Charis Daily Live Bible Study: Your Perception of God - Barry Bennett - December 30, 2020

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] hello and good morning i want to welcome you to charis daily live bible study my name is julianne harris and i'm an employee of keras bible college the distance education department so i want to welcome you this bright and early wednesday morning maybe it's not early where you're at but we're so glad you're tuning in so let's go over the schedule of this five-day a week bible study that we do so on mondays and fridays we have it at 10 a.m tuesdays and thursdays is at 6 00 p.m and bright and early wednesday morning is 7 a.m and that is all mountain time so as always there is a reason why i tell you the schedule because we want you to interact with us praise god and how can you interact unless you watch us live so if you want to interact with us as we want you to in whatever forum you are watching we want you to go down to the chat section and start typing in your questions as soon as they come to your heart as we listen to our fabulous teacher this morning and then the last 10 to 15 minutes we'll get to as many of those questions as we possibly can and generally we try to stick to the questions that are on point so we would encourage you to fill in those questions we want you to participate also this is a viewer supported bible study this is an amazing platform that you get the fresh manna the fresh word from god five days a week you guys we also do uh monday night truth and liberty at six pm and we have healing school that is live streamed to you every thursday at one so that's seven live streams that come to you and guess what it's only made possible by the partners of andrew wommack ministries so i would encourage you even if you don't feel like you can commit to becoming a partner today i would encourage you to give because there is a supernatural blessing that comes with this ministry and being a partner of it so how can you give you can go to slash give or you can give us a call at last but not 719-635-1111 at that same phone number we have prayer ministers that are available to you 24 hours a day five days a week and we've also started staffing prayer ministers on saturday and sunday from 7 30 a.m until six o'clock p.m that's mountain time listen folks these these people are trained uh prayer ministers they know who they are in christ jesus they can pray with authority and i would encourage you right now if you're going through anything if you need agreement in prayer they can point you to the word they can agree in prayer with you they can also direct you to andrew's over 200 000 hours of free material on the website and so i would encourage you don't hesitate give them a call at 719-635-1111 favorite instructor when i was in bible school and that would be mr barry bennett and so mr bennett was the dean of the students as well when i was in school so i got to say i'm a little bit intimidated right now so mr bennett is the senior instructor of karis bible college and i'm so delighted to have him on this live bible study and so mr bennett bring us the word it's barry see it's you're you're still dean in my mind okay barry is the worst okay well good morning it's good to be here it's good to be yes back and uh i'm anxious to be doing some more of these i think i'm scheduled for a few more of these in december that's awesome so looking forward to it so anyway i i'm excited to be sharing with you this morning and looking forward to some of your questions perhaps and what i've what i'm feeling to do as we go into the month of december since i do have a few more of these scheduled i'm i'm probably going to be laying the foundation today and building on it as as my turn comes up in the next few weeks and so uh today i want to talk about your perception of god yeah how you see god determines so much of how you relate to god and how you relate to the world and so that we can take i'll give you two ends of the spectrum there's the perception of god that that job had the lord gives and the lord takes away and i see a lot of christians that have some semblance of that perception and so god to them can be mysterious god can be judgmental god can be angry god can be cranky god can be any number of things they're not sure when you're not sure who god is how how are you going to relate to that mysteriousness of your concept of your perception how do you relate to that and then how do you transmit that to others this is incredibly important and so depending on what our perception of god is that's how we are going to be relating to him if we relate to him at all and then we're going to relate to the world based on that as well so on one end of the spectrum we may have the lord gives and the lord takes away as the job quote uh which god didn't say job said that based on a very limited perception that he had and then on the other end of the spectrum we have jesus saying i have come that they might have life and they might have it more abundantly and so then we have everything in between and i what i find is it's sometimes hard to get people to believe that jesus really wants them to have abundant life that god is really good that god really wants to bless them and so typically our perception of god has been shaped by culture it's been shaped by our family it's been shaped by religion whatever kind of church background we may or may not have had but just in the culture itself and especially in the culture in this country there seems to be kind of a mixed perception amongst many christians of god being somewhat mysterious probably controlling probably we can lay at his feet all of the tragedies and suffering and things that go on in the world things of that nature where i'm going to pray and i sure hope something happens and so we've we've accumulated these different perceptions through our culture through our family life through our church if we went to one and and so we have all of this mixed bag of what's god really like and a lot of people don't know and so when the church doesn't know then the image we put out or the or the message we put out to the world is going to be confused as well and maybe that's why we are seeing so many cultural problems today that we that we are we haven't put out a clear image of god a good image of god amen and so you know we could ask the questions is god mysterious and a lot of people might say well yeah he is mysterious and yet he shouldn't be and i will go to that in just a minute uh is god upset with you and and many people are going to be dealing with guilt they're going to be dealing with condemnation they're going to be dealing with well if you only knew what i had done or you only knew what i have been through and so they they have god relating to them based upon their perception of themselves and they may have a very wrong perception of themselves based upon their own actions of the past or how they were raised a lot of people feel very unworthy they don't feel accepted by god they feel they need to earn his acceptance or do something to get in good with god and so we have all of these different perceptions going on about god and again i'm going to give you as we get into this i'm going to give you a key to know what your perception of god is and how how true it is and i'll we'll get to that in just a few minutes but let's let's look at some verses here i want to go first to john 14 9. john 14 9 jesus said if you have seen me you've seen the father now i'm not reading the whole verse but he's talking to philip and they're the disciples are questioning him and he says philip i've been with you so long don't you get it yet if you've seen me you've seen the father and so immediately the idea of god being mysterious should evaporate in other words if we're going to understand what god is like then we need to look where we need to look at jesus and it's interesting he says if you've seen me you've seen he doesn't say if you've seen me you've seen god he says if you've seen me you've seen the father the father and so a concept a new piece of the puzzle we could say comes in on that little statement right there if you've seen me you've seen not just god the the mysterious god you've seen the father and so now we have a concept of a god that's personal of a god that is more intimate with us of a god that that we can relate to on those terms on the terms of a child with his father if you've seen me you've seen the father and so just that one statement alone gives us a new place from which to start in our search for our our perception of god and how we're going to relate uh some people would be intimidated by relating to god but perhaps we shouldn't be as intimidated if we're relating to a father right we should that should be more inviting to us if you've seen me you've seen the father and so i thought well let's look at a few verses in which jesus talks about why he came and what his heart is for us because if we've seen him we've seen the father right and so whatever we see jesus saying or doing is going to be a direct reflection on the father and from there we can begin to build a concept or a perception of god how he really is and then we'll see how we can relate to that and so he says in luke 9 56 luke 9 56 he says for the son of man did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them well the son of man is jesus he says if you've seen me you've seen the father i didn't come to destroy i came to save so in a sense you could say well that's a relief i mean that's that's good news is that the heart of god the heart of the father the heart of jesus is to save amen and why what what what caused the need to be saved and i'm not going to take the time to develop all of that but we can go back to adam's choice in the garden of eden adam chose independence from god and in that choice of independence there was a separation not of communication but of communion of nature of likeness adam separated himself from being one one spirit with god we could say it that way just to understand here and so that created a we could say lostness we their man became lost mankind became lost and so the heart of god wasn't that men stay lost jesus says i have i did not come to destroy and so many even christians will believe that god's purpose includes perhaps some destruction yeah you know he may make you sick he he may burn down your house he may cause this he may cause that just to teach you something and i always find that curious because you know i've just come through a a battle with cancer and praise god i'm by the grace of god cancer free and good to go and growing my hair all systems are go here and so and yet i i will i will not say that god used sickness to teach me something yeah because everything i need to be taught is in the word and is by the holy spirit and yet i hear people attributing sickness to god saying well god made you sick for this reason or for that reason and basically and they say well what what reason was it well maybe god made you sick to teach you patience well patience is a fruit of the spirit yeah right right so why would i need to be made sick to learn patience i should be learning patience from this from the holy spirit amen and so we can go and and see there's where the perception of god is going to uh confound or complicate how you relate to him if you think he's the one that made you sick then you're going to relate to him differently uh and and so many suffer this way so if i can't learn you know in other words the holy spirit is my teacher the word is my teacher the word perfects me the spirit leads me into all truth so why would god make me sick yeah if he's given me in other words when i say god if when i attribute sickness or other tragedies or suffering to god persecution aside that's a different topic but when i attribute those things to god what i'm really saying is that the holy spirit and the word are not sufficient they're insufficient and i don't want to go there i mean i think the spirit and the word are more than enough to teach us if we are open and submissive to those to those teachers so he came to save that which was lost this is the heart if you've seen me you've seen the father i've come that not to destroy you not to make life rough for you i came that you might have abundant life more abundant life so again perception is everything as as we learn to relate to the father let's go to luke 19 10. some of these are somewhat redundant but i just i want to make sure that this is a nail down in your hearts amen luke 19 10 says for the son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost so now we have more than just not destroy i came to save now we have i came to seek and so that adds another another piece to the puzzle here is that the heart of god is to seek those who are lost where the spirit of god is going through the earth and is drawing and we can say drawing not everyone wants to be drawn to the lord some people hate the light but for those that want to be drawn the spirit of god is drawing them there are those that are seeking god and the spirit of god is faithful to draw them and to bring them to a place of of salvation that's that's a good god yeah that's a good god and so uh i got sought you got sent all god's children got sod amen amen and uh that's the heart of god that's the heart of the father is that his he's not about making life tough on you he's about bringing you in to the kingdom where there is abundance where there is love and joy and peace where everything that that god is exists for his children and that's that's a good place to have your perception of god all right let's go to matthew 20 28 matthew 20 28 says just as the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many now we've added another element to this is that most many times if not most times we view our relationship with god of one of having to serve him and we'll come up with different ways in which we think we're serving him we need to serve god and i and i'm very aware of scriptures which talk about you know we are bond servants and we are certain i understand that but first before we our our service to god is a response amen to his service to us right he served us first and he says i didn't come to be served but to serve and how did he serve us first it says he gave his life as a ransom now now we're hopefully deepening our concept our perception that he's not here to destroy he's here to save not only to save to seek those whom he would save and he came to serve all men by giving his life for us as a ransom for us and so now if i've had an incorrect concept of god i'm starting to see something different here i'm starting to see a guy that really loves me yeah i'm starting to see a father that wants to bless me i'm starting i'm starting to perhaps get rid of some religious baggage some things that have been in the way that have kept me from uh enjoying a fellowship with the father and and we're going to get we're getting to that okay let me let me read one or two more here i'm going to go to john 3 17. john 3 17 says for god did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved so many people christians deal still with condemnation and yet this says he didn't send jesus to to condemn he's not condemning you even if you feel guilty and think you're worthy of condemnation god's heart is not to condemn you but to seek you to serve you he served you by becoming a ransom on the cross and to save you that's the heart of god and then we started with john 10 10. he came that you might have life and might have it more abundantly when you go through uh difficult times and i've been i've just been through one for the past six months beginning back in may uh you go through difficult times the foundation i would say of my victory was knowing that god loves me god is good god wants me healed god wants to bless me that was my foundation and in fact when i first heard the diagnosis and the conclusion of the doctors was that i was going to pass away i was the first doctor that saw my results said you need to start making plans and meaning i need to get my affairs in order and i had a supernatural peace come over me that no i don't think i'm dying i think i'm going to live but that was based on a foundation of knowing my father amen of knowing how good he is and yet i know others that would have said i really must have screwed up i must have done something wrong god must be angry with me he's pulling the plug on me for some reason yeah and they would have attributed this to god i knew where this was coming from spiritually speaking i don't know where it came from naturally speaking but i know where it came from spiritually speaking that it was a work of the enemy to steal kill and destroy but i had a foundation of knowing my father on a level of what we're talking about his goodness his love his desire to seek to save to to restore to give me abundant life and so what i was going through didn't fit into any of those definitions and so it can't be him he's not the thief amen he's not the thief all right and so uh that the world through him might be saved let's go to let's go to john 15 11. john 15 11. jesus said these things i have spoken to you that my joy may remain in you and that your joy may be full now i've added something else and there's there's tons of verses yeah yeah we'll probably look at more as the weeks go by but now he's talking about two joys he's talking about that my joy may remain in you well if jesus is joyful and a lot of people right there that's a hump they have to get over you mean to tell me god's joyful that jesus is joyful yeah uh yeah that's what i mean to tell you that he's excited he's happy one verse says he sings and dances over us with joy i mean but very few people have this concept of god that is rejoicing over them that loves them so much just can't wait to bless them a lot of a lot of parents right now are looking forward to christmas and they get to and grandparents as i am yes looking forward to bless our grandkids and and perhaps be a little foolish and just too much you know and all that kind of stuff and yet think of god multiply that times infinity i mean that's that's god amen that wants to bless us but if that's not your perception then you're going to have something a little bit twisted a little bit diminished a little bit less than what god really is and then that is what is going to come from you to the world around you and that's why we're not perhaps so effective in our witness is because we're presenting a god that isn't true we're not presenting the truth nature of god so he says these things i have spoken to you that my joy may be in you may remain in you and that now joy number two that your joy may be full so we have his joy in us in order that our joy may be full so we have god who is joyful but the whole point of that is that we be joyful that we rejoice and you say well barry haven't you read the news yeah okay i have but in the days of jesus in the days of israel under roman dominion there were all kinds of problems at that point in time as well and that didn't stop jesus from giving these promises he knew what was going on he was the one that prophesied tribulations and pestilences and earthquakes and famines and that didn't stop him from giving us promises amen the promises are for us regardless of the circumstances and it's that our joy may be full you can be joyful in the midst of anything because joy is a fruit of the spirit the spirit and so it's not based on circumstances it's based on a spiritual revelation of who the father is how good he is and then we can re we can stay in this place of joy we have his joy in us our joy is full and men in that condition you can face anything amen praise god praise god amen all right so now we're going to get to the test we're going to have a test here oh no i hope you were paying attention i hope so too okay okay how can you know what your perception of god is how can you know if you have a good perception of god and so let's take it down to a human level first and then we'll build up here who do you enjoy being with you know people that you like people that are happy people that are friendly people that are positive or do you like being with people that are cranky people that are angry people that will say mean and rude things who do you enjoy being with the happy people the happy people good answer okay yes okay [Laughter] we in other words you will seek to spend time with people that bless you oh praise god right yeah so now how do you know what your perception of god is amen you will seek to spend time with the father if you think he's all about blessing you and you will spend less time with him if you aren't sure yeah and this is and so i'm gonna now i'm gonna jump into the word prayer and so a lot of people just probably you know shut off don't talk don't talk about prayer but let me say it this way the reason prayer is difficult for so many is because their perception of god is wrong their perception is of a mysterious god an angry god a cranky god a god that's holding something against them they feel perhaps unworthy they feel unaccepted by god all of these different things that we've talked about and therefore spending time with him is not enjoyable it's confusing it's mysterious who knows if he's even listening will he answer my prayer and we get into a situation of begging rather than fellowshipping because we have a wrong perception of the father of god of how he truly is and so the quickest way to know and i'm not trying to put a guilt trip on anybody here but the quickest way to know how you perceive him is how much time do you spend with him because you'll spend time with people you like and god likes you more than any person on this earth god loves you god came to seek and save you god wants your joy to be full why wouldn't you spend time with him and that's where i had to come to this realization that i should be spending more time with him than anybody yeah and it's not in a religious way but just in a fellowship way that i talk to god and when i open the word i expect god to talk to me yeah and he does and that's how i've gotten through what i've just come through but any number of challenges in life have come from expecting god to speak to me and expecting god to bless me my default position as i face life is that god loves me god wants to bless me god wants to multiply me amen i that's my default that's where i begin from and so it doesn't mean i don't have challenges or things unexpected things come up as has happened but i have a foundation of a god who loves me a father who loves me wants my joy full wants me to have abundant life and so i can approach any challenge from that place and i can come out victorious because i don't have an image of god as being mysterious and who knows what he's going to do and maybe he sent this sickness to me or this tragedy i don't have that conflict going on so many people do have that conflict going on and that's it's unfortunate it's sad it's not it's not who the father is the father loves you the father wants to bless you the father wants to lift you up amen the father wants you to have abundant life jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father and so the excuse well god's mysterious that's no longer a viable excuse it just simply doesn't work okay so lack of fellowship is a sure sign of a wrong perception of god that might be hard to to wear right now but it's true you will fellowship with those you think will bless you or that you get blessed by their presence and if you're not fellowshipping with god your perception of him isn't right it needs it needs some work okay you can't reflect his goodness to others if you aren't sure of it yourself how can i accurately witness or give witness or give testimony of the goodness of god if i'm struggling myself to believe that he's good how can i do that what what what what signals am i giving to people if i feel like well in my case maybe you know he's he let me have cancer me in my case maybe this and my ca and it's always you're a special case no there there's no special cases right he came to seek and save that which was last year lost he came to save you uh you know you're in the kingdom you're in the family he wants to bless you how i transmit that to others is going to be based upon how i see my relationship my fellowship with the father all right so a couple more points here we'll move into some questions but do you really believe that god loves you and wants to bless you do you really believe it i don't mean theologically mentally i don't mean a doctrine i mean do you really believe that god loves you that the father loves you that the father is rejoicing over you do you really believe that he wants to bless you that he wants you to have more more joy more peace more love in your life more health more of everything that the spirit has invested in us do you think that he wants you to have even more do you think that he might even want to embarrass you with his goodness there were people are asking you what how can this be how how are you prospering so much why are you so joyful what what's your secret and it's gonna have to begin with your concept of how good he is what is abundant life isn't abundant more than enough do you believe that he really wants you to have more than enough i believe that see and that's i'm enjoying that and i'm expecting that do you believe it do you expect it amen it says in john 3 16 for god so loved the world for god so loved the world if you're in this world he loves you whoever's watching right now he loves you he wants to bless you but see our concept of him our perception of him many times limits what the blessings can be in our lives and we we need to spend time with him in fellowship until we're certain you know what i really really believe god wants to bless me god loves me that i am accepted that he's not here to condemn me he's not here to put a guilt trip on me he's here to lift me up the spirit of god the father the son all this all three are living within us and according to john 14 23 we we all have god living in us and the nature of god doesn't change from person to person it's the same he wants to bless you amen he loves you he wants to save you okay so finish up with this last point my fellowship with him will only be as meaningful as my perception of his love for me my fellowship with him will only be as meaningful as my i'll change the word my revelation of his love for me i can't have fellowship with someone that i'm not certain about if they really like me or not it's always going to be a little bit complicated but when i know that god loves me more than i can even comprehend then i can go into a place of fellowship with him and now we'll call that prayer i'm trying to make prayer not seem so daunting here yeah but fellowshipping with someone that loves you more than you can imagine and now that takes our christian walk away from formulas and into a place of fellowship formulas can never replace fellowship learning principles and how to do this and how to do that to be successful always have to be based on a fellowship that's based on a revelation of god's goodness and of god's love for us amen amen so i hope that bless you yes so we have a lot of questions okay who knew so many of you were awake at 7 00 am on wednesday praise god so keep sending in those questions okay so let's get started so hannah on youtube says what's god's response to disobedience from his children and how should one respond to god when they realize they've been disobedient you go boldly before the throne of grace and find grace and mercy in time of need in other words you go to your father not away from your father if you understand the love of god disobedience we could put it as paul does in galatians 6 and in romans 8 you sow to the flesh you reap corruption and so disobedience has its own consequence right in other words it's not necessarily god who is judging you or disciplining you it's just simply a consequence of independence my favorite word for sin is independence anytime we choose to be independent from him then we've chosen to go off on our own so to speak and there are consequences for that it's not god beating you up it's just simply you're you're reaping consequences and so to reestablish myself i go back to the throne of grace and i receive his grace his mercy his love and i'm good to go again in other words i don't stop and do guilt i don't do a guilt trip you know i have to do three days of guilt before i can pray no i don't i don't do that i immediately receive his forgiveness and i'm back in fellowship and i try not to be independent right praise god that's good um so ruthie on chat says how do you get revelation in every area of your life when it comes to knowing who god is and his promises do you need to ask for revelation every time you read the word or listen to sermons well in us in a sense i don't know every time but there needs to be an expectation paul prayed in ephesians chapter 1 verses 17 18 19. he prayed that there would be a rev up spirit of revelation and wisdom and understanding in the church so it's not automatic so paul was praying that the believers would have this comprehension this revelation this understanding of his goodness and of his purpose for us and so that we should pray i do pray father keep showing me i mean i've been walking with god now 48 years and i'm i'm getting more and more and more all the time and so it never stops so i expect that and i will continue to pray along those lines in ephesians 1 17-19 i'll pray along those lines even now not every every single day or every single time but when i go to the word when i'm in the word i expect to hear from the holy spirit i expect to hear the father say something and it's invariably i will get some new revelation i would say every single time i open the bible when i open the bible it's it's exciting to me and you know i share this in class it's like a little electric shiver goes through my my body when i open the word because i know i'm about to hear from god i'm about to have fellowship with my father who loves me and in that when you have that perception revelation is easy right because you're expecting good things amen you know in bible school you had said you know if you want revelation from god so why not just take ephesians one prayer and so i took that to heart and so i printed it out and you said to put it in like first person tents so i actually have my name in the scripture that god would reveal to julianne that the eyes of her understanding would be enlightened and i put it on the inside of my closet door and i'm telling you it was supernatural so i didn't have to ask when i opened i was already quoting that over myself and it just came to my remembrance the other day because sometimes we can get stuck in this idea of i need an answer on this right now god i and it seems like i can't get an answer and i was like why am i not doing that yeah right amen truth that found a place in your heart yes i took everything you said to heart maybe a little too far i don't know anyways so we have our uh praveen on youtube says is persecution the only suffering for a believer and what is the cost of being a disciple other than losing your own will okay that's two different questions let me take the first one here persecution when the when the new testament speaks of suffering a lot of uh sadly a lot of believers take that to mean sickness or tragedy or something that's part of this fallen world and that's not what paul and other authors are speaking of when they're talking of suffering they're talking specifically of persecution and if you go back and read the entire letter where those verses show uh show up you'll see that it's persecution they're they're proclaiming a faith that is not being received by jews and or gentiles that sometimes and so they're being persecuted for that and so that kind of suffering wasn't taken to the cross right uh jesus told us in this world we would have tribulation but he said be of good cheer amen but i i've overcome in the world and so there we have the cheer the joy once again uh so persecution is a subject that is separate from what was taken to the cross everything that adam unleashed on mankind was taken to the cross every sickness every all every human dilemma we'll say our peace our joy everything that we lost uh that was taken to the cross and so we can that's abundant life and we can live in that abundant life in spite of the circumstances that are going on around us you know you can walk in victory and have a smile on your face regardless of what the circumstances are now what was the second the second part of that question was and what is the cost of being a disciple other than losing your own will well losing your own will i know it's kind of uh that's a pretty uh we still have a will i don't i don't i didn't lose mine right i submit mine to his amen uh and so that's i'm not going to develop that more right now but the cost of being a disciple is simply that the persecution that comes against us if you go read jesus prayer in john chapter 17 he's praying for the disciples and then later he says and for those who believe on me through their word meaning us uh and he's praying about you know the enemy in the world and you know go read that prayer in john john chapter 17. so there is a cost to following in terms of we are going to be rejected if they've hated me they'll hate you but again i'll repeat that didn't stop jesus from promising us abundant life joy and love peace all of the things that he's promised us he knew what was coming but he still gave us these promises amen amen praise god so tina on chat says i have only been an awakened christian for one year it is a it is new to me that jesus is the only mediator through whom we come to god so here's your question am i insulting jesus when i forget to include him in my thanksgiving no that's getting too complicated this is this is a this is a love relationship with the father and jesus and the father john 14 23 they have come to live in us and so some people pray to jesus some people pray to the father some people specifically point out the holy spirit i you know i don't get into all that hair splitting to me it's when you speak to the father you're speaking to the the trinity of the godhead amen and i don't think they get offended if you forget one of them but i think that shows a level of where your intimacy is at with with god the father the son and the holy spirit who are three in one right right because i remember going through that of like oh i need to mention all three of them and every single time i fellowship and then the more you understand the more you realize yeah they're not going to get offended no it's it's it's a love relationship that's it praise god uh lovely wonder on youtube says i find it difficult to understand god can we truly understand god when he is so great and holy and his ways are so much higher well yes absolutely because jesus first of all said if you've seen me you've seen the father so that takes a lot of the mystery out right there then you can go to first corinthians chapter 2 and it says the spirit of god has come to show us the things of god and to show us the things that he's given us i don't have those verses right here at hand but in 1st corinthians 2 it's all about the knowledge and the wisdom that the holy spirit brings us that we might know it says that that we might know those things he has given us so god if we start from the concept of god is mysterious we're going to end up in a mess if we start with the concept of god wants you to know him he wants you to be aware of all of his goodness of all that he has invested in you of how much he loves you when you start with that perception then it's easy to begin to know the father uh as jesus desired that we know the father amen praise god so darlene on youtube says what do you say to someone who asks why god allows certain things to happen god allowed adam and eve to make a choice adam and eve made the wrong choice actually let me let me back up i said that wrong god didn't allow them he said do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and so he was forbidding them from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil he says you can eat of every other tree including the tree of life don't eat of the tree of the knowledge you're getting so technically speaking he didn't allow it though they had the capacity to choose it so they chose independence and at that point tell me the question again so i don't get off track the question is what do you say to someone who asks why god allows certain things to happen and so it's adam that has brought in the whole realm of of suffering human suffering of every and every kind every level spirit soul and body and god is going to honor adam's choice adam had either i can eat of the tree of the of life and know god and have eternal life or i can eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and when he did that god had to honor that because he gave the earth to man he gave he gave the earth to man psalm 8 psalm 115 verse 16 genesis 1 26-28 i teach this a lot as you know in school and so god gave the earth to man and has to honor the decisions that man makes god is not actively allowing any tragedy god is against it that's why jesus came to destroy the works of the of the devil uh god has equipped us to walk in victory amen and so it's not that god is allowing these things it's that we are praise god and you have a book or something on that don't you i have three books yeah yes i was just bringing it up the first one god did god do this to me answer some of these questions yeah and so we would encourage you can they get that on all three of my books are available through awm or keras the bookstores on the websites and uh they're also available on amazon and other places yeah on amazon so i would encourage you guys to check that out because it will answer stuff so let's do one more question jacqueline on facebook says how would you explains god how would you explain god's nature of love to those who use love as a reason for tolerance of the world's ways jesus spoke truth without compromising so how would you explain god's nature of love to those who use love to excuse the world right the world uses the word love in a very superficial way it comes and it goes and it's not love wrapped in truth there is a verse and that's one of the thessalonians that talks about they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved and so truth true love the god kind of love is wrapped in truth you cannot separate love from truth and so when people are trying to accommodate uh perverse behavior ungodly living and say well we we all just love each other that's not the god kind of love because it's not based on truth anything that's not based on truth cannot be true love okay there's a whole bible study right there but it is we're out of time right at the end so praise god yeah so anyways you guys happy thanksgiving mr bennett barry yes [Laughter] thank you for this amazing word this morning and i know it touched your hearts i can tell by all the questions that have come in and so thank you for participating this morning we want to wish you a happy happy thanksgiving we are so thankful for all of you and we're thankful for jesus who came to reveal god and so make sure tune in tomorrow it will be a rerun but it's going to be fantastic and listen you will have eight you will have probably taken your nap and then it's just the right time at 6 pm on thursday evening mountain time for you to get up and hear some word praise god and feed on the true word of life so thank you barry thank you and we look forward to having you back amen and you guys have a great wonderful happy thanksgiving bye you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 8,462
Rating: 4.9731545 out of 5
Id: ksZ7VD-xpME
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Length: 46min 45sec (2805 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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