Charis Daily Live Bible Study: The Ordinary Believer - Bob Yandian - September 28, 2021

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to our tuesday night live bible study i'm andrew wommack and tonight we are really really blessed to have pastor bob yandian with us and bob has been a good friend for decades i think over almost 30 years wow he's also on my board of directors and just a teacher's teacher i mean he's a blessing and then we have julianne harris with us she is a host often and she's always fun and she's gonna take your questions so uh this is a live bible study but we will leave time at the end for you to uh request things and so we'll let pastor bob answer all of your hard questions send him all of the things i just make up stuff whatever sounds good that's not true [Laughter] scare them off all right so anyway julianne's got some things to share with you about how you can get involved and we've got meetings coming up we've got a minister's conference next week and bob will be speaking with matt and jesse duplantis and anyway uh dwayne sheriff myself yeah it's really good so bob nichols yep what you got julia okay so i got lots of announcements let's get through them uh as quickly as possible so we can hear pastor bob this is going to be great um so this is an interactive bible study so we want you to submit questions in whatever form you're watching go to the chat section and submit your questions and um then also you can email us questions which is really cool you can email it to live questions at or you can text us your questions at 719-212-2555 so in order for you to interact with us you need to know when we're live on monday and friday we have bible study at 10 a.m tuesdays and thursdays is at 6 00 p.m and bright and early wednesday morning is at 7 a.m that is all mountain time so make sure and calculate that out so that you can tune in while we're live and interact with us also i would encourage you jump over start jumping over to gospel truth tv and start taking advantage of all the teaching that's over there as well as all this live content we are pushing towards gospel so check that out get over there sooner than later also what's let me interject oh that we got canceled for the second time on youtube last night and uh one more strike and we're out and so anyway the reason i'm saying this is to say that we're trying to drive everybody towards because you don't get cancelled on that but man in our canceled culture today um it's getting it's getting really bad and so we really encourage you to watch this on one of our own channels amen you hold that as a badge of honor i know i do but god hasn't canceled us that's okay so what makes tuesday night live bible study super special is that we send you out the notes the following week so when you sign up to be on the bible study notes you go to slash study you fill out your information there and what will happen is like tonight when you do that you will receive pastor bob yandian's notes next week monday and that will happen every single week okay so when you sign up for the first time you are entered into a drawing to win a a a gift of some sort normally it's a book or a cd or something like that last week we gave away pastor duane sheriff he was sharing last week his our union with christ book and the winner of that was cindy linney and so they'll be getting a hold of you to get that book in the mail to you this week we're giving away uh pastor bob's book called calling and separation do you have anything to share about this one yes yes that book was something that i wrote because i found two uh major parts to you entering into the ministry and it came from two verses of scripture and the first one was in acts chapter 13 where paul and and was was praying for about going out in the ministry field and the holy spirit said separate me barnabas and saul for the worker unto i have called them have called was past tense and separate his present tense so there's a time between your calling and separation romans chapter one verse one paul said call to be an apostle and separate unto the gospel our lord jesus christ so when you're called is not the time to run into ministry that's the time for preparation there comes a time of separation between once at the end of that but between it god is looking to build character he's looking to build that strongness inside of you so that's what the book is all about and scriptural examples are brought out one of my favorite at the end of the book is when elisha finally reaches a point of separation he was called when elijah threw the mantle around him but he was separated when the mantle came from heaven and rested on him as elijah went to heaven so there was a time period of some 10 years between those when he was just faithful faithful faithful to work for a guy that was probably pretty hard to work for elijah could have some pretty bad moments up and down and his emotional times but he stuck with him and simply saying that sometimes sticking with whatever god's called you to do or doing something until that time of separation comes is not easy but it's worth building character that's what the book's all about amen i think i'll read it again because it sounded so he summarizes the whole book you don't need the book now no no no i'm going to put a plug-in right now for karis bible college because it carries bible college you get a lot of pastor bob and i remember you teaching that in third year ministry school and so you guys need to check out kara's bible college at charisbible yes okay so if you sign up for the notes you are entered in to win this it doesn't mean everyone's getting this it means you're entered into a drawing to possibly receive this and we'll announce the winner next week events coming up yes andrew mentioned we do have ministers conference next week and that is for licensed ministers a time of refreshing with all the lineup that we have it's going to be amazing it will not be live streamed so if you want to come and partake you have to come and partake it will be worth it i promise you i understand it's going to be live streamed into england it is so if you want to watch it go to england i was just thinking of that but i would never correct julianne yeah i'm not in trouble exactly okay i i was that was facetious i correct her all the time over her fingernails oh yeah and i heard that pastor duane did the same thing he did he did not on on the air we're so you guys yeah both comment you guys like ladies fashion is what that means which leads into our next conference what a segway women arise and that is going to be october 28th through the 30th so no man allowed gentlemen just so you know and then the following conference is going to be dallas gospel truth conference that'll be november 11th through the 13th you guys uh we have so many events going on you can check them out at events also all this live content that we have coming to you on a daily basis is brought to you by the partners of andrew wamack ministries this is all the fruit that is coming from this ministry and all this live stuff is is gone to the account of the partners and the gifts that come in and so i would encourage you to become a part of it this is an amazing place to be an amazing part to a place to sew into so please don't have a hesitate to give there's a couple ways you can give slash give or you can give us a call at available 719-635-1111 you 24 hours a day monday through friday and then they're there on the weekends as well from 6 7 30 a.m until 6 00 p.m that is all mountain time and they are trained in their authority they know who they are in christ jesus they can direct you to andrews over 200 000 hours of free material on the website and they are there and wanting to pray with you so if you're going through something don't hesitate give them a call one 719-635-1111 one one and uh that is all okay so with our banner tonight we took some of pastor bob's time so maybe we'll go a little bit longer so that uh have a few lessons cut pieces out but anyway pastor bob has been a blessing to me he's been on my board for how many years i'd say it 30 years 30 years yeah and he and loretta have been great friends we're 12 years old yeah so we're you i was just so we're just about the same age we've gone on vacations uh together and uh he's just been an awesome friend and he helps run the third year school of ministry and comes and ministers in that he pastored a church for how many years 33 years he was an instructor at rhema bible college and man he's just a blessing so what has god given you to share with the people here tonight well i want to talk to you tonight about just what is an ordinary believer and perhaps you say up you just identified me i don't have a pulpit ministry i don't teach a class i'm just a believer and so you know i don't feel you know like i'm really that important we're gonna deal with one tonight his name is ananias and he's found in acts chapter 11 and he is the first minister minister that's listed in the book of acts that didn't have a pulpit ministry and he had a vision you know you say well can i have visions the opening of the book of acts says that the spirit of god was given and that god would pour out his spirit upon all flesh this is the day when all flesh born again flesh and then he mentioned he said then he said not only would you would the spirit of god be poured out on all flesh but your sons and daughters would prophesy and they're just they're not in the ministry as far as a pulpit ministry and when i write them down to your servants and handmates and that's about you know that's just workers in the house but he was simply saying god doesn't look at anything special in your life like something there's something special about you that called you into the ministry nor is there any difference between a person that just sits in the in the congregation and the minister that's in the pulpit i stepped down from preaching one sunday and a man came up to me i'd just taken the church i probably had been preaching for six or seven weeks and my whole subject was be faithful to come to church my dad put us in church and i mean if we weren't down there when the car was starting and we were ready to leave then we we had something to pay for it afterwards and so we i would go to church and i mean sunday morning sunday night midweek night and there's times my dad would have a revival for two weeks we were there every single night i felt bad going to school on monday morning when everybody would talk about did you see disney on tv last night and i'd say no and they said oh yeah you're a preacher's kid and so but i found the importance of going to church and after all these years i tell people after all these years the name of mickey mouse has never helped me one time but the name of jesus has really pulled me out and i'm glad i didn't watch disney all those years i'm glad i was in church i'm glad someone told me to go to church and i told them the importance about just attending church week after week after the sermon someone came to me a man came he i don't even remember who he is he just came to me and said can i ask you a question i said yeah he said does faithfulness begin with you or me coming to church does it begin i said what do you mean he said you're the third pastor he said the first was there for five years the second was there for a year and a half now you've come in you've been here for six weeks and you're talking about faithfulness to come to church i've been here the whole time i was here the first sunday i've been through the first pastor the second pastor and they all promised they would be here for a long time and they all left how long are you going to be here and i said you know what you're right i should have told him i'm going to be here for a while but i got instruction from a man i didn't know he was not the pastor down the street he was not apostle so and so a prophet he was just a believer that said in the congregation and i could have got upset with him thinking well no i only take instruction from other ministers i don't speak to people in the congregation but you know what he straightened me out nice about he was being kind about it i got up the next week and told the congregation you know what i've been asking you to be faithful to come to church let me tell you what my goal is my goal is to be here my entire life my my wonderful dream is to die in the pulpit and they hauled me out of the church and my associate pastor come up and finish the sermon i said that's my dream i would love to have that so by telling you that then i said to the congregation i plan on being here to to marry your children and to marry your grandchildren and to bury you when you die i plan on being here that whole time and i plan on being old and gray when i finally leave the church and so you said you should have seen the congregation went it's like they breathed a sigh of relief it's easy to get committed to a church where the pastor's committed but i never saw that it just took someone to bring it to my attention and how many ministers do i know that they'll only take admonition from another ministry they don't want to talk to the people in the congregation and i'm here to tell you ananias helped to straighten out one of the greatest men in the word of god saul of tarsus became paul the apostle and this man was used in it i want you to know before he received a vision the only ones that received visions were of the fivefold ministry in the chapter before this peter had a house top vision he's the one we'd expect to have a vision but this man we don't even know anymore about the bible never talked about him again but he made such an impact on paul that later on in chapter 22 paul mentioned his name again when he gave his testimony and told how this man named ananias came to him paul had a vision he was coming and he had a vision he was going to see paul in acts chapter 11 verses 10 through 18 we're going to just take the verses one at a time there was a certain disciple at damascus named ananias and to him the lord said in a vision ananias he said behold i am here lord this man was in this verse of scripture was not in a pulpit ministry he was just called a disciple there's no such thing as a part-time or a full-time minister even if you don't stand behind a pulpit you are in the full-time ministry there's no part-time people with god you are the witness wherever you are you're to witness where i mean be a witness for jesus in your lifestyle as well as wherever you are by the spoken word to present in word or indeed the lord jesus christ so you are honestly a full-time minute you don't clock out at five o'clock in the afternoon you're a believer at all times and there's no such thing again as that he was a church member he was a worker who was used by the lord and he ended up pointing saul of tarsus in the right direction and paul again later on gave his testimony acts chapter 22 verses 12 through 16 he took that section of his testimony and giving it and mentioned a man that no one knew he brought his name up and no one knew who he was but he still thought it was so important because this man made such an impact on his life and in fact when he was mentioning this ananias didn't know it ananias came and disappeared and that's all we know about him but i imagine as saul's ministry took off later on as the apostle paul he probably sat back and said you know what i was instrumental in helping that worldwide ministry get started and i believe in heaven there has to be rewards for him therefore simply being obedient to god to do what he was supposed to do this is my admonition to you is quit looking at yourself and saying well i'm just not worth much i don't stand in front of people where i can be seen that's not the point god has a call on your life and you have no idea who you're affecting when you speak to people there may be somebody in that group that you're speaking to a group of people just standing around you and you by simply saying something help to change their life and you might be helping a worldwide ministry get started ananias understood grace here's the amazing thing he laid hands on saul then never told anybody we're not told anywhere in the word of god he said anything he kept it a secret many others would be proud of their role in helping to lay hands on such an important man and they probably would run and tell everybody what they did but god picked him for that reason he knew again the grace of god and he knew how to be a humble person and let god do all the work and he wouldn't even take any credit for it credit will be shouted from the housetops in heaven forever and forever the problem with saul was god wanted saul to learn early the power of anyone who's dedicated to the lord and that's why he sent ananias his way in his arrogance saul might have expected a minister from the local church one of the original apostles peter or john to come and lay hands on him because he probably heard about peter and john in acts chapter 2 laying hands on that that man that was there at the gate beautiful and that man being healed and the reputation whenever probably he thought if anybody's going to tell me about jesus christ it's going to be one of these two and here he was struck blind at the time didn't know who was in front of him and when he probably asked what's your name he said ananias he probably thought well really why would somebody like you come to me but again that arrogance that was in him as saul of tarsus had to be sweated out and saul ended up in in the backside of the wilderness for a number of years because god had to sweat saul out of saul of tarsus to eventually make him paul the apostle and become appreciative of everybody that he ran across a man's position in power before he's born again is of no value to the lord i hear people say this all the time well i was called out of rock and roll i was a great band leader and i just and you know what god called me i must be important to the lord listen you're nothing you come to the lord with nothing i would rather be amen the lowest member of the body of christ than the highest one in the kingdom of satan because you know what paul said that he said when it came to my ministry he said i was the chief of all sinners you know what that meant i was the most important if they wanted an interview he said that the jerusalem post would come to me and they'd interview me and he says i was on everybody's website they're asking me questions all the time he said i was the chief of sinners but when i got born again i became less than the least of all saints he said in the in satan's kingdom i was on top the moment i got born again i was the lowest member of the body of christ but here's the point he still took a step up he went from satan's kingdom to god's kingdom instead being bound for hell he's now bound for heaven because he accepted jesus as lord and savior god spent a lot of time sweating the arrogance out of saul of tarsus to make him paul the apostle but saul was the second graduate of the backside of the desert moses was the first and god had to do the same thing with both of them verse 11 says and the lord said to him arise and go to the street call straight and inquire in the house of judas for a man named saul of tarsus behold he prays saul was still praying because he was still blind and he couldn't see anything but also he after he had been knocked to the ground god didn't say anything else to him the lord spoke to him when he fell to the ground but he hadn't heard anything and being blind he just had to wait and the next voice he heard was basically among christians on nobody but god loves to take nobodies and make somebodies out of them that's his whole careers god's career is turning nobody's into somebody you say i don't believe that look in the mirror god takes nobodies and turns them into somebodies and you're exactly what that is verse 12 says he has seen in a vision a man named ananias coming in and putting his hands on him so he might receive his sight in two visions god prepared both the one who would be prayed for and the one who would do the praying isn't god good he prepares it on both sides the person going and the person that they're going to go to both get a vision this is what happened in the previous chapter peter was on the housetop and he got a vision from god not knowing there was a man named cornelius he was supposed to go see that also had a vision and said a man named peter's going to come and see you but this time instead of peter god picked an ordinary believer named ananias and gave him a vision but after all didn't he announce it at the opening of the book of acts i'll pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and ananias qualified as all flesh here's the point so do you again you may look around say well i can't go to cbc god knows where you are the holy spirit knows where you are and with an open heart you have no idea what god can do with you and i think the one thing that marked ananias was he was willing to do anything for the lord jesus christ verse 13 goes on to say then ananias answered lord i have heard by many that's the disciples about this man how much evil he has done to your saints in jerusalem and here at damascus he has authority from the chief priest to bind all that call on his name ananias's answer is typical of so many people that god speaks to the moment god told him what he was going to do he begins to tell god the circumstances have you ever done that god says they want you to minister over here and you go well lord you know what's going on over there and god says no tell me that's true and we do that all the time and he starts saying but lord he's got a bad reputation god i didn't know that you know god knew exactly what he was doing so he sent him over there and of course we know the rest of the story about what happened and so i think this is interesting he was in damascus and paul was headed or saul was headed to damascus think about this he had killed so many christians around jerusalem he's looking for other places to kill christians and the first thing he thinks of is syria can you imagine leaving your country and going to syria with the purpose i mean saul was dedicated saul was passionate he was fever pitched on killing christians i think what god said basically to himself this guy's either got to get saved or i got to get rid of him because if he stays around we're not going to have much of the body of christ left he was killing so many christians and of course this was his last draw i mean at this point god said it's now or never you better receive me now of course he did and the people that knew about him being saved later on really doubted but i think at this point ananias brought out said lord he's got a bad reputation and god said i know it he said but you've been called to go speak to him verse 15 but the lord said to him go your way for he is a chosen vessel to me to bear my name before the gentiles kings and the children of israel god told ananias just to do what he told him to do and god told saul that he will carry the lord's name part of what he said was speaking to saul and said this is what god is going to do for you you're going to carry the name of jesus to so many places paul would carry the gospel to the gentiles to romans to greeks and would secondarily carry the gospel to kings to nero and to agrippa and finally he would carry redemption to the children of israel the religious leaders of gentile capitals and jerusalem and i think it's interesting god told ananias events that people would not know for 15 years and yet during that time he never said anything the people didn't know much about it and they heard by simple you know voice and people telling things about what saul was doing when he first got into the ministry but ananias never said a word god could depend on him to keep his mouth shut and so i think that's another reason god called him because of his character don't tell me you have to be in the ministry to develop character every believer can develop character the fruit of the spirit which is character has been given to every believer and the entrance into is the new birth we often brag about the gifts the doorway into that's being filled with the spirit and speaking with tongues but when you first get born again the open door for you is to develop love joy peace patience all the things are attached and that's what he had built himself up in and god was simply looking for someone with character on the inside of them so he says here in verse 15 that this is who he would speak to and finally in verse 16 well well not finally but here maybe i should look at my notes a little better verse 16 the lord says for i will show him what great things he must suffer for my name's sake and ananias went his way and entered into the house and putting his hands on him said i love this brother saul he accepted him into the body of christ that's that's listen that's better than what a lot of people are going to say to him later on down the line including christians they're going to call him all kinds of names and blaspheme him and say everything bad about him not only was the world speaking bad about him but christians were speaking bad about him but ananias walked in believed god completely and the first thing he said was brother saul i bet anybody else would just said saul but he called him brother saul welcoming him into the body of christ the lord even jesus that appeared to you in the way as you came has sent me so you might receive your sight and be filled with the holy spirit we have the first recorded case in acts of the laying on of hands by someone who's not considered to be a leading visible ministry but you know what the great commission all of us have been sent to lay hands on the sick and see them recover what am i trying to tell you the things he did were not reserved for fivefold pulpit ministers it's given to every believer amen the fact that you can prophesy the fact that you can lay hands on the sick the fact that you can have a vision is for every believer kenneth hagin used to say this he said there's times when i stand there and the holy spirit comes upon me but the rest of time when a prayer line comes down here he says i'm just doing what any believer can do i just lay hands on the sick and according to the word of god expect them to be healed and we often say i heard one baptist minister say one time because his daughter was sick and his brother who is born again and spirit-filled a pentecostal he called him in and said would you pray for my daughter he said yes and so his brother prayed over his daughter and she was healed and that baptist man shook his head and said i don't have that gift and he said it's not a gift i just did what every believers commanded to do this is not something special this is not one gift that only operates as the spirit wills for the moment this is in me all the time i can do this like i can witness i can do this like i can give a cup of cold water i can lay hands on the sick and see them recover this man is not recorded as having any special gifts he just did what god asked him to do can you see the power that god can do in your life if you'll do what god simply asked you to do peter and john had laid hands on the samaritans to receive the holy spirit but that's peter and john that was back in chapter eight but until now no layman had ever been recorded using this ministry this ministry is again available to all believers that's mark chapter 16 and verse 18. in verse 18 and immediately there fell from his eyes a form of scales and he received his sight immediately he arose and was baptized let's just see what kind of lessons we can get from ananias the holy spirit the gifts of the spirit are all for all believers but the holy spirit also can operate through any believer whether they have a gift or not the holy spirit can guide and lead any brother or sister in the lord to help or to guide another believer even those who stand behind the pulpit ananias might have been the only one who would go to saul the other ministers would not trust saul and probably would not have gone god picked the only one that would do it ministers should not receive correction or help from other ministers only you have to be open to anybody because god can use anybody in fact in the old testament he used a donkey to straighten out a prophet saul was not afraid to receive guidance from ananias though he was unknown to him and to most others too ananias was not afraid to confront saul even though he knew of his history against the church and god led ananias by a vision just as peter had received a vision on the housetop and paul would later receive a vision in troas so god put him right up there as far as visions were concerned with two major leaders of the new testament but he prophesied in the beginning peter did that he would pour out a spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters could prophesy and your young men could see visions i think about a couple of examples in the word of god and i'll close with this second kings chapter 5 naaman was a man that had leprosy and naaman's servant a house girl he lived in in a foreign country but a house girl that had been taken in after battle was a young jewish girl and she was helping around the house and so again naaman was a uh he had leprosy and so she had she looked at him and she told him she said back in my hometown there's a prophet that can heal you his name is elisha you know he could later and said who do you think you are you're a servant in this house you cook our meals and things like that but listen to what she had to say and he went there and he took a messenger with him and when he got to the house of elisha a messenger came out to see him and he got mad he thought well the prophet could have come out to see me well stop and think about a girl told you about this she wasn't something special there wasn't somebody coming to your door knocking on the door saying hey i'm a prophet i want to tell you about a man no a girl told him and now he stands outside the door and elisha didn't even come out he sent his pr he sent his servant out there and he became angry and said i'm not going to go dip in that river that's a dirty river and you know what his servant told him he didn't ask you to do something special he didn't ask you to do something difficult he'd ask you to do something difficult you'd probably be preparing to do it he asked you to do something simple dip in the water seven times and you'll be healed and you know what he was guided by a young girl met by a servant corrected by a servant and he received his healing you know what we need to do open up to those that are around us because god could be hiding behind the skin of the person that's talking to you and you're judging by the outward appearance when god looks on the heart paul was warned not to go to jerusalem at the end of acts and here's how he was corrected or at least told not to go to jerusalem he was approached by ordinary believers i'm surprised he didn't remember back to ananias ordinary believers came to him and said i don't think you're supposed to go to to jerusalem he wouldn't listen to them then god had to up the scale a little bit and the four daughters of philip came to him and prophesied being in the context they prophesied probably prophesied to him don't go to jerusalem god he still didn't listen made excuses for it and finally god had to pull his big gun out agabus and agaves the prophet said don't go he still decided to go but even his men that were with him paul's team said paul we don't think you should go and of course he got into trouble when he did but simply comes back to this there's times when people can approach us we need to be open but never close your eyes because paul could have listened to the believers that told him not to go to jerusalem and he wouldn't have gone so again i'm simply saying open up your eyes open up your heart be available for guidance anywhere because god wants to lead you and guide you and on top of that if you're one of those ordinary believers why don't you trust god that god can use you it may seem simple at the moment but it could bring absolutely bring eternal changes in someone else that's it that's awesome it isn't me you've said a lot of things i've never thought of and i've taught on in and out have you been you can teach on them again just don't say you got it from me i'm a nobody giving all this to you that's amazing the word of god you just never get it all figured out you can read a scripture a hundred times and still get new things out of it but that's awesome there's a lot of things i'm gonna think about and fix it and then i'll preach it right okay good right ahead i'm glad i was here to help you you know i taught one time on what i call blessings and miracles and bob heard me teach that over in england and he uh taught on it and gloria you oh i heard him teach on this over in england it was called blessings and miracles and i'd never heard it before i'd never heard anybody take those two and do what he did with it i came i studied it in my room i went to the hotel there in england i got on the airplane i put this together got home and kept working on it and preached it to the congregation about two months later and literally i worked on it for weeks and turned a four-week series out of his 10-minute rabbit trail that he took on that and i mean i taught it and so the congregation said that's wonderful where'd you get i said i just got it from the lord you know i didn't give him any credit and then my friend phil driscoll we grew up together in tulsa he came to play his trumpet in church he said he got anything new bob and so i gave him that and he called me a few weeks later so that's some of the best stuff i've ever heard and he said he said i'm gonna give it to gloria copeland i said uh oh okay so he gave it to gloria copeland and she called me one day and said this is some of the best stuff i've heard and she said we're gonna make an article out of it i said well okay and she called me about a month later and sent me a copy of the believer's voice of victory and there it was and she got a picture of me and they needed a bio so i'd give them a bio i had a bio of me and my name at the top my picture and this teaching that andrew had done and that's what i thought oh no and then to top it all off she sent me a check for 2 000 for the article that's when i was miserable i thought god i can't take this anymore and i called andrew and said andrew you remember over a year ago when you taught that in england and all i gave all the stuff that happened i said this is really your stuff you said oh no i got that from a guy way up in the mountains of colorado and what did you do i said really i hung up the phone and cashed the check what else would you do and you know bob he got off on a rabbit trail over in england receiving an offer and he used second our first kings chapter 17 verse 44 of the queen of sheba yeah no it was uh about elijah and the ravens oh yes ravens and he said your supply is there and i took that and i meditated on that for weeks and made an entire teaching online just you've heard that too that's right and and when i asked an offering you said keep the 2000. and i got that from bob and so there's nothing new no there's nothing it's the holy spirit the first time we say i heard bob say this the second time somebody said the third time god told that's right that's the way so in other words you're probably going to have another teaching that comes out of him well could i got some things that i have never seen from what you were saying god that's amazing so do we have any questions yes we do we have an awesome question okay so don on chat asks how do you know that you were called especially if you you know you're an ordinary believer and you've never received a vision or a impartation from god how do you know that you are called first of all there's there's really there's no way around it when you get a call you know it you can't you can't quit thinking about it i had a young man in my church that was our youth director i don't think he had a call to be a youth director he was just great with kids and we put him as the director of the youth department and he developed and all this and i could tell there was a there was a there was in him the ability to preach and teach but he had no calling on his life he probably thought i'll just do this for the rest of my life because i don't know what else to do but he came to me one day and said bob i can't get this off my heart there's a church down here and he mentioned the pastor's name and said i'm supposed to go to work with him and i said well tell me about it and i said do you think about it all the time he says i can't shake it i go to bed thinking about it i wake up in the middle of the night thinking about it i get the morning thinking about it and i told him i said that's exactly what happened to me i couldn't shake the teaching ministry off of me no matter what i tried to do and i see he said what do i do i said why don't you go talk with him and just visit with him well when he went to visit he found out there was this hole in the in their their staff they needed someone they've been desperately praying for somebody and here seven or eight blocks away was our church he came and said you care if i go i said listen if you stay here you're gonna make us worse you're gonna be worse get out of here go do what god do and we'll find somebody to replace you and so he ended up passing that church and making a great thing out because the pastor that he went to to help in that quit just walked off and quit just a few weeks later he ended up with the church and yet turned that church into a great church so again what i say is if you have a call you cannot escape it it's something it's not something you think of it's something that comes you go one day really and then you think well that's just me but then the longer you go man you can't shake it that's not only a great testimony about that young man that's a great testimony about bob yandian that would be secure enough to send somebody to a church down the street and send one of your guys you're dependent on that's that's awesome well i had to leave rhema by the training center and they were not happy about me leaving at the time so i said to myself you know if god gives a call to somebody i don't want to hinder their ministry and honestly if they stay there they'd hinder my ministry because they're out of god's will that's wisdom that's that's wisdom that you don't get just by hearing somebody else say it you nearly have to live that yeah that's amazing awesome that's awesome i just made that up you did well good job you're a good storyteller okay chad says how do you know the exact timing of when you are to fulfill your purpose i think it comes back to the same thing you know honestly i can't tell you i had exact timing just all of a sudden sometimes i would but most of the time things would just unfold in front of me i all of a sudden just understand god can work through natural circumstances not just always tell you everything that's going to come in your life and honestly i can tell you if i counted all the times when god supernaturally talked to me i could probably count them on both hands i can't think more than 10 times that god specifically told me something but the rest of the time i just went along and there was this this nudge inside or i just kind of knew this is what i'll do this or i would take it it would really develop into something i think really one of the best guides in your life is peace the bible says you go you shall go forth with joy and be led forth with peace peace is one of the greatest things that god can give you and i think if you walk into a situation and you've got peace then go for it or else you can walk into a peaceful situation the hair stand up on the back of your neck and you go uh this isn't right because you don't have internal peace there might be external peace out here but go with that internal peace that god has that's good very good that's good kristin on chat says does the story about god making saul paul blind mean that sometimes illnesses are from god no because god didn't make him blind he has actually put such a bright shining light in front of him that it took a few days for that just to disappear it's kind of like staring at the sun and then all of a sudden for a while you can't see this was not god making him in fact this was not a sickness it was removed by you know when ananias laid hands on him but it's more of a sign from god rather than a curse this was not a curse this was a blessing not to say that sickness is a blessing it's not but this was not anything you want to add anything to that no i agree god's not the one that makes us sick no amen matt on facebook says is this the same ananias that god struck dead for lying to the holy spirit no this is the only appearance that ananias made in fact there's two or three other ananiasis even in the book of of acts so that ananias was killed in acts chapter 5 and this is acts chapter 11 okay yeah there you go um so kristin says uh what are practical ways to develop characters so that we can be used by god study the word and then put it into effect amen that's all it's just intake and then acting on it and so acting on the word of god whenever listen whenever you start to do something and you think of a scripture do it according to that scripture i had a man come to me in church one day and he said i prayed for guidance and all i got was scripture i said really shocked me i said he said well i could have thought of that i said no you couldn't you're not that smart you're dumb we're all dumb on top of that there's 7 000 promises in the bible did the verse you think of apply to your situation he said well yeah i said what's the odds that that would happen it has to be the holy spirit oh so whenever you start to do something and a scripture comes to you count that as divine guidance it is the holy spirit brother hagin used to say this it stuck with me we often miss the supernatural because we're looking for the spectacular and that is not what we're supposed to always look for the supernatural can be just a small gentle voice or a breeze or just something like just something just comes to us and it seems so ordinary but god uses ordinary things sometimes i would say that the dominant way that god leads me is through scripture i'll pray and scripture comes to mind or as you're saying the next most important thing is letting the peace of god rule in your heart christ christ 3 15 and and those two things is 99 of everything god knows exactly that's really good uh rayon chat says are we to rely on visions or just the holy spirit for direction just the holy spirit for direction if he gives you a vision fine go with it but otherwise just go i would say this the visions and the direct booming voices from heaven or angels in front of you singing the alleluia chorus or something are rare and most of the time it's just going to be like he said 99 of the time it's just going to be a scripture comes to you and or else just you know you have that peace inside and i've had supernatural encounters not a vision as such but i mean times that god spoke something to me supernaturally that wasn't scripture or something but i'll take it and go to the word if it doesn't conform to the word of god i'd reject it in the heartbeat the word of god trumps everything else i've been talking to some baptist people lately and one thing and i always say this i think you know pentecostals or charismatics understand this but baptists don't and i'll tell them the lord spoke to me one time and they'll go oh and they think i'm talking about a voice that you can hear with your ear i like to think of it this way all i got was a knowing inside all of a sudden i just knew something i didn't know before like the lord spoke to me one time that i used that again in in the right way and told me i would pass to the church it wasn't i heard a voice i just all of a sudden knew i was going to be pastoring the church it took months for that to come about when i got home i told my wife and she said well i knew it a month ago i don't like it when my wife knows things ahead of me but anyway you know i just knew that i'd like to think of it this way i can explain something to you and then you know it yeah what if you could note without me explaining it to you that's how god speaks he didn't explain to you just know the answer and the reason for that is because our spirit is one with the holy spirit and so the holy spirit doesn't speak to you from the outside saying you go do this but he communicates to your spirit and you just know something so when it comes to your brain it's like i need to do this and because it's first person you said you wonder is that god or me it's god it's talking to your spirit but your spirit communicates i usually tell myself you're not smart enough bob it has to be it has to be my mother told me that so when i left bible school uh i ran into a sector of people in church that believed in like analyzing your dreams right so they would act they actually had a book of like you know a bike represents this in a dream and um you know this certain type of food will represent this in a dream what how do you that's not quite i didn't feel like it was right i think that there might be some truth to it but you can't put interpretation of dreams into a book and say that this this uh image represents this i was about to say that book would be a good fire starter for you okay well that's the way i felt you know i was on uh daystar one time and there was a woman on there that she had it figured out that if you have this pain it it's because of this emotional thing because of this spiritual thing and she had everything down to every disease she had hundreds of them written down in a book and this means this and this is the answer and she had it all figured out and anyway she said all of this stuff on the program and afterwards i was visiting with her in the green room so have you seen a lot of people heal she says well not really but i hope you know and it was just her that came up with this and that was the very day that i went over and prayed with nikki oshinski and i didn't know any of these things and she was raised up off of her death bed without me analyzing that this pain came from this and that's how did we how did jesus heal the multitudes thousands at a time did he suddenly have visions of all that well you get this no you get this no he just you all man you can't make a formula out of us stuff like that you need to be led by the holy spirit amen and we've run out of time we could go a long time with this that was really good bob i enjoy it you sure yeah once the one you want to do a pretty good one i'm going to meditate on that and get a new series okay go ahead and i won't cash the check i'll say it to you no you can keep it i owe it to you [Laughter] anyway we're glad that you're with us hope that you got something out of this how do they get your materials you can go there i also have a i do have a separate one called and everything on that's free there's downloadable stuff of outlines of sermons and things like that so and you've got little usbs or whatever they call flash stripes with what hundreds of hours i've actually got one that everything i've taught on the new testament is on 480 cds are on that plus eight e-books and anyway all the way up to that but that's on but this is just all my friends and you not only have audio but you have a lot of study guide type things and outlines and stuff and so if you're a minister looking for material i tell you it's just a great great resource so anyway we're glad that you're with us remember that you can call 719-635-1111 and there's people right there that will pray with you and and help you any way that we can any of my material you can go and they'll give you information about how to get it and and we're just blessed that you were with us thank you it's good to be here so thank you for being with us remember we have another bible study at 7 00 a.m mountain time tomorrow and uh it's going to be good do you know who's up yeah deanne gizzle oh yeah and she's our international director for state side state side yup oh she's director i thought she was over some of the anyway she's awesome she's a great lady she's from arizona and you'll love her so god bless you thank you for being with us we'll see you again next week for our tuesday night live bible study bye on october the 4th through the 8th at our facilities in charis bible college woodland park colorado we're going to have our 2021 ministers conference and i tell you this is for people that are in full-time ministry you have special needs we are going to be ministering specifically to you and it's just going to be an awesome time we've got our regular speakers myself bob nichols bob yandian carrie pickett greg moore dwayne sheriff and this year our guest is jesse duplantis and so i encourage you to make plans to join us it's going to be a great time at our charis facilities woodland park colorado october the 4th through the 8th our 2021 ministers conference [Music] you
Channel: Charis Bible College
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Id: CIcxcYkDhJQ
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Length: 47min 50sec (2870 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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