Charis Daily Live Bible Study: Taking Offense - Pastor Duane Sheriff - September 21, 2021

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[Music] [Music] harris and i'm going to be your host this evening so let's jump right into the announcement so we can get to the teaching we have a guest minister tonight who is pastor dwayne sheriff you are going to be abundantly blessed so let's get right into this so um first of all this is an interactive bible study we want you to type in your questions as they come to your heart and then about the last 10 to 15 minutes of the program we're going to get to as many questions as we possibly can also i want to mention so all spelt out you guys we want you to jump over there if you want to jump over there right now then you will not experience any interruptions or anything like that that's where we're putting all of our live streams all of our live format is going on so you can email us questions which i think is really cool you can email or text us questions so you can email us at live questions plural at or you can text your question to 719-212-2555 that number and that email address should be appearing on your screen so make sure and do that you guys we want to get to as many questions as we possibly can like i say the last 10 to 15 minutes of the program also um this is a viewer supported bible study and so uh this is kind of the mother of all bible studies let's get into that right now actually so uh tuesday nights were the original bible studies that andrew and kerry started uh years back and there's something special that stands out from the rest of the bible studies that we have and that is um you can get the bible study notes so the teaching you're going to hear tonight if you sign up for the notes you will receive those two those notes uh the following monday morning okay so how you do that is you're going to go to study you're going to fill out the form and have your information in there and then you are entered in to win a a drawing of a free material so last week we gave away andrew's book of the war is over and the winner of that was jim powell so jim they will be contacting you getting your address and getting that book sent to you and then tonight uh pastor dwayne sheriff is giving away his newest book our union with christ or i'm assuming it's your newest book so tell us a little bit about this book well this book is titled our union with christ and i wanted to name it married to jesus but my publisher didn't feel like people would understand that so our union with christ deals with marriage and our natural marriage and what it points to and literally then our union with christ our marriage to jesus and man i define what a marriage is in this book i define why do we get married i did a survey julianne years ago as a pastor why did you get married and i was shocked at the top five answers that were all wrong on why people get married and the lord began to minister to me that if we're confused about natural marriage then i'm certain we're confused about our marriage with jesus our union with jesus so marriage points to something unseen it's something seen between a man and a woman male and female that points to christ and the church and so this is a book that will help you in your relationship with the lord i talk about jesus as our husband i've never talked about suffering and how that the lord suffers with us in this life and through the sufferings of this life and so i'm really proud of this book and what the lord put on my heart and i know it'll be a blessing to even your children because we have a generation coming up that doesn't even know what a marriage is and i define what a marriage is who created marriage i even teach in here why god made us male and female there's a reason why god made us male and female and you just need to get the book and of course this one's free so if you sign up for the bible study notes you will be entered into a drawing to possibly win this book otherwise i would encourage you to go buy one i'm going to go buy one especially if you've already signed up for the bible study notes um you're you won't be entered in the drawing so i think the best way to go would be to pastor uh pastor is that correct and you can purchase these this book and he has some other great books i would encourage you guys to all go there and do that so we're giving that away um also we have some upcoming events so we have the ministers conference coming up which is just like it sounds it's for ministers if you are a minister and you need a time of refreshing i would encourage you to sign up for the ministers conference that is going to be october the 4th through the 8th we also have women arise conference uh that is going to be october 28th through the 30th no man allowed sir get it i get it okay and then we're going back on the road to the dallas gospel truth conference and that will be november 11th through the 13th so you guys we got so many amazing things going on you can check out more details about these events by going to events also um as i mentioned before this is a viewer supported live bible study this is only brought to you through the partners and the gifts that come into andrew womack ministries and i know if you're like me my life has been radically touched and changed through this ministry it's the power of the word of god but it's brought to us in such a way that we can digest it and understand it and implement it in our lives and if that's happened to you it's happened to thousands of others and you can be a part of it simply by giving so please don't have a hesitate give them a call you can also go online to give or you can give us a call at five one 719-635-1111 one one also when you call that number we have prime ministers available to you 24 hours a day monday through friday they're also there on the weekends from 7 30 a.m until 6 00 p.m and they are trained in their authority they know who they are in christ jesus they can direct you towards andrew's supplemental over 200 000 hours of free material he has on his website or you know they can direct you towards the word of god there's no reason you're going through anything right now alone so please don't hesitate give them a call 719-635-1111 and i think that's it the only uh thing i didn't mention was our schedule of our daily live bible studies so mondays and fridays we have bible study at 10 a.m tuesdays and thursdays or at 6 00 p.m and brighton early wednesday morning is at 7 00 a.m and that is all mountain time so make sure and tune in while we're live so that you can submit those questions and we'll get to as many as we can so i got through all all of the announcements pastors so we are ready for whatever you're bringing us tonight let me introduce pastor dwayne sheriff he is pastor of victory life church based out of durant oklahoma is that how you say it that's how you say if you're from durant if you're from durant or durant however you want to pronounce it so it's one church is it 12 locations is that correct i gotta tell you guys if you've never heard pastor duane this is what happened to me when i came to kara's bible college um pastor duane was coming to minister to the student body and somebody asked me have you ever heard doing sheriff speak and i was like dwayne who you know no i've never heard i am here to tell you you guys there he is an anointed teacher called of god i listened to everything he shared that morning he was teaching in night school i came back i went to night school to hear him teach this is a gifted teacher right here and um so we're ready for you well thank you so much yeah really super kind and i'm grateful and i appreciate even the opportunity to share and i just want to dive right into this uh i have it on my heart and i just shared with the students today on the subject of offense and being offended and taking offense this is such a serious serious topic and yet many people have no idea of the danger associated with being offended and getting offended our culture right now is literally saturated with offense and the consequences that the bible speaks of in regards to offense you can see them everywhere and this is just something we all face it's something i don't care if you're a convert or you've transitioned from a convert to a disciple and you've went from immaturity to maturity you're going to still face offense throughout your life and we have to learn to process offense and taking offense or getting offended and again what i've discovered is most people do not have any idea of the consequences or the danger that offense creates and so a lot of people are struggling and they can't figure out what's wrong and their lives are just in turmoil and they don't realize they've taken an offense that offense has morphed into a form of unforgiveness that unforgiveness if unresolved then morphs into bitterness and the book of hebrews chapter 12 says that a root of bitterness has sprung up within many of god's people not a few of god's people not some but many and defiled them so this is this is pretty serious and one of the most popular series i've ever done is on offense we do have a book that we're working on in a manuscript to get that out as quick as possible to help people process us process offense better work their way through it and out of it and things of that nature so let me just give you an overview of this in psalms 119 165 the scriptures say great peace have they that love thy law and nothing will offend them now that that statement is profound and it needs to sink in i need to hurry but that is over the top great peace have they that love thy law i love the law of god i love the word of god i love the scriptures and that says that if we love god's law god's word the holy scriptures we'll have this great peace and listen nothing will offend us it's amazing now that is over the top and i remember reading that and i was a young pastor and i remember communing with the lord and saying lord where are these people as a pastor you'd like to meet some people that love god's word and nothing will offend them my hairdo's not going to offend them my colloquialisms are not going to offend them my mannerisms are not going to offend them and so i'm praying about this and saying lord where are these people evidently people do not love your word and just in the process the lord began to minister to me instead of trying to find people that are not offended why don't i become one of those people amen i need to be the person maybe you're looking for that is not offended that refuses to take offense that i've learned the danger of it i've learned what the enemy's doing and and i'm not going to take it offenses will come we'll look at that scripture here in a minute but we do not have to become offended when offenses come and we do not need to be overcome when offenses come and so the scripture that recently the lord spoke to me out of is out of the sower sowing the word or the seed it's a parable jesus told told in mark chapter four and again we're on a time constraint here and so i just want to extract from that parable one major point as it relates to offense because i didn't understand for years what was really happening when i took an offense when i got offended and jesus is teaching that our heart is like ground and god's word is like seed and if it's sown in good ground it will produce a harvest some 30 some 60 some 100 fold but then he gives us three other types of ground in how satan steals the word of god out of our heart and i just can't teach on the others i just finished a brand new series on the mystery of seeds the mystery of seeds and i'm so excited about what's happening and how people are receiving from this and it's just transforming our church and and others but let's look at the second ground he said there were four grounds by the wayside that was hard ground a hard heart and how it won't produce like god intends it to the second was stony ground the third was ground with thorns and then the fourth was good well look at this statement on the second ground that he called stony ground and how satan steals the word of god out of our hearts verse 16 of mark chapter 4 and these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground who when they have heard the word immediately receive it with gladness and have no root in themselves and so endure but for a time afterwards when affliction or persecution arises for the word's sake immediately they are offended how does satan steal the word of god out of our heart through all these hardships through all these tribulations and trials and persecutions they are all for the word's sake the enemy sends these things against us dear ones to steal the word of god out of our heart because the only threat to satan is god's word in my heart i'm not a threat to the devil independent of the word of god i'm not a threat to the devil and his powers of darkness and wickedness in this world in and of myself independent of jesus you know it's the word of god that gets in me takes root and i begin to bear fruit and that fruit is over and against the works of darkness in this world and so i'm sitting here i'm reading this and the lord speaks to me and i mean it hit me like a ton of bricks that offense is not about offense and i'm thinking okay god where are we going taking offense is not about being offended it's about satan stealing the word of god out of your heart every time you take offense that's satan's weapon against you either getting offended at god how many people do you know be honest that are offended at god they've quit church they're not reading the bible they're not pursuing god they're not operating in his kingdom they took an offense and what did satan do through that offense through getting offended at the church offended at god because you didn't see something work out like you thought offended at the preacher offended at somebody sitting in your seat at church i mean you name it i could spend hours just going over all the offenses that people take not realizing that's the devil stealing god's word out of your heart well once i saw that i'm telling you i made up my mind i'm going to have great peace and love the law of god and nothing shall offend me i'm not going to take offense the opportunity for offense is all around us because this is a weapon of satan to cause barrenness in our lives to cause us not to bear fruit in our relationship with the lord as i began to search this out i saw the danger and deadliness of offense and again i wish i had more time i've got an entire series on this that's absolutely free if you'll go to my website and you can download it but when you look at king saul this guy was set in by god and he took an offense at david yes he did david went out on a war campaign and came back with a great victory david was loyal to saul david loved saul david never raised his hand against saul and yet he's coming back from this campaign and there's this welcoming party and the ladies specifically are dancing and singing and shouting and they they're singing a song david has slain his ten thousand saw his one thousand the bible teaches he took offense at that that offended him and i don't know if you've ever thought about it saints but after he took that offense his life his personality got distorted his life began to unravel listen he lost his kingdom he lost his family and he literally lost his life because he didn't process that offense he got offended at david for absolutely no reason and yet it just damaged him greatly and on and on we can go david made a mistake when he went to get the ark of the covenant from the philistines who had stolen it he's going to bring it back to the city of david and he's bringing it back on a cart that was built by the world and god had given protocol on how to move the ark of the covenant and it was to be moved on the shoulders of the priest and he's trying to bring the glory of god the ark of the covenant represents the glory of god the presence of god the covenant of god with us and he's trying to bring that back to god's people and he's using the world's method to do it we cannot bring this great awakening that i believe is happening we cannot bring the glory of god to the church in the measure god wills through the methods and ways of the world we have to do it god's way and so the ark began to rock as they pulled that cart over a threshing floor and yuza just simply reached up and i i don't have time to explain this i didn't even and wasn't able to explain it today because it used to bother me that he just reached up to keep the ark from falling into the mud and the anger of the lord was kindled against him and god struck him and it offended it offended david and so he parked the ark at obed edom's house yeah and obed edom related properly to that ark unlike the philistines did and his entire house got blessed he began to prosper he began to see health he began to see all the goodness of god and word got back to david that obed edom is blessed because of the ark of the covenant see david got offended and the good news is in three months he processed the offense right men are bad about this we pout we get the poochie lip we kind of when we get offended we start with the poochy lip and then we get angry and then if we don't process it we mess up our lives our homes everything you can think of and so david thank god processed the offense in three months and he went back to get it and he brought it back properly you can study all that out in second uh samuel chapter six now here's what's interesting he's bringing the ark back he's doing it right finally and michael david's wife got offended at david dancing now this is powerful second corinthians chapter six it's the last verse i think it's verse 23. it says that from that point on she became barren yeah she bore no more fruit when she took that offense and didn't process it i need that to sink in you need that to sink in the devil is trying to offend us every day get offended at your boss get offended at your spouse get offended at your kids kids get defended at their parents get offended at church he is absolutely bent on knocking on the door of your heart for you to take offense so that he can steal the word of god out of your heart and you become barren in your relationship with the lord god still loves you i'm not saying you won't go to heaven i'm saying you'll experience a lot of hell on this earth that god never willed for you to experience and i could give example after example moses didn't get to go into the promised land because he was offended at the children of israel he got angry at them and god spoke to him to to speak to that rock and he struck the rock with his rod the second time which you can't do that that rock was a type and a shadow of christ and you you can't crucify him afresh or a second time he had already struck the rock the first time and water came out of that rock enough to take care of all the herds and all of the people of israel that was a powerful miracle now god tells him to speak to the rock but he gets angry at the children of israel he gets offended and he strikes the rock and for that he couldn't go into the promised land man i wish i had more time i love sharon on this naaman was a leper in syria a commander of the syrian army and his wife had a servant girl that was a hebrew and she told the wife of naaman about elisha and how he could get his healing from leprosy and so so naaman goes to to arum his the king of syria to get permission to go down in to israel and meet with elisha to get healed and that was proper protocol because had he done that without going to the king and getting permission it could look like that that he was a traitor and that he was uh anyway a spy and so that was important that he did that and the king said you can go so naaman goes to see elisha to get healed of leprosy and and he's met by kahazai elisha's servant and the servant of elisha tells naaman if you want to be healed go down to the river jordan and dip seven times and you'll be healed naaman got offended boy i can picture that i could tell story after story as a pastor when i didn't show up and i sent somebody people get offended i've seen people in the hospital and an associate would come to see him that i sent and they get offended that i didn't come yeah well that's not real bright when you need a healing right so let me let that go but the bottom line is naaman got offended because elijah didn't personally come out and tell him and then second seven times in the river jordan the muddy jordan he said there are cleaner rivers in syria and he he stomped off with the poochie lip he he stomped off just murmuring and complaining and i dare him send out a servant and i'd dare him tell me to go in that money the good news for naaman and the good news for you and i is we need to surround ourselves with people that are sane amen we need to surround ourselves with people that love jesus and when we enter into a piece of stupid like that can help us process our way back out of that his service began to talk to him and say what do you got to lose why are you getting offended we need to do this and naaman processed the offense he went and dipped in the river jordan seven times and was miraculously healed get this listen to me had he remained in that offense he would have died of leprosy which was not god's will for him wow how many things are happening to us because we didn't process offense we didn't deal with it listen it luke before i get there let me go to luke because i'm running out of time fast boy it goes fast luke chapter 17 is where jesus taught on offense and the danger of offense the deadliness of offense the word offense in the strong's concordance in the greek language is the greek word scandal on scandal on and the definition of offense means to stumble or to fall it means a trap stick now tread water here with me for a minute a trap stick it's a trap stick it's a trigger it means a trigger on a trap closing the trap down on an uns suspecting victim in other words if you know what a mouse trap is and there's some of you may be in the in the deep inner city have no idea what this is and i'm not trying to offend you this is a mousetrap and those of us that live in the country and i found out julianne was raised in the in the country on a farm so she she's awesome but this is a mouse trap and if they'll if they'll at least look at this little bar hanging down i hope you can see that this right here believe it or not is called a trap stick and listen to me carefully it's literally called a scandalon think about that for a minute it's called a scandalon and it's a trigger that sets a trap on an unsuspecting victim or or if you could say a mouse now i'm from oklahoma in the texas area and i'm telling you i got a mouse trap four times that size and because we don't have mice we got rats i mean these things are huge and and there's nothing better than the sound that's the sound there's nothing better than the sound of a mouse trap going off because you bait that thing you set that trigger and you listen and suddenly you'll hear that mouse trap go off it'll go bam flop fl fl flop flop it's a beautiful sound bam fl fl flip flop oh that's exactly how it works i don't believe it we tried the time man oh he did it i totally failed her the way she did it here's the deal when you get offended that's not what's going to destroy your life that's the trigger that's the trigger that releases the bar of unforgiveness the bar of bitterness and many christians are going through their whole life flop flop flop they're just flopping around like they're trapped how did it start it started with a scandal on what do i mean it started with a trigger what was the trigger what was the the thing that entrapped them and sprang the trap it was offense it was offense listen to what jesus said here in luke chapter 17 verse 1 then jesus said unto the disciples it is impossible but that offenses will come i'm going to have to teach this as i read it quickly because i'm running out of time but jesus just said it's impossible but that offenses won't come in other words he's trying to tell us we live in an offended world we live in a world of offense we live in a world where every single day you're going to get an opportunity to be offended again by your boss a fellow worker a preacher a church i talk to people all the time that are offended at the church and they're not connected to a local church they don't even understand the purposes of god anymore that the church is what jesus is building if you want to be a part of what jesus is doing in the earth you better get hooked up to church because he said i will build my church and the gates of hell won't prevail against it satan uses the church many times as a vessel of offense because he wants you to get offended at the church above all offenses because if he can get you disconnected from the church he'll get you disconnected ultimately for your your destiny and your divine purpose in life and so jesus said look these things are going to come you're going to get offended at your spouse you got to process it now you're going to have opportunity to get offended at your children children do things they can bring an offense to a parent you can get offended at your parents parents aren't perfect so i could go on and go on jesus is affirming it's impossible for you to find a place where you won't get offended or tempted to be offended there is no place you can work for a ministry like this right here it's one of the top ministries i believe in the world and you can get offended and that's a trap yes i've learned man that when offense comes i smell cheese because as soon as you put that cheese on that little on that little mouse trap that rat smells that cheese and unsuspectingly goes and touches that cheese it releases the scandal on and then they're trapped so every time that offense knocks you need to go i smell cheese amen i am not gonna take the bait amen i'm not i can choose to not take the bait now this gets serious and i got a minute or so left and this is just tearing me up he says listen though offenses are gonna come woe unto him through whom they come see it's one thing for me to get offended but it's another thing now for me to carry that offense and offend other people with my offense see the process of offense is four-fold when you smell the cheese and you take the bait the first thing you do is nurse the offense you just nurse it you just cuddle and coddle it and you just nurse it the second thing you do that's deadly is you is you rehearse it you go over it and over it in your brain i can't believe they did that i can't believe they said that can you imagine they did that to me don't they know who i am you rehearse it over you go to bed at night you're laying there and it's like the late night show you replay the whole incident then the credits start coming up and you realize what wow it wasn't just joe elizabeth had something to do with this and the sad thing is the movie doesn't end like when the credits are over it starts over again in your head so you rehearse it rehearse it number three is when you get in trouble you disperse it see it's one thing for a generation to be offended about sexual purity it's another thing to take your offense now and teach little children sexual perversion it's one thing to hate our country and just despise it and you be offended at how evil this country is it's another thing to defile an entire generation to hate their country jesus is teaching it's one thing for you to get offended it's another thing to carry it now i gotta hurry here and this is huge and i apologize i'm going to drop a nuclear bomb he says right here woe unto them through whom they come through what comes offense it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck and be cast into the sea that he should offend one of these little ones i i've met a handful of people that believe what jesus said jesus just said it would be better for you to have a a concrete necklace around your neck and be thrown into a lake than for you to get offended and become a vessel of offense now and destroy people's lives with your offense the fourth thing in that process they nurse rehearse disperse god's will is that we reverse offense in our lives the minute it knocks on our door i gotta quit but one of the most powerful illustrations that i've ever given happened today it just shook me to my core as i was sharing it i don't know if it's right to watch forensic files i'm not trying to promote watching forensic files some people would think man you don't need to watch that i'm good with that i just love catching the bad guys and i love how they catch the bad guys yes and so i was watching this one episode and this man kidnapped a mother and two daughters and took him out into the ocean and he he raped all three of them then he tied concrete blocks around their legs taped their mouths and the two little girls that had just been raped had to watch their mother push being pushed overboard and sink to the bottom of the ocean then the second child had the concrete blocks tied to her legs and the sister had to watch her sister pushed off the boat and sink to the bottom and then the third girl the same fate i can't think of anything more horrific than that i can't i can't let my mind go there i just can't imagine the terror the horror what's what could be worse than that jesus said that would be better for you than for you to get offended and carry that offense and destroy your children's lives destroy your neighbor's lives destroy your church with your offense that's how serious this really is wow and i'm telling you that hit me even today in a greater measure that i know offenses are going to come but i'm not going to take the bait i'm going to be wise as a serpent a type of satan i'm going to be as wise as a serpent harmless as a dove and i i guarantee you jesus wants to heal your heart today he wants to cleanse your heart of any offense he's right there knocking on the door of your heart to cleanse it right now of being offended at your spouse being offended at your kids being offended at your church you fill in the blank but i want to encourage you to let it go i've got teachings on how do you do that people get mad and offended at me when i say what i just said and they go well how do you do it offended at that there is a process of letting things go of learning how to forgive even what some people would call the unforgivable and i deal with those in the series so all i can do now because the time constraints is encourage you to get the material it's absolutely free and i hope this has been somewhat of an encouragement until you to not become barren in this life because of offense amen amen that's amazing and i believe they put it at the bottom of the screen it's is where you can get that information so i didn't know and the series is called taking offense taking offense taking off yeah it came in a package deal that's it's huge and you know i've watched since i've went to bible school uh people that have um graduated bible school yep and fell off the way yeah when we all heard the same thing yeah their common denominator is offense you can i i'm i'm trying to encourage you to search your own heart right now but i guarantee you everybody around you it's amazing and i used to really wrestle with this stuff in my church the everybody heard the same message at the same time but this guy falls off the rails and when you talk to him he's offended he's offended at the the the political system he's offended it uh you fill in the blank and and you've got to repent of that get cleansed to that and then fruitfulness just begins to abound i got so many scriptures on how to bear fruit in that series and and just want to encourage you to deal with this in your own heart but i guarantee you like you just said julianne there there are people you're parents probably you've got family that their lives are are self-destructing they're imploding and it's because they're angry they're offended and they didn't deal with that offense and look it turned into a root of bitterness yeah and and like king saul it'll warp people's personality my mother died embittered she got saved literally on her deathbed i let her to the lord finally on her deathbed but i watched this meek woman kind sweet person just turned into the most embittered human being and poisoned with offense toward god she got offended at god because she thought god killed her son my brother and she didn't know how to process even the offensive god i guarantee you if you're watching me right now you've got friends and family that are offended at god right now because they think god did bad things to them they think god took their kids they think god's making them poor they think god's doing all these bad things to them and they're offended at god and that's exactly what satan wanted yeah that makes you stony ground and god wants to heal your ground he wants to heal your heart and he wants to make your heart soft again and again i can't encourage you enough to get that series because even forgiveness people don't understand forgiveness i wish i could have taught on just forgiveness with you yeah as a pastor for nearly four decades people don't know how to forgive i'm talking about born-again spirit-filled people they don't know how easy it is they are confused on what it is and so the devil deceased them and locks them into some form of unforgiveness which is carrying an offense and they become fruitless so i know we got to quit yes as much as we don't want to because it's so huge and especially this day and hour so thank you guys for the questions we're going to get to as many as we can so am i here says how do you not take offense when someone discriminate discriminates against you because of something you can't change like physical characteristics do you just ignore it uh if you if you don't want to react in a carnal way is that is that the best way to do in your quickening quick answer of course you ignore them they're not real bright i don't want to offend them in their ignorance but you should see right through that that you don't need their approval you don't need them to to speak highly of you god has accepted you god has created you god loves you and the only way to overcome that rejection that's just a form of rejection is to see your acceptance in jesus praise god you know i used to be that way about everything offended about everything you don't like me my hair on and on i could go just put myself down even to this day and i came to a place that my god jesus loves me jesus died for me they didn't die for you they won't die for you jesus died for you so you need to care what jesus says and believe what jesus says about you and yeah ignore them and yes you can ignore them if you pay attention to jesus and his love for you amen amen you know god gave me a revelation of when jesus was on the cross he said my god my god why have you forsaken me did you know he felt that forsaken yes for us as us as us jesus didn't even die for us he did don't misunderstand me but he died as us and he embraced that total rejection yes so he knows how you feel so turn to him amen believe him amen you know i i'd be lying if i said i don't care what anybody thinks about me but in one sense i care so much about what god thinks about me it makes what people think about me that big amen it's when you don't know what god thinks about you that you care so much about what these people think about you get away from those people amen they're poisoned man i'm somebody that loves you amen praise god so susan says if there is a person that you carry offense towards is it okay to speak to them about it uh to tell to let them know or do you take it to god and not share it with that person great question and in that series and i started to teach this today and i mean it was amazing they didn't want me to quit but i had to quit because of time like we're fixing to have to do now but see there's three kinds of offenses i wasn't taught this i've never heard this three kinds of offense there's imaginary offense you just you imagine it in your own head i've had people come to me and tell me they've been offended at me for five years and they discovered it was a lie i didn't i didn't even know it they didn't mean to tell me that i don't want to know you've been offended at me for five years it was in your head it's imaginary you have to learn to cast down vain imaginations number two there's accidental offense we accidentally offend each other yes i love this lady and and she's very sweet and and real and kind it would break my heart if i offended her but we're human beings and i could mess up right here and maybe you can't create an accidental offense maybe not with julianne but others i've created accidental offenses and i could give you illustrations that crack you up and blow your mind at the same time i didn't mean it on those first peter chapter 4 verse 8 and proverbs chapter 10 verse 12 says love covers the multitude of sins if this person offended you and it wasn't malice let it go let love cover it be merciful just let it go the kind of offense that jesus says we go to one another over is actual offense you did that to me and it was malice you intended to hurt me you intended to offend me i'm supposed to confront that and that alone and in the teaching that i have available i teach you even how to do that you have to do that very lovingly and proper protocol on being nice to people and kind uh even when you're offended you don't want to create a unnecessary offense now in dealing with offense we've we've mishandled things before in the past trying to fix an offense you created more offense so you really need to know how do you go to somebody and i don't have time to teach you how to do that right here but i have taught it amen and i think we need to get away from um speculative imagination is how andrew talks about it because when you get offended you think they did it maliciously every time yeah and they didn't and they didn't so you got to be sober about i've had people come to me and said that what you did over there offended me and then i have to tell them i didn't even do that you think i did that you thought i did that i didn't mean that i was working on this right here they thought i was doing something else they thought i was conspiring against them and i was dealing with something else but it got into their head those things have to be done in your closet between you and jesus and jesus alone and cast it down or you'll create unnecessary offenses amen and mike has a great question and i think it's probably one of the most difficult to answer in my past experience how do i handle offense from my spouse actually that's not difficult at all that right there is your training ground to learn how to deal with offense you are supposed to walk with your spouse every day and and deal with issues as they happen almost real time and what happens in marriage is people don't deal with things they ignore things they get offended they get hurt they try to ignore it and then by the time even the marriage blows up we don't even know what's wrong because it goes back to things that happened 10 years ago and so you need to be quick to repent and quick to forgive in the institution of marriage sue is the best thing that ever happened to me i mean second only to jesus saving me sue as a partner sue is someone that again i have to deal with imaginary offenses i thought she meant this and so when i talk to her it helps train me that i got to deal with my vain imaginations i've accidentally offended sue more than anybody why somebody said you've offended your wife more than anybody yeah i live with her 24 7. the odds are i'm going to mess up with her before julianne because i'm only an hour with her right i i'm going to be with sue forever and so there's those accidental we have fun with it now we actually laugh when i do a piece of stupid or i say something i come in one night and man as soon as i walked in the door i said my god what stinks and i heard around the corner you're supper she was cooking sauerkraut or something it was terrible but i didn't mean any offense she had worked all day long cooking that's terrible it was an accident what if she'd held it over me so she learned to forgive i learned to be honest i'm sorry if this is a guy that's calling let me help you just repeat this after me i was wrong it's simple here's the next line it'll save your marriage your life you'll be awesome you'll be great i was wrong number one and number two i am sorry oh that's awesome praise god you've been married for a while like 41 years oh praise god i've had a lot of prayers yes you have so we're coming down to the end uh but pastor dwayne would you pray for those people out there that maybe they don't realize they've been offended or maybe they don't know how to handle it lord i just thank you that you're not condemning anybody right now amen you have sent me by divine appointment they're logged on right now by divine appointment you're bringing this to our attention not to put us down not to condemn us not to write us off but to wake us up and lord i just pray for spiritual wisdom and understanding that people would not self-destruct even that have lived in these offenses but that they would process it that they would simply go to jesus right now and say lord i'm sorry thank you that i'm already forgiven and i just re receive the cleansing of my conscience i just received the power of the holy spirit testifying to my conscience of your love for me your forgiveness and your cleansing and now lord i just ask you to help me to not take offense and to not only love your law and have great peace and nothing offend me but now help people around me like naaman's servants yes that helped him process it we need to do the right thing here we just need to do what the prophet said that would just help me i've had people my whole life around me and i'm so grateful that when i got weak and i took the bait they heard the slam of that trap and they encouraged me on how to get out of the trap and so i speak deliverance and victory and freedom from the trap of offense in jesus name amen amen and amen and hey just because you forgive somebody or let go of that offense doesn't i think people are afraid that maybe they won't be held accountable or or maybe it's like you're i i deal with it i deal with this in the series on why don't people forgive right that's one of about five reasons people struggle to forgive is they think well if i don't hang on to this they'll think what they did is okay and that they got away with it and nothing could be further from the truth amen god is righteous and i promise you can trust him and give it to god vengeance is mine says the lord and i will repay amen i need to just let things go to god and i deal with it in detail in that teaching so go check it out you guys and i would encourage you to check into his books and uh and make sure yes that is a fence right there make sure to tune in tomorrow morning for live bible study we'll have pastor greg moore uh it will be at 7 00 a.m bright and early mountain time and so pastor doing thank you so much thank you my privilege my pleasure yeah praise god so you guys have a great night and we'll see you all tomorrow bye on october the 4th through the 8th at our facilities in charis bible college woodland park colorado we're going to have our 2021 ministers conference and i tell you this is for people that are in full-time ministry you have special needs we are going to be ministering specifically to you and it's just going to be an awesome time we've got our regular speakers myself bob nichols bob yandian carrie pickett greg moore dwayne sheriff and this year our guest is jesse duplantis and so i encourage you to make plans to join us it's going to be a great time at our keras facilities woodland park colorado october the 4th through the 8th our 2021 ministers conference you
Channel: Andrew Wommack
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Id: bd0sf1SbkeY
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Length: 48min 56sec (2936 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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