Charlo vs Castano 1 FULL FIGHT: July 17, 2021 | PBC on Showtime

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I don't know why but Charlos stance and boxing style is so pleasing to watch

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PrettyBoyFloydx 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2022 🗫︎ replies

Charlo vs Tim Tszyu will be a cracker Jan 29 next year. Nikita Tszyu fights Jeff Horn brother Ben Horn July 20 .

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Sweep145 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2022 🗫︎ replies
we are set to make history we are set for tonight's tale of the tape in the main event now the numbers that will jump out at you and this is always the case because we're on cassando he gives away height he gives away reach but here's what he does he finds his way inside and he throws lots of punches but on the way in will charlo be able to hurt him we'll find out the main event rules there is no free knockdown rule only the referee can stop the fight a fighter cannot be saved by the bell in any round if a fighter cannot continue due to an injury from an accidental fowler headbutt before the end of round four it's a no decision after the end of round four they go to the scorecards for a technical decision with the main event introductions here once again jimmy lennon jr [Music] ladies and gentlemen good evening and welcome to the atnt center here in the beautiful city of san antonio texas as premier boxing champions presents the featured bout of the evening brought to you by lions only promotions tgb promotions and showtime sponsored by geico this undisputed world championship is sanctioned by the wba president herbert jesus mendoza supervisor jose oliver gomez the wbc president mauricio suleiman supervisor jill diamond the wbo president francisco val carcel's supervisor edgardo lopez sasso the ibf president daryl peoples and supervisor is levi martinez along with the texas department of licensing and regulations the chairman is rick figueroa and the executive officer brian francis our judge is scoring from ringside from nevada tim cheatham from puerto rico nelson vasquez and from new jersey steve weisfeld introducing a referee in charge he'll be giving instructions after the introductions all right fans here we go with the main event of the evening 12 rounds of boxing with a unified 154 pound championship of the world and now ladies and gentlemen in attendance and boxing fans joining us around the world live from san antonio texas it's show time introducing to you first the wbo world champion fighting out of the red corner wearing red trunks with black and gold trim hailing from and representing san justo buenos aires argentina he weighed it at 153 and one quarter pounds he is undefeated in his campaign to the ring with a record of 17 wins no losses one draw with 12 wins coming by way of knockout tonight making the first defense of his current title here is the former wba world champion and the current newly crowned and undefeated wbo junior middleweight champion of the world introducing your brian hey [Applause] across the ring the unified world champion fighting out of the blue corner entering the ring wearing tan trunks with black and red trim representing the acclaimed boxing family from houston texas he weighed in at a tribute ready 153 pounds with a record of 34 wins and one loss he has 18 wins coming by way of knockout tonight in his eighth world title appearance ladies and gentlemen here is the current reigning and defending wwc wba and ibf 154 pound champion of the world introducing jermell iron man [Applause] let's get a referee in charge now to give instructions fool [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] referee hector afou 18 years as a pro officiating his 300th bout none bigger than this historic encounter boxing history we are on the cusp of a coronation at 154 who will walk out of san antonio undisputed champion the bell in round one charlo [Applause] and castano yeah if you're jeremiah you won't establish the jab right away get that distance get the range get familiar with it because you know cassandra's coming in to close the gap [Music] castano while i mention the average 84 punches sometimes he will take the first round to kind of figure out how can i jab my way in what can i do with to get myself in without being in harm's way so you may not see that many punches early he has to rev his engine up to get there castano de throne patrick to share up in dominant fashion for 154-pound title in his last fight in february he's a two-time titleist at this white class just like charlo who unified the three titles against jason rosario charlos trainer derek james says that rosario has more power but that castano punches more he tries to outwork you yeah that may be the biggest understatement in history although he expected that one of the tricks that charlo talked about having for this fight would be that charlo would try to pressure castano in the early going and we have seen abner in the past when charlo tries to lead the dance well he has paid for it he's in a very effective counter puncher and of course has the great equalizer the one hitter quitter he is and he does that but now you know you could tell that charlo's just basically looking for cassandra to make mistakes and that's a good thing you want to do that as well because cassanos will make the mistake especially coming in because you know he always tries to find a way in but he gets uh he throws wild punches and he opens well yeah i don't i wouldn't go so far i i got you but he's pretty responsibly defensive i do agree with you charlo was baiting him there and i think he's going to bait him at certain points on the road especially the inside punches yes and no question i agree with you charlotte can blast him with one punch and a counter punch 45 seconds left in the opening round and that has been the surprising statistic the fact that castano is such a buzz a high volume pressure fighter who is still surprisingly defensively responsible as he lands that lead right right hand to the body of charlo and charlo again collecting the data wanting to utilize that jab 30 seconds left in the opening round listen consignor is going to try to outwork you he's not doing that right now obviously he's the first round figuring out jeremiah but you know if you're your mouth you don't want to outwork gaston you don't want to go down to that level you you be smart you wait for the right moment well no one has thrown as many punches per round in terms of a charlo opponent then castano coming into this fight but this is a completely clean sheet and a cautious start to this encounter let's take a look at the keys to victory for these men for jermel charlo he wants to keep castano at bay use his height and reach and control the range his uppercut is a lethal weapon and the shorter castano could be there for that punch now other than when he's collecting that data he doesn't want to retreat to the ropes too well castano's excellent attacking there for castano to be effective he's going to have to be somewhere near that average of 84 punches per round he wants charlo fighting off his back foot if he can make that the case and sometimes he squares his body up while attacking if he does it against charlo ciao will do what manny de jesus did and that is knock him down with the right hand there's jamel's older brother by a minute jamal 160 pound belt holder round two of this battle to determine the first undisputed 154 pound champion on the men's side in the four belt era you know castano the only blemish on his record that split draw where there is landi lara in 2019 an entertaining and competitive contest castano forced lara to throw a career-high 825 punches charlo's never thrown more than 680 in a fight and that was nearly nine years ago against deshaun johnson yeah this is the question uh charlo six and one in championship matches five kos he is much more of a punk a power puncher now will he want to throw that kind of volume or will he just pick the spots and look for the one punch that will turn things yeah charlo has emerged as the emperor of efficiency a more cautious fighter but boy he is definitely explosive when it comes to the way he likes to end the fistic proceedings abner yeah and here comes castano that's what i was just about to say [Applause] countered because and clipped him in between these shots and charlo now unloading on castano the crowd in san antonio and fuego counter left hook so charlo immediately is able to counter with the power punch and that is why castano wasn't going in there right away he's trying to work his way inside a dangerous counter puncher with the perfect balance of speed and power that is jeremel iron man charlo [Applause] al you mentioned castano has been down once that was in november of 2016. came back to stop emmanuel de jesus in the sixth round after being dropped by a vicious right in the second but he and he got right up from that mature composed and efficient attack from jamal charmo one two lanes nearing 30 seconds left here in what has been a terrific second round for jermel charlo and it's crazy because i think that your mouth is going to be more effective effective when castano becomes aggressive and that's you know that's exactly that's the counter punch it comes and that's what cassandra wants to do though and really a lot of observers a lot of pundits felt it would come down to just how well can castano handle the vaunted power of charlo he tasted it early [Applause] and there is castano's wife carolina not the way she wanted to spend her honeymoon but hey this is going to if he is a victorious we'll definitely set them up for a much better life well not a not a good beginning because cassano while he landed some punches there took that counter left hook from charlo and that hurt him and he did not go down and charlo did go after him but couldn't knock him down in that instance and then was much more measured the rest of the round another look at it abner and that counter left hook gets it and not that kasoga was doing the wrong thing i think he was doing really good but you know you when with your mouth you got to be careful with this punch it's almost impossible you know you just got to be careful you got to go in there throw your punches if you're casting but again you know jamal charlotte is just so quick with those punches iron man jermell charla would love to rule the 154 pound weight class with an iron fist but he's in with a double tough brian castano yet to taste defeat but he has tasted the power of charlo as we settle into round number three scheduled for 12. and you know you we all wondered what would be the counter punch of choice would it be destroyed right hand the uppercut it turned out to be the left hook from charwa and we'll see what the future of this fight brings the talent and depth at 154 over the last five or six years they have organically held an unofficial round robin at this weight class and and it culminates with number one jermel charlo against number two brian castano the future of the sport needs to be more of the best fighting the best like we are seeing here tonight yeah this division is certainly shown now now here's the problem for brian castano he can't win this fight where he is right there he's going to have to attack but he's got to figure out a way to do it without getting hurt he needs to get underneath that jab abner yeah it's almost impossible but you know you have to go for it you have to go for it if your customers just be really cautious you know go in there land two three punches don't try to hook as much with your mouth because you know we saw what happened there patrick to share as a top 10 ranked 154 pounder held the belt before being dethroned by castano cassano overcame massive disadvantages in height in that fight not to say to sharon's the same fighter at charlo but he's going to have to do the same thing yeah that's exactly right and and he starts with the castano jab he needs to double jab his way in without getting hit by a counter punch and then putting himself in position where he can throw yeah that was a perfect demonstration from jamal that you know that's a perfect range he wants to have castano's final 60 seconds workmen like third round with charlo working behind the jab keeping castano not where castano wants to be as we have said ad nauseum castano needs to find a way to bring that two-fisted attack to the inside but what he has to navigate a minefield and we gotta we gotta acknowledge the level of fighting that germain has i mean it's a lot easier it was a lot easier for castingers to get in with the previous fighters but but jamal you're he's having a lot of trouble well yeah charlo's such a strong power puncher and he did it against lara who's obviously a you know top fighter to share other good fighters but charlo's a different animal yeah charlo went to uh that jab to the body we saw what happened in the eighth against rosario now castano closing the distance [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is well brian castano this time attacked and did it effectively landed a nice overhand right and and charles did try and counter him there's the hook but castano blocked it and landed his own hook and then charlotte coming back with good shots and castano kept with the hook and that one did impact jeremel charlo buckled his knees so that's the cassano that if you tuned in and you've never seen brian castano fight before that's the version we were talking and he finished with a sweet right uppercut on the inside as we begin round four the plot thickens here in san antonio texas and that was great because he took advantage of that opportunity that jermell gave him he really gave him that opportunity he got himself on the road he covered he tried to counter he took playing people but oh and charlo eats that right hand to the body by castano as charlotte was trying to keep him at bay with the stick castano able to close the distance castano has a sneaky right hand it's not monstrously powerful but it's a sneaky punch that can get in from time to time and we talked about the only way and that is the only way casaio can win this fight is being aggressive being charlotte's chest right there right right inside did not give charcoal enough space to counter punch charlo along with the ropes castano with that left hook blocked by charlotte [Applause] [Music] [Applause] behind the guard you can feel the wheels turning and jermel charlo's head looking for the opportunity to counter midway point charlo [Applause] with some leverage on those punches there's a sweeping left hook by charlo and this is what's happening right now guys scott has already took charlo's best punch which is the hook and he said well i took it out you know [Applause] so now he knows that once he gets in he lands his combinations he can do damage as well final minute of the fourth they tee off on each other castano [Applause] the guard before castano fires back and he's known to do this all fight rounds it was a anticipated styles clash coming into this momentous matchup [Applause] [Music] good stuff through four rounds you gotta go in a little deeper you okay we heard derek james telling jamal he's giving rounds away that's been a common theme throughout his career and yet again that power has been the great equalizer as charlo going to try to continue to try to snipe at distance utilizing the jab but castano of course will try to close the distance and utilize his two-fisted attack the other thing he didn't like uh derek james was that uh charlo went to the ropes and they wanted he wants to keep him in the center of the road and that's something that happened when he fought uh harrison the first time he gave her a lot of rounds he stood on the ropes and you know he paid dearly i mean the fight was close but right now you know he's a really important fight he's got to change it keep jabbing stay in control you know one of the punches he didn't throw when he was on the ropes was the uppercut and that is a punch that trailer may work into this definitely set up a trap look for castano get in [Applause] castano high guard fainting utilizing lateral movement charlo unloads the one two oh but then it's castano's lead right that scored and the cuffing left hook before receiving a one-two through the [Applause] not getting near the ropes and when he does get near the ropes he fights his way out or moves his way out and that's the difference here for him that's why he's doing a little bit better although he is taking a couple of right hands castano you saw landing 40 percent so far with his power punches in the jet that's you know where he wants to be [Applause] wanting to bait castano hoping to counter under a minute left in the fifth clawing at him with the job there's a shock jab to the body by castano [Music] firefighter's really looking for something you're not obviously keeping his eye on the guard waiting for castano to make a mistake making paper with the right hand coming in or the uppercut that we have not seen yet because the pressure a little bit more right in that spot there is where charles was getting himself on the ropes he didn't in that instance yes and that's important yeah that's where cristina's got him having problems in this round [Applause] right hand [Music] [Applause] let's bring in our boxing historian and hall of famer steve farhood mo uh we we talked a lot about the fact that the winner is going to be undisputed you see how rare an accomplishment that is in boxing 32 years that we've had four alphabet organizations and look at the quality of the fighters on this list everybody wants one champion for division and we've only had five fighters as such in 32 years the winner tonight of charlotte castano of course will be number six very difficult to win belts in four organizations even harder to keep it this is a very very special occasion and a very special accomplishment [Applause] trainer derrick james wants charlotte to back him up with the jab and he starts the round by pumping the jab didn't see a lot of the jab in the last one i mean we know that he's got a power tip you know he drives yeah [Music] you know set up jab it's a power jab so he definitely came back up with that job you know constantino is only throwing about 30 more punches 20 some more punches than charlo that isn't where he wants to be in terms of volume even though he has had very good moments in this fight and won several rounds probably by the admission of derrick james and while it's just a barometer al show stats indicate the castano throwing more and landing more than charlo but this is again a theme that we've seen throughout charlotte's career right it happens early and then he oftentimes gets a fighter hurt and changes the whole dynamic and these rounds some of these rounds very close and uh you know we'll see a minute gone here in the sixth and charlo unable to cut off the ring as castano able to continue to move laterally and doing exactly as he was told back up castano keep him in his back foot keep the jab going yeah strategically that has worked perfectly in this round castano manages to snipe a jab but eats two punches make that three through the guard now marching forward this is what the leftover counter shot lands for charlo fans on their feet anticipating sustained two-way action as charlo goes to the body right hand by castano this is exactly what you have to do if your best time you're gonna take punches hey but you'll get your own also and you might hurt jeremiah did a better job there of countering and then getting off the ropes and definitely not the output we're used to seeing from castano despite the fact that he is definitely throwing more but not at the rate we're used to seeing i think that's a testament to the power of jeremiah it is not so easy getting inside because jamal has a great job he knows how to deliver he goes back now he's on the road but he always finds a way to turn him we've seen many volume punches become less volume punches against certain opposition and now it's charlotte popping up the volume with 30 seconds left in the six before castano comes back with a flurry of his own and those are the opportunities we're talking about your mouth stops throwing the jab he gives you the opportunity to get in he closes again and you throw punches and you know charlotte's gonna hear from his trainer derrick james about the uh languishing on the ropes and eating shots like this from brian castano missing with that right hand [Music] wives are on the edge of their seats shy charlo the family adding the newest edition jermel jr and of course for brian castano his new bride carolina in attendance as well a delayed honeymoon the dab will stop everything he's doing the one two three four down i'm gonna pause damn [ __ ] hook behind the shot that boom listen [Applause] and here was where charlotte was against the ropes and after he had done perfectly well almost all of this round this was the one segment where castano got him there didn't land everything a couple of punches sneaking through but that's obviously a position where castano wants to be but for the most part in that round i thought early on charlotte did the right thing are beginning the second half of this historic main event attempting to crown the first undisputed male 154 pound champion in the four belt era brian castano holds one of the belts jamel charlo holds three of them at the midway point let's bring in our unofficial score steve farley [Music] mo it's a difference in styles which makes it very interesting to score when very little is happening i think charlo has a big advantage because his jab becomes a dominant punch what the judges are gonna have to decide is is that jab piercing through the high guard of castano or is it being blocked if it's piercing through then charlo is going to win his share of the grounds but when castano punches in combination he's been very effective i have castano ahead 58-55 oh the jab was able to pierce through there a few times but castano now returning fire and forcing charlo on his back foot cause i will get any closer where he wants to be he's finding his way inside by moving closing the gap closing the distance he lets his hands go he's really effective when he does that and that jab scores for charlo splits the guard you take a look and you know cassandra wanted more volume but he is landing more punches according to show stats now it's where those punches are placed per round some will argue you know what funds are effective but uh it's it's a very competitive and interesting fight a couple right hands land for castano forcing charlo to exit retreat trying to establish the jab avoids that left hook on the ropes pivots and then goes to the body with a rare left hook up for jamel charlie what less than 20 of his attackers to the body yeah he's not a body puncher you know pixar's not jabbing his way in that's one thing he needs to do more of although there you go [Music] [Applause] the reason he's not jabbing his way in is because he's waiting for charlo to throw the jab to counter on top just as he did but as he waits it allows charlotte then to split that guard with a short left hand like we just saw good work on the inside there by castano leads with the right hand and scores as charlo again along the ropes is cello giving him this round by languishing on the ropes [Applause] castano continues to march forward as we head to round number eight [Applause] brian castano threw 66 punches that round his high for the fight and some of them got through that's the overhand right that got there against charlo he's got that sneaky right hand we talked about it we know about the left hook that he has and then on the inside digging downstairs to the body block partially blocked by charlo but still it's there and then d doubles with the left hook and in this instance this is fighting microcosm charlo tries to counter him with the left hook second consecutive round derek james telling charlo he wants him to use the jab and then follow up with the left hook and then the right and then go to the body and so we'll see if charlo's able to implement the adjustments that his trainer would like him to make you know in many ways charlo's similar to deontay wilder no matter how many rounds they they may lose they they believe in that power and if there's any time left they feel they're still in it and so many of these rounds pretty close yes this fight could be going in a bunch of different directions according to our unofficial score steve foreign he has castano now up by three points that's castano scored with a short left hook on the inside upstairs cassano use oh see there's your right hand in the left hook [Applause] remember when castano was hurt so badly in round two with that left hook and i'll tell you all nice right buckets down here it looked like this fight was not going to be a long one and he's hanging in there boy charlotte's left hook in that second round stunning castano castano scored with the left of his hook of his own in round three and here we are now midway through the eighth round scheduled for 12 to determine an undisputed champion at 154 pounds and you can see charlo is somehow i want to say shocked that you know cassano's taking these shots and walking right through him and being affected him inside i know he was expecting this fight but once you have it and it's there in your face it's a game-changer castano just landed with a left to the head and there's the jab of castano i think that is such an important weapon for him he only lands a little over two around but he uses it as a range finder and i gotta say charlo's landed a nice left hook to the body but then castano comes back upstairs 45 seconds left here in the eighth and charlo has to it has to be more of an uptick in his offense we know about his low output explosive power and yeah we know of his power too he's capable of turning the fight around in one punch but castano's getting the best of them right now because of the the output the volume punching [Applause] [Music] charlo with the jab but doesn't follow up with the left hook or the right hand it's pot shotting with the jab here in the final seconds of the eight follows up with a right there good round for brian castano [Applause] and his bride carolina celebrating the efforts of her husband [Applause] how you feeling he's very strong but you're taking care of him [Music] you need to make a little more connection with the right hand go in closer and then connect [Music] i'm good i don't want any water good [Applause] he's tired he's tired like you you're both tired this is war you okay good tonight [Applause] castano's 57 year old father carlos issuing instructions in between rounds as we begin round number nine [Applause] brian castano has been very calm cool and collected throughout this entire experience leading to what is the biggest fight of both of their careers but he has definitely not been swallowed up by the magnitude of the moment definitely not um in this round i think charlo has to change the temple we know that cassini is going to come trying to come in again baltimore punching but charlo has to be more of a volume puncher in himself throw more than just a jab or if you touch with the jab let your right hand go opponents normally land 7.8 rounds per punchers per round against charlo castano according to show stats is landing 14 per round so he has uh uptick that um and that's pretty significant [Applause] just underneath that sweeping left hook from charlo a minute gone here in the ninth but charles still in his back foot and very much unable to or not i'm willing to pull the trigger but again it's the pressure of castano and we still have not yet seen the uppercut from germain germain sorry the sneaky short uppercut that he usually sets up especially against aggressive fighters like castano yeah i'm surprised that punch hasn't come to bear now in this round because daniel's not landing that much but he's pretty sure yeah he's poisoned [Applause] a jab and it was a stiff one and it popped castano's head back but castano continues to march forward charlo on the ropes castano with some blistering combinations and charlie rolling with the punches yeah they're not all getting there but some are getting through and castano's throwing more when he has him in position to land those punches but guess what he's making a fight yeah he's making the fight yeah and the judges might be seeing that that's default sees it as that right hand momentarily stops charlo in his tracks the right hand of castano's been better than i think the cello people would have thought charlo's only been down once a right hand back in may of 2014 against charlie bellamy [Applause] there's a right block by castano castano bobbing underneath [Applause] shotting with the jab is charlo castano closes the distance doesn't score a lot but still manages to get to the body [Applause] [Applause] well derek james trying to instill in jamel charlo the the urgency of the moment there's another right hand that gets in not perfectly but it got there for castano and it came off the jab and then pushing charlo against the ropes working to the body and throwing combinations abner working really well to the body when you have someone on the ropes with their body open like that what do you do you take advantage and that's what castanos is doing [Applause] an aggressor brian castano putting jamel charlo he's under pressure here beginning round number ten and we talked about in in the opening castano coming in with the with the confidence you know into this fight but what's going what about the adjustments though for charlo we we listen to what derek james says it makes sense it's great advice he's been unable to really implement it and now beginning to open up a bit with his right hand but it happens in fights something you just can't pull the trigger for some reason uh you over train you didn't train well enough you're overthinking it and i think that's what charlie's doing he's overthinking uh too much he's got to let his hands go a little bit more well james told charlotte that he was losing and charlotte was incredulous couldn't believe it [Applause] and we talked about the pressure but the pressure that is in charlotte you know fighting in his hometown or castano said it wouldn't be he's the one under exactly because tanya was an underdog but he's proven to be alive so it could be that as well the pressure for charlo oh that left talk upstairs lands for castano right hand clips the jaw now charlo sitting down and marching forward missing with a lot of those punches but he hurt castano he pushed him back and he hurt him but he needs to get after him in round two he didn't do that and it's the right hand that moe talked about and there's another right hand left hook upstairs left hook to the body and almost on cue jamal charlo beginning to put a show on here in the 10th [Applause] trying to implement his will and skill and power on castano who's forced to retreat now castano doing a little showboating a little shuffling and castano does not fight this way it's not who he is so this is not he's surviving by nature today under a minute left in the 10th castano he's trying to to survive storm like a parka [Applause] and buying himself some time [Applause] oh left hook flipped the [Applause] he's gonna have to do something offensively to keep charlo off him and he obvious right yeah he saw it he missed now the right hand lands for charlotte another one by far the best round in the fight for jemele charlo here with 10 seconds left in the 10th charlo continues to unload on castano biting down and standing in front of charlo what a fight can change things with a punch that left hand after the right the power castano the power jab exactly that jab pushed right back hit him right in the chin the straight punches [Music] and later on in the round with castano using all of this very big ring to try and stay out of range charlo running him down you can see how wobbly cassano is good job by charles doubling with that left hook very effective for him to go to the body as well and he really uh got after castano desperately trying to knock him down or out to make this at least knock him down to make it a 10-8 round but castaneda stood his ground towards the end he started pushing jamal back the championship rounds for this historic main event who will become the first undisputed 154 pound champion in the four belt era the best against the best charlo versus castano round 11. normally castano is a big finisher but not not when he's hurt like this against tashara he landed 55 punches per round in the last two rounds but he's not the same castano right now harlow is looking for the big finish here in round 11. and he may very well need the knockout to win this fight it's at least a knock down yes charlotte's broke though ever since that last round that right hand he's broken now he's he's looking like himself and he's listening to his trainer doubling up with the left hand left hook to the body left hook upstairs [Applause] now cause times i know he's a bit hurt i don't know if he's yeah i think he got himself back he has to go back to being an aggressive fighter [Applause] and he lands a right in the left there it is get your get your respect back that's what you have to do if you're standing [Applause] just past the midpoint of the 11th jungle on the ropes that left hook by castano bounced off charlotte's glove charlo closing in on castano on steve ford's unofficial scorecard that jab popped charlo's head back charlo has not been active in this round only 15 punches not many more from christina but castano now is really getting his offense going [Applause] ready to unload that missile-like right hand it's [Applause] trying to keep castano away with the jab castano closing the distance unable to get on track and i flew reference coming in pretty quickly and uh uh charlotte did a good job there just hold him just a little bit to make that break right hand by castano [Applause] [Applause] championship pedigree championship heart on display in san antonio [Applause] you gotta knock him out you gotta knock him out you gotta knock him out listen we gotta be composed with it and shoot the right shots work behind the jacks you can look out there you gotta back him down he only has something when you let him have something [Applause] standing up let's go derrick james letting jermell charlo know you need the knockout 12th and fight around underway and whether he really believes that whether it's really true he wants his man to be aggressive so that may have been gamesmanship but whatever it is he knows carlo needs to be aggressive in this third in his last round final three minutes of this momentous main event on the cusp of crowning the first undisputed champion at 154 highly competitive as we expected between the two best fighters in this division this is going to be a really interesting round for votes cassano just has to go back to what he was doing pressure charles overwhelmed him but charlo look for the openings if charlotte can do this and stay off the ropes he can win this last round no is that enough yes it could very well come down to who takes the 12th and it's charlo beginning to utilize the jab castano high guard standing right in the in front of charlo trying to get close trying to get to the body oh goes upstairs with the overhand right does castano a lot of pressure guys so much mistake you know it's held in this round for i think your charger you can feel it in this building done a very good job early in this round though planning to jab and some things behind it but here comes castano trying to close the distance oh my god left hook by castano flip charlo charlo fired back with a right hand and you got to give it to castano's he's so disciplined with the pressure he's not just lunging in throwing punches no he's high guard up he's waiting for the right moment on top of the jab sometimes overhand right and then he cuts a ring and he's inside here final minute of tonight's main event and charlo [Applause] the better punches though this round and done the better work but here comes castano with a beautiful double left hook is there enough time for him to close the gap in this round oh nice body work pakistan according to show stats brian castano has landed more punches on jamal charlo than any of charlo's previous opponents as we come down the stretch he gets tagged with a left hook we remember the alamo we will remember saturday july 17 2021 in san antonio undisputed championship at 154 at stake what a fight [Applause] gladiators of the opportunity to become the first ever undisputed champion their wives looking on both of them field their man did enough they're both proud obviously there was a really good fight close fight both great warriors just all around tremendous fight and after a second round in which it looked for all the world like that man jermel charlo had too much power for brian castano we ended up with a very close and competitive fight and we will look at the numbers now mind you remember it's all is there unofficial this is yeah where are the punches placed and who landed what when but what we see is both men landing at a good percentage with their power shots which is everything other than the jab ace an edge for castano by about 22 punches but remember which rounds did they come in boxing scored five rounds [Music] the 129th unification bout in boxing history the 9th at 154 pounds but the first time they are unifying all four belts in an era that began in 1989 and a fight fitting see jamal charlo uh jamelle's brother hoping that his brother has done enough to win well a lot of people sitting on tender hooks awaiting the official decision there's a small contingent of argentine fans here to support brian castano of course jamel charlo representing his home star home state the lone star state will he emerge as the load star at 154 yeah neither man was able to completely execute their game plan castano threw 586 punches less than he normally does he in spots he was the brian cassano that unloads a lot of punches and is effective in spots jermell charlotte was able to throw good power shots neither man got it done completely all right we're about to make history here in san antonio texas let's go to jimmy lennon [Applause] ladies and gentlemen after 12 rounds of action we have a split decision here the score totals judge of ring size steve weisfeld scores about 114 to 113 in favor of brian castano judge of ringside nelson vasquez sees the action 117 to 111 for jermell charlo and judge at ringside tim cheetham scores the bout 114 to 114 even a draw the decision is a split decision draw [Applause] [Music] a draw and i can't believe we end up with a split draw there will be no undisputed champion at 154 pounds you know i think in general nobody should be outraged at this it was a very close fight and nobody's happy with the draw we wanted an undisputed champion it is what it is so you're saying bring on round 13. yeah apparently let's go to jim gray to try [Applause] all right morrow thank you jermell this was a terrific fight what is your thought on having a draw uh shout out to san antonio for coming through baby [Music] i love y'all come back to this place um the draw was you know what is what i wanted to hear if anything i i won this fight uh i heard him way more than you know he did and uh brian castano's a tough warrior you know he gonna give a lot of people problems but like i said my power is something serious at this weight division you had him in trouble uh in the second round and then again in the tenth round did you feel as though you had to knock him out because derek james did tell you in your corner you needed a knockout in the 12th round to win this fight yeah my coach told me i needed a knockout in the ninth round and i just knew that uh you know he knew what he was talking about i believe in my coaching you know uh this is my first time experiencing something like this so hey this come with boxing baby wins losses and draws my lines only still rock with me jeremel let me ask you this this man threw more punches and connected on more punches than any opponent that you had did you know that coming into the fight obviously there was going to be continuous pressure was it more than you had expected well i know he was a tough warrior like i said i know he he threw a hell a lot of punches against almost every opponent he ever fought so um with my skills and my ability of power um i just knew that i could keep them off keep them off of me um i feel like i want to start like i said i deserve to go home as an undisputed i'm glad to be able to fight on for under speed of title you know this is different not a lot of people in my weight division that's hayden they not even got unified titles i'm still holding my titles um shout out to el heyman thank you i can't wait to get home and be with my baby and my family take some time off from boxing and uh we'll come back to the drawing boards and see what's popping and when you look at that drawing board might you review this fight and it seemed from time to time that you were reluctant to throw that right hand was that just because there wasn't the opening or were you reluctant he had his guards up pretty high you know i was moving a little bit uh probably not going to not active enough um you know i don't have no excuses for nothing out there that i do was it frustrating was this a frustrating thing not necessarily i feel like uh you know he's i i dealt with this in training camp uh with my boy select shout out to ubk i see y'all everybody in the building hey i'm happy to go home to the ace town and represent again um i'm i'm i'm one of the fighting prize of lions only uh am going to do this again will there be a rematch i don't know we got to see what the mr haynes say what who says my manager you heard me well it seems like there'd be a lot of interest and it would be for undisputed to have all four belts i want that you know that's my goal that's my destiny wish i wish i'll see terrific fight appreciate it brian [Music] [Applause] felix de jesus will translate did he feel as though he won the fight or does he accept the draw oh no [Music] basically you know i won the fight i mean there were some uh rounds that he did hit me there's no doubt about it he hit me hard but i won the fight definitely i want to thank showtime al haymon for this opportunity and it was a great fight you clearly it seemed to those who were observing and unofficially scoring that you were ahead until the 10th round and you got into a lot of trouble in that round what did you feel the fight would go from there having survived that did you feel that you just had to survive the extra two rounds the last two rounds or did you feel that you lost control of that right there first of all i want to thank san antonio for being here with me and uh yes you were right jim in the 10th round i was hurt so i was trying to recoup a little bit also the start of the 11th round but i did enough to win the fight rematch would you like a rematch i hope i hope this i hope this is a very much i you know he's a great fighter me too i need the red very much all right brian congratulations terrific fight thank you so much felix thank you all right morrow back to you all right and uh jim let's hope that the uh mandatories don't get in the way of a rematch and i want to clarify one thing i said no one should be outraged over the draw you can be outraged at the 117-111 scorecard for charles that was absurd but the idea that this fight ended up being a draw is not an outrage it was close let's bring in our unofficial scorer steve farhood to take a look at the scores well mo first we'll look at the official scores and as is often the case in close and controversial fights the scorecard gives a story in itself all three judges first of all they agreed on eight of the twelve rounds but all three judges gave charlo rounds 10 11 and 12 without scoring without winning those three rounds he does not get the draw and one interesting side note steve weisfeld who scored 114 113 for castano scored the tenth round in which carlo hurt castano 10-8 for charlotte the only judge to do so we look on my card similar to the official cards in that i gave charlo the last few rounds after eight rounds i had castano up four points and he uh closed that gap and ended up with a draw on my card with me giving charlotte the last four rounds so a very close fight on the cards and uh controversial decision [Applause] mo back to you all right steve thank you very much two ring warriors worthy of fighting to become the first undisputed champion at 154 pounds in the four belt era and in the end it results in a disputed decision
Channel: Premier Boxing Champions
Views: 243,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boxing, PBC, premier boxing champions, ko, tko, knockouts, fighter, boxer, mayweather, al haymon, showtime boxing, wilder, thurman, spence, porter, broner, fighting, best of, highlights, wbo, wba, wbc, ibo, ibf, boxing highlights, jermell charlo, charlo twins, charlo vs castano, jermell charlo vs brian castano 1, brian castano, catano unification fight, charlo unification fight, full fight, boxing full fight, showtime full fights, pbc full fights, jermall charlo full fight, charlo vs castano 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 5sec (3845 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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