Charlotte Gambill - Who's Got Remote Control of Your Life pt1

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[Music] hey welcome to live Church I'm Steve gamble and I'm so glad that we have this time together today the truth is God wants to do great things in your life greater than you can even imagine so as we join with our worship team at live church and then go on to the open the word together we pray that God would speak directly to your circumstances directly to your heart and remind you of how much he loves you come on let's get started [Music] [Applause] you can't give me life was it came falling down [Music] to the start scene [Music] inside [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we're on this series called anchored and that has been chosen by our team because we realized for many of us life can become stormy life can become distracted life can become pulled in a million different directions and it's good to remind ourselves from time to time that actually we all have the ability to drop anchor we actually are many things we may not be able to do but actually we can do this one thing we can say I'm putting my hope in God we can say I'm gonna trust him we can say I'm gonna probably pray because I don't know what else to say we can worship we can choose to be in the house we can connect our life to God's community there are a lot of things that you can't do but those are things you can do and sometimes we act as if we have no power when the truth is that we've just forgotten that we do have power to make some choices in our life and today I want to help you again in this series and I guess I want to come in a little bit in a different direction because I believe illustrations are very helpful so in a minute these seats up here will explain themselves as I begin to try and illustrate what I think some of our lives look like and maybe we'll have a little bit of fun with that but I want to anchor what I'm going to say in the verse that is probably one of the biggest verses that I have come to love and to wrap my head around and when all things seem to be out of order I come back to this as an anchor verse for me and it's Colossians 1 verse 15 and I'm gonna read it to you from the message Bible and I want you to think about where words that I am now reading to you in case you're wondering if anything in your life is out of order how does it get back in order that's what I want to give you as a gift today and so he says we look at this son we look at Jesus and see the God who cannot be seen we look at him and see God's original purpose in everything created for everything absolutely everything above and below visible and invisible rank after rank after rank of angels everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him he was there before any of it came into existence and he holds it all together right up to this moment well I found control god holds it together I don't understand what's going on God holds it together I've had the worst week God holds it together right up to this moment and when it comes to the church he organizes and holds it together like a head does a body so spacious is he so roomy that everything of God finds his proper place in him without crowding and not only that it gets better but all the broken and dislocated pieces of the universe people and things say an things people and things animals and atoms get properly fixed and fit together in vibrant harmonies all because of his death and his blood that poured down from the cross Church you should be excited about what I'm reading right now this is mind-blowing everything everything absolutely everything people things animals atoms God's has the ability to bring it all together to fit it together in vibrant harmony even the things that are in discard right now God has a way of bringing it into harmony because you yourselves are a case study of what he does at one time you had your back turn to God thinking rebellious thoughts giving him trouble and some of you really did give him trouble every chance you got but now by giving him so completely at the cross actually dying for you Christ brought you over to God's side and put your lives together whole and holy in his presence you don't walk away from a gift like that if you are backsliding in here this morning come home if you're drifting from God come home why because you don't walk away from a gift like that what do you do you stay grounded you stay anchored you stay fastened you stayed fixed and you stay steady in that bond of trust constantly tuned in stay tuned in tuned in to the message careful not to be distracted or diverted constantly tuned in to the message careful not to be distracted or diverted this morning I want to talk around this subject of anchored by asking you the question is every aspect of your life tuned in to the God who holds all things together is every aspect of your conversation and your choices tuned in to the voice and the Word of God I chose to illustrate this morning in a way that everyone can relate especially the men yes men I thought about you this morning because all of you are about to relate to how I'm gonna explain to you our life can become distorted and out of tune and maybe not be anchored and I'm going to do that by talking to you about one of these and I want to ask a question who has got the remote control for your life who has got the remote control for your life now I know I am touching on a testing subject inside some homes right now because some of you men believe the power and you do not you do not like giving over the power of the remote control in your household but I would take it a step further this morning and say some of you spiritually have a problem with handing over to the right person the remote control for your life and so I want to ask my helpers my willing I hope helpers to come up here and begin to help me illustrate what I want to put to you this morning for many of us have created a scenario in our life that God wants us to adjust he wants us to read tune in and so up come my helpers and you're gonna have to encourage them they look like something I have a Kylie Minogue dance video Thank You helpers Thank You helpers the things that the staff do in order to help me make a message come to life so we've had a whole Blue Peter thing going on in the office this week and you glad that you said yes to volunteering this morning they didn't tell you what you're doing until they put one of those on your head are you a new student by any chance welcome to the Academy that is awesome you sign up for our church Academy and the next thing we make you look an idiot on stage all for the cause and by the way you're live online too so smile for the camera [Applause] maybe you don't get it when we talk about a physical ship anchor but maybe this is gonna come home to you today that's my prayer but maybe when we talk about everything in your life tuning in to the one that holds it all together maybe you think that that's what your life looks like but maybe I can ask you to think again because the fact is the more we do life and the more things we add to our life we begin to add to our life almost like different channels so on bbc1 we may have relationships and on bbc2 maybe that's our channel of life where we deal with our finances maybe on ITV this is our personality it's Who I am it's what I like it's who I choose to do life with it's my values as a person and then we have our spiritual channel where I do church all right you know read the Bible every now and again and I have a belief system and then maybe we have a channel where our thoughts are consumed with our future or even our fears or our dreams and and what happens in life is we begin to build our life with a different box set for each one of these and maybe right now you're young and so the financial Channel hasn't appeared in your life but it will or maybe right now you are kind of not really even thinking about your future but there'll be a time when there'll be a dream awakening you or a fear about the future waking you and all of a sudden a channel just popped up on the screen now God's idea is that every single one of these channels was my final helper would actually find its purpose and find its identity and find its value in him but what happens in life is we instead do our life here's my shiny helper you got the shiny box well done and the idea see what I did here sky one thank you thank you thank you the idea is that his everything should be in him right so the idea is that relationships should be in him finances should be in him your identity should be in him your spiritual well-being should be in him your future your fears and your hopes should be in here so these all should be inside here but what we do is we have a different remote for every single one of these in our life and they I handed out to different people or different emotions at any given season of our life and so we have the relationship channel that's running and the relationship channel maybe it's a new relationship that you just begun and you feel all these feelings about this relationship and you feel all gooey on the inside and isn't it awesome and before you know it you have given the remote over to the person that just entered your life and when they push the button you fast forward and when they press the other button you stop and when they press rewind you go backwards when the press play you play and we hand the remote control to someone else for the area of her life maybe it's a divorce that you are in the midst of and all of the emotions and all of the frustration and all of the anger and you have handed the remote of what happens next to someone else and now you're waiting for a decision to be made or or something to be said and you're responding because someone else has the remote control of your life or maybe it's in your finance and God's idea is that you would invest in one of these this is called a universal remote and the idea of a universal remote is that you program every one of those channels to be controlled by this singular remote so you don't now have multiple remotes out there which you can lose or give to the wrong person at any given time you have one remote and the universal remote that God has given every single one of you for your life is this this is the universal remote why do you think the Bible talks about relationships because it wants to be the remote for your relationships why do you think the Bible talks about money do you think God's broke do you think God's put money Scriptures in there cuz he needs your money because there's not enough gold in heaven do you think he put money scriptures in there just to wind you up he put money and Finance scriptures in there because he wants you to run your finances through the universal remote of the Word of God why do you think God in here speaks about your character and your identity and your choices in your attitude and and your self-control and your anger why do you think all that is in here because it needs to be the universal remote for you as a person and so it goes on every single area of your life everything atoms animals people things everything is in here and God's remote control is supposed to control in a good way the choices you make it's supposed to help you know how to move forward it's supposed to help you know what not to rewind it helps you know where to step up and where to step back it helps you know what conversation to say off to and what conversation to say on to and yes so many of us ask to give over our remote control and swap it for this remote control because summers just like the power of the flicker way too much [Music] I [Music] the home [Music] go [Music] see [Music] you call my silence ciao fighting mafia in you [Music] in fear [Music] in fear [Music] which isn't shed [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my Jesus my here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in theory [Music] my in fear [Music] [Music] you can just give me Jesus [Music] hey as we finish our time together I want to ask you have you ever invited Jesus in your life you know I was at a point in my life I didn't know who Jesus was I had to pray a prayer and say Jesus I believe here real will you come inside my heart forgive me of my sins in my past mistakes and Jesus did and he's changed my life as a result of that that's what the Bible teaches in Romans chapter 10 verse 9 and says this it says that if you believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord you shall be saved it's just that simple so why do you right now in your own way and in your own words ask Jesus in your heart it will be the best decision that you ever make [Music] you
Channel: LIFE Church
Views: 6,318
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Id: XYMnaEp-mys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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