Character Art for Video Games: Krampus - Brendon Isaiah Bengtson - ZBrush 2021.5

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hello hello looks like we are live what's up everybody brendan isaiah bankston here bringing you the smooth sounds of zebra shh what's up everybody how you guys doing me i'm good we're holding fast holding steady continuing to do the arts and have the funds and all sorts of other greatness today from brazil what's up man hello from california all right uh let's do that guy today argentina man we got people all over the world today but don't cry for me i'm sure you ever never get tired of hearing that joke right all right so today let's get into it we're just going to do a fun little speed sculpt of krumpus we're going to do a in case you guys don't know somebody doesn't know what krampus is he is a the demon of christmas the christmas demon that comes in snatches snatches up your children your children aren't good north dakota hey dude i was born in north dakota i was actually born in uh botnet hey you know botano north dakota you know i actually lived in a small town called saurus up there yeah near near the um near the canadian border you know uh yeah i was born in bot now crazy i always say that um you know if you're like oh you know north dakota what's north dakota like and i'm like all right look this is what north dakota is like north dakota is so flat that if you go and walk out into your field and you find just a little a boulder just a little boulder you jump up on that boulder and you look off into the distance and you look really really hard look at the the horizon and see like this little little speck on the horizon and it's the back of your own head that's how flat north dakota is all right today today we're gonna have some fun we're gonna do a quick uh little speed sculpty thingamajigger um and we're just going to they're going to start from demon hit demo head demon head law yeah i've been around for a little while yes i have been it's fun sculpting it's nice all right so here's what we're going to do we're just going to um let's see what kind of subtle i haven't used this subtool in forever we just got eyes and teeth i think that's fine we're just going to get rid of the eyes and teeth because i'm just going to use this for delete you guys can't hear me right just making sure everything is good yeah my mic is working okay cool all right uh so let's just let's say maybe that's okay um we'll delete lower delete higher portland oh yeah we're just going to get into this all right what do you think i think we should just leave it there man [Music] how's everybody doing how's um anybody ready for christmas anybody else ready for christmas i'm ready for christmas i don't know about you guys yes we are doing krampus today there's a krampus among us um and then i i like because i don't i don't like being influenced by anything here i usually just will i'm just going to fill all this in really i'm just looking for an overall head shape a random place of the ears and a jawline that's really kind of the the only big thing that i'm looking for so let's do dynamesh and let's just kill all that i don't really want to be influenced by what was there just looking for the base shape krampus just get rid of all that cool get rid of all that cool cool and now i have just a really quick base to kind of uh work from so we're going to kind of jaw do i want this dude to have i want to think about the profile here for a second maybe not big forehead dude we'll just kind of work on uh which table do i use do you mean uh which tablet yacon um i've actually made my entire career on the intuos 5 tablet medium yeah she's a hoot if i may okay so this i kind of bring all this stuff back cool i'm gonna dig out some eyes here i'm just gonna kind of first set up the way i like to do eyes and that's just i usually just append a sphere in let's grab a whoa i'm going to make this dude bigger let's say maybe about there okay let's make this two smaller okay and then uh this will usually get me the right size eyeballs and then i like to yeah it still works fantastic i've actually had i've been working on this tablet for since 2013 so seven years on this tablet made my entire career on this tab it's pretty crazy um my work from home i have a um a large intuos uh pro so it's a little bit it's a little jarring kind of going from the large um to the medium but it's not that big of a deal whatever so let's mirror weld cool we got some eyes and then what i like doing is i like um just sculpting the eyelashes eyelashes the eyelids above this we are in officially the valley of the suck right now so it's one of the things that i that i always hate is the very beginning stages where everything looks like doo doo you know like super doo doo okay we're gonna give him some downward sloping eyes and then now you can kind of start getting the feel of like how big are are these eyes in the um like count doo-doo oh no that's count dooku that was way off um i like in my little demon dudes um typically i like my eyes a little bit smaller than larger because they tend to look a little bit more creaturesque the smaller they are so this is where i i kind of get the overall feeling of the depth of the eyes all right we're going to kind of push this back just a touch i want to have a super small nose we're going to have like the orc style nose um maybe orc slash bat i think might be kind of cool so like the nostril kind of comes back like this he looks like very concerned krampus he's like i just i really feel bad for you that i'm gonna scare the crap out of you one of these days i really want to do a uh warhammer 40 000 nurgle space green sculpt i've been listening to a lot of horus heresy books over the last certain number of years okay so whatever the other thing i really want to do is i want to make sure i decide early on what is the mouth going to be open or closed typically i want the mouth open man he's like super brain child guy let's do this okay that's starting to look proportion wise just a little less mega mind super brain guy um so i'm gonna do mouth open on this guy so we're just going to kind of decide what his upper maxilla area is going to look like and then what i'll do is i'll usually just oops let me grab something like that yeah it's been seven years man yeah the medium is definitely more definitely more uh portable for sure well that and it was it was uh at the beginning um it was such a big price difference between the the medium and the large that um i couldn't really afford the large anyways so i was kind of forced forced into it okay so what does the opening of his mouth look like i like having like this little like hitches in the openings of the mouth they're fun to have so then i'm just going to i'm just going to throw this in i don't care what it's like dynamesh gotta love dynamesh okay now let's work on for me uh it's a little bit more creepy when the head and that like the neck is longer and not like super like if if the neck is just a touch long it gives us this really awesome creepiness to it because it's a little out of out of normal you know yeah ice walker too yeah yes i want to make sure that i keep maintaining just a relative shape of the sternocleidomastoid just for the giggles who knows what this guy's anatomy actually looks like yeah the wireless prices goes high yeah exactly um i knew i wasn't really going to i was going to do most of my work uh from my workstation at home so i wasn't too worried about not having um wireless capabilities there i'm just gonna wrangle in the head shape just a little bit i don't want to be so like top heavy like how it feels now and once these nice flows too like i don't i don't like i don't like this whole like super straight lines they don't really feel very organic you can get away with straight lines and shapes in organic but it's always better to add just a little bit of curvature even if it's like mostly straight having even just a small amount um really helps kind of the natural feel okay so the jaw definitely needs some work um chin heavy usually is kind of like dumpy looking so i want him to be like kind of uh definitely more aggressive so i'm going to try to get some thinner shapes and i kind of go back and forth between different brushes and stuff really quickly on my my keyboard so if you're ever wondering what i'm using you can always just check up here okay this this overall shape is a little gross and funky okay that's it's a good place to start he's kind of non-descript at the moment which is okay art's hard i think i think hard is so very easy but when i start to learning really it's not easy i think the biggest thing for art in the beginning of your career is just learning patience patience to you know not always have to feel pressured to make really good looking things off the bat um you know i've been i've been doing this for a really long time and even i even my stuff looks like doo doo like off the bat you know so it's really you see like a lot of these art pieces that people have spent you know quite a lot of time refining and um you know making the mistakes be kind of behind behind the presentation and um we're used to seeing you know sick art and not all of the things that go into making that sick art so that was one of the things that i had to learn early on was just how to be patient you know learn the things that you need to learn and discover the things that you need to learn it's really it's really tough when you're trying to like learn all the things you know and you don't quite know all of the things that you need to learn so just having patience in that regard is super important okay so that's so we need to start making him a little bit more aggressive so aggressive is frowny face so anything that has like this like permafrown in it all right this whole patience is everything you know if you look at all of the successful entities in this world a lot of times you just see successes and not all of the failures you know for every success there's literally countless countless failures before that and if you get massive success without the failures then more often than not it's just a fluke in an accident you know being in the right place at the right time with the right idea you know that how that kind of goes but okay so now let's start just so primary shapes are kind of starting to to kick in um let's start working on very broad secondary shapes okay he's fairly nondescript at the moment maybe what we'll do maybe we can actually get more like a a snout on this guy that'd be kind of cool just to kind of push him out of the oh i'm just uh uh why am i not using 21.5 that's a good question and the valid answer is i just haven't had time to update yet i haven't had the time i barely had time to prep for this stream as you can tell yeah maybe it's actually maybe he's got like this type of am i uh the um the pixar guys set up the titles oh yeah i will upgrade i just haven't had time to do it yet you like you like the thicker bridge of the nose kind of it's kind of it's really interesting playing with shapes and stuff in like shape language at this point um that's one of the kind of my more favorite things is like you know what what does this guy say what does he do um shape wise you know what does the language of his shape say maybe that's better what's up alex how you doing i highly encourage everybody to uh support pixel as as much as possible those guys are just they're so awesome okay so maybe that's that's kind of cool uh let's let's try to develop his forehead a little bit here and then we also got to um do teeth and we got to do maybe we should bring this down a little bit oh yeah there we go that feels a little better everything was so high and i think he almost looks like joe biden right there huh like in the eyes right here i don't know what so weird [Music] all right um so let's let's get in some horns on this guy for horns typically we'll just append another sphere let's just get some geo up here yeah sure sounds good and we'll do aaron weld hey it's mickey mouse uh then we'll just do snake hook i do want to play with the new snake hook stuff that looks pretty cool okay let's make sure that we have symmetry on there we go hey stay cooked what are you doing oh uh we're gonna do sculptures that's what i want to do oh why are you stopping why are you doing that okay let's just play with some horn shapes here see it feels good i like the whole like this the super twisty almost flat kind so uh let's say let's let's say it comes like this comes back let's just work on dynamesh here so it comes like this and then it comes back and twists like that all right and then this comes out like that and then we can flatten this stuff out okay and then maybe we've got another ridge that comes like this that one goes in that kind of crunkled crinkled compass look maybe we can do a little concavity stuff going here then we can start playing with like the rotation maybe it's actually something more like that or this this part's fun more side of the head like that then what we can do is um we can dupe this guy make these guys a little bit smaller kind of thinking of those like uh the the four horned goats you seen those those are pretty cool something like that that's kind of cool our script is starting to get somewhere that would cook up with fire all right let's try to get maybe a little bit more aggressiveness here maybe pull this in a little maybe a little bit more skeletal feel pronounce those zygomas a little more maybe they actually protrude off of them too kind of cool he's got that like hook hook zagoma oh that kind of goes in there that's kind of cool all right oh yeah we're going to kind of give this guy's open mouth opening just a little more umph maybe we can vary up the chin there gotta have a little bit of lip right okay let's work on some teeth all right okay 30 minutes in i think this shape's got to go this way this shape has got to go kind of something like that okay let's get in some teeth start playing with some teeth some teeth men okay uh again so with teeth i usually will just start with in appended spheres as well just like the horns uh let's do it the other way actually let's do it the other way uh so let's delete this guy and we'll just use insert brush so b i n g o ngo uh my kids have been listening a lot of kid music lately okay i'm on this guy and we'll just just get a sphere here the nice thing is that it it automatically it automatically isolates it with a mask which is nice got caterpillars at the moment huh you can always just smooth them out and kind of thin them down a little okay then maybe what we'll do is we'll point them in a little bit more what's up tall okay point that and then we'll just kind of point these guys start sharpen them up a bit i like having subtle kind of variations in the um silhouette for the teeth see how we just you know it's not completely centrical cylindrical you know on this side you've got a little bit more of a different type of curvature than you do on the front it just kind of gives a little bit more interesting shapes to the teeth you know maybe they actually flare forward it's always a little bit more creepy when the teeth kind of protrude forward okay sure yes we are making compass we are making the crumpie all right so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to do split unmask points that is split unmasked points is come on all right tooltip's not coming up there we go um tool subtool split unmask points so it's in subtool split split on mass points there we go basically it's going to split everything that's not masked into its own new so then what i can do is let's take a look at the wireframe okay cool now i'm just going to use uh ctrl alt and drag to make new ones and that again is going to mask everything else which is nice and then let's let's thin those guys out quite a bit that's not creepy at all is it yay for creepy all right and then i'm going to use uh control alt click and drag again to make some new ones there that maybe these ones go in and then we're going to make those a little bit smaller and then longer you know what i always do um i always tend to put my teeth way too far out so i'm gonna make sure that these guys are actually sitting in here so he's got enough out here for an actual lip all right and this is on the inside here so what i want to do is i want to create some gums for this dude there's a couple ways i can do it i can just append in a new thing and just kind of sculpt sculpted into that or what i can do is i could just take this one which i think i'm going to do uh let's duplicate this guy duplicate duplicate duplicate and then i'm just going to grab that let's group masked hide everything else like that delete hidden okay cool that looks good that's good actually you know what before i do that i want to actually grab all of that back there all that okay cool let's get rid of that don't eat that okay cool group uh mast cool delete hidden polish records possibly groups is in defamation pause for groups okay so now i the reason why i do that is because now it's in that same area with that same basic shape which is basically what i want and then uh to give it some extra i can either use qmesh in the z modeler brush or i can just go into i can also do dynamesh let's see what dynamesh actually does [Music] let's do panel loops instead so pan loops i want negative because i want to go in and then let's just see what that gives me that's okay maybe a little bit more thickness i'm just looking for some geo on the inside that's fine and then dynamesh that and then we have something a little bit better here just smooth all this stuff out in here get rid of some of that weird weirdness there we go cool now i got some gums got some gums got some guns i'm gonna try a back face mask of my clay buildup so that i don't do this and i'm just going to fill in some of this in here just so that when i sculpt on the other side it doesn't give me the grossness oh come on there you go come on everybody still with me okay so now what i can do is just let's just push that in and then we're going to pull this down and there's my gums look at that and then i can use this stuff up here for the flesh the skin the skin man then maybe what i'll do is i kind of want all this to go down just a little bit more i don't want to see all that i want this to kind of be i want to see those gums man i want to see those gums not too much don't do too much gums or no maybe all the gums maybe all the gums looks like he's got an orange in his mouth all right let's just sculpt these guys up just a little bit real quick so it doesn't look so dorky looking flatten all that out okay that's where those teeth are that's what that tooth is all right upper lip looks a little funky muggy uh what what would i use to re re toppo i i think ritapo really depends on what your out your output is going to be um for me if i was going to make this into uh an actual like if this was for an actual video game company and i was going to make this then i would uh i probably do like maya or moto to get like a proper retopology but usually for my own stuff um i don't care too much uh about the topology so i could i probably will just end up making something uh here in zbrush if it's my personal stuff i'll i'll usually do that you get some subtle kind of shape changes coming through here okay it's starting to look okay so just working on you know secondary shape language and overall feel okay he definitely needs more teeth so let's do more teeth okay so let's do this let's take a look at that okay that's cool let's do auto groups and then mirror weld and that will give me the same groups on both sides so what i'm going to do is use my move tool and we'll do control click and that's going to auto mask just that polygroup and then now i can use ctrl alt and just pull those super helpful sometimes we can be kind of interesting to kind of overlap some stuff like that that's kind of cool kinda like that cool let's pull this guy back and we'll start making them a little smaller now i don't want all of the teeth to be the same shape right now they're kind of they're all the same shape basically so instead of pulling another one off here what i'm going to do is i'm going to insert a new a new mesh and build a new tooth because if i force myself to build a new tooth then the shape will be different which is what i want i don't want that to be so out there okay hey hey there we go okay it will pull pull this back because i don't want i don't really want it i want to kind of coming out this way and not necessarily down so i'm going to pull kind of the mass of this back this way a little bit and then i can pull this oh just a touch more what's animation how you doing man how's everybody doing let's push that back in i want a little bit more curvature so i'm going to pull that out a little bit these guys let's control click i'm going to bring these guys out just a touch okay so let's get in things good things are good nice suddenly feel like his jaw is too long so i want to try to get that right before that's a little better his job like the corner of his jaw felt a little too low okay all right let's get some more teeth in there that's what we really need that's that's the thing that's missing more all right so uh okay i'm on the gums so i'm just gonna do b i for brush insert go back to my regular insert brush i'm on sphere and now i can just let's grab some more i'll just start getting just different shapes in here i'm thinking more like uh kind of like canine back teeth that's kind of cool i like how they're all kind of pointing forward it feels cool i'm just going to force myself to make new ones that way it like it gives it like this kind of nice organic difference which is which is nice okay so then uh let's go bi back to my brush insert and then we'll get another one back here cool oops back to my move brush maybe this one i'll have actually two points on it so maybe you can do is this dynamesh no i don't want dynamesh yet when did i feel ready professionally when you came out of university oh god no i honestly i still don't feel like i'm ready for what i'm actually doing um that's the whole like you know imposter syndrome feeling that whole thing like it's it's actually let me take that back i i felt most ready when i was comfortable in my problem solving skills because all the work that you do you're never going to be you're never having done before so like you know everything that i worked on for you know captain america or kate bishop or um you know any of the enemy robots that we have like all that stuff i've never done that stuff before but what i what i needed to do was be comfortable in how to solve problems and i think that's that's the thing that gets overlooked quite a bit just problem solving that's all that's all like this industry is i mean really almost any industry is you know how comfortable are you with coming up with creative solutions for problems i think that's the thing that's going to help uh catapult you through your professional career and logic logic is another big one you kind of look at like um all these different companies and all these different specialists and you know the the prop if you if you break down the problem it's really do you have enough knowledge to make the correct logical decision moving forward to the solution that you want to get to you know whether it's creating a vaccine or creating a economical plan for food stamps or you know creating blend shapes across multiple head geometries with different uvs like it's really just about creative problem solving and using logic that's kind of sorry i got real deep on you guys there for a second i did i kind of did so let's isolate these teeth so we're going to look at um polygroups those are just those are all other polygroups which just fine and then i just want to split hidden and then let's combine those with the other teeth so i'm just so this one here down to this ones we'll just do merge down which is fine cool here we go um and then what i'm gonna do is i kind of like this feeling right like you've got this vector this one and then these this the vector of these teeth kind of continue this right so like it's very like outward going really don't like that lip though jeez that's a little better yeah i mean like you know there there's so many things that you have to learn how to do but uh you know when it comes down to you know character art why am i doing that this should go up this way these in between should be down i always get that mixed up so this goes up this goes down this goes up this goes down this goes up this goes down but this goes out this goes in this goes out this goes in there we go so up here out here in down there we go now it's starting to look like right dave ah the teeth it just looks a little big huh it looks a little big his like maxilla is gigantic so i think what i'm going to do is i want to make it smaller i want to make all the teeth and the gums smaller so how do i do that there's a couple of different ways you can combine the gums with the uh with the teeth or what you can do is i haven't shown this in a while you can use the move tool and use this little do bopper transpose all selected subtools right so if you hit that guy it gives you the oh i'm going to do all of them which is pretty cool because then you can just move everything but if you want to just move some things you can use your select lasso and you say i don't want to move those guys right and that gives you that whole like weird like oh my god what did i do i broke it look that deselect those guys so i'm only selected those things that i want to move and then i can move those just however i want to and they're kept like that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn off symmetry i'm going to go to unmask center and reset okay so then i'm going to just pull this in just a touch of course you can only use that um with the move right like you can't like use brushes on multiple sub tools so if you want to use like the move brush then you would need to put those together so i'm probably going to just end up doing that so let's turn that off because the thing can get a little bit weird and i want to keep the size of the teeth a little bit so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to merge down i just want to make sure that my groups are good those groups are good oh i don't want to try to mesh that let's turn dynamesh off of that guy there we go okay so cool let's go to this one we're just going to merge down and i can separate those out because they are in different uh sub um polygroups so now what i can do is i can use a couple of different move tools typically i use this uh move topological which is nice because it's basically whatever you click on that's the thing that's the mesh part that moves but if you use the regular move it moves everything in the sub tool so i tend to kind of go back and forth a little bit between the two so i have them on hot keys so s is move topological shift s is move it's supposed to be move all right let's let's set it real quick um if you guys don't oh have you guys run into this anybody ever run into that oh my god what i do this used to freak me out so bad when i first started learning zbrush you're like oh my god i don't know what i did i don't want to lose everything i haven't saved it the nice thing is that all of the work that you're doing on this this model is based on the tool and in your tool you have subtools tools each one of these sub tools has its own history so what you're doing is you're taking all of the information in that tool and then you're just placing it onto a canvas so basically what happened was i dropped that first head the big one right there and then picked up a new version of the head so that's that's kind of what's happening but all the information is not built into the document that i'm working on this whole document is based on the tool so all i have to do is just go document new document and then i can just drop my tool back in like that hit edit and then we're right back where we started i have all of my history because all of it lives inside the tool with the sub tools in the tool anywho uh so looks like my shortcut is no longer working so i'm going to show you how you do that real quick so uh ctrl alt and click on the thing that you want to assign a shortcut cool then up there in the very top left it says press any key combination and then i'm going to do shift s yup that's fine so shift s should get me to regular move and s should get me to move topology all right so i'm going to just move this dude in a little bit and then i'm going to move all these guys in so i use that quite a bit where i'll move in between regular move and move topological and then what you could do is let's say if i'm trying to grab these teeth here and i keep on grabbing this guy what you could do is use the move tool do control click and uh auto mask invert the mask and then now everything else is masked so then now no matter what i don't i don't grab the gums kind of cool huh and this is also another way i like doing edits after the fact you know i can come in and just do quick all right maybe i want to do all of them so i'm going to switch to regular move and maybe i can just get like this kind of protruding out a little bit more okay clear the mask and then um i want to move all of it out just a little bit more there we go so between you know quick masking move topology and move regular you can really get um some quick work done which is nice yay quick work all right let me just do this again so i'm just gonna auto hide that or sorry auto mask it there we go the only thing is if i'm trying to grab this up here like the root of this tooth i'm not able to grab it because it's trying to grab the gums so you kind of have to work around that just a little bit but it's usually not too big of a too big a deal okay let's move on all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do the same thing for the bottom lip real quick i think what we're going to do is let's open up his mouth a little bit more we need some more room in this case i'm going to turn off perspective turn off perspective thank you i'm gonna grab that something like that cool and then let's re-dynamesh real quick smooth that out maybe he's got this like gigantic gullet okay lots of work still to do um got an hour left all right let's just really quickly mash in some integration here question is where does where do he his ears go i think maybe what we'll do is we'll we'll push these guys back like this or give room for his ears up front this is a really good um time to use any kind of pre-existing uh like masterpieces typically what i like to do is i keep um like extra creature parts around um i grabbed this brush from bad king about a million years ago and i use it quite a bit it's the um creature pack that they have i also think that pablo has one too you could take a take a gander at so let's look at um so let's go brush no uh it's in here so we go let's go to brush let's see if i have them loaded up or not i don't think i do i don't that's okay we'll just make our own we will make our own so here we're going to go make our own ears ready append a sphere let's just make that thinner right off the bat okay his ears are going to go out like that cool uh so we're gonna mirror weld real quick so we have both on both sides turn on symmetry and then we're just gonna start shaping some ears quick super quick come on give me a thing ears are always so hard to do for me uh hey doing ears okay let's do back face mask oh it's on backwards fast i'm going to get a little bit more geo over here so i can sculpt into this thing without it kind of poking through on that side so back face mask is on which is helpful backward mask if you want it is in brush auto masking back face mask that is brush specific so you have to turn it on and or off per brush okay so we've got the in a regular ear you got the conical i don't even know what these i don't know what the names of the pieces are so i'm not even going to try so this is going to go in we've got like a little whole earhole protector thingamajig there got the load that goes down there got the shape that goes in like that we've got this shape that kind of comes out and then in sure i'm not worried about the ears at the moment just want to get at least their placement in because it it definitely affects the the silhouette so i want to make sure that at least we have a representation of where those are in the silhouette and how these guys are placed around them like i like this like cylindrical shape happening you got kind of thing just like that it's cool i like that so much sculpting time and so little real world time okay so that's that's moving in the right decision the right the right direction is where it's moving okay maybe a little less forehead there okay we definitely want him a little bit more angry looking so i want to make sure that he's kind of got this girl look to him as a resting rbf is that what they call it interesting face all right so give him some of that again some of this give him a little okay let's get him we gotta give him some uh a tongue and we gotta give him uh some bottom teeth so here's what i'm gonna do rodaska what's up buddy amen man how you been hope you are well [Laughter] uh i'm doing good man i'm hanging in there you know trying to stay positive trying to uh spread the knowledge the knowledges uh nice job dude congrats okay he's moving in the right direction so let's i kind of want to use the same teeth but i kind of don't so what i'm going to do is uh for this sake of time i'm just going to take this piece and we're going to dupe it and we're going to we're going to mirror it in the y i don't know he's on third and i don't give a darn cool mirrored in the y demon of my dental dreams exactly he's uh is not so nice he also can't close his mouth which is fine i don't care he kind of looks a little dumpy from the side here that i need to i need to try to fix hey ethan this is a zbrush 2021 only the best software for sculpting out there okay uh what is the most annoying thing for you in whole character development process uvs three topo and uvs for me let's see if we can get he looks a little like the shapes make him feel a little kind of dorky from the profile this starts to feel okay and a little bit more aggressive in the way that i want to go but here it's just you know so we're going to work on more aggressive shapes uh in the whole shape language thing right now he's kind of got this curve and like this kind of gentle curve and this curve and this curve so the more aggressive things you like you want to have a little bit more kind of angular and less kind of bubbly even already he looks better because we have a little bit more of an angle so maybe what i'm going to do is i'm going to work on that already feels a little better yeah it feels way better one of the things that i've learned is go with your gut uh if your gut is trying to say something's a little bit off not quite there it's a good chance that somebody else will feel the same way and you should fix it you should fix it alright let's give him a little bit more jaw back here okay the zygoma is going to go back this way let's give him a little bit more ridge a little more temple he's an adobe illustrator yeah everybody has their um their poison if i may you know um for me i didn't i i i work a little bit more kind of messy i'm more of like a messy artist so um when i was doing design stuff like it's good it's definitely good to have something you could be super clean in but that wasn't really my cup that's not my cup of tea baby thinking maybe we need to needs to be a little bit more shallow the eye depth from the ridge of the nose to here needs to be more but this needs to open up back here more that's what i'm feeling there we go that's starting to kind of open up his eye socket a little bit more what's up evening how you doing uh let's see marmoset or key shot try and decide between the two um bmag uh if are you are you doing video game art or are you doing more art for illustration concept stuff if you're doing con yeah concept then you're probably uh keyshot is better because you're not worried about like actual like engine rendering and you know you're not going to be making a bunch of uvs and you know applying materials and stuff specifically to your uvs you're just trying to like get some sculpts you're trying to you know get some images and then just render them out quick i would highly suggest a con key shot for that then you don't you skip the whole like re-toppo uh uv work all of that stuff you skip if you do video game art i would highly suggest marmoset okay so that's starting to feel better i'm going to give his neck just a little bit more thickness here starting to feel a little a little too see i always my problem is for for my art i always tend to i tend to like try to get out of my comfort zone so like a lot of times because i've i've been so anatomy based for so long i've i've done muscular muscular dudes for forever so whenever i try to kind of get out of that i always end up slipping back into it so i gotta sometimes i really gotta try to force myself to think skinny there we go all right so that's starting to feel a little better this still needs work okay most of my pieces are in maybe give him just a little bit more of a bottom lip down here thanks ducky we gotta give him a tongue that's what we gotta do i think we're gonna go super super creepy with this guy on in the tongue right he's like i've seen i've seen demons before whatever you know you know i've seen him i'd you know what's new is there anything new how do you make something different from all the thousands of things that you've already seen you know what we could do is trying to think i want to do it real quick yes then i'm thinking actually multiple tongues like tongues coming out of the side let's do that so so brush insert we're going to do insert brush here and then we're going to do see if my snake hook is deciding to work just trying some stuff see if see what kind of like works and what doesn't okay let's do split on mass points let's go to this let's dynamesh that okay maybe we'll do 56 on this why is this one having such a hard time maybe 32. oh why it is like chunking hard i'm gonna get a crash here in a second [Laughter] okay why yay live problem solving maybe we'll just interesting okay you know what we're gonna do we're gonna get out of the car and we're gonna light the car on fire and then we're never gonna think about the car again that's what we're gonna do instead we're gonna use this car all right let's duplicate this guy sometimes you just have to abandon whatever it is you're doing it's just it's just a little bit easier to do it that way okay see if that is gonna work at all at least we can get an idea of what it feels like in there and i got a feeling it's not gonna work it's not feeling great at the moment if you're gonna fail fail hard fail fast that's what they say right look it's like taffy oh it's like taffy oh it's so good ah so sometimes i use this trick quite a bit so if i want to um kind of connect these and i'm using dynamesh i could just go in and like just touch it a bit and then pull it back out like that and then re-dynamesh it oh sneaky tricky well now dynamesh is working ah van horizon dude that that movie i don't get scared much but that one freaked me the hell out man all seven times that i watched it [Laughter] that was that was a great uh cult classic movie it's really cool to see um sam sam sam neil i think that was his name right the actor it's great to see sam neil is like kind of a bad guy that's kind of cool i think we could kind of make this work but we're going to have to take it out of symmetry though the symmetry is really killing it so like maybe this one's kind of like hanging out down here and then this one is like maybe kinda like rotate it out a little bit so right so underrated but like everybody that that appreciates that is like yeah that's a great movie when did you find out that you wanted to become an artist in the video game industry that uh since childhood is that a dream since childhood that um so i i've been fortunate to to kind of have one kind of consecutive dream since childhood uh i've always drawn quite a bit uh in my life so i was kind of always doing art as a kid and you know drawing monsters and you know all that fun stuff uh so you know when i was growing up i was like well you know i should i you know maybe i'll be an engineer or something like engineers kind of are still able to make a good living and maybe maybe i can do that the shape is not going well um so i kind of played with you know being an engineer creating stuff because i really love creating things and then then i saw toy story and i was like that's it that's what i want to do i want to work i love technology and i love art i saw toy story and i was like that's it that's what i wanted i want to go into video game not yeah at that point it wasn't really even video game art it was just computer graphic art for and i just i love the characters um and i've always been kind of an anatomy buff anyways so i was like i want to do characters so like pixar for a long time was like oh that's what i want to do i want to do i want to work for pixar and work on these movies and stuff um but then uh you know i also grew up a video game kid you know we had we had a in television we had uh you know an nes and s you know the whole kitten caboodle so uh it was very much a natural move to kind of go from movies to doing video game art and i've always wanted to do characters so it was kind of this natural progression but it was always like i want to do computer art of some kind maybe maybe this one goes forward and then maybe what we can do yeah toy story you just said you just wanted to speak to your toys yeah that too all right we got 30 minutes left all right um we do have to so we got to wrap up the tongue we've got to wrap up the eyes and then we'll see if we can get a lot maybe like a hood or something on them okay so let's so we'll get this 256. i'll get a little bit more on this guy let's even get just get the the shapes a little bit closer to what like a tongue shape is so they don't just look like pieces of bacon hanging out of his mouth you know sometimes to tell you the truth sometimes during these streams it's almost it almost feels like the zbrush uh summit scoped off you're like okay you've got like everybody's kind of watching you and you've got two hours to make something awesome ready wait for it [Laughter] go okay let's get see if we can get this to look like a time british pickup but for for sculpting there you go now they're starting to feel a little bit more like a tongue that's kind of cool all right see demon with two tongues haha not very many that's for sure okay let's work on this shape here a little bit all right so we still got to do the eyes a little bit better they're real non-descript at this point so i'd like to get a little bit more refinement in there so let's see if we can get some eyes going here and actually what's going to help is getting some a little bit of color on these guys so let's start working with um let's see if we can do it the chrome i think oh oh save give me a second i'm going to save this off chromos okay save that guy off um so typically what i like to do is i get to i get to about this point um and then i i like starting to uh block in some colors so let's just get out of this real quick no that's fine and let's let's continue okay let's load that tool back up get out of the car get back in the car right red wax for the win okay um so i i typically like uh when i get to this point to block in some color values of what i want this dude to do okay i'm on that let's do chrome something weird is going on oh thanks gfx from kenya nice man nice appreciate the support out there wow what is going on holy jesus okay okay okay man there's a weird stuff going on okay so um maybe instead what we'll do is we'll just start painting and we'll just paint some colors on there alright so let's get this guy man there's some weird stuff going on it's okay um so when i'm painting uh i usually will just use the standard brush i usually don't like um cameron what's up man i know it has been a while uh i i don't like changing uh the textures and alphas and and stuff on the other brushes so i tend to just use the standard brush for my coloring so let's do texture is off let's use just a standard here okay and then let's go fill object and then now we can say let's turn that off let's turn rgb on and now we can do this okay so we're going to give them like this super kind of pale uh red tone as a base something a little bit more like that something more like that so i'm just gonna really quickly just uh and i'm using the spray because the spray gives a little bit more breakup than just a solid fill you can kind of see how that that's working here it just gives it a good kind of subtle variation it's good it's usually a good base like that and then what i'll do is just continue that refinement so maybe we'll go a little bit more you know what are some of the dark areas i just start blocking out just some some very basic basic value shifts you know kind of give them a little bit like of that um ao effect maybe an occlusion just start kind of pushing and pulling some values just ever so slightly to get an idea of what i want him to feel like all right and then whatever maybe some of these some of the color choice designs are going to be and this um i find that gives a lot of a kind of more finalized feel during the sculpting creation process right because it start you start getting a much different feel out of the character once you start blocking in some of the colors at least from a block out point of view you know then you start just playing with some stuff and then and then getting some color variation in there too as i tend to just throw the hue around a little bit just to introduce some extra colors some extra hues i should say all right and then maybe just a a super basic uh design as well you know are is it going to have any kind of pattern work or anything on it maybe kind of cool like maybe we'll just you know we'll try to do like the steve wang style where he's got you know maybe something like this yeah it's just not only so it's not only just blocking in forms and and playing with what uh the shapes feel like but it's also playing with the values um of your colors and the hues and because that all of that is your creature design you know what is that what does that feel like all right maybe he's also got some design work kind of coming up here as well all right so then you can go back in and say all right well um now that i got like just a basic idea of what some of those are and i can start kind of pushing and pulling the forms a little bit more to to kind of have them work in concert because that's that's the fun part all right now i can start playing with let's re-dynamesh real quick um yeah you can you can you know you can uh you can do different ways of of creating the ao i guess you could say um you know you can mask by feature and do it that way um if you have layers like if you're if you're um i'm sorry if you have subdivisions on you can actually go into and look at caddy masking cabinet mesh is also in brush so if you go into brush let's just open it on the side here so if you go into brush and you go auto masking the back face mask is right here but if you see how the cavity mask is grayed out if i took this and created a subdivision then i am able to use the the cavity mask so what that cavity mask says is uh from this from zero up is where i'll get color right it's basically saying okay on the highlights where as if you say negative it'll start painting in some of the kind of the cracks like that it gets a it gets real pixelated really quickly so i don't i don't use it much unless i just want to kind of get in and do like you know maybe i want some happy accidents uh with some of the color you know maybe i'll start kind of doing it that way but i i don't like this like heart hard shapes but that's just because i don't have a whole lot of um i don't have a whole lot of sculptural detail so if i had like super like you know a lot more detail on this guy and then i go in and start painting with that cavity mask you'll obviously get more interesting stuff but it kind of pixelates out really quickly so i don't i don't technically use it but you could use it okay um so now that we have a little bit more geo i can come in and start playing with just some more secondary shapes you could even get to a point i used to do this quite a bit too is combine uh coloring and sculpting at the same time let's do let's just go let's go let's go up to this of course i grew up on bob ross this is a happy little happy little demons everywhere happy little demons maybe we'll kind of clean up the eyelids here a little bit oh so another thing you can do is you can combine sometimes i do this too and i'm just trying to look for kind of happy accidents and stuff i can combine my rgb with adding you know so like maybe what i'll do is uh i'll color sample this here but then i make i want to make it quite a bit lighter you know so i can actually come in and sculpt while i'm sculpting i'm actually painting as well so you could do that if you're like okay maybe i'll i'll color pick that maybe i actually want that to be a little bit darker and then you know maybe maybe you're switching right so like uh if you're doing a sculptural detail for like crevices you know so maybe i'll go to my damn standard and then i'll turn on rgb for that and now when i'm i'm sculpting and coloring at the same time so uh you can kind of get two birds with one stone when you're doing when you're doing this and then you can just color pick right so you're like oh i want to color pick that and then wait why didn't it color pick it did why is it not oh interesting anyways maybe i can come in and just lighten this up while i'm sculpting it some really cool ways to to do different things at the same time and then uh there's a lot of times when um i'll want to do some detail work so like if i want to start maybe grabbing uh i like this one quite a bit to add uh noise i'll use this harsh side right and then i'll use um i should use regular freehand but then what i'll do is i'll take my focal shift all the way down to zero i used to do this all the time i don't do it all the time anymore and then let's turn the intensity quite a ways down and then you can come in that's a little bit too much so if i want to just kind of create a noise pass in specific areas a little bit right i can go in between adding and subtracting like this it just kind of adds this noise now i know that there's a a noise brush now i think is it in this one i think it's in 21.5 there is a noise brush right here so you can kind of do the same thing add let's do you do stuff like this too right you just you start adding some surface breakup and then you know even before you start your final pass on you know before you even done with with secondary you can come in and start all right and then maybe i'll go back to my sculptor and let's turn off rgb for now so you kind of got this whole like cohesive feeling now with you know having some some color on him so let's color pick here and then actually you know what maybe i want to do some purples in here i want to start adding turn on rgb might help here we go then if you use spray it'll actually give you like different values um sometimes they do hue shift i don't remember if they do hue shift or not but they do different value shifts like subtle value shifts i love i love using the um the spray for that oh if you use the color spray it'll give you it will actually give you huge shifts so that's the difference between the two edible what's up man what's up riz how you guys doing uh did you find that substance painter will chug your pc the zbrush and four million polish will be fine um i try not to put a ton of polys into substance painter uh just because it doesn't it doesn't handle that many that well so uh i like introducing color i mean um hue shifts wherever i can kind of get a little bit more of a natural feeling that way animator nice we need you guys yeah maybe i'll maybe i'll get a little bit in there and then i go back to my color spray and do this light i actually started my career uh well i wouldn't say my career take that back i started my 3d obsession with lightwave so for me my journey was uh light wave and then uh maya and then softimage xsi then into zbrush uh and then moto and lately i've been using a lot of moto only because it's it's uh less expensive for you know a home business i mean i'm making a whole you know when i was freelancing i want to make sure that i had proper software licenses so moto was the cheapest at the time so they had a good indie program with steam actually okay cool so let's go and um i actually like i really like this purple purple is pretty devious looking maybe we'll just do kind of purple all over in here oh nice well hey lightweight's still around huh all right so then maybe what i'll do is i'll go a little bit darker in here so some of these more recessed areas will get starting to become a little too dark okay got about five minutes left where are we going to leave this guy so let's go [Music] cancel come on dude okay we'll do this we're going to use my move tool to isolate this guy and then we'll do um we want to fill rgb so we'll do fill object that's going to fill that and then what we'll do is we'll switch we'll just do kind of a base fill for the teeth down here at the bottom maybe what we'll do is we'll take like an orange and a little bit of value shift i mean um hue shift in there just to kind of play against those worms against the cools and then maybe we'll do uh so the question is can this poly painting be used uh and have a nice effect in rendering yes absolutely so basically what we're doing is we're just assigning color value to the vertexes that this is using right so like if we look at this guy each one of these when we're painting on here each one of these uh vertexes is saying okay i'm going to be this color this value this hsv and then this one is saying i'm going to be a different hsv so it's whatever hue saturation value is what that is basically what you're doing is it's it's it's assigning an hsv value to each one of these vertices and then when you export um the mesh obj will contain um the hsv values for each vertices when you do it so technically yes you could bake this out as you go thanks for following social media thanks man appreciate it camille all right so let's do uh let's do fill object and we're on the tongue all right so then if i go to something else it'll stay that color now what i'm going to do is add just a little bit of color value break up to this guy so uh we'll do we'll color pick that guy and then we'll just kind of add maybe some blue and we're just going to lighten up maybe the top we'll keep the back nice and dark back there okay maybe we'll add a little bit of warmth up here oh look we're making a compass compass there's a compass homologous all right then we're just going to also do some basic color stuff let's turn the alpha off on that guy let's do color fill okay so it fills with that color okay and then maybe what we'll do is we'll grab this and we'll we'll give the different planes of this just a different um hsv what type of art do i do um i am a character artist in the video game industry that's just what i do and that's what i do you have nightmares now well i mean that's that's technically what krampus is supposed to do right it's supposed to give you nightmares so that your kids behave okay so maybe i got this like spiral um color values happening like this which is cool i like it should i make tekken no uh let's give it a little bit more so let's say instead of uh 128 would say 256 all right we got to wrap this guy up i probably will work more on this guy on the next stream i don't have a stream turn off rgb thank you all right maybe we'll just get a little bit of breakup coming through here two hours is is not much time to make a full awesome bust at least for me while i'm well i'm teaching in and chatting so um i'm working uh i work right now i work at uh crystal dynamics so i'm i am lead character artist on avengers most recently you can see my work uh some of my work on the kate bishop dlc of course is a major major team effort there's a so many artists and work that goes into all of that so definitely not just me i live in california the uh the home base for redwood city i mean for crystal dynamics is in redwood city all right maybe we'll just try to get a little bit of texture for now while we're trying to wrap this for today and let's get let's make his eyes dark like they should be there we go okay a couple more quick things and then we got to call this guy for today so let's try to leave him in a decent state so i'm just going to i'm just gonna lighten up some of this stuff i'm not quite ready to have it so dark i'm just gonna just lighten some of this stuff up it's looking a little a little much okay and then let's just say this color actually let's grab this color let me get some darkness going on here okay you guys get the idea all right that's him for now we've got a lot to do still but um this is uh from zero to to this in a couple hours um you know we would take it and just continue to refine uh the secondary shapes now so here let me give you next steps and then we'll wrap it so next steps what i would do is uh start refining the shapes more now that i have you know you know i may just kind of come in and you know get this these types of changes going just to make him feel a little bit more wicked and dope and awesome and kind of less doofy at some point so i'd work with uh the primary and secondary shapes now once that gets done and then i would go into working on tertiary details and then i would finish the color scheme on him yeah right now it's all dynamesh um so if we if we look at this guy yeah he's all dynamesh the nice thing too is that if you if you want to go back and just look at the sculpt i have to go to do is hold down shift and click the paint brush on your active layer and that will turn all of the poly paint off so you can really quickly get like all of your paint on and all of your paint off so i kind of go back in between those things and and start and he's still looking a little frumpy dumpy little frumpy dumpy there guy but it's the valley of the suck you gotta get out of it yeah that's what i would do and then i would continue just keep working on him so i actually may pick this guy up at a later stream but if you guys want to go back and watch this stream in full it'll be on probably um by monday i would say it's safe to say also if you're on the youtube channel will also be there in its entirety um there are also many other amazing artists uh coming up live as well as streamed in the past so that you can go and check out their streams so i highly suggest giving pixellogic here on twitch a follow uh but most of all i hope you guys had fun i hope you guys learned a couple things and i hope you guys are inspired to go make your own cool stuff so do it make some cool stuff uh yeah i got our station it's just uh let me grab a link for you there is my hahaha station there it is it's just um our station dot com forward slash brendan isaiah bankston baby cool hope you guys had fun um i will see you very soon and uh happy living all right see you guys
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 2,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, zbrush tutorial, zbrush beginner tutorial, zbrush 2019, zbrush 2020, pixologic, zbrush free, z brush, sculptris, pixelogic, zbrush live, zbrush download, zbrush core, zbrush trial, zbrush brushes, blender, 3d coat, 3d modeling, digital sculpting, zbrush student, etsy, zbrush character modeling, zbrush character, zbrush sculpting, zbrush realistic face, 3d printing software, 3d modeling software, zbrushcoremini, zbrushcore mini, zbrush mini, figurine, zbrush 2021
Id: HX7N1UcC1Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 28sec (7588 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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