Charis Daily Live Bible Study: Jesus the Word - Deanne Gissel - September 29, 2021

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[Music] [Music] good morning and welcome to kara's daily live bible study my name is julianne harris and i am going to be your host today we are so glad that you've tuned in and we want you to interact with us so there's a few ways you can interact with us so listen up and listen careful because there's just a few ways you can send in your questions so the teacher is going to teach which is diane gizzle today she's going to teach for about 30 to 35 minutes then the last 10 to 15 minutes we want to get to as many questions as we possibly can so here's how you're going to submit your questions you're going to go to and watch the video and in the comment section there you can submit your questions or you can email us your questions at live questions at awm i net yes live questions plural at or you can text us your questions at on you can submit 719-212-2555 questions that way in order for you to interact with us however we need to let you know when we have live bible study so our schedule is monday and friday we have it at 10 a.m on tuesdays and thursdays is at 6 00 pm and bright and early wednesday morning is at 7 a.m that is all mountain time so make sure and calculate that out and tune in while we're live we also have prayer ministers available to you 24 hours a day 5 days a week so monday through friday they are there 24 hours a day and then they're also there on the weekends from 7 30 a.m until 6 00 p.m and that is mountain time so you guys these prayer ministers they can direct you towards the word of god they can direct you to andrew's over 200 000 hours of free material on the on the website and they know who they are in christ jesus they can stand in authority we hear testimonies all the time from people calling into the prayer line and seeing miracles signs and wonders happening so if you're going through something don't hesitate give them a call right now at i 719-635-1111 encourage you to give this ministry all this live content coming to you is brought to you by the partners and the gifts to andrew wommack ministries so i would encourage you to pray about becoming a partner and there's a few ways you can give you can go to slash give or you can give our prime ministers a call at who is 719-635-1111 gizzle she is from phoenix arizona welcome deanne i'm glad you're joining us thank you yes and so deanne is her official title for the ministry is stateside lead regional director so she basically oversees all of our extension locations uh within the state side within the united states and so it's a pretty amazing position that she holds with a lot of influence and i got to tell you she's a great friend of mine she's a great mother she's a great wife and a great friend and so i'm excited and a great teacher so i'm excited for what she's sharing today so bring it deanne we are ready for the word thanks julian yeah it's always nice to have you host and um i often wonder if you uh while you're sleeping you say these same things maybe [Laughter] it's like my nighttime prayer and then when i wake up it's my morning prayer as well yeah pretty much [Laughter] i'm going to talk about uh the first three chapters of john and um i know you hear a lot of times um people that are teaching the word they'll they'll tell you about how to study the word you know how to to meditate on the word and um so i started reading in in john and it was so funny because i was i just start reading in the beginning was the word and the word was you know and in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and then i would go to the the second verse and then i would go back to in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and um when we talk about meditating on the word a lot of times um we feel like we have to read through you know like a book and um so really i think that god was really speaking to my heart as far as i really want you to look at this scripture and and so um while i was taking a shower or while i was getting ready or i was doing the dishes or cooking dinner i would have that verse go through my head over and over again and so what's so great about the word is you can literally look at one scripture and it is almost i think andrew was talking about it last night like you could read it a hundred times and still get meaning out of that scripture and so you know i've read the scripture before um but there's so much meat in this scripture so when we talk about the word it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god um if you just kind of pass through it what does that actually mean in the beginning and and so john when he's getting ready to tell us about jesus this is where he decides to start yeah and look in genesis in the first chapter of genesis 10 times it says god set so when we think about the word we think about it's it's a written word and it's a spoken word and it's a word that we hear amen and so there's there's three really main ways of how we're getting the word in us we're speaking the word we're reading the written word and we're hearing the word so you know listening to this live bible study right now you're hearing the word but you could be doing both you could be hearing the word and then when i read the scripture you could be reading the word as well and to go even deeper into this if you wanted to you could really read the scripture as in the beginning was jesus right because jesus the word so you could you could literally say was jesus and jesus and and was with some i had this all good in my head so beginning was jesus and jesus was with god and jesus was god yeah um because we keep you know we know that jesus is the word so when you look at the book of john in the first chapter john is saying this is who jesus is jesus is the word and then he's going about saying john the baptist so this is the next thing that they talk about john the baptist is the person that came to proclaim the word is coming and um andrew explains this so well in his commentary he talks about john the baptist like he's the moon and so how does the moon have light it's because it's reflecting off the sun's light so the sun is reflecting off of the moon and um the pharisees will come to john and they'll say to him you know who are you you know and and ask him all these questions and and he's constantly reflecting jesus he's saying i'm just here to proclaim something that's better that's coming right yeah and um so that actually happens in in chapter one verse six it says there was a man sent from god whose name was john and so this is john the baptist and then in verse 1 or excuse me in chapter 1 verse 10 it says he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not so what john is trying to do john the baptist is he's trying to introduce the person that the world doesn't know that he's coming and that he's going to be the light of the world and he is the light of the world but something that's very important to get from verse 1 in chapter 1 is that jesus was there in the very beginning yeah so in the very beginning there was salvation jesus was actually in the very beginning with god and when god was speaking the word out and as a matter of fact how jesus came to us in the flesh was because god spoke the word out and that's how jesus came into existence um andrew says it this way it's also appropriate for jesus to be called the word of god because the physical body of jesus was produced by god's spoken word not the equal means of physical relationship man and woman so it was spoken out so if you look here it says and this is in verse or excuse me chapter 1 verse 12 that but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of god even to them that believe on his name so the next verse says which were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of god so this is the first part that they start talking about being born born again and um what's really important is for us to know what that means what does it mean to be born again and what does what does it mean that jesus is the word of god like understanding what the word of god does for us so here's a here's a good example um barry bennett taught in healing school and if you get a chance to listen to it you can just type in barry bennett healing school um and it was in september i don't know the date of it but he was talking about um his his journey through cancer where he was diagnosed with cancer he was given two days to live and um he is alive and well today and has beaten cancer amen right yes but barry said i had a word from god that i would live and not die and what happens a lot of the time is we speak a word and and when we say a word there's no power in it the power is in the word that was spoken by jesus so so this is what i have written down we can't speak the word into existence god already did that okay so the power is in the word not our words so because barry had a word from god then that spoken word is tied with the holy spirit and tied with who jesus is amen so healing um prosperity you know um relationship all of that was from the very beginning and because barry knew that he had a word from god then he could just base his healing on the word that was spoken but there had to be a heart connection with it so when you look at the first chapter of john it's it's telling you this is what the word is the word is jesus and he came and he came to to the world in the flesh but it's also talking about john the baptist being the one that's proclaiming him him to come yeah and then as you go about throughout the word and you go through the first chapter then what happens is opposition comes so then you have the pharisees that show up where they're questioning john and they're saying to john okay now who are you and um they want to know why he's doing these things like baptizing people now so let's think about this when the pharisees first came around what they would do was like a cleansing so their baptism would be a cleansing but there had to be a certain way that you would do it and it had to be a certain person that could do it so they were coming to to john basically jealous because all these people are coming to him and they're being baptized but they're saying but what authority do you have for this to do this and so this is what of what john says and this is in chapter one and it's verse 23 and he says i he said this is john i am the voice of one crying in the wilderness making straight the way of the lord as said the prophet isaiah or they pronounce it differently in this and then in verse 2 or in verse 24 it says and they which were sent were of the pharisees so what's going to happen is you're going to get the word and you're going to have a word from god and what's going to happen is satan is going to come in and he's trying to steal that word and trying to discredit the word and say who are you to know what god is saying right right when i talk about verse 1 and chapter 13 with it being born again with that comes power and so with the giving our lives over to jesus then that gives us the power to hear the voice of god and to hear the spirit of god speaking to us directly so when i talk to talk about barry having a word from god he's actually putting his um his words in connection with the word jesus christ and that's where the word comes in yes when you think about it the pharisees that was their job their job was to know what the word says but if there's no connection with it then there's no power with it so then as you go through the chapter you know it starts talking about the word and then it talks about john the baptist coming proclaiming the word and then so it looks like we uh she cut out oh there she is again are you back now you cut out on us sorry that's okay so what i was saying is um so then what happens is jesus starts to gather his disciples to him and he starts to say things to them like with nathaniel we always hear the the the famous saying of nathanael does anything good come out of nazareth right exactly about who jesus is too so even the disciples are learning who jesus is but what's really amazing is um the first conversation when jesus is gathering the disciples to him he has a conversation with andrew and andrew says where are you dwell where do you dwell where are you staying and jesus does come and see and so then they actually go with him and it says that they dwelt with jesus and stayed with him and so when i think about that there's a reason why that's in the word why would they go why would that be their question where do you where are you staying yeah and so i think about um if which julianne has before if she comes to stay with me if you're staying with me in my home then that's a more intimate uh relationship because when you're living with somebody then you actually see how their life really is yeah you really do get to know them and get to um be closer to that person and know more about that person so i really think that that's a picture of them getting to know jesus even more and so this is our whole journey this is our whole life is where we're we're spending our whole life searching the words so that we can get to know jesus more amen and um so as he's gathering these disciples to him and nathanael says he knows anything good come out of nasa then um jesus says i saw you when you were sitting under the fig tree and then nathanael gets this revelation of oh my gosh he really knows me yeah you know and and at the same time in in the first chapter of john jesus meets peter and he gives him that you know your name is like a stone like so he's pretty much reading their mail and so this is something that they're starting to recognize that he knows something about us which isn't that powerful like that's relational when you know somebody when you know something about that person and these are details that that how would they know that right right and so you know jesus actually recognizes that they're starting to know who he is but he also knows the heart of man and he also knows that the natural part of man isn't really good and so he is um still putting himself out there knowing what kind of people we already are right so um then when you get to the second chapter of john it introduces that jesus is going to a wedding so he's going to this wedding and some of his disciples are coming with him and we don't know how many disciples are going with them but um what's great about the wedding is the first miracle that happens is at this wedding and you know you've heard the story where jesus's mother comes to him and says they've run out of wine and jesus basically says what what do you want me to do about it it's not really time for me to do this and then he actually says woman you know what what would you have me do at first i was like in in our words that sounds like it would be kind of disrespectful but it's actually not it actually means madam it you know it's it's a he's being respectful well that's good no because it kind of comes across as you know what do you want me to do yeah woman yeah and so what's what's really great too about the word is how intricate the word is if you look in john every time they're talking about mary jesus's mother it never says mary in the book of john it only says the mother of jesus through this whole book which when we know when jesus is hanging on the cross that he puts john in charge of taking care of his mother he says john here's your mother and so the way that the word works and the way that it continues to give to us in all these different areas and speak to us in all these different areas is just amazing in itself and so think about this too the first miracle that jesus does is add a marriage and when we talk about being born again this is why jesus came because he's seeking the bride of christ he's seeking to pull us and to be our husband to take care of us and so his first miracle is at a wedding and this is another thing that i thought about too is at this wedding they have water and the jugs of water that says that they fill the the jugs of water to to the brim so there's an expectation there but if they didn't have wine at this wedding nobody was going to die yeah and so jesus's first miracle was not a need it was a want and that's something really beautiful about god is sometimes we will put up with things or um do things you know just um like okay i have this little headache but that's okay i can deal with that you know instead of saying no that's not what god has for him that's not what god's best is for me jesus actually came so that we would have life and life more abundant so he came so that we wouldn't just have the major things taken care of he cares about the little things as well and part of this too um at a wedding feast you know my son's getting married um october 28th and so that's coming up and um i just you know we're we're gonna take care of all the food for his wedding so you know we're feeding hundreds of people at this wedding and my main thing is that would be horrible if i didn't have enough food for everybody yeah and so um me wanting to honor the guests that are at the wedding this is the same thing that's happening where they want to make sure that there's enough for everybody and um you know it could be a little embarrassing for the people that are hosting this wedding that they wouldn't have enough and um so you know i i think about things like that where um this is how powerful jesus is to us and for us to really understand what that means that jesus is the word and that he came in the flesh as the word and um so at the wedding you know he uh says to bring the water to them and then he blesses the water and then they have enough for everybody and here's another interesting thing the very last thing that's recorded that mary says this is is that this wedding feast this is the last recording of her speaking or saying anything and it's in chapter two and it's verse five and it says his mother this is jesus's mother said unto the servants whatever he says do it now that's something that's really powerful too whatever jesus says we need to do it um i was in the philippines on a mission trip and we were in this very remote village and um one of the hosts at the village said you know you should probably play some type of game with the people there and um so i decided to play simon says with them but i decided to say jesus so anytime i say jesus says then you need to do it now if you don't know the name you know how the game works you know normally it's simon says touch your head or simon says you know fold your hands or you know that kind of thing and everybody is supposed to listen closely and if simon says then you're supposed to do that type of action and so instead i was saying jesus says so as we were going through this whole thing if i said now touch your nose and i didn't say jesus says then they would be out of the game and so when you think about it if jesus says it then we should be doing it amen right and i think what happens to us a lot of the time is we don't um know god and trust him enough to actually do what he says right you know jesus says that it's better to give than to receive but sometimes um we're looking at our finances and we're looking at what in the natural it looks like instead of what jesus says jesus says that he's our provider he says he's jehovah jireh he provides for us and he says that if we give then it's going to be given back to us in more you know but because we don't have that intimate relationship and because we don't know him and know his word intimately then that's hard for us to trust that and actually do something that he's telling us to do you know in the natural the pharisees knew what the word said but they didn't have that intimate relationship and so you know strife and jealousy came out of that um jesus is coming about and doing these really great things and john has a very good message for these people but because they're intellectuals and because they're above it all they are not able to receive the goodness of god so the very next thing that happens after jesus is at the wedding then he goes to the temple because it's the passover and this is still in chapter 2 of the book of john and so we know this story or most people know this story when he goes you know the people have to sacrifice different animals let's actually look at it this is in chapter 2 and it says and the jews passover was at hand and jesus went up to jerusalem and found in the temple those that sold oxen um i don't know if i told you i'm in chapter 2 verse 13. sorry about that and the jews passover was out of hand and jesus went up to jerusalem and found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves and the changers of money sitting so in order for them to do the sacrifices they have to purchase these things in order to sacrifice for the passover now this is before jesus so this is something that they had to do in order to atone for their sins and what was happening is they were actually being cheated by the people at the temple and so they were being dishonest about what they were selling these animals for it was basically extortion so they were extorting the people because the people needed this in order to be right with god now look at what that does to the character of god that if you know that you're going to the temple and you know that this is god's holy place and somebody is actually cheating you and mistreating you and taking advantage of you um when barry was talking about his healing journey um he said at one point he was laying in bed god said to him barry you can get out of this bed and you'll be healed but even if you don't get out of this bed you will be healed and what barry was saying is such a powerful thing mary you don't have to do anything at the very beginning i had this plan and when i went to the cross i took all of this upon myself so it's already been made complete and what happens to us a lot of times is is like the pharisees we know what the word says and so we'll speak it and we'll speak it and we'll speak it and then nothing happens and we don't really know why but we have to connect the word with who jesus is and what he's already done we have to know who jesus is that he went to that wedding and he he made water into wine because he loved those people and it wasn't necessarily it was a need it was a want it was something that would bless them and this is what god does and this is who god is and this is jesus's i was talking to my friend and she has a little boy and he was he was saying um i have jesus in my heart but not god you know for him to say that because he was thinking of them as two different people right but jesus is god amen she's there in the very beginning yeah so um you know here's another example you know i could stand in my garage and say i'm a car i'm a car i'm a car but that doesn't make me a car you know there has to be truth behind it and we have to know what the truth is and so i think a lot of times people will say i'm healed i'm healed i'm healed but what they need to do is connect with the healer amen what does the word say and who is the word like the word came to the earth in flesh because god made that happen and that's a love for us to lay his life down and to know what all the benefits are for knowing who the word is knowing that jesus is the word so you know jesus goes into the temple and and and he's being misrepresented he's saying you know you're gonna have to do all these things well that's not good enough now you're gonna have to do this too and that's not who jesus is and so you know he braids a whip and andrew talks about this in his commentary where it took a minute for him to braid the whip yeah it did so there's time for him to think so this wasn't just reacting to it jesus is like all right this is what i need to do and so he comes in and he cleanses the temple he knocks over the the the tables you know the money changers table and um you know he chases everybody out and said this is not who i am yeah and so what's really important for us to know is why the word says what it does you know and who is the word and um so here's another story when i was um pumping gas in my car um i had somebody come up to me and it was a jehovah witness and he said do you know who this is and i said yes i do know who jesus is i'm a born-again christian and he said what does that mean born again so i said you know in john the book of john chapter 3 a man named nicodemus came to jesus at night and he was a ruler of the jews and he said teacher or rabbi we know that you're a teacher that comes from god because nobody can do these miracles unless god is with him and so then jesus responds to nicodemus and this is in chapter 3 verse 3 jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i say unto you except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god so then the next verse after that nicodemus says to jesus how can this be if i'm old can i enter into my mother's womb a second time praise jesus no no what is he doing he's going to the natural he's going to what it says in the natural like he's thinking in the natural not the supernatural yes so you know then god's response to that in verse 5 says verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of god and what the water is representing in this scripture is we need to be washed by the word by the water of the word but then the spirit also has to be connected with it so the word and the spirit are the same and if we know the word we hear the spirit so in chapter 1 verse 13 when jesus was talking about the born name again experience and again here in chapter 3 when he's talking about the born-again experience he's saying that these two things are the things that give you the power so in order to have the power you must be born again you have to transform you have to renew your mind both my boys are in their 20s and um they do fun things with each other they both know how to juggle and so they're juggling and they can juggle and then pass the other person you know the balls that they're juggling and you know they're very good at it and so they were showing me and teaching me how to juggle so they were saying mom you can totally do this and so you know as i'm working on trying to to do this i've got three tennis balls and i can get one ball to go i get the other one to go i get the third one to go and then for some reason i just keep catching them instead of just continuing to throw the balls up in the air and this is what my older son said to me he said mom that's the hardest part letting go and making your mind let that ball go like your mind has to release it but in my mind the natural part is just to catch them yeah like i don't want them to fall and so when one ball is falling the other ball has to go up and so as he's explaining this to me i was thinking about this i was thinking about the word and this is how it happens for us and i talked about that in the very beginning when i started going over that scripture john 1 1 saying it over and over again there was a certain point where it clicked where i was able to release it and let it go so that i could receive what god had for me and this is what's really important for us to know we have to know who god is we have to know what the word says so that we can have relationship because that's where the power is and how we do that is we let go and we say okay i trust your word god we let go of it and say not my natural mind i'm going to connect with yours because your ways are better amen amen that's awesome praise god okay so we've got some great questions let's get to them um and i love how the questions kind of come in as you're going through the teaching so because it isn't just necessarily one topic and so it's fun these questions so shane says how should we honor different personalities and people and still see them in christ so that came in you know especially when we're talking about the disciples and as jesus is meeting each one of them um they all have different personalities and lord knows in the body of christ we all have different personalities so how do we honor one another um in and still see them in christ yeah i think it's a beautiful thing that we're all different yeah and i think it's one purpose that jesus had 12 disciples and they were all different and they all had different personalities you know luke was a physician matthew was a tax collector and they all had different backgrounds and um we have a ceo for um andrew um or for charis bible colleges and you know billy eberhardt and he says seven ways that you know you have to just tell people something seven ways you know seven different times so um how you present the the word how i present it you might not receive it as well as how julianne presents it because it's her personality and so i think that it's important that we all are unique and that we all are different and what's so great about this is that god has brought all races all different backgrounds together under one word and so that means that this word will work for me this word will work for people in africa this word will work for people in europe and and when you're dealing with people's different personalities that's where the holy spirit comes in where when you're when you're sharing a word with somebody then you're going to be tapping in to what the word says and how the spirit wants you to say that word to that person in john 14 26 it says that the holy spirit is your teacher and that god will bring scripture to remembrance when it's needed so that means if you're dealing with people with different personalities a lot of times if you're um if you're spirit building you're able to speak in tongues a lot of times when i'm having a conversation with somebody under my breath i will be praying in the spirit and asking god how to respond to that person so yeah there's all different kinds of personalities but think about paul paul was somebody that was he was a zealot i mean he was determined to wipe out christians the people that were believers in jesus and he was going about killing them and here's what god said man i can take that personality and when he and i can take that and turn it for good and he's going to be zealous for me he's going to be somebody that is not going to be moved off of what my word says in the relationship that he has with me um i hope that answers the question yeah absolutely and i think from another perspective you know the apostle paul said and to the church of corinth he says that comparing ourselves amongst ourselves and measuring ourselves by ourselves are not wise and i think what happens too is because we may have a different personality than the people we think are super dupers in the lord that we disqualify ourselves and so or we disqualify others that maybe we don't quite dig their personality right and so we shouldn't be comparing ourselves amongst ourselves or measuring somebody by what we don't really like because it's the same spirit on the inside of them as that's on the inside of us so it's honoring one another in our unique diverse personalities which i think is what the kingdom's about right so yeah so that's awesome so millie she says can the holy spirit give us instructions that are contrary to the word absolutely not and you can hear something and you can justify in your mind that you're supposed to do that you know um i had heard a story of a lady that decided that she was supposed to be married to kenneth copeland yeah and so you know she was determined to do that she bought a wedding dress and the whole thing well that's contrary to the word of god so that is that is not something that you would have heard from god god doesn't ever um the word always trumps everything so if you don't have confirmation in the word and you don't have confirmation from the holy spirit then it's not of god amen yes that's really their marriage word and the holy spirit are married and here's the thing when you give your life over to the lord then that's where that power comes in where you'll be able to hear the holy spirit and know what god is saying to you but you have to trust that you do know you know people will say to me all the time i never hear them hear the word of god well then you won't because you're speaking against what god says yeah and god says that his shepherds hear his voice amen amen for his faith here's his boyfriend's voice they're shepherd right right my sheep you're their shepherd's voice and he is the shepherd over us amen and if you claim to not hear his voice then you're saying that jesus wasn't aware of you or you are the exception to what jesus said which is rather self-centered but all in love no condemnation so okay so lou says uh this is a great question i'm curious on your perspective of it lou says did the people realize what they were doing in the temple when they were distorting jesus's name uh did they know do you think you know um i think you know we don't know what people are thinking but at the same time we can justify things in our head you know well god would want me to make money you know he would want me to prosper and um so i don't know that they knew i would assume that they knew because jesus had that type of reaction to it um you know think about it the pharisees knew the word but they were right in their own mind yeah i mean they were justified in their own mind to attack john and say why are you baptizing these people yes you know and it also talks about in the word where they were coming to john and saying hey this guy jesus he's actually doing more stuff than you yeah like you know trying to get john to be upset like oh my gosh this guy's stealing my ministry right and you know and to john's credit he wasn't moved by that you know he said that he wasn't even um you know worthy enough to loose the sandals on jesus feet yeah you know so yeah yeah so i don't i don't know if they necessarily knew i think the traditions of men make the word of god of none effect and so we can get in traditions even in our faith and grace culture right it's just something about human nature that we try to get in traditions and this is how it works so let's do this every time and that's so not god yeah and you know what's really amazing about nicodemus you know nicodemus gets a bad rap a lot of times because he came to jesus that night and they're like yeah he's coming to jesus at night well here's the thing you know it could have been dangerous for nicodemus to come to jesus that's a possibility and we don't know what nicodemus's heart was but what we do know about nicodemus is it tells us later in the book of john that nicodemus did go get a hold of the word and he did defend jesus you know when jesus was being attacked by all the pharisees yeah and nicodemus was the one of the out of this i think it was like the third richest man in all of jerusalem wow nicodemus was a powerful wealthy man that came to jesus and his heart was changed by jesus and i believe it's because he saw these miracles that were happening with jesus and he recognized that i know all this what these words say but i have no power yeah i can't heal these people right so i think that's what he recognized and then later on when jesus died it says nicodemus the same man that came to jesus by night brought spices like a hundred pounds worth to um anoint jesus's body yeah and um i think it was andrew's commentary it said it was like 2500 worth of spices that he brought wow and so we know that you know in in in the first few chapters nicodemus was a little confused and went away a little confused like i'm not sure if i still get this that's what it's all about that's why i was talking about the juggling thing pretty soon it's going to click yeah you just have to really focus on the word and really study the word and meditate on the word and then re really trust that god's going to reveal the truth to you really trust that that god's going to show you what it is that you need to know amen and therein that's what faith is right it's the substance of things hoped for it it isn't like a real evident thing right now but we know it's it's there that's what trust and faith is that's really good so let's go ahead and do one more question i know we're down to the end but ruthie says how do we talk to believers who are like the pharisees always about law works and god's sovereignty when they don't want to hear about anything jesus did for them at the cross how do we deal with people like that yeah so jesus dealt with them all the time i would follow jesus's lead oh you vipers no well here's the thing question back yeah so this is what i'm talking about where um a lot of times that people come and they're trying to attack now god says that you're not supposed to debate the word and you're not supposed to try to convince people so if you have somebody that has a hard heart and they're not going to receive from you the best thing for you to do is to pray for that person amen and pray that their hearts would be soft and their hearts would become good soil so that they could receive the truth in within them but when you're talking to somebody that thinks they already know everything a lot of times that's just insecurity in them so really recognize it for what it is and the word says that we don't fight against flesh and blood so we're not really fighting against that person we're fighting against satan using that person in a wrong way you know this happens a lot with bible school students they get a revelation and then they become unteachable because now they've arrived and they know everything yeah so you know make sure that your heart stays that way make sure that you don't become unteachable um anybody can teach me you know i go to the schools all the time part of my job is to travel to all the stateside schools and i listen to the students in the school and i learn from them because they have the same holy spirit that i do amen so um yeah you're gonna come across people that are pharisees and think that they know and if if they're not open to hear from you pray for them and recognize that you're not fighting against them amen amen praise god that's really good so we're down to an end so thank you deanne for your amazing message i love your teaching style and how you open up the word to us and i know lots of people were blessed today and will be in the future as they watch this later by your teachings so thank you for joining us and i want to thank everyone out there watching for joining us today and for submitting your questions and i pray that you have a wonderful day don't forget and tune in tomorrow evening at 6 00 pm on thursday 6 pm mountain time we'll have cindy pearson from hong kong sharing and so um have a great day dan thank you and you all you viewers you have a great day as well and we'll see you all tomorrow bye on october the 4th through the 8th at our facilities in charis bible college woodland park colorado we're going to have our 2021 ministers conference and i tell you this is for people that are in full-time ministry you have special needs we are going to be ministering specifically to you and it's just going to be an awesome time we've got our regular speakers myself bob nichols bob yandian carrie pickett greg moore dwayne sheriff and this year our guest is jesse duplantis and so i encourage you to make plans to join us it's going to be a great time at our charis facilities woodland park colorado october the 4th through the 8th our 2021 ministers conference [Music] you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 1,185
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: umVE-fdmzUA
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Length: 48min 13sec (2893 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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