Chase Stokes on Outer Banks, Living in a Parking Garage & Getting Fired from Everything

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last year our next guest ignited an epidemic of his own amongst pubescent tv viewers everywhere symptoms included a throbbing heart and on rare occasions googly eyes he plays john b on the netflix show outer banks season two premieres next friday please say hello to chase stokes [Music] wow all right welcome chase thanks for having me you know thanks for being here it's uh it's good to be back in the neighborhood uh i understand i i understand you used to live in the neighborhood i yeah yeah i don't know i don't know if i would consider it live um i was um i was living in the parking lot across the way under the chinese garment theater i don't know if you guys are familiar with it so that that was my home for a period of time no he's being serious chase lived in the parking structure at hollywood and highland for how long now um it was off and on for about two months two months it's not great yeah it's not great did you have a particular parking spot where they would leave you alone i mean where where where'd you park your ride there was there was a strategy to it okay you don't want to you don't want to park in the corner right because then all of a sudden the parking attendant is like oh that dude's for sure sleeping in here right um so i tried to find every day i would find a different parking spot and uh it worked out it worked out i never got caught really so never got caught parking attendance at hollywood and highland for not uh arresting me um and keeping me in my back seat where i slept very not great so it's fantastic you know that's the same place that the superheroes on hollywood boulevard wash their underwear i met superman a couple times down there did you really we kind of did like that awkward like i see what you're doing but you know i'm not gonna acknowledge it were you working at the time at all uh i ended up getting a job one of my buddies got me a job as a waiter um i i ended up doing elton john's oscar party i got fired like 15 minutes into it because i was watching the band so that was awesome that was a really good time i didn't get a paycheck so it was like immediately back to hollywood and highland and you know hopefully they didn't cancel my uh ellie fitness membership um so it was great but um i ended up getting a job because of the same kid at a bar uh sort of near universal studios which is it's just um and what were you doing at the bar i was uh that was bartender okay okay very large air quotes on on the bartender on the bartender and how long did that job last oh man um not even a year oh okay not even a year yeah why did it end chase anthony you really gotta you really know how to push the buttons yeah i do i do i'm kind of good at my job i see what you're doing here yeah no i um i uh so i i lied to the guy he owned two restaurants and uh he it was sort of as instagram was becoming like a mainstream thing for uh promoting a restaurant so to speak so taking pictures of food and whatnot and uh i was like oh i know how to do that you know i'm a photographer i don't know anything about photography and so the guy looks at me and he's like okay i'll hire you as my my social media consultant and i was like sure yeah and he goes how much do you want and i low balled it because obviously you know i was just trying to pay a rent at the time and uh he gave me the job so next thing you know i'm on youtube just searching every photography hack on how to you know figure out how to take pictures of burgers and whatnot and i got fired uh if you wanted to know i got fired pretty quickly after that i went home for christmas and um i uh i confronted the dude because he fired me so i went down in his office and there's some things going on in this restaurant and uh i i had a video of it and i said if you don't pay me for the next four months hmm turning you in okay chase authorities things like what were going on in this restaurant i don't want to die so here's the thing like if i say this in person i don't know if i'll last for the next two to three days oh okay um so maybe you know but anyway okay yeah so so he ended up paying me for the next couple months which was awesome um i still had an eviction notice on my door so it didn't really work out in my favor um but somehow it all did it all worked out oh it it all worked out because not soon after that you got out of banks right i did all right now i i love having people tell their stories because about how they got the gigs because i have an interesting story about some of my gigs what was your interesting story about being cast in this film how did that all happen and work for you um well initially i as you know as an actor right like you get these breakdowns from your agent it'll say um you know the character name the description of the show and with some of these bigger networks or studios or whatever have you they'll keep everything like very very discreet so it said john b four friends on a treasure hunt and i was like that's the goonies right that's for sure the goonies right like i don't want to destroy that so i passed on it i was like nope not doing that and uh next thing you know an eviction notice came on my door and the role of topper who's my you know arch nemesis so to speak on the show came up and i was like i'm so broke that i'm willing to make this effort to read for the head of you know this show and so i did and i bombed the audition i told the casting director beforehand and uh lo and behold two weeks later after i destroyed i felt like i'd completely killed my career um a casting director from the east coast who cast me in this project she reached out to my agent and said hey you know what do you think about this project and i said no i'm not doing the goonies she goes it's not the goonies by the way if you're wondering i said no it is i appreciate you trying to lie for netflix but here we are and so she's like i'm going to send you the first script let me know your thoughts and uh so i read it and i immediately was sitting in my borderline evicted apartment and uh i was like i haven't made a giant mistake this is not the goonies it's it's literally not the goonies and i had fully convinced myself for a month and a half at this point in time it's goonies and so i read for it she said look if you don't hear by friday you definitely didn't get the job so thank you so much for you know your attempt and uh i didn't hear by friday and so easter sunday comes i get a call from my agent he goes where are you and i was like happy easter okay hi how are you and uh he's like are you available and i'm like i'm super unemployed i'm on unemployment at this time so like if you have any good things for me that would be awesome because i'll call you back and i'm like i'm getting fired this is what's happening i'm getting dropped he calls me an hour later i'm probably five or six mimosas deep you know it's easter sunday you know i think and uh he goes you're getting on a plane in two hours you're going to charleston and i was like huh he goes yeah no you're getting on a plane it's going to be like a middle c in the very back of the plane don't worry about it it's not a big deal but here's 17 pages of audition material here's the first four scripts they need you to know everything about this when you get there so i land in charleston the next day i got the job two days later um i got the call with rudy who plays jj um he was in the front seat of the car he got the call first and i thought i was fired you know i thought i didn't get the job and then i got a call with the other kid who was going to play the same role as me in the seat next to me in the backseat and he's like you got the job dude congratulations and i'm like oh my god and i hung up the phone on the executive producer of the project yeah and so rudy looks at me and he goes i'll say yeah and that's the start of the journey so i had two pairs of underwear i had three t-shirts and a pair of shorts and our costume department gave me um a shirt that said charleston county jail on the back and i wore that to the first dinner with everyone at netflix so they looked at me like oh god oh no yeah this guy this is our lead in our show so that's the story of john b and um all right thank you give it up for chase stroke season two of outer banks premieres next friday on netflix we'll be right back with music from kim
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 681,841
Rating: 4.96943 out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Live Audience, Hollywood, Guest Host, Summer Guest Hosts, Interview, Chase Stokes, Actor, Netflix, Outer Banks, Season Two, Hollywood and Highland, Living in Car, origin Story, Charleston
Id: ux6SePeN0gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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