Erik Morales vs Manny Pacquiao 1 | FREE FIGHT | GREAT FIGHTS IN BOXING

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2 Warriors.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/coaster11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The ending to this fight was so epic it’s got to be experienced from start to finish to grasp how bad ass Erik morales was

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Will-lynch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Crazy how Morales had this locked up but still went to war at the end, absolute legend

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pilot_G3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Top 5 fight of all time for me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Small_Explorer8773 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

ATG match-up, one of the first fights I think of that I wish had been scheduled for 15 rounds.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thedogstays πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Top 3 favorite fights of all time!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Boxeo- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fucking legendary hands being thrown

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JudgeHolden1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

classic fight till da end

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stonehaven22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Morales does so many cool things in this fight. It’s basically a clinic on how to use a right hand to the body. He jabs well, feints well. And ofc he is such a savage for the 12th round

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/yungsallick πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Applause] introducing first fighting out of the red corner wearing white official weight 130 pounds professional record 47 victories including 34 kos with only two defeats thomas the three-time world champion eric rally and his opponent across the ring fighting out of the blue corner wearing red with flames officially 129 and one half pounds professional record 39 victories including 30 knockouts with only two defeats and two bouts even from general santos city the philippines the three-time champion of the world many [Applause] all right gentlemen we want all the rules in a dressing room i expect a good clean fight olympia marino trunks here this is a little high the europe's a little high too punches here are still good then we're not putting alipia i want to go clean fight remember guys i'm fair but i'm firm they say that what happens in las vegas stays in las vegas happily this one is for everyone everywhere [Applause] round one begins eric morales says that he watched tapes of manny pacquiao's fight with juan manuel marquez last year eight different times let's see if that's properly prepared him for the speed and left-hand power of pacquiao which have been devastating and shocking to many opponents in the first round for his part pacquiao's trainer freddie roach says he's been too left-hand dominant to beat morales he'll have to use his lead hand his right hand more and better pacquiao gets in the first little punch of the fight a quick jab yeah relish if he watched the fights with uh manuel marquez he knows that his best out is to take pacquiao into deep water because he came out and blew marquez away right away but marquez was able to bring himself back into the fight in the late round and that's what eric was looking to do more than likely clearly pacquiao has respect for morales whom he has not assaulted as freely and openly as he did marquez and barrera in the opening seconds of the fight and morales starts out with a right hand to the body that just missed pacquiao got that left hand in down the chute but nowhere near the same shocking power that he demonstrated against marquez [Applause] pacquiao trying to get to the body morales pushes him back [Applause] both fighters focusing on the body early but now lands his left hand right and again and the blinding speed of pacquiao's apparel and morales chases him across the ring and says let's fight and fires the right hand to the body after landing two upstairs one thing about him he's here to fight like so many great fighters if you come close to hurting eric morales he's coming right at you he wants to come back right away another hard left hand partially blocked but doing damage anyway morales very wary about pacquiao's left-hand power knockout doing some good work to the body which we haven't always seen him do and he lands the right hand upstairs his fighters hurt hurting his body really bad so the power is showing up as morales wobbles away and then turns around and fires a combination to bend pacquiao back against the ropes and already in round one we see the seesaw action that everybody anticipated talk about living up to expectations [Applause] total in round one morale is 17 out of 48 pacquiao 19 out of 83 so pacquiao throwing more freely morales a little bit more self-protected but nevertheless able to pick his spots and do almost as much damage as manny did another left hand lands for pacquiao the speed is still there [Applause] [Applause] well this looks like he's virtually conceded that he's in with the quicker fighter and he wants to counter punch uh except when he can get him on the ropes now he takes the lead and morales lands upstairs after having focused mostly on the body up to that point pacquiao holds his hands out as if to say you can't hurt me two hard right hand jabs for manny pacquiao his promoters and publicists have been trumpeting a weapon called manila ice and it becomes clear that manila ice is supposed to be the right hand maybe a hook maybe an uppercut we'll see it's the left hand that opponents worry about that's a good right hand body shop [Music] right hand counter upstairs as pacquiao dropped his hands if morale fights his fight like this he's going to be okay just let's not get caught with the big punches morales is disciplining himself to keep his activity level down try to limit pacquiao's chances and keep it a boxing match rather than an all-out rule and that was a big hit by pacquiao but that was a good right-hand body shot by morales that drove him back [Applause] and that's a tough pace to fight at this pacquiao but if he can survive then he'll be okay because he won't tire as quick as pacquiao will especially if he keeps handing that right to the body like he's doing and morale is starting to put the straight right hand into play more often it becomes apparent early on that part of morales strategy is to funnel the straight right hand to the body and look for opportunities to counter upstairs and to not get himself in harm's way of pacquiao's straight left hand take him in the deep water like that took the left hand there and it drove morales back into the ropes [Applause] good right hand uppercut by morales saw his chance and took it corrales is in a sense trying to impose his size on crackdown he is a bigger guy good hard right hand by morales pacquiao comes on with the left and manny grinning wildly as he goes back to the corner at the end of two but unlike both marco antonio barrera and juan milo manuel marquez morales has gotten through the storm of the first two rounds without tasting the canvas [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] supposed to take this guy lightly how could you take eric morales lightly that's not possible what do you what i think he's saying is that you're not supposed to go out here and try to run over him like he's a chump or you're going to wear yourself out and he's still going to have energy left in round three morales 23 out of 60 brilliant tactical round pack down 19 out of 84 morales 11 out of 33 jazz harold how do you have it so far okay jim two rants to one 29 28 eric morales i gave him rounds two and three jim i gotta tell you something if eric morales keeps his cool and keeps him on the end of that jab he seems to be doing very very well beautiful ring generalship but the minute manny pacquiao tears into him morales loses everything he goes totally nuts and he just starts throwing wildly and pacquiao gets the best of them in any case 2-1 morales i have it 2-1 for pacquiao third round is a very close round i gave to pacquiao but you know you can't change morales he's had a lot of success with the style that he fights in and this is what he does he's not going to fight a perfectly disciplined boxer's fight hard left hand by pacquiao morales with a hard right hand coming back and i think it's clear right now manny pacquiao isn't going to deck eric morales with one big shot no he's not and i'll tell you something though it's also good that if eric morales continues to go to that right with that right hand to the body it's gonna be a long night for pacquiao now pacquiao gets more accurate as he pops morales with short punches from close range but he's showing signs of fatigue already jim because he's throwing a lot of punches in this fight already he's not fighting the pace he wants to fight eric is making him fight a different pace and he's beating that body that's very smart like i talked about in the first fight a professional knows how to go up and down and that's what eric's doing right now and already some of the sting is out of pacquiao's punches you're seeing arm punches you're seeing him push the left hand from time to time eric morales is taking some of the sack out of manny pacquiao but pacquiao is still dangerous he will not get overconfident here but all the zap is just about gone his confidence is being bottled because eric is doing things to him to humiliate him in front of his crowd well i think that's an overstatement roy you know it's a long way to go in the fight uh i think in part what's going on here is you didn't have a box before you got a no boxing to know this and see what's happening here you have a box before you know what i'm talking about and that is not over you can disagree roy without having to pull right hard left hand by pacquiao again morales takes it pretty well i just think that we're being caught up a little bit in the expectations that pacquiao was going to come out and tear into morales and do some serious damage that doesn't mean he's still not doing well yeah he's doing well i'm not saying he's not doing well i'm saying he's in a bad spot right now for him we'll see how it all plays out and that's a great discussion you guys are having [Applause] the only thing i'll say about it is i think morales won the third round and i think he won the fourth as well but both guys did damage in that round a beautiful punch jabs through round four according to coffee box morales 31 out of 103 pacquiao's thrown more 123 but he's only landed five interesting because when we measured their arms from the armpit to the end of the fist pacquiao had the longer arms but it's morales who's making his jab a factor well either one of these guys can land a shot that can put the other guy out like larry's saying but morales is in the best position right now because this is the fight he wants this is how marquez came back and did so well against pacquiao after being almost shut out yeah what marquez was able to do was sort of use pacquiao's relentlessness against him and that's what that's what morales watched and that's what he's trying to do right down the pipe but again morales is taking these punches well better than most previous pacquiao opponents [Applause] action fight into the fifth as long as pacquiao can keep the fight in the middle of the ring his quick hands have the advantage definitely [Applause] good luck hook by morales inside pacquiao never saw it coming there's another left hook he didn't see there's a right uppercut that landed two pacquiao's doing some damage morales is landing the higher quality stats and somebody's taking it [Applause] and if that was off the morales left hook or maybe a headlight all right doctor is going to have to look out it's hit by a perch indeed nevada state athletic commission executive director mark ratner holds up the sign that says this cut was caused by a punch eric morales left hook well placed inside all right clientele obviously worried as this takes a long time to evaluate [Applause] right i don't understand why this is taking so much time i don't understand why the doctor came in the ring i thought the guy was supposed to go through the corner and the doctor was supposed to operate over the ring rope exactly instead of stepping all the way into the ring and walking around that was very unusual dr margaret goodman who is the chief medical officer here on this fight seems a little bit wary and off stride right now he's not throwing and morales once again getting an opportunity to control but now pacquiao comes back and lands a combination left hook by morales again sent pacquiao reeling into the ropes that jab right there is going to be a big factor for morales these thoughts jabbing could be a hard night for pacquiao and pacquiao stuffs the left hand right into morales mouth and eric just looks at it as if to say i'm a bigger man you're fighting at 130. welcome to my neighborhood the bud encircles manny pacquiao's right eye as we follow pacquiao to his corner the cut man is lenny dejesus freddie roach has also been known to work with a gun calm down [Applause] [Applause] all right now here you gonna take your teeth this guy okay all right back him up real combination you heard him couple times right here we're looking to see what happens we see eric through a left or right bam that's a hit but that probably caused the blood and the hook came out but i think the head but it's what caused the gas it makes all the sense in the world yeah yeah i think the head but definitely interesting to see if the nevada state athletic commission changes their opinion i don't think they'll do that but [Applause] uh [Applause] uh [Applause] ah [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right time in all right let's put the drama in context first of all harold how do you have it through six okay jim there's a couple of things i want to go over 58 56 four rounds to two eric morales number one in round five you had a long delay while the doctor looked at that car the good judge will make a note of what happened early in the round so that he doesn't forget and early in the round there's no question that pacquiao was winning okay that's number one number two under the rules in the association of boxing divisions only the referee can stop the fight only the referee can make the decision whether it's a but or a punch if joe cortez didn't see that but it's a punch if this fight gets stopped morales wins by tko well we don't have instant replay what we should in a case like this we have it as televisors we don't have it in our sport i have the fight even at three rounds a piece pacquiao's coming out last strong stronger this round and they have in the last people in the previous two rounds i mean so you may have found something may have determined that he's able to fight with his eye in that shape and that rekindles some of his will gives him the energy that he's shown in the early part of the round here he's definitely won the first half of this round [Applause] now morale starts to counter and momentarily wobbles pacquiao with an inside right hand all right come on come on they all traded some very good punches right hand over the top by morales right hands to the body lands a sizzling left pacquiao with a four punch combination definitely has the your hands let's go let's go come on get up break up [Applause] [Applause] got one in just under the belt line cortez let him have it oh great right hand lead oh wobbles pacquiao again pacquiao took that punch very good though you know has never been a big puncher roy no no good shot just beat you down he's a willful guy that's for sure as he hammers that right hand down back to the body with a vicious shot that all but doubled pacquiao over yeah that had to hurt real bad great left [Applause] got to be careful about letting your hands go against back down but morales feels strong now what about a brilliant round [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] it's considered the puncher has always used rey to punch his gloves in america but his promoter allowed to be written into the contract that he would use a different type of glove called winner's gloves which is not considered a punches gloves the glove favored by morales nobody could say how that affects this fight whether that diminishes pacquiao's power or not but it's something that has to be pointed out i just got one question why wouldn't manny pacquiao want to wear a puncher's glove he did want to wear the punches gloves but his promoter did not talk to him about it before he signed a contract agreeing to use the gloves that morales wanted good stiff jab by morales [Applause] compubox numbers since the headbutt in round five morales 83 out of 208 for 40 pack out 53 out of 245 for 22 only makes sense that pacquiao as he becomes a little more desperate might not land as just as that higher rate [Applause] i just want to uh recover that territory it was pacquiao who wanted to punch his gloves which he's always used morales didn't and pacquiao's promoter was snookered into a green to use morales gloves in the contract for this fight well of course the fascinating reversal there in then is that pacquiao the filipino wanted to wear mexican gloves and morales wound up tricking him into wearing asian gloves we taking this many punches and as clean shots as they have been taken and landed tonight it really doesn't matter i don't care what kind of gloves they got on this would be a blood bath regardless and it would be just like it's happening right now hard right hand by pacquiao joe morales back eric morales is hurt right now manny pacquiao finally got in that big punch he's been looking for but does he have the energy to finish it because he didn't have a good shot he got another one in there another left hand and now morales goes forward eric morales can't stand to be hurt he has to go back at his guy that's a true that's two true warriors in here [Applause] just doesn't stop pacquiao lands another straight left hand morales instantly tries to come back again this has turned into a good round for manny pacquiao partially because morales is affording him opportunities let him keep coming first and he's not going to stop coming now morales wants his moment drives pacquiao back to the jab in the right hand and he takes advantage of the chance to fleury and pops eric with a right and a left at the end of the round and morales wobbles to his corner [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] all right let's go let's go [Applause] corrales 22 out of 46 doubled back out we landed 11 out of 42. if you believe in harold letterman's scorecard then you believe manny pacquiao needs a knockout to win eric morales if he stands up is going to be the winner if harold's got his right and now in addition to all the bleeding pacquiao's right eye has begun to swell shot and it's bleeding really really bad now and that could give morales some great chances with his jab and his left hook but it doesn't seem to be bothering pacquiao cause he just shot a beautiful straight left hand out there hey as the teenager manny pacquiao stole or sold stolen cigarettes on the streets of of manila just to try to survive so he's been through tougher than this yes yes [Applause] seems to sense that his job is to stand up he's still fighting but he's staying more out of harm's way hard right hand by morales steps into the fray again [Applause] pacquiao pushing morales off to try to get punching room corrales is using that jab over and over sensing that pacquiao may have trouble seeing with the right eye good straight right hand by morales and a left hand inside by manny you know what that means [Applause] blood starts to flow again more than a minute left in the round people may well combination by morales people may wonder if oh good fighter shot if herrera handled morales twice and pacquiao demolished barrera why is morales doing so good against pacquiao because styles make fights in fact the stars make fights in part because he's so big and strong now at this rate that he and he takes such a good punch that it keeps him in the game and in part because he's always fighting marco antonio barrera in some sense or another and this was his chance tonight to beat a guy who had badly beaten barrera which in his view would be a victory over martha all right bring it up pacquiao is going to need to be more active and more dynamic in the 12th round if he's going to create the knockout he appears to need the featherweight division is a gift that keeps giving to boxing and this is no exception harold letterman had morales winning the 11th further sealing the deal on the notion that if pacquiao could win he'll need a knockout to do it not out of the question man i had it six rounds to five for morales pacquiao's never had a knockout after the 10th round and it's going to be extremely difficult to do it against the taller extremely resilient morales but again as roy said not out of the question [Applause] and then of course the judges have confounded us before but in this instance i think the tactical advantage has been clear enough i i can't conceive of the judges going against morales he switches southpaw lands a couple of right hands puts himself in harm's way though against pacquiao's left hand yeah that's a big one i don't know why he will fight back in the world but [Music] his father told him don't do anything stupid please be cautious he switched southpaw and got hit by a massive left hand i think morales wants to fight oh my gosh talk about going into the jaws of the lion [Music] [Applause] this is a picture that doesn't need any captions [Applause] [Applause] get the best of him like this and this is crazy because he's giving a fight away like this i think guys there's nothing like boxing and there are no athletes like fighters we can call this march gladness absolutely there's nowhere else in sport you'll find greater passion greater intensity greater courage greater commitment greater sheer guts than what these two guys are showing you this is boxing at its best see he's just stubborn he just means he's not going to be out there from the style proposition i don't know why he would do this that was crazy [Applause] nobody is going to ask for their money back [Applause] nobody is going to ask for their money back that may be the best two fights back-to-back i ever seen unbelievable what a night in las vegas ending your living room do we want to see this one again we'll have a hunch we might just a wild hunch harold gives the 12th round to pacquiao and clearly pacquiao deserved the 12th off those massive left-hand shots that varalas set up for him by turning southpaw in the middle of the round it was crazy when you turn southpaw against the southpaw he's better at hitting you from the southpaw stance than you are hitting him you're opening up your tree i wouldn't understand why you do it like right here he throws the jab he counts the jab with the oak beautiful overhand left you can't actually get hit with a better punch than that so why would you turn the south part at a time like that that's what he's done seconds after he comes into the punch with the right hook i mean you can't out beat out box of southpaws by turning southpaw this late in the fight you're tired you're gonna make mistakes and he's best at this that was crazy it was as if he was saying all right manny you need a knockout i'll give you a chance at it let's see if you can do it hit my chin amazing let's take a look at the three judges who are charged with the responsibility of sorting this one out all veterans all terrific chuck champa one of the best you see his scorecard for barrera in the second herrera morales fight he scored for the winner it was controversial dave moretti famous all the way back to uh some some great fights in years past and scored hoya sturm for de la hoya as did all three judges and paul smith uh had pereira morales three a draw which a lot of media people thought was a very good scorecard uh but at the end of the day varera was the winner of that one and michael buffer has the secret let's find out who won ladies and gentlemen here at the mgm grand we sold two of the best fighters not just in this division but pound for pound in the world today have the courage to face each other a round of applause for both of these gladiators we go to the scorecards paul smith dave moretti and chuck jampa all have the same score 115 to 113 to the winner by unanimous decision de la sona norte tijuana mexico a close fight thank you very much jim congratulations eric what was your plan coming into this fight to neutralize his left hand [Applause] to plan [Applause] my plans was because i fought some of the left-handed but i knew this guy was quick one night we wanted to uh jab bob and weave but real carefully using the jab when he suffered that cut on his eye did you think the fight was going to go to distance [Applause] [Applause] [Music] but my plans wasn't focusing on them stopping the fight was to punish him was he tougher than you thought he was because he took a lot of your heavy punches too [Music] [Music] is he was a tough guy i hit him with everything and we knew he was tough and we we had to work hard to beat him i wanted to thank crank for this fight and this is the fight that a lot of people wanted to see do you feel vindicated restored in the eyes of your fans after foreign [Applause] yes absolutely vindicated because uh they top ranked my promoters they put me in one of the fight the way i i would prove and i would show and you can see the crowd here and the way the fight went that this is what they want would you give him a rematch or would you prefer to fight pereira for a fourth time it's hard to say the public is going to uh really have the final state they want some uh tough fights i could have taken it easy at the end of the fight because i was ahead but the public wants this and they want the fourth fight we'll we'll do it but you really liked to stand toe to toe with him in the 12th round even if you thought you won the fight all right thank you that's thank you in tagalog for a good fight why was he more difficult for you than barrera i understand i'm sorry i'm sorry why was he more difficult for you manny than barrera that's a big uh big because uh you know it's it's hard for for me because uh his different style against alvarez so uh morales is his lager as boxer so he threw our straight in uh straight to the body straight to the head and and he have a uppercut so uh it's very different from barrier was he was his size a problem for you oh the side the side is not problem he said no um that's my regular weight you know and comfortable weight that's 130 pounds were you surprised that he took some of your best punches yeah you know i'm our success uh reusing our winnings so i wanted to ask you about the gloves do you think that had you been given the the punches gloves that you normally wear reyes gloves that you would have had a better chance to do damage i think uh if we we were uh using our clitoris gloves i think aina came without you know why didn't you why weren't you able to use your gloves how did that happen that your promoter gave that edge away under the cam over morales they request that gloves in the you know the nevada athletic commission this is this this is uh they want to use me a winning gloves because i'm a moralist you want to use our winning gloves but you could have used your gloves the rule there's no longer a rule that you have to use the same gloves as the opponent all right yeah that's right but you know um that we followed the decision of the uh uh nevada you can use your gloves when if you want if it's not in the contract but it was in the contract that we were winning was that a mistake to put that in the contract we were never asked actually i don't know i do not know that and and you know um all right let's go manny to when you hurt your eye the the referee in round five ruled that it was a punch you tell us what you think happened you know that's it but but you know the decision of the river is expansion so um i hate in in pan so um what was the doctor saying to you when they took time out because he took a long time to look at your cut i didn't hear that he said what he's saying that you know what she said he and then he said are you want to continue the fight or stop you want he said yeah did it affect you in the fight the fight yeah very uh uh effective that's got because uh that one icons can say you know you couldn't see out of that eye yeah i could not say but you know i do my best and then you know i get a great fight you know people loves the this fight you know i do my best i try my best to win the fight you know do you want a rematch yeah i want to i wonder if much anytime anywhere thank you very much again all right thank you larry and thank you for uh i would like to thank to hbo for giving me this a big opportunity to to show the whole world and i would like to thank to all the people loves boxing to all my countrymen in the philippines and it was also the president and the president of the philippines thank you very much all the government uh the government officials come here to watch the fight to support my fight thank you very much
Channel: Top Rank Boxing
Views: 11,638,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top rank boxing, erik morales vs manny pacquiao 1, erik morales highlights, erik morales, erik morales knockouts, manny pacquiao, manny pacquiao highlights, manny pacquiao knockouts, erik morales vs manny pacquiao 1 highlights, erik morales vs manny pacquiao 1 round 12, erik morales vs manny pacquiao 1 2 3, erik morales vs manny pacquiao 1 full fight, manny pacquiao vs erik morales 1, manny pacquiao vs erik morales 1 2 3 highlights, manny pacquiao vs erik morales 1 highlights
Id: Sl4V0e2Odqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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