will work on this.   So let me explore this service first open API  service. We have documentation overview examples   that you can explore. Let's first login or depend  sign up if you want. So it will ask for the email   address to create an account and all. So you can  sign up. So let me just go back to open a website.   Let me Okay, this one in my generation. Let me go  to login. And let me log in with my email account.   Click Continue. So in the process of  logging in or registering, it will ask you,   why do you want to use this API service. So you  can choose that I want to create my own app,   only then you will get access. And that's how  I got access to this open AI beta. We have   text completion, code generation completion,  whatever image generation finding, so I don't   know the rest of things will use image generation  service here. All right. So let me explore this,   how to call this. So we can click this clip  documentation. Then let's click libraries.   Here we can install this in Norges. So basically,  we have to install it using this command npm.   Install OpenAI. Let's install. Wait a second.  We don't need this dollar. Okay. Let me move.   Now it will install and will be listed in package  dot JSON file. See this open a fine. Let's also   okay do nothing. Close it. Now we have to import  these things here. Configuration and open AI.   So let's say this is a module like es six module.  So we have to use import. So we can say import.   This just do from open AI. Inside we can have  configuration, comma, open AI, open a OPA   like this. So we have two things  imported here. Now we need to   initialize a configuration variable called this  configuration where it will take our API key.   So you can add your API key. So let me add my API  key. Create an API key from here API reference.   Not from here, let's say click this personal  icon, View API keys. Then, just copy and API   key from here, let me delete this revoke key or  just okay, we can recover. So just revoke the key,   create a new secret key, we can just  copy it and let him paste it in env file.   So in the source, we can create just this dot e  NV in the env file, we have to use VT, and the   key name. And this en, we should be outside the  source folder. Before this, we had it inside the   src folder, move it outside, and then simply  start the server, you will get the key here   of the week. And I think we don't need this  backticks or template literals. So we can also   remove this. Okay, now it's fine. We don't need to  restart. Okay. So it is here. So let me just copy   and replace this with this key. Now,  let's see what we have here next.   In the Okay, so let me go back to this image  generation. Okay, we have this configuration,   we will not here we went there. So let's see  libraries. Okay, so we have imported this in React   this configuration with the API key. Now we have  to use this. So we have to initialize one more   variable called Open AI. And this will contain  this open a configured a open AI that we imported   from open AI. And it takes a configuration that  we created here with the API key. Basically,   we're initializing our API, open API, open  API API. It's hard to pronounce open API API.   Fine. Now we have this response. So let's add  this response here. So for this to work, we   need to create a sync function. So let's create it  so const, let's say Get Image or let's say, gin,   rate image. I think the spelling of generate is  correct. Let him better look this on Google. I   think it's correct. Yes, it's correct. Generate,  okay. So you have to use your own API key, don't   use my API key. So in the generate a met image  function, make it a sync function, and just paste   this thing, await open AI, dot create completion.  But it's wrong. This is for something else,   it's for. Like, I think it's for completing  some text that we showed you in the beginning.   So instead, we will use open AI, dot create image,  create image this, and it will take not the model,   but that prompt. And this things like n, which  is number of images that we need to generate,   and the size of the image, like the resolution  that we have this, if we call this function,   it will return something. So let's say so in  this response, okay, in this note response,   okay, we need to just get the data and the  response. So we can say const, Ras or response,   then we can simply console dot log, this RAs,  and all of these items will just let me copy this   and paste it here are es dot data dot data,  the root index dot URL, I'm in the first URL   for this because we're generating only one image.  So now let's call the function. But before that,   okay, let me just create a button here. button  and say generate an image. On this button. Let's   assign this function to against on click Generate  image, we have this button that will be helpful to   or help us to generate image. So let's also do one  thing, okay, let's not do that. Okay, so create or   generate an image. Something is wrong Open Network  tab. It's pending. It will take some time like 10 seconds. Now, if you open the console, we  will have this link here in the console. So   if you open this link, it will open  up in a new tab. And you will see   the image that related to this prompt, say  this is a test. And this so it scrambled.   So instead of this Okay, one more  thing when regenerate the image,   and then open managed account in your daily  API. It's number and you will see that my   usage is this. So we get a $10 credit to use  the API for free, then we have some charges.   So if you see this daily API usage 7pm, okay.  So we have basically some usage here that we   can track. If it is, like it is, if it has  expired, you have to use or have to pay   using our account. So fine. So we have done this.  So now let's create a state here. And what the   state will do is, we have to get the prompt from  the input. For that let's create a state called   const. Oh, prom and that from B, O MBT. I must be  here, prompt and set prompt. So use state. Let's   say this is a string, because yes, it's string.  Now, let me create one input. So we can say input.   Here. We will have input but we need to  arrange them to div class name, let's say   app. Main. Now go over to let me close  the env file. Come over to advert CSS,   we will write the stylings here, we can remove  all of these, click add this, okay, some thing is   here that we need to leave I think this  class name, yes, fine little classmate.   Now let's say we have admin here, copy  the class, come here over here and say,   Lex, our display of flex, then flex direction  column. Now we'll have this input and button.   Now let's tile input. So we can say class name.  Let's say app input cookie. Now in this let's say   app input, let's say height 40 px, but it's too  much let's try 30 or 30 is fine. If we type 2020   is also fine. We can type anything in here.  Fine. Now let's give it some margin around them   or around it the country pixels. Now we have this  also let's add width of 200 pixels to make it big.   Like this we can type in here. Let me zoom  this and yes, this is perfect. Perfect.   Let's give it an h1 here. Or Yes h1 Here. Jen  rate image using have been a I APA I think   I'm pronouncing this correct now. Yes sir.  It's too big but bit to make it an h3 not h1   to decrease in size. We can now design is  broken or we can say the server content   okay this will not work because you know  my previous video was all about this.   Now it will look p p o okay. Okay, okay. Okay.  Now, what we got to do is let me zoom this Okay,   we have this text. So, let me set the prom from  this input. So we can see on change wanna change   we can generate an event and then call this  function that prompt and store this event dot   target value inside this state using this function  not validation message value. Now this state which   is from should have this so we can replace this  or we can add this as well and this as well as the   input field or you can do that fine and  generate your image. Now if you type   something and click Generate image,  this will throw us a link here. The   terminal, our console. Yes console. So  okay, let me also add a placeholder, that   placeholder that says, in turn, or type  something to generate generate an image.   Okay, two dots. I think we have to make the size  a little bit bigger, some big 400. Too much 300.   Let's see, 300 is fine. Okay. Now, we have a  place to assess prompt state in order work.   So let's think of something, let's say, a  man on a beach. Now click generate an image,   it will take some time. So let's wait for this.  Don't worry, I will add a loader or a text.   So we have this image now click this link. And  we will have a mage, a man on a beach like this.   It's wonderful, isn't it? I think it is. It is  wonderful. And so I think the usage of per API   call or per request is 0.0. dollars. So we have  $18. That's, I think, sufficient for testing   this otherwise, if you can pay then you can pay.   So now what we have to do is let's create an  image tag here. IMG tag, images, source something.   Let's add something, save this. But since we don't  have the worth of this, we will not see it here.   So what we can do is create one more state.  So let's say const. It is right and set it is   because to use date, employees train because image  will be a link in text. So we can set it here,   not in so in the console dot log. So if you open  that URL or just mark the SRCS link, as a result,   it will be here when we type and generate the  image. So it will you will see that the result is   this so we can just use knowledge, what is it  called Inside the curly bracket? It is called   Knowledge coalescing, I think it's interesting. Or  what we can do is we can say if result, dot length   is more than zero, only then show this else  show an empty fragment, we can add it here.   So then we don't need this. Now save. Let's give  it a try. So let's add something else. A man   in a hole cannot this time not a  mountain or a beach wall cannot   click Generate image. Let's wait for it to  generate. Okay, we don't need the console.   And we'll get this messy image that we can make  smaller. We can say class name, result image.   Just cover this class and add it here. And we can  say with 400 pixels. That will be fine or 300.   Okay, 300 is fine. Some top margin the margin top  20 pixels. Fine. So we have this image to spin.   That's all I think I can make  it 350 That's fine. Fine. Fine.   If you click it again, this will generate a  new image. So let's wait for it some time.   And you will see now oh let's spend things  or just say Mona Lisa. Let's try this it will take some time and it looks ugly. I mean  this technique, this thing or whatever it is. Look   Sorry. So now let's type something really  different. I think let's say, Let me think.   Let's say a bird riding. Okay, not this,  let's say a horse riding a Dyna dyno.   Thor. Now let's see what we get this in  this respect. So basically, this service   open API generates image using AI. So whatever  we type, okay, this is not a horse. It's a man,   let's say a camel riding. Yes. So basically,  it uses AI to mix images according to the   prompt. So that's what it is. And I think it's  a camel riding a dinosaur, but it's not a camel,   it's still a human being. But that's fine.  All right. So that's how we create a service,   or app and react that can generate image using  this new dolly API from open AI API service   to generate image. For the second application, we  will use chargeability. In our React application,   we will use open a model to do that, because  we don't have any current integrations from   chat API to in our React core Javascript app. So  let's do that. But first, let's see a glimpse of   what it can do. So we can give it a prompt like  this explain quantum computing in simple terms,   if you click this, Send button, or enter, this  will trigger and it will start this answer.   Which is this, we can stop,  I don't think we can stop.   So we can create different types of conversation.  For example, when this is ends, when this ends,   we will have this named as quantum computing,  like this symbol coordinating, we can create a   new chat. And here we can say, what are how  do I make a JavaScript request using HTTP,   or even fetch API? Now click this  button, it will give you this answer.   Like this, we can have several methods  to do all of these you can read this,   it will also give you the code here,  which is this. Fine. So if it ends,   again, this will be named as the prompt,  how do I make an HTTP request in JavaScript?   So it will give you all the answers  that you need. So it's a powerful app,   see if it is now getting renamed. So we're  gonna delete this chat. Yes. And then we   can get a question answered as well, like, got  any creative ideas for 10 year olds birthday?   If we click enter, this will give us the answer.  It can solve any problems or make a list for gifts   and do all the stuff that you want it to do. Fine.  Yes, very good tool. I don't have to say more. In   this setup, I have a React app with nothing. So  it's all empty. But we have a commented console   log here. So if we understand this, we will see  the open API API key here. So let me show you.   Let me bring it down here. Okay, now see, this is  the API key that we have in the console. So let me   just comment it out. Fine. So to get this key, you  have to create a env file here. And we have to add   this string, wait open API key and this API key  from open AI. Sorry, open API. To get the API key,   simply go to open If you don't have  any account here, sign up, or else just login,   select me login and show you the API key  the source so you have to enter the email   and this check. So we need all the cards. So  verify. Continue. Then let me enter the password   and continue. So we will see this page.   Now to get the key just go to this. This  this this personal and View API keys.   Here you have these keys. When create a key and  get started to click the or to see the usage,   you can simply go to Manage Account. Here you  will see the usage. So I have used 0.6 $7 of mine   account from a account, the total amount, I have  a certain knowledge, which is free, fine. And it   expires on March word of the next year. So that  out of the way, now, let me go to the homepage.   So, we need to create an AI app in React, similar  to what we have in charge of eight. So let me open   chargeability. So, we cannot use this in our  reactor for now or in JavaScript app because   we don't have the capability to integrate it.  It's just something exemplary, or we can say   it is. What is it? What is the word? It is for?  Review usage? Yes. So, if we click the examples,   we will see all of these categories like q&a,  grammar collections, so we can use all of these   into our React app. So let me show how to do that.  So first, let me create a component here are first   a folder called components. In this folder,  let's create two files. First will be option.   Election, dot j s x. And second component will  be let's say, let's say what can we call it?   So let's say what can we call the  component, let's say translation.   Because here, we will translate the component  so JSX, like this, I know we have two components   here. Let me close this. So now what we have to  do in this oxygen election, we have to create   all of these options like this, we see. So make  a functional component here. And simply call or   render component inside app dot JSX  into our main component, like this.   Now if you see the app, we will see  this text here. So let me remove this.   Just let me remove this div and make a fragment  from react. inside. Let's make a word tag for the   heading, which says react AI app. in bold letters.  If you want to get some fonts, just head over to and get some fonts from here.  Just paste this inside your CSS. So let me just   remove all let me select Poppins because it's  my favorite font. So we can select regular 400,   italic, in bold font, medium 500. And  that's all so just copy all this using   clicking this icon here. This I can celebrate  families. And just just do what just copy   this input and paste this inside the app dot css  at the top. So we can remove all of these because   we don't need all of these points. So remove.  And to get the text from h1 are in this font,   we can add a class name and say heading.  Inside this we can say heading and font family   Poppins. If and this will be now  in Poppins font, just like that.   Fine. Now we need to create all these menus  menu items like small tabs. So it's better   to create one array, some mock data so  we can say let's create a folder called   grid or let's say AI options. In this, we can say  index dot j s x sorry, not JSX let's say JSON. Or what should we call it? Let's say JSX  fine JavaScript file and then say const   array items, which will contain all of these  items in an array object. So we can say name.   This will be q, and a. So I will not use all of  these items, I will just use a few of them, like   q&a grammar collection, text to command and all.  So we can say name, then let's say ID, ID will be,   let's say, Q. Question and a like  this fine. Let's say some description.   Description In here, we will say answer.  Questions based on existing, exist in knowledge   point. So just like that, we can create  a lot of these as much as you can want,   or do you want. So I read a bunch of these into  the React app from this list. You can add more if   you want, but I have already or I have just added  12345677 pieces. So let's get the items into our   app projects expert. First, we have to export  this array items. Now we can simply do import   array items from a options from   that file. Okay, now we can simply console log  to check what we are getting in the console.   So you will see we are getting seven items in  the array. Now we can traverse through each item.   So let's just add the items inside. Or just  pass it as props into option selection.   Because here, we will select the option. Right.  Now, let me just map all these items. So we can   say we need to create a grid so we can set Dave  first. Inside, let's map it. So our items dot map,   let's see item.   So we can say return an empty fragment. In this,  we can simply have an h3, which will be the title   of that particular item. So we can say item, dot  let's see what is the key name they have added.   The key name is called name, item dot name. And  second will be will be p tag item dot description   we will get all these items. According  to the array. No, all we have to do is to   make them in a grid. So we can say  div class name, let's say grid main.   So we can just copy this and add it here.  Grid main display off grid. Then we can   say grid template columns auto and auto to make  them two in a row. But something is wrong here.   Let me open that index dot CSS. And I have to  remove something from here, I think. So let me   remove all of these except this one. But why it  is failing? So I guess we have to add a div here.   Yes, now it's working. If I removed him,  it will not be proper. But if I add a div,   it will be properly rendered.  So we are editing this file.   Now in this wave, give us a demo class name of  let's say grid child because it's a child like   every item is the child air pods grid of the can  sixth grade child, let's say let's add a border   or what we have here is nothing. So  what can we do? Let's make this an h4   to make it a little bit smaller, fine.  So we can say great child in this   let's say great child h4. Let's add font family  Poppins and font weight 600 Fine. What if we add   700 We need to make them bold but it's fine. Now  in great child b tag we need to add Poppins but   we need to decrease the font size so we can  say font size. Let's say you've been pixels let's remove this and make 500 What's not getting  refreshed? What why? Let's add 12 Yes, now it's   working. So basically, let's make this an h3 and  revert this back to h3 to make the text bigger.   Fine. I think that's fine. looking fine.  Now let's add a border. So great child.   Border one pixels, solid,   white smooth color like this. We can also add a  gap between all the items to say gap 10 pixels,   or 15 will be fine as well.  Now we need to make these   what is the we need to make the border curved  around it? So we can say border radius 15 pixels   as well. Now they're curved current. What if we  make this two pixels? Yes, now it looks fine.   So also, we can add some padding to sing the  items like this. Now it looks much better.   We have reacted if title. And this also  late set margin top 20 pixels to shift them   in the top at 20, but margin top 20 Let's set  3040. Now it's fine. Yes, it's working fine.   Now what we need to do is or let's do something  like this. So if you hover the titles or this   card, we should see a highlight options. So we  can say first cursor pointer. Now if you hover   them will see this pointer cursor here. Now in  the grid child, we can say dot grid child hover   over in this we can say background  color as white smoke and color s 212121.   You save and if you Now hover the items will  see this kind of thing. Which is I think great.   By but something should be checked here. So in  ebook CSS, we are having all of these items,   max width margin text align center index dot css,  okay, this is the problem and we have to remove   font size from here. Okay, nothing happened.  Okay, leave it fine. So we are saying this   ugly looking items. Now what needs to happen is  in this example, so let's say you open the first   one called q&a. So we have a response lists, we  have this like we have this response, which has   model prompt temperature and all. So we have to  make them default for each item. So to do that,   we need to create a function. Or we can do this  as well. So in this app in this area of objects,   we can add the model using an object so we can  say option, let's add option, and this will be an   object. So for this q&a, we have to copy  all of these and paste it here and save.   But the problem is it will not look like  that. So I guess we have to do it from here.   We have to send it from  here directly. So we can say   let me remove this console log. And then  we can say can or const select option   we have our arrow function which will take  option value. I mean option Behram we can pass   let me Okay, nothing there, it's fine. We have  to pass this function as props to this Component   Options election. So let's get it here. Fine. Now  if you click this child, we should trigger this.   So we can on click the Select option but I guess  I have to add the items as options here. Only then   it will work. So let's add this just remove the  prompt because this will be dynamic except the   rest. So let me add this for now. So what will  happen is if we click this select option function   is the one click should send this item dot this  key option. So let's do that item dot option.   Now, in here in the amber JSX, we can  simply console dot log this option   like this. Now let's see what  happened. If you click q&a at the top,   we are reading all of these. But we still need  one text area, or input field for these items.   So let me show you what I mean. So  click this click open playground.   We need something like this a text area. Okay,  like this, we need my, so what can we do so in   this other component, translation, or JSX,  let's create it, the RFC. Let's save this.   And let's import translation from this  component and just render it out here.   Translation. And we will see it here if  you close the console, but we need to see   the translation only when  we have selected the option.   So let's create one state here. So let's  say const. Let's say option and set option   equals to use state use state.  And it will be an object.   So we can set it here like this. When we click  or trigger the function to a free console,   in the console, this option initially, we  should get nothing I think, so let's see.   See, we are getting this object and it's empty. So  to check if it is empty, we have to convert this   into an array. So we can say wrap this inside  when parentheses is the object dot values. And   it will convert it in an array of values from  this. And we can say Slynt. If you refresh,   it will select the zero it means the error is  empty, or we have nothing inside this object.   If you clear it, and look again, it will be  seven. Because we will have seven items inside   the array to check we can simply do this. See,  we will have seven items. So we need to show   this translation component only when we have  something inside this object. So we can say   wrap this inside a curly bracket to make it  conditional. So we can say object dot values dot   option, I mean objective values option length.  If it is zero, we need to show this component.   Else we need to show translation. Wait, if it  is zero, go to refresh. If a click Quick q&a,   we will see this component now translation.  So inside this let's add a text area text area   of HTML, we have this. So we can style  this subject class name, text area.   We can also specify the row and columns. So we  can say columns, let's say pour into was small,   let's say 40. Now that's fine, we can increase  it make it a T by this looks fine. And let's also   add some lows to increase the height. So let's  say 40 as well. If it is too much, let's set a t   okay 2020 is fine. We're gonna type it  inside it. So in the text area, we have to   change the font size. So to make the  font bigger so we can say text area.   Font Size, let's say 20 pixels. Now  we have this and it looks fine. So   if you're making this font size 30 So we  have to decrease the column so let's say 60   or 30. That is small, let's say 40 What the What  about 5050 is fine motherboard 60 extends too   much is going out of the screen. 50 is fine also  make this as 10. Now this looks fine, correct? Fine. Also, we can add a little padding here. We  can say padding 10 pixels. Now we have this cool   looking text idea. Let's add the font size for  the font family as Poppins. To get the font in   Poppins. We can also make this 55. Yes, no, looks  fine, fine. So this is done. Now we need a button   to translate. So let's add it. Like to trigger the  function so we can save button and say, do your   tough now save, let's style our buttons knows the  class name, let's say action button. Action BTN.   In the CSS style, this we can say with 200  pixels, height 50 pixels and font size 20 pixels.   Fine, left side margin top 20 pixels.  And that's all also cursor as pointer.   Now we have this and this. Now the options are  here. Now if you click or refresh the page,   you will see this page, click this we will see  this thing if you refresh, or let me do one more   thing as well. So in this translation, let's also  add one more button to reset all of this. So we   can say button, reset, reset, reset, reset add  the class name here. But I guess we don't need   that for now. So let's leave it removed about 10  minutes refresh the page by if you do your stuff,   this should trigger a function correct.  So let's say console party const do tough   and in this function let's do something  later. So just first pass it inside this   translation component as props receive  it here and make onchange so the unclick   this function also create one more  state for the input. So we can say const   input and set input. So you will state and string  pass this will hear in translation component   receive it or destructor it then on  this input of text area we can on change   you can say it will take  up param called E or event   and we can say or we can just store event  dot target dot value inside this input.   If I type something and check this state  called input, let's see what we are getting   open the console and type something and we're  getting it here. So let's say we type hello   we will get Hello here like this. Now, we  are passing let me open this we are passing   all the options here in this function called  option. So this is an object. So we can append   this option like all of these options with this  text ad I input to make the full set of this   to make a full set of this using prompt.  So you can simply destructure this.   So we can take we can see options comma,  let's say prompt and prompt will be this input   file. So if you're not console log the option  let's see what we are getting. So open the console   like this options are here. But the prompt is  empty. See if you type something like Nishan here,   you will see from the still empty Okay  wait. So we need to set this in options.   Okay, let's do this. Let's console  dot log this inside this to stuff.   Now if you click those stuff, it will  say this and prompt is still empty.   So I made a mistake. So what we need to do is we  need to set the options from this error object   when we click the card. Now, if you console  dot log this, let's see what we're getting.   There considering the options, so click this, and  we'll get all this. But we don't have prompt here.   So when we need to, we need to use the prompt or  set it in this do stuff function. So we can do   it like this. Now, if you type something in the  this text box, you will see this prompt here.   Now click the button, do stuff.  And we will see the prompt this.   So let me start again. Initially, this will be  empty object. See, if you click this card q&a,   we will get all of the items but not the  prompt. Now click Nishant or admission here,   you will see nothing. But if  you click the Do stuff button,   we will see the prompt here as Nishan. So  we are now having the full set of the items.   Now all we need to do is translate this  here. So let me copy all of these items.   So copy this configuration and open  it. Okay, I need to install it as well.   Because I did install it. So we can say go to  this tutorial. How to install this in production.   Quick Start tutorial. No, let's say  examples playground API reference overview.   Let me figure out how to install this  because I have forgotten. So to install   list, simply open terminal and  add this. So NPM, I open AI,   enter, and it will install the open AI into our  project. That's all check the package JSON to see   if it has had been installed or not see, fine, was  in 3.1 Point zero. So close the terminal. Now we   need to go back to this quickstart tutorial.  We not this try examples. Yes, try q&a.   And now we need all of these items  from open AI. So we can import this.   So we can say let's import them at the top.  Or we can say import something from open AI.   And inside we can add configuration   and open API. Then we need to create the instance  for this configuration just like it says here.   So let's create it here. And this will take the  API key. So we can simply cut the page from here   and paste it. The next step is to create instance  of this open API using the API key and this   configuration so added here. That's done. And  now we need to do is this so in this function   we need to do all of the items so  we don't need to set options here,   we can simply create one object  so let's select object equals to   these items, so cut this and paste the move  the state and if you know console, this   options are option let's see the  result. No not options are the object.   Now let's check this click this nothing  will happen. Add some text like hello.   No enter or press this button. It will  see these items. So prompt is hello and   all the items that we are getting perfect.  Fine. So in this function, we have to add   the response. And we have to make the function  as async like this for Asynchronous JavaScript.   Now, we need to pass the object here, not this  items. So we can remove this object parenthesis   and simply say object. Now if you console  dot log, this response let's see what we get. So just say Theologie. Response, I think it will  work now. So let's start from the beginning.   Let's copy some question. Let's say this. Let's  paste it and see what we will get like this,   paste this question and say do your stuff. So it  will take some time. So now we are getting it.   Yeah, so now we are getting it, if you open  data, we will see the choices. In the choices,   we will have the text. So let me just do response  dot data dot choices zeroeth index dot txt.   Now we will get the entire text only, not some  other thing. So try again, and we will get this.   Now let's create one state called result.  So we can say const. result and set result   equals to US state empty string. Now we have to  store this response inside the state and pass   this as props. Now we have to get the props in the  toggle General J six and add the text after this   text area. This so let's do that. So I have added  this result dot length, if it is less than zero or   more than zero, we will see result LLC nothing  or empty string. I have also added the model   temperature and all all options in other objects  as well like grammar correction, like this. Now   all we need to do is just try this. So refresh the  page. Let's try grammar correction, which is after   q&a, which converts the wrong English to Standard  English. So let's try this. Do your stuff.   And we will get this correct answer.  So let's try something else. My   name a nation note is we have  typed a no click Do your stuff.   They will see the both texts here. She didn't go  to the market. My name is Nishan. If we add one,   space or enter, let's see what we get.   Really good. Same thing. It will not be separated  by spaces. But I think we have to do this   one space. I think that's how we get space  here. No, it's backslash dot forward slash   do your stuff. Okay, it's not working fine.  Doesn't matter. So that's how it works. If you   add one only it will give you one. Now let's  try other ones like what is this? Java school   JavaScript to Python code translator.  So open this JavaScript to Python.   Let's copy this code and add it here. Now  click Do your stuff. Let's see the output here.   So we will get the Python code. But  without indentation, that's fine.   Because I have not added internet indentation  here. So we have an array called docks.   And we're pushing all the docks for each into this  car array docs into car ready. So in the Python,   we can simply do append Auto, and this is how  it works. Fine. So I think this is done. So   we can say translation of English to other  languages. So let's try this one at last. All right, where does it? Let's see. Let me  search for this. English to other languages.   Okay, this is there. So let's see this.  translate this into French, Spanish and Japanese.   So this text will be translated  into three items to your stuff. There we'll see this one is I think French. This  one is Spanish and third one is Japanese. So it is   working. So that's how we create. Now you can also  create one react, AI f this that does all of these   things dynamically. It can explain code or convert  the code to Python from JavaScript, or summarize   for second grader and give her some answers.  So again, go ahead and create this. And I think   that's all you liked the video and subscribe to my  channel thank you so much for watching the video
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Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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