Charis Daily Live Bible Study: Forgiveness - Grant Thigpen - October 5, 2021

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to tuesday night live bible study we are so delighted that you're tuned in tonight my name is julianne harris and i will be hosting you this evening and so let me get into the announcements so we can hustle into the word because i know that you are going to be abundantly blessed tonight by their guest minister grant so let me get into these um uh announcements first of all this is an interactive bible study you guys so in order for you to interact with us currently there are three ways you can interact with this okay you can go to and in the comment section there you can start typing in your questions as you listen to grant share tonight and then we'll get to as many of those questions as we possibly can in the last 10 to 15 minutes of the program the other way you can submit your questions is go to live questions at and this information should be appearing on your screen that's or you can text in questions which i think is really cool and so you can text those questions into 719-212 so please interact with us and also you need to know the schedule of our live bible studies in order for you to interact with us so on mondays and fridays we have live bible study at 10 a.m on tuesdays and thursdays is at 6 00 p.m and bright and early wednesday morning is at 7 a.m and that is all mountain time so make sure and calculate that out tune in while we're live so you can submit questions and we can interact with you also tuesday night is very special because it was the original uh live bible study that we would do just once a week until we went to five days a week and so part of that is that you can receive the bible study notes from a tuesday night live bible study so how that works is you're going to go to study you're going to fill out a form there with your contact information and then what will happen is you will receive tuesday night bible study notes the following monday isn't that really cool and then what's also special about it is when you sign up with it you are entered into a drawing to win a free product so last week we gave away bob yanyon was here and he shared on um i can't remember i think i can't remember i can't believe the book he was giving away was calling and separation he didn't share on that but it's really good calling and separation by bobby onion and the winner of that was michael steps so michael they will be contacting you and getting that book to you this week we are giving away spirit soul and body by andrew i'm here to tell you if you have never heard this teaching or read this book you need to it makes everything make sense so fill out that form you're entered into the drawing also we have conferences coming up so right now currently and it's not too late for you to come we have the minister's conference so if you are a full-time minister i would encourage you pack up the car come to colorado and be a part of this minister's conference it's powerful and we're only mid-week with it so that is until friday morning it will end friday at noon we also have women's arise coming up and that will be october the 28th through the 30th so that's women only praise god uh and then dallas uh gospel truth conference we're coming to dallas and that will be november the 11th through the 13th so if you want more information on any of those events please go to events also you guys this is a viewer supported live bible study all the live content that comes out to you is brought to you by the partners and the gifts to andrew wommack ministries this is fertile ground this is amazing place to sew into and you can be a part of all these live streams even if you don't submit questions anything like that you can be a part of it simply by giving so there's a few ways you can give you can go to slash give or you can give us a call at 719-635-1111 when you call that phone number we also have prayer ministers available to you they are there 24 hours a day monday through friday they're also there on the weekends from 7 30 a.m until 6 p.m and that is mountain time so if you're going through something don't hesitate give them a call right now at 719-635-1111 okay i got all of the announcements done with a little mistake but now i get to introduce our guest speaker so you guys as i said this is the minister's conference this week and so we have generals of the faith that are here attending this conference and you guys after speaking with grant he is one of the generals of the faith and so he has a church him and his wife susan this is grant thigpen that's i said it correctly right yes ma'am t-h not p t exactly that's good that's good grant and susan have a church in naples florida that church is called new hope ministries and they have this coming february grant was saying they will have had this church for 40 years you guys that is absolutely supernatural a lot of ministers are called but very few just don't quit right and so this is a general of the faith i know you're going to be abundantly blessed tonight as well as me i'm super excited to be here to listen um and so grant bring us the word yeah you got me excited you're going to be blessed i promise yes listen i'm already blessed out for the pastor's conference i've already heard andrew speak we've heard dwayne sheriff and bob yandian yes so duane will be speaking again this evening so we're already blessed but what an honor it is to be seated right here it really caught me by surprise and and i just felt you know really overwhelmed with just uh i don't know just it's a it's an honor it's really an honor it really is uh i've chosen the night to speak on forgiveness yeah and uh she was telling me earlier that there's been several people teaching on forgiveness but i think pastors know that if you teach on forgiveness everybody is going to need it there's a few things you can teach on you know the tongue everybody needs to hear sermons on their mouth yeah but everybody needs good uh ordained ministers to preach on forgiveness from time to time amen the scripture that i chose to start with is in ephesians chapter four and for the sake of time i'll just read the last two verses in chapter four it says let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice so you know that malice goes along with unforgiveness you know wanting somebody to get what's coming to them but it goes on in verse 32 and says and be ye kind one to another tenderhearted forgiving one another even as god for christ's sake hath forgiven you so the people that i have unforgiveness toward god has already forgiven them yeah you know so and he did it for christ's sake because of the suffering that jesus did so i want to point out that the bible says the just shall live by faith yes the bible says that's four times the bible says that just shall live by faith habakkuk 2 4 and that's the old testament says the just shall live by his faith the three times in the new testament it just says shall live by faith but literally you live by your faith i live by my faith you live by your faith we also know that galatians 5 6 says for in jesus christ neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision but faith which worketh by love so now i know that my faith is energized we get our word energy from this greek word uh it works it's energized by love so faith without love is really not faith it's a person you know trying to be in faith but faith remember faith works by love i believe we could say that the working part of our faith is that love of god which we correctly respond to and show others that same love so in 2 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 3 the apostle paul is bragging on these christians from thessalonica and he says we are bound to thank god always for you brethren as it is meat because that your faith groweth exceedingly and the charity or the love of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth or super abounds a couple of things here uh there is a normal rate of of growth for your faith i mean if it can grow exceedingly which means above the normal measure then there has to be a normal measure i mean i i believe that god is ordained for each one of us it doesn't mean that i'm in a faith contest with you it just means that your capability god knows it right and there is a i like to say there's just there should be an average faith growth as long as we're alive on this earth wow so notice their faith grew exceedingly and the love of every one of them all toward each other abounds so what's happening here is is god is letting us know that our faith cannot grow without our love life growing without our our responding properly to to god's love uh you know first corinthians 13 13 says and now abideth faith hope charity or love these three but the greatest of these is charity i believe that the greatest manifestation of charity is forgiveness yeah i've got two or three reasons why i personally believe that first of all it's what it cost yeah what did it cost god what did it cost jesus christ for you and i to be forgiven second thing is forgiveness rarely makes sense no to a natural person i mean very rarely it just doesn't make sense in a lot of situations and since it's an act of god's love it requires no response from the one being forgiven god is love whether i respond to his love or not god desires that every person come to the knowledge of jesus christ he doesn't want anyone to perish but we can ignore that but he's still god yeah he's still loved my my rejecting god's love does not make god feel less of a god right right you know he he is love he's going to love because he's loved i want to go to matthew 18. and i want to read some scriptures that usually at some point when you're dealing with someone about forgiveness they will want to go to to the scriptures that i'm going to read here so we'll read it we'll talk about it and then we'll see in the same chapter maybe a different way of looking at this in verse 15 of chapter 18 of matthew jesus is speaking he says moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone if he shall hear thee thou has gained thy brother but if he will not hear that then take with thee one or two more that in the mouth of two or three witness witnesses every word may be established and verse 17 if he shall neglect to hear them tell it unto the church but if he neglect to hear the church let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a republican so sometimes when people come into my office they've they've arrived at this point he's just a heathen you know kick him out and so and so we need to take a look at this you know in matthew 5 verses 17 and 18 jesus says think not that i am come to destroy the law or the prophets i am not come to destroy but to fulfill for verily verse 18 i say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle that's talking about one letter the letter iota or one tittle that's the apex that they put on some letters so he's saying not one letter or not one part of a letter of the law shall pass from the law till all be fulfilled now you and i we have to read old testament scripture with new testament eyes right we have to see it with new testament eyesight we have to hear it with new testament ears we have to obey it with a new testament heart and an ever increasing uh mind set the renewing of the mind all right so jesus on the other hand he could not take anything away from the law so he would be asked questions about the law and he would say do what the law said yeah you know now when he got an answer to go beyond that without taking away from the law then he would show grace right you know uh well have you done all that then what you need to do is uh sell all your god and give to the poor he's letting him know that just the keeping of the letter of the law really wasn't what god was after but he would never take away from the law so in this situation he's actually telling them you know this is where you want to deal with this thing you want to try to settle it but if you can't take somebody with you that doesn't work take it to the church people come to me saying i'm at that point where i want to bring it to the church and i ask them i say when jesus said take it to the church what church was he talking about he couldn't have been talking about in the new testament church because they'd have said what's a church yeah what church you're talking about nobody asked not even peter peter didn't even ask what's a church they knew what he was talking about you remember over in acts when stephen is given his sermon and i think it's acts 7 round 37-38 he starts talking about moses he says this is the same moses that was in the church in the wilderness oh wow so this term the church was a term that was known by these men at this time right jesus is not speaking prophetically per se there may be some of that there but the reality is he was sending them to an old testament church interesting it's also uh i believe it's over in acts 19 it's referred to three times the word church the ecclesia the called out ones it's referred to as an assembly so i believe in in bible times this this word meant a religious group assembled in in the wilderness that was god's called out ones he he had forgiven them with the passover he had delivered them he called them out so that he could lead them into so that was the church they were called out ones they were congregating around the law right and that was god's perfect holy law why would jesus try to detract from the perfect holy law now on the other hand paul he said things about the law that jesus could not say but it was jesus who in luke 24 met with his disciples and he opened their eyes to the scripture but that was after his death burial resurrection right now the the new church is ready to come in into existence right and so i think it was uh andrew said something about used to they would say you know hold on to the the red and you know letters in red you know and pray for power and listen i would never make fun of any portion of the holy scripture yeah the holy scripture is the holy word of god however as i said earlier if i'm going to preach out of the old testament i'm not going to preach old testament i'm going to preach new testament revelation of old testament scriptures yes okay so in this instance jesus is doing just what he usually did he would he would put the law forth for them and tell them you've got people here you know uh the synagogues was where most of these things were were taken care of because you had the scribes the pharisees you know the rabbis and if you had something against a brother then bring it there and you know try to get this thing straightened out the interesting thing to me is he said let that person be as a heathen well actually that's the greek word for gentile the law forbade israelis to harass or mistreat gentiles all right and and the publican is a tax farmer okay now he's a jew right all right but he's a tax farmer in other words he's working for the romans but he's not just trying to collect what the romans said we would like to get from this area he goes to the romans bids on this region and says i'll i'll guarantee you this much money oh wow and he says oh that's a all right we'll take it so he gives them the money for that region now he has authority to go out and collect taxes from those people and as a rule they would always they were farming they were trying to make money for themselves right but thank god we have a situation where we little zacchaeus you know zacchaeus was a wee little man he was also the chief of publicans wow and when jesus called him down from the tree and said i'm i'm going to eat with you well the people murmured and said he's going with a sinner and when they said it out loud because zacchaeus responded to it and he said i've never taken more more than than was was proper and if somebody misled me into receiving more than i should i first of all he said i give half of my money to the poor wow i never charge more than i should and if somebody gives me bad information and i take from someone more i always give it back four times yeah it's amazing and jesus said salvation has come to your house this day because you're a son of abraham so even with the jews he didn't say follow this man around and harass him he didn't say hold up a sign he says let him be as a publican and a heathen a gentile unto thee if y'all can't if y'all can't settle this thing between you then don't have any more dealings with him right you know but don't walk around with a sign he's a crook he's a liar he's a liar you've already went through all of that okay he he probably brought three or four on his side you brought three or four right now uh people say you know well they're just some people you need to put out of the church what church am i going to put them out of mine if i do they'll go down the road to another church but i think there's a better way here so i mentioned peter peter did not say what's a church but peter did have something on his mind so if you'll look in verse 21 it says then came peter to him him being jesus and said lord how oft shall my brother sin against me and i forgive him till seven times now i'm going to give it to peter here i'm going to hand it to him you know i've heard a lot of remarks about peter i can remember one minister saying uh he would have paid a million dollars peter wood for a pair of uh cinnamon-flavored sandals you know he was always putting his foot in his mouth but you know i'm gonna give him credit here because i'm thinking peter's saying it to himself i don't even want to go through all of that yeah i don't want to get him and me and then people on my side people on this side so how many times should i just forgive him right because you don't see forgive here yeah you don't that is you just see settling it by the law right nobody's talking about forgiveness in that wow that's amazing peter he says well lord wait a minute you know the amazing thing here is peter is an old testament believer following jesus yeah he's got to have some questions i mean i believe he has seen forgiveness out of jesus so many times i mean even when they brought the woman caught in adultery and the law said we can stone her and jesus said well let whoever is without sin throw the first stone he didn't say no you can't do that right right but he brought grace into it when people would allow him now peter's allowing jesus to bring grace because he's not questioning the law now right peter's not questioning the law he's asking jesus well what about if i what about if i want to forgive that's fine now he's a man he's a man so seven times i mean that's a holy number you know and if a guy did it seven times i mean is that all i should do there again i'm yeah yeah peter peter's asking good questions here he is notice verse 22 jesus saith and i say not unto thee until seven times but until 70 times seven i think that's 490 times that's a lot that's a lot of time yeah honestly i think what jesus is saying it's like look at the stars in heaven or the sand on on the seashore i think this is actually a number too big to conceive right right even possible yeah i mean yeah and especially if we're dealing in one day he didn't say exact time training but you know maybe he's thinking in one day yeah but he says listen this this is not a legal cutoff no this is grace okay this is grace talking here all right so he says you know 70 times 70. in other words the word forgive itself means to send off to send away it means to uh it means to let it go [Music] in in first corinthians chapter 13 that we read from the love uh chapter i think it's verse 5 is still talking about love and at the end of that verse it says charity or love thinketh no evil that word thinketh is the greek word which means to take inventory so a lot of translations say things like love doesn't keep record of wrongs done well that's i i i believe that's true just from the word forgive you can't keep records wow i have people come to me and say uh well i forgive them but i can't i can't forget and and i understand that i i i mean i completely understand that but the lord gave me a story to tell one time i discovered a scar on my body and i couldn't remember what happened so this was my thought pattern i thought i can't believe i don't remember this yeah that had to hurt right the second thought was i bet i bet if i think long enough i can remember it right the third thought was why would i want to why why would i want to relive something that hurt me amen you know and so for me forgiveness is a scar that really doesn't bring me any heartache or any pain right whereas if i don't forgive i got an open sore gushing amen and not only is it obvious to me it's obvious to people who get near me and get close to me so forgiveness here again i think is one of the greatest if not the greatest act of love you know and if you take into account that you can't keep score love doesn't think that way and if you want to grow in faith then i think whatever situation you're it doesn't mean you don't have any faith in other areas of life i think when jesus looked at his disciples and said to him how is it that you have no faith i think he meant in that situation how is it you're in the boat you know and you have no faith because i just told you let's go so this doesn't mean that you've lost your faith but in that situation if the love is no longer paramount then i i don't think you have faith in that particular situation and once you lose your faith then then you know he's a heathen he's a but that's not what we read in ephesians no no we read something totally different from that and that is we forgive other people because jesus forgave us amen you know and so we we we have to be very very very forgiving uh and please i don't want anybody to think that i i destroyed matthew 18 15 16 17 here no that's the holy word that's that's the words of jesus christ right but here again if god thought that's all we needed why did he give us the epistles why'd he give us acts why did he give us the book of the revelation of jesus christ if all we needed was the letters in red no thank god for the letters in red but the people who really needed it at that time were the jews all right yeah and so we need the epistles taking us deeper into the red yeah taking us deeper into the the heart and the mind of jesus christ we we need the epistles to show us who christ is now who he was then who he is now what he's accomplished for us and who i am now based upon his accomplishments because when i see jesus having accomplished his work then i understand his work was for me my work is now accomplished as far as salvation is concerned why would i want to be thinking maybe somebody else is not forgiven or maybe i shouldn't forgive them i understand this gets complicated because human beings can make everything tough yeah but what god looks for is your heart yeah if a man has to be arrested he has to be arrested but i can still go to the jail and tell him i forgive him [Music] i think that doesn't completely free him from jail no but it frees me from being in jail with him oh you know so anyway that was my take on forgiveness a lot more there but wow wow that's right somebody might want to ask a question yeah we got a lot of questions coming in i'm like i forgot that i need to be reading through them i got so into it that's amazing um forgiveness is probably the hardest and most costly costly well listen it may cost you a friendship because if you both were sinned against and you forgive him and the other one doesn't if this one doesn't then this person may no longer be your friend it may cost you a friend but what did it cost christ yeah i will tell you this real quickly i have had situations in my life where others around me were disappointed that i didn't take up for myself didn't didn't didn't come against what was you know everybody knew around me wasn't true but i just never wanted to walk down that path right being a pastor you don't need to complicate it any more than it is already right you don't need to be holding unforgiveness yeah and uh and i understand here again there are people who just they they probably will keep on something until they do get locked up but you've got to guard your heart yeah you know in the forgiveness yeah i think there's such a fear in people that if they forgive somebody something it's like they're getting away with it like i have to hold on to it because they're otherwise they're getting away with it right yes yes and it's simply not true no no any vengeance has to be meted out vengeance's mind says the lord but amen god's not wanting to meet out vengeance yeah he's wanting to see us behave like children of god amen amen i love that i love how you brought out how peter took it to that whole another level and he went to jesus kind of privately too and was like looking at the situation he's like what about for giveness that's that's amazing just forgive wow that's awesome okay so you guys are sending in awesome questions please keep it up we're going to get to as many as we possibly can so uh char on chat says grant is it possible to forgive a person completely without the spirit of god well i don't i don't think it would be i don't think it would be forgiveness as the bible is talking about forgiveness but i know people who who do not profess to be christians who have a very forgiving attitude about things right okay so i don't discount that right you know that's a good attribute to have whether you're going to be a christian or not yeah absolutely there's some other there's other beliefs out there that they preach forgiveness it's not the same forgiving the same way that we have because we know christ personally yeah we're operating out of god's love but then again i don't judge somebody's relationship with god i mean as to whether they've been born again or not right there's a lot of people in some some crazy mixed up uh theology out there but if they have accepted jesus christ then it's not up to me i'll let god weed all that out right exactly that's probably why so tony on chad says why is forgiveness sometimes hard even for believers could this be an indicator of legalism in our hearts no it could be it could be a wounded heart uh you you could be so wounded that it may take you time even as a child of god to come to that conclusion that i don't have to feel forgiveness to forgive that's awesome you know and i've had a person ask me before how do i know i have forgiven yeah if you know if i don't feel forgiveness yeah it's by the way you behave around that person when you want to stick your fist through his face you don't ask him you know could you buy a cup of coffee but it's not your feeling yeah it's being true to what you profess to god okay you i tell this man i've forgiven you god heard that now i'm going to live that forgiveness and it may take me 15 20 years to get over that feeling of hurt or whatever it was but i don't allow that to stop me from forgiving somebody and then living up to my word wow that's amazing that's that's true and i think a lot of people just like ruthie on chat she says what should you do when memories of what someone has done to you pop up and start to bring up emotions should you just be like no i have already forgiven them well you know the bible says think on these things i get trapped in this sometime myself and you just lay in bed at night and you keep running things over and over and over in your mind and then i think what am i doing yeah it seems like things bother me worse in the night time right and in the daytime everything from earache to toothache it's just worse in the night and uh and and it robs you of your sleep and so you know i try praying in the spirit i've got so many things that i can be thankful for to think on you know that i'd rather go to sleep thinking on those things than the other thing but i hope she understands we all have to deal with this yeah you know we all have to deal with it uh thoughts will arise but then we can cast down and think on other things yeah yeah but that's not a passive thing no that's something you have to do on purpose right right uh samaya says i've i'm i've struggled with forgiving right away is there a time frame on forgiving an offender dude like and then she goes on do we forgive the moment we're offended even if it wounds deep or is there a process of time well we listen we we want to be like jesus what did jesus say on the cross i mean you know forgive them so i i want to learn how to how to here again it's a preparation of the heart beforehand that's what i was thinking yeah start start practicing forgiveness yeah i said this in church the other night and people looked at me you know and i said well listen a good place to start is when you're in traffic forgive that jerk that cuts you off instead of give us more things lord listen if you're one of those law-abiding grace drivers that know you can go at least five miles an hour over the speed limit and you get mad when somebody passes you going 30 miles an hour over the limit yeah and you hope they get caught yeah you're a legalist oh no grace person would say god i hope he doesn't harm himself or others i hope he comes to his senses yeah you know but the hope he gets caught if you say that then you say so he'll learn a lesson and never do it again no that's that's not grace talking so you can start training yourself you know i i discovered there's two types of anger there's anger at people and there's anger at inanimate objects okay and i heard a man speak on that one time and i'm thinking oh lord i'm trying to be so good on not you know letting my temper get but i throw things away i mean you know my idea you hit your finger with a hammer oh the hammer's got to go [Laughter] and so i started saying i can't practice that and think that my not getting mad at people is going to get better right because anger is anger yeah and unforgiveness is unforgiveness yeah you know one of the saddest things about unforgiveness is you really don't hurt the person that you're not forgiving yeah sometimes they don't even know you're the one that's carrying all this junk around even worse than that is when you borrow somebody's offense ah right somebody comes to me that i love dearly tell me what another pastor did to them now and now i got i've borrowed that person's offense all right and so five years later i i still have difficulty looking that man in the face or talking to him five years later i find out that oh no they patched that up two weeks later but yeah you've been but i didn't i held on to something that wasn't even mine wow so we got to learn that even those things that do harm us really they're not ours because god doesn't want us to keep them he wants us to give them to him you know so it it's it's a learning thing and that's where freedom is right he just wants us to live free of that junk because that stuff weighs you down you know i and i like how you said and this is what i've done is i have purpose in my heart to not be offended yeah and and it's so it's like and that's something that echoes through my head when the opportunity for offense arises i'm like oh wait no i purposed in my heart i'm not going to be offended easier said than done in some situations however i'm not perfect at anything but that's what i practice amen yeah and there's freedom in it because it's like you know what i'm just not going to let that bother me today because i'm not going to be offended by it faith on facebook says if someone offends us do we have to do it in that order in matthew talking to the person first before talking to someone with before taking someone with us and before letting others know no no i think that's peter's trying to circumvent that when he asked about well what about forgiving so forgiving just wipes all the others yeah so maybe i maybe i don't want to take somebody to court maybe i don't want to sue somebody right can i just forgive them jesus says yeah he says how many times he says just keep doing it yeah you know so listen i deal with with wounded people quite a bit yeah and uh my heart goes out to him yeah because somebody whether intentionally or not and a lot of times it is intentional people just wound other people and as a pastor that breaks my heart yeah but me pitying somebody doesn't help them right i got to give them instruction out of the word of god right because if i pity them then i'm i'm just keeping them locked into to where they are it doesn't mean i'm not compassionate yeah but i'm so compassionate that i don't want to mislead them and let them stay like they are right so on average uh like do you see a lot of people actually forgive after they come to you or [Laughter] maybe i shouldn't have asked that question you know i've never even thought to keep track of something like that yeah uh i just uh i can tell sometimes you know when person is struggling but i can tell when a person is struggling with a lot of things i mean you know you deal with somebody's dealing with some sort of uh a perversion and they come to me and they tell me i'm struggling i'm struggling i would rather somebody tell me that let me put my arms around them and love them and minister to them and somebody comes up to me and says well that's just the way god made me it's according how you know when somebody's wanting help and when somebody's just wanting a kitty or writing a license right some people have tried to tell me how bad they've been hurt i understand that but forgiveness there again is forgiveness and if it takes a little longer than work on it i mean it's worth the try it's worth the effort amen to forgive praise god uh so am i here on chat says how can you be sure you have forgiven someone when you don't wave at them with one finger and you don't uh you don't cuss them you don't right you don't keep bringing that subject up to other people and telling other people you're not trying to get more people on your side you are actually you are actually involved in now what i'm talking about being able to get that to such a a small memory that it no longer manifests itself in chance meetings right yeah exactly what are you gonna do when you walk face to face with somebody i mean yeah you're just gonna you know smile and walk by right because you do anything more than that then you're actually empowering that person if he offended you or she offended you on purpose and you let them know how bad it's bothering you yeah and you're just empowering them right so take that power away from them and i think um i think sometimes you we confuse um negative emotion from the hurt of it with oh maybe i haven't forgiven them yeah well there again feelings and forgiveness don't always match right right yeah so that's where we appropriate our faith right that even though we don't feel it right we forgive we forgive forgiven so pastor grant this was absolutely amazing and i just feel like uh with the questions coming in um i just want people to be at rest could you pray for our viewers that they could be at rest or they could just finally just let it go and know that they've forgiven absolutely amen well father we just come to you today loving you because you love us we're loving one another because you love us you have shed your love abroad in our hearts our hearts of love go out to all these people lord that are dealing with hurt father we just ask that your word become more and more and more clear to them that they begin to trust your word to be exactly what it is the most powerful powerful offensive and defensive weapon there is your word a forgiving heart lord god is what they want a forgiving heart is what they need and they're asking you now father lead them guide them direct them in your holy word for faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god and father we're just going to thank you in advance that there will be people responding and saying the lord is really really really leading me through this amen and it's not hurting like it used to hurt and i see now that god's way is best and we'll give you the praise and the glory father in the name of jesus amen amen so i just believe that many of you have been set free tonight by this message and i would love for you to share that with our prayer ministers and if you need further prayer please give them a call at 719-635-1111 also um don't forget we have live bible study tomorrow morning oh yeah i wanted to mention as well that if you would like to hear more of grant thigpen's teaching i would like you to go to his website and that is so that's they got a lot of stuff on there including podcasts and yeah and videos and stuff like that go on facebook as well oh on facebook as well at new hope naples and we even live stream our sunday first sunday morning service and our sunday night and our wednesday night they're okay yeah so there's a lot more opportunity for you to hear more of pastor grant so thank you pastor grant it was an honor just to be here well it was an honor to hear your teaching this was amazing amazing so make sure to tune in tomorrow morning 7 a.m mountain time for brighton early bible study again and you all have a good night and we'll see you tomorrow bye on october the 4th through the 8th at our facilities in charis bible college woodland park colorado we're going to have our 2021 ministers conference and i tell you this is for people that are in full-time ministry you have special needs we are going to be ministering specifically to you and it's just going to be an awesome time we've got our regular speakers myself bob nichols bob yandian carrie pickett greg moore duane sheriff and this year our guest is jesse duplantis and so i encourage you to make plans to join us it's going to be a great time at our charis facilities woodland park colorado october the 4th through the 8th our 2021 ministers conference [Music] you
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 1,085
Rating: 4.8421054 out of 5
Id: oi9hZClbgj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 23sec (2903 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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