Chasing the Light to Palouse falls - In the field episode #3

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we have some awesome clouds coming in there's a little bit of lightning in this one I'm not hopeful that will actually get lightning but even if we don't we're going to get awesome skies and that is as good as anything so pack it up and follow in our radar maps so the thing about photographing storms and storm clouds is that you want to get ahead of you want to shoot it from the outside looking in you know like either get ahead of it and photograph looking back or be behind it you want to shoot it from the edges so you can see you know all of that awesome sky and cloud cover we're a little bit late as always get in here so we need to hurry up and get set up and I want to kind of use a longer focal length and really compress that get those windmills looking really small with those huge clouds there so I'm gonna get set up here all right so I'm kind of looking for the most interesting part of the sky and really the whole thing is cool it kind of almost makes me want to shoot a panorama but we're going to use a nice long focal length and try to compress it all together so I'm going to be shooting at ISO 100 and go f11 for something nice and sharp I'm going to shoot in live view just so I can really dial in my focus when I'm focusing in live view I'm using my zoom button zooming into ten times magnification and really dial it in like that the way I know that I'm getting a nice and sharp my focal at my shutter speed is one 80th of a second tripods going to help that turning off image stabilization do a two second timer that's giving me a pretty good pretty good stable shot sky is awesome I love a sky like this I don't know if we'll get lucky enough to get any any lightning I know there's some lightning in this storm in this particular cell that's a you can see that is just killer sky big awesome an epic I'm going to get some telephoto shots really kind of compressing compressing it all together making those clouds look big and ominous then I'm going to do a wide-angle shot show the breadth of this problem with doing a wide-angle shot is there's not really any foreground here at all all right I'm going to switch over to the 16 to 35 so a cool little toy I just picked up is this filter ring adapter and basically when you want to put put a filter on you put this thing on first you attach the other part to your filter and then it goes on magnetically really really cool it gets set up here I've got a polarizer on I doubt that it's going to do a whole lot but I figured out what the heck we'll give it a shot get focused stop down f-14 I'm going to have to bracket these I think because we got the Sun just peeking through here turn on my highlight alert and yep definitely blowing that areas sky out so I stopped down a little bit or I meana racking my shots a little bit just gonna do a second exposure slightly darker bass stop and a half two steps darker definitely see over there on the horizon that's where the lightning is going to be happening if there is lightning in this storm that is really killer but over there I think is really where the the good lightning and stuff is going to be happening so this whole storm is kind of traveling would it be north northeast and by looking at my radar maps I have kind of an idea of where it's going to go and basically I'm just going to kind of jump from place to place try to get out ahead of it and just follow it and try to make it line up with various foreground spots obviously this is kind of more of a telephoto shot as it gets closer to me I'm going to be looking for more wide-angle shots it's looking pretty ominous that way as well man just I just love a good dramatic sky alright let's hop in the car look at our radar try to figure out where to go next alright so we're just getting to Palouse Falls it's pretty lucky that I have such an epic waterfall so close to home it's about a 40 minute drive and the clouds were heading right for it I don't think there's going to be a lightening in this group but we definitely have some drama and crazy rain going on in the sky and although I have a whole bunch of shots from Louisville ran out springtime prep road and now it's springtime which means that there's just a ton of water coming over the water it's a great time to shoot if we've got really dramatic skies got about two hours until sunset so most of this might clear out by the time sunset happens might not you never know but when the Sun pokes out which it looks like it's going to we can easily get some rainbows or something cool so I don't want to jinx it but something cool I am so loose Falls alright so Palouse Falls it's officially the official waterfall of Washington State really just an amazing place because it's is this place where this little river the Palouse cut this in huge Gorge in the passat rock and it's I don't know the exact number of feet that it falls but somewhere in the like 120 foot range quite a lot of water and just this huge amazing Gorge that it feeds into really amazing and you get to basically just perch on the edge of this huge cliff to shoot it it's kind of sketchy people have died here from being stupid but if you're not stupid you're okay so we're hiking up I'll show you guys what we got so you can probably see why people have died here pretty sketchy when you look over the edge sheer cliff you can see that there's trails on the edges of this huge cliff where you go down and then go down the rock slide and end up at the bottom I've never done it looks kind of sketchy to me this is where we're going to set up if you look over this way there's breaks in those clouds eventually the Sun is going to hit one of those breaks and it's going to light up the edges here so I want to be set up and ready for it when it happens I've already got several good shots from this area actually from this exact perch but you never have too many right really wide shot so even a 16-millimeter the valley down here are the gorge going away from you and I really get like zero sky so in order to get it all you have to do a panorama that's what we're going to do today I might even do like a two row panorama just go like super crazy super crazy bottom so I'm going to get set up and we'll get to it thank you enjoy right all right so let me show you guys what we're doing here I've got it pretty much leveled to where when i pan it in the dead center of the frame when I bring up my level you can see it's pretty much level in the center and it stays almost level all the way across here that way I can do a great big old panorama which is going to be the only way to get enough of the sky for it to be interesting I don't want to cut off the bottom of the waterfall down there the bottom of the bowl area so I'm making sure to leave enough room on the bottom of the frame and the top of the frame and then once that light pops out I'll get my settings and we'll shoot it I've got a three-stop ND filter on here which is enough to give me like a one second exposure right now but once that Sun pops out that's drastically going to change it'll probably be more like a half second my settings right now are 1.3 seconds f-18 and ISO 50 and that's that one seconds definitely going to change I'm doing a two-step to a to stop bracket just two shots the second exposure is to stops darker that way I can retain my highlights in the sky alright so once the light pops out if it pops out I'm ready it doesn't pop out we'll take some shots anyways we got it's a really cool guy back here best composition is definitely here get to isn't that gorgeous here's the here's the creepy deal now I'm kind of thinking most of the really nice clouds are kind of going this way we have some really awesome stuff that's going to happen over to the west and we good stuff that's happening away over there in the there's a lot of rain falling out of that cloud but none of it is going to happen here and you know if I was coming on a big long photo trip and this was my final destination I would stay here and get the shot but I can come here any time because it's only 40 minutes away I want to go somewhere where I can really utilize the weather that we have right now so I think we're going to go somewhere else kind of got a shot we had a little bit of rainbow being created the mist had some cool sky and stuff and some some kind of hitting these walls but I think we can get something better somewhere else so we're going to pack up and kind of head back towards the weather and get up somewhere where we can see the horizon and hopefully get some kind of either really nice light bouncing off some of these big clouds or get a really epic sunset pointed to the West which you know is not a direction that we can shoot at Palouse Falls we're kind of pointing like north-northeast almost for southeast so gonna pack up and go see if we can find something better someone's so a quick little tip any time you're traveling somewhere that has a little bit of wildlife always travel with your longest lands that you have on you mounted in your lap because you never know when you're going to like you know see a bull you know some amazing animal right on the side of the road you want to be able to photograph it also this giant rainbow over the herring I should probably take a shot of that I knew that we're going to get some rainbows it's just a matter of whether they're close enough to photograph and yeah so I'm going to ISO 100 °f 8 under expose it a little bit to bring up saturation boom not the best shot in the world but at least I got a shot of a rainbow so we're going to keep driving though I want to get close to some windmills and see if we can um see if we can get up nice and close and hopefully the sky is going to do what I think it's going to do that way we can shoot wide-angle get in a whole bunch of us died man we got some really dramatic clouds off this way and if we can get closer to those clouds and still have the Sun hitting it like we did over there we're going to get a big rainbow then the trick is to try to find some kind of foreground all I'm going to put in front of that room so let's see if we can do got like 10 minutes till sunset and look at the light it is getting epic we got to try to make it to the top of a hill or something because I got nothing we weren't going to make it to the windmills of time this road does kind of go up to the tip of this build I'm hoping once we get up there and get some light beam cast over these wheat fields oh it's a good sunset and I was not in position for it I hate that loop we're driving crazy trying to get there she might do so hazard on so we're hurrying trying to get there I'll see if we made it we literally have to like jump out and take a picture we've got about 2 minutes before it falls over the horizon I'm going to do is I'm going to shoot down the road and kind of use it as a as a line see if we can pick it up the hill no he's going to quickly rattle off a couple bracketed shots gorgeous sky though man really really awesome sky this is literally my life right now I am constantly panicking trying to get that damn foreground on it look at this beautiful it's about to get choked out by the clouds see we got some stuff back behind us basically just kind of doing a shot here with the road in the foreground take the brighter shot and then the darker shot to get that sky man want a bummer I totally failed on this one guys this sucks I'm going to do a dead-center composition basically I'm just panning up getting lots of sky and putting the Sun in the dead center totally failed epic fail that's what happens when you get to when you don't commit to your shot if we would have waited to Palouse Falls we wouldn't get guy all this epic sky probably but we got let got something there is a grain elevator down there maybe what we should do is head down there and when all this starts turning purple will silhouette that grain elevator against the sweet sky if it turns purple I'm not so sure that it's going to but it'll be better than just sitting here and getting the same thing over and over but this is not nothing special so you like make it down this hill whoa alright we're going to head down the road try to get that silhouette of the grain elevator against this cool sky get to experience crazy driving Oh all down there and see if we get there and it really looks like it's just going to get choked out right at the end is going to be so epic oh there's nothing worse than coming so close to like a really epic sunset and then have it just fizzle at the end I guess since I kind of fizzled at the end and I wasn't ready for it it's not the end of the world but and that sucks No drive down here do a power slide around this corner do a power slide around the corner we get a shot here Oh nothing else we're getting some good driving awesome clubhouse quality turn is an abandoned it's one is all that there's power lines everywhere yeah all right here we are okay simply can make something here so here is the grain elevator that I'm talking about looks like we might get a little bit of color in this guy see mixed ball Nick's fault that we're photographing power lines so I'm zooming in manually focusing gonna bracket my shots and yeah totally photographing it's just lame I mean it's all right there's my bright exposure dark exposure it's all right let's see if it blows up more maybe a really amazing sky could help this but still it's just a grain elevator who cares who cares about a grain elevator got cool rain in the background and Nick could have done something cool and he just didn't guess that's how it goes this is real life unfortunately unfortunately this is Nick's real life if we can do something with a road and the grain elevator maybe the road will bring you into the shot got kind of got this curved thing going on we can try it I guess won't hurt to do it always just delete the photo try this will be the most epic photo of a great elevator ever if grain elevators could be epic this would be epic I guess not really well I guess that's how it goes you don't win them all sometimes you fail sometimes Nick fails we did the best we could and let's check out the images real life you
Channel: Nick Page
Views: 45,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, tutorial, in the filed, palouse falls, on location, landscape photography, storms, clouds, waterfalls, sunsets
Id: isGQfDyUB3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2016
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