Charis Daily Live Bible Study: The Name of Jesus - Barry Bennett - June 11, 2021

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[Music] [Music] well good morning everyone and welcome to our friday live bible study my name is emily bartlett and we're super blessed to have you guys tune in and be a part of this with us i was just thinking how we are a live bible study family and it's always such an honor to be a part of this with you but really what makes this broadcast so special is that you guys are tuned in and that you are a part of this with us and so whether this is your first time with us or you are a part of the family already we're just so excited to have you i'm going to go through a few announcements really quickly because i'm so excited about our teaching that is going to be shared today i know that you guys are going to be super blessed so ways that you can participate and be a part of this i'm just i'm just going to go through that really quickly whatever form you are listening on so if it's facebook or youtube there is a chat section if you could go down and start making a comment start reaching out and saying hello to to the the other listeners that would be so awesome and when our our minister is teaching today and you have questions that arise please don't hesitate um to put those in the chat section because they're gonna come right to me in the last 15 minutes of this study we're going to try to get through as many questions as we can and if you could try to keep it on topic with what the instructor is teaching that would be amazing and we're going to try to get through as many as we can now this broadcast is five days a week it's monday through friday monday and fridays this is at 10 a.m tuesdays and thursdays it's at 6 00 p.m and then bright and early wednesday mornings at 7 a.m this is all mountain time the reason why we have different times is because whatever time zone that you are listening in on we want you to participate and interact with us when we are live so once again thank you for tuning in today now if this broadcast has blessed you and you are considering being a partner with the ministry or if you would like to give there's many ways to do that you can call into our helps line the number should be on your screen or you can click the donate now button that should be at the top of your screen on facebook this broadcast is viewer supported i always love to share that andrew womack he made this five days a week right when when covet hit we just wanted to get the word out to you and bless you and and make this free but it does cost money to get this out to you so we just want to thank you for partnering with us and being a blessing and i just believe that you are blessed right back also that same number for the helps line 719-635-1111 is our prayer line if there is anything that you're walking through if you're wanting personal ministry please don't hesitate to call that number on your screen at the end of this broadcast because our prayer ministers they truly have a heart for you they would love to minister and speak the word over your life and stand with you so the prayer line is open seven days a week it's monday through friday 24 hours and then saturday and sundays i know the weekend is coming up we are open on saturday and sundays from 7 30 a.m to 6 p.m mountain time the last thing that i'm going to share with you is we do have our kingdom business summit that's going to be next week the 16th through the 18th they will be putting on your screen more ways to see how to get information on that actually i came out here in 2016 i came up to the business conference and i i didn't even know about andrew wommack at the time but i came out here to hear godly business speakers that could speak the word but then also saw finance financial increase in their life financial blessings so that that business summit it transformed my life to the point on where i became a student and then i just love being here serving and being a part of the ministry so please don't hesitate to go to that link to find out more information about that conference now i'm going to introduce our speaker for today which i'm so excited to hear what you're going to share this is barry bennett and he is the senior instructor here but when i moved out here in 2016 i was a winter term student and you were the first person that i heard you were ministering on galatians so i just had this wow wellness going on on the inside of me when i heard him teach i believe that's going to be the same for you guys today you guys are going to be so blessed amen well thank you emily good to be here and uh i'm glad you're here hosting i've had a guy named daniel host to me the last couple of times i wonder who that is yeah anyway he's okay but uh happy to be with you today what a blessing it is to be here god is good amen amen life is good i had a different bible study prepared for today and as i was driving to work this morning i have about an hour drive and i drive up the mountain pass and it's beautiful and i was just praising god and praying and having a great time and i just got inspired to share with you this morning on the power of the name of jesus amen and i you know i've i've come through some of you know i've just come through a year-long battle with cancer and now i'm healed and doing great so but i went through a number of different seasons if you will in that in that year and a lot of it was difficult and yet there was a constant throughout my my journey my healing journey and that was just trust me trust in in god trust in the name of jesus and there were times when i didn't have a whole lot of proactive spiritual oomph but i did have the capacity to meditate on to speak the name of jesus and so i want to talk about that because i think many times we get so wrapped up in whatever we're going through whether it's a healing issue or a financial issue or whatever the case may be we get really wrapped up in all of it and we try to figure out a for lack of a better word a formula a spiritual formula to get us through this problem and i understand that i i teach principles bible principles faith principles i understand the importance of that but sometimes we get a little too complicated a little too complex in our approach and really what's needed is just an absolute confidence in the name of jesus and the power of jesus and the love of jesus and the nature of jesus the kindness the compassion so i want to go that direction with you this morning uh i'm going to start in philippians 2 philippians 2 8-11 and just kind of set the table here philippians 2 8-11 says and being found an appearance as a man speaking of jesus he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death even the death of the cross therefore god also has highly exalted him and given him the name which is above every name that at the name of jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven those on earth and those under the earth and that every tongue should confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father there there is so much in all of these passages that i'm going to read and i teach more on this at kara some of you need to come to karis i don't know i'm going to just put in a plug for bible college here keras will change your life and whether you can come to colorado we have other physical locations around the country or you can do distance learning but bible college changed my life probably you would say emily it changed your life and people that come through this school at least have the opportunity to have their lives changed yes amen and so i teach a lot on the name of jesus in in second year uh but i'm going to give you as much as i can in these few minutes so this this name because of what jesus went through defeating sin defeating death defeating satan rising from the dead sitting down at the right hand of god he now has all honor all glory all power all authority and his name rules over all and at the name of jesus willingly or unwillingly every knee will bow one day those that that hate his name right now you know they still have a chance but when it comes to that time every knee will bow and every person will acknowledge the name of jesus and the power of that name everything in heaven and earth submits to jesus name if we would get a revelation and when i'm speaking of the name i'm not speaking of just flippantly in the name of jesus in the name of jesus or how we end our prayers and i'm not against that but sometimes it just becomes a cliche in the name of jesus amen but if we would have a revelation of the power of that name of the nature of that name of the goodness of that name of the authority of that name and that when we speak the name of jesus there is something inside of us that is connecting with the heart of god with the power of god with the authority of god that in jesus name every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess let's go to acts chapter 3 and i want to get some some material from acts chapter 3 we're going to start in verse 1. and it says now peter and john went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer the ninth hour and a certain lame man certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called beautiful to ask alms or offerings from those who entered the temple whose seeing peter and john about to go into the temple asked for alms and fixing his eyes on him with john peter said look at us so he gave them his attention expecting to receive something from them then peter said silver and gold i do not have but what i do have i give you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise up and walk and he took him by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength so he leaping up stood and walked and entered the temple with them walking and leaping and praising god and all the people saw him walking and praising god and then this is this creates quite a commotion amongst the the pharisees the sadducees the sanhedrin the the religious rulers and so they bring in peter and john and begin to question them and if you jump down to acts 3 16 acts 3 16 peter is explaining what happened he says and his name through faith in his name has made this man strong whom you see and know yes the faith which comes through him the the faith which comes through jesus has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all now that was if you go back and look at this he says i don't have silver and gold uh he's asking for for money he says but what i have i give you in the name of jesus he didn't give him a long teaching he didn't say well let's let's sit down and discuss this and i have three lessons here that i can give you and and i'm not putting that down because i do that i teach people i love to and and god has given teachers to the body of christ but in this case he didn't give him a teaching he says what i have i give you in the name of jesus peter had a revelation of the power of that name peter had a revelation of the compassion of of jesus for this man of the authority of the name and he spoke to him and says in the name of jesus and then he grabbed him and pulled him up because peter was absolutely convinced of the authority the power the nature of the name of jesus and then when he's talking to the religious leaders he says through faith in his name now it's not faith in j-e-s-u-s it's faith in what those letters represent it's faith in in the and i keep saying the nature of god but this is what we're talking about the character of god the purpose of god to redeem us to lift us up to deliver us to heal us the name covers every aspect of the human condition spirit soul and body praise god and if if we sometimes feel like i just don't think i mean i went through periods in my recent experience where i just didn't have the capacity to pray my spiritual proactivity was gone because of what i was dealing with physically but i and i couldn't sometimes i didn't even have the will to say the name of jesus but i was thinking it i was trusting i knew the goodness of god i knew that i had a word from god from the very beginning on day one when they told me i was going to die within a few days i had a peace from god a confidence uh that he told me i wasn't going to die yet everybody's going to die but i'm not going to die yet and uh i was going to make it through this and so i had that confidence and i could just lie in bed and meditate and rest and i'm going to make it through this because of jesus amen i'm going to make it through this because of jesus praise god and i made it through because of that name everything is subject to the name of jesus if you have faith in that name faith and then in the nature of god jesus said to the to the disciples if you have seen me you've seen the father that's what we're talking about here we're talking about the nature of god to bless you to prosper you to lift you up to heal you to deliver you to give you purpose and grace for your life if you have faith in that name everything is subject to that name amen so let's look at i want to look at four things with you if you're taking notes hey i'm a teacher take notes all right so everything is subject to the name of jesus number one the name of jesus saves us amen the name of jesus saves us spirit soul and body salvation is a is a complete term the name of jesus will deliver us we'll give a spiritual life it will save our bodies give us health and healing it will redeem our souls and and and move us into the realm of living by the spirit instead of living by our fleshly emotions the name of jesus how many of you have just sat back and and meditated on that name have seen him in your mind's eye and your divine imagination seen him on the cross for you taking all of your sin all of your problems all everything that has afflicted your life he took that on himself and then carried that into the depths of the earth and left it there praise god and arose from the dead and took his own blood into heaven in a tabernacle made without hands and then when that was accomplished he sat down at the right hand of god and he gave you his name praise the lord he gave you his name he gave you a spirit he gave you his better covenant he gave you his promises he gave you his word he gave you his armor he gave you the keys of his kingdom we are so blessed we are so blessed and we have this name acts 4 12 and we're still in actually the same story of peter healing the lame man at the gate and they're being questioned once again and peter says in acts 4 12 now there is salvation nor excuse me nor is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved there is no other name there is no other way jesus said i am the way i am the truth i am the life sometimes i think it would be possible to get some revelation if you would just speak the name of jesus yeah and say father show me the power of this name the salvation of this name maybe someone is watching right now that's not even a believer maybe you're a skeptic let the name of jesus come out of your mouth speak the name of jesus over and over jesus show me who you are yeah reveal to me your your heart for me your nature your character your passion for me that you have a better life for me you came that i might have life and might have it more abundantly jesus jesus and that that name carries in at the salvation of god salvation from whatever you're going through in the natural salvation for your spirit man salvation for your mind you can be free you can have the peace of god all of this is in that name and there is no other name by which we must be saved you can try any other thing out there and there's a lot of stuff out there but none of it is going to redeem you save you lift you up heal you like the name of jesus can amen so acts 10 43 acts 10 43 says to him all the prophets witness that through his name whoever believes in him will receive remission of sin praise god are you going through some guilt some condemnation something that is stealing your vision for your own future you feel like what you've done is passed redemption no there is remission of sin through his name not through any other way you can't have a parade and try to get rid of your guilt you can't change the laws of the land and try to get rid of your guilt you can't do what people are doing nowadays to try and make their guilt go away a lot of what is going on in our social environment right now in this country is due to guilt and people are trying to change the culture because of the guilt they're feeling it isn't going to work the only thing that will set you free is jesus there is no no condemnation to them that are in christ jesus and it's it's this one heartbeat away it's one confession away it's one declaration of jesus is my lord and the process begins immediately spiritually you are born again and you begin to enter into the knowledge of what that name means and you begin to name the name over your body over your mind over your soul over your emotions over your relationships you begin to become jesus conscious praise god that's the mind of christ is to become jesus conscious that in everything that you're going through in life you have the power of that name to deliver you to set you free to to heal you to raise you up to give you a new perspective on life amen hallelujah the name of jesus heals us now we've already read this but i want to read it again in acts 3 16. so the name of jesus saves us in every aspect of what that word means but specifically acts 3 16 says in his name through faith in his name has made this man strong whom you see and know yes the faith which comes through him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all jesus is concerned about your body he was concerned about mine i have had miraculous healings in the past where i didn't use medical assistance this time i use medical assistance nonetheless i had a word from god and it was jesus that brought me through this year-long battle and now i'm in this place of health where i am enjoying life when i think of what i'm what i'm experiencing now that i would have missed i mean i have all eternity to enjoy heaven but i i want to be with my family now i want to be with my my wife now i want to be with my grandkids now i would have missed all of that except for jesus amen jesus is what delivered me jesus is who healed me jesus is who the one who brought me through and strengthened me to go through a tough year but it was jesus yeah and sometimes we we get uh what's the word i want we we we drift into that bad attitude i taught about last friday if you didn't see that bible study i would i would recommend it uh we get into an attitude i got into an attitude and then i would have to get out of that bad attitude and remember i have a word from god i have jesus i have the name that is above every name amen and i've been delivered from a bad attitude and every moment is a blessing i am so thrilled to be here i am so thrilled to be alive and to be back into a normal life and it's because of jesus i trusted in the name of jesus so that's number two the name of jesus heals us we could go on and on and on and on about about that but uh let's move on number three the name of jesus gives us the victory over the forces of satan perhaps you feel like you're under the oppre the oppression of satan jesus went about doing good acts 10 38 and healing all who were oppressed of the devil so we have healing physical healing healing from oppression uh the name of jesus the power of jesus the life of jesus the the character of jesus the nature of jesus his heart is to set you free yeah his heart is to lift you up it says in mark 16 17 mark 16 17 says and these signs will follow those who believe in me in my name they will cast out demons in my name and so if you if you're involved in something that you feel there's a spiritual uh reason that you're that you're going through it that there are demonic forces at work uh if that if you're convinced that that's what you're going through they're afraid of you if you know who you are in christ even satan himself if we submit to god we can resist the devil and he will flee how much more demonic presences or forces or spirits of infirmity or whatever it is that you think is on your case you have the name of jesus there is no reason for demonic activity in your life or in your house in your family you have the name of jesus you have the love of god shut abroad in your heart we are so equipped my friends to win in life we have an unfair advantage over unbelievers and over the devil he's defeated we have an unfair advantage we have favor with god and we have this name that is above every name but do you have a revelation of the name do you understand the power of the name do you understand redemption that what jesus went through was so that you could reign in life that's romans 5 19 if you're taking notes that you can reign in life we have this name now some folks some battles are battles some some battles take time i understand that some things are instant some things take a little bit more time but if you will be and you will continue to apply the power of the name continue to be perseverant to hold on it says in hebrews 6 12 by faith and patience we inherit the promises perseverance hanging on and continuing to believe in the goodness of god in the in the name of jesus trust in him you will win you will win if you're convinced you will win you will win if you're not sure if you're doubting if you're wavering back and forth well then i i can't help you but if you know you're going to win because you are trusting in that name that is above every name and you're a perseverant and you stick with it and you don't give up in due season you shall reap if you do not grow weary that might be galatians 6 9. so the name of jesus gives us the victory over the forces of satan we'll do one more here the name of jesus number four the name of jesus gives us access to the father in prayer amen praise god uh here we go i'm gonna read a couple couple passages here these are such a blessing john 16 23-24 john 16 23-24 says and in that day you will ask me nothing most assuredly i say to you whatever you ask the father in my name he will give you until now you have asked me excuse me until now you have asked nothing in my name ask and you will receive that your joy may be full do you see what god's motivation is god's motivation is that your joy be full that's god's heart that you have abundant life that you have the victory ask in the name that redeemed you that saved you that delivered you that that experienced death and and went into the lowest parts of the earth and took the keys of hell and death and ascended into heaven and sat down that name that name is the name that we use to receive from the father that our joy may be full that name is your legal representative before the father in heaven ever living to make intercession for you you ask in that name praise god get a revelation of that name let's go to john 14. john 14 12-14 it says most assuredly jesus is speaking he says most assuredly i say to you he who believes in me now that's a mouthful i mean we read over that very quickly do you truly believe in him do you truly believe in everything that he has given you do you truly believe in everything he has done for you do you see yourself in him and him in you or are you just still with this victim mentality poor me i wish god would do something for me he's done everything he can possibly do for you it's a it's accomplished it's finished as andrew teaches you've already got it yeah it's already been done but so many of us have a a religious mindset we have a guilt complex we feel unworthy we feel condemned i'm going to do a study on this maybe the next time i come we we have so much religion wrapped around us in our culture and perhaps how we were raised and even in the churches that we've gone to many times have have choked out the life of god in us and we don't feel worthy to receive anything from jesus or to expect anything and maybe a crumb will fall from the table and we'll get to have a little blessing here and there no that's not that's not what we're doing here that's not abundant life but you've got to get free from anything that brings guilt and condemnation to your life and you've got to see jesus as the redeemer of your life there's remission of sin in his name as we've read already okay so ask and you will receive that your joy may be full now some of you are saying well i've asked and i haven't received and see there's the double-mindedness right there if you've asked in faith you have received now there is a spiritual world an invisible world and there's a natural world but if you've asked and believe you've received you've received and it's coming it's going to manifest if you don't give up but so many people if they don't get an instant manifestation or if the pain doesn't go away immediately they did well that didn't work no you didn't work you've got to stay firm in the in the confidence that you have in that name in that power in that goodness and you know that if you stay firm in in reigning over your body or your circumstances whatever you're going through if you stay firm things will change the temporal will submit to the eternal come on you stay rooted in the eternal and the power of the name and the temporal will change the temporary will change so i didn't get i didn't get very far in john 14 20 12-14 so here we go again okay john 14 12-14 says most assuredly i say unto you he who believes in me the works that i do he will do also do you see yourself doing his works and greater works than these will he do because i go to my father and whatever you ask in my name that i will do whatever you ask in my name that i will do that the father may be glorified in the son if you ask anything in my name i will do it do you understand this that god wants you to have victory so that he gets the glory he gets glorified when his children are prospering when his children are healed he gets the glory nobody nobody gives god glory for sickness if you do you need your head fixed you give god glory when there's healing when there's deliverance when there's a bound abundance and prosperity in your life in every level that's where god gets glory and he's anxious to do that that your joy might be full but we do it through the name of jesus the name of jesus the power of that name the revelation of that name praise god we we are so blessed and i think many times we get too involved in five steps for this and three steps for that and and i'm not against principles i teach principles but we have got to not lose the main thing and the main thing is the name of jesus the power of the name the name that is above every name take some time today to meditate to pray to read go through the book of acts and look how many times they used the name of jesus take a pencil underline or whatever uh you're gonna get blessed if you would just trust in that name and that goodness you will be delivered amen amen thank you so much time has gone by so fast but what you're sharing is amazing and we have really good questions coming in so i'm gonna i'm gonna jump right in okay so edison on youtube is asking how do you efficiently use the powerful name of our lord jesus christ to pray for a sick person okay when we're praying for the sick the one the minister uh has got to be convinced amen fully persuaded as it says about abraham in hebrew in romans 4 fully persuaded absolutely convinced that when you speak the name over a sick person when you minister to a sick person they are receiving every time i pray for someone i know that they are receiving now whether or not they are receiving actively or or not that's that's you know i can't if they're resistant if they're unbelieving i can't do anything about that but the capacity to receive is available and they can receive but we've got we have got to be convinced amen i don't just pray for someone and let's see if anything happens no i know that i know that i know that when i speak and i speak the name of jesus and i speak to whatever issue they're going through the provision is there absolutely the provision is there and there are times when it manifests immediately and there are times when it may take a day a week a month people come back to me all the time remember that time six months ago when you prayed for me and probably i don't remember it because i pray and minister to a lot of people and they say but it has taken place it happened just as you prayed it and praise god i mean i expect that i'm i'm kind of disappointed when i don't hear those things because i know there's something that went wrong somewhere but but when we pray we're fully persuaded fully convinced that when we speak the name over someone the provision is there it's being activated amen this is a really good answer dusty and angie on facebook are asking how can we explain to people who say that we have to use the original name original name yeshua in order to get results that's just silly i'm sorry to be so blunt but who is it that created all the languages of the earth god and i speak english i speak spanish i'm going to use the english name because i speak english i don't speak hebrew i don't speak aramaic i don't speak greek i speak english and so i have absolutely no need to go back to try to figure out the hebrew name or the greek name or the american aramaic name that's just that's putting a silly condition on something that is a heart issue not a language issue it's a heart issue if you have a revelation of jesus in english or in whatever language you speak then when those words come that word comes out of your mouth it carries the nature of god you don't have to speak hebrew to be spiritual amen all right okay roberto on chat says how do i embrace the name of jesus fully without being afraid when i remember pastimes that i in ignorance blasphemed him last minute well at first you need to get a revelation of your forgiveness that would be key uh are you forgiven do you still have a consciousness of sin or do you feel guilty before god if those things are still going on then you really haven't understood redemption salvation forgiveness and that's where you need to begin and so you need to have a good look at the cross a good look at the the scriptures and especially in the new testament of who you are in christ and it has nothing to do with what you've done or if you've earned it or not it's all about receiving by faith the goodness of god that has forgiven you delivered you uh given you new life and he did it for for christ's sake it says in isaiah 54 and i think maybe verse 17 i'm not positive he says that our righteousness is of him it's not a view it's a gift romans 5 19 says it's a gift of righteousness and so receive the gift get rid of the guilt let it go god is not remembering your sins so you shouldn't waste time either and step into newness of life and so what i was saying a few minutes ago is that so many people are wrapped up in religious junk that they've had put on them through their their childhood or through culture or whatever and christians have become very passive and very victim mentality minded that's kind of redundant but we're not entering into the greater works that he does because we don't believe we can do that and we're even happy if we get a miracle given to us yeah we we've settled for so far less than what's available yeah that's such a good answer tabitha on youtube says why is it necessary to ask and believe for a miracle when he knows what we already need because when we pray great question when we when we pray we are acknowledging that he is the source of our answer we are acknowledging that he has provided for us whatever the need may be it's already been provided we are plugging in to receive that which has been provided if everything was automatic all of us would be the same right and as soon as a need appears it would disappear and that's not how i see things happening i don't i don't think we're all the same i think there are some that are enjoying the abundant life and many that are not because they're not plugging into the provision that it's by grace has been given faith is not a work faith is simply a response to what has been given by grace and so we plug into god's provision uh that our joy might be made full amen okay pyra on youtube is saying when we feel depressed over something my exams for example where we feel we didn't do enough can we call on the name of jesus to help you just had maybe have a flashback to my college days i didn't quite finish college i was excused but because of this very thing i i wasn't prepared in my for my exams many times and you jesus or the lord can't bring to your remembrance something that's not in your memory to begin with and so preparation is important when we're studying for something depression is not the answer obviously turning a new page and getting getting to work and and preparing yourself and if you feel like you have prepared yourself to the best of your ability then you absolutely call on the name of the lord i mean i i did and uh things that i forgot i had studied came back to my remembrance and so that is a possibility but if it's not in there it's not going to come back yeah it's we need to be prepared yeah amen so grace on youtube is asking how do you maintain maintain focus when you have to attend many responsibilities but you're still believing for healing well we all go through that i mean we all have life we all have obligations we all have family probably uh or other relationships we have things that we have to do in life that shouldn't it doesn't have to steal your default position of rest in in jesus of rest in god uh i go through a day i have obligations i have things i have to do but i don't let any of it steal my peace i have taught myself and that was what i was going to teach today but i'll do it some other time the fruit of the spirit involves self-control and involves peace other things and so i have learned to live from that place to where though i may have many things going on i stay in a in a consistent place of peace and self-control and i know that i you know that's going to be the best way to get through all the things i have to do if i begin to focus on all of the things and and i'll get flustered and try to in my own strength overcome or accomplish all of the things i have to do then that's that's a sure a sure road to burnout you that's where people get burned out as they're trying to do things in their own strength stay in the place of peace stay in the place of the joy of the lord you can do that it's available to us yeah okay so um samaya on youtube says how can i suppress or what can i replace with the moments when i'm overwhelmed to the point of crying is crying an expression of strength or weakness is crying okay well i hope it's okay i did a lot of it in the past year there were there were days when i just broke down i'm not afraid to admit it um because you know it was it was tough but i still never lost my trust yeah that god had spoken to me i would live and make it through this and i did so i went through some emotional times uh all of us do i don't think that's necessarily a bad thing emotions aren't bad it's it's fleshly emotions that control you and take you the wrong direction those can be bad but jesus wept at the tomb of lazarus i mean god is not without emotion uh he loves us he rejoices over us and we can go and look at the different emotions that god has and that jesus had so emotions aren't bad it's just that you can't be carried away by the fleshly version of your emotions to a place of bondage that's a bad thing we we have a spirit within us that can have emotions the spirit of god can have emotions but they won't take you to bondage they'll take you to freedom to liberty so you know if you enter into a time of emotional crying just make sure it takes you to a place of release and joy and not to a place of bondage and sadness that's such a good answer and we have time for one more question so martha on youtube is asking how do i speak the name of jesus over someone who has gotten into drug use well i'm not sure if this is a family member or a friend but regardless if you can't pray for them with them present you can pray for them anyway with them wherever they are and you can speak the name of jesus now you can't change someone's will we can't force someone to accept something they don't want but when we pray for people and when we speak the name of jesus over them we are influencing the spiritual environment around them i like to think of it this way is that we are changing the environment to a place where they have an opportunity to make a new decision and so i i do that in faith believing that it may not be immediately but it may be five years from now this person can make another decision because i have spiritually helped change their environment to where they can hear the word of god someone can come across their path they're going to hear they're going to listen and perhaps are going to change the direction of their life amen well thank you so much barry i just wanted to ask if you would pray over the viewers i would love to absolutely a lot of you i don't know some of you may be going through some things right now but let's just believe god together and believe the power of the name amen father we come to you in that name in that powerful name of jesus in the name that loves us that has redeemed us that has lifted us up that has healed us by his stripes we were healed and father we come to you in that name right now that is above every name and we speak the name of jesus over every circumstance over every hurt over any guilt or condemnation we speak the name of jesus over any sickness any cancer anything else that's going on that is not supposed to be there we name the name of jesus for complete healing complete deliverance complete wholeness complete victory we name the name of jesus and we're not going to back down we're going to receive that our joy might be made full that is your heart for us father we agree with it praise god we receive the blessings of the name above all names and we speak and we pray in jesus name amen amen amen thank you once again barry and thank you we just are speaking blessings over your weekend and if there's anything else that you guys are needing please feel free to call in the helps line but we will see you on monday rick mcfarlane is going to be teaching at 10 a.m mountain standard time we love you guys bye ready to develop leadership skills and expand your influence don't miss the kingdom business summit june 16th through the 18th in beautiful woodland park colorado hear from new york times best-selling author john c maxwell and ceo billy eberhard paul milligan karen conrad and dean radke as they teach about success and business bring your colleagues to learn biblical business skills and grow your network register now at kingdom [Music] you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 13,374
Rating: 4.8986354 out of 5
Id: DOVnL-K5nYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 4sec (2824 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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