Charles Barkley Questions Nikki Haley On ‘Racist Country’ Remark + More

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wake that ass up early in the morning The Breakfast Club This Record is hard it's way too New York for 6:00 a.m. in the morning I love it I love it this is just New York from 6 a.m. in the morning we don't want we don't want to hear this in South Carolina all over the country n man I hope they is the police because I need help I can smell the P pelly on that record can smell that sounds like a customade Tim sounds like customade Louis Vuitton overall morning hard record but come on but to New York for I don't want hear I love it salute to French all right Club just hilaris Charlamagne n let's get in some Front Page News morning Angela Ry hey there good people so how you feeling I'm feeling good but um this young man who this Court ruled against yesterday probably isn't Daryl George who is a junior at Barber's Hill High School has been an in school suspension since August for wearing his hair in locks dang so you all have heard of the crown Act and the crown Act was designed to protect against this very thing but this judge in this Texas Court said that this particular school um dress policy does not violate the crown act so the school is going to be able to continue to enforce this this young man walks out of the courtroom in tears and he says all this because of my hair he's been in in school suspension meaning he can't get hot food and he can't get the instructional materials that's ridicul because of the locks they had someone who co-authored the crown act on the stand say that this was the very purpose of the crown act that's crazy so I don't know if y'all have thoughts about this but this is nuts to me why why doesn't he just homeschool at this point in been homeschooling in wherever he's been in the school since August yeah in in school suspension is rough bro I used to hate in school suspensions let me stay home then stay in ISS all day but yours obviously wasn't because of hair defitely because of yeah so he has these beautiful anyway I I thought y'all would have a lot more to say about that but what's the solution like what can you do at well they're going to appeal it of course and I think that they have to continue to emphasize all over the country there's been a movement that's been one place where black folks have successfully legislated all over the country we will protect our hair you will not continue to tell us how we're going to wear our hair it's crazy in 2024 we still having this conversation about hair and and the Civil Rights issue of our time is going to be that because what you can't do it because we not going to let you touch it because we're not going to let you physically keep us out of the CL what state was this this is Texas Texas and his parent didn't want to take him out the school to put him into another school that's like half the year that's a long time since you know what I really think Jess I think this is about trying to make a statement and they were willing to you know let him unfortunately be the Martyr of this cause but it sounds like he's willing it's just taking a toll on him as well not at the expense of his mental health yeah his education his mental health his emotional well-being like that that or maybe he wants to go to that school maybe his friends are at that school it ain't no fun if you're in ISS I haven't seen y'all since August Jesus but he wants that's maybe he wants to go back and hang with his friends you know and he's willing to take that or just say I I'mma protect my hair at all costs I don't know where else he could go that's the entire School District that has that dress code um so speaking of um America not being a racist country uh South the South Carolina um GOP Primary will be this Saturday um the 24th and Charles Barkley um who's not a South Carolina voter but is very excited to vote for Nikki Haley had this to say um when she was on his show on CNN I want to give all my energy behind your campaign but I was upset when you made the reference that you didn't think America had racism so first of all I never said that there was not racism in America there absolutely is racism in America I said that America was not a RAC racist country the premise of America was never to be a racist country I think the goal was always to have freedom now so now we stumbled along the way and we've got some parts of our history that were not pretty but we got past that I don't think that our Founders wanted us to have a racist country I don't believe that that's the basis that America sits on I think it's always to be the best country with the most Freedom that allows anybody to be whatever they want to be without government getting in their way or anybody else getting in their way Angela Ry thoughts it's so interesting watch people squirmy wormy on this subject I think what's more interesting here is Charles Barkley saying to her which we didn't roll Governor I'm dying to vote for you so I said yesterday on Twitter rip then Charles because she not GNA be in much longer she might make it to Super Tuesday on March 5th but it won't be much longer beyond that I think it's ridiculous to say in this here Black History Month that the founders didn't intend the founders weren't considering you Nikki they weren't considering us we certainly weren't considering human like what are we even talking about of course it was built on racism cadow slavery is a racist institution when will politicians just simply say we can't say America is a racist country because that's not a good electoral strategy like that's really what it's all about but it doesn't matter if it's Congressman Clyburn VP Harris Tim Scott Nikki H none of them can say America is a racist country because they know that's not a good electoral strategy well here's the bottom line I think that that actually is a good electoral strategy it's always a good strategy to tell the tell the truth yeah absolutely always like I think that's first and foremost we have to get to the point where that's acceptable until then we going to be dealing stuff like with the crown act in Texas but until then they the reason they do that is because they they feel it's not a good electoric they do feel that way yes yeah they do feel that way so I think that's all we have time for but we'll get to some more in the next hour what we talking about next hour well I want to talk about Maga red bottoms mag red sneakers sneakers what you got on your feet right magga red they Pumas let me tell you if I buy a red bottom it will not be a trump sneaker let me be very clear if I got spend $400 on a red bottom it's going to be a lubba time all right well we'll talk that next hour and everybody else get it off your chest 8585 1051 if you need to vent phone lines or wide open again 80058 51051 it's a Friday call us now it's The Breakfast Club good morning wake that ass up in the morning The Breakfast Club I know French Montana joining us this hour and um he got he got mac and cheese 5 out and I do like this record but I don't want to hear this at 700 in the morning bro no no and you angry all day for no reason so mad like why I'm mad hearing him do that like why you shooting at us morning everybody we are to Breakfast Club let's get in some Front Page News morning Miss R hello hello hello okay so since we already angry about it let's just keep it going the Alabama Senate is busy doubling down in America's racism with the introduction of an anti-diversity equity and inclusion Bill earlier this week um this bill well actually let's listen to this local news report from wvtm 13 I got that right Eddie let's roll that sound 7 to3 the bill receives a favorable report thank you to the sponsor thank you committee and we're adjourned Republican senator will barfoot wrote Senate Bill 129 he says it will prohibit public entities from promoting diversity equity and inclusion programs that he says also relate to divisive Concepts nothing in this act prohibits or prevents students faculty organization or or associations from hosting Dei programs or discussions that may involve divisive Concepts so long as no State funds are used mayor Randle Woodfin didn't hold back asking State lawmakers why would they block Fair representation and opportunities for all people he says he'd help minority athletes and their parents find schools outside the state that prioritize diversity and inclusion if the bill passes adding if supporting inclusion becomes illegal in this state hell you might as well stand in front of the school door like Governor Wallace okay so here's the thing that what they call a divisive concept let me just give youall an example that slavery and racism are aligned with the founding principles of the United States that's one of the divisive Concepts that would ban you from getting any funding for Dei related programs Randall Woodin of course is the Birmingham mayor and him weighing in on this and saying that he would urge athletes to go to other states despite being a lifelong BMA fan I think speaks volumes it is the very thing my dad has spent his lifetime talking about if our athletes would go to other schools because they don't respect us how you going to do Dei on the football team but not in any other educational principle anyway I think that is a thing and hopefully other um Southern Mayors will take note and protest in the same way of course it has not passed it was just introduced this week but they're doing this um all over the country mhm um we can move right along to Leonard's favorite the Maga red bottoms um Maga red bottoms Donald Trump after he got this oh you going to get two pair that's what we doing this morning you're going to March your way to destroying democracy that's interesting let's roll this S I was on social media last night very interesting as you see black support eroding from Joe Biden this is connecting with black America because they love sneakers they're into sneakers they love the you know this is a big deal certainly in in the inner city so when you have Trump roll out his sneaker line they're like wait a minute this is cool he's reaching them on a level that defies and is above Politics the culture always Trump's politics and Trump understands culture like no politician I've ever seen question for you on that point though will the people that are excited about the sneakers and excited about Donald Trump will that translate into them going out and voting for Donald Trump anybody willing to put 400 bucks down for a pair of sneakers yeah I think that's commitment and love there a lot of nuance there though cuz he is right if you do go out there and you buy uh Trump sneakers for $400 you probably are going to vote for Trump yeah yeah you're committed and Meanwhile your dumb ass is talking about I'm going get well I'm just joking well you you can't joke now be very clear yeah like on the record are you going to buy a pair of trump sneakers um he introduced depends what the resale value than bu thank you if I can buy them for 400 and sell them for two grand but that's but that's the truth I mean you're sitting here joking but say they will buy for not just our people though sneakerheads come in all talk talking about here the culture just said culture yes we would buy that for 400 and flip it they would sell Val was crazy that's what I'm saying they would sell it for 8,000 hustle ain't nobody thinking about no politics when it comes to that no that's a flip you know I'm just telling y'all I don't know if it's still this French Montana song but I'm real angry right now with the direction this conversation I'm about to do do do y'all bu hold on we're talking about this man has introduced the sneaker at Sneaker Con and Philly last week he's getting met with booze met with booze though and he also is doing this right on the other side of getting slapped with the verdict in this state yes but listen you said he got met with boos but then his sneaker sold out so you know what I'm saying 4000 4000 allegedly this is Donald Trump this is the same man that the reason why he got hit with the law suit here is because he had an an illegal evaluation on his propert with you I understand all of that okay so I just want to be clear y'all buy any sneakers depends what the resale I just want to understand I'm not buying buy a game it's not a game this is you were just on TV Sunday saying that this was the end of democracy this ain't got nothing to do with democracy we talking about sneakers and reselling sneakers if this dude can overcome this Verdict by paying for it with the money of the poor people who he's built this campaign on Angel 7 plus million people voted for him he has support I I understand that but he also is going to continue to get support if we play about what this is no very serious this man is on TV talking about this is the way to reach us the way to reach us from in terms of our votes and democracy and moving this country forward is not through buying no damn sneaker I agree and it's not by uh getting on Austin your hall and playing the saxophone either I agree with that it's not about uh you know Congress wearing K cloth and taking a knee either but I'm just say I'm just saying they all corny St this is not just corny this is dangerous you posted a clip this morning about the guy with with the Trump the Trump supporter at CPAC saying we're destroying democracy I agree with you so listen this is what I want us to do okay instead of just getting upset and getting emotional sometimes we should listen to these people well y'all should have played that song sometimes we should listen to these people because I will say I do agree with him in regards to Trump having a better handle on culture and that's just because of how Society is shifted Donald Trump is a celebrity he's been a pop culture icon since the ' 80s now that politics is pop culture Trump is killing Biden from an entertainment perspective so in this era culture does Trump politics Democrats need to tap into culture a lot more I agree with tapping into culture but I think we have to start distinguishing culture from um um an fascination with Rich and by the way this man is broke cuz he's also not properly I don't think they got nothing to do with Rich I think it has everything to do with that black black people white people everybody in between aspire to have something they don't one of there was a book that was written back in the day called what's the matter with Kansas the very premise is that you are voting your dream and not your reality I think that's exactly what it is I don't want to get that politicians sell so many dreams that's what they do this is dream selling season but he's not just he's not just selling the dreams of a politician he's also selling like oh if you yeah sneakers and you can be like me you can be rich like me and that's all an illusion and I also want to say black support isn't just eroding from the Democratic party it's eroding from politics period period yeah but people think people think just because Joe Biden might be losing support among amongst black uh support that people are going over to Trump no that's not the case I agree they're not going over TR people are just people are just disgusted with the whole political process I agree with that I'm just going to say I really love you thank you I love this banter I love that you call him out on plan cuz now I don't really know a lot about politics so I ain't going to say act like I do but I'm just like go go go Angela cuz damn boy this is regular po I love this this is great this is how our phone calls start and we don't even have a French Montana song you got a lot of shout outs in front page news but for the record okay nobody is buying Trump sneakers in this room but if you can buy them for 400 and ret $2,000 go get your money6 go get your money go get your money you know what you sending these people the truth you said let me tell and if they sign they going for 4,000 woo you guys I just I want to tell you right now that the hood need the money we need food on the table we a do not listen to eny and lonard they're rich do not listen to them you slip around here and be off of that don't have nothing to do with being rich that's good business to them you can buy the shoe for 400 and sell them for 4,000 that but they're saying if you y'all going to put the cash s do do do to this whole there's a resale value I looked it up they're on eBay now they're going for 2,000 on eBay come on man they sold 40 PA last week and the ones that were signed for more money you guys this went really left maybe I say Really Right a mess all right well that Insurrection sneakers where to go guys Trum sixes January 6 176000 I'm just I'm just saying for goods all right all right when we come back French Montana will be joining us it's The Breakfast Club good morning wake that ass up in the morning The Breakfast Club
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 95,028
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Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, jess hilarious
Id: 0P1YGflfvx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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