24 Hours With Madelyn Cline | Vogue

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oh god i've tried to learn how to do kick flips you go up right i mean what can i say come here he just turned one three days ago he's chaos i love him i am leaving for greece in two days to go film a fun little movie uh it's the second installment of knives out so um i'm terrified i've never i've never had a schedule like this and it's very exciting and um it's really cool excuse me french but uh but it's also extremely overwhelming because it's all happening it feels like it's all happening at once even though that's it's not it's not like it's it's been like two years in the making i feel overwhelmed i have to remind myself it's fruits of labor um and i'm really lucky to be where i am it's crazy and it's a little overwhelming i have to text my friends i'm like i'm not ignoring you i'm just overwhelmed i'm sorry let's go get drinks so i used to work this little food stamp in charleston south carolina and we were making coffee all day and of course there'd be coffee that would be old so a trick they taught us to not make more waste coffee is you just top it off with a little water so we're gonna do that cold brew delish i made you some three hour old coffee my favorite how'd you know it's cold also i put ice cubes in it to mask the fact that yeah right now did you know that did you know we ran out of coffee trying to find where we were i feel a whole year ago locked in isolation stay it would definitely one year ago i was one year ago i was in wilmington this is right after you posted on instagram this was right after we decided to tell the world official everybody knew it just we weren't we we did a good job of like not really wanting to know well no i mean yeah it was it was pretty bad no i mean like we our inner circle kind of knew but we didn't really want to i guess i think it was still new and so we didn't want to like i think we wanted to enjoy it first yeah when the show came out it was mid pandemic we could only really gauge how it was going through social media and you know people like people are posting right around tik tok and it was so funny like you know i'd be scrolling through my for you page and there'd just be videos about like outer banks and like characters and like the discovery page on instagram and um and people making memes about it that was really the only gauge we had during a pandemic we were all quarantined in my apartment netflix had this whole idea of all of us sort of watching it for the first time and seeing it pop up on the on the platform so we all had had a couple beers and we're getting a little rowdy and then i had post mated um tequila from pink dot and we made a big pillow for it we watched it go from um like the little title card that was like coming soon to all the episodes pop up and the things that said outer banks new episodes and we went and we clicked on the first episode and we watched like the intro like the pogues running through the house under construction and um and then and then we refused to watch anymore because we didn't want to watch ourselves let's do a drip coffee please tiramisu or carrot cake okay let's do that yeah let's do that the last time i was in here was right before outer banks and before i left for outer banks the first season so this is quite exciting i used to come here all the time and get breakfast i'd read books i'd read plays i would be submitting for auditions and i remember right before i left for my just for outer banks in general and at the time it was just the callbacks or the director's session i came here and got breakfast and i called my mom and i was like hey mom i'm coming home for a few days i have an audition it's for a netflix show and it's in charleston weirdly enough and she was very excited to hear that and never came back yeah i had just freshly dropped out of college and i had packed up my car and i was like i'm moving to california i'm gonna go for pilot season i'm gonna do it like mom and dad i'm sorry like i dropped out right before midterms and they were like what what if they were like what did we do wrong it was everything they didn't want i think at the time they didn't want their child to do um and i did and uh and i came out here and then i realized like you know go walking into my first few auditions and just being out here in general i realized holy like there's a thousand of me i realized very quickly i i didn't believe in myself enough to like to have confidence so i had to get really real with myself and be like do you want to do this is this something you want to pursue because you can still go back to college you can still like am i making a big mistake i had to get to know myself really quickly because i realized i didn't know myself it was a reality check for sure i was like i need to get my ego in check because just because i moved to california doesn't mean that things are going to happen to me or it happened for me and it has happened really fast it's all happened very fast learning how to deal with the anxiety of it all and the imposter syndrome of it all has been quite a journey believing in myself was hard that wasn't something that came easy i think if i could say one thing to matty uh four years ago sitting at beachwood cafe i think i would just tell her it's gonna be fine you're gonna be fine stop worrying about everything um you know it's it's gonna work out but at the same time you know i'm kind of glad i didn't know that because i think the anxiety and the worry is what kind of really lit a fire under my ass to do something about it my parents told me to go get a job and i think they were expecting like to go i don't know get a job working at h m or something i instead went to horse barn and got a job working the barns in the morning so every morning i would get up at like i don't know six a.m and i would drive to the barn and i would muck the stalls feed them give them their supplements and i earned 30 a day and i was so proud of myself until i realized how much a tank of gas costs i love my job but that job was some of the best memories just good job so this is chaplin and we've decided that we vibe right yeah that's a yes hi i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm not i'm not choosing favorites but i kind of am when i'm writing i feel very centered but also very alert because i'm trying to figure out what the horse is telling me what's around us if there's anything that might spook them just learning how to communicate with them and if you stay calm they'll stay calm so it's kind of a lesson in learning how to center yourself first it's cathartic there's a reason people go and do horse therapy it's because it's wonderful these are not the shoes it's a horseback rider i think the thing i've learned the most about my anxiety and dealing with my emotions and learning how to conquer the things like the the self-sabotage and the imposter syndrome is just learning how to kind of give in and let things happen and if it doesn't go to plan that's okay and give your self the permission to tell your anxiety to shut the up you know it's funny because this was one of the first places i came to when i moved here and it just feels like the super crazy full circle moment i had no idea what was going to happen so i think la has really just been a lesson in learning how to let go i'm excited i'm excited to see what happens i feel like it's completely off
Channel: Vogue
Views: 4,317,653
Rating: 4.982038 out of 5
Keywords: 24 hours with, 24 hours with madelyn cline, chase stokes, chase stokes madelyn cline, cline, madelyn cline, madelyn cline 24 hours, madelyn cline 24 hours with, madelyn cline day, madelyn cline day in the life, madelyn cline getting ready, madelyn cline interview, madelyn cline life, madelyn cline outer banks, madelyn cline outer banks vogue, madelyn cline routine, madelyn cline vogue, madelyn cline vogue interview, vogue, vogue madelyn cline, vogue madelyn cline interview
Id: v3ohyHjJy3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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