ChatGPT & 3D Printing: Self-Replicating AI Machines!

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hey there internet and welcome back to the lab in this video I will present to you my ingenious idea on how we can combine artificial intelligence and self-replicating machines to bring us all one step closer to the robot Uprising I'll even let some AI generated code run on my 3D printer As a treat this idea of mine started on November 30th on the release date of chat GPT chat GPT is a state-of-the-art chatbot developed by open AI that allows users to generate human-like text based on a given prompt one of the unique things about chat GPT is its ability to generate code by using this feature developers can input natural language descriptions of the code they want and chat GPT will generate the corresponding code in the desired programming language the ideas we'll use opennesscad a popular open source software tool for creating 3D models with this it allows for users to Define geometry of a 3D object using a scripting language which can then be exported as a STL file for 3D printing my brilliant idea is with chat GPT you can simply describe the 3D object you want to create in natural your language chat GPT will generate the corresponding openscat code and openscat will generate the 3D model for printing zero modeling experience required but of course not just humans could benefit from this the AI could build upon the experience of the red wrap project and design its own physical form which I would find very adorable what you're about to see is a first and blind attempt at this lightly edited to conform to modern day attention spans if you only want to see the results feel free to skip to the end but I found this process very interesting what would stop me from using this chatbot to generate open ascad code for decorating my Christmas tree we will see what kind of results I'll find let us start by asking it for a Christmas tree ball and just like that it starts generating the code now the fun thing about this it also generates some small pieces of documentation or explanation what the code actually does and of the two parameters we can influence here which is very fun oh would you look at that this somewhat looks like some decoration maybe the hmm maybe this won't print that well but hey it's a start I wrote zero lines of code I just asked the machine to give me some data and I'd call this very impressive but um we would need to add a cylinder through the middle to connect these two and the fun thing about this thing being a chatbot is we can just ask it for that and just like that we have some new code and it even documented the changes it made which is very nice that still doesn't look right so I think I'll ask it to make the cylinders way bigger whatever we got now oh would you look at that I would say in just three requests we have ourselves a nice little Christmas tree decoration the first one is set let's reset this thread and start a new perhaps this time with a a snowflake would be nice that's a lot of variables and it seems like this time around we are getting an error the code it generator did not use proper syntax that can always occur we didn't get lucky this time but I will just copy exactly the same prompt and ask it again because every time it gives a different answer oh that's even more code oh and it even explains to me that I need to use open Ascot which is a free and open source 3D modeling program for those of you that are programmers I can really recommend using this tool [Music] hmm it seems like this iteration also doesn't really make any sense I keep playing with this code to understand what the hell the machine was thinking but that's the problem the machine wasn't thinking it was just doing so we'll just try again interesting this is not even properly formatted or anything well I copy it anyways and try out oh look at that very promising think except for the height with which is a bit too much this thing is very nice can you add use the Extrusion height I think we have ourselves a snowflake last of all we can't really hang this I might have to add a hole manually for tying a string but first I'll just ask it if it can add the hole for me this time around it added these circles all around those would be cool but it used the circle command instead of the cylinder command so I'll just ask it you should use the cylinder command instead of circle and we have our response and it even added the height parameter correctly which is very cool oh it seems like I was mistaken we are mixing 2D and 3D objects the circle command was the right way to go and instead this Translate command was the issue so we can just edit this prompt foreign so we can copy this and we have a circle in the middle we can tie a string through this thing that looks like a very nice slow flag to me second decoration done bada bing bada boom reset thread what should we do next we have a snowflake we have a Christmas tree ball I'd say next off we try to do a Christmas tree topper generate open s-card code for a Christmas tree topper oh it seems to be stuck no it just needed to calculate some more our servers are quite overloaded at the moment so I can understand that wow that's um that's um what the hell is this that is not correct open Ascot syntax as you can see if I paste this it is not proper syntax it throws arrows everywhere warning warning warning that doesn't work so we just set tell it that is not proper open S cut syntax try again and it's doing it again that is not the proper syntax since it's not getting it I'll tell it that that is not how old mascot syntax work and it should try starting over no no no no no no this is not how the programming language Works they'll need to put in some more work if they want to decorate my tree with this I think we'll have to try again resetting This Thread and asking it for a different prompt [Music] generate a Christmas tree Chopper in open s-cat that looks like good syntax we copy it paste it oh cone look at that it thinks open Ascot has a cone module we'll just tell it that and I'd even give it a hint at how it could replace this code command open Ascot does not have a cone object you could use cylinder with D1 D2 and height to approximate a cone let's see if it understands this okay it seems to have understood this concept I'll have to ask it to apply this knowledge that it has just gained to the code it has written up here so I now ask it if it can replace the cone line in the Christmas tree topper code up here with this new knowledge it seems like it understood so what do we get hmm [Music] a quite interesting piece of geometry I have a hard time believing that this would fit well onto the Christmas tree I must admit but it managed to fix the programming error after I told it how it's done so I am very impressed I must admit maybe the Christmas tree topper wasn't the best idea I think I wrap up trying to generate decorations and talk about the limitation of this tag because right here we can see pretty clearly the AI doesn't really understand open ascad now just to be clear this is a specific limitation with the language of open mascot because we are creating 3D models here for more well-known languages such as Python and C plus plus these problems occur way more infrequently let's reset This Thread and I'll ask it a really genuinely hard question I'll ask you to generate open Escort code for a Nema 17 motor bracket and this will show the approach the AI takes on generating these pieces of code quite well look how cute here we can see a big problem with the code these things generate it doesn't really have an understanding of the geometry it is creating it's just piecing together various Snippets of code it found in its training data set but the AI was trained for very different purposes than 3D geometry generation I would not be able to mount a motor to something with this geometry or if I ask it for a somewhat complex model like a 3D printout and I don't think it'll be able to generate this ah this code will generate a 3D model of a hotend with a diameter of 20 millimeters and a length of 50 millimeters the hotend will be mounted on a base with a diameter six millimeters larger than the Hutton itself and a height of 10 millimeter let's see what kind of geometry this spits out foreign [Music] last time I checked my hot ends aren't just cylinders as you just saw 3D modeling is a complex process that requires a high level of technical expertise and specialized software and where the results were impressive unfortunately chat DPT is not really capable of generating 3D models yet we'll have to wait some more for the next Warren 2 Bet probe Fork to be AI generated there are several reasons for this firstly opmascot is a specialized programming language that is designed specifically for creating 3D models its commands and syntax are not easily understood by a general purpose language model like chat GPT secondly 3D modeling requires a deep understanding of spatial relationships and geometry which is beyond current natural language processing technology chat GPT is good at generating text but it is not yet good enough to understand and manipulate complex 3D shapes you'd have to integrate geometric feedback into the learning function of the AI instead of language the focus of the learning would be 3D modeling you'd have to imply something like geometric deep learning but I don't know I'm no AI expert but the fact that a chatbot optimized for human-like text can generate results this impresses shows the potential of this workflow I have high hopes for the future thanks for staying with me to the end if you have thoughts on this topic or want to motivate me to make more videos leave a comment below we'll see when I find the motivation to edit the next one until then All Hail to the machine spirits
Channel: Kyberwerk
Views: 294,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D printing, 3d, printing, gpt-3, ChatGPT, reprap, voron, AI, artificial intelligence, openscad, programming, maker, diy, code generation, CAD, computer-aided design
Id: tIIFKPzysok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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