Charlie Sheen | Sober living, "Tigers Blood", "Winning", Two and a Half Men and The Road To Recovery

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waking up in a hotel we're missing a couple teeth they're fake anyway and um girlfriend's gone and i don't know what city i'm in [Music] charlie sheen sitting down with us on knocking doors down who who would have thunk it that's right everybody charlie sheen that's right uh so i got to start off with a story charlie a big baseball player as a kid my mom actually worked in baseball prior to me being born wow so i was a pitcher oddly enough so one of my first games facing a team my best friend's middle brother the first batter up first pitch beam him in the ankle coach goes [ __ ] wild thing calm it down so that was actually got stuck my nickname throughout when i played little league baseball so you know it's kind of funny to have had that movie and you know what it meant to me and a big fan of your career so so how how long had the film existed in the pantheon of of life prior to that happening i it was prior to the second one coming out so it was i got what year was the first one 86. we shot it in 88 came out in 89. okay yeah i couldn't remember old as me [Laughter] so how are you doing how's it going i'm doing good you look great i feel good thank you yeah it's good to see you i know that uh you know there was a obviously a lot of stuff that was in there in the news for a while a lot of concern but uh health is doing good sobriety intact it is yes 100 yeah i wouldn't be here today if it wasn't i can't show up and do this show loaded it's like the exposure would be really silly and embarrassing did you see him on the sober podcast dude i was sitting right next to him that was not sober yeah no it um it's interesting um yeah i've i've i you know i've been uh around sobriety for for a long time uh both you know with with the program and on my own and and like that and um and and it's it's it never really meant what it means today um when i was always uh led to it when i was always there was always consequences attached to it and there's always consequences just dying there's that but when it was like you do this so you can continue doing this right you know so it was always it it never felt genuine and never felt organic and it and it always had a ticking clock on it because i always felt like okay all right i did this for them and then when i finish what they need whatever project or job or thing then i get you know i get i get my freedom of choice back and i can i can you know really make a statement you know um when you're saying ticking clock now are you meaning just was it was it legal matters or contractual matters for some of the projects you're working on or both both both yeah yeah i felt like okay this is what they want and so fine i will adhere to you know i'll i'll i'll tow the line um but but there was always you know when this is done then i can disappear back into you know what i thought was the place i really want what about what about do they ask you how to get clean or how to get sober do they try to tell you how to do it or just that you needed to do it because that's one of the things that i i believe that over the years trying to get clean because i relapsed over and over again had it was always doing what people told me i should do or how to do it and i really truly never got clean until i figured out what i needed to do for myself and not what other people told me i needed to do and how to do it sure yeah um aa is not the best place for um for a famous atheist yes i kept looking for that [ __ ] chapter what you know um there's your headline right there for a famous atheist famous [ __ ] idiot so so yeah um but it's not a one size fits all you know it's like it's like saying that we all think the same like our brains are built the same they're just not right now there's there's such uniqueness involved um and yet sure i would wear that as a badge of defiance you know you don't understand me but then when you start to surrender a little bit and see that there's such a commonality and there is there is a link with people that have nothing close to what somebody else might do for a living or or the things they've been influenced by or exposed to or or worship you know um so yeah it's it's i guess it comes down to well you can't say it comes down to one of the things that was revealed to me was uh was finding a way to to to not be held hostage 24 hours a day by two things shame and people pleasing and you put those together and you know i'm i'm living in amsterdam basically you know right yeah um so you and you probably want me to elaborate on that a little bit i i think shame and people pleasing are completely interwoven absolutely i agree 100 so i know i greatly struggled with that still do at times right and and and what is shame really it's it's us writing a story about how someone's going to interpret or judge us without with us having no idea what the outcome of the next moment is yeah you know we go into situations where okay all right i'm convinced because they know or i think they know that i did this or i'm thinking about doing that and therefore that that that's going to affect everything that that that that reveals itself you know and so we've written a story beginning middle and end it's like oh i can't go there because maybe something that happened once you know what i mean um we we we get so attached to to fables right that just that that have no basis in in in reality and it's i think a lot of it is fear-based a lot of it is shame-based um and and the reason i mentioned people please and i was thinking about this on the way over here is is because you know um and i i hate the term especially as addicts no just as freaking human beings that that you know maybe crossed that line or just did things a lot gnarlier than than others you know um but it's you know we we or at least i i would create different versions of myself based on who i was dealing with or based on who i had to hide from or or manipulate or or impress or you know what i'm saying so it's just it's uh it's it's it's hard to like point to one thing but we don't have to point to one thing it's a it's a it's it's a it's a constellation of it's it really is an amalgam of circumstances yeah you know i mean i know for me definitely uh you know carlos i don't know if you you can write i don't think we've talked much about this but the um the play like you said the playing the character for certain people certain people wanted me to be a certain way so i was a certain way for them you know for for my mom it was okay sober for mom dad it was the different thing it was the the guy that got the chicks because that impressed dad or whatever what so it was just wearing those different hats for different people and you never really get to find yourself you don't you know and it's exhausting oh it's a fun it's a full-time job with very few benefits there's no dental plan in that job yeah but then also coming over here i was like all right there's a there there's a there's a there's a through line there's a there's an undercurrent of uh of of mental health that that we'll be discussing today and then i'm in my car alone laughing like well yeah if you want to talk about overcoming mental health issues call this [ __ ] um but no but there the other side of that is is that uh you know i i had the meltdown the nervous breakdown uh yeah you know front and center on the world stage you know so so i uh yeah i i wish i could really sit here and say all right here's what happened i i don't really know i don't really know but i did but what i was saying is i did find some comedy value in like calling this guy for mental health advice but um but yeah i i uh the majority of it was ultimately linked to to to boos and and and to dope you know yeah um yeah and it um it was you know the the one thing and i'm not you know i'm not like trying to you know locate any sympathy but just maybe just um the one piece of it that still kind of irks me a little bit is i went through all that and i behaved like a complete idiot and and you know i was i was fueled by by all sorts of um you know uh situational realities that i was trying to navigate trying to overcome um but it's you know i went through that and instead you know people showed up in drugs and overnight they'd written songs about me that were already on the freaking radio you know and that was kind of cool there was an energy to it it was like oh my gosh wow okay what's next um but there wasn't anybody there to say hey man um cut the [ __ ] yeah let's just let's come over here let's let's there was nobody there to say yeah yeah this guy this guy needs some help he's in the middle of something i do have to say that was one of the things about when it was going on you know people the winning the tiger blood and stuff like that and then i would see some other footage and there was people that quote unquote your help or whatever that it kind of pissed me off from a standpoint of you know of having been around it and you know family history with my dad it was people that fueled him and it's like somebody should have just like yeah hey you know what you might fire me but i love you and i don't want you to die yeah yeah i mean there was one guy out there and i and i um i developed such a resentment against him because i knew he was right um and i guess i don't know a whole lot about him i think maybe people died in his rehab or that's i wasn't there it's not my business but um uh pinsky right dr drew yeah he was the only guy out there like going on the news or going on the talk shows and saying here's what's going on with him and i was you know of course you don't know me and we've never met how can you you know diagnose me um so yeah so he was he was there man he was out there um but the the idea of of our paths crossing or me actually taking pause to to get in the same room with him that was i would have sooner uh walked on the moon and what i'm wearing right you know so and anyone that's deep in the disease knows that that part of your brain is like give a [ __ ] off you have no idea what you're talking about go away this guy you know i mean you're in a state of psychosis i mean don't you think that's kind of where you were too carlos yeah i was i was i was in my world i mean nobody nobody could have done i had loving parents and family and everybody tried and they tried so many times um i mean it got to the point they just didn't believe in me no more you know i would knock on the doors hungry wanted some food and just slam the door in my face you know and just because i deserve it i mean they tried i've lost two marriages because of it you know relationships with my kids i've been in jail numerous times and but so many people tried um even my best friends my two best friends they i never partied with them and they were around but when i was hard into my [ __ ] they stayed away you know the people that loved me could not be around me because and i didn't want to be around be around them anyways because i was a mess right so um but they tried um it was just me it was just i wasn't ready and i think anybody in addiction knows that no one can tell you to stop until you're absolutely ready and to me you know i call that chapter the night in my book you know it was just one night when it all turned turn around for me and i said you know what i have to find that long lasting change and i did so 14 years later here i am good for you wow and you talk about of course loved ones um because i'm curious a lot of the folks that we just talked with charlie there's there's always something in childhood that kind of if you dig back and you've done a little bit of the work that makes a little bit of sense to a certain extent you know was it you know i mean obviously growing up in a famous family um you know your dad had some recorded stuff too of course of of his you know some of his history but what was it like for you with that because you really started pretty early on in life jumping into this crazy business you know show business i did so do you think it was part of that way of growing up too that also played into it created some of those insecurities or i think well i i had a pretty normal childhood uh except for you know traveling most of the world with dad on his location he always put in his contract the the whole family would get plane tickets to that's why my parents were married 60 right two years you know what i'm saying um so yeah um so yeah i i played baseball um it was just it was uh but but i there was a group that was you know a couple years older than me that that were close to me you know neighborhood guys that happened to be you know roblox sean penn and emilio and judd was around and so i was just i i i was still in high school watching these guys have in incredible instant overnight success i mean you know earned of course um and so we'd go out and you know i'd kind of be you know the little brother in the corner and there with all the girls and the thing you know the you know everything everything awesome and shiny um and i and i and i did make several vows uh in those moments that that i was going to eclipse all of them and and show them how it was really done did that go a little far maybe um ultimately thank you thank you um but so yeah so it did it it did ignite something in me that uh that i i maybe as an athlete that that competitive thing you know um but man you can't you can't warn anybody you can't really tell someone what something's going to be like until they're actually in the middle of it yeah you can't you know i mean uh you know some of the greatest hitters you know we've seen we've seen them have hundreds of home runs and and you asked them you know what's it like to hit a home run and yeah they can lay it out lay out the physics for you and maybe some of the you know the emotional component but but until you do it you don't know what it feels like right so it's it's there's something similar um i hate to call it fame it just that sounds so just it's fame though right now right yeah right right um i i i just um i don't know i i um yeah i wanted to be part of that so badly and then when it finally happened you know there's never that moment to reflect on the few steps right before the arrival you know um and so yeah and i and i and i tell people you know you i'll to talk to you know young actors and musicians or whatever and and you can kind of you can see it in someone you can kind of see that that this is this could be a person that is is going to be known for what they do and known by a lot of people you know and and they'll ask me like advice you know hey man what do you think i should do and the thing and i'm like yeah you know um keep doing what you do um good luck if it goes really bad and you still have my number reach out but you can't really give me i mean there's there is advice i i give to you know to to my daughter's friends that ask me you know i'm like okay just for starters um and this is not a knock on either one of us i tell them no tattoos um yeah we're out yeah right no tattoos no cigarettes uh no crack you know just just no because they off the ink in the pipe yeah thank you stay off the ink in the pipe that's a t-shirt yes done um i'm i'm kind of all over the place here that's all right but let's bring it back yeah we refocus this please hitting a home run is [ __ ] awesome for anyone that hasn't done it so hopefully people get to play little league but um let's talk about you bring up fame so when things really started taking off of course people know a lot of the big name movies which we do want to get into some fun stories but you know there's a lot of smaller projects that people don't realize you know they go oh you know son of of martin sheen and brother of emilio estevez but you busted your freaking ass off early on you were doing a lot of projects a lot of auditions you weren't getting them handed to you no you know thank you i think the earliest thing i remember no you weren't credited in apocalypse now but there was some footage of that right with the for coppola when your dad was on that yeah that was a lie um i needed to fill a resume oh when i started auditioning in the summer of 83 it was right after high school because i people say yeah he dropped out no i finished man i didn't completely finish but i was i was a point and a half shy and they were like you got to go to summer school it was my first summer of freedom since i was like four and and i said no no no no no let me um well first of all i tried to get some points from barrera a guy grew up because he had like 220 you need 200 i'd you know i was point and a half shy they said you can't have barrera's points i'm like whatever and so my parents said we got to go to summer school i said no no all right let me audition this first summer if it's a disaster then i'll i'll go back get those points and i'll go to college and i'll study film and they were like all right good luck and so uh i got the first freaking job that i went on not having a clue about really what i was doing my my training ground was watching dad on a set and then us mimicking that making super 8 films with that neighborhood crew you know so we kind of understood the process sure but didn't completely uh have a sense of what it was going to be like suddenly action yeah you know um so so yeah but uh so i had to have this resume to go to these auditions and i just made [ __ ] up you know i i starred in plays i'd never even read and there was a catch and i was like oh we did a production of that at the lancaster gym and i'm like yeah i can't focus on that right now i gotta learn these bacons you know make it yeah to be yours or not to go there so so the apocalypse thing uh emilio was in it for like 10 seconds okay and i'm like yeah i was there for eight months and they're not it was dark they're not gonna know all right they're not gonna know all these years here i was i thought i was like oh what is that all right cool well i didn't spend eight months in the philippines during apocalypse so i kind of you know that's a forgivable resume lie right yeah yeah we could go into that forever in and the documentary about it it's one of my all-time favorites it's it's incredible isn't it yeah phenomenal but a big coppola fan anyways we could segue off that for forever where you are now may not be where you came from the choices you make today may spiral out of control or spin you in the right direction discover a riveting true story of how carlos vieira nearly destroyed his life and lived to tell about it stand up stand firm believe make it happen and live through the madness knocking doors down along the way and don't miss others telling their powerful stories on our podcast visit let's talk about what do you think the first like you know you got you got the first project made for tv movie i don't know uh no the first thing first thing was grizzly 2. oh predator okay yeah which i just unless i dreamed this i don't think i did i think he's on apple tv it's on itunes okay yeah i think it thinks after all these years they put it up there because it's me and george clooney and laura dern and there we are like on this in this terrible video box thing and i'm like i didn't even watch the preview i didn't i couldn't get to the remote fast enough you know um but yeah and then while i was in hungary um uh i got the call that i had gotten the role in red dawn yes oh yeah because i auditioned for that right before i left town yeah yeah yeah getting that call it was it was cool like the first five minutes and then um george and i went george and i um conan and i uh hit hit a few bars and because you know he's you know mature and responsible he goes home they find me somewhere i'm out there in the streets of budapest trying to um find a chicken not a not a live one but just a cooked chicken because we heard a rumor there was this place where the guy cooked them all night and this and that so we didn't find the chicken came back we're probably the third worst hangover ever he's like what were the first two um we'll get to those later but yeah i celebrated getting red dawn trying to find uh a chicken in budapest i mean gosh we have different life but you know what i'm saying there's nothing there's nothing glamorous about that is there well i mean not even clamors but that is a hell of a story you know we're in budapest we're trying to find a chicken a cookie and and laura was with me lord dorm was with me right like trying the whole time to get me back to the hotel there's always that person when we're having the most fun right like the night's over i'm like i don't see the sun so sound familiar we've done that a couple of times when i was still drinking but um anyways uh so red dawn comes about really kind of you know you're supporting role of course patrick swayze you know main character of that but things really start to kind of take off more from there so now are you getting more where instead of going auditions people are asking you to come in and audition no not yet and there was a there was a crucial um uh moment in and around uh grizzly and red dawn and i was only home for like three weeks maybe two weeks before we had to go to santa fe i'm sorry las vegas new mexico the other las vegas um and i'm not so glamorous wow um yeah it's there's stories there it's the reason i haven't written my book yet you know because it's it's the the really cool stuff is is is yet to happen yeah you know i mean all the salacious this and that and all the you know all the special effects and pyrotechnics that's yeah i can write that fine but i'm not i think it'd be irresponsible to write a rock and roll memoir you know sure um but anyway so i get this one audition before i leave and it's at the end of the day and i'm working on the scene and i can't really figure it out because my character doesn't have any dialogue and this other character um this ancient japanese man he has even less and so go in and you know what i'm talking about right yeah and i auditioned for john appleton and and he's coming off a rocky you know and i tank the audition and i get back to my managers manager agent her apartment in santa monica and i'm like let me get a beer that was a freaking mess and she's like oh you get them next time and that freaking phone rings and it's it's it's them it's it's the casting lady and apple's insane how soon can he get into karate training he was karate kid yeah yeah didn't you pass by ralph macchio at the audition or something i think he tells a story where he saw sheen and he's like oh [ __ ] no ralph had the job oh okay and hamilton came west to see if anybody could unseat him who could could do something different or better or whatever you know and so so he tells a story that we saw yeah i want to say and i could be misquoting i saw there was something or maybe he had heard that they were talking to you yeah yeah yeah and so i went to my dad and i said hey um they want me to start karate training this could be the next big thing in hollywood this could be my moment you know and he says yeah um no i'm sorry it was i'm wrong it was right before budapest yeah i got that confused okay um cut anyway he said dad said um okay so uh can you just do this thing in budapest you know with the bear and then then start the other thing you know and we tried to do that and said no he's got to start today so i went back to dan i said um i think i can f off the grizzly thing and just go into miyagiville you know and and he was like well did but you gave them your word they're counting on you and i'm like yeah but it's a thing with a bear and you know these unknown actors i'll be working with and he says your word in this business is going to last a lot longer than one big film yeah so i did the thing and then you know read dawn and then after that um i i had to watch as that film and ralph and it just it was it was it was actually it was extra galactic yeah yeah yeah and so but i guess the other side of that is you know no disrespect to ralph at all sure he's brilliant um but then having to be that guy for for a very long time yeah well it's kind of it reminds me and you know because you've worked with so many talented people but there's people that fall into that one of them pops in my head one of my all times favorites because i love voice over acting too mark hamill of course luke skywalker and star wars but kind of had that thing too it's like oh here here comes luke [ __ ] skywalker you know people didn't give him other opportunities outside of that because it was so iconic sure did you ever hit a point with that especially after for example i mean you know i'm sure you probably dealt with drunk people or over the years going wrecking ball wild thing what's going on man yeah that that that's actually a very accurate nailed yeah um i know that guy um yeah it's it's and it's not sad it's just it's just you know it's just surrendering to to the reality of another situation i i stopped going to baseball games yeah because i spend the whole game staring at my hands all right signing baseballs um and you know you can't say no to these kids coming on sure come on and so so yeah and then i'll spend a ton of dough on the great seats and then i get run out of there and then i go into a box and then i'm i'm in a box i don't smoke anymore but at the time i'm in a box where i can't smoke watching it on tv and i'm like why didn't i stay home why didn't i just freaking stay home you paid to sign an autograph exactly kind of reverse idea exactly because people don't really know that you maybe don't know but you have such a huge love for baseball i do i do yeah where did it start with what players was it was it dad basically it was dad yeah yeah and he was a reds fan really yeah and so i fell in love with the reds like in 74 and then the next two years you know world series champs and all this stuff and then then the droughts you know we finally make the playoffs last season and don't score yeah don't score yeah i remember there were some hopeful times of the the late 80s early 90s players like barry larkin and you know stuff like that there was some hope for them but it just yeah well they want it in 90. right you know so up until this past season um they had won a world series earlier or sooner than the dodgers had right you know yeah i can't say that anymore but yeah no it uh it's it's i i started playing and people talk about you know when someone picks up a baseball you either know instantly how to handle it and throw it or it's just something that doesn't it doesn't fit with your thing you know right um and i and i did and i was never you know i i i wasn't built well look at the athletes today i mean right you know you get linebackers playing shortstop you know um it's just a whole different science isn't it oh god yes yeah i mean you look at it across the board in esport lebron james people don't realize how large a human being he is to move the way he does oh yeah i mean kevin durant we could go on and on in multiple sports it's just at least today's it's absolutely insane dk metcalf who plays for the seattle sea i can't stand the seahawks but that dude is a freaking monster like it's crazy so yeah it's definitely throwing a fit on the sidelines then you kind of touch down like two plays later i had my money on seattle too and they lose the first round of the playoffs like okay whatever but anyways that's neither here nor there i'm actually kind of curious myself as to when when did the partying start oh okay like when when was the first beer when was the first joint you know like how did that get going because you said red dawn called then you went out celebrated a couple bars so it was clearly before that right so how old were you at that time sorry to cut you off 18. okay oh okay yeah but it started um first joint was at uh 10 but it was malibu man that was you know i was going to say it's not really frowned upon you know no and your friend's dad was growing it and it was like right across the gully you know um but uh yeah it um that but then the booze didn't show up till you know because nobody could get any booze like in junior high school or they call it a middle school or rather um and so but it was just beer you know mickey's big mouth and you know i know we all drank seven puked and couldn't yeah um i'm getting sick just thinking about it but the partying was actually um interrupted for a while during junior high and during high school because of baseball you know that i was on the team and i was doing well it was pretty good um so i didn't i couldn't i just didn't it didn't fit in it didn't fit in you know there was like there was a respect for the athletes and you wanted to show up and do your best and and um yeah you couldn't you you just couldn't do both you know and so it didn't really start to to take hold until um until i started doing work on location because then there was no one to like check on you yeah you know there was no one to to to show up unexpectedly are we talking about movies like like platoon era and stuff like that or are we talking a little bit later on a little bit before you know we we were drinking a little bit on on um yeah boys next door okay me and matthew were going for max right there sorry we're going pretty deep um and but you know that was uh penny spheres directed that and at one point she came into the trailer she's like guys okay you haven't you know you haven't derailed this yet but i see where this is going so you know there was somebody there yeah someone there to to to slow down a little you know sure um platoon uh yeah we only partied like the first week and then once we got literally into the jungle um we went from training right to the first day of shooting right and there was you were so tired so exhausted um emotionally physically um and and platoon was a trip because i was going back to the philippines you know just nine years later sure to then you know do another do my own story and and narrate it it's just it's just crazy that that would happen you know yeah um so yeah so then um uh eight man out was a mess i can remember catching like one fly ball in three months i know i caught more but that's i was you know i was in the background the whole time so i just had a you know pocket full of percocet and booze in the in the in the trailer right you know um you didn't have to make contact every swing you know we can cut around that [ __ ] yeah exactly um but then wall street got got got a little got a little deeper because by the time we get to wall street it was like platoon had come out we won those awards and the thing you know things are starting to cook and so i had a ton of resentment because i was stuck in new york with oliver you know making another movie with him and it really was getting in the way of enjoying this first tsunami of the platoon success right and so i think that affected a lot of the work in wall street i watch it now and i'm like yeah okay hammered hammered again oh geez really hammered um you know i mean i was able to to i don't want to say scrape by but i was able to as a friend of mine like to say run between the raindrops yeah yeah um but god again again the energy the work the the commitment to that is it's debilitating you know yeah no no i know what you're talking about i haven't had a 20-year radio broadcasting career that if i probably went back and listened to like oh [ __ ] i probably stopped drinking about 45 minutes before i started doing that you know wow so um but uh just talk let's talk a little bit about wall street because course you know your dad was in there as well but also working with michael douglas was there a point i mean and of course oliver you know he had his own run of stuff was there a point that either those gentlemen kind of called you on your [ __ ] and that because you had a lot of dialogue with your dad um dad yeah once dad showed up i i knew it was you know it was a different energy it was so you're wearing that different role for your dad exactly you're talking about exactly yeah but but also you know honoring the process and the film and the role and all that stuff and and the opportunity right you know um yeah it's that there there were some moments uh you know sitting in rehab or this flamed out or that went bad or that person left and you're sitting there and you're and you're just thinking i was thinking that this was not part of of of what i imagined as a child to have a dream life this this this moment didn't didn't exist in that that tapestry of awesome you know i think it's good that you bring that up and also talking about shame too is that for anyone that all of us that seek sobriety sit there and that i didn't picture life this is not what i dreamed of right for me it most certainly wasn't you know the puking every morning you know for a month consistently or whatever um that shame and that it's okay to go hey my plan didn't go as i expected uh you know as they say uh you know uh tell god or just tell life in general your plan and see who laughs sure you know so it's kind of i think killing some of that shame too don't you i do i do yeah um but where was i right before that you so you were talking about the point of being in rehab and and thinking about that this wasn't the life you envisioned as a child yes yeah um but then you know we rally and we're like okay as soon as as soon as i get out of here and then you know this is going to be different that's going to be different this is going to change that person's going to change you know and that a lot of that doesn't happen right you know so charlie when you say you went to rehab when the first time you had to go to rehab or you went to rehab was that your choice are you ever pushing like how i tell that story of how that happened intervened okay yeah i thought i was going to my dad's uh 50th birthday party um yeah it is at their house and i've been up all night and i managed to get like you know that 20-minute nap you know yeah and and i got there and it was it was just kind of weird that the party would start at 9am i'm like all right maybe they maybe they got somewhere to be drinking all about it all right all right so i show up and my mom comes out and she she says hi sweetie good to see you um are you armed huh crazy i said yeah i'm always on but i mean i'm not anymore right um but she's like could you could you could you leave your your gun in the car i'm like yeah no problem put the gun in the car and i come in there's no balloons there's no cake there's no anything that speaks screams party you know birthday party and i kind of come into the living room and there's my yoga teacher my history teacher um rob emilio maybe an uncle um and there's some guy named ed i've never met and there's one spot open on the couch and they leave me in and sit me down and and as hard as i was going like the week leading up to that you're not sure if you've already died if you're on the other side if this is your wake if you're dreaming if it's a nightmare if it's you know what i'm saying it's just it's it's hard to couldn't get any footing so after about a half hour they were going around talking about they were already talking about about me like like i was dead and then i you know and and yeah i was probably still high from the night before and then it dawned on me oh [ __ ] this is oh there's something at the on the on the other side of this presentation yeah i'm not going home today uh yeah so that was the first time um but again did it for all those people you know and sorry how old were you the first time uh well dad's 80 so 30 uh 25 25 yeah did you see the math did you see how quickly the math was good carrying the two at the 6. you might be asking charlie were you at uh at that point where you um i mean you knew you had a problem did you believe you had a problem when that happened or were you still in denial or were you trying to hide it at that point i was too young to have a problem okay you know what i'm saying in my mind come on we're just we're just getting going here just having fun yeah well because it was probably very socially acceptable being in the life that you're in you're around actors you're in movies this is what we do right what do you mean i'm not i'm only 25 i'm not gonna never drink again right you know so i'm sure that that was probably going through your head too sure yeah um and i just come off a film with clint eastwood called the rookie yeah great great script clint's amazing um but somehow that didn't i i think he was already focused on unforgiving which is the film he did right after that you know um anyway at the very end of that um i was still kind of like no no you guys are wrong come on let's not everybody's overreacting and and then dad said there's a phone call for you and it was clint oh [ __ ] it was clint eastwood see this he's hey charles yeah you gotta go get some help kid and how do you i mean do it what what is th there's one right answer to that right you got it yes sir i'm not even abusing anything right now but if he asked me to go again today i'd be like sure dude yeah i mean you gotta clint because he's not wrong about zach yeah come on uh god damn it mikey all right put myself down there in rehab but i got to tell you right now you're too close you're a little off on that one that's grandchildren yeah that's foreign sorry to cut you off i just love no i think send me to this low ranch [ __ ] freaking i'm sorry you can't say [ __ ] anymore no because i'm talking about something that was a [ __ ] i know you meant for the podcast i was like no go ahead and it was kind of in a hospital that looked broken down and haunted and forgotten and were in there and so i was running with it with a group of guys at the time and we had this big plan that weekend to uh host a judge a bikini contest in palm springs right and so and nick cage was part of the crew you know and they were already down there all right so um i told this nurse because i i wasn't there um but there was nothing legal yet and i said i got i got to get the palm springs and my my crew is waiting for me there these people are counting on us with this this contest and she's like no if you leave you're gonna die if you leave you're gonna die i'm like that's a little dramatic so i said all right how about this i'll be back here monday morning at 8 or i owe you a million dollars and she was like you bullshitting me boy i said no i will shake on it if i'm if i show up at 801 and don't don't lock the door when you see me walking up you know what i'm saying yeah don't make me show up buddy um i said i will give you a million dollars and she said deal so i got my [ __ ] together and got down to palm springs and we had one see because i had to have that last thing that i control your closure yeah and and i was i was back that monday at uh like 7 15 and she was just shaking her head man she was happy i didn't die and i was back but you could see she was fun now she didn't get the millions she had the whole weekend to plan spending that cash and i took that away from her she's like you know how many [ __ ] comments is that okay so yeah but yeah it was that one last thing um so that's kind of the long version of the first rehab experience but then i still had to control it i still had to you know tell them what i thought was right and i i left there kind of ama you know and um i don't know man i i i went to a pawn shop and bought a saxophone and wound up on a bus and i that everything had changed i hadn't been on a bus in years and the thing to put the coin it was a robot you know what i'm saying and they're literally chasing me the orderlies are chasing me from the hospital anyway um called my assistant i met him at zucky's we went through the phone book and i found a place that would do outpatient and it was uh it was right off canaan you know and i and i went there went there the same day you know it's like i guess i was feeling you know like okay this is this is something i can do but i just don't want to live in this broken down hospital it was horribly depressing but doing it my way doing it my way forcing my will all that stuff um but i stayed sober for a year and then i was at nick's house and uh he he was asleep but oh god what was the date anyway whatever my date used to be um he had a foster's lager in his fridge and i'd seen it the night before and i knew i had a year the next day and so i was up early and no you know there's no lock on the fridge i'm like let's celebrate a year and then didn't drink for a couple months and then out at out in restaurants and you know dinners and social stuff just couldn't have been more uncomfortable couldn't have you know what i'm saying just it just it was i just i don't deal with boredom good well at all get a little bored and start thinking about that drink or that or that drug i should say yeah 51.50 is power the power to overcome the power to persevere the power to set your life on a course for success when you're faced with the challenges life throws at you you focus and do what is needed to go beyond what is required so stand up stand firm believe make it happen and live through the madness knocking doors down along the way we are 5150 yeah but but what i started doing is you know bribing waitresses and waiters to put wine in a coffee mug you know what i'm saying so i could be seen out and i'm still you know because everybody knew i'd gone to rehab but i could still and you start sneaking it and it's it's it's such it's so it's so diluted because you're like oh i'm i'm really putting one over on all of them but what are you really doing yeah you know it's and then you have to then there's that whole secondary phase where you come back to your family and you're like okay hey thanks for that intervention sorry you spent all that money i did a year but you know i think i can manage this i think i think i'm i think you know i went through all that never doing you know all that ecstasy again you know not drinking any more you know brown liquor right brown brings me down white makes me right um and so yeah and again it's it's it's the performance aspect of it it's you know yeah playing those different roles uh hiding the action do you do you think that we play those different roles too so we don't have to end up feeling the shame because of in our minds we justify like you did for dad you played this role for dad you did this one for mom maybe for amelia i mean for for rob when you say rob i'm assuming rob he was at the intervention yeah because he he'd gone just before me and i think he had like eight months yeah and he was raving about it but rob you know looks awesome hammered or sober and so he was a chameleon with that stuff you know yeah sure he's a handsome fella yes but i was like you mikey can tell you you know was that socially uncomfortable wow so i had to wow i had to do that too yeah you know but then after that it's like that chick i'm gonna go talk to her she'll go out with me and if she doesn't who cares her friend will so i know you know i know that same anxiety gives me that kind of flashback of having to to you know yeah and and it's it's that thing we talked about earlier about writing a story about what a situation is going to be like because you're just convinced and unless you know that this is added then it's it's you're miserable yeah you know and then but i tell people mike all right stop writing stories you don't know the end too go through the experience you own the experience and then the next time you approach something similar you got you got tools you got knowledge you got you got you you know um and then i've given all this great advice and i'm you know i got to do something that same day and i'm like i can't do that i can't do that if i go there this will happen for sure and then i'm like alone talking to myself dude you just told this other person don't do that you know it's like i've i've always believed that can't is the cancer of happen right unless you know you you apply like really obvious stuff to that you know i can't uh fly jets right i can't split atoms i can't uh you know just stuff that's that's that's based in reality sure you know but people so often lead with can't and i think it smothers it smothers a part of us it doesn't get to grow you know i mean your guys thought's fear-based it's yeah yeah very much fear-based it is um you know i actually it was you carlos that when we had a talk when i was first starting to get towards my sobriety and carlos have been a mentor to me prior to us working together you know been friends over a decade but um was yeah i understand you're afraid of what it's like to be you without booze in your life right you know that's one thing for with me though i always i always believed that i was more than what i was doing at the time right so 13 years of using i mean i would party with people and i would party hard so party so hard they were scared to hang out with me and they were like hardcore lifers you know and so they would always look at me and say carlos you know i would tell them like after this bag or whatever i'm gonna eventually have to stop i'd get back to my company i gotta get back to my wife at the time or whatever and they would tell me cardinals just accept it and you can't you can't fight it you're gonna be a you know drug addict forever in my mind i was like no maybe that's what they believe in themselves but to me i always believed that one day i was gonna overcome it but it got bad it got so bad that uh book talks about it you know the pistol uh barrel the pistol you know it's it's uh it got it got pretty bad for me where i thought i thought to myself at one point you know what maybe i can i can get out of this but uh but i go back to you know my childhood you know i created the whole brand 5150 because my childhood i mean i was like you a normal kid you know sports year-round you know mvp you know class president all that kind of good stuff and then but man drugs just really i mean my drug of choice was cocaine i hit it i hit it hard you know buying pounds at a time at a time and i would party with everybody that you know all the strange strangers or whatever and um just constantly people who tell me carl's just accepted this is who you are you can't fight you know don't fight it you can't and i always deep down inside believe that one day i would overcome it and it wasn't easy but i finally did yeah no i have a very vivid memory i had this really nice condom this big building on wilshire and um you know still had enough people around to co-sign everything that i wanted to do and um at that point i was pretty much just living in pajamas leisure suits about [ __ ] clothes you know and there was a moment um you know i was i was i got in deep into this um absolute uh pepper does that just don't make that i the hot vodka oh spicy vodka yeah i don't like that no i don't know they must it's been been over a year so i couldn't tell you i was i was needing you know amounts that that would would kill normal people sure we all know and i remember there was a big water glass and and i i i hit it pretty actually downed it and i'm sitting there and i'm waiting i'm looking for that thing and it and it wasn't there and i and i remember and i was alone and i was like okay well this is this is suddenly hopeless because i'm never going to feel that again but i'm also never going to stop doing that again and those moments existed in the same place and it was like and i've never been suicidal sure um just luckily you know there's one thing you know that wasn't inspired moving into my quilt but um but yeah if i guess if there is was going to be a moment where that was the the only solution it was right there and then you know but i get that i i suddenly understood complete and total despair in an environment that was superstar sure you know um but it's uh but then it's like all right we're never supposed to forget those those life-changing moments and then you know a month later there we are right right it is just uh it's crazy man you know now and no i'm just going to say that that um why i'm i'm so excited about just being alive right here right now today and and and the journey i've been on for you know i've done anything for for three years you know um and but the but it wasn't you know i didn't hijack a blimp and wind up on the news you know i didn't i didn't i didn't crash a car through city hall you know there was nothing there was no like super dramatic cataclysmic event um i and i had i had had a really bad thing on my birthday darren was there um and we did the field of dreams thing you know and i started drinking like i don't know a couple days before and just kept going and i i took on white boggs in a drinking contest and was leading at one point so that's how hard i was going you know and and then just kind of the my next memory is waking up in a hotel room missing a couple teeth they're fake anyway and um girlfriend's gone and i don't know what city i'm in [ __ ] i had to call the desk and say what city is this hotel in they were like dallas i'm like damn my last memory was iowa and it was so uncool and and just luckily luckily i didn't have a sense of time i knew it was dark i knew we had to leave in the morning and i called the guys i need tequila up here like now and and he brought it and and then he said uh you missed cutoff by a minute so i was almost about to go into full freaking dts yeah in iowa dallas everybody gone teeth gone girl gone geography gone so yeah so anyway so that was september so that i kind of came home from that and i was like all right okay okay that was just wow i'm there with like these all these heroes from my childhood and i remember none of it yeah you know that that's that's that that's that's when you get down on yourself that's when you're like [ __ ] man [ __ ] all you had to do was just pace yourself pace herself what is that good good [ __ ] look huh yeah but it was it was december 10th and i'd forgotten that it was a sunday night and my daughter sam needed to go to this um this appointment up in thousand oaks and i was uh in van nuys and and i had to leave in an hour and i'd already started drinking you know i'm a morning drinker and that's the best time sorry um and you know i've never i've never had a dui i've never uh you know had a drunken weapons charge i've never there's never been like that that super gnarly legal i mean yeah i'd run up in court and stuff like that but not because you know it didn't cost somebody their life um and so i called my one of my best friends tony i'm like dude you got to get here we got to get sam we're going to be late he and he's like you sound fine i'm like dude i've already had two or three i'm just i can't and so he came got me we picked her up got her there on time and and came home this is actually the ninth and i remember on the drive home with tony driving and her in the back and i thought okay this can't this this need this can't happen again you know i'm saying it was something very simple but someone that you know i adore that i've you know eat a bullet for sorry take a bullet for eat a bullet means yeah anyway um yeah and i and i couldn't be available for something that she needed and it really hit me in a way that was like okay okay we can do this we can do this you know and i found like a half a volume in a drawer and did that and just kind of just stayed just watched tv that whole day and then you know what i'm saying and then i was like all right okay i promised myself we're doing this and then it and it it and so it began yeah you know um and and what i what i what i have i have a a montage of and i have like these three that i that i go to that i'm not just because i don't want to incriminate anybody else um i can't really describe what they are but yeah there are moments that i hang on to that if i decide all right it's been it's been it's been it's been a few years you know that maybe it wasn't that bad and these are now brought up um like if you master remember those yep yeah of course and one just slides up and it's like and it and it creates what i call the shame shivers but sometimes a shame shiver can be an asset to prevent you from if you if i can feel something from that long ago as though it just happened because of how it made me feel after um if i can use that you know if it was if it if that moment created so much pain and destruction and and and dismay then okay i own that moment it doesn't inform my choices today it doesn't dictate what i you know how i'm perceived received whatever right sure but if i had to go through that to own that that image that experience then hell yeah i'm gonna keep it close by and call on it if i decide i got a better plan than what i'm doing today yeah you know that was a long way of saying you know i get it charlie you're you're making me remind me of what works for me you know um one of the things i've learned during those 13 years relapsing back and forth and and out of rehab and so forth is you know when i did relapse i would get back to where i was really fast and then worse right i mean so you could be no matter if you were clean for a day or a month or a year you know you start using again and you get back to where you were and worse really fast and the thought you know you know comes to mind if ever a thought comes to mind about using i think my lord if i get back to where i was and even worse than where i was at i might as well just throw everything away because i'm going to lose it all yes i i was right there anyways and i got beautiful kids i got a beautiful wife now and um you know with my non-profit my you know my the carlos vieira foundation my business i employ a couple thousand people i mean if all of a sudden i just go back to what i was everything's gone and and everything all people love me and just my life's over i know it is so that's that one thing comes back because i i remember that night and those those times where i was it scares the hell out of me so you agree keeping some of that [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah but but not not to where it's like we're surrounded by ghouls that are haunting us right you got to be able to you got to be able to remind yourself why you stopped and why you're why you're clean why you're staying clean and you know so you have to kind of scare yourself once in a while by by thinking about those things now it's been it's been quite a bit of time now but hey one thing i i still drink i still got some nightmares we call them dreams or nightmares you know me doing a line of coke or hitting the pipe or doing something else wake up and it's like did i really do that well i'm saying you're grateful when you wake up you realize okay that was his dreams because uh it's scary yeah yeah so what i wanted to say is like you kind of got the reputation of you know party or the bad boy all that good stuff did you feel like you needed to play into that even more than you wanted to maybe to a degree um especially in a in a public setting sure um yeah reputation to maintain yeah but i never felt i would always see that stuff and you know i stopped reading anything about me i just i was like what's the point yeah this person doesn't know me it's i can tell just from the preamble it's the story is it's it's going bad and then i've allowed this person to to like hijack the moment you know yeah and right like two seconds before that i wasn't thinking about i i had no interest in his opinion about my behavior you know absolutely so i kind of yeah i just stopped um brad pitt did that years ago he said all i care about is a cool photo stories are always [ __ ] and he's not wrong yeah he's not wrong and but how many like uncool photos of brad are there i'm gonna go with zero you know what i'm saying i don't think he has he's one of those annoying people who just never take bad photos right right um and a guy that looks like that should not be that talented all right thank you you know brad jerk but but on that thing um yeah but i i always i i didn't feel like it was it was a costume i never felt comfortable in right it was always ill-fitted you know yeah and and i was like you know cause you know we're we're i think a lot of our personality and our and and our our tendencies are are kind of formed when we're really young and when you go through some [ __ ] really young especially being bullied in elementary school or you know i had a stutter as a kid and so i just i knew all the freaking answers in the class i just could never raise my hand again because what wouldn't come out sure you know yeah um and i still a little bit as an adult but i don't give it the power that i get it gave it you know as a child it was this mountain of this monster this thing and it paralyzed me you know yeah which and interestingly enough um when i first those first few beers you know speech was fluid as hell so i was like or at least in our own brain it sounded fluid oh yeah right yeah but i was like oh there's a solution right um but yeah but that that always and then you know the bad boy thing and all that and and i always felt um that it was just kind of a lazy convenient label to to toss on my personal life professional life um and i would always think god he did all this cool [ __ ] for a long time and there was like this one month where things went bad and got exposed and whatever and that's all they want to talk about yeah i guess you know if it bleeds it leads right yeah but um literally i mean yeah quote yourself yeah tag blood reference right that thing yeah um that wasn't even my material which is another thing that was so bizarre about that really cool thing yeah i mean people kind of know i've never come out and said the gentleman's name people know who it was and i was watching highlights of him the night before and the whole two and a half thing was already unraveling and whatever and um i had a crew of guys around me and and you know it was it was a different kind of party because there was no booze there was no drugs but there was a ton of testosterone cream and a ton of working out yeah and that stuff like turned into sure it turns into a roid rage yeah in in really excessive quantities and i didn't know that i was like oh i'm getting in shape i'll just lather more on that because i remember there's talk about you want to do a major league three and at that time i think you were saying something like that when you're using that cream yeah yes and um so i was watching these highlights of this athlete climb the ladder on a hitter and i was like i gotta talk to this guy i'm like tony get him on the phone tomorrow and he did and in that phone call he tells me you know we're we're we're different man we're not built like everybody else you know we're we have we have tiger blood we have adonis dna you know we are winning you know and i had this big interview like the next day and it went from that to that you know gotcha and if you think about like you know what are they seconds and inches you know and i just like like hey you know that's really cool i'm glad you see stuff that way all right look forward to meeting you one day and then the interview could have been all right all right this has gone bad anyway how can we fix this what's you know what's on your mind instead of what was on mine right you know um so what was the point to all that oh it was about the it was about the living up to the board yeah yeah um and again if they hadn't shown up in drugs and and and you know if the songs weren't already on the radio i that that thing could have been over in like four hours sure you know and then these other guys come to me like hey we want to make a lot of money on your nervous breakdown with merchandising and the only the best way to sell all that [ __ ] is for you to go on tour is to tell your story on tour and i'm like what is it what i'm not a i'm not i don't play music when yeah i'm not a stand-up what what is this tour going to look like that's up to you man but the people need to see you in person and you know celebrate this this victory what victory over what i lost my you know all my cash the best job in the world my kids my sanity what was next my life yeah you know the the whole just how insane that the the the winning thing that what what who who was who who won yeah who won right you know not you but like you said there's people that are definitely trying to cash in off of it yeah yeah um and then you know when you hear that you that you you sold out the fox in detroit in five minutes that's a rockstar moment sure you like it yeah for sure okay that's something i've never done before well how let's try toronto let's try uh frisco let's try you know what i'm saying i said the one i said the one place i'm not going to do is la i'm not doing la so they do they booked me bad like two shows in three nights at uh at radio city do the same show at the same place 36 hours later you know how stupid that is um first show was a train wreck second one we killed you know yeah but uh that was that was the that was the child support tour basically you know um but yeah and and it's also you know before they rebooted the show and dude showed up and they got it going again um you know look how many jobs were we're almost uh so you're referencing two and a half minutes you say the show yeah yeah destroyed yeah you know yeah can i ask how you how did you feel about your replacement on two and a half man how did anything i said publicly about him um what was what was unfair it was unfair and i you know i replaced michael fox on on spin city right in a much less publicized thing um his his you know parkinson's yeah and he just couldn't do it anymore and they're like we don't want to stop hey what about you and i'm like cool um so i do know that how difficult it is to come in in an established thing and something that people you know really liked the guy before you you know um and i had done the comedy central roast you know and that was kind of cool i've never seen a roast before but i lied to them the whole way i'm like they were like what'd you think of this guy's and what about her they're my other awesome they're great i didn't want to be influenced by anything that others had done so i didn't i didn't i didn't do any homework you know i'd seen like you know dean martin and don rickles sure jerry lewis you know those those roads and they were awesome yeah so i knew the structure of a roast hello um and so i thought the people that that they got and the time we had was so cool i invited everyone to my house i was like hey let's watch this together and then that same night the new the you know two and a half part two is on that same night and they were all like god he's really gonna sit and well first of all they've never been invited to anybody's house that they did a roast with sure but i thought you know because people were like hey man were you offended by those jokes i'm like you no it was all i was in on the joke what's wrong with you you know how could you sit there and take all that i'm like well that's that's part of my job description that night anyway so we did we watched the roast and we all laughed and then and then two and a half came on and uh people were kind of watching me watch it more than sure yeah yeah and i was i was i was i was rooting for everybody seriously i was you know because what's the point in i mean it's not coming back right and you kind of you know you want your ex-wife to be happy right yeah you want your kids to be safe yeah um so i just felt like um when he when he blows up the the urn you know um that should have been uh the end of of part one and it just should have said to be continued sure you know what i'm saying and so there but there was things about it it was a little cheap that they like you know suddenly everybody that loved me all those years was now like you know so so condescending and yeah and and and critical and that was super transparent did you take that as a shot and do you think that it was uh oh god why is it it's a producer i know you guys had a little bit of the obviously the falling out there there was kind of that personal shot for a little bit yes yeah but it's it wasn't it wasn't uh unmotivated right you know what i'm saying it was that that was just evening the score forgotten that's fine lori yeah yeah chuck yeah yeah chuck yeah and i've you know i've had i've had i've had a a couple good moments with chuck's good you know i'm glad to hear that yeah and um yeah no it's uh you know it's like you don't really realize what you had until you lose it yep you know um and yeah that was the greatest job in the world yeah and i could still be doing it right now but what it's worth i liked it better when you were on it thank you yeah thank you but i tell asia that's the way we watch reruns and uh when you're not on i i just change it it's just not the same it's really not me it's not thank you thank you for sure but but um yeah with all you know with all these reboots and everything being about nostalgia and visiting stuff um it just kind of feels like that's the one that's primed yeah that really know yeah i'm saying um and not not so much for us but for the fans yeah i would love to see you work with john again because i love his acting he's brilliant yeah he's brilliant followed him in so many damn things you know even when he was playing lex luthor and all you know all the things that he did it's just no he's well the first time we read that material together it was it was it was magical yeah yeah there was nothing there were no notes from him to me vice versa there was nothing it's it's like we had been doing it for 20 years together yeah you know and and chuck saw that we did it in his office you know yeah because john had the freaking audition imagine that so chuck wanted to see the scene in his office just the two of us and as soon as john's first two lines i was like we're done why are we seeing anybody else yeah yeah um yeah and john and i worked together on the first hot shots yes of course which i love the topper harley one of my favorite characters thank you thank you blade um speaking of so like different different roles i just want to ask you know what what are we looking what are you looking to do now are we gonna have maybe some more comedy stuff we know we just saw the commercial you did with your dad oh renault yeah right on which was great thank you i i loved anger management oh thank you thank you but uh more serious roles some comedy are we gonna steer away from acting we focusing on the family time with the kids you know what's what's going on for you now what are you yeah that's the best excuse people have when they're completely out of work they're like oh i wanted to spend more time with my kids um no the opportunities haven't been there and that's been okay because i i think cosmically you know i've been given this this time to to heal yeah to just get right again you know and and get focused and and and and get get re-energized yeah you know to to do something cool because i'm i'm you know i'm like hey there's a lot about life right now that feels freaking hopeless man and we're stuck in this place and and i know and you know with the forget the politics of it all just the covet of it yeah yeah um and you know i i there are certain days and i'm like i don't like where i'm living i don't like i just don't like who i am today and i and then i'm like dude stop gratitude check yeah okay we're not on a ventilator today's a win you know what i'm saying anything else did you use the bathroom on your own extra bonus there you go yeah but there you know it's like i want to help people i want to do something i want to contribute but you can't go anywhere you can't interact with anybody it's it's it's literally life and death you know and so uh i i think not that's not to be self aggrandizing but but i i i think the the most good i can do um is is through is is is through my work as an actor you know i think that's the most people i could reach when they might need some escapism or some comedy or something cool again that they know they can rely on me for you know yeah um so that's that's how i'm i i'd like to be of service to everybody that's suffering you know um but i can't do that uh just you know at my house you know what i mean um but i think i think that that people are starting to get a sense that that you know i got my [ __ ] together again that i'm excited about being excited again yeah that uh yeah i i i there's a show that it's really cool that the um that the commercial with dad is out that was kind of an accident it was supposed to be a digital ad really yeah okay and he and i co-wrote it and so we shot it that's why it's not lit it's not really shot well it just looks like it looked like phone but like a high quality phone kind of just right in the moment like you know it was only supposed to be seen on your phone or your tablet right right and so um they saw it they played it for the company and they're like well this is awesome let's just put that on the air so they did and it is it's it's right in the middle of dad and i uh putting a show together that that's that's the two of us that's cool yeah and it's a it's a curb style docu-comedy drama um where we're playing ourselves that's cool yeah and it's rich it is rich and we've been working on it for a while i've been hesitant to discuss it sure um didn't want to jinx it but i don't have that power you know i think people will be excited to hear that oh okay cool yeah that's that's something we're gonna we're gonna tune into yeah oh and i you know that like i've we've talked about there's been so many different projects that you've worked with your dad that are fabulous and i really loved when you brought him in on anger management thank you for me that thank you so two of my favorite actors of all time working together that was a hard that was a hard undertaking though i'm sure yeah we were we were doing a hundred episodes in two and a half years yeah yeah to make this this syndication package yeah and people don't realize that there was that many episodes of that show that were pulled out suffered a little bit um but we had a we had a genius at the helm bruce halford yeah great cast yeah cass was terrific um but yeah it uh there's a reason that that format needs you know four days yeah five days but four four minimum you know yeah and we were doing two shows a week and sometimes pieces of a third show in that same week and i only knew what scene or what show we were in based on the clothes i was wearing you know yeah um and then but that that was one that turned into a real health struggle a real because you know i'd been diagnosed and i was keeping it a secret there was all this other [ __ ] going on over here and i was all this extortion and you know there was so much stress i couldn't then go to work you know it's like you know i should be you know talking to my kids at lunch or my mom and it was always with a lawyer you know it's just like and then well then okay if we don't do this then this is going to happen they need you on set so you know what i'm saying it was it was almost impossible to be focused and so you know i stayed pretty pretty drunk on that one yeah yeah and i can see it i can i can see it yeah i i'm sure if i went back i'd probably tell difference between scenes maybe it would be like sure the last dialogue i'm gonna go back and look because i had i would have no idea i guess it just um yeah great of an actor you are but it's like you're very kind charlie we wanna we're gonna leave you with the last uh words of encouragement we would like to get to some just just some quick questions just answer them you know for fun off the cuff and uh boy there's so much i think guys we wanted to talk with charlie about hopefully we could talk to you again though that'd be amazing yeah i i apologize i talked the whole freaking time that's the point no one wants to hear from us charlie they want to hear from you man it could have been more of a conversation it didn't have to be uh mikey why don't you start off with the the rapid questions all right if you can have dinner with anybody you want dead or alive who would it be damn um just the one person just one person one person um one person that is it's not like i can i'm gonna piss anybody off if they're dead it could be anyone in history it doesn't even matter or anyone alive i i um can it be two people or no all right fine we'll say two we'll give you can it be jfk and babe ruth that's pretty badass and that's a dope that's not cool yeah hello position now i get why you want it too babe i get the babe because it's babe [ __ ] ruth but jfk what is it about him that i don't know just just epic presence epic brain epic all of it you know just to really you know you know what we've never done where we've allowed each other to but i think it'd be interesting jfk and john lennon okay so you talk about so and it's not just for the you know the comic but sorry you know bad joke but just that we're so switched on to some [ __ ] that was going on in the world right and there's a reason that what happened happened sure so sure as i take it a heavy route but i do [ __ ] like that all the time carla shear up man what do you think well i'm just looking at this question over here about who is your biggest inspiration or mentor in your life talked about um let you answer that question uh my dad yeah i was gonna say yeah i kind of i got that just listening to you that's that was what the answer would be but yeah and we're closer we're closer now than ever i bet you know yeah it's and we have a lot of fun together yeah you know um i mean we're both a couple of kids you know um but you know it's not you know we're we're we're buddies when that's the moment you know but he's still he's always dead you know and if i'm you know he he'll confuse spelling uh untied and united but anything anything historically politically socially yeah if you need the answer and you need the right answer he's your man yeah he's just got that switched on you know yeah gets it um yeah i want to talk about your brother too because we all love minute work sitting at this table as well so that's one thing you have to ear mark for another time oh and x-rated was great too right at x rated x yeah i don't know if you guys saw that but the movie that charlie did with its brother all right here we go any pet peeves [ __ ] that annoys you uh yes give us some he's like he's like here's my list how much how much battery do you have left give us like two or three okay tailgating tailgating not the there's so much interwoven into the mentality of of the tailgater you know what i'm saying just and these days man i don't you know i don't look at anybody when they pass i don't i don't get involved in anybody but there's a car involved anything it's too dangerous you know i love how you looked at me said that i'm an aggressive driver okay i'm an aggressive driver so i make it a point when i'm coming up in the fast lane and no one's in the slow lane and you're going 60 i'm going to get on i'm going to get on you i'm going to tell you but that's just to make a point because i before i had this job i was constantly driving so i was on the road all the time so that's what i did but don't worry i won't tailgate you thank you yeah but no but that's a specific moment i'm talking about like when traffic's going 25 oh no i don't do that and you got a guy and it's like where are you going that is not only more important than where i'm going but also that i need to risk my safety for you to get there sooner yeah that requires you up my ass so it's exactly situational i get what yeah um but the the one look i will always give the tailgator is when we both wind up at the same red light you know really dude okay you're all oh [ __ ] mikey go ahead um all right let's do this one what's your favorite hobby favorite hobby you mean like collecting something sure anything anything you got or something we should be surprised your time doing what do you enjoy doing your spare time what up what what excites me these days minimizing really minimizing yeah oh yeah it's i mean that i'll i'll plan certain days around going through this room today going through this part of the storage today and it's just it's just i guess you know as you get older not being attached to stuff you know and and really you know coming to terms with yeah what do we really need yeah you know when you get down to want versus need you can you can empty a bunch of drawers man that's yeah i have absolutely you know yeah absolutely um but that's not really a hobby um that's more of just a passionate thing for me now um see i i collected everything for so long um and then in times of you know whatever uh financial down turns um i would sell all this stuff sure yeah so i have sitting on all this crap that i could just sell so that was kind of cool absolutely yeah but it was it did i i i it was addictive um collecting yeah but it was cars it was art it was guns it was baseball memorabilia uh girls um we didn't even get into that stuff today yeah hey but yeah guilty is charged so yeah i've i've um is reading a hobby or no absolutely okay yeah i've gotten back into reading and i really enjoy it any particular genre i mostly um uh crime thrillers you know like like detective thrillers [ __ ] like that yeah i love michael connelly um but i was reading connolly long before the show sure sure um yeah i i um i i think if i didn't do what i wound up doing for a living that i would have pursued law enforcement not that they would have let me but i would have pursued it yeah you played good law enforcement as well as military so but i've never been i've never had a chance to play a detective like a really smart detective hunting somebody really really dangerous then what was what was your role in the movie you did with uh with eastwood i thought you were a detective well i was yeah but we were specific to um uh g-rides to stolen cars gotcha so it wasn't we weren't really interacting with we weren't you know taping off crime scenes right right yeah okay well mr sheen i know we've got to kind of bring it to go ahead can i j do you want me to leave with something yeah leave us what leave the listeners with the positive note any of those out there that are struggling with with addiction or you know newer to recovery we actually did have a gentleman i believe he's from canada that we put out there to ask questions and he really wanted to know that you know what was the positive that you can put out there for people that enter recovery and are seeking their sobriety um it's never too late to get a fresh start yeah regardless it doesn't matter what you've been through it doesn't matter where you know where where you know where you're convinced that you're you might be stuck um you know any story can be unwritten you know um for sure and then you know another thing that i i really that i i try to live by um is is common sense and common courtesy yeah common sense and common courtesy but both have essentially become extinct you know um but it's the the the more i'm attached to to those two elements uh in in the day you know it's it's the the the better i know i was in in you know wherever that day took me yeah and people will dismiss it as uh that's that's simple and that's whatever that says no if it's if you really take a step back and you look at so many situations this thing at the capitol there was no common sense there was no common courtesy right from you know from the perpetrators um and and there there was none of that that led to that you know yeah it's it sounds simple but i but i know tomorrow the more i have of that today the better tomorrow's going to be yeah absolutely you know well anything else gentlemen nope it's been a pleasure charlie thank you oh likewise thank you thank you for your time yeah for sure thanks for letting me bend your ears just oh hell yeah now we'll have to do it again sometime i would love to absolutely love to we're getting millio on here yeah incredible oh yeah that would be incredible yeah or you know you you could get my dad oh good god and then but okay but him alone because then he can tell you [ __ ] about me and emilio we wouldn't sit here right that would be a good perspective from the standpoint of a parent with you know the children running amok i you know charlie i i don't i normally stay calm like you know having worked in radio meeting rock stars and actors and stuff um i think your dad's the one person i would cry though but thank you so much it's been a real pleasure likewise likewise amazing surprised
Channel: Knockin' Doorz Down
Views: 401,050
Rating: 4.8794599 out of 5
Keywords: CharlieSheen, TigersBlood, TwoandAHalfmen, Recovery, Addication, Alcoholism, SoberPossey, KDD, KnockinDoorzDown, Podcast, KnockinDoorzDownPodcast, MajorLeague, EmilioEstevez, MartinSheen
Id: mZ1v7h7MBqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 12sec (5592 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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