Char Siu Bao & Filling πŸ§…πŸ§„ | Manapua | Favorite treat for all ages | Authentic

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aloha everyone this is lenora hawaii's pickle lady today we're making chassiu bao that is very popular in chinatown it's very tasty it has the roast pork in it that we made earlier the chassiu and i'll show you how to do that later but right now i'm going to show you how to make the dough [Music] so i have here six cups of flour and then i'm gonna add a half a teaspoon of salt and half a cup of sugar and i'm just gonna mix it all up and then you have to have yeast of course so this is a tablespoon or a package of yeast and this is some half a cup of warm water so i put the yeast in stir it up and you have to wait about a few minutes until it's kind of bubbly i have here three eggs and in this pot is i heat it up to lukewarm not very hot lukewarm a cup and a half of any kind of milk and one stick of butter which is half a cup so it's warm to the touch so i'm gonna beat up the eggs a little bit mix it in with the milk and the butter and we're going to wait a few minutes more until the yeast is made up now chasing ball in the old days when we were young there was a man a chinese man old chinese man who used to walk around the the town and he used to have a bamboo pole on his shoulders and two big buckets and he would have in the bucket some chassis pow and some other kind of dumplings to sell and he would go around and he would say chassiu bow chassis bao and all the kids would come running and it was very cheap at that time maybe about 10 cents a bun or something like that today if you buy the bun in the store they're about oh maybe dollar half a piece okay and these buns you can make it any size that you want this particular one we're making it about the size of maybe a little bigger than a ping pong ball but if you want it really big you can make it the size of almost like a tennis ball and it'll rise up really nice okay i think the yeast is ready so i'll pour the yeast in with it the eggs and the milk and then all i'm going to do is kind of make a well in the center of the flower and i'm going to pour this in and then i'm going to mix it with my hand and it'll become a soft dough and then after that you put it in a clean bowl let it rise maybe about almost two hours when it's doubled in size and i'll show you that when they get to that it looks kind of sticky now but when we put the flour and begin to let it knead and add more flour the dough will be very nice and this particular one this dough will make about 12 big ones or maybe about 20 or more smaller ones depending on the size of bun that you want i put about one cup of flour heavily floured it and now i'm going to take it out of the bowl onto the flour so now i'm gonna flour my hands just have extra flour just in case and just sprinkle it and then all you do is you turn it and when you do this your hands won't get all sticky and it takes about five minutes to ten minutes to knead and i'll show you when it's ready it's very smooth it's it's pretty good sometimes the dough is very sticky and it takes a little practice to do this because i think when i let some kids do it there they really had a hard time and it stuck all over to their hands so it's a little bit of technique so i probably don't need all this flour but that's okay we'll just leave it there so when you need what you do is you use the heel of your palm push forward bring it towards you make a left hand turn and then it's push fold turn push fold turn that's how you need push fold turn keep on doing that until that dough is very very nice and you can see it's not very sticky so you don't want to use too much flour then your dough becomes very tough just a minimal amount and if if my hands begin to come sticky then i'll put a little bit of flour but not too much okay now i'm going to show you this is some non-stick spray so i'm going to spray a big bowl a clean bowl and then show you what to do with it after we're finished but this is not quite done yet just keep on going and this dough really isn't a lot when you start making it my goodness see that's all it makes so you probably have to do several batches but i found that if you make too many batches maybe you can do two batches at a time but if you try to make like four or five batches it's almost impossible you have a hard time so it's better to make one or two batches at a time see i'm picking the dough off my fingers because this board was slipping so we put some wet paper towels underneath and now it doesn't slide so when i did that and i held it up for a long time i got to a lot of the sticky parts so now i'm re-kneading it again and there's no more stickiness and the reason why you got to knead it for so long is because you want to build up the gluten and make the air bubbles inside and let it rise really good if you don't let it rise then the dough will be flat and it's not as nice and actually i had extra but i don't even need it okay we're almost there just a little bit more flour so you can go pretty fast you see you just keep on turning it and rolling it around and it's kind of fun doing this gives you a lot of exercise nice and soft and not sticky at all but still very manageable okay now i'm taking it in my hand and the bowl that i greased i'm gonna pop this in there like that and then turn it over on my hand and then put it on the other side so that both sides are greased so now i'm going to take the plastic wrap and cover it and put it in a warm place or just on the counter and let it sit until it rises like i said about sometimes hour to two hours while the dough is rising we're making the filling add about a teaspoon of oil taken two medium onions diced it up and then my method is very simple and it's very tasty and everybody who's tasted it likes it you can also use part jicama or the chinese call it chop soy in combination with the onions maybe half half so you're just gonna salt it saute this until it's translucent so maybe about three or four minutes now the onions are nice and translucent but they're not you don't want to brown it because it'll kind of burn so then you put in a quarter cup of minced garlic a pound or a little more of chatsu and i cut it up in small chunks maybe about quarter inch now there's a restaurant at home that sells these chassis bows but they grind it up and people say if they use corned beef but you know that's i don't know if that's true but i i want to be able to bite into the chaatsu not just ground meat you just pour it into the onions put a link on how to make this very easy and it's very tasty and you save a lot of money because it costs like about 12 or 13 a pound if you were to buy it whereas if you take pork butt which is the only cup that i use because that's the juiciest not pork shoulder pork butt and sometimes it's on sale for 99 cents it's gonna it's already cooked so you just want to heat it up and of course it's gonna cook again when it goes into the buns now this may be a lot but i like to make extra because i will do the the baked chassis bow and if you have extra still you can use it for stir fries you can put it in noodles chow mein or soup anything add the green onions and you don't really have to cook it that much because it'll get all mushy and you still want the color still nice okay now i'm going to put the oyster sauce i have here a quarter cup now you see how dry it is so i'm going to make a little gravy for it a quarter cup of cornstarch and a half a cup of water i'm gonna pour the cornstarch into the water and stir it up till it dissolves and i'm just gonna pour it in after this we'll put it in a pan because we still have to wait on the dough to rise and by that time hopefully it'll cool off the dough has risen for an hour and i'll take the cover off and you see how nice and fluffy it is so now i'm going to just give it a punch one time you see it deflate you just bring the centers bring the edges to the center and then take it in your hand flip it over one more time and let it rise again we're ready for the final product so the dough has risen for the second time and i'm gonna punch it down again bring it to the center and you see it's not very sticky it's a little bit but you can work with it you don't need any flour or anything so what i do is i kind of bring it up like this and between your thumb and index finger squeeze it till about the size of a little more a little less than a tennis ball is kind of make like a circle flat circle and then put as much filling as i can because that's the good part filling without overdoing it so i take it in my hand and i bring the two edges up pinch it bring the other two edges and seal everything pinch everything together and put it on these wax papers now i've cut these papers this is a special kind of commercial wax paper you can use the the kind in the roll but i think this one is a lot heavier and better it comes in a box like this it's called deli wrap and i just cut them into four inch squares so you can probably put about 12 per sheet so that's all you do now you grab the dough and then you pinch it with your index finger against your thumb like this and then just kind of carefully you want the center a little thicker and then you put some of your filling in and you can see the filling the gravy has thickened up so you don't want it running all over the place it's a little bit tricky but you can put as much as you can in there because people complain there's not enough filling so again stretch it bring the two ends together the other two ends again and if your filling is too wet and you try to do this it won't it won't stick together so the filling has to be just right about that much pinch your index finger against your thumb so you have a ball about the same size and these will when they expand and rise it'll probably touch each other after that we'll bake it but we'll show you the process [Music] it's a generous amount again pull it stretch it [Music] just seal it like this and then they cut side down and that's all you do [Music] okay do another one put it in your hand like this pinch it off [Music] and try to stretch it a little bit if you're doing this for the first time you might have a little hard time but it it takes a little practice okay bring the ends together the four ends pinch so that the filling is encased in it really good okay that's it [Music] [Music] you see now the buns have risen really nicely so i've just beaten up an egg and i'm brushing each one with egg and it'll give it a really nice color when it's done so the oven is preheating to 375 after that i'll put it in for 15 minutes this is the finished product here it is nice and brown [Music] and you see how much they've risen so that's why i said you can make it as big break one open so you can see the inside but it's kind of hard to eat right cut it because it's too hot to handle right now but so you can just see it see how tender it is here it is really hot [Music] there you go really nice and juicy very hot but yummy my granddaughter's in the background she didn't want to try it she's shy but she said it's delicious so try it folks and you won't be disappointed easy to make and be sure if you like this video smash the like button subscribe and comment and if you have any requests let me know and i'll help you out mahalo
Channel: Hawaii's Pickle Lady
Views: 92,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: delicious, tender, yeast dough, baked, snack, Chinese, can be frozen, simple
Id: r0D8zQcE-WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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